Hello everybody,
I'm testing the EMIF interface in order to read sampled values. I tried an asynchronous setup of the interface with SETUP=STROBE=HOLD=1 and TA=2 (minimum values) and I was able to correctly read alternating 1-0 values on a data pin (ED0) using EDMA transfers triggered by low-high transitions on a GPIO pin of a clock signal up to 18 MHz. With a 20 Mhz clock signal some samples were lost, as expected since the working frequency of the interface is 96/5=19.2 MHz [AECLK/(SETUP+STROBE+HOLD+TA)].
Since I need to work with higher rates, I then tried a synchrous setup for the EMIF, but it didn't work: I wasn't able to read the data at all. It looks like the data couldn't get past the buffers between the DSP and the J4 connector using the synchronous setup.
I've read that the asynchronous mode is the only one that could work on the board, but I also found this thread: http://e2e.ti.com/support/dsp/tms320c6000_high_performance_dsps/f/112/p/61585/222044.aspx#222044
The user wrote he was able to get higher rates using the EMIF in synchronous mode with a DSK. My DSK is from Spectrum Digital, and searching the Internet I didn't find any reference to other C6455DSK boards, so I'm assuming it's the same board.
So, is it possible to use the EMIF in synchronous mode on the DSK, or not? If possible, what's the correct setup to make it work?
Francesco Annese