is Android Automotive 10 or master branch supported on BeagleBoard X15 boards?
Android Automotive 9 (Pie) is working (booting and loading). I have followed the instructions from:
Similar instruction are on:
On the same Linaro page I found instructions to build Android on master branch:
I have tried to build both, Android and Android Automotive on master branch. The builds were successful but after flashing them on BeagleBoard X15 they both get stuck on boot animation. I can provide logs if needed. So the second question is whether the Android Automotive is working on AOSP master branch? And if not, is it working on any branch above Android 9 (Pie)?
I have found:
PRODUCT_NAME := beagle_x15_auto
PRODUCT_DEVICE := beagle_x15
PRODUCT_MODEL := AOSP Auto on BeagleBoard X15
PRODUCT_MANUFACTURER := Texas Instruments Inc
My third question is if the above make file is work in progress or it should work? That is, should Android Automotive on AOSP master branch boot and load on BeagleBoard X15? And if it should, can you please provide step by step instructions how to build it and flash it?
PRODUCT_NAME := beagle_x15_auto | |
PRODUCT_DEVICE := beagle_x15 | |
PRODUCT_BRAND := Android | |
PRODUCT_MODEL := AOSP Auto on BeagleBoard X15 | |
PRODUCT_MANUFACTURER := Texas Instruments Inc |