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TDA4VM: TDA4VM: [TDA4] VPAC LDC left issues

Part Number: TDA4VM

Up to now, we have finished demo to realize following targets through VPAC LDC:

input frontview image -- > VPAC(ldc) --> output birdview image

However, I found unreasonable process for my demo, let me describe it in detail.

Take a testcase from vision_apps for example, we offen notice main function as follows:

int main(int argc, char* argv[]) {

AppObj *obj = &gAppObj;

app_parse_cmd_line_args(obj, argc, argv);

         return 0;

That means app_create_graph called at first, app_run_graph secondly, and app_delete_graph

called at last. Meanwhile, you can see that a batch of pics can be dealed in app_run_graph.

I want to learn from upper experience for main function, just call app_create_graph once, and

for every coming frame data, we call app_run_graph every time.That means, every frame must

share many same paras such as app_create_graph created. However, in my demo I have different

3*3 warp matrix for construct ldc node to call tivxVpacLdcNode, so I have to realize my demo

as follows:

int main(int argc, char* argv[]) {

        AppObj *obj = &gAppObj;

        app_parse_cmd_line_args(obj, argc, argv);

        while(1)  {


        return 0;

Then, we have to create graph again for every new frame, which consume more time for repeat ops.

In order to optimize upper process, can you offer me a better scheme to create ldc node only once, 

and we can change 3*3 warp matrix value, and pass it to ldc node meanwhile ? 

  • Hello Mr Lei Fu,

    In the current implementation of LDC node, this matrix could be set only at the create time. We could add a control command interface to set this matrix, so that you dont have to create graph everytime. 

    What other parameters do you require to change per frame?



  • Thank you for reply, it is good news for me.

    For my requirement, I should change 3*3 warp matrix and input image every frame for ldc node.

    As your reply, you describe the solution for my problem, I want to know how to apply it to optimize my demo.

    1. Does control command interface exist for current SDK, or it can be future new interface ?

    2. If you can offer the interface, how to use the interface, can you tell me in detail ?

    Except this problem, if my new frame is coming, input img is changed continuously.

    Whether the changed input image has an impact on my project to just create graph once ? 

  • Hello Mr Lei Fu,

    Please find answers to your questions below,

    This is not supported yet. I was trying to understand if there is any other parameter that requires change. 

    In order to change input image, you will need to read the image into vx_image. Please refer to SDE or DOF example to understand how this is done. You would need to map the buffer in user space and then copy the image into buffer. 



  • Hi Brijesh,

    Thanks for your reply! Let me take conformance_tests/test_conformance/test_warpperspective.c as example.

    line:416  ASSERT_VX_OBJECT(node = vxWarpPerspectiveNode(graph, input_image, matrix, arg_->interp_type, output_image), VX_TYPE_NODE);

    in this node creation, we can use pipelining method on parameter input_image and output_image during graph running. And our questions is whether pipelining method can be applied on parameter matrix, and arg_->interp_type during graph running or not? As the matrix should be changing in every frame. if answer is yes. could you please provide the method.

    Thanks a lot!

    Best Regards,


  • Hi Samual,

    The parameter can be made graph parameter and can be pipeline, but this would require change in the LDC node, as currently LDC node does not re-apply configuration in process function. This also requires few changes in the framework.

    For the time being, if i provide control command interface to set LDC configuration, does it work?

    You would be able to set LDC configuration on every frame by calling some IOCTL.. is it ok?



  • Hello Samuel,

    Please find attached patch, which adds support for control command in LDC node. Using this control command interface, you could set warp matrix on every frame.. 


