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TRF1208-AFE7950EVM: Erroneous appearance of the second harmonic when working with the board TSW14J57EVM

Part Number: TRF1208-AFE7950EVM
Other Parts Discussed in Thread: TSW14J57EVM, AFE7950, AFE7950EVM



I am taking the first steps to master the AFE7950 using the TSW14J57EVM using the AFE7950+TSW14J57.pptx method.
At step 5, instead of one harmonic at a frequency of (9500+9.9525) MHz, I see two harmonics at frequencies 9505 and 9509 MHz. What causes the harmonic at 9505 MHz?
There are no problems with powering the devices: directly on the AFE7950EVM board 5.1 V (current 3.7 A), directly on the TSW14J57EVM board 12.1 V (current 1.8 A).
I am attaching explanatory screenshots and logLatte.
Thanks in advance, Andrey

#Executing .. AFE7950/bringup/
#Start Time 2024-06-18 11:35:38.878000
spi - USB Instrument created.
Kintex RegProgrammer - USB Instrument created.
Kintex RegProgrammer - USB Instrument created.
Kintex RegProgrammer - USB Instrument created.
#Done executing .. AFE7950/bringup/
#End Time 2024-06-18 11:35:48.111000
#Execution Time = 9.23300004005 s
#================ ERRORS:0, WARNINGS:0 ================#
#Executing .. AFE7950/bringup/
#Start Time 2024-06-18 11:39:22.260000
Power Card - USB Instrument created.
Reset the FPGA and try again.
Loaded Libraries
Refreshed GUI
#Done executing .. AFE7950/bringup/
#End Time 2024-06-18 11:40:48.178000
#Execution Time = 85.9179999828 s
#================ ERRORS:1, WARNINGS:0 ================#
#Executing .. AFE7950/bringup/
#Start Time 2024-06-18 11:45:28.578000
The External Sysref Frequency should be an integer factor of: 3.84MHz
2T2R1F Number: 0
Valid Configuration: True
laneRateRx: 9830.4
laneRateFb: 9830.4
laneRateTx: 9830.4
2T2R1F Number: 1
Valid Configuration: True
laneRateRx: 9830.4
laneRateFb: 9830.4
laneRateTx: 9830.4
LMK Clock Divider - Device registers reset.
LMK Clock Divider - Device registers reset.
REFCLOCK is used from LMK source, ensure board connections are ok to do the same
LMK and FPGA Configured.
DONOT_OPEN_Atharv_FULL - Device registers reset.
chipType: 0xa
chipId: 0x78
chipVersion: 0x11
AFE Reset Done
Fuse farm load autoload done successful
No autload error
Fuse farm load autoload done successful
No autload error
AFE MCU Wake up done and patch loaded.
PLL Locked
AFE PLL Configured.
AFE SerDes Configured.
AFE Digital Chains configured.
AFE TX Analog configured.
AFE RX Analog configured.
AFE FB Analog configured.
AFE JESD configured.
AFE AGC configured.
AFE GPIO configured.
Sysref Read as expected
###########Device DAC JESD-RX 0 Link Status###########
Serdes-FIFO error for lane 0: 1
Serdes-FIFO error for lane 1: 1
Serdes-FIFO error for lane 2: 1
Serdes-FIFO error for lane 3: 1
Comma Align Lock Lane0: False; Please check if the transmitter is sending data and eye is good.
Comma Align Lock Lane1: False; Please check if the transmitter is sending data and eye is good.
Comma Align Lock Lane2: False; Please check if the transmitter is sending data and eye is good.
Comma Align Lock Lane3: False; Please check if the transmitter is sending data and eye is good.
CS State TX0: 0b00000000 . It is expected to be 0b10101010
FS State TX0: 0b00000000 . It is expected to be 0b01010101
Couldn't get the link up for device RX: 0; Alarms: 0xf000
###########Device DAC JESD-RX 1 Link Status###########
Serdes-FIFO error for lane 0: 1
Serdes-FIFO error for lane 1: 1
Serdes-FIFO error for lane 2: 1
Serdes-FIFO error for lane 3: 1
Comma Align Lock Lane0: False; Please check if the transmitter is sending data and eye is good.
Comma Align Lock Lane1: False; Please check if the transmitter is sending data and eye is good.
Comma Align Lock Lane2: False; Please check if the transmitter is sending data and eye is good.
Comma Align Lock Lane3: False; Please check if the transmitter is sending data and eye is good.
CS State TX0: 0b00000000 . It is expected to be 0b10101010
FS State TX0: 0b00000000 . It is expected to be 0b01010101
Couldn't get the link up for device RX: 1; Alarms: 0xf000
AFE Configuration Complete
#Done executing .. AFE7950/bringup/
#End Time 2024-06-18 11:46:08.822000
#Execution Time = 40.243999958 s
#================ ERRORS:18, WARNINGS:1 ================#
###########Device DAC JESD-RX 0 Link Status###########
CS State TX0: 0b10101010 . It is expected to be 0b10101010
FS State TX0: 0b01010101 . It is expected to be 0b01010101
Could get the link up for device RX: 0
###########Device DAC JESD-RX 1 Link Status###########
CS State TX0: 0b10101010 . It is expected to be 0b10101010
FS State TX0: 0b01010101 . It is expected to be 0b01010101
Could get the link up for device RX: 1
###########Device DAC JESD-RX 0 Link Status###########
CS State TX0: 0b10101010 . It is expected to be 0b10101010
FS State TX0: 0b01010101 . It is expected to be 0b01010101
Could get the link up for device RX: 0
###########Device DAC JESD-RX 1 Link Status###########
CS State TX0: 0b10101010 . It is expected to be 0b10101010
FS State TX0: 0b01010101 . It is expected to be 0b01010101
Could get the link up for device RX: 1
###########Device DAC JESD-RX 0 Link Status###########
CS State TX0: 0b10101010 . It is expected to be 0b10101010
FS State TX0: 0b01010101 . It is expected to be 0b01010101
Could get the link up for device RX: 0
###########Device DAC JESD-RX 1 Link Status###########
CS State TX0: 0b10101010 . It is expected to be 0b10101010
FS State TX0: 0b01010101 . It is expected to be 0b01010101
Could get the link up for device RX: 1
###########Device DAC JESD-RX 0 Link Status###########
CS State TX0: 0b10101010 . It is expected to be 0b10101010
FS State TX0: 0b01010101 . It is expected to be 0b01010101
Could get the link up for device RX: 0
###########Device DAC JESD-RX 1 Link Status###########
CS State TX0: 0b10101010 . It is expected to be 0b10101010
FS State TX0: 0b01010101 . It is expected to be 0b01010101
Could get the link up for device RX: 1
###########Device DAC JESD-RX 0 Link Status###########
CS State TX0: 0b10101010 . It is expected to be 0b10101010
FS State TX0: 0b01010101 . It is expected to be 0b01010101
Could get the link up for device RX: 0
###########Device DAC JESD-RX 1 Link Status###########
CS State TX0: 0b10101010 . It is expected to be 0b10101010
FS State TX0: 0b01010101 . It is expected to be 0b01010101
Could get the link up for device RX: 1

  • Hi Andrey,

    I suspect that this issue would be caused by an incorrect setting on the HSDC Pro side, such as an issue with the ini file. Can you confirm that you are following the AFE79xx bringup guide for the TSW14J57 that is available in the AFE79xx secure folder? If not I would recommend to try the mode outlined and see if that fixes the spur issue. The bringup guide will have the settings for HSDC Pro and outline the required bringup procedure.  


    David Chaparro 

  • Hi David,

    I indicated that I used the instructions AFE7950+TSW14J57.pptx, which was obtained from the archive. There is a very simple procedure for configuring FPGA, AFE and LMC on pages 6 and 7.
    If you have some other instructions in mind, then please indicate the exact name of the required file, which is located in a protected folder. I didn't find anything else like it there.



  • Hi Andrey,

    If the ppt was taken from the archive then that is the correct one. My suspect would then be on the ini file in HSDC Pro. Is this issue seen across all Tx channels.


    Can you take a look at the ini file settings and confirm that they match the attached file? (Ini file can be found at the following location: C:\Program Files\Texas Instruments\High Speed Data Converter Pro\14J57revE Details\DAC files)

    One additional test to verify if it is related to the tone send by the FPGA is to configure the DAC into a NCO test pattern mode using the writes given below.

    for i in range(4):
    	CAFE.dacJesdConstantTestPatternValue(0,i,0,0,35536) #0, chNo, bandNo, valueI, valueQ



    David Chaparro 

  • Thank you, David.

    The day after tomorrow I will check the contents of the specified ini file on my work computer.

    Regarding the code:
    for i in range(4):
    CAFE.dacJesdConstantTestPatternValue(0,i,0,0,35536) #0, chNo, bandNo, valueI, valueQ

    Where should it be entered, in the Latte command line?
    And what should be the result?



  • Hi Andrey,

    I would suggest creating a seperate script for the code and run the script when testing the DAC in the NCO only mode. When you run those lines the DAC will be configured to output the NCO frequency directly, ignoring the data from the FPGA. So you should see a CW tone at the NCO frequency. 


    David Chaparro 

  • Hello David.
    The INI files are identical.
    After the usual procedure, running the file, I again got two harmonics instead of one. Then I ran your 4-line code in Latte as a py-file. But apparently I didn’t make this file correctly, because Latte threw an error and nothing in the spectrum changed. Here is Latte's log.

    #================ ERRORS:1, WARNINGS:0 ================#
    #Executing .. AFE7950/bringup/
    #Start Time 2024-06-23 12:00:59.503000 
    The External Sysref Frequency should be an integer factor of: 3.84MHz
    2T2R1F Number: 0
    Valid Configuration: True
    laneRateRx: 9830.4
    laneRateFb: 9830.4
    laneRateTx: 9830.4
    2T2R1F Number: 1
    Valid Configuration: True
    laneRateRx: 9830.4
    laneRateFb: 9830.4
    laneRateTx: 9830.4
    LMK Clock Divider - Device registers reset.
    LMK Clock Divider - Device registers reset.
    REFCLOCK is used from LMK source, ensure board connections are ok to do the same
    LMK and FPGA Configured.
    DONOT_OPEN_Atharv_FULL - Device registers reset.
    chipType: 0xa
    chipId: 0x78
    chipVersion: 0x11
    AFE Reset Done
    Fuse farm load autoload done successful
    No autload error
    Fuse farm load autoload done successful
    No autload error
    AFE MCU Wake up done and patch loaded.
    PLL Locked
    AFE PLL Configured.
    AFE SerDes Configured.
    AFE Digital Chains configured.
    AFE TX Analog configured.
    AFE RX Analog configured.
    AFE FB Analog configured.
    AFE JESD configured.
    AFE AGC configured.
    AFE GPIO configured.
    Sysref Read as expected
    ###########Device DAC JESD-RX 0 Link Status###########
    CS State TX0: 0b10101010 . It is expected to be 0b10101010
    FS State TX0: 0b01010101 . It is expected to be 0b01010101
    Could get the link up for device RX: 0
    ###########Device DAC JESD-RX 1 Link Status###########
    CS State TX0: 0b10101010 . It is expected to be 0b10101010
    FS State TX0: 0b01010101 . It is expected to be 0b01010101
    Could get the link up for device RX: 1
    AFE Configuration Complete
    #Done executing .. AFE7950/bringup/
    #End Time 2024-06-23 12:01:41.530000
    #Execution Time = 42.0269999504 s 
    #================ ERRORS:0, WARNINGS:1 ================#
    #Executing .. AFE7950/bringup/DAC in the NCO only
    #Start Time 2024-06-23 12:02:14.404000 
    #Error: afeCTestWrapper instance has no attribute 'dacJesdConstantTestPatternEnable'
    # "AFE7950/bringup/DAC in the NCO only", line 3, in 
    # AttributeError: afeCTestWrapper instance has no attribute 'dacJesdConstantTestPatternEnable'
    #Done executing .. AFE7950/bringup/DAC in the NCO only
    #End Time 2024-06-23 12:02:14.413000
    #Execution Time = 0.0090000629425 s 
    #================ ERRORS:1, WARNINGS:0 ================#



  • Hi Andrey,

    Please try the updated lines below for NCO only mode.

    for i in [0,1]:
    	for j in [0,1]:
    		AFE.JESD.DACJESD[i].dacJesdConstantTestPatternValue(1,j,0,35536,0) # enable, channelNum, bandNum, Ival, Qval

    On the TSW14J57 can you report the status of the LEDs? 


    David Chaparro 

  • Hi David,

    I tried running the updated lines for NCO only mode.
    I am attaching screenshots of “before”, “after” and windows with this code. As you can see, the result does not meet expectations. In addition, the spectrum became dirtier than it previously was during my previous treatment.
    The voltages directly on the boards are 12.2 V (current 1.8 A) and 5.1 V (current 3.7 A).
    LED status on TSW14J57:
    D1 - lights up or not (can change each time you press the SEND button);
    D2 - started blinking only after the combination was launched (S1_OnboardClk_RX_250M_TX_FB_500M, AFE.adcDacSync(), SEND, SEND). It didn’t shine before;
    D3 - always shines;
    D4 - does not shine;
    D5 - initially it shone brightly, but after launching S1_OnboardClk_RX_250M_TX_FB_500M it began to shine dimly;
    D6 - shines;
    D7 - does not shine;
    D8 and D9 - always shine;
    D10,11,13,14,15,17,18,19 (blue) - shine;
    D16,22 - do not shine.


  • Hi David.
    Is there a solution to my issue?

  • Hi Andrew,

    The spectrum that you are seeing is not expected. Is this same issue seen on all channels or is it isolated to a single channel?

    If you lower the amplitude of the output tone do you see any changes in the spectrum? To do this in the NCO only mode you can change the ‘35536’ to ‘8192’ in the function provided previously.


    David Chaparro

  • Hello David!
    All channels behave the same.
    However, the harmonic amplitudes in the ТхВ and ТхД channels are lower than the amplitudes in the ТхА and ТхС channels by approximately 20 dB at the same noise level.
    In the "NCD only" mode, the spectra are simply shifted to the left by 9.5 MHz.
    When moving from a value of 35336 to a value of 8192, the harmonic amplitudes in all channels decrease by approximately 10 dB while maintaining the same noise level.
    David, the problem is not being solved. If you have no idea how to fix it, maybe your company will provide us with another, working kit?
    Best wishes, Andrey

  • The pictures are arranged in the following order:
    TxA,B,C,D after the standard script
    Then TxA,B in the “NCO only” mode with parameter 35336.
    Then TxA,B in the “NCO only” mode with parameter 8192.

  • Hi Andrey,

    Based on the fact that the issue is seen in NCO only configuration then the issue is either with the AFE configuration or the EVM hardware. One suggestion would be to try a different configuration on the AFE. Can you test the S3 configuration script? 

    Additionally, has the script S1 been modified in any way? 


    David Chaparro 

  • Hi David.
    No, I did not change the S1 script, which should be clear from the Latte log that I posted here on June 23rd.
    To begin with, I would like everything to work correctly with S1, as it is written in your instructions AFE7950+TSW14J57.pptx. I thought that I could master this platform using ready-made examples, and then quickly implement the functions I needed based on them, since I do not yet have time to independently understand the command system and register model of the AFE7950.
    But I can try S3 too. At the same time, I need a priori information, what should I expect on the spectrum analyzer, following the example of the above instructions?
    And even better, if you have instructions for detailed equipment diagnostics, I can immediately quickly collect all the information for your analysis, so as not to delay the solution to the problem.
    Best wishes, Andrey

  • Hi David.
    I looked at the S3 script. As I see, in terms of the transmitter it is no different from S1.
    The results are also similar. I am attaching screenshots of TxA,B,C,D and logs.
    With all respect, Andrey

    #Executing .. AFE7950/bringup/
    #Start Time 2024-07-14 12:00:07.093000 
    spi - USB Instrument created.
    Kintex RegProgrammer - USB Instrument created.
    Kintex RegProgrammer - USB Instrument created.
    Kintex RegProgrammer - USB Instrument created.
    #Done executing .. AFE7950/bringup/
    #End Time 2024-07-14 12:00:14.865000
    #Execution Time = 7.77200007439 s 
    #================ ERRORS:0, WARNINGS:0 ================#
    #Executing .. AFE7950/bringup/
    #Start Time 2024-07-14 12:00:27.686000 
    Power Card - USB Instrument created.
    Reset the FPGA and try again.
    Loaded Libraries
    Refreshed GUI
    #Done executing .. AFE7950/bringup/
    #End Time 2024-07-14 12:01:52.234000
    #Execution Time = 84.5479998589 s 
    #================ ERRORS:1, WARNINGS:0 ================#
    #Executing .. AFE7950/bringup/
    #Start Time 2024-07-14 12:05:31.841000 
    The External Sysref Frequency should be an integer factor of: 5.12MHz
    2T2R1F Number: 0
    Valid Configuration: True
    laneRateRx: 9830.4
    laneRateFb: 9830.4
    laneRateTx: 9830.4
    2T2R1F Number: 1
    Valid Configuration: True
    laneRateRx: 9830.4
    laneRateFb: 9830.4
    laneRateTx: 9830.4
    LMK Clock Divider - Device registers reset.
    LMK Clock Divider - Device registers reset.
    REFCLOCK is used from LMK source, ensure board connections are ok to do the same
    LMK and FPGA Configured.
    DONOT_OPEN_Atharv_FULL - Device registers reset.
    chipType: 0xa
    chipId: 0x78
    chipVersion: 0x11
    AFE Reset Done
    Fuse farm load autoload done successful
    No autload error
    Fuse farm load autoload done successful
    No autload error
    AFE MCU Wake up done and patch loaded.
    PLL Locked
    AFE PLL Configured.
    AFE SerDes Configured.
    AFE Digital Chains configured.
    AFE TX Analog configured.
    AFE RX Analog configured.
    AFE FB Analog configured.
    AFE JESD configured.
    AFE AGC configured.
    AFE GPIO configured.
    Sysref Read as expected
    ###########Device DAC JESD-RX 0 Link Status###########
    Serdes-FIFO error for lane 0: 1
    Serdes-FIFO error for lane 1: 1
    Serdes-FIFO error for lane 2: 1
    Serdes-FIFO error for lane 3: 1
    Comma Align Lock Lane0: False; Please check if the transmitter is sending data and eye is good.
    Comma Align Lock Lane1: False; Please check if the transmitter is sending data and eye is good.
    Comma Align Lock Lane2: False; Please check if the transmitter is sending data and eye is good.
    Comma Align Lock Lane3: False; Please check if the transmitter is sending data and eye is good.
    CS State TX0: 0b00000000 . It is expected to be 0b10101010
    FS State TX0: 0b00000000 . It is expected to be 0b01010101
    Couldn't get the link up for device RX: 0; Alarms: 0xf000
    ###########Device DAC JESD-RX 1 Link Status###########
    Serdes-FIFO error for lane 0: 1
    Serdes-FIFO error for lane 1: 1
    Serdes-FIFO error for lane 2: 1
    Serdes-FIFO error for lane 3: 1
    Comma Align Lock Lane0: False; Please check if the transmitter is sending data and eye is good.
    Comma Align Lock Lane1: False; Please check if the transmitter is sending data and eye is good.
    Comma Align Lock Lane2: False; Please check if the transmitter is sending data and eye is good.
    Comma Align Lock Lane3: False; Please check if the transmitter is sending data and eye is good.
    CS State TX0: 0b00000000 . It is expected to be 0b10101010
    FS State TX0: 0b00000000 . It is expected to be 0b01010101
    Couldn't get the link up for device RX: 1; Alarms: 0xf000
    AFE Configuration Complete
    #Done executing .. AFE7950/bringup/
    #End Time 2024-07-14 12:06:11.183000
    #Execution Time = 39.3420000076 s 
    #================ ERRORS:18, WARNINGS:1 ================#
    ###########Device DAC JESD-RX 0 Link Status###########
    Serdes-FIFO error for lane 0: 1
    Serdes-FIFO error for lane 1: 1
    Serdes-FIFO error for lane 2: 1
    Serdes-FIFO error for lane 3: 1
    Comma Align Lock Lane0: False; Please check if the transmitter is sending data and eye is good.
    Comma Align Lock Lane1: False; Please check if the transmitter is sending data and eye is good.
    Comma Align Lock Lane2: False; Please check if the transmitter is sending data and eye is good.
    Comma Align Lock Lane3: False; Please check if the transmitter is sending data and eye is good.
    CS State TX0: 0b00000000 . It is expected to be 0b10101010
    FS State TX0: 0b00000000 . It is expected to be 0b01010101
    Couldn't get the link up for device RX: 0; Alarms: 0xf000
    ###########Device DAC JESD-RX 1 Link Status###########
    Serdes-FIFO error for lane 0: 1
    Serdes-FIFO error for lane 1: 1
    Serdes-FIFO error for lane 2: 1
    Serdes-FIFO error for lane 3: 1
    Comma Align Lock Lane0: False; Please check if the transmitter is sending data and eye is good.
    Comma Align Lock Lane1: False; Please check if the transmitter is sending data and eye is good.
    Comma Align Lock Lane2: False; Please check if the transmitter is sending data and eye is good.
    Comma Align Lock Lane3: False; Please check if the transmitter is sending data and eye is good.
    CS State TX0: 0b00000000 . It is expected to be 0b10101010
    FS State TX0: 0b00000000 . It is expected to be 0b01010101
    Couldn't get the link up for device RX: 1; Alarms: 0xf000
    ###########Device DAC JESD-RX 0 Link Status###########
    CS State TX0: 0b10101010 . It is expected to be 0b10101010
    FS State TX0: 0b01010101 . It is expected to be 0b01010101
    Could get the link up for device RX: 0
    ###########Device DAC JESD-RX 1 Link Status###########
    CS State TX0: 0b10101010 . It is expected to be 0b10101010
    FS State TX0: 0b01010101 . It is expected to be 0b01010101
    Could get the link up for device RX: 1

    Qt: Untested Windows version 10.0 detected!
    [Errno 13] Permission denied: u'C:\\Users\\andreysheleg\\Documents\\Texas Instruments\\AFE79xxLatte\\projects\\/temp/AFE7900/bringup'
    [Errno 13] Permission denied: u'C:\\Users\\andreysheleg\\Documents\\Texas Instruments\\AFE79xxLatte\\projects\\/temp/AFE7901/bringup'
    [Errno 13] Permission denied: u'C:\\Users\\andreysheleg\\Documents\\Texas Instruments\\AFE79xxLatte\\projects\\/temp/AFE7903/bringup'
    [Errno 13] Permission denied: u'C:\\Users\\andreysheleg\\Documents\\Texas Instruments\\AFE79xxLatte\\projects\\/temp/AFE7906/bringup'
    [Errno 13] Permission denied: u'C:\\Users\\andreysheleg\\Documents\\Texas Instruments\\AFE79xxLatte\\projects\\/temp/AFE7951/bringup'
    [Errno 13] Permission denied: u'C:\\Users\\andreysheleg\\Documents\\Texas Instruments\\AFE79xxLatte\\projects\\/temp/AFE7953/bringup'
    [Errno 13] Permission denied: u'C:\\Users\\andreysheleg\\Documents\\Texas Instruments\\AFE79xxLatte\\projects\\/temp/AFE7954/bringup'
    [Errno 13] Permission denied: u'C:\\Users\\andreysheleg\\Documents\\Texas Instruments\\AFE79xxLatte\\projects\\/temp/AFE7955/bringup'
    [Errno 13] Permission denied: u'C:\\Users\\andreysheleg\\Documents\\Texas Instruments\\AFE79xxLatte\\projects\\/temp/TSW14J58/Scripts'
    <string>:199: SyntaxWarning: import * only allowed at module level
    ERROR: Please check environment setup! No device is detected.
    FTDI Not Connected
    Opened the USB FTDI Handle.
    Closing the USB FTDI Handle.
    couldn't create image from  ""
    couldn't create image from  "" 
    couldn't create image from  "" 
    couldn't create image from  "" 
    couldn't create image from  "" 
    couldn't create image from  "" 
    Writing into  0x0000 value  0x30
    Writing into  0x0000 value  0xb0
    Writing into  0x0000 value  0x30
    Writing into  0x0000 value  0x30
    Writing into  0x0000 value  0x30
    Reading From  0x0003 value  0x0a
    Reading From  0x0004 value  0x78
    Reading From  0x0005 value  0x00
    Reading From  0x0006 value  0x11
    Reading From  0x0007 value  0x51
    Reading From  0x0008 value  0x04
    Writing into  0x0015 value  0x80
    Writing into  0x0191 value  0x00
    Writing into  0x0231 value  0x00
    Writing into  0x02d1 value  0x00
    Writing into  0x0371 value  0x00
    Writing into  0x042a value  0x00
    Writing into  0x04e2 value  0x00
    Writing into  0x059a value  0x00
    Writing into  0x0652 value  0x00
    Writing into  0x070a value  0x00
    Writing into  0x07c2 value  0x00
    Writing into  0x00ec value  0x01
    Writing into  0x00f4 value  0x01
    Writing into  0x00e4 value  0x01
    Writing into  0x00ed value  0x00
    Writing into  0x00f5 value  0x00
    Writing into  0x00e5 value  0x00
    Writing into  0x00ed value  0x00
    Writing into  0x00f5 value  0x00
    Writing into  0x00e5 value  0x00
    Writing into  0x0015 value  0x00
    Writing into  0x0015 value  0x40
    Writing into  0x0190 value  0x03
    Writing into  0x0190 value  0x01
    Writing into  0x0015 value  0x00
    Writing into  0x0015 value  0x40
    Writing into  0x0931 value  0x01
    Writing into  0x0931 value  0x03
    Writing into  0x0015 value  0x00
    Writing into  0x0011 value  0x3f
    Writing into  0x00ce value  0x20
    Writing into  0x00cb value  0x04
    Writing into  0x00ca value  0x20
    Writing into  0x00ce value  0x30
    Writing into  0x00c3 value  0x40
    Writing into  0x00c0 value  0x01
    Writing into  0x00b9 value  0x40
    Writing into  0x00b9 value  0x50
    Writing into  0x00b9 value  0x70
    Writing into  0x00b9 value  0x78
    Writing into  0x0011 value  0x00
    Writing into  0x0010 value  0x3f
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    Writing into  0x00a2 value  0x00
    Writing into  0x00a1 value  0x00
    Writing into  0x00a0 value  0x00
    Writing into  0x0193 value  0x15
    Reading From  0x00f0 value  0x07
    Reading From  0x00f0 value  0x07
    Reading From  0x00f1 value  0x00
    Reading From  0x00f0 value  0x07
    Reading From  0x00f0 value  0x07
    Reading From  0x00f0 value  0x07
    Reading From  0x00f0 value  0x07
    Reading From  0x00f3 value  0x00
    Reading From  0x00f2 value  0x00
    Reading From  0x00f7 value  0x00
    Reading From  0x00f6 value  0x00
    Reading From  0x00f5 value  0x00
    Reading From  0x00f4 value  0x00
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    Writing into  0x0016 value  0x03
    Writing into  0x0024 value  0x00
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    Writing into  0x00f0 value  0x00
    Writing into  0x0016 value  0x00
    Writing into  0x0016 value  0x0c
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    Writing into  0x0128 value  0x00
    Writing into  0x0128 value  0x04
    Writing into  0x0128 value  0x00
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    Writing into  0x0019 value  0xf0
    Writing into  0x0a40 value  0x0f
    Writing into  0x0a41 value  0x0f
    Writing into  0x0a44 value  0x0f
    Writing into  0x0a45 value  0x0f
    Writing into  0x0a46 value  0x0f
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    Writing into  0x0a41 value  0x00
    Writing into  0x0a44 value  0x00
    Writing into  0x0a45 value  0x00
    Writing into  0x0a46 value  0x00
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    Writing into  0x0589 value  0x07
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    Writing into  0x06b4 value  0x03
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    Writing into  0x054c value  0x00
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    Writing into  0x06b4 value  0x00
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    Writing into  0x052c value  0x00
    Writing into  0x0019 value  0x00
    Writing into  0x0016 value  0x04
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    Reading From  0x011a value  0x00
    Reading From  0x0119 value  0xf0
    Reading From  0x0118 value  0x00
    Reading From  0x011f value  0x00
    Reading From  0x011e value  0x00
    Reading From  0x011d value  0x00
    Reading From  0x011c value  0x00
    Reading From  0x00ee value  0x00
    Reading From  0x00a2 value  0x00
    Reading From  0x00a4 value  0x00
    Writing into  0x0016 value  0x08
    Reading From  0x011b value  0x00
    Reading From  0x011a value  0x00
    Reading From  0x0119 value  0xf0
    Reading From  0x0118 value  0x00
    Reading From  0x011f value  0x00
    Reading From  0x011e value  0x00
    Reading From  0x011d value  0x00
    Reading From  0x011c value  0x00
    Reading From  0x00ee value  0x00
    Reading From  0x00a2 value  0x00
    Reading From  0x00a4 value  0x00
    Writing into  0x0016 value  0x00
    Writing into  0x0015 value  0x80
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    Writing into  0x00f4 value  0x01
    Writing into  0x00e4 value  0x01
    Writing into  0x00ed value  0x00
    Writing into  0x00f5 value  0x00
    Writing into  0x00e5 value  0x00
    Writing into  0x00ed value  0x0f
    Writing into  0x00f5 value  0x03
    Writing into  0x00e5 value  0x0f
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    Writing into  0x0016 value  0x0c
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    Writing into  0x0020 value  0x03
    Writing into  0x0020 value  0x02
    Writing into  0x0020 value  0x00
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    Writing into  0x0064 value  0x0f
    Writing into  0x0128 value  0x00
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    Writing into  0x0016 value  0x03
    Writing into  0x006d value  0x01
    Writing into  0x006d value  0x05
    Writing into  0x006d value  0x07
    Writing into  0x006d value  0x06
    Writing into  0x006d value  0x02
    Writing into  0x006d value  0x00
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    Writing into  0x0024 value  0x00
    Writing into  0x0016 value  0x00
    Writing into  0x0015 value  0x40
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    Writing into  0x0540 value  0x00
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    Writing into  0x0015 value  0x00
    Writing into  0x0015 value  0x01
    Writing into  0x0077 value  0x08
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    Writing into  0x0077 value  0x0b
    Writing into  0x0077 value  0x0f
    Writing into  0x0077 value  0x0b
    Writing into  0x0077 value  0x03
    Writing into  0x0082 value  0x00
    Writing into  0x0077 value  0x00
    Writing into  0x0076 value  0x00
    Writing into  0x0015 value  0x00
    Writing into  0x0015 value  0x40
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    Writing into  0x0540 value  0x00
    Writing into  0x0015 value  0x00
    Writing into  0x0016 value  0x04
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    Writing into  0x0128 value  0x01
    Writing into  0x0128 value  0x00
    Writing into  0x0128 value  0x04
    Writing into  0x0128 value  0x00
    Reading From  0x011b value  0x00
    Reading From  0x011a value  0x00
    Reading From  0x0119 value  0xf0
    Reading From  0x0118 value  0x00
    Reading From  0x011f value  0x00
    Reading From  0x011e value  0x00
    Reading From  0x011d value  0x00
    Reading From  0x011c value  0x00
    Reading From  0x00ee value  0x00
    Reading From  0x00a2 value  0x00
    Reading From  0x00a4 value  0x00
    Writing into  0x0016 value  0x08
    Writing into  0x0064 value  0x0f
    Writing into  0x0128 value  0x01
    Writing into  0x0128 value  0x00
    Writing into  0x0128 value  0x04
    Writing into  0x0128 value  0x00
    Reading From  0x011b value  0x00
    Reading From  0x011a value  0x00
    Reading From  0x0119 value  0xf0
    Reading From  0x0118 value  0x00
    Reading From  0x011f value  0x00
    Reading From  0x011e value  0x00
    Reading From  0x011d value  0x00
    Reading From  0x011c value  0x00
    Reading From  0x00ee value  0x00
    Reading From  0x00a2 value  0x00
    Reading From  0x00a4 value  0x00
    Writing into  0x0016 value  0x0c
    Writing into  0x0020 value  0x01
    Writing into  0x0020 value  0x03
    Writing into  0x0020 value  0x02
    Writing into  0x0020 value  0x00
    Writing into  0x0064 value  0xff
    Writing into  0x0128 value  0x01
    Writing into  0x0064 value  0x0f
    Writing into  0x0128 value  0x00
    Writing into  0x0016 value  0x00
    Writing into  0x0016 value  0x03
    Writing into  0x006d value  0x01
    Writing into  0x006d value  0x05
    Writing into  0x006d value  0x07
    Writing into  0x006d value  0x06
    Writing into  0x006d value  0x02
    Writing into  0x006d value  0x00
    Writing into  0x0024 value  0x01
    Writing into  0x0024 value  0x00
    Writing into  0x0016 value  0x00
    Writing into  0x0015 value  0x40
    Writing into  0x0170 value  0x01
    Writing into  0x0540 value  0x00
    Reading From  0x0171 value  0x01
    Writing into  0x0015 value  0x00
    Writing into  0x0015 value  0x01
    Writing into  0x0077 value  0x08
    Writing into  0x0082 value  0x0c
    Writing into  0x0077 value  0x0b
    Writing into  0x0076 value  0xff
    Writing into  0x0077 value  0x0b
    Writing into  0x0077 value  0x0f
    Writing into  0x0077 value  0x0b
    Writing into  0x0077 value  0x03
    Writing into  0x0082 value  0x00
    Writing into  0x0077 value  0x00
    Writing into  0x0076 value  0x00
    Writing into  0x0015 value  0x00
    Writing into  0x0015 value  0x40
    Writing into  0x0170 value  0x00
    Writing into  0x0540 value  0x00
    Writing into  0x0015 value  0x00
    Writing into  0x0016 value  0x04
    Writing into  0x0064 value  0x0f
    Writing into  0x0128 value  0x01
    Writing into  0x0128 value  0x00
    Writing into  0x0128 value  0x04
    Writing into  0x0128 value  0x00
    Reading From  0x011b value  0x00
    Reading From  0x011a value  0x00
    Reading From  0x0119 value  0x00
    Reading From  0x0118 value  0x00
    Reading From  0x011f value  0x00
    Reading From  0x011e value  0x00
    Reading From  0x011d value  0x00
    Reading From  0x011c value  0x00
    Reading From  0x00ee value  0x0f
    Reading From  0x00a2 value  0xaa
    Reading From  0x00a4 value  0x55
    Writing into  0x0016 value  0x08
    Writing into  0x0064 value  0x0f
    Writing into  0x0128 value  0x01
    Writing into  0x0128 value  0x00
    Writing into  0x0128 value  0x04
    Writing into  0x0128 value  0x00
    Reading From  0x011b value  0x00
    Reading From  0x011a value  0x00
    Reading From  0x0119 value  0x00
    Reading From  0x0118 value  0x00
    Reading From  0x011f value  0x00
    Reading From  0x011e value  0x00
    Reading From  0x011d value  0x00
    Reading From  0x011c value  0x00
    Reading From  0x00ee value  0x0f
    Reading From  0x00a2 value  0xaa
    Reading From  0x00a4 value  0x55

  • Hi Andrey,

    We are not able to replicate this on our side. Below is a plot of what we see on our side and what is expected when running the S3 or S1 script with NCO only mode enabled. 

    One final test is can you verify if you are able to capture on the ADC without any errors? 

    Based on the results that you have shared so far it looks like the issue could be with the EVM and if the ADC results above shows a similar issue we can look into ways to replace your EVM with a new one (Most likely through the vendor that it was purchased through).


    David Chaparro 

  • Hi David,

    I captured the data on an ADC. It seems like there are no errors. But the SNR is 20 dB lower than the results shown in Step 8 of your document.
    I am attaching screenshots for channels PxA, B, C (D - there is no connector).
    An input signal level of 5 dBm is the best option for SNR.
    The problem with the parasitic frequency harmonics of the DAC has not gone away. It seems that instead of one NCO there are two NCOs.

  • Hi Andrey,

    Was this EVM purchased from TI or from a distributor? 



  • Hi David,
    Both EVM modules (595-RF1208AFE7950EVM and 595-TSW14J57EVM) were purchased from Mouser Electronic ( in March this year.

    Have you decided that the RF1208AFE7950EVM module is faulty? Or perhaps both modules need to be replaced?


  • Hi Andrey,

    Yes, based on the results you are seeing it looks like the AFE board may be faulty and I would recommend it being replaced through your distributor.


    David Chaparro