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PROCESSOR-SDK-AM335X: SPI configuration



I am using SKAM335x board and SDK RTOS on Windows Host PC

In SPI MCSPI_CH0CONF Register, what is the purpose of IS bit , DPE1 and DPE2 bits. I didn't understand properly. Please elaborate.



  • Hi Gaurav,

    Please refer section " Two Data Pins Interface Mode" of TRM : 

    So basically there is no fixed MOSI/MISO in the case of McSPI. We can either configure, in the case of master, SPIDAT[0] as MOSI, aka transmit pin(or output pin). And SPIDAT[1] as MISO, or receive pin(or input pin). We can also configure vice versa. It depends on how the slave is connected to AM335x. 


    So suppose SPIDAT[0] is configured as MOSI(Master output), in the case of master, aka transmit pin and SPIDAT[1] as MISO(master input), aka receive pin, then

    IS(Input select) should be set to SPIDAT[1], so it should be set to 1

    DPE0 (transmission selection on SPIDAT[0]), should be set as 0, here 0 means enable transmission on SPIDAT[0]]

    DPE1(transmission selection on SPIDAT[1]), should be set as 1(here 1 means disable transmission on SPIDAT[1]), since we are using SPIDAT[1] as input.

    So to generalize(in a normal full duplex SPI pins with MOSI/MISO), if IS is selected as 1, then DPE0 should be 0, and DPE1 should be 1

    and if IS is selected as 0, then DPE0 should be 1, and DPE1 should be 0.

  • Hi,

    Suppose both DPE0 and DPE1 bits are 0 and IS bit is also 0, then what will happen? How it will behave?



  • By chip, it can be programmed, but to get idea of what is supported, look at the low level driver code below

    Refer to this code for the possible combination.

    static Int32 mcspiChannelConf(Mcspi_Object *instHandle, const Mcspi_ChanObj *chanHandle, Error_Block *eb) { UInt32 dataLineCommMode = 0; Int32 status = IOM_COMPLETED; if (MCSPI_COMMMODE_MASTER == instHandle->spiHWconfig.masterOrSlave) { McSPIClkConfig((UInt32) instHandle->deviceInfo.baseAddress, instHandle->deviceInfo.inputFrequency, chanHandle->cfgChfmt.busFreq, chanHandle->chanNum, chanHandle->cfgChfmt.clockMode); } else { /* Slave mode: No need to set up the clock */ } /* The FIFO is enabled as and when required in DMA mode of operation * FFER bit - by default it will be disabled */ if (FALSE != chanHandle->fifoEnable) { McSPIRxFIFOConfig((UInt32) instHandle->deviceInfo.baseAddress, (UInt32) MCSPI_RX_FIFO_ENABLE, chanHandle->chanNum); } else { /* Do Nothing */ } /* FFEW bit - by default it will be disabled */ if (FALSE != chanHandle->fifoEnable) { McSPITxFIFOConfig((UInt32) instHandle->deviceInfo.baseAddress, (UInt32) MCSPI_TX_FIFO_ENABLE, chanHandle->chanNum); } else { /* Do Nothing */ } /* TCS bit - enable the user defined params */ McSPICSTimeControlSet((UInt32) instHandle->deviceInfo.baseAddress, chanHandle->chipSelTimeControl, chanHandle->chanNum); /* SBPOL bit - default value (start bit mode not supported) */ /* SBPOL bit - default value (start bit mode not supported) */ /* SBE bit - default value (start bit mode not supported) */ if ((MCSPI_COMMMODE_SLAVE == instHandle->spiHWconfig.masterOrSlave) && (0 == chanHandle->chanNum)) { /* SPIENSLV bit - select appropriate chip select provided by the * application. */ McSPISetSlaveChipSel((UInt32) instHandle->deviceInfo.baseAddress, chanHandle->chanNum, chanHandle->cfgChfmt.slaveModeChipSelect); } if (((MCSPI_IN == chanHandle->cfgChfmt.spiDat0Dir) && (MCSPI_IN == chanHandle->cfgChfmt.spiDat1Dir)) && (MCSPI_BOTH_RXTX == chanHandle->cfgChfmt.trasmitReceiveMode)) { DBG_PRINT_ERR("Dat0 and Dat1 configured as Tx in transmit-receive mode" "is NOT SUPPORTED!!!\r\n"); status = IOM_EBADARGS; } if ((MCSPI_OUT == chanHandle->cfgChfmt.spiDat0Dir) && (MCSPI_IN == chanHandle->cfgChfmt.spiDat1Dir)) { dataLineCommMode = (UInt32) MCSPI_DATA_LINE_COMM_MODE_6; } else if ((MCSPI_IN == chanHandle->cfgChfmt.spiDat0Dir) && (MCSPI_OUT == chanHandle->cfgChfmt.spiDat1Dir)) { dataLineCommMode = (UInt32) MCSPI_DATA_LINE_COMM_MODE_1; } else if ((MCSPI_OUT == chanHandle->cfgChfmt.spiDat0Dir) && (MCSPI_OUT == chanHandle->cfgChfmt.spiDat1Dir)) { dataLineCommMode = (UInt32) MCSPI_DATA_LINE_COMM_MODE_4; } else { DBG_PRINT_ERR("Only (Dat0 - IN, Dat1 - OUT) and " "(Dat0 - OUT,Dat1 - IN) and " "LOOPBACK Mode are supported" " No other modes are supported!!!\r\n"); status = IOM_EBADARGS; } /* The PIN34 and INITDLY is only supported in single channel master * mode. There is some confusion that, the PIN34 mode is supported in slave * mode or not. This has to be verified. At this moment only master mode * has the PIN34 support. */ if ((IOM_COMPLETED == status) && ((MCSPI_COMMMODE_MASTER == instHandle->spiHWconfig.masterOrSlave) && (MCSPI_SINGLE_CHANNEL == instHandle->spiHWconfig.singleOrMultiChEnable) && (TRUE != instHandle->isSingleChMasterMode))) { instHandle->isSingleChMasterMode = (Bool) TRUE; /* SINGLE bit - enable the single master mode */ if (MCSPI_PINOPMODE_3PIN == instHandle->spiHWconfig.pinOpModes) { /* PIN34 bit - enable the 3 pin mode */ McSPICSDisable((UInt32) instHandle->deviceInfo.baseAddress); } else if (MCSPI_PINOPMODE_4PIN == instHandle->spiHWconfig.pinOpModes) { /* PIN34 bit - enable the 4 pin mode */ McSPICSEnable((UInt32) instHandle->deviceInfo.baseAddress); } else { DBG_PRINT_ERR(" Invalid pin op mode\r\n"); status = IOM_EBADARGS; } /* INTDLY bit - No delay */ McSPIInitDelayConfig((UInt32) instHandle->deviceInfo.baseAddress, instHandle->spiHWconfig. \ configChfmt[chanHandle->chanNum].spiWordInitDelay); McSPIMasterModeConfig((UInt32) instHandle->deviceInfo.baseAddress, (UInt32) MCSPI_SINGLE_CH, chanHandle->cfgChfmt.trasmitReceiveMode, dataLineCommMode, chanHandle->chanNum); } else if ((MCSPI_COMMMODE_SLAVE == instHandle->spiHWconfig.masterOrSlave) && (MCSPI_SINGLE_CHANNEL == instHandle->spiHWconfig.singleOrMultiChEnable)) { status = (Int32) MCSPIPinDirSet( (UInt32) instHandle->deviceInfo.baseAddress, (UInt32) chanHandle->cfgChfmt.trasmitReceiveMode, dataLineCommMode, chanHandle->chanNum); } else if (TRUE == instHandle->isSingleChMasterMode) { DBG_PRINT_ERR("This Instance is already opened in single channel" " master mode \r\n"); status = IOM_EBADARGS; } else if ((IOM_COMPLETED == status) && ((MCSPI_COMMMODE_MASTER == instHandle->spiHWconfig.masterOrSlave) && (MCSPI_MULTI_CHANNEL == instHandle->spiHWconfig.singleOrMultiChEnable) && (TRUE != instHandle->isSingleChMasterMode))) { McSPIMasterModeConfig((UInt32) instHandle->deviceInfo.baseAddress, (UInt32) MCSPI_MULTI_CH, chanHandle->cfgChfmt.trasmitReceiveMode, dataLineCommMode, chanHandle->chanNum); } else { DBG_PRINT_ERR("SPIEN hold (FORCE bit) is " "invalid in MULTI channel mode," "cannot open the channel\r\n"); status = IOM_EBADARGS; } if (MCSPI_OPMODE_DMAINTERRUPT == instHandle->opMode) { /* DMAR bit - disable - Enable whenever required since only * one channel can use dma fifo at a time */ /* DMAW bit - enable */ McSPIDMADisable((UInt32) instHandle->deviceInfo.baseAddress, ((UInt32) MCSPI_DMA_RX_EVENT | (UInt32) MCSPI_DMA_TX_EVENT), chanHandle->chanNum); } /* TRM bit - enable 'Both_RxTx' - only a supported mode */ /* WL bit - write user specified val 'charLength'. First make WL bits * (11:7) to zero, then write the required value */ McSPIWordLengthSet((UInt32) instHandle->deviceInfo.baseAddress, MCSPI_WORD_LENGTH((chanHandle->cfgChfmt. charLength)), chanHandle->chanNum); /* EPOL bit - use 'spiChipSelectEnablePol' */ if (TRUE == chanHandle->cfgChfmt.spiChipSelectEnablePol) { McSPICSPolarityConfig((UInt32) instHandle->deviceInfo.baseAddress, (UInt32) MCSPI_CS_POL_HIGH, chanHandle->chanNum); } else { McSPICSPolarityConfig((UInt32) instHandle->deviceInfo.baseAddress, (UInt32) MCSPI_CS_POL_LOW, chanHandle->chanNum); } return status; }

  • Hi,

    I am making 0 for DPE0, DPE1, and IS. I didn't connect any slave and no physical connection between DATA1 and DATA0 line. 

    Here I am sending 5. How it is receiving 5 without any physical connection?





    After receiving a value is 5.



  • Hi Gaurav,

    As the code points out, it looks like it is enabling internal loopback mode. Make DPE0 to 1 or IS to 1(any of these) then you would be not getting data. Then try to loopback externally with a wire

  • Ok.

    But no where is mention about internal loopback, that's why I am getting doubt.



  • Experiment by setting IS to 1 and check if It is again doing a loop back. 

  • Hi,

    Yes, it is doing again loopback with option you mentioned.



  • Hi,

    It looks like it is documented here : 

    "AM335x PRSDK here: pdk_am335x_1_0_15\packages\ti\drv\spi\example\mcspiLoopbackApp The source code for this example is here: pdk_am335x_1_0_15\packages\ti\drv\spi\example\mcspiLoopbackApp\src\mcspiLoopbackApp.c. Looking inside this file, I observe the following comments:

    * \brief This file contains the application which demonstrates McSPI loopback
    * which transfers some data pattern from data I/O signal & receives
    * the data from same data I/O signal.

    /* Loopback mode is not available for MCSPI. To test Loopback on McSPI,
    * Receive Bit is enabled on both Tx and Rx pins of McSPI


    Below e2e link documents it :

  • Thanks for helping me.

