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Error in using IMGLIB function

I am trying to use the IMGLIB library in my project. I did the following things:
1) I downloaded and installed c64plus-imglib_2_02_00_00.exe in my computer.
2) I linked imglib2.I64P in my project.
3) I created a dummy c file to use "any" imglib function. I chose IMG_sobel_3x3_8(in_image, out_image, cols, rows) and included the header file IMG_sobel_3x3_8.h file. The C file seems as follows:
#include "stdio.h"
#include "IMG_sobel_3x3_8.h"
void main()
  const unsgined char *in_image = (unsigned char*) 0x80000000;
  unsgined char *out_image = (unsigned char*) 0x81000000;
  IMG_sobel_3x3_8(in_image, out_image, 640, 512)
When I build this file I get the following errors:
   undefined                 first referenced
     symbol                       in file
_IMG_sobel_3x3_8      ./main.obj

error: unresolved symbols remain
error: errors encountered during linking; "test.out" not built

Can somebody please tell me why this error comes up and what I should do to fix this?