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Dear Sir,
We would be interested to use the MMA in C7x and we have already run the demo vision on c7x_kernel.
Where is the demo for MMA included and would like to know how running it from A72 is linked to TIRTOS (e.g. make file structure, execution through TIRTOS )
Is it also using the user and target kernel API from TIOVX ?
MMA is a accelerator inside C7x which uses C7x resources such as streaming engine, registers, functional units, L1/L2 memory systems etc. Its as good as writing a c7x program. If you wish to program MMA everything remains the same like vision_apps/apps/basic_demos/app_c7x_kernel. Just on the target.c file you will have program MMA or call one of the functions from MMALIB.
Hello Shyam,
Thanks a lot for the info.
which target.c file are you referring to ? Is it the app_c7x_target_kernel_img_add.cpp file you are referring to ?
Can you please share any example with program MMA and where is this MMALIB located ?
Also, can we use the TIOVX API to access the HWA in serial production ?
Yes you can take a look at vision_apps/apps/basic_demos/app_c7x_kernel/c7x/app_c7x_target_kernel_img_add.cpp, You can call a MMALIB function in place of the C7xVXLIB_add_i8u_i8u_o8u_cn() function.
MMALIB is present in the SDK psdk_rtos_auto_j7_06_02_00_21\mmalib_01_01_00_00
I didn't understand your serial production question. Can you start a new thread and provide some more details?
Hello Shyam,
I can see that inside ti/mmalib/src we have folders for cnn , dsp and also fft which depends on user application (for e.g we want to do some Matrix multiplication in C7x ), here i think we need to use the function in dsp_c7xmma ".h" files.
It would be great if you can give us some example of the usage of this function as i see lot of functions there in .h files and not sure which one i could add .
Ok I open another thread for serial production licensing question.
Hi Shyam,
Let me put my question in a different way :
We were able to create and compile the "app_c7x_kernel" standalone for C7x by only taking the dependencies and similarly we would like to do it for C6x and MMA.
This is something i found as an example -->
I am clear that i need to call a MMALIB function in place of the C7xVXLIB_add_i8u_i8u_o8u_cn() function but would be great if you can be more precise with the function which one would fit best for matrix multiplication. Also, how can i use this example thread ? The dependency graph would also definitely need to change.
You can take a look at LINALG (linear algebra kernels) and see what fits your use-case. As such from OpenVx point of view, you can modify the node to pass either vx_image objects or a vx_user_data_object (if you are passing a data structure containing matrix elements) or even a vx_tensor
Please take a look at this,
Hello Shyam ,
I am using the PYTIOVX to create the kernel here -->
kernel.setParameter(Type.IMAGE, Direction.INPUT, ParamState.REQUIRED, "IN", ['VX_DF_IMAGE_U8']). I can provide here Tensor instead of IMAGE as argument but the last one VX_DF_IMAGE_U8 , what will be this one ?
Hi Manish,
Please take a look at the below file for usage.
psdk_rtos_auto_j7_06_02_00_21/tiovx/tools/PyTIOVX/tiovx/ file.
Also I highly encourage you to file separate tickets for a new topic. This will help get replies quicker and also make it easy for others to search for a similar issue on e2e.
Hello Shyman.
We are already one step ahead here and i think the ticket can be closed.
Thanks a lot for your reply.