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Hi TI-friends,
We got failure as testing USB eye diagram under high speed mode. The result is as below
we need your help to improve the result.
1. can we use the following register to improve that?
2. can we adjust the USB0_R1 as below to improve the USB driving?
Thanks in advance~~
hi TI-friends,
I try to set the register as below but always fail.
/mnt/APPS/opt/dvr_rdk/ti816x/bin # ./mem_rdwr.out --wr 0x48140624 4433F800
ORG 0x48140624: 44330800
NEW 0x48140624: 44330800
I try another register and it success to work
/mnt/APPS/opt/dvr_rdk/ti816x/bin # ./mem_rdwr.out --wr 0x46c00524 2
ORG 0x46c00524: 0
NEW 0x46c00524: 2
Did you have any idea about what's going up??