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hi, experts
i want to know whether the mailbox is used by default in platform tda2xx both for System_sendLinkCmd and the low level of OSA_tskWaitMsg rather than NotifyDriverShm or NotifyDriverCirc.
what make me confused is notify driver config:
var NotifyDriverShm = xdc.useModule('ti.sdo.ipc.notifyDrivers.NotifyDriverShm');
Notify.SetupProxy = xdc.useModule('');
NotifyDriverShm.InterruptProxy = Interrupt;
if i modify them to:
var NotifyDriverCirc = xdc.useModule('ti.sdo.ipc.notifyDrivers.NotifyDriverCirc');
Notify.SetupProxy = xdc.useModule('');
NotifyDriverCirc.InterruptProxy = Interrupt;
i got error js: "/home/wen_hao/t03_j6_vision_sdk_3.2/vision_sdk/links_fw/src/rtos/bios_app_common/tda2xx/cfg/IPC_RpMsgDrv.cfg", line 65: xdc.MODULE_NOT_FOUND: xdc.module: no module named 'NotifyCircSetup' in the however
var useNotfyDriverMbx = 1;
function IPC_CFG_NotifyDriverMbxSetup()
var core = java.lang.System.getenv("CORE");
/* configure the notify driver for HW mailbox mode */
var NotifySetup = xdc.useModule('');
new NotifySetup.Connection({
driver: NotifySetup.Driver_MAILBOX,
procName: "HOST"
xdc.print("# !!! Using NotifyDriverMbx between [" + core + "] and [a15_0] !!!" );
please advice if anything wrong.
vision_sdk: 3.2
regards wen
Hi Wen,
I think there is some issue in the formatting of the original post, as I see some strikethrough of certain lines, so please let me know if I have missed any question.
Is the question about when NotifyDriverMbx is used in Vision SDK versus NotifyDriverShm? If so, by default in Vision SDK config, NotifyDriverMbx is selected when Linux is not running on A15, and NotifyDriverShm is selected when Linux is not running on A15. See IPC_common.cfg in vision sdk.
Also, you can see the following pages for more information on the Notify drivers:
Hi, Angela
sorry for the strike. i have deleted the original post. and now this is a new one.
we are using tda2xx/dra756 platform and i want to be clarified whether the mailbox is used when linux is runing on A15.
the local fae told me mailbox is used for NotifyDrive by default, that's is the why im asking this question.
sorry i dont know what's you mean about A72.
“NotifyDriverShm is selected when Linux is not running on A72” that i guess NotifyDriverShm is now using for the NotifyDriver(i want to clarify first that i want to know the notify Driver mechanism, not the share mem used in queue for ipc)
i have read the user guide and section 5.3.1 "Choosing and Configuring Notify Drivers" which told me NotifyDriverCirc can be used instead of NotifyDriverShm which is "Better", my question is how to achieve this? i have tried to modify the config file, but failed to build, please tell me how.
regards wen
Hi Wen,
I meant to say A15 in my earlier post, sorry for the confusion. I have edited my previous response to correct this.
Yes, NotifyDriver uses mailbox by default for the interrupt notification, whether using NotifyDriverMbx or NotifyDriverShm.
NotifyDriverCirc is not a supported Notify driver for vayu/tda2xx.
Hi, Angela
"Yes, NotifyDriver uses mailbox by default for the interrupt notification, whether using NotifyDriverMbx or NotifyDriverShm."
so you are telling me definitely NotifyDriver uses mailbox by default for the interrupt notification, right? regardless of the last sentence.
regards wen.