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TMS320C6678: How to make DSPLIP DSP_fft32x32 function output same as matlab?

Part Number: TMS320C6678

I have been trying to use DSP_fft32x32 I have looked into the example under C:\ti\dsplib_c66x_3_4_0_2\examples\fft_ex\fft_example.c;

I just can't get the same results as matlab by try an error I noticed that the input samples should change between -1 and 1 and then scale by 2147483648 and then shifting right as below:

The output needs to be scaled back as far as I experienced thought not too sure what I am doing ... 

1) I searched the forum before posting the question and all says it's been answered previously but I can't find anything relevant. Please let me know if you any experience. 

2) I also found DSPF_dp_fftDPxDP but I have no clue how it would perform better than DSP_fft32x32? I have a hard time understanding "DSPF_sp_fftSPxSP_cn.c is the natural C equivalent of the optimized linear assembly code without restrictions". :-) 

I'd appreciate your valuable comments.


  • Hi, Feng,

    The expert on FFT of the DSPLib is currently out of office. He will get on the issue after he is back in office.Thanks for your patience.


  • DSPLIB fixed point functions have a long legacy since they were orginally written for C64x+ DSP devices and then maintained in the C66x version. For understanding scaling and overflow handling, you will need to refer to the documentation on C64x+ version of the lib. I have attached the application notes below:

    Please refer to section 2.2.5 below and for implementation details refer to page 49-50. Hope this helps.



  • Also for fixed point FFT with no data scaling refer to section 2 in the application notes below:

  • Thank you for details I read through and I may post new questions if any.

    Appreciate it.

  • Hi Rahul,

    Thanks a lot for the tip.

    Apparently I succeeded ... so input signal has to be between 1 and -1 plus it has to be scaled down (divided to avoid overflow) by 2^log2(nx) where nx is number of the samples in the input signal; and then the output of the DSP_fft32x32 should be scaled back to (multiplied by) 2^log2(nx).

    Below is how I did it .. I hope it helps others.

     * DSP_fft32x32_calc.c
     *  Created on: Aug 17, 2020
     *      Author: Feng-laptop
    #include <stdio.h>
    #include <math.h>
    #include <ti/dsplib/dsplib.h>
    #include "DSP_fft32x32_calc.h"
    #include "gen_twiddle_fft32x32.h"
    #include "utils.h"
    #include "ark_memory.h"
    int DSP_fft32x32_calc(Complex* img, dt_int nn){
        printf("hellow ...DSP_fft32x32_calc \n");
    //    printline
    //    ASSERT(round(log2(nn)) == log2(nn), "Number of input samples is power of 2");
        // allocate mem
        dt_int32 *w_32x32 = (dt_int32*) ark_malloc(2*nn*sizeof(dt_int32));
        dt_int32 *x_32x32 = (dt_int32*) ark_malloc(2*nn*sizeof(dt_int32));
        dt_int32 *y_32x32 = (dt_int32*) ark_malloc(2*nn*sizeof(dt_int32));
        ASSERT(w_32x32 != NULL && x_32x32 != NULL && y_32x32 != NULL, "DSP_fft32x32_calc: cannot allocte memory" )
        // convert input data to fixed-point
        dt_double max_x = x_32x32[0];
        for(int i = 0; i < nn; i++){
            double im = abs(CIMAG(img[i]));
            double rl = abs(CREAL(img[i]));
            if (im>max_x){
                max_x = im;
            if (rl>max_x){
                max_x = rl;
        if (max_x <= 1 ){
            max_x = 1;
            printf("max is set to 1.0 \n");
        } else {
    //        max_x *= 1.25;
        printf("max_x = %f\n", max_x);
        int scale = log2(nn);
    //    int scale = 3;
    #define FIX2FLOAT_SCALE_INPUT(x) (((dt_int)(x / max_x * 2147483648)) >> scale)
        for(int i = 0; i < nn; i++){
            x_32x32[2*i] = FIX2FLOAT_SCALE_INPUT(CREAL(img[i]));
            x_32x32[2*i + 1] = FIX2FLOAT_SCALE_INPUT(CIMAG(img[i]));
    //        printf("x_32x32[ %d ] = (%d,%d) \n", i, x_32x32[ 2*i ], x_32x32[ 2*i + 1]);
        // gen twiddles
        gen_twiddle_fft32x32(w_32x32, nn, 2147483647.5);
        DSP_fft32x32(w_32x32, nn, x_32x32, y_32x32);
    //    printf("\n\n");
        // convert back fft result to ouput as floating point number
    #define FIX2FLOAT_SCALE_OUTPUT(x) (pow(2,scale)*(float)(x) * max_x / 2147483648.f)
        for(int i = 0; i < nn; i++){
    //        printf("y_32x32[ %d ] = (%d,%d) \n", i, y_32x32[ 2*i ], y_32x32[ 2*i + 1]);
            img[i] = FIX2FLOAT_SCALE_OUTPUT(y_32x32[ 2*i ]) + FIX2FLOAT_SCALE_OUTPUT(y_32x32[ 2*i + 1 ])*I;
    //    printf("\n\n");
    //    for(int i = 0; i < nn; i++){
    //        printf("img[%d] = (%f,%f)\n", i, CREAL(img[i]), CIMAG(img[i]));
    //    }
        // release mem
        ark_free(y_32x32, 2*nn*sizeof(dt_int32));
        ark_free(x_32x32, 2*nn*sizeof(dt_int32));
        ark_free(w_32x32, 2*nn*sizeof(dt_int32));
        return 0;

    Don't forget to multiply input by 2147483647.5 as 32 bit fixed point calculation takes up 4 bytes. and then divide the output by 2147483647.5.


  • hi Rahul,

    Thank so much for the documents provided ... I was successful calculating DSP_fft32x32 but the inverse function DSP_ifft32x32 doesn't work using the below mentioned scaling by the document provided. I did exact same scaling as I did for DSP_fft32x32 but the same scaling doesn't seem work for the inverse function ifft.

    Below is the code I use please let me know your valuable comments.

    Much appreciate it.

     * DSP_fft32x32_calc.c
     *  Created on: Aug 17, 2020
     *      Author: Feng-laptop
    #include <stdio.h>
    #include <math.h>
    #include <ti/dsplib/dsplib.h>
    #include "DSP_fft32x32_calc.h"
    #include "gen_twiddle_fft32x32.h"
    #include "utils.h"
    #include "ark_memory.h"
    int DSP_fft32x32_calc(Complex* img, dt_int nn){
        printf("hellow ...DSP_fft32x32_calc \n");
    //    printline
    //    ASSERT(round(log2(nn)) == log2(nn), "Number of input samples is power of 2");
        // allocate mem
        dt_int32 *w_32x32 = (dt_int32*) ark_malloc(2*nn*sizeof(dt_int32));
        dt_int32 *x_32x32 = (dt_int32*) ark_malloc(2*nn*sizeof(dt_int32));
        dt_int32 *y_32x32 = (dt_int32*) ark_malloc(2*nn*sizeof(dt_int32));
        ASSERT(w_32x32 != NULL && x_32x32 != NULL && y_32x32 != NULL, "DSP_fft32x32_calc: cannot allocte memory" )
        // convert input data to fixed-point
        dt_double max_x = x_32x32[0];
        for(int i = 0; i < nn; i++){
            double im = abs(CIMAG(img[i]));
            double rl = abs(CREAL(img[i]));
            if (im>max_x){
                max_x = im;
            if (rl>max_x){
                max_x = rl;
        if (max_x <= 1 ){
            max_x = 1;
            printf("max is set to 1.0 \n");
        } else {
    //        max_x *= 1.25;
        printf("max_x = %f\n", max_x);
        int scale = log2(nn);
    //    int scale = 3;
    #define FIX2FLOAT_SCALE_INPUT(x) (((dt_int)(x / max_x * 2147483648)) >> scale)
        for(int i = 0; i < nn; i++){
            x_32x32[2*i] = FIX2FLOAT_SCALE_INPUT(CREAL(img[i]));
            x_32x32[2*i + 1] = FIX2FLOAT_SCALE_INPUT(CIMAG(img[i]));
    //        printf("x_32x32[ %d ] = (%d,%d) \n", i, x_32x32[ 2*i ], x_32x32[ 2*i + 1]);
        // gen twiddles
        gen_twiddle_fft32x32(w_32x32, nn, 2147483647.5);
        DSP_fft32x32(w_32x32, nn, x_32x32, y_32x32);
    //    printf("\n\n");
        // convert back fft result to ouput as floating point number
    #define FIX2FLOAT_SCALE_OUTPUT(x) (pow(2,scale)*(float)(x) * max_x / 2147483648.f)
        for(int i = 0; i < nn; i++){
    //        printf("y_32x32[ %d ] = (%d,%d) \n", i, y_32x32[ 2*i ], y_32x32[ 2*i + 1]);
            img[i] = FIX2FLOAT_SCALE_OUTPUT(y_32x32[ 2*i ]) + FIX2FLOAT_SCALE_OUTPUT(y_32x32[ 2*i + 1 ])*I;
    //    printf("\n\n");
    //    for(int i = 0; i < nn; i++){
    //        printf("img[%d] = (%f,%f)\n", i, CREAL(img[i]), CIMAG(img[i]));
    //    }
        // release mem
        ark_free(y_32x32, 2*nn*sizeof(dt_int32));
        ark_free(x_32x32, 2*nn*sizeof(dt_int32));
        ark_free(w_32x32, 2*nn*sizeof(dt_int32));
        return 0;