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Part Number: TDA4VH-Q1 Other Parts Discussed in Thread: TDA4VH , J784S4XEVM Tool/software: I'm seeing issues with the display experiencing sync losts when running the TIDL AVP demo. How do I balance the transaction loads and priorities so that the DSS…
When working with a flash part like S25HL512T or S28HS512T , one will come across Uniform vs Hybrid mode.
The points which this FAQ covers is:
What is Uniform vs Hybrid Mode for the flash.
Part Number: TDA4VM
ETHFW returns error while registration of same MAC address with different VLAN from same client. This issue is observed on 10.1 TI SDK.
Part Number: AM625
HI TI experts,
I have queries related to supported reset inputs and reset status outputs
Supported Reset inputs
Recommended connections for Reset inputs
Supported Reset Status outputs
Recommended connections for Reset …
Part Number: AM620
HI TI experts,
I have queries related to the POK modules for AM6x family of processors
Supported voltage monitors
Voltage monitors that required external voltage connection and connection recommendations
Voltage monitor…
Part Number: AM62L Other Parts Discussed in Thread: AM620-Q1 , AM625 , AM623 , AM625-Q1 , AM625SIP , AM62D-Q1 , AM62A3 , AM62A7-Q1 , AM62A3-Q1 , AM62A7 , AM62P-Q1 , AM62P ,
Hi TI Experts,
Can you share the external LVCMOS clock specifications and guidelines…