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AMIC110: MIN value of tsx(Start-up time) of OSC0 Crystal Circuit

Part Number: AMIC110



The customer has some questions about start-up of OSC0 Crystal Circuit in AMIC110 Data Manual.


Could you tell them the “MIN” value of tsx (Start-up time) described in below ?



According to the Figure 8-23. PORz in AMIC110 TRM, it seems that PRM_RSTTIME is counted after tsx time. If PORz was released before tsx (before OSC becomes stable), can CPU monitor PRM_RSTTIME time correctly ? In this case, since CPU starts before OSC becomes stable, clock for measuring PRM_RSTTIME cannot work correctly ?




  • Power on reset to the device must not be de-asserted until the all power supplies are valid and the reference clock is stable.

    TI does not define a minimum or maximum value for oscillator start-up time because this value is very dependent on the crystal circuit components selected by the product designer. TI recommends the product designer characterize this parameter in their system using selected components across all operating conditions. Once this value is known, the assertion time for power on reset can be determined.
