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Part Number: TDA2PXEVM

Tool/software: TI C/C++ Compiler

Hi All,

I'm new to this VCOP.

I have written an application that consists of  2 modules, say A, B.

Module A operates on uint8_t data type and produces results in uint8_t  type.

Module B has 3 stages. 

  • First, it operates on uint8_t type data from module A and give result in uint16_t type (uint8_t to uint16_t)
  • Second, it operates on data obtained from previous stage and give result in uint32_t type (uint16_t to uint32_t)
  • Third, It receives input of uint8_t from first stage and give result in int16 (signed) (uint8_t to int16)


Here, i want to allocate memory in IBUFHA and IBUFHB at the very begining (before start of module A).  and free those memories at the very end.

Is there a way to allocate a memory, at first for uint8_t* and later to make it as uint16_t* and int16* , without freeing the memories in between  ? 

With Regards,


  • Hi Likhith,

        You can use vcop_malloc ( this is similar to malloc) and it can allocate memories in EVE's internal memory. You can control when you want to free a particular memory.

