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AFE7950EVM: Getting errors while running the latte script .

Part Number: AFE7900EVM
Other Parts Discussed in Thread: AFE7950


sorry by mistake i put the part number as  "AFE7950 EVM" in thread  title,  But i am trying it on AFE7900EVM, it is the correct part number.

here i am trying the 1GHZ bandwidth  latte script on ZCU102 FPGA  board, while running that i got the below errors.

and here is the code i am running. And in some forums i saw that this " Los indicator for lane0" this kind of errors will because the LMFS settings that will differ on both LATTE AND FPGA side, but i am quite newbie in this domain, so i am  not sure where exactly i need to check that LMFS settings  in the TI_204c_IP or else in the GTH transceiver IP  .I am attaching the code below. And please do suggest me to resolve the latte errors.


##############		Read me			##############
#In HSDC Pro DAC tab, Select AFE79xx_2x1TX_42220; Data Rate = 983.04M
#In HSDC Pro ADC tab, Select AFE79xx_2x1RX_42220; Data Rate = 983.04M ---> To capture 4 RX channels


setupParams.skipFpga = 1 # setup FPGA (TSW14J56) using HSDC Pro 
##############		Top Level			##############
sysParams.FRef			= 491.52
sysParams.FadcRx		= 2949.12
sysParams.FadcFb		= 2949.12
sysParams.Fdac			= 2949.12*4
sysParams.RRFMode		= 5					# RRF 0: 4T4R2F FDD Mode
##############		Digital Chain		##############

		#####	RX	#####
sysParams.rxEnable = [True,False,True,False]
sysParams.ddcFactorRx	=	[2]*4					#DDC decimation factor for RX A, B, C and D
sysParams.rxNco0		= 	[[9584.64,9500],			#Band0, Band1 for RXA 
							[9584.64,9500],        	#Band0, Band1 for RXB 
							[9584.64,9500],        	#Band0, Band1 for RXC 
							[9584.64,9500]]        	#Band0, Band1 for RXD 

		#####	FB	#####
sysParams.ddcFactorFb	=	[3]*2					#DDC decimation factor for FB 1 and 2
sysParams.fbNco0		= 	[9500,9500]				#Band0 for FB1 and FB2 
sysParams.fbEnable		=	[False,False]

		#####	TX	#####
sysParams.txEnable = [False,True,False,True]
sysParams.ducFactorTx	=	[8]*4					#DUC interpolation factor for TX A, B, C and D
sysParams.txNco0		= 	[[9500,9500],			#Band0, Band1 for TXA 
							[9500,9500],        	#Band0, Band1 for TXB 
							[9500,9500],        	#Band0, Band1 for TXC 
							[9500,9500]]        	#Band0, Band1 for TXD 
sysParams.txDataMux		= [2,3,0,1,6,7,4,5]	

##############		JESD		##############

		#####	ADC-JESD	#####
sysParams.jesdSystemMode= [3,3]
													#SystemMode 0:	2R1F-FDD						; rx1-rx2-fb -fb
													#SystemMode 1:	1R1F-FDD						; rx -rx -fb -fb
													#SystemMode 2:	2R-FDD							; rx1-rx1-rx2-rx2
													#SystemMode 3:	1R								; rx -rx -rx -rx
													#SystemMode 4:	1F								; fb -fb- fb -fb
													#SystemMode 5:	1R1F-TDD						; rx/fb-rx/fb-rx/fb-rx/fb
sysParams.jesdTxProtocol= [0,0]						# 0 - 8b/10b encoding; 2 - 64b/66b encoding 
sysParams.LMFSHdRx		= ["42220"]*4
													# The 2nd and 4th are valid only for jesdSystemMode values in (0,2).
													# For other modes, select 4 converter modes for 1st and 3rd.
sysParams.LMFSHdFb		= ["22210","22210"]

sysParams.rxJesdTxScr	= [True,True,True,True]
sysParams.fbJesdTxScr	= [True,True]

sysParams.rxJesdTxK		= [16,16,16,16]
sysParams.fbJesdTxK		= [16,16]

sysParams.jesdTxLaneMux	= [0,1,2,3,4,5,6,7]			# Enter which lanes you want in each location. 
													# For example, if you want to exchange the first two lines of each 2T,
													#		this should be [[1,0,2,3],[5,4,6,7]]

		#####	DAC-JESD	#####
sysParams.jesdRxProtocol= [0,0]
sysParams.LMFSHdTx		= ["42220"]*4
sysParams.jesdRxLaneMux	= [0,1,2,3,4,5,6,7]			# Enter which lanes you want in each location.
													# For example, if you want to exchange the first two lines of each 2R
													#		this should be [[1,0,2,3],[5,4,6,7]]
sysParams.jesdRxRbd		= [4, 4]
sysParams.jesdRxScr		= [True,True,True,True]
sysParams.jesdRxK		= [16,16,16,16]

		#####	JESD Common	#####
sysParams.jesdABLvdsSync= True
sysParams.jesdCDLvdsSync= True
sysParams.syncLoopBack	= True	#JESD Sync signal is connected to FPGA

##############		GPIO		##############
sysParams.gpioMapping	= {
						'H8': 'ADC_SYNC0',
						'H7': 'ADC_SYNC1',
						'N8': 'ADC_SYNC2',
						'N7': 'ADC_SYNC3',
						'H9': 'DAC_SYNC0',
						'G9': 'DAC_SYNC1',
						'N9': 'DAC_SYNC2',
						'P9': 'DAC_SYNC3',
						'P14': 'GLOBAL_PDN',
						'K14': 'FBABTDD',
						'R6': 'FBCDTDD',
						'H15': ['TXATDD','TXBTDD'],
						'V5': ['TXCTDD','TXDTDD'],
						'E7': ['RXATDD','RXBTDD'],
						'R15': ['RXCTDD','RXDTDD']}

##############		LMK Params		##############
lmkParams.pllEn			= True
lmkParams.inputClk		= 983.04 # Valid only when lmkParams.pllEn = False
lmkParams.lmkFrefClk	= True
setupParams.fpgaRefClk	= 368.64 # Should be equal to LaneRate/40 for TSW14J56

##############		Logging		##############

device.delay_time = 0

AFE.TOP.overrideTdd(15,3,15)	# bit-wise; 4R,2F,4T