I succeeded in QSPI boot mode and SDCard boot mode.
It has been confirmed that my DSP source is functioning normally.
Now I installed Linux OS.
I want to load DSP with the same source code in a Linux environment.
My question:
1. Is there any other way to load and run DSP.out other than MPMCL command?
2. If I boot the Linux and load it directly into the CCS, It's will operate normally, But If I load with MPMCL, It doesn't work.
if I try that mpmcl load after mpmcl reset are occurs -104 error msg, but I will load again , they are displayed load success msg.
:~# mpmcl reset dsp0
reset succeeded
:~# mpmcl load dsp0 thunderDSP.out
load failed (error: -104)
:~# mpmcl load dsp0 thunderDSP.out
load succeeded
I have to load twice every time to get a message of success after reset. Is this relevant to not operating normally?
source memory configuration
name origin length
MSMCSRAM 0c000000 00100000
L2SRAM 10800000 00100000
DDR3 80000000 60000000
DDR3CODE e0000000 20000000
3. If DSP loads normally and runs, I want to debug. Is there any way to place a string in the Linux bash directly from the DSP source, such as printf?