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AFE7921: How to use API to configure AFE7921

Part Number: AFE7921



I have a customer who is using the API of AFE7921. They are trying to use API to configure AFE7921. They have the following questions:

1. Which API interfaces need to be called to configure the chip so that it can work properly?

2. Is there a complete code example available?

3. Where can I modify the working parameters? For example: NCO frequency, JESD204B configuration parameters, etc.

4. When using the API, do I need to use TI GUI to export the txt configuration file to use together?

The API version they use is (zip) and the GUI version is TI-AFE79xx-Latte_V2p5.exe (exe)


  • Hi Andrew, 

    Thank you for the question - our team will respond soon.

    Also, please check out the following E2E link as a similar question was previously asked on the software. 



  • Hi Andrew,

    Please refer to the link Simran gave to get the customer up to speed with Latte. Is the customer using AFE79xx + TSW14J58 EVM for now? Or are they developing a configuration file for their own system?

    To modify the parameters, this can be done in Latte. In the "" file in Latte, under the AFE79xx folder, you will find the system parameters. A greater description of these can be found in the Configuration Guide. I will also share the AFE79xx Latte Application Note with you via email, and hopefully this can help the customer get started too. The customer can change these system parameters, like NCO frequency and JESD204B configuration parameters, and generate a configuration file by running the bring up file.

    When the customer runs the bring up file with their desired system parameters, this will generate a configuration file in "Documents\Texas Instruments\AFE79xxLatte\lib\Afe79xxPg1.txt", or wherever they have specified the configuration file to write to:

    This is a txt file of SPI Writes that the customer can load to the AFE79xx on their board. This will initialize the AFE79xx device using the system parameters used in Latte. 

    The TI-provided C API functions will need to be included in the customer's software so that they can use these C API functions to control the device. The documentation for the C API can be found in the zip folder, in afe79xxCLibsDocumentation.chm. In this .chm file, there is a ReadMe, which describes how to instantiate the libraries.



  • Hi Aman,

    1.We don't have a EVM,we debug AFE7921 with our system and now we want to use C API to config AFE7921 with our  system,.Our Embedded Engineer are porting the API to our system,but he don't know Which API interfaces need to be called to configure the chip so that it can work properly?

    2.We want an example of a program that can be configured and work, can you provide one?

    3.I had modify  the working parameters in latte V2p5,I also can generate a config txt with latte ,but we don't know how our config txt  and API work together.

    4.We want to use the parameters exported by latte to set the chip through the API,how can I due with it.

  • Hi Mr. Chen,

    Question 1

    The C API function to configure the chip using the configuration .txt file is afeDeviceBringup()

    This uses the log file output by Latte to bring up the device in the way that you specify in the configuration file. There are other functions used to bring up the device in tiAfe79_init.c, depending on the log format you set in Latte when creating your configuration file. Please take a look at the documentation to see these functions.

    Question 2

    In the folder, there is an example main.c that shows how to call the C API functions. We also provide example Makefiles that will create DLLs that you can use to use our C API functions in your design. Please also look at the ReadMe in afe79xxCLibsDocumentation.chm, which describes how to instantiate the libraries.

    Question 3

    Once you load the configuration onto the device on your board using the C API function afeDeviceBringup(), you can use the other C API functions to control the device in the way that you want. For example, if you would like to read back the JESD RX alarms, you can use the function getJesdRxAlarms() in tiAfe79_jesd.c. Or, for example, if you would like to override the TX/RX/FB enables to turn these channels on/off, you can use the overrideTdd() function. How you use these functions is up to you, and you can use the TI-provided functions in the way that you need to achieve your end design. Please see the documentation for all the different functions, what they do, and how to call them.

    Question 4

    You will need to call the afeDeviceBringup() C API function with the configuration file (.txt) output by Latte. This will configure the device with the system parameters set in Latte.

    I hope I was able to answer all your questions, please let me know if you need further clarification on anything.



  • Hi Aman,

            We are using API to config AFE7921 with some question.

    We can read and write AFE7921 register with API function correctly,we are use Latte version is 2.5.0

    Our python is below

    setupParams.skipFpga 				= 1
    sysParams							=	AFE.systemParams	
    AFE.systemStatus.loadTrims			= 1
    sysParams.FRef                    	= 245.76
    sysParams.FadcRx                  	= 2949.12
    sysParams.FadcFb				  	= 2949.12
    sysParams.Fdac                    	= 2949.12*3
    sysParams.enableDacInterleavedMode	= False 					#DAC interleave mode to save power consumption. Fs/2 - Fin spur occurs
    sysParams.modeTdd 					= 0		
    										# 0- Single TDD Pin for all Channels
    										# 1- Separate Control for 2T/2R/1F
    										# 2- Separate Control for 1T/1R/1F			
    sysParams.topLevelSystemMode		= 'StaticTDDMode'
    sysParams.RRFMode 					= 0   #4T4R2F FDD mode
    sysParams.jesdSystemMode			= [3,3]
    										#SystemMode 0:	2R1F-FDD						; rx1-rx2-fb-fb
    										#SystemMode 1:	1R1F-FDD						; rx1-rx1-fb-fb
    										#SystemMode 2:	2R-FDD							; rx1-rx1-rx2-rx2
    										#SystemMode 3:	1R								; rx1-rx1-rx1-rx1
    										#SystemMode 4:	1F								; fb-fb-fb-fb
    										#SystemMode 5:	1R1F-TDD						; rx1/fb-rx1/fb-rx1/fb-rx1/fb
    										#SystemMode 8:	1R1F-TDD 1R-FDD	(FB-2Lanes)(RX1 RX2 interchanged)		; rx2/fb-rx2/fb-rx1-rx1
    sysParams.jesdLoopbackEn			= 0 #Make it 1 to Enable the JESDTX to JESDRX internal loopback
    sysParams.LMFSHdRx                	=['48410', '48410', '48410', '48410']	
    										# The 2nd and 4th are valid only for jesdSystemMode values in (2,6,7,8). For other modes, select 4 converter modes for 1st and 3rd.
    sysParams.LMFSHdFb                	= ["22210","22210"]
    sysParams.LMFSHdTx                	= ["48410","48410","48410","48410"]
    sysParams.jesdTxProtocol            = [0,0]
    sysParams.jesdRxProtocol            = [0,0]
    sysParams.serdesFirmware			= True 		# If you want to lead any firmware, please speify the path here. Otherwise it will not write any firmware
    sysParams.jesdTxLaneMux				= [0,1,2,3,4,5,6,7]	
    												# Enter which lanes you want in each location. 
    												# Note that across 2T Mux is not possible in 0.5.
    												# For example, if you want to exchange the first two lines of each 2T, this should be [[1,0,2,3],[5,4,6,7]]
    sysParams.jesdRxLaneMux				= [0,1,2,3,4,5,6,7]	
    												# Enter which lanes you want in each location.
    												# Note that across 2R Mux is not possible in 0.5.
    												# For example, if you want to exchange the first two lines of each 2R, this should be [[1,0,2,3],[5,4,6,7]]
    sysParams.jesdRxRbd					= [4, 4]
    sysParams.rxJesdTxScr				= [True,True,True,True]
    sysParams.fbJesdTxScr				= [False,False]
    sysParams.jesdRxScr					= [True,True,True,True]
    sysParams.rxJesdTxK					= [32,32,32,32]
    sysParams.fbJesdTxK					= [32,32]
    sysParams.jesdRxK					= [16,16,16,16]
    sysParams.ncoFreqMode 				= "1KHz"
    sysParams.txNco0					= 	[[2100,2600],		#Band0, Band1 for TxA for NCO0
    										[1800,2600],        #Band0, Band1 for TxB for NCO0
    										[2600,2600],        #Band0, Band1 for TxC for NCO0
    										[3500,2600]]        #Band0, Band1 for TxD for NCO0
    sysParams.rxNco0					= 	[[2100,2600],		#Band0, Band1 for RxA for NCO0
    										[1800,2600],        #Band0, Band1 for RxB for NCO0
    										[2600,2600],        #Band0, Band1 for RxC for NCO0
    										[3500,2600]]        #Band0, Band1 for RxD for NCO0
    sysParams.fbNco0					= 	[2200,2200]			#FBA, FBC for NCO0
    sysParams.fbNco1					= 	[2200,2200]			#FBA, FBC for NCO1
    sysParams.fbNco2					= 	[2200,2200]			#FBA, FBC for NCO2
    sysParams.fbNco3					= 	[2200,2200]			#FBA, FBC for NCO3
    sysParams.numBandsRx				= [0]*4					# 0 for single, 1 for dual
    sysParams.numBandsFb				= [0,0]				
    sysParams.numBandsTx				= [0,0,0,0]
    sysParams.ddcFactorRx             	= [12,12,12,12]			# DDC decimation factor for RX A, B, C and D
    sysParams.ddcFactorFb             	= [6,6]
    sysParams.ducFactorTx             	= [36,36,36,36]
    AFE.systemStatus.loadTrims			=1
    ## The following parameters sets up the LMK04828 clocking schemes
    lmkParams.pllEn						=	True#False
    lmkParams.inputClk					=	1474.56#737.28
    lmkParams.sysrefFreq				=	2949.12/1024
    lmkParams.lmkFrefClk				=	True
    ## The following parameters sets up the register and macro dumps
    logDumpInst.logFormat				= 0x0f
    logDumpInst.rewriteFile				= 1
    logDumpInst.rewriteFileFormat4		= 1
    device.optimizeWrites				= 0
    device.rawWriteLogEn				= 1
    ## The following parameters sets up the SYNCIN and SYNCOUT to interface with the TSW14J57
    sysParams.jesdABLvdsSync			= True
    sysParams.jesdCDLvdsSync			= True
    sysParams.rxJesdTxSyncMux			= [0,0,0,0]
    sysParams.fbJesdTxSyncMux			= [0,0]
    sysParams.jesdRxSyncMux				= [0,0,0,0]		#[0,0,1,1]
    sysParams.syncLoopBack				= True
    # ## The following parameters sets up the AGC
    # sysParams.agcParams[0].agcMode = 1 ##internal AGC
    # sysParams.agcParams[0].gpioRstEnable = 0 ##disable GPIO based reset to AGC detector 
    # sysParams.agcParams[0].atken = [0, 1, 0] ##enable big and small step attack
    # sysParams.agcParams[0].decayen = [0,1,0] ##enable big and small step decay
    # sysParams.agcParams[0].atksize = [2,1,0] ## bigs step = 2dB, small step = 1dB
    # sysParams.agcParams[0].decaysize = [2,1,0] ##big step = 2dB, small step = 1dB
    # sysParams.agcParams[0].atkthreshold = [-1, -2, -14] ##attack threshold
    # sysParams.agcParams[0].decaythreshold = [-14, -6, -20] ##decay threshold
    # sysParams.agcParams[0].atkwinlength = [170, 170] ## detector time constant expressed inn absolute time in ns. 
    # sysParams.agcParams[0].decaywinlength = 87380 ##detector time constant expressed in absolute time in ns. All detectors use the same value for decay time constant
    # sysParams.agcParams[0].atkNumHitsAbs = [8,8] ##absolute number of times signal crosses threshold. These crossing are with respect to the FADC/8 clock
    # sysParams.agcParams[0].decayNumHitsAbs = [100,100] ##absolute number of times signal crosses threshold. These crossing are with respect to the FADC/8 clock
    # sysParams.agcParams[0].minDsaAttn = 0 ##minimum DSA attenuation used by AGC
    # sysParams.agcParams[0].maxDsaAttn = 22 ##maximum DSA attenuation used by AGC
    # sysParams.agcParams[0].totalGainRange = 22 ##total gain range used by ALC for gain compensation
    # sysParams.agcParams[0].minAttnAlc = 0 ##minimum attenuation used by ALC for compensation when useMinAttnAgc = 0
    # sysParams.agcParams[0].useMinAttnAgc = 1 ##enable ALC to use minimum attenuation from AGC for which compensation is required.
    # sysParams.agcParams[0].alcEn = 1
    # sysParams.agcParams[0].alcMode = 0 ##floating point DGC
    # sysParams.agcParams[0].fltPtMode = 0 ##if exponent > 0, dont send MSB
    # sysParams.agcParams[0].fltPtFmt = 1 ##3 bit exponent
    ## The following parameters sets up the GPIOs
    		'H8': 'ADC_SYNC0',
    		'H7': 'ADC_SYNC1',
    		'N8': 'ADC_SYNC2',
    		'N7': 'ADC_SYNC3',
    		'H9': 'DAC_SYNC0',
    		'G9': 'DAC_SYNC1',
    		'N9': 'DAC_SYNC2',
    		'P9': 'DAC_SYNC3',
    		'P14': 'GLOBAL_PDN',
    		'K14': 'FBABTDD',
    		'R6': 'FBCDTDD',
    		'H15': ['TXATDD','TXBTDD'],
    		'V5': ['TXCTDD','TXDTDD'],
    		'E7': ['RXATDD','RXBTDD'],
    		'R15': ['RXCTDD','RXDTDD']}
    #AFE.systemParams.papParams[0]['enable'] = True
    #AFE.systemParams.papParams[1]['enable'] = True
    #AFE.systemParams.papParams[2]['enable'] = True
    #AFE.systemParams.papParams[3]['enable'] = True
    ## Initiates LMK04828 and AFE79xx Bring-up

    1.We use afeDevicebringup function to config AFE7921, it can't config succeed, and this function not have logs to debug how config fail. When we use afeDevicebringup,we used GUI export AFE7921_config_48410_1Raw.txt

    AFE7921_config_48410_1Raw.txt is below

    // AFE79xx
    // START: Doing AFE Config
    // AFE79xx
    // Device Initialization for ChipVersion: 1.3
    // Library Version Used: 2.5.0
    // **********System Parameters**********
    // System Parameters:
    	FRef	=	245.76
    	FadcFb	=	2949.12
    	FadcRx	=	2949.12
    	Fdac	=	8847.36
    	LMFSHdFb	=	['22210', '22210']
    	LMFSHdRx	=	['48410', '48410', '48410', '48410']
    	LMFSHdTx	=	['48410', '48410', '48410', '48410']
    	RRFMode	=	0
    	adcDataMuxEn	=	1
    	adcSelect0	=	[0, 1, 2]
    	adcSelect1	=	[0, 1, 2]
    	agcParams[0] = {		'NumStep'	:5,
    			'agcMode'	:0,
    			'agcstate'	:{			'toggleDgc':512,			'freeze':2,			'toggleExtAgc':1024,			'toggle':256,			'restart':8,			'dgcEn':16,			'extAGCDis':128,			'start':1,			'unfreeze':4,			'dgcDis':32,			'extAgcEn':64},
    			'alcEn'	:0,
    			'alcMode'	:0,
    			'alc_mode'	:{			'inputALC':5,			'coarsefineI':2,			'coarsefineALCpin':4,			'Floatingpoint':0,			'coarsefineIQ':3},
    			'atkNumHitsAbs'	:[8, 8],
    			'atkNumHitsRel'	:[25, 75],
    			'atken'	:[0, 1, 0],
    			'atksize'	:[6, 2],
    			'atkthreshold'	:[-1, -2, -14],
    			'atkwinlength'	:[170, 170],
    			'blank_time_extcomp'	:600,
    			'chainen'	:1,
    			'custRfMode'	:1,
    			'custRfModeDict'	:{			'bigStepAtk':1,			'lnaBypass':2,			'extAgc':0},
    			'decayNumHitsAbs'	:[8, 8],
    			'decayNumHitsRel'	:[75, 25],
    			'decayen'	:[0, 1, 0],
    			'decaysize'	:[6, 2],
    			'decaythreshold'	:[-14, -8, -20],
    			'decaywinlength'	:87380,
    			'dsaInit'	:0,
    			'dsaStep'	:1,
    			'dualLnaAtkNumCrossingMode'	:0,
    			'dualLnaAtkNumCrossingsB0'	:8,
    			'dualLnaAtkNumCrossingsB1'	:8,
    			'dualLnaAtkThB0'	:-8,
    			'dualLnaAtkThB1'	:-8,
    			'dualLnaBypassDecayThB0'	:60,
    			'dualLnaBypassDecayThB1'	:60,
    			'dualLnaDecayNumCrossingMode'	:0,
    			'dualLnaDecayNumCrossingsB0'	:8,
    			'dualLnaDecayNumCrossingsB1'	:8,
    			'dualLnaDecayThB0'	:13,
    			'dualLnaDecayThB1'	:13,
    			'dualLnaDsaApproach'	:1,
    			'dualLnaMode'	:0,
    			'enBandDet'	:0,
    			'en_agcfreeze_pin'	:0,
    			'extLnaTempModel'	:0,
    			'fltPtFmt'	:1,
    			'fltPtMode'	:0,
    			'frameXferMode'	:4,
    			'frameXferfmt'	:0,
    			'gainChangeIndEn'	:1,
    			'gpioRstEnable'	:0,
    			'indexInvert'	:0,
    			'indexSwapIQ'	:0,
    			'lnaDsaChangeOrder'	:0,
    			'lnaEn'	:0,
    			'lnaGainMargin'	:6,
    			'lnagain0'	:12,
    			'lnagain1'	:12,
    			'lnaphase0'	:0,
    			'lnaphase1'	:0,
    			'maxDelay'	:0,
    			'maxDsaAttn'	:50,
    			'minAttnAlc'	:0,
    			'minDsaAttn'	:0,
    			'nBitIndex'	:3,
    			'outputDgcPinDelay'	:306,
    			'phmEn'	:0,
    			'phmIQMode'	:0,
    			'pin0sel'	:16448,
    			'pin1sel'	:16432,
    			'pin2sel'	:16416,
    			'pin3sel'	:16400,
    			'pkDetOnPenultimateLsb'	:0,
    			'pkDetPinLsbSel'	:0,
    			'preSyncHead'	:255,
    			'pulseExpansionCount'	:50,
    			'rfdetNumhitsmode'	:0,
    			'rfdetThreshold'	:3,
    			'rfdeten'	:0,
    			'rfdetnumhits'	:8,
    			'rfdetstepsize'	:8,
    			'sigBackOff'	:0,
    			'sigInvalidBasedDelay'	:400,
    			'singleDualBandMode'	:0,
    			'startTemp'	:0,
    			'stepSize'	:6,
    			'stepTemp'	:1,
    			'syncBitDisable'	:0,
    			'syncHead'	:65535,
    			'tapOffPoint'	:0,
    			'tdd_freeze_agc'	:1,
    			'temp_idxB0'	:0,
    			'temp_idxB1'	:0,
    			'totalGainRange'	:32,
    			'useMinAttnAgc'	:1,
    	agcParams[1] = {		'NumStep'	:5,
    			'agcMode'	:0,
    			'agcstate'	:{			'toggleDgc':512,			'freeze':2,			'toggleExtAgc':1024,			'toggle':256,			'restart':8,			'dgcEn':16,			'extAGCDis':128,			'start':1,			'unfreeze':4,			'dgcDis':32,			'extAgcEn':64},
    			'alcEn'	:0,
    			'alcMode'	:0,
    			'alc_mode'	:{			'inputALC':5,			'coarsefineI':2,			'coarsefineALCpin':4,			'Floatingpoint':0,			'coarsefineIQ':3},
    			'atkNumHitsAbs'	:[8, 8],
    			'atkNumHitsRel'	:[25, 75],
    			'atken'	:[0, 1, 0],
    			'atksize'	:[6, 2],
    			'atkthreshold'	:[-1, -2, -14],
    			'atkwinlength'	:[170, 170],
    			'blank_time_extcomp'	:600,
    			'chainen'	:2,
    			'custRfMode'	:1,
    			'custRfModeDict'	:{			'bigStepAtk':1,			'lnaBypass':2,			'extAgc':0},
    			'decayNumHitsAbs'	:[8, 8],
    			'decayNumHitsRel'	:[75, 25],
    			'decayen'	:[0, 1, 0],
    			'decaysize'	:[6, 2],
    			'decaythreshold'	:[-14, -8, -20],
    			'decaywinlength'	:87380,
    			'dsaInit'	:0,
    			'dsaStep'	:1,
    			'dualLnaAtkNumCrossingMode'	:0,
    			'dualLnaAtkNumCrossingsB0'	:8,
    			'dualLnaAtkNumCrossingsB1'	:8,
    			'dualLnaAtkThB0'	:-8,
    			'dualLnaAtkThB1'	:-8,
    			'dualLnaBypassDecayThB0'	:60,
    			'dualLnaBypassDecayThB1'	:60,
    			'dualLnaDecayNumCrossingMode'	:0,
    			'dualLnaDecayNumCrossingsB0'	:8,
    			'dualLnaDecayNumCrossingsB1'	:8,
    			'dualLnaDecayThB0'	:13,
    			'dualLnaDecayThB1'	:13,
    			'dualLnaDsaApproach'	:1,
    			'dualLnaMode'	:0,
    			'enBandDet'	:0,
    			'en_agcfreeze_pin'	:0,
    			'extLnaTempModel'	:0,
    			'fltPtFmt'	:1,
    			'fltPtMode'	:0,
    			'frameXferMode'	:4,
    			'frameXferfmt'	:0,
    			'gainChangeIndEn'	:1,
    			'gpioRstEnable'	:0,
    			'indexInvert'	:0,
    			'indexSwapIQ'	:0,
    			'lnaDsaChangeOrder'	:0,
    			'lnaEn'	:0,
    			'lnaGainMargin'	:6,
    			'lnagain0'	:12,
    			'lnagain1'	:12,
    			'lnaphase0'	:0,
    			'lnaphase1'	:0,
    			'maxDelay'	:0,
    			'maxDsaAttn'	:50,
    			'minAttnAlc'	:0,
    			'minDsaAttn'	:0,
    			'nBitIndex'	:3,
    			'outputDgcPinDelay'	:306,
    			'phmEn'	:0,
    			'phmIQMode'	:0,
    			'pin0sel'	:16448,
    			'pin1sel'	:16432,
    			'pin2sel'	:16416,
    			'pin3sel'	:16400,
    			'pkDetOnPenultimateLsb'	:0,
    			'pkDetPinLsbSel'	:0,
    			'preSyncHead'	:255,
    			'pulseExpansionCount'	:50,
    			'rfdetNumhitsmode'	:0,
    			'rfdetThreshold'	:3,
    			'rfdeten'	:0,
    			'rfdetnumhits'	:8,
    			'rfdetstepsize'	:8,
    			'sigBackOff'	:0,
    			'sigInvalidBasedDelay'	:400,
    			'singleDualBandMode'	:0,
    			'startTemp'	:0,
    			'stepSize'	:6,
    			'stepTemp'	:1,
    			'syncBitDisable'	:0,
    			'syncHead'	:65535,
    			'tapOffPoint'	:0,
    			'tdd_freeze_agc'	:1,
    			'temp_idxB0'	:0,
    			'temp_idxB1'	:0,
    			'totalGainRange'	:32,
    			'useMinAttnAgc'	:1,
    	agcParams[2] = {		'NumStep'	:5,
    			'agcMode'	:0,
    			'agcstate'	:{			'toggleDgc':512,			'freeze':2,			'toggleExtAgc':1024,			'toggle':256,			'restart':8,			'dgcEn':16,			'extAGCDis':128,			'start':1,			'unfreeze':4,			'dgcDis':32,			'extAgcEn':64},
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    			'alcMode'	:0,
    			'alc_mode'	:{			'inputALC':5,			'coarsefineI':2,			'coarsefineALCpin':4,			'Floatingpoint':0,			'coarsefineIQ':3},
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    			'atkNumHitsRel'	:[25, 75],
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    			'decayNumHitsRel'	:[75, 25],
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    			'decaysize'	:[6, 2],
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    			'decaywinlength'	:87380,
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    			'dsaStep'	:1,
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    			'dualLnaAtkNumCrossingsB1'	:8,
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    			'dualLnaAtkThB1'	:-8,
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    			'dualLnaBypassDecayThB1'	:60,
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    			'dualLnaDecayNumCrossingsB0'	:8,
    			'dualLnaDecayNumCrossingsB1'	:8,
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    			'dualLnaDecayThB1'	:13,
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    			'lnagain1'	:12,
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    			'lnaphase1'	:0,
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    			'minDsaAttn'	:0,
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    			'rfdetnumhits'	:8,
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    			'stepTemp'	:1,
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    			'temp_idxB1'	:0,
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    			'decayNumHitsRel'	:[75, 25],
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    			'decaysize'	:[6, 2],
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    			'dualLnaAtkNumCrossingsB1'	:8,
    			'dualLnaAtkThB0'	:-8,
    			'dualLnaAtkThB1'	:-8,
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    			'dualLnaBypassDecayThB1'	:60,
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    			'dualLnaDecayNumCrossingsB0'	:8,
    			'dualLnaDecayNumCrossingsB1'	:8,
    			'dualLnaDecayThB0'	:13,
    			'dualLnaDecayThB1'	:13,
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    			'fltPtMode'	:0,
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    			'lnagain1'	:12,
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    			'lnaphase1'	:0,
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    			'maxDsaAttn'	:50,
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    			'minDsaAttn'	:0,
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    			'pin2sel'	:16416,
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    			'rfdeten'	:0,
    			'rfdetnumhits'	:8,
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    			'stepTemp'	:1,
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    			'temp_idxB1'	:0,
    			'totalGainRange'	:32,
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    			'agcMode'	:0,
    			'agcstate'	:{			'toggleDgc':512,			'freeze':2,			'toggleExtAgc':1024,			'toggle':256,			'restart':8,			'dgcEn':16,			'extAGCDis':128,			'start':1,			'unfreeze':4,			'dgcDis':32,			'extAgcEn':64},
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    			'alc_mode'	:{			'inputALC':5,			'coarsefineI':2,			'coarsefineALCpin':4,			'Floatingpoint':0,			'coarsefineIQ':3},
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    			'atkNumHitsRel'	:[25, 75],
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    			'atksize'	:[6, 2],
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    			'atkwinlength'	:[170, 170],
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    			'chainen'	:16,
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    			'custRfModeDict'	:{			'bigStepAtk':1,			'lnaBypass':2,			'extAgc':0},
    			'decayNumHitsAbs'	:[8, 8],
    			'decayNumHitsRel'	:[75, 25],
    			'decayen'	:[0, 1, 0],
    			'decaysize'	:[6, 2],
    			'decaythreshold'	:[-14, -8, -20],
    			'decaywinlength'	:87380,
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    			'dsaStep'	:1,
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    			'dualLnaAtkNumCrossingsB0'	:8,
    			'dualLnaAtkNumCrossingsB1'	:8,
    			'dualLnaAtkThB0'	:-8,
    			'dualLnaAtkThB1'	:-8,
    			'dualLnaBypassDecayThB0'	:60,
    			'dualLnaBypassDecayThB1'	:60,
    			'dualLnaDecayNumCrossingMode'	:0,
    			'dualLnaDecayNumCrossingsB0'	:8,
    			'dualLnaDecayNumCrossingsB1'	:8,
    			'dualLnaDecayThB0'	:13,
    			'dualLnaDecayThB1'	:13,
    			'dualLnaDsaApproach'	:1,
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    			'fltPtMode'	:0,
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    			'frameXferfmt'	:0,
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    			'lnagain1'	:12,
    			'lnaphase0'	:0,
    			'lnaphase1'	:0,
    			'maxDelay'	:0,
    			'maxDsaAttn'	:50,
    			'minAttnAlc'	:0,
    			'minDsaAttn'	:0,
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    			'phmIQMode'	:0,
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    			'pin2sel'	:16416,
    			'pin3sel'	:16400,
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    			'pkDetPinLsbSel'	:0,
    			'preSyncHead'	:255,
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    			'rfdetNumhitsmode'	:0,
    			'rfdetThreshold'	:3,
    			'rfdeten'	:0,
    			'rfdetnumhits'	:8,
    			'rfdetstepsize'	:8,
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    			'sigInvalidBasedDelay'	:400,
    			'singleDualBandMode'	:0,
    			'startTemp'	:0,
    			'stepSize'	:6,
    			'stepTemp'	:1,
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    			'syncHead'	:65535,
    			'tapOffPoint'	:0,
    			'tdd_freeze_agc'	:1,
    			'temp_idxB0'	:0,
    			'temp_idxB1'	:0,
    			'totalGainRange'	:32,
    			'useMinAttnAgc'	:1,
    	agcParams[5] = {		'NumStep'	:5,
    			'agcMode'	:0,
    			'agcstate'	:{			'toggleDgc':512,			'freeze':2,			'toggleExtAgc':1024,			'toggle':256,			'restart':8,			'dgcEn':16,			'extAGCDis':128,			'start':1,			'unfreeze':4,			'dgcDis':32,			'extAgcEn':64},
    			'alcEn'	:0,
    			'alcMode'	:0,
    			'alc_mode'	:{			'inputALC':5,			'coarsefineI':2,			'coarsefineALCpin':4,			'Floatingpoint':0,			'coarsefineIQ':3},
    			'atkNumHitsAbs'	:[8, 8],
    			'atkNumHitsRel'	:[25, 75],
    			'atken'	:[0, 1, 0],
    			'atksize'	:[6, 2],
    			'atkthreshold'	:[-1, -2, -14],
    			'atkwinlength'	:[170, 170],
    			'blank_time_extcomp'	:600,
    			'chainen'	:32,
    			'custRfMode'	:1,
    			'custRfModeDict'	:{			'bigStepAtk':1,			'lnaBypass':2,			'extAgc':0},
    			'decayNumHitsAbs'	:[8, 8],
    			'decayNumHitsRel'	:[75, 25],
    			'decayen'	:[0, 1, 0],
    			'decaysize'	:[6, 2],
    			'decaythreshold'	:[-14, -8, -20],
    			'decaywinlength'	:87380,
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    			'dsaStep'	:1,
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    			'dualLnaAtkNumCrossingsB0'	:8,
    			'dualLnaAtkNumCrossingsB1'	:8,
    			'dualLnaAtkThB0'	:-8,
    			'dualLnaAtkThB1'	:-8,
    			'dualLnaBypassDecayThB0'	:60,
    			'dualLnaBypassDecayThB1'	:60,
    			'dualLnaDecayNumCrossingMode'	:0,
    			'dualLnaDecayNumCrossingsB0'	:8,
    			'dualLnaDecayNumCrossingsB1'	:8,
    			'dualLnaDecayThB0'	:13,
    			'dualLnaDecayThB1'	:13,
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    			'dualLnaMode'	:0,
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    			'fltPtMode'	:0,
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    			'frameXferfmt'	:0,
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    			'lnagain1'	:12,
    			'lnaphase0'	:0,
    			'lnaphase1'	:0,
    			'maxDelay'	:0,
    			'maxDsaAttn'	:50,
    			'minAttnAlc'	:0,
    			'minDsaAttn'	:0,
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    			'phmIQMode'	:0,
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    			'pin1sel'	:16432,
    			'pin2sel'	:16416,
    			'pin3sel'	:16400,
    			'pkDetOnPenultimateLsb'	:0,
    			'pkDetPinLsbSel'	:0,
    			'preSyncHead'	:255,
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    			'rfdetNumhitsmode'	:0,
    			'rfdetThreshold'	:3,
    			'rfdeten'	:0,
    			'rfdetnumhits'	:8,
    			'rfdetstepsize'	:8,
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    			'sigInvalidBasedDelay'	:400,
    			'singleDualBandMode'	:0,
    			'startTemp'	:0,
    			'stepSize'	:6,
    			'stepTemp'	:1,
    			'syncBitDisable'	:0,
    			'syncHead'	:65535,
    			'tapOffPoint'	:0,
    			'tdd_freeze_agc'	:1,
    			'temp_idxB0'	:0,
    			'temp_idxB1'	:0,
    			'totalGainRange'	:32,
    			'useMinAttnAgc'	:1,
    	auxAdcEn	=	False
    	broadcastRxNcoSel	=	0
    	broadcastTxNcoSel	=	0
    	chipId	=	121
    	chipVersion	=	19
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    	ddcFactorRx	=	[12, 12, 12, 12]
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    	defaultRxDsa	=	[0, 0, 0, 0]
    	defaultTxDsa	=	[0, 0, 0, 0]
    	doSerdesAdaptationSeparately	=	False
    	ducFactorTx	=	[36, 36, 36, 36]
    	enableAdcAveragingMode	=	[False, False]
    	enableDacInterleavedMode	=	False
    	enableReliabilityDetector	=	True
    	enableRxDsaCalibration	=	False
    	enableTxDsaCalibration	=	False
    	enableTxFbLoopbackLowLatencyMode	=	[False, False]
    	executeLinkUpSequenceSeparately	=	False
    	externalClockRx	=	False
    	externalClockTx	=	False
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    	fbDsaPerTxEn	=	False
    	fbEnable	=	[True, True]
    	fbJesdTxK	=	[32, 32]
    	fbJesdTxScr	=	[False, False]
    	fbJesdTxSyncMux	=	[0, 0]
    	fbNco0	=	[2200, 2200]
    	fbNco1	=	[2200, 2200]
    	fbNco2	=	[2200, 2200]
    	fbNco3	=	[2200, 2200]
    	gpioMapping = {		'E7'	:['RXATDD', 'RXBTDD', 'RXCTDD', 'RXDTDD'],
    			'G9'	:'DAC_SYNC1',
    			'H15'	:['TXATDD', 'TXBTDD', 'TXCTDD', 'TXDTDD'],
    			'H7'	:'ADC_SYNC1',
    			'H8'	:'ADC_SYNC0',
    			'H9'	:'DAC_SYNC0',
    			'K14'	:['FBABTDD', 'FBCDTDD'],
    			'N7'	:'ADC_SYNC3',
    			'N8'	:'ADC_SYNC2',
    			'N9'	:'DAC_SYNC2',
    			'P14'	:'GLOBAL_PDN',
    			'P9'	:'DAC_SYNC3',
    	gpioOverrideValSet	=	[]
    	gpioPolarityInv	=	[]
    	halfRateModeFb	=	[False, False]
    	halfRateModeRx	=	[False, False]
    	halfRateModeTx	=	[False, False]
    	intPinsParams[0] = {		'JESD'	:True,
    			'PLL'	:True,
    			'SPI'	:True,
    			'TXAPAP'	:True,
    			'TXBPAP'	:True,
    			'TXCPAP'	:True,
    			'TXDPAP'	:True,
    	intPinsParams[1] = {		'JESD'	:True,
    			'PLL'	:True,
    			'SPI'	:True,
    			'TXAPAP'	:True,
    			'TXBPAP'	:True,
    			'TXCPAP'	:True,
    			'TXDPAP'	:True,
    	jesdABLvdsSync	=	True
    	jesdCDLvdsSync	=	True
    	jesdLoopbackEn	=	0
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    	jesdRxK	=	[16, 16, 16, 16]
    	jesdRxLaneMux	=	[0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7]
    	jesdRxProtocol	=	[0, 0]
    	jesdRxRbd	=	[4, 4, 4, 4]
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    	jesdRxSyncMux	=	[0, 0, 0, 0]
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    	jesdTxIlaL	=	[4, 4, 2, 4, 4, 2]
    	jesdTxIlaLid	=	[0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7]
    	jesdTxIlaM	=	[8, 8, 2, 8, 8, 2]
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    	jesdTxProtocol	=	[0, 0]
    	libVersion	=	'2.5.0'
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    	ncoRxMode	=	[0, 0]
    	ncoTxMode	=	[0, 0]
    	numBandsFb	=	[0, 0]
    	numBandsRx	=	[0, 0, 0, 0]
    	numBandsTx	=	[0, 0, 0, 0]
    	numFbNCO	=	[1, 1]
    	numRxNCOB0	=	[1, 1, 1, 1]
    	numRxNCOB1	=	[1, 1, 1, 1]
    	numTxNCOB0	=	[1, 1, 1, 1]
    	numTxNCOB1	=	[1, 1, 1, 1]
    	papParams[0] = {		'alarmChannelMask'	:14,
    			'alarmMask'	:64,
    			'alarmPinDynamicMode'	:1,
    			'alarmPulseGPIO'	:1000,
    			'amplUpdateCycles'	:2,
    			'attnStepSize'	:5,
    			'detectInWaitState'	:0,
    			'enable'	:False,
    			'gainStepSize'	:5,
    			'hpfEnable'	:1,
    			'hpfNumSample'	:4,
    			'hpfThreshB0'	:30.0,
    			'hpfThreshB1'	:30.0,
    			'hpfThreshComb'	:30.0,
    			'hpfWindowCntr'	:0,
    			'hpfWindowCntrTh'	:0,
    			'maEnable'	:1,
    			'maNumSample'	:128,
    			'maThreshB0'	:90.0,
    			'maThreshB1'	:90.0,
    			'maThreshComb'	:90.0,
    			'maWindowCntr'	:1,
    			'maWindowCntrTh'	:1,
    			'multMode'	:0,
    			'rampDownStartVal'	:128,
    			'rampStickyMode'	:0,
    			'triggerClearToRampUp'	:50,
    			'triggerToRampDown'	:50,
    			'waitCounter'	:200,
    	papParams[1] = {		'alarmChannelMask'	:14,
    			'alarmMask'	:64,
    			'alarmPinDynamicMode'	:1,
    			'alarmPulseGPIO'	:1000,
    			'amplUpdateCycles'	:2,
    			'attnStepSize'	:5,
    			'detectInWaitState'	:0,
    			'enable'	:False,
    			'gainStepSize'	:5,
    			'hpfEnable'	:1,
    			'hpfNumSample'	:4,
    			'hpfThreshB0'	:30.0,
    			'hpfThreshB1'	:30.0,
    			'hpfThreshComb'	:30.0,
    			'hpfWindowCntr'	:0,
    			'hpfWindowCntrTh'	:0,
    			'maEnable'	:1,
    			'maNumSample'	:128,
    			'maThreshB0'	:90.0,
    			'maThreshB1'	:90.0,
    			'maThreshComb'	:90.0,
    			'maWindowCntr'	:1,
    			'maWindowCntrTh'	:1,
    			'multMode'	:0,
    			'rampDownStartVal'	:128,
    			'rampStickyMode'	:0,
    			'triggerClearToRampUp'	:50,
    			'triggerToRampDown'	:50,
    			'waitCounter'	:200,
    	papParams[2] = {		'alarmChannelMask'	:14,
    			'alarmMask'	:64,
    			'alarmPinDynamicMode'	:1,
    			'alarmPulseGPIO'	:1000,
    			'amplUpdateCycles'	:2,
    			'attnStepSize'	:5,
    			'detectInWaitState'	:0,
    			'enable'	:False,
    			'gainStepSize'	:5,
    			'hpfEnable'	:1,
    			'hpfNumSample'	:4,
    			'hpfThreshB0'	:30.0,
    			'hpfThreshB1'	:30.0,
    			'hpfThreshComb'	:30.0,
    			'hpfWindowCntr'	:0,
    			'hpfWindowCntrTh'	:0,
    			'maEnable'	:1,
    			'maNumSample'	:128,
    			'maThreshB0'	:90.0,
    			'maThreshB1'	:90.0,
    			'maThreshComb'	:90.0,
    			'maWindowCntr'	:1,
    			'maWindowCntrTh'	:1,
    			'multMode'	:0,
    			'rampDownStartVal'	:128,
    			'rampStickyMode'	:0,
    			'triggerClearToRampUp'	:50,
    			'triggerToRampDown'	:50,
    			'waitCounter'	:200,
    	papParams[3] = {		'alarmChannelMask'	:14,
    			'alarmMask'	:64,
    			'alarmPinDynamicMode'	:1,
    			'alarmPulseGPIO'	:1000,
    			'amplUpdateCycles'	:2,
    			'attnStepSize'	:5,
    			'detectInWaitState'	:0,
    			'enable'	:False,
    			'gainStepSize'	:5,
    			'hpfEnable'	:1,
    			'hpfNumSample'	:4,
    			'hpfThreshB0'	:30.0,
    			'hpfThreshB1'	:30.0,
    			'hpfThreshComb'	:30.0,
    			'hpfWindowCntr'	:0,
    			'hpfWindowCntrTh'	:0,
    			'maEnable'	:1,
    			'maNumSample'	:128,
    			'maThreshB0'	:90.0,
    			'maThreshB1'	:90.0,
    			'maThreshComb'	:90.0,
    			'maWindowCntr'	:1,
    			'maWindowCntrTh'	:1,
    			'multMode'	:0,
    			'rampDownStartVal'	:128,
    			'rampStickyMode'	:0,
    			'triggerClearToRampUp'	:50,
    			'triggerToRampDown'	:50,
    			'waitCounter'	:200,
    	pllGsmMode	=	False
    	reliabilityDetectorDecayMode	=	2
    	rxChainSelForDsaCalib	=	15
    	rxDataMux	=	[0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7]
    	rxDsaBandCalibMode	=	0
    	rxDsaCalibMode	=	0
    	rxDsaGainRange	=	[0, 25]
    	rxEnable	=	[True, True, True, True]
    	rxJesdTxK	=	[32, 32, 32, 32]
    	rxJesdTxScr	=	[True, True, True, True]
    	rxJesdTxSyncMux	=	[0, 0, 0, 0]
    	rxNco0	=	[[2100, 2600], [1800, 2600], [2600, 2600], [3500, 2600]]
    	rxNco1	=	[[1800.0, 2600.0], [1800.0, 2600.0], [1800.0, 2600.0], [1800.0, 2600.0]]
    	serdesFirmware	=	True
    	serdesManualCTLE	=	[6, 6, 6, 6, 6, 6, 6, 6]
    	serdesManualCTLEEn	=	False
    	serdesRxLanePolarity	=	[False, False, False, False, False, False, False, False]
    	serdesTxLanePolarity	=	[False, False, False, False, False, False, False, False]
    	serdesTxMainCursor	=	[3, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 3]
    	serdesTxPostCursor	=	[0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0]
    	serdesTxPreCursor	=	[0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0]
    	setIlaParams	=	True
    	skipAdcPuc	=	1
    	skipDacPuc	=	1
    	spiMode	=	1
    	syncLoopBack	=	True
    	sysrefTermination	=	0
    	topLevelSystemMode	=	'StaticTDDMode'
    	txChainDirectCtrl	=	0
    	txDataMux	=	[0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7]
    	txDsaBandCalibMode	=	0
    	txDsaCalibMode	=	0
    	txEnable	=	[True, True, True, True]
    	txNco0	=	[[2100, 2600], [1800, 2600], [2600, 2600], [3500, 2600]]
    	txNco1	=	[[1800.0, 2600.0], [1800.0, 2600.0], [1800.0, 2600.0], [1800.0, 2600.0]]
    	txToFbMode	=	0
    	txdsaStartStop	=	[0, 29]
    	useSpiSysref	=	False
    	useTxForCalib	=	0
    // **********Configuration Starting**********
    // EXTERNAL-ACTION: Toggle HW Reset
    // START: Device Soft Reset and SPI Check
    0x0000	0x30	// global_soft_reset=0x0; 	Address(0x0[7:7])
    0x0000	0xb0	// global_soft_reset=0x1; 	Address(0x0[7:7])
    0x0000	0x30	// global_soft_reset=0x0; 	Address(0x0[7:7])
    0x0000	0x30	// global_4pin=0x1; 	Address(0x0[7:4])
    0x0000	0x30	// global_ascend=0x1; 	Address(0x0[7:5])
    0x0003		// Read: 0x00
    // Read	chip_type=0x0; 	Address(0x3[7:0],0x4[7:0])
    0x0004		// Read: 0x00
    0x0005		// Read: 0x00
    // Read	chip_id=0x0; 	Address(0x4[7:0],0x5[7:0],0x5[7:0],0x6[7:0])
    0x0006		// Read: 0x00
    // Read	chip_ver=0x0; 	Address(0x6[7:0],0x7[7:0])
    0x0007		// Read: 0x00
    0x0008		// Read: 0x00
    // Read	vendor_id=0x0; 	Address(0x7[7:0],0x8[7:0],0x8[7:0],0x9[7:0])
    // END: Device Soft Reset and SPI Check
    // START: Waking up device
    0x0015	0x80	// timing_controller=0x1; 	Address(0x15[7:7])
    0x0191	0x00	// Property_170h_8_8=0x0; 	Address(0x191[7:0])
    0x0231	0x00	// Property_210h_8_8=0x0; 	Address(0x231[7:0])
    0x02d1	0x00	// Property_2b0h_8_8=0x0; 	Address(0x2d1[7:0])
    0x0371	0x00	// Property_350h_8_8=0x0; 	Address(0x371[7:0])
    0x042a	0x00	// Property_408h_16_16=0x0; 	Address(0x42a[7:0])
    0x04e2	0x00	// Property_4c0h_16_16=0x0; 	Address(0x4e2[7:0])
    0x059a	0x00	// Property_578h_16_16=0x0; 	Address(0x59a[7:0])
    0x0652	0x00	// Property_630h_16_16=0x0; 	Address(0x652[7:0])
    0x070a	0x00	// Property_6e8h_16_16=0x0; 	Address(0x70a[7:0])
    0x07c2	0x00	// Property_7a0h_16_16=0x0; 	Address(0x7c2[7:0])
    // START: Setting TDD Pin in override state and setting override values.
    0x00ec	0x01	// Property_cch_0_0=0x1; 	Address(0xec[7:0])
    0x00f4	0x01	// Property_d4h_0_0=0x1; 	Address(0xf4[7:0])
    0x00e4	0x01	// Property_c4h_0_0=0x1; 	Address(0xe4[7:0])
    0x00ed	0x00	// Property_cch_11_8=0x0; 	Address(0xed[7:0])
    0x00f5	0x00	// Property_d4h_9_8=0x0; 	Address(0xf5[7:0])
    0x00e5	0x00	// Property_c4h_11_8=0x0; 	Address(0xe5[7:0])
    0x00ed	0x00	// Property_cch_11_8=0x0; 	Address(0xed[7:0])
    0x00f5	0x00	// Property_d4h_9_8=0x0; 	Address(0xf5[7:0])
    0x00e5	0x00	// Property_c4h_11_8=0x0; 	Address(0xe5[7:0])
    // END: Setting TDD Pin in override state and setting override values.
    0x0015	0x00	// timing_controller=0x0; 	Address(0x15[7:7])
    0x0015	0x40	// digtop=0x1; 	Address(0x15[7:6])
    0x0190	0x03	// misc_spi_global_pdn_ctrl=0x1; 	Address(0x190[7:0])
    0x0190	0x01	// misc_spi_global_pdn_sig=0x0; 	Address(0x190[7:1])
    0x0015	0x00	// digtop=0x0; 	Address(0x15[7:6])
    WAIT 0.001
    // END: Done waking up device
    // START: Power Saving Options
    0x0011	0x3f	// ec_ana=0x3f; 	Address(0x11[7:0])
    0x00ce	0x20	// Property_ceh_5_5=0x1; 	Address(0xce[7:5])
    0x00cb	0x04	// Property_cbh_2_2=0x1; 	Address(0xcb[7:2])
    0x00ca	0x20	// Property_cah_5_5=0x1; 	Address(0xca[7:5])
    0x00ce	0x30	// Property_ceh_4_4=0x1; 	Address(0xce[7:4])
    0x00c3	0x40	// Property_c3h_6_6=0x1; 	Address(0xc3[7:6])
    0x00c0	0x01	// Property_c0h_0_0=0x1; 	Address(0xc0[7:0])
    0x00b9	0x40	// Property_b9h_6_6=0x1; 	Address(0xb9[7:6])
    0x00b9	0x50	// Property_b9h_4_4=0x1; 	Address(0xb9[7:4])
    0x00b9	0x70	// Property_b9h_5_5=0x1; 	Address(0xb9[7:5])
    0x00b9	0x78	// Property_b9h_3_3=0x1; 	Address(0xb9[7:3])
    0x0011	0x00	// ec_ana=0x0; 	Address(0x11[7:0])
    0x0010	0x3f	// ec_dig=0x3f; 	Address(0x10[7:0])
    0x00b0	0x30	// Property_b0h_5_5=0x1; 	Address(0xb0[7:5])
    0x00b4	0x30	// Property_b4h_5_5=0x1; 	Address(0xb4[7:5])
    0x0010	0x00	// ec_dig=0x0; 	Address(0x10[7:0])
    // END: Power Saving Options
    // START: Setting MCU Clock Div
    0x0015	0x02	// ana_4t4r=0x1; 	Address(0x15[7:1])
    0x00c0	0x01	// Property_a0h_2_0=0x1; 	Address(0xc0[7:0])
    // END: Setting MCU Clock Div
    // START: Changing termination to 100 ohm
    // START: Requesting/releasing SPI Access to PLL Pages
    0x0015	0x00	// ana_4t4r=0x0; 	Address(0x15[7:1])
    0x0015	0x40	// digtop=0x1; 	Address(0x15[7:6])
    0x0170	0x01	// pll_reg_spi_req_a=0x1; 	Address(0x170[7:0])
    0x0540	0x00	// Property_520h_0_0=0x0; 	Address(0x540[7:0])
    WAIT 0.1
    0x0171		// Read: 0x00
    // Read	pll_reg_spi_a_ack=0x0(Meaning: );; 	Address(0x171[7:0])
    // END: Requesting/releasing SPI Access to PLL Pages
    0x0015	0x00	// digtop=0x0; 	Address(0x15[7:6])
    0x0015	0x01	// pll=0x1; 	Address(0x15[7:0])
    0x0054	0x81
    0x0015	0x00	// pll=0x0; 	Address(0x15[7:0])
    // START: Requesting/releasing SPI Access to PLL Pages
    0x0015	0x40	// digtop=0x1; 	Address(0x15[7:6])
    0x0170	0x00	// pll_reg_spi_req_a=0x0; 	Address(0x170[7:0])
    0x0540	0x00	// Property_520h_0_0=0x0; 	Address(0x540[7:0])
    // END: Requesting/releasing SPI Access to PLL Pages
    // END: Changing termination to 100 ohm
    0x0015	0x00	// digtop=0x0; 	Address(0x15[7:6])
    // START: Loading Efuse Chain
    0x0015	0x40	// digtop=0x1; 	Address(0x15[7:6])
    0x08a8	0x02	// Property_888h_7_0=0x2; 	Address(0x8a8[7:0],0x8a9[7:0])
    0x0810	0x01	// Property_7f0h_0_0=0x1; 	Address(0x810[7:0])
    0x0830	0x01	// Property_810h_0_0=0x1; 	Address(0x830[7:0])
    0x0200	0x00	// Property_1e0h_2_0=0x0; 	Address(0x200[7:0])
    0x0210	0x00	// Property_1f0h_2_0=0x0; 	Address(0x210[7:0])
    0x0814	0x00	// Property_7f4h_1_0=0x0; 	Address(0x814[7:0])
    0x0834	0x00	// Property_814h_1_0=0x0; 	Address(0x834[7:0])
    0x0814	0x01	// Property_7f4h_1_0=0x1; 	Address(0x814[7:0])
    0x0834	0x01	// Property_814h_1_0=0x1; 	Address(0x834[7:0])
    0x0810	0x00	// Property_7f0h_0_0=0x0; 	Address(0x810[7:0])
    0x0830	0x00	// Property_810h_0_0=0x0; 	Address(0x830[7:0])
    0x0810	0x01	// Property_7f0h_0_0=0x1; 	Address(0x810[7:0])
    0x0830	0x01	// Property_810h_0_0=0x1; 	Address(0x830[7:0])
    0x0200	0x05	// Property_1e0h_2_0=0x5; 	Address(0x200[7:0])
    0x0210	0x00	// Property_1f0h_2_0=0x0; 	Address(0x210[7:0])
    0x0814	0x03	// Property_7f4h_1_0=0x3; 	Address(0x814[7:0])
    0x0834	0x03	// Property_814h_1_0=0x3; 	Address(0x834[7:0])
    0x0814	0x00	// Property_7f4h_1_0=0x0; 	Address(0x814[7:0])
    0x0834	0x00	// Property_814h_1_0=0x0; 	Address(0x834[7:0])
    0x0810	0x00	// Property_7f0h_0_0=0x0; 	Address(0x810[7:0])
    0x0830	0x00	// Property_810h_0_0=0x0; 	Address(0x830[7:0])
    0x0814	0x00	// Property_7f4h_5_2=0x0; 	Address(0x814[7:2])
    0x0834	0x00	// Property_814h_5_2=0x0; 	Address(0x834[7:2])
    0x0814	0x1c	// Property_7f4h_5_2=0x7; 	Address(0x814[7:2])
    0x0834	0x1c	// Property_814h_5_2=0x7; 	Address(0x834[7:2])
    0x0814	0x00	// Property_7f4h_5_2=0x0; 	Address(0x814[7:2])
    0x0834	0x00	// Property_814h_5_2=0x0; 	Address(0x834[7:2])
    WAIT 0.005
    // END: Loading Efuse Chain
    // START: Checking for Efuse
    0x0150		// Read: 0x00
    // Read	obs_func_spi_chain_autoload_done=0x0; 	Address(0x150[7:0])
    0x0150		// Read: 0x00
    // Read	obs_func_spi_chain_autoload_error=0x0; 	Address(0x150[7:4])
    0x0160		// Read: 0x00
    // Read	obs_func_spi_chain_autoload_done=0x0; 	Address(0x160[7:0])
    0x0160		// Read: 0x00
    // Read	obs_func_spi_chain_autoload_error=0x0; 	Address(0x160[7:4])
    // END: Checking for Efuse
    // START: enabling Efuse Clock
    0x0830	0x01	// Property_810h_0_0=0x1; 	Address(0x830[7:0])
    0x0810	0x01	// Property_7f0h_0_0=0x1; 	Address(0x810[7:0])
    0x0910	0x0f	// Property_8f0h_3_0=0xf; 	Address(0x910[7:0])
    0x0911	0x03	// Property_8f0h_9_8=0x3; 	Address(0x911[7:0])
    0x0912	0x0f	// Property_8f0h_19_16=0xf; 	Address(0x912[7:0])
    // END: enabling Efuse Clock
    0x0015	0x00	// digtop=0x0; 	Address(0x15[7:6])
    0x0016	0x10	// jesd_subchip=0x1; 	Address(0x16[7:4])
    0x00c1	0x02	// apb_clk_div_factor=0x2; 	Address(0xc1[7:0])
    0x00c0	0x42	// apb_clk_sysref_sel=0x1; 	Address(0xc0[7:6])
    0x00c0	0x42	// apb_clk_sysref_val=0x0; 	Address(0xc0[7:7])
    0x00c0	0xc2	// apb_clk_sysref_val=0x1; 	Address(0xc0[7:7])
    0x00c0	0x42	// apb_clk_sysref_val=0x0; 	Address(0xc0[7:7])
    0x0016	0x00	// jesd_subchip=0x0; 	Address(0x16[7:4])
    0x0018	0x20	// macro=0x1; 	Address(0x18[7:5])
    0x0140	0x01	// Property_120h_0_0=0x1; 	Address(0x140[7:0])
    0x0140	0x00	// Property_120h_0_0=0x0; 	Address(0x140[7:0])
    WAIT 0.001
    0x00f0		// Read: 0x00
    // Read	MACRO_READY=0x0; 	Address(0xf0[7:0])
    WAIT 0.1
    0x00a3	0x00	// MACRO_OPERAND_REG0=0x2; 	Address(0xa0[7:0],0xa1[7:0],0xa2[7:0],0xa3[7:0],0xa4[7:0])
    0x00a2	0x00
    0x00a1	0x00
    0x00a0	0x02
    0x0193	0x01	// MACRO_OPCODE=0x1; 	Address(0x193[7:0],0x194[7:0])
    WAIT 0.001
    0x00f0		// Read: 0x00
    // Read	MACRO_DONE=0x0; 	Address(0xf0[7:2])
    WAIT 0.1
    0x00f0		// Read: 0x00
    // Read	MACRO_ERROR=0x0; 	Address(0xf0[7:3])
    0x00f1		// Read: 0x00
    // Read	MACRO_ERROR_OPCODE=0x0; 	Address(0xf1[7:0],0xf2[7:0])
    0x00f0		// Read: 0x00
    // Read	MACRO_ERROR_IN_OPCODE=0x0; 	Address(0xf0[7:4])
    0x00f0		// Read: 0x00
    // Read	MACRO_ERROR_OPCODE_NOT_ALLOWED=0x0; 	Address(0xf0[7:5])
    0x00f0		// Read: 0x00
    // Read	MACRO_ERROR_IN_OPERAND=0x0; 	Address(0xf0[7:6])
    0x00f0		// Read: 0x00
    // Read	MACRO_ERROR_IN_EXECUTION=0x0; 	Address(0xf0[7:7])
    0x00f3		// Read: 0x00
    0x00f2		// Read: 0x00
    // Read	MACRO_ERROR_EXTENDED_CODE=0x0; 	Address(0xf2[7:0],0xf3[7:0],0xf4[7:0])
    0x00f7		// Read: 0x00
    0x00f6		// Read: 0x00
    0x00f5		// Read: 0x00
    0x00f4		// Read: 0x00
    // Read	MACRO_ERROR_EXTENDED_CODE_2=0x0; 	Address(0xf4[7:0],0xf5[7:0],0xf6[7:0],0xf7[7:0],0xf8[7:0])
    0x00fb		// Read: 0x00
    0x00fa		// Read: 0x00
    0x00f9		// Read: 0x00
    0x00f8		// Read: 0x00
    // Read	MACRO_RESULT_REG0=0x0; 	Address(0xf8[7:0],0xf9[7:0],0xfa[7:0],0xfb[7:0],0xfc[7:0])
    0x00ff		// Read: 0x00
    0x00fe		// Read: 0x00
    0x00fd		// Read: 0x00
    0x00fc		// Read: 0x00
    // Read	MACRO_RESULT_REG1=0x0; 	Address(0xfc[7:0],0xfd[7:0],0xfe[7:0],0xff[7:0],0x100[7:0])
    0x00f0		// Read: 0x00
    // Read	MACRO_READY=0x0; 	Address(0xf0[7:0])
    WAIT 0.1
    0x00a3	0x00	// MACRO_OPERAND_REG0=0x0; 	Address(0xa0[7:0],0xa1[7:0],0xa2[7:0],0xa3[7:0],0xa4[7:0])
    0x00a2	0x00
    0x00a1	0x00
    0x00a0	0x00
    0x0193	0x90	// MACRO_OPCODE=0x90; 	Address(0x193[7:0],0x194[7:0])
    WAIT 0.001
    0x00f0		// Read: 0x00
    // Read	MACRO_DONE=0x0; 	Address(0xf0[7:2])
    WAIT 0.1
    0x00f0		// Read: 0x00
    // Read	MACRO_ERROR=0x0; 	Address(0xf0[7:3])
    0x00f1		// Read: 0x00
    // Read	MACRO_ERROR_OPCODE=0x0; 	Address(0xf1[7:0],0xf2[7:0])
    0x00f0		// Read: 0x00
    // Read	MACRO_ERROR_IN_OPCODE=0x0; 	Address(0xf0[7:4])
    0x00f0		// Read: 0x00
    // Read	MACRO_ERROR_OPCODE_NOT_ALLOWED=0x0; 	Address(0xf0[7:5])
    0x00f0		// Read: 0x00
    // Read	MACRO_ERROR_IN_OPERAND=0x0; 	Address(0xf0[7:6])
    0x00f0		// Read: 0x00
    // Read	MACRO_ERROR_IN_EXECUTION=0x0; 	Address(0xf0[7:7])
    0x00f3		// Read: 0x00
    0x00f2		// Read: 0x00
    // Read	MACRO_ERROR_EXTENDED_CODE=0x0; 	Address(0xf2[7:0],0xf3[7:0],0xf4[7:0])
    0x00f7		// Read: 0x00
    0x00f6		// Read: 0x00
    0x00f5		// Read: 0x00
    0x00f4		// Read: 0x00
    // Read	MACRO_ERROR_EXTENDED_CODE_2=0x0; 	Address(0xf4[7:0],0xf5[7:0],0xf6[7:0],0xf7[7:0],0xf8[7:0])
    0x0144	0x08	// Property_124h_4_2=0x2; 	Address(0x144[7:2])
    0x0018	0x00	// macro=0x0; 	Address(0x18[7:5])
    0x0018	0x08	// Property_18h_3_3=0x1; 	Address(0x18[7:3])
    0x1a28	0x10
    0x1a29	0x27
    0x1a2a	0x00
    0x1a2b	0x00
    0x0018	0x00	// Property_18h_3_3=0x0; 	Address(0x18[7:3])
    0x0018	0x20	// macro=0x1; 	Address(0x18[7:5])
    0x0144	0x08	// Property_124h_4_2=0x2; 	Address(0x144[7:2])
    0x0018	0x00	// macro=0x0; 	Address(0x18[7:5])
    0x0018	0x08	// Property_18h_3_3=0x1; 	Address(0x18[7:3])
    0x1a2c	0x10
    0x1a2d	0x27
    0x1a2e	0x00
    0x1a2f	0x00
    0x0018	0x00	// Property_18h_3_3=0x0; 	Address(0x18[7:3])
    0x0018	0x20	// macro=0x1; 	Address(0x18[7:5])
    0x0144	0x08	// Property_124h_4_2=0x2; 	Address(0x144[7:2])
    0x0018	0x00	// macro=0x0; 	Address(0x18[7:5])
    0x0018	0x08	// Property_18h_3_3=0x1; 	Address(0x18[7:3])
    0x1a30	0x10
    0x1a31	0x27
    0x1a32	0x00
    0x1a33	0x00
    0x0018	0x00	// Property_18h_3_3=0x0; 	Address(0x18[7:3])
    0x0018	0x20	// macro=0x1; 	Address(0x18[7:5])
    0x0144	0x08	// Property_124h_4_2=0x2; 	Address(0x144[7:2])
    0x0018	0x00	// macro=0x0; 	Address(0x18[7:5])
    0x0018	0x08	// Property_18h_3_3=0x1; 	Address(0x18[7:3])
    0x1a34	0x10
    0x1a35	0x27
    0x1a36	0x00
    0x1a37	0x00
    0x0018	0x00	// Property_18h_3_3=0x0; 	Address(0x18[7:3])
    0x0018	0x20	// macro=0x1; 	Address(0x18[7:5])
    0x0144	0x08	// Property_124h_4_2=0x2; 	Address(0x144[7:2])
    0x0018	0x00	// macro=0x0; 	Address(0x18[7:5])
    0x0018	0x08	// Property_18h_3_3=0x1; 	Address(0x18[7:3])
    0x03bf	0x00
    0x03be	0x03
    0x03bd	0xc0
    0x03bc	0x00
    0x03c3	0x00
    0x03c2	0x04
    0x03c1	0x17
    0x03c0	0x46
    0x03d0	0x05
    0x03ac	0x1d
    0x03ad	0x1d
    0x1abd	0x03
    0x1402	0x00
    0x1403	0x00
    0x1401	0x00
    0x0018	0x00	// Property_18h_3_3=0x0; 	Address(0x18[7:3])
    0x0018	0x20	// macro=0x1; 	Address(0x18[7:5])
    0x0144	0x08	// Property_124h_4_2=0x2; 	Address(0x144[7:2])
    0x0018	0x00	// macro=0x0; 	Address(0x18[7:5])
    0x0018	0x08	// Property_18h_3_3=0x1; 	Address(0x18[7:3])
    0x1ee8	0x60
    0x1ee9	0x00
    0x0018	0x00	// Property_18h_3_3=0x0; 	Address(0x18[7:3])
    0x0018	0x20	// macro=0x1; 	Address(0x18[7:5])
    0x0144	0x08	// Property_124h_4_2=0x2; 	Address(0x144[7:2])
    0x0018	0x00	// macro=0x0; 	Address(0x18[7:5])
    0x0018	0x08	// Property_18h_3_3=0x1; 	Address(0x18[7:3])
    0x1b5f	0x2c
    0x0018	0x00	// Property_18h_3_3=0x0; 	Address(0x18[7:3])
    0x0018	0x20	// macro=0x1; 	Address(0x18[7:5])
    0x0144	0x08	// Property_124h_4_2=0x2; 	Address(0x144[7:2])
    0x0018	0x00	// macro=0x0; 	Address(0x18[7:5])
    0x0018	0x08	// Property_18h_3_3=0x1; 	Address(0x18[7:3])
    0x1b6f	0x08
    0x0018	0x00	// Property_18h_3_3=0x0; 	Address(0x18[7:3])
    0x0018	0x20	// macro=0x1; 	Address(0x18[7:5])
    0x0144	0x08	// Property_124h_4_2=0x2; 	Address(0x144[7:2])
    0x0018	0x00	// macro=0x0; 	Address(0x18[7:5])
    0x0018	0x08	// Property_18h_3_3=0x1; 	Address(0x18[7:3])
    0x1e7d	0x07
    0x0018	0x00	// Property_18h_3_3=0x0; 	Address(0x18[7:3])
    0x0018	0x20	// macro=0x1; 	Address(0x18[7:5])
    0x0144	0x08	// Property_124h_4_2=0x2; 	Address(0x144[7:2])
    0x0018	0x00	// macro=0x0; 	Address(0x18[7:5])
    0x0018	0x08	// Property_18h_3_3=0x1; 	Address(0x18[7:3])
    0x1a6e	0x80
    0x1a6f	0x01
    0x0018	0x00	// Property_18h_3_3=0x0; 	Address(0x18[7:3])
    0x0018	0x20	// macro=0x1; 	Address(0x18[7:5])
    0x0144	0x08	// Property_124h_4_2=0x2; 	Address(0x144[7:2])
    0x0018	0x00	// macro=0x0; 	Address(0x18[7:5])
    0x0018	0x08	// Property_18h_3_3=0x1; 	Address(0x18[7:3])
    0x1b1e	0x80
    0x1b1f	0x05
    0x0018	0x00	// Property_18h_3_3=0x0; 	Address(0x18[7:3])
    0x0018	0x20	// macro=0x1; 	Address(0x18[7:5])
    0x00f0		// Read: 0x00
    // Read	MACRO_READY=0x0; 	Address(0xf0[7:0])
    WAIT 0.1
    0x00a3	0x00	// MACRO_OPERAND_REG0=0x1; 	Address(0xa0[7:0],0xa1[7:0],0xa2[7:0],0xa3[7:0],0xa4[7:0])
    0x00a2	0x00
    0x00a1	0x00
    0x00a0	0x01
    0x0193	0x90	// MACRO_OPCODE=0x90; 	Address(0x193[7:0],0x194[7:0])
    WAIT 0.001
    0x00f0		// Read: 0x00
    // Read	MACRO_DONE=0x0; 	Address(0xf0[7:2])
    WAIT 0.1
    0x00f0		// Read: 0x00
    // Read	MACRO_ERROR=0x0; 	Address(0xf0[7:3])
    0x00f1		// Read: 0x00
    // Read	MACRO_ERROR_OPCODE=0x0; 	Address(0xf1[7:0],0xf2[7:0])
    0x00f0		// Read: 0x00
    // Read	MACRO_ERROR_IN_OPCODE=0x0; 	Address(0xf0[7:4])
    0x00f0		// Read: 0x00
    // Read	MACRO_ERROR_OPCODE_NOT_ALLOWED=0x0; 	Address(0xf0[7:5])
    0x00f0		// Read: 0x00
    // Read	MACRO_ERROR_IN_OPERAND=0x0; 	Address(0xf0[7:6])
    0x00f0		// Read: 0x00
    // Read	MACRO_ERROR_IN_EXECUTION=0x0; 	Address(0xf0[7:7])
    0x00f3		// Read: 0x00
    0x00f2		// Read: 0x00
    // Read	MACRO_ERROR_EXTENDED_CODE=0x0; 	Address(0xf2[7:0],0xf3[7:0],0xf4[7:0])
    0x00f7		// Read: 0x00
    0x00f6		// Read: 0x00
    0x00f5		// Read: 0x00
    0x00f4		// Read: 0x00
    // Read	MACRO_ERROR_EXTENDED_CODE_2=0x0; 	Address(0xf4[7:0],0xf5[7:0],0xf6[7:0],0xf7[7:0],0xf8[7:0])
    0x0018	0x00	// macro=0x0; 	Address(0x18[7:5])
    0x0018	0x20	// macro=0x1; 	Address(0x18[7:5])
    0x0144	0x00	// Property_124h_4_2=0x0; 	Address(0x144[7:2])
    0x0018	0x00	// macro=0x0; 	Address(0x18[7:5])
    0x0018	0x01	// Property_18h_0_0=0x1; 	Address(0x18[7:0])
    0x0020	0x00
    0x0021	0x00
    0x0022	0x00
    0x0023	0x00
    0x0024	0x69
    0x0025	0x1a
    0x0026	0x03
    0x0027	0x00
    0x0028	0xb5
    0x0029	0xa4
    0x002a	0x6d
    0x002b	0xea
    0x002c	0x7d
    0x002d	0x19
    0x002e	0xce
    0x002f	0xca
    0x0030	0x01
    0x0031	0x07
    0x0032	0x08
    0x0033	0x12
    0x0034	0x14
    0x0035	0x00
    0x0036	0x01
    0x0037	0x0a
    0x0038	0x07
    0x0039	0x13
    0x003a	0xf8
    0x003b	0x2a
    0x003c	0x01
    0x003d	0x0a
    0x003e	0x07
    0x003f	0x13
    0x0040	0xf8
    0x0041	0x2a
    0x0042	0x00
    0x0043	0x00
    0x0044	0x00
    0x0045	0x00
    0x0046	0x00
    0x0047	0x00
    0x0048	0x00
    0x0049	0x00
    0x004a	0x00
    0x004b	0x00
    0x004c	0x00
    0x004d	0x00
    0x004e	0x00
    0x004f	0x00
    0x0050	0xc5
    0x0051	0x4a
    0x0052	0x0c
    0x0053	0x23
    0x0054	0x10
    0x0055	0xfb
    0x0056	0x03
    0x0057	0xf0
    0x0058	0x00
    0x0059	0xeb
    0x005a	0x81
    0x005b	0x00
    0x005c	0x10
    0x005d	0x58
    0x005e	0x90
    0x005f	0xf8
    0x0060	0xb8
    0x0061	0x14
    0x0062	0x00
    0x0063	0xeb
    0x0064	0x41
    0x0065	0x00
    0x0066	0xb0
    0x0067	0xf8
    0x0068	0xbc
    0x0069	0x04
    0x006a	0x70
    0x006b	0x47
    0x006c	0xab
    0x006d	0x4a
    0x006e	0x03
    0x006f	0x78
    0x0070	0x11
    0x0071	0x68
    0x0072	0x4b
    0x0073	0x40
    0x0074	0x03
    0x0075	0xf0
    0x0076	0x07
    0x0077	0x03
    0x0078	0x59
    0x0079	0x40
    0x007a	0x11
    0x007b	0x60
    0x007c	0x40
    0x007d	0x78
    0x007e	0xa2
    0x007f	0xf1
    0x0080	0x00
    0x0081	0x42
    0x0082	0x11
    0x0083	0x68
    0x0084	0x48
    0x0085	0x40
    0x0086	0x00
    0x0087	0xf0
    0x0088	0x07
    0x0089	0x00
    0x008a	0x48
    0x008b	0x40
    0x008c	0x10
    0x008d	0x60
    0x008e	0x70
    0x008f	0x47
    0x0090	0x38
    0x0091	0xb5
    0x0092	0xb5
    0x0093	0x4c
    0x0094	0x13
    0x0095	0x78
    0x0096	0x0c
    0x0097	0x25
    0x0098	0x10
    0x0099	0xfb
    0x009a	0x05
    0x009b	0xf0
    0x009c	0x00
    0x009d	0xeb
    0x009e	0x81
    0x009f	0x00
    0x00a0	0x20
    0x00a1	0x58
    0x00a2	0x80
    0x00a3	0xf8
    0x00a4	0xaa
    0x00a5	0x34
    0x00a6	0x51
    0x00a7	0x78
    0x00a8	0xd0
    0x00a9	0xf8
    0x00aa	0x14
    0x00ab	0x2b
    0x00ac	0x61
    0x00ad	0xf3
    0x00ae	0x8b
    0x00af	0x22
    0x00b0	0xc0
    0x00b1	0xf8
    0x00b2	0x14
    0x00b3	0x2b
    0x00b4	0x38
    0x00b5	0xbd
    0x00b6	0xf8
    0x00b7	0xb5
    0x00b8	0xab
    0x00b9	0x4c
    0x00ba	0xac
    0x00bb	0x4b
    0x00bc	0x0c
    0x00bd	0x25
    0x00be	0x4f
    0x00bf	0xf4
    0x00c0	0x25
    0x00c1	0x77
    0x00c2	0xdc
    0x00c3	0x26
    0x00c4	0x10
    0x00c5	0xfb
    0x00c6	0x05
    0x00c7	0xf5
    0x00c8	0x10
    0x00c9	0xfb
    0x00ca	0x07
    0x00cb	0xf7
    0x00cc	0x05
    0x00cd	0xeb
    0x00ce	0x81
    0x00cf	0x00
    0x00d0	0x11
    0x00d1	0xfb
    0x00d2	0x06
    0x00d3	0x71
    0x00d4	0x20
    0x00d5	0x58
    0x00d6	0x59
    0x00d7	0x5c
    0x00d8	0x0b
    0x00d9	0x09
    0x00da	0x24
    0x00db	0xbf
    0x00dc	0x13
    0x00dd	0x88
    0x00de	0xa0
    0x00df	0xf8
    0x00e0	0x38
    0x00e1	0x34
    0x00e2	0xcb
    0x00e3	0x08
    0x00e4	0x24
    0x00e5	0xbf
    0x00e6	0x53
    0x00e7	0x88
    0x00e8	0xa0
    0x00e9	0xf8
    0x00ea	0x34
    0x00eb	0x34
    0x00ec	0x89
    0x00ed	0x09
    0x00ee	0x24
    0x00ef	0xbf
    0x00f0	0x91
    0x00f1	0x88
    0x00f2	0xa0
    0x00f3	0xf8
    0x00f4	0x3e
    0x00f5	0x14
    0x00f6	0x91
    0x00f7	0x79
    0x00f8	0x80
    0x00f9	0xf8
    0x00fa	0xa0
    0x00fb	0x14
    0x00fc	0xf8
    0x00fd	0xbd
    0x00fe	0x2d
    0x00ff	0xe9
    0x0100	0xf0
    0x0101	0x47
    0x0102	0x08
    0x0103	0xaf
    0x0104	0x3c
    0x0105	0x79
    0x0106	0x99
    0x0107	0x46
    0x0108	0x15
    0x0109	0x46
    0x010a	0x8a
    0x010b	0x46
    0x010c	0x06
    0x010d	0x46
    0x010e	0x8c
    0x010f	0xb9
    0x0110	0x36
    0x0111	0x01
    0x0112	0x30
    0x0113	0x46
    0x0114	0xeb
    0x0115	0xf7
    0x0116	0x99
    0x0117	0xfc
    0x0118	0x80
    0x0119	0x46
    0x011a	0x30
    0x011b	0x46
    0x011c	0xeb
    0x011d	0xf7
    0x011e	0x95
    0x011f	0xfc
    0x0120	0x08
    0x0121	0xeb
    0x0122	0x88
    0x0123	0x08
    0x0124	0x05
    0x0125	0x21
    0x0126	0x10
    0x0127	0xfb
    0x0128	0x01
    0x0129	0xf0
    0x012a	0xc0
    0x012b	0xf3
    0x012c	0x00
    0x012d	0x20
    0x012e	0x00
    0x012f	0xeb
    0x0130	0x68
    0x0131	0x20
    0x0132	0x0e
    0x0133	0xe0
    0x0134	0xeb
    0x0135	0xf7
    0x0136	0x89
    0x0137	0xfc
    0x0138	0x80
    0x0139	0x46
    0x013a	0x30
    0x013b	0x46
    0x013c	0xeb
    0x013d	0xf7
    0x013e	0x85
    0x013f	0xfc
    0x0140	0x08
    0x0141	0xeb
    0x0142	0x88
    0x0143	0x08
    0x0144	0x05
    0x0145	0x21
    0x0146	0x10
    0x0147	0xfb
    0x0148	0x01
    0x0149	0xf0
    0x014a	0xc0
    0x014b	0xf3
    0x014c	0x40
    0x014d	0x20
    0x014e	0x00
    0x014f	0xeb
    0x0150	0xa8
    0x0151	0x20
    0x0152	0x39
    0x0153	0x78
    0x0154	0xa5
    0x0155	0xeb
    0x0156	0x09
    0x0157	0x05
    0x0158	0x00
    0x0159	0xb2
    0x015a	0x6d
    0x015b	0x18
    0x015c	0xa0
    0x015d	0xeb
    0x015e	0x05
    0x015f	0x10
    0x0160	0xa0
    0x0161	0xeb
    0x0162	0x0a
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    0x0728	0x54
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    0x0731	0x08
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    0x0734	0x4f
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    0x0743	0x2f
    0x0744	0x54
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    0x0777	0x23
    0x0778	0x00
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    0x0785	0x28
    0x0786	0x54
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    0x0797	0x78
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    0x07a5	0x10
    0x07a6	0x57
    0x07a7	0x46
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    0x07b1	0xfb
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    0x07b3	0x77
    0x07b4	0xdf
    0x07b5	0xf8
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    0x07b8	0x2b
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    0x07bb	0x10
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    0x07bd	0x08
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    0x07c1	0x49
    0x07c2	0x31
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    0x07c4	0x18
    0x07c5	0x10
    0x07c6	0x57
    0x07c7	0x46
    0x07c8	0x4f
    0x07c9	0xf4
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    0x07cb	0x7b
    0x07cc	0x10
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    0x07ce	0x07
    0x07cf	0xf7
    0x07d0	0x0b
    0x07d1	0xfb
    0x07d2	0x02
    0x07d3	0x77
    0x07d4	0xdf
    0x07d5	0xf8
    0x07d6	0xb8
    0x07d7	0xb2
    0x07d8	0x2b
    0x07d9	0xf8
    0x07da	0x07
    0x07db	0x10
    0x07dc	0x31
    0x07dd	0x09
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    0x07e1	0x49
    0x07e2	0x31
    0x07e3	0xf8
    0x07e4	0x1c
    0x07e5	0x10
    0x07e6	0x57
    0x07e7	0x46
    0x07e8	0x4f
    0x07e9	0xf4
    0x07ea	0x25
    0x07eb	0x7b
    0x07ec	0x10
    0x07ed	0xfb
    0x07ee	0x07
    0x07ef	0xf7
    0x07f0	0x0b
    0x07f1	0xfb
    0x07f2	0x02
    0x07f3	0x77
    0x07f4	0xdf
    0x07f5	0xf8
    0x07f6	0x9c
    0x07f7	0xb2
    0x07f8	0x2b
    0x07f9	0xf8
    0x07fa	0x07
    0x07fb	0x10
    0x07fc	0x71
    0x07fd	0x09
    0x07fe	0x0d
    0x07ff	0xd3
    0x0800	0xa2
    0x0801	0x49
    0x0802	0x31
    0x0803	0xf8
    0x0804	0x14
    0x0805	0x10
    0x0806	0x57
    0x0807	0x46
    0x0808	0x4f
    0x0809	0xf4
    0x080a	0x25
    0x080b	0x7b
    0x080c	0x10
    0x080d	0xfb
    0x080e	0x07
    0x080f	0xf7
    0x0810	0x0b
    0x0811	0xfb
    0x0812	0x02
    0x0813	0x77
    0x0814	0xdf
    0x0815	0xf8
    0x0816	0x80
    0x0817	0xb2
    0x0818	0x2b
    0x0819	0xf8
    0x081a	0x07
    0x081b	0x10
    0x081c	0xb1
    0x081d	0x09
    0x081e	0x0c
    0x081f	0xd3
    0x0018	0x00	// Property_18h_0_0=0x0; 	Address(0x18[7:0])
    0x0018	0x20	// macro=0x1; 	Address(0x18[7:5])
    0x00f0		// Read: 0x00
    // Read	MACRO_READY=0x0; 	Address(0xf0[7:0])
    WAIT 0.1
    0x00a3	0x08	// MACRO_OPERAND_REG0=0x8000000; 	Address(0xa0[7:0],0xa1[7:0],0xa2[7:0],0xa3[7:0],0xa4[7:0])
    0x00a2	0x00
    0x00a1	0x00
    0x00a0	0x00
    0x00a7	0x00	// MACRO_OPERAND_REG1=0x0; 	Address(0xa4[7:0],0xa5[7:0],0xa6[7:0],0xa7[7:0],0xa8[7:0])
    0x00a6	0x00
    0x00a5	0x00
    0x00a4	0x00
    0x0193	0x78	// MACRO_OPCODE=0x78; 	Address(0x193[7:0],0x194[7:0])
    WAIT 0.001
    0x00f0		// Read: 0x00
    // Read	MACRO_DONE=0x0; 	Address(0xf0[7:2])
    WAIT 0.1
    0x00f0		// Read: 0x00
    // Read	MACRO_ERROR=0x0; 	Address(0xf0[7:3])
    0x00f1		// Read: 0x00
    // Read	MACRO_ERROR_OPCODE=0x0; 	Address(0xf1[7:0],0xf2[7:0])
    0x00f0		// Read: 0x00
    // Read	MACRO_ERROR_IN_OPCODE=0x0; 	Address(0xf0[7:4])
    0x00f0		// Read: 0x00
    // Read	MACRO_ERROR_OPCODE_NOT_ALLOWED=0x0; 	Address(0xf0[7:5])
    0x00f0		// Read: 0x00
    // Read	MACRO_ERROR_IN_OPERAND=0x0; 	Address(0xf0[7:6])
    0x00f0		// Read: 0x00
    // Read	MACRO_ERROR_IN_EXECUTION=0x0; 	Address(0xf0[7:7])
    0x00f3		// Read: 0x00
    0x00f2		// Read: 0x00
    // Read	MACRO_ERROR_EXTENDED_CODE=0x0; 	Address(0xf2[7:0],0xf3[7:0],0xf4[7:0])
    0x00f7		// Read: 0x00
    0x00f6		// Read: 0x00
    0x00f5		// Read: 0x00
    0x00f4		// Read: 0x00
    // Read	MACRO_ERROR_EXTENDED_CODE_2=0x0; 	Address(0xf4[7:0],0xf5[7:0],0xf6[7:0],0xf7[7:0],0xf8[7:0])
    0x0144	0x00	// Property_124h_4_2=0x0; 	Address(0x144[7:2])
    0x0018	0x00	// macro=0x0; 	Address(0x18[7:5])
    0x0018	0x01	// Property_18h_0_0=0x1; 	Address(0x18[7:0])
    0x0020	0x9f
    0x0021	0x49
    0x0022	0x31
    0x0023	0xf8
    0x0024	0x13
    0x0025	0x10
    0x0026	0x10
    0x0027	0xfb
    0x0028	0x0a
    0x0029	0xf7
    0x002a	0x4f
    0x002b	0xf4
    0x002c	0x25
    0x002d	0x7b
    0x002e	0x0b
    0x002f	0xfb
    0x0030	0x02
    0x0031	0x77
    0x0032	0xdf
    0x0033	0xf8
    0x0034	0x68
    0x0035	0xb2
    0x0036	0x2b
    0x0037	0xf8
    0x0038	0x07
    0x0039	0x10
    0x003a	0xf1
    0x003b	0x09
    0x003c	0x0a
    0x003d	0xd3
    0x003e	0x98
    0x003f	0x49
    0x0040	0x98
    0x0041	0x4f
    0x0042	0x31
    0x0043	0xf8
    0x0044	0x1e
    0x0045	0x10
    0x0046	0x10
    0x0047	0xfb
    0x0048	0x0a
    0x0049	0xf0
    0x004a	0x4f
    0x004b	0xf4
    0x004c	0x25
    0x004d	0x76
    0x004e	0x06
    0x004f	0xfb
    0x0050	0x02
    0x0051	0x00
    0x0052	0x39
    0x0053	0x52
    0x0054	0x6d
    0x0055	0x1c
    0x0056	0x04
    0x0057	0x2d
    0x0058	0xff
    0x0059	0xf6
    0x005a	0x38
    0x005b	0xaf
    0x005c	0x4f
    0x005d	0xf4
    0x005e	0x25
    0x005f	0x7b
    0x0060	0x00
    0x0061	0x20
    0x0062	0x00
    0x0063	0x9f
    0x0064	0x02
    0x0065	0x1d
    0x0066	0x01
    0x0067	0x21
    0x0068	0x91
    0x0069	0x40
    0x006a	0x0f
    0x006b	0x42
    0x006c	0x00
    0x006d	0xf0
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    0x006f	0x80
    0x0070	0xcd
    0x0071	0x49
    0x0072	0x0f
    0x0073	0x5c
    0x0074	0x00
    0x0075	0x2f
    0x0076	0x40
    0x0077	0xf0
    0x0078	0xa6
    0x0079	0x80
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    0x007b	0x4a
    0x007c	0x00
    0x007d	0xeb
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    0x007f	0x01
    0x0080	0x51
    0x0081	0x56
    0x0082	0x7f
    0x0083	0x29
    0x0084	0x00
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    0x0086	0x9f
    0x0087	0x80
    0x0088	0x53
    0x0089	0x4a
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    0x0124	0x00
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    0x0132	0xaa
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    0x0136	0x55
    0x0137	0x4a
    0x0138	0x32
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    0x013d	0x46
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    0x013f	0x46
    0x0140	0x11
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    0x0143	0xf6
    0x0144	0x07
    0x0145	0xfb
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    0x0147	0x66
    0x0148	0x4f
    0x0149	0x4f
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    0x0150	0x4e
    0x0151	0x4a
    0x0152	0x32
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    0x0154	0x18
    0x0155	0x20
    0x0156	0x56
    0x0157	0x46
    0x0158	0x5f
    0x0159	0x46
    0x015a	0x11
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    0x0160	0x00
    0x0161	0x66
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    0x0163	0x4f
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    0x0165	0x53
    0x0166	0x2a
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    0x016b	0x4a
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    0x0171	0x46
    0x0172	0x5f
    0x0173	0x46
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    0x0726	0x35
    0x0727	0x46
    0x0728	0xb1
    0x0729	0x46
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    0x072c	0x28
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    0x0739	0x00
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    0x0742	0x10
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    0x0763	0x61
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    0x0777	0x45
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    0x077d	0x42
    0x077e	0x59
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    0x07b5	0x21
    0x07b6	0x20
    0x07b7	0x6f
    0x07b8	0x20
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    0x07bc	0x40
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    0x07c1	0x67
    0x07c2	0x29
    0x07c3	0x46
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    0x07c5	0x29
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    0x07c8	0x49
    0x07c9	0x42
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    0x07cb	0xf8
    0x07cc	0x84
    0x07cd	0x00
    0x07ce	0x61
    0x07cf	0xf3
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    0x07d1	0x20
    0x07d2	0xc4
    0x07d3	0xf8
    0x07d4	0x84
    0x07d5	0x00
    0x07d6	0xb8
    0x07d7	0x79
    0x07d8	0x21
    0x07d9	0x68
    0x07da	0x76
    0x07db	0x1c
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    0x07de	0x02
    0x07df	0x91
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    0x07e1	0xe7
    0x07e2	0x35
    0x07e3	0x46
    0x07e4	0x23
    0x07e5	0xe0
    0x07e6	0x01
    0x07e7	0x20
    0x07e8	0xff
    0x07e9	0xf7
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    0x07ec	0xb7
    0x07ed	0xf9
    0x07ee	0x00
    0x07ef	0x10
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    0x07f1	0xeb
    0x07f2	0x00
    0x07f3	0x00
    0x07f4	0xff
    0x07f5	0xf7
    0x07f6	0xf8
    0x07f7	0xfe
    0x07f8	0x36
    0x07f9	0x1a
    0x07fa	0x05
    0x07fb	0xd4
    0x07fc	0x10
    0x07fd	0x2e
    0x07fe	0xa8
    0x07ff	0xbf
    0x0800	0x0f
    0x0801	0x26
    0x0802	0x06
    0x0803	0xe0
    0x0804	0xc0
    0x0805	0x75
    0x0806	0x02
    0x0807	0x00
    0x0808	0x16
    0x0809	0xf1
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    0x080b	0x0f
    0x080c	0xb8
    0x080d	0xbf
    0x080e	0x6f
    0x080f	0xf0
    0x0810	0x0e
    0x0811	0x06
    0x0812	0x30
    0x0813	0x46
    0x0814	0x05
    0x0815	0x21
    0x0816	0xff
    0x0817	0xf7
    0x0818	0xf4
    0x0819	0xfe
    0x081a	0xd4
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    0x081c	0x80
    0x081d	0x10
    0x081e	0x60
    0x081f	0xf3
    0x0018	0x00	// Property_18h_0_0=0x0; 	Address(0x18[7:0])
    0x0018	0x20	// macro=0x1; 	Address(0x18[7:5])
    0x00f0		// Read: 0x00
    // Read	MACRO_READY=0x0; 	Address(0xf0[7:0])
    WAIT 0.1
    0x00a3	0x08	// MACRO_OPERAND_REG0=0x8000000; 	Address(0xa0[7:0],0xa1[7:0],0xa2[7:0],0xa3[7:0],0xa4[7:0])
    0x00a2	0x00
    0x00a1	0x00
    0x00a0	0x00
    0x00a7	0x00	// MACRO_OPERAND_REG1=0x800; 	Address(0xa4[7:0],0xa5[7:0],0xa6[7:0],0xa7[7:0],0xa8[7:0])
    0x00a6	0x00
    0x00a5	0x08
    0x00a4	0x00
    0x0193	0x78	// MACRO_OPCODE=0x78; 	Address(0x193[7:0],0x194[7:0])
    WAIT 0.001
    0x00f0		// Read: 0x00
    // Read	MACRO_DONE=0x0; 	Address(0xf0[7:2])
    WAIT 0.1
    0x00f0		// Read: 0x00
    // Read	MACRO_ERROR=0x0; 	Address(0xf0[7:3])
    0x00f1		// Read: 0x00
    // Read	MACRO_ERROR_OPCODE=0x0; 	Address(0xf1[7:0],0xf2[7:0])
    0x00f0		// Read: 0x00
    // Read	MACRO_ERROR_IN_OPCODE=0x0; 	Address(0xf0[7:4])
    0x00f0		// Read: 0x00
    // Read	MACRO_ERROR_OPCODE_NOT_ALLOWED=0x0; 	Address(0xf0[7:5])
    0x00f0		// Read: 0x00
    // Read	MACRO_ERROR_IN_OPERAND=0x0; 	Address(0xf0[7:6])
    0x00f0		// Read: 0x00
    // Read	MACRO_ERROR_IN_EXECUTION=0x0; 	Address(0xf0[7:7])
    0x00f3		// Read: 0x00
    0x00f2		// Read: 0x00
    // Read	MACRO_ERROR_EXTENDED_CODE=0x0; 	Address(0xf2[7:0],0xf3[7:0],0xf4[7:0])
    0x00f7		// Read: 0x00
    0x00f6		// Read: 0x00
    0x00f5		// Read: 0x00
    0x00f4		// Read: 0x00
    // Read	MACRO_ERROR_EXTENDED_CODE_2=0x0; 	Address(0xf4[7:0],0xf5[7:0],0xf6[7:0],0xf7[7:0],0xf8[7:0])
    0x0144	0x00	// Property_124h_4_2=0x0; 	Address(0x144[7:2])
    0x0018	0x00	// macro=0x0; 	Address(0x18[7:5])
    0x0018	0x01	// Property_18h_0_0=0x1; 	Address(0x18[7:0])
    0x0020	0x1c
    0x0021	0x61
    0x0022	0xc4
    0x0023	0xf8
    0x0024	0x80
    0x0025	0x10
    0x0026	0x20
    0x0027	0x68
    0x0028	0x6d
    0x0029	0x1c
    0x002a	0xed
    0x002b	0xb2
    0x002c	0x03
    0x002d	0x90
    0x002e	0xb8
    0x002f	0x79
    0x0030	0xa8
    0x0031	0x42
    0x0032	0xd8
    0x0033	0xdc
    0x0034	0x20
    0x0035	0x6e
    0x0036	0x05
    0x0037	0x9e
    0x0038	0x0b
    0x0039	0xf1
    0x003a	0x01
    0x003b	0x0b
    0x003c	0x20
    0x003d	0xf0
    0x003e	0x00
    0x003f	0x70
    0x0040	0x5e
    0x0041	0x45
    0x0042	0x20
    0x0043	0x66
    0x0044	0x3f
    0x0045	0xf7
    0x0046	0x10
    0x0047	0xaf
    0x0048	0xff
    0x0049	0xf7
    0x004a	0x48
    0x004b	0xfe
    0x004c	0x17
    0x004d	0x48
    0x004e	0xd0
    0x004f	0xf8
    0x0050	0x04
    0x0051	0x32
    0x0052	0x01
    0x0053	0x21
    0x0054	0x0a
    0x0055	0x46
    0x0056	0x00
    0x0057	0x20
    0x0058	0x98
    0x0059	0x47
    0x005a	0x07
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    0x005c	0xbd
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    0x005e	0xf0
    0x005f	0x8f
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    0x0061	0x23
    0x0062	0x01
    0x0063	0x20
    0x0064	0x01
    0x0065	0x22
    0x0066	0x49
    0x0067	0x1e
    0x0068	0x8a
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    0x006f	0x42
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    0x0072	0x00
    0x0073	0x00
    0x0074	0x18
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    0x0077	0x42
    0x0078	0x70
    0x0079	0x47
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    0x007e	0x00
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    0x00a8	0x58
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    0x00b8	0x38
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    0x0117	0x03
    0x0118	0x03
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    0x0129	0x50
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    0x0142	0x55
    0x0143	0x70
    0x0144	0x02
    0x0145	0x2c
    0x0146	0x02
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    0x0148	0x02
    0x0149	0x02
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    0x0157	0x92
    0x0158	0x90
    0x0159	0xf8
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    0x0162	0x01
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    0x0166	0x01
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    0x0172	0x33
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    0x0729	0x08
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    0x072e	0x07
    0x072f	0x21
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    0x0731	0x48
    0x0732	0x50
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    0x0734	0x24
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    0x0738	0xf3
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    0x0742	0x02
    0x0743	0x00
    0x0744	0x17
    0x0745	0x01
    0x0746	0x01
    0x0747	0x20
    0x0748	0x52
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    0x074b	0x20
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    0x0753	0x20
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    0x0758	0x29
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    0x0772	0x00
    0x0773	0x20
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    0x0777	0x20
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    0x0779	0x16
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    0x0782	0x01
    0x0783	0x20
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    0x0785	0x74
    0x0786	0x02
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    0x0788	0x32
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    0x0794	0xb4
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    0x0797	0x22
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    0x07ac	0x34
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    0x07b7	0x27
    0x07b8	0x10
    0x07b9	0x46
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    0x07bb	0x21
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    0x07bd	0x1e
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    0x07c1	0x1b
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    0x07c5	0x49
    0x07c6	0x08
    0x07c7	0x98
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    0x07c9	0x4c
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    0x07cb	0x1f
    0x07cc	0x40
    0x07cd	0x18
    0x07ce	0x80
    0x07cf	0x78
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    0x07d1	0xf8
    0x07d2	0x9e
    0x07d3	0x31
    0x07d4	0x20
    0x07d5	0x5c
    0x07d6	0x4f
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    0x07d8	0x01
    0x07d9	0x0a
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    0x07db	0x46
    0x07dc	0x58
    0x07dd	0x43
    0x07de	0x09
    0x07df	0x90
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    0x07e1	0x48
    0x07e2	0xd0
    0x07e3	0xf8
    0x07e4	0xd8
    0x07e5	0x31
    0x07e6	0x04
    0x07e7	0x27
    0x07e8	0x51
    0x07e9	0x46
    0x07ea	0x6a
    0x07eb	0x46
    0x07ec	0x08
    0x07ed	0x98
    0x07ee	0x8d
    0x07ef	0xf8
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    0x07f1	0x70
    0x07f2	0x98
    0x07f3	0x47
    0x07f4	0xad
    0x07f5	0xf1
    0x07f6	0x01
    0x07f7	0x06
    0x07f8	0x02
    0x07f9	0x96
    0x07fa	0x02
    0x07fb	0x20
    0x07fc	0x06
    0x07fd	0x90
    0x07fe	0x02
    0x07ff	0x98
    0x0800	0x10
    0x0801	0xf8
    0x0802	0x01
    0x0803	0x1f
    0x0804	0x04
    0x0805	0x29
    0x0806	0x02
    0x0807	0x90
    0x0808	0x00
    0x0809	0xf0
    0x080a	0x8f
    0x080b	0x80
    0x080c	0x9c
    0x080d	0x48
    0x080e	0x08
    0x080f	0x9c
    0x0810	0xd0
    0x0811	0xf8
    0x0812	0xf8
    0x0813	0x21
    0x0814	0x20
    0x0815	0x46
    0x0816	0x90
    0x0817	0x47
    0x0818	0x98
    0x0819	0x49
    0x081a	0x98
    0x081b	0x4f
    0x081c	0x4f
    0x081d	0xf0
    0x081e	0x0d
    0x081f	0x0b
    0x0018	0x00	// Property_18h_0_0=0x0; 	Address(0x18[7:0])
    0x0018	0x20	// macro=0x1; 	Address(0x18[7:5])
    0x00f0		// Read: 0x00
    // Read	MACRO_READY=0x0; 	Address(0xf0[7:0])
    WAIT 0.1
    0x00a3	0x08	// MACRO_OPERAND_REG0=0x8000000; 	Address(0xa0[7:0],0xa1[7:0],0xa2[7:0],0xa3[7:0],0xa4[7:0])
    0x00a2	0x00
    0x00a1	0x00
    0x00a0	0x00
    0x00a7	0x00	// MACRO_OPERAND_REG1=0x1000; 	Address(0xa4[7:0],0xa5[7:0],0xa6[7:0],0xa7[7:0],0xa8[7:0])
    0x00a6	0x00
    0x00a5	0x10
    0x00a4	0x00
    0x0193	0x78	// MACRO_OPCODE=0x78; 	Address(0x193[7:0],0x194[7:0])
    WAIT 0.001
    0x00f0		// Read: 0x00
    // Read	MACRO_DONE=0x0; 	Address(0xf0[7:2])
    WAIT 0.1
    0x00f0		// Read: 0x00
    // Read	MACRO_ERROR=0x0; 	Address(0xf0[7:3])
    0x00f1		// Read: 0x00
    // Read	MACRO_ERROR_OPCODE=0x0; 	Address(0xf1[7:0],0xf2[7:0])
    0x00f0		// Read: 0x00
    // Read	MACRO_ERROR_IN_OPCODE=0x0; 	Address(0xf0[7:4])
    0x00f0		// Read: 0x00
    // Read	MACRO_ERROR_OPCODE_NOT_ALLOWED=0x0; 	Address(0xf0[7:5])
    0x00f0		// Read: 0x00
    // Read	MACRO_ERROR_IN_OPERAND=0x0; 	Address(0xf0[7:6])
    0x00f0		// Read: 0x00
    // Read	MACRO_ERROR_IN_EXECUTION=0x0; 	Address(0xf0[7:7])
    0x00f3		// Read: 0x00
    0x00f2		// Read: 0x00
    // Read	MACRO_ERROR_EXTENDED_CODE=0x0; 	Address(0xf2[7:0],0xf3[7:0],0xf4[7:0])
    0x00f7		// Read: 0x00
    0x00f6		// Read: 0x00
    0x00f5		// Read: 0x00
    0x00f4		// Read: 0x00
    // Read	MACRO_ERROR_EXTENDED_CODE_2=0x0; 	Address(0xf4[7:0],0xf5[7:0],0xf6[7:0],0xf7[7:0],0xf8[7:0])
    0x0144	0x00	// Property_124h_4_2=0x0; 	Address(0x144[7:2])
    0x0018	0x00	// macro=0x0; 	Address(0x18[7:5])
    0x0018	0x01	// Property_18h_0_0=0x1; 	Address(0x18[7:0])
    0x0020	0x09
    0x0021	0x18
    0x0022	0x89
    0x0023	0x7a
    0x0024	0x0a
    0x0025	0x90
    0x0026	0x62
    0x0027	0x00
    0x0028	0x0b
    0x0029	0xfb
    0x002a	0x00
    0x002b	0xfb
    0x002c	0x02
    0x002d	0xeb
    0x002e	0x0a
    0x002f	0x06
    0x0030	0x07
    0x0031	0xeb
    0x0032	0x0b
    0x0033	0x00
    0x0034	0x90
    0x0035	0xf8
    0x0036	0x22
    0x0037	0x00
    0x0038	0x0b
    0x0039	0x91
    0x003a	0xba
    0x003b	0xf1
    0x003c	0x01
    0x003d	0x0f
    0x003e	0x0c
    0x003f	0x90
    0x0040	0x10
    0x0041	0x46
    0x0042	0x00
    0x0043	0xeb
    0x0044	0x0a
    0x0045	0x01
    0x0046	0xa6
    0x0047	0xf1
    0x0048	0x01
    0x0049	0x02
    0x004a	0xa1
    0x004b	0xf1
    0x004c	0x01
    0x004d	0x01
    0x004e	0xd3
    0x004f	0xb2
    0x0050	0xc9
    0x0051	0xb2
    0x0052	0x4f
    0x0053	0xea
    0x0054	0x61
    0x0055	0x01
    0x0056	0x0c
    0x0057	0xbf
    0x0058	0x02
    0x0059	0x22
    0x005a	0x01
    0x005b	0x22
    0x005c	0x49
    0x005d	0x44
    0x005e	0x91
    0x005f	0xf8
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    0x0061	0x70
    0x0062	0x8d
    0x0063	0xf8
    0x0064	0x04
    0x0065	0x30
    0x0066	0x80
    0x0067	0x18
    0x0068	0x40
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    0x006d	0x00
    0x006e	0x00
    0x006f	0x2f
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    0x0073	0x20
    0x0074	0x02
    0x0075	0x20
    0x0076	0x07
    0x0077	0x90
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    0x007b	0x00
    0x007c	0x03
    0x007d	0x90
    0x007e	0x03
    0x007f	0x98
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    0x0082	0x01
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    0x0084	0x03
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    0x0089	0x01
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    0x00a5	0x19
    0x00a6	0x11
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    0x00c1	0x18
    0x00c2	0x40
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    0x0112	0x00
    0x0113	0x10
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    0x0136	0x01
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    0x0149	0x4f
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    0x0151	0xf7
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    0x0155	0x4c
    0x0156	0x4a
    0x0157	0x4f
    0x0158	0x47
    0x0159	0x4a
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    0x0163	0x31
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    0x0171	0x00
    0x0172	0x00
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    0x0174	0x48
    0x0175	0x46
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    0x0177	0x46
    0x0178	0x98
    0x0179	0x47
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    0x0733	0x41
    0x0734	0x1c
    0x0735	0x46
    0x0736	0x15
    0x0737	0x46
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    0x0739	0x42
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    0x073d	0x42
    0x073e	0x82
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    0x0741	0x23
    0x0742	0x00
    0x0743	0x22
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    0x0745	0xe0
    0x0746	0x00
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    0x0753	0x28
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    0x0756	0x00
    0x0757	0x00
    0x0758	0x6f
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    0x0763	0x81
    0x0764	0x5f
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    0x0766	0x00
    0x0767	0x08
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    0x0772	0x9c
    0x0773	0xbf
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    0x0775	0x1c
    0x0776	0x00
    0x0777	0x25
    0x0778	0x07
    0x0779	0x0c
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    0x077c	0x01
    0x077d	0x47
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    0x077f	0x0c
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    0x0781	0x42
    0x0782	0x08
    0x0783	0xbf
    0x0784	0xbd
    0x0785	0x42
    0x0786	0x9e
    0x0787	0xbf
    0x0788	0x5f
    0x0789	0xea
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    0x078b	0x44
    0x078c	0x44
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    0x078e	0x15
    0x078f	0x44
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    0x0792	0x05
    0x0793	0x45
    0x0794	0x07
    0x0795	0x0a
    0x0796	0x47
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    0x0798	0x01
    0x0799	0x67
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    0x07a7	0x24
    0x07a8	0x44
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    0x07b1	0x08
    0x07b2	0x47
    0x07b3	0xea
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    0x07b5	0x77
    0x07b6	0x4e
    0x07b7	0x08
    0x07b8	0xb4
    0x07b9	0x42
    0x07ba	0x08
    0x07bb	0xbf
    0x07bc	0xbd
    0x07bd	0x42
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    0x07c1	0x80
    0x07c2	0x87
    0x07c3	0x08
    0x07c4	0x47
    0x07c5	0xea
    0x07c6	0x81
    0x07c7	0x77
    0x07c8	0x8e
    0x07c9	0x08
    0x07ca	0xb4
    0x07cb	0x42
    0x07cc	0x08
    0x07cd	0xbf
    0x07ce	0xbd
    0x07cf	0x42
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    0x07d1	0xd8
    0x07d2	0xc7
    0x07d3	0x08
    0x07d4	0x47
    0x07d5	0xea
    0x07d6	0x41
    0x07d7	0x77
    0x07d8	0xce
    0x07d9	0x08
    0x07da	0xb4
    0x07db	0x42
    0x07dc	0x08
    0x07dd	0xbf
    0x07de	0xbd
    0x07df	0x42
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    0x07e1	0xd8
    0x07e2	0x07
    0x07e3	0x09
    0x07e4	0x47
    0x07e5	0xea
    0x07e6	0x01
    0x07e7	0x77
    0x07e8	0x0e
    0x07e9	0x09
    0x07ea	0xb4
    0x07eb	0x42
    0x07ec	0x08
    0x07ed	0xbf
    0x07ee	0xbd
    0x07ef	0x42
    0x07f0	0x50
    0x07f1	0xd8
    0x07f2	0x47
    0x07f3	0x09
    0x07f4	0x47
    0x07f5	0xea
    0x07f6	0xc1
    0x07f7	0x67
    0x07f8	0x4e
    0x07f9	0x09
    0x07fa	0xb4
    0x07fb	0x42
    0x07fc	0x08
    0x07fd	0xbf
    0x07fe	0xbd
    0x07ff	0x42
    0x0800	0x3a
    0x0801	0xd8
    0x0802	0x87
    0x0803	0x09
    0x0804	0x47
    0x0805	0xea
    0x0806	0x81
    0x0807	0x67
    0x0808	0x8e
    0x0809	0x09
    0x080a	0xb4
    0x080b	0x42
    0x080c	0x08
    0x080d	0xbf
    0x080e	0xbd
    0x080f	0x42
    0x0810	0x24
    0x0811	0xd8
    0x0812	0xc7
    0x0813	0x09
    0x0814	0x47
    0x0815	0xea
    0x0816	0x41
    0x0817	0x67
    0x0818	0xce
    0x0819	0x09
    0x081a	0xb4
    0x081b	0x42
    0x081c	0x08
    0x081d	0xbf
    0x081e	0xbd
    0x081f	0x42
    0x0018	0x00	// Property_18h_0_0=0x0; 	Address(0x18[7:0])
    0x0018	0x20	// macro=0x1; 	Address(0x18[7:5])
    0x00f0		// Read: 0x00
    // Read	MACRO_READY=0x0; 	Address(0xf0[7:0])
    WAIT 0.1
    0x00a3	0x08	// MACRO_OPERAND_REG0=0x8000000; 	Address(0xa0[7:0],0xa1[7:0],0xa2[7:0],0xa3[7:0],0xa4[7:0])
    0x00a2	0x00
    0x00a1	0x00
    0x00a0	0x00
    0x00a7	0x00	// MACRO_OPERAND_REG1=0x1800; 	Address(0xa4[7:0],0xa5[7:0],0xa6[7:0],0xa7[7:0],0xa8[7:0])
    0x00a6	0x00
    0x00a5	0x18
    0x00a4	0x00
    0x0193	0x78	// MACRO_OPCODE=0x78; 	Address(0x193[7:0],0x194[7:0])
    WAIT 0.001
    0x00f0		// Read: 0x00
    // Read	MACRO_DONE=0x0; 	Address(0xf0[7:2])
    WAIT 0.1
    0x00f0		// Read: 0x00
    // Read	MACRO_ERROR=0x0; 	Address(0xf0[7:3])
    0x00f1		// Read: 0x00
    // Read	MACRO_ERROR_OPCODE=0x0; 	Address(0xf1[7:0],0xf2[7:0])
    0x00f0		// Read: 0x00
    // Read	MACRO_ERROR_IN_OPCODE=0x0; 	Address(0xf0[7:4])
    0x00f0		// Read: 0x00
    // Read	MACRO_ERROR_OPCODE_NOT_ALLOWED=0x0; 	Address(0xf0[7:5])
    0x00f0		// Read: 0x00
    // Read	MACRO_ERROR_IN_OPERAND=0x0; 	Address(0xf0[7:6])
    0x00f0		// Read: 0x00
    // Read	MACRO_ERROR_IN_EXECUTION=0x0; 	Address(0xf0[7:7])
    0x00f3		// Read: 0x00
    0x00f2		// Read: 0x00
    // Read	MACRO_ERROR_EXTENDED_CODE=0x0; 	Address(0xf2[7:0],0xf3[7:0],0xf4[7:0])
    0x00f7		// Read: 0x00
    0x00f6		// Read: 0x00
    0x00f5		// Read: 0x00
    0x00f4		// Read: 0x00
    // Read	MACRO_ERROR_EXTENDED_CODE_2=0x0; 	Address(0xf4[7:0],0xf5[7:0],0xf6[7:0],0xf7[7:0],0xf8[7:0])
    0x0144	0x00	// Property_124h_4_2=0x0; 	Address(0x144[7:2])
    0x0018	0x00	// macro=0x0; 	Address(0x18[7:5])
    0x0018	0x01	// Property_18h_0_0=0x1; 	Address(0x18[7:0])
    0x0020	0x0d
    0x0021	0xd8
    0x0022	0xe6
    0x0023	0x01
    0x0024	0x46
    0x0025	0xea
    0x0026	0x55
    0x0027	0x66
    0x0028	0xef
    0x0029	0x01
    0x002a	0xb1
    0x002b	0x42
    0x002c	0x08
    0x002d	0xbf
    0x002e	0xb8
    0x002f	0x42
    0x0030	0x01
    0x0031	0xd3
    0x0032	0xc0
    0x0033	0x1b
    0x0034	0xb1
    0x0035	0x41
    0x0036	0x58
    0x0037	0xeb
    0x0038	0x08
    0x0039	0x08
    0x003a	0x5e
    0x003b	0xeb
    0x003c	0x0e
    0x003d	0x0e
    0x003e	0xa6
    0x003f	0x01
    0x0040	0x46
    0x0041	0xea
    0x0042	0x95
    0x0043	0x66
    0x0044	0x4f
    0x0045	0xea
    0x0046	0x85
    0x0047	0x17
    0x0048	0xb1
    0x0049	0x42
    0x004a	0x08
    0x004b	0xbf
    0x004c	0xb8
    0x004d	0x42
    0x004e	0x01
    0x004f	0xd3
    0x0050	0xc0
    0x0051	0x1b
    0x0052	0xb1
    0x0053	0x41
    0x0054	0x58
    0x0055	0xeb
    0x0056	0x08
    0x0057	0x08
    0x0058	0x4e
    0x0059	0xeb
    0x005a	0x0e
    0x005b	0x0e
    0x005c	0x66
    0x005d	0x01
    0x005e	0x46
    0x005f	0xea
    0x0060	0xd5
    0x0061	0x66
    0x0062	0x6f
    0x0063	0x01
    0x0064	0xb1
    0x0065	0x42
    0x0066	0x08
    0x0067	0xbf
    0x0068	0xb8
    0x0069	0x42
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    0x006c	0xc0
    0x006d	0x1b
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    0x006f	0x41
    0x0070	0x58
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    0x0072	0x08
    0x0073	0x08
    0x0074	0x4e
    0x0075	0xeb
    0x0076	0x0e
    0x0077	0x0e
    0x0078	0x26
    0x0079	0x01
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    0x007d	0x76
    0x007e	0x2f
    0x007f	0x01
    0x0080	0xb1
    0x0081	0x42
    0x0082	0x08
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    0x0085	0x42
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    0x008f	0x08
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    0x0093	0x0e
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    0x0095	0x00
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    0x0099	0x76
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    0x00a8	0x58
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    0x00ab	0x08
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    0x00d3	0x00
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    0x0111	0x46
    0x0112	0x1e
    0x0113	0x46
    0x0114	0x17
    0x0115	0x46
    0x0116	0x0b
    0x0117	0x46
    0x0118	0x02
    0x0119	0x46
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    0x0121	0x81
    0x0122	0x70
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    0x0124	0x74
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    0x0129	0x21
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    0x0131	0x50
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    0x0133	0x68
    0x0134	0x21
    0x0135	0x68
    0x0136	0x62
    0x0137	0x68
    0x0138	0x14
    0x0139	0x20
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    0x0143	0x11
    0x0144	0x40
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    0x0147	0x61
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    0x0151	0x71
    0x0152	0x81
    0x0153	0x42
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    0x0159	0x83
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    0x0164	0x66
    0x0165	0x4b
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    0x0176	0x59
    0x0177	0x68
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    0x0191	0x34
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    0x01a2	0x54
    0x01a3	0x63
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    0x0741	0xd1
    0x0742	0x1c
    0x0743	0x48
    0x0744	0x03
    0x0745	0x88
    0x0746	0x00
    0x0747	0x21
    0x0748	0x01
    0x0749	0x26
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    0x074b	0x46
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    0x0754	0x0d
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    0x0756	0xbd
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    0x0758	0xf8
    0x0759	0x8f
    0x075a	0x6a
    0x075b	0x88
    0x075c	0x08
    0x075d	0x23
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    0x075f	0x21
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    0x0761	0x68
    0x0762	0x2b
    0x0763	0x70
    0x0764	0x42
    0x0765	0xf4
    0x0766	0x80
    0x0767	0x42
    0x0768	0x01
    0x0769	0xfa
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    0x076b	0xf3
    0x076c	0x6a
    0x076d	0x80
    0x076e	0x23
    0x076f	0x43
    0x0770	0x6b
    0x0771	0x60
    0x0772	0x90
    0x0773	0xf8
    0x0774	0xcc
    0x0775	0x02
    0x0776	0x6a
    0x0777	0x68
    0x0778	0x00
    0x0779	0x1d
    0x077a	0x81
    0x077b	0x40
    0x077c	0x11
    0x077d	0x43
    0x077e	0x69
    0x077f	0x60
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    0x0781	0xe8
    0x0782	0xf8
    0x0783	0x8f
    0x0784	0x04
    0x0785	0x48
    0x0786	0x00
    0x0787	0x78
    0x0788	0x02
    0x0789	0x28
    0x078a	0xa4
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    0x078c	0x04
    0x078d	0x20
    0x078e	0x08
    0x078f	0x70
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    0x0792	0x00
    0x0793	0xf0
    0x0794	0x38
    0x0795	0xb8
    0x0796	0x70
    0x0797	0x47
    0x0798	0xb4
    0x0799	0x03
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    0x079e	0x01
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    0x07a3	0x5d
    0x07a4	0x18
    0x07a5	0xff
    0x07a6	0x00
    0x07a7	0x20
    0x07a8	0x90
    0x07a9	0xd6
    0x07aa	0x00
    0x07ab	0x20
    0x07ac	0xd4
    0x07ad	0xfb
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    0x07af	0x20
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    0x07b1	0x23
    0x07b2	0x01
    0x07b3	0x20
    0x07b4	0xc8
    0x07b5	0x23
    0x07b6	0x01
    0x07b7	0x20
    0x07b8	0x3a
    0x07b9	0xb1
    0x07ba	0x03
    0x07bb	0x46
    0x07bc	0x10
    0x07bd	0x46
    0x07be	0x13
    0x07bf	0xf8
    0x07c0	0x01
    0x07c1	0x2b
    0x07c2	0x40
    0x07c3	0x1e
    0x07c4	0x01
    0x07c5	0xf8
    0x07c6	0x01
    0x07c7	0x2b
    0x07c8	0xf9
    0x07c9	0xd1
    0x07ca	0x70
    0x07cb	0x47
    0x07cc	0x38
    0x07cd	0xb5
    0x07ce	0x05
    0x07cf	0x46
    0x07d0	0x0c
    0x07d1	0x46
    0x07d2	0x28
    0x07d3	0x68
    0x07d4	0x21
    0x07d5	0x68
    0x07d6	0x0c
    0x07d7	0x22
    0x07d8	0xff
    0x07d9	0xf7
    0x07da	0xee
    0x07db	0xff
    0x07dc	0x68
    0x07dd	0x68
    0x07de	0x61
    0x07df	0x68
    0x07e0	0x05
    0x07e1	0x22
    0x07e2	0xff
    0x07e3	0xf7
    0x07e4	0xe9
    0x07e5	0xff
    0x07e6	0xa8
    0x07e7	0x68
    0x07e8	0xa1
    0x07e9	0x68
    0x07ea	0x18
    0x07eb	0x22
    0x07ec	0xff
    0x07ed	0xf7
    0x07ee	0xe4
    0x07ef	0xff
    0x07f0	0xe8
    0x07f1	0x68
    0x07f2	0xe1
    0x07f3	0x68
    0x07f4	0xd2
    0x07f5	0x22
    0x07f6	0xff
    0x07f7	0xf7
    0x07f8	0xdf
    0x07f9	0xff
    0x07fa	0x28
    0x07fb	0x69
    0x07fc	0x21
    0x07fd	0x69
    0x07fe	0x96
    0x07ff	0x22
    0x0800	0xff
    0x0801	0xf7
    0x0802	0xda
    0x0803	0xff
    0x0804	0x38
    0x0805	0xbd
    0x0806	0xb0
    0x0807	0xb5
    0x0808	0x3b
    0x0809	0x49
    0x080a	0x3c
    0x080b	0x4d
    0x080c	0x00
    0x080d	0xf0
    0x080e	0x01
    0x080f	0x02
    0x0810	0x04
    0x0811	0x27
    0x0812	0x12
    0x0813	0x04
    0x0814	0x08
    0x0815	0x70
    0x0816	0x55
    0x0817	0xf8
    0x0818	0x04
    0x0819	0x4b
    0x081a	0xd4
    0x081b	0xf8
    0x081c	0x80
    0x081d	0x1b
    0x081e	0x21
    0x081f	0xf4
    0x0018	0x00	// Property_18h_0_0=0x0; 	Address(0x18[7:0])
    0x0018	0x20	// macro=0x1; 	Address(0x18[7:5])
    0x00f0		// Read: 0x00
    // Read	MACRO_READY=0x0; 	Address(0xf0[7:0])
    WAIT 0.1
    0x00a3	0x08	// MACRO_OPERAND_REG0=0x8000000; 	Address(0xa0[7:0],0xa1[7:0],0xa2[7:0],0xa3[7:0],0xa4[7:0])
    0x00a2	0x00
    0x00a1	0x00
    0x00a0	0x00
    0x00a7	0x00	// MACRO_OPERAND_REG1=0x2000; 	Address(0xa4[7:0],0xa5[7:0],0xa6[7:0],0xa7[7:0],0xa8[7:0])
    0x00a6	0x00
    0x00a5	0x20
    0x00a4	0x00
    0x0193	0x78	// MACRO_OPCODE=0x78; 	Address(0x193[7:0],0x194[7:0])
    WAIT 0.001
    0x00f0		// Read: 0x00
    // Read	MACRO_DONE=0x0; 	Address(0xf0[7:2])
    WAIT 0.1
    0x00f0		// Read: 0x00
    // Read	MACRO_ERROR=0x0; 	Address(0xf0[7:3])
    0x00f1		// Read: 0x00
    // Read	MACRO_ERROR_OPCODE=0x0; 	Address(0xf1[7:0],0xf2[7:0])
    0x00f0		// Read: 0x00
    // Read	MACRO_ERROR_IN_OPCODE=0x0; 	Address(0xf0[7:4])
    0x00f0		// Read: 0x00
    // Read	MACRO_ERROR_OPCODE_NOT_ALLOWED=0x0; 	Address(0xf0[7:5])
    0x00f0		// Read: 0x00
    // Read	MACRO_ERROR_IN_OPERAND=0x0; 	Address(0xf0[7:6])
    0x00f0		// Read: 0x00
    // Read	MACRO_ERROR_IN_EXECUTION=0x0; 	Address(0xf0[7:7])
    0x00f3		// Read: 0x00
    0x00f2		// Read: 0x00
    // Read	MACRO_ERROR_EXTENDED_CODE=0x0; 	Address(0xf2[7:0],0xf3[7:0],0xf4[7:0])
    0x00f7		// Read: 0x00
    0x00f6		// Read: 0x00
    0x00f5		// Read: 0x00
    0x00f4		// Read: 0x00
    // Read	MACRO_ERROR_EXTENDED_CODE_2=0x0; 	Address(0xf4[7:0],0xf5[7:0],0xf6[7:0],0xf7[7:0],0xf8[7:0])
    0x0144	0x00	// Property_124h_4_2=0x0; 	Address(0x144[7:2])
    0x0018	0x00	// macro=0x0; 	Address(0x18[7:5])
    0x0018	0x01	// Property_18h_0_0=0x1; 	Address(0x18[7:0])
    0x0020	0x80
    0x0021	0x31
    0x0022	0x11
    0x0023	0x43
    0x0024	0xc4
    0x0025	0xf8
    0x0026	0x80
    0x0027	0x1b
    0x0028	0xd4
    0x0029	0xf8
    0x002a	0x48
    0x002b	0x3b
    0x002c	0x7f
    0x002d	0x1e
    0x002e	0x80
    0x002f	0xea
    0x0030	0x03
    0x0031	0x01
    0x0032	0x01
    0x0033	0xf0
    0x0034	0x01
    0x0035	0x01
    0x0036	0x81
    0x0037	0xea
    0x0038	0x03
    0x0039	0x01
    0x003a	0xc4
    0x003b	0xf8
    0x003c	0x48
    0x003d	0x1b
    0x003e	0xea
    0x003f	0xd1
    0x0040	0x01
    0x0041	0x28
    0x0042	0x19
    0x0043	0xbf
    0x0044	0x2f
    0x0045	0x48
    0x0046	0x00
    0x0047	0x21
    0x0048	0x02
    0x0049	0x21
    0x004a	0x2f
    0x004b	0x48
    0x004c	0x2c
    0x004d	0x4a
    0x004e	0x11
    0x004f	0x70
    0x0050	0x2e
    0x0051	0x49
    0x0052	0xff
    0x0053	0xf7
    0x0054	0xbb
    0x0055	0xff
    0x0056	0xb0
    0x0057	0xbd
    0x0058	0x8c
    0x0059	0x46
    0x005a	0x2d
    0x005b	0x49
    0x005c	0xf8
    0x005d	0xb5
    0x005e	0x09
    0x005f	0x5c
    0x0060	0x01
    0x0061	0x29
    0x0062	0x12
    0x0063	0xd1
    0x0064	0x2b
    0x0065	0x4e
    0x0066	0x45
    0x0067	0x01
    0x0068	0x02
    0x0069	0x23
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    0x006b	0x24
    0x006c	0x62
    0x006d	0x19
    0x006e	0x02
    0x006f	0x27
    0x0070	0x92
    0x0071	0x19
    0x0072	0xb2
    0x0073	0xf9
    0x0074	0x00
    0x0075	0x10
    0x0076	0x7f
    0x0077	0x1e
    0x0078	0x4f
    0x0079	0xea
    0x007a	0x41
    0x007b	0x01
    0x007c	0x22
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    0x007e	0x10
    0x007f	0x1b
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    0x0082	0x5b
    0x0083	0x1e
    0x0084	0x04
    0x0085	0xf1
    0x0086	0x08
    0x0087	0x04
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    0x0089	0xd1
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    0x008b	0x46
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    0x0094	0x20
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    0x0097	0x21
    0x0098	0x84
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    0x009e	0x84
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    0x00a1	0x10
    0x00a2	0x03
    0x00a3	0x22
    0x00a4	0x84
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    0x00a6	0x29
    0x00a7	0x10
    0x00a8	0x1c
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    0x00c1	0x1e
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    0x00c4	0x52
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    0x00c8	0x01
    0x00c9	0x00
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    0x00d3	0x78
    0x00d4	0x01
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    0x0102	0x01
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    0x0104	0x58
    0x0105	0x30
    0x0106	0x03
    0x0107	0x00
    0x0108	0x44
    0x0109	0x30
    0x010a	0x03
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    0x010c	0x30
    0x010d	0x30
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    0x0112	0x00
    0x0113	0x20
    0x0114	0x28
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    0x0116	0x00
    0x0117	0x20
    0x0118	0x4a
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    0x011b	0x20
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    0x0121	0x30
    0x0122	0x03
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    0x0126	0x01
    0x0127	0x20
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    0x0132	0x37
    0x0133	0x48
    0x0134	0x37
    0x0135	0x4a
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    0x0137	0x27
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    0x0141	0x1f
    0x0142	0x01
    0x0143	0x29
    0x0144	0x09
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    0x0146	0x00
    0x0147	0x2f
    0x0148	0x14
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    0x014e	0x14
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    0x0150	0x21
    0x0151	0x88
    0x0152	0x19
    0x0153	0x40
    0x0154	0x41
    0x0155	0xf4
    0x0156	0x00
    0x0157	0x51
    0x0158	0x21
    0x0159	0x80
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    0x0167	0x78
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    0x0169	0x78
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    0x0172	0x42
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    0x0175	0x78
    0x0176	0x11
    0x0177	0x78
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    0x0182	0x52
    0x0183	0x79
    0x0184	0x90
    0x0185	0x42
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    0x0194	0x29
    0x0195	0x1c
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    0x01a1	0x79
    0x01a2	0x59
    0x01a3	0x79
    0x01a4	0x09
    0x01a5	0x38
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    0x01a8	0x91
    0x01a9	0x42
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    0x01b1	0x78
    0x01b2	0x40
    0x01b3	0x79
    0x01b4	0x90
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    0x0752	0x14
    0x0753	0x16
    0x0754	0x14
    0x0755	0x00
    0x0756	0x00
    0x0757	0x00
    0x0758	0x00
    0x0759	0x16
    0x075a	0x14
    0x075b	0x16
    0x075c	0x14
    0x075d	0x00
    0x075e	0x07
    0x075f	0x00
    0x0760	0x00
    0x0761	0x00
    0x0762	0x00
    0x0763	0x00
    0x0764	0x00
    0x0765	0x01
    0x0766	0x03
    0x0767	0x01
    0x0768	0x10
    0x0769	0x0a
    0x076a	0x10
    0x076b	0x00
    0x076c	0x00
    0x076d	0x00
    0x076e	0x00
    0x076f	0x00
    0x0770	0x00
    0x0771	0x00
    0x0772	0x00
    0x0773	0x07
    0x0774	0x03
    0x0775	0x01
    0x0776	0x10
    0x0777	0x0a
    0x0778	0x10
    0x0779	0x00
    0x077a	0x07
    0x077b	0x00
    0x077c	0x01
    0x077d	0x00
    0x077e	0x0a
    0x077f	0x00
    0x0780	0x00
    0x0781	0x07
    0x0782	0x00
    0x0783	0x01
    0x0784	0x00
    0x0785	0x0a
    0x0786	0x00
    0x0787	0x00
    0x0788	0x01
    0x0789	0x10
    0x078a	0x01
    0x078b	0x10
    0x078c	0x0a
    0x078d	0x00
    0x078e	0x00
    0x078f	0x07
    0x0790	0x12
    0x0791	0x01
    0x0792	0x10
    0x0793	0x0a
    0x0794	0x00
    0x0795	0x00
    0x0796	0x01
    0x0797	0x00
    0x0798	0x0a
    0x0799	0x00
    0x079a	0x00
    0x079b	0x00
    0x079c	0x00
    0x079d	0x01
    0x079e	0x10
    0x079f	0x0a
    0x07a0	0x00
    0x07a1	0x00
    0x07a2	0x00
    0x07a3	0x00
    0x07a4	0x00
    0x07a5	0x03
    0x07a6	0x00
    0x07a7	0x00
    0x07a8	0x00
    0x07a9	0x00
    0x07aa	0x00
    0x07ab	0x00
    0x07ac	0x00
    0x07ad	0x00
    0x07ae	0x00
    0x07af	0x00
    0x07b0	0x00
    0x07b1	0x00
    0x07b2	0x00
    0x07b3	0x00
    0x07b4	0x00
    0x07b5	0x00
    0x07b6	0x00
    0x07b7	0x00
    0x07b8	0x00
    0x07b9	0x00
    0x07ba	0x12
    0x07bb	0x00
    0x07bc	0x00
    0x07bd	0x00
    0x07be	0x00
    0x07bf	0x00
    0x07c0	0x01
    0x07c1	0x03
    0x07c2	0x01
    0x07c3	0x10
    0x07c4	0x0a
    0x07c5	0x10
    0x07c6	0x00
    0x07c7	0x01
    0x07c8	0x03
    0x07c9	0x01
    0x07ca	0x10
    0x07cb	0x0a
    0x07cc	0x10
    0x07cd	0x00
    0x07ce	0x00
    0x07cf	0x12
    0x07d0	0x01
    0x07d1	0x10
    0x07d2	0x0a
    0x07d3	0x00
    0x07d4	0x00
    0x07d5	0x00
    0x07d6	0x12
    0x07d7	0x01
    0x07d8	0x10
    0x07d9	0x0a
    0x07da	0x00
    0x07db	0x00
    0x07dc	0x01
    0x07dd	0x10
    0x07de	0x01
    0x07df	0x10
    0x07e0	0x0a
    0x07e1	0x00
    0x07e2	0x00
    0x07e3	0x01
    0x07e4	0x10
    0x07e5	0x0a
    0x07e6	0x00
    0x07e7	0x00
    0x07e8	0x00
    0x07e9	0x00
    0x07ea	0x00
    0x07eb	0x00
    0x07ec	0x00
    0x07ed	0x00
    0x07ee	0x00
    0x07ef	0x00
    0x07f0	0x00
    0x07f1	0x00
    0x07f2	0x00
    0x07f3	0x00
    0x07f4	0x00
    0x07f5	0x00
    0x07f6	0x00
    0x07f7	0x00
    0x07f8	0x00
    0x07f9	0x00
    0x07fa	0x00
    0x07fb	0x00
    0x07fc	0x00
    0x07fd	0x00
    0x07fe	0x00
    0x07ff	0x00
    0x0800	0x03
    0x0801	0x00
    0x0802	0x00
    0x0803	0x00
    0x0804	0x00
    0x0805	0x00
    0x0806	0x00
    0x0807	0x00
    0x0808	0x00
    0x0809	0x00
    0x080a	0x00
    0x080b	0x00
    0x080c	0x00
    0x080d	0x07
    0x080e	0x00
    0x080f	0x00
    0x0810	0x00
    0x0811	0x00
    0x0812	0x00
    0x0813	0x00
    0x0814	0x01
    0x0815	0x03
    0x0816	0x01
    0x0817	0x10
    0x0818	0x0a
    0x0819	0x10
    0x081a	0x00
    0x081b	0x09
    0x081c	0x03
    0x081d	0x01
    0x081e	0x10
    0x081f	0x0a
    0x0018	0x00	// Property_18h_0_0=0x0; 	Address(0x18[7:0])
    0x0018	0x20	// macro=0x1; 	Address(0x18[7:5])
    0x00f0		// Read: 0x00
    // Read	MACRO_READY=0x0; 	Address(0xf0[7:0])
    WAIT 0.1
    0x00a3	0x08	// MACRO_OPERAND_REG0=0x8000000; 	Address(0xa0[7:0],0xa1[7:0],0xa2[7:0],0xa3[7:0],0xa4[7:0])
    0x00a2	0x00
    0x00a1	0x00
    0x00a0	0x00
    0x00a7	0x00	// MACRO_OPERAND_REG1=0x2800; 	Address(0xa4[7:0],0xa5[7:0],0xa6[7:0],0xa7[7:0],0xa8[7:0])
    0x00a6	0x00
    0x00a5	0x28
    0x00a4	0x00
    0x0193	0x78	// MACRO_OPCODE=0x78; 	Address(0x193[7:0],0x194[7:0])
    WAIT 0.001
    0x00f0		// Read: 0x00
    // Read	MACRO_DONE=0x0; 	Address(0xf0[7:2])
    WAIT 0.1
    0x00f0		// Read: 0x00
    // Read	MACRO_ERROR=0x0; 	Address(0xf0[7:3])
    0x00f1		// Read: 0x00
    // Read	MACRO_ERROR_OPCODE=0x0; 	Address(0xf1[7:0],0xf2[7:0])
    0x00f0		// Read: 0x00
    // Read	MACRO_ERROR_IN_OPCODE=0x0; 	Address(0xf0[7:4])
    0x00f0		// Read: 0x00
    // Read	MACRO_ERROR_OPCODE_NOT_ALLOWED=0x0; 	Address(0xf0[7:5])
    0x00f0		// Read: 0x00
    // Read	MACRO_ERROR_IN_OPERAND=0x0; 	Address(0xf0[7:6])
    0x00f0		// Read: 0x00
    // Read	MACRO_ERROR_IN_EXECUTION=0x0; 	Address(0xf0[7:7])
    0x00f3		// Read: 0x00
    0x00f2		// Read: 0x00
    // Read	MACRO_ERROR_EXTENDED_CODE=0x0; 	Address(0xf2[7:0],0xf3[7:0],0xf4[7:0])
    0x00f7		// Read: 0x00
    0x00f6		// Read: 0x00
    0x00f5		// Read: 0x00
    0x00f4		// Read: 0x00
    // Read	MACRO_ERROR_EXTENDED_CODE_2=0x0; 	Address(0xf4[7:0],0xf5[7:0],0xf6[7:0],0xf7[7:0],0xf8[7:0])
    0x0144	0x00	// Property_124h_4_2=0x0; 	Address(0x144[7:2])
    0x0018	0x00	// macro=0x0; 	Address(0x18[7:5])
    0x0018	0x01	// Property_18h_0_0=0x1; 	Address(0x18[7:0])
    0x0020	0x10
    0x0021	0x00
    0x0022	0x07
    0x0023	0x00
    0x0024	0x01
    0x0025	0x00
    0x0026	0x0a
    0x0027	0x00
    0x0028	0x00
    0x0029	0x01
    0x002a	0x10
    0x002b	0x0a
    0x002c	0x10
    0x002d	0x0a
    0x002e	0x00
    0x002f	0x00
    0x0030	0x00
    0x0031	0x00
    0x0032	0x00
    0x0033	0x00
    0x0034	0x00
    0x0035	0x02
    0x0036	0x00
    0x0037	0x02
    0x0038	0x06
    0x0039	0x00
    0x003a	0x00
    0x003b	0x00
    0x003c	0x00
    0x003d	0x00
    0x003e	0x00
    0x003f	0x00
    0x0040	0x00
    0x0041	0x02
    0x0042	0x06
    0x0043	0x00
    0x0044	0x00
    0x0045	0x00
    0x0046	0x00
    0x0047	0x00
    0x0048	0x00
    0x0049	0x00
    0x004a	0x00
    0x004b	0x00
    0x004c	0x06
    0x004d	0x00
    0x004e	0x00
    0x004f	0x00
    0x0050	0x7c
    0x0051	0x1c
    0x0052	0x01
    0x0053	0x20
    0x0054	0xd1
    0x0055	0x1e
    0x0056	0x01
    0x0057	0x20
    0x0058	0x84
    0x0059	0x1a
    0x005a	0x01
    0x005b	0x20
    0x005c	0x26
    0x005d	0x07
    0x005e	0x01
    0x005f	0x20
    0x0060	0x4a
    0x0061	0x0c
    0x0062	0x01
    0x0063	0x20
    0x0064	0x14
    0x0065	0x2f
    0x0066	0x03
    0x0067	0x00
    0x0068	0x20
    0x0069	0x2f
    0x006a	0x03
    0x006b	0x00
    0x006c	0x25
    0x006d	0x2f
    0x006e	0x03
    0x006f	0x00
    0x0070	0x3d
    0x0071	0x2f
    0x0072	0x03
    0x0073	0x00
    0x0074	0xfb
    0x0075	0x20
    0x0076	0x01
    0x0077	0x20
    0x0078	0x00
    0x0079	0x20
    0x007a	0x01
    0x007b	0x20
    0x007c	0x0c
    0x007d	0x20
    0x007e	0x01
    0x007f	0x20
    0x0080	0x11
    0x0081	0x20
    0x0082	0x01
    0x0083	0x20
    0x0084	0x29
    0x0085	0x20
    0x0086	0x01
    0x0087	0x20
    0x0088	0x93
    0x0089	0x21
    0x008a	0x01
    0x008b	0x20
    0x008c	0x00
    0x008d	0x00
    0x008e	0x00
    0x008f	0x00
    0x0090	0x00
    0x0018	0x00	// Property_18h_0_0=0x0; 	Address(0x18[7:0])
    0x0018	0x20	// macro=0x1; 	Address(0x18[7:5])
    0x00f0		// Read: 0x00
    // Read	MACRO_READY=0x0; 	Address(0xf0[7:0])
    WAIT 0.1
    0x00a3	0x00	// MACRO_OPERAND_REG0=0x710000; 	Address(0xa0[7:0],0xa1[7:0],0xa2[7:0],0xa3[7:0],0xa4[7:0])
    0x00a2	0x71
    0x00a1	0x00
    0x00a0	0x00
    0x00a7	0x00	// MACRO_OPERAND_REG1=0x3000; 	Address(0xa4[7:0],0xa5[7:0],0xa6[7:0],0xa7[7:0],0xa8[7:0])
    0x00a6	0x00
    0x00a5	0x30
    0x00a4	0x00
    0x0193	0x78	// MACRO_OPCODE=0x78; 	Address(0x193[7:0],0x194[7:0])
    WAIT 0.001
    0x00f0		// Read: 0x00
    // Read	MACRO_DONE=0x0; 	Address(0xf0[7:2])
    WAIT 0.1
    0x00f0		// Read: 0x00
    // Read	MACRO_ERROR=0x0; 	Address(0xf0[7:3])
    0x00f1		// Read: 0x00
    // Read	MACRO_ERROR_OPCODE=0x0; 	Address(0xf1[7:0],0xf2[7:0])
    0x00f0		// Read: 0x00
    // Read	MACRO_ERROR_IN_OPCODE=0x0; 	Address(0xf0[7:4])
    0x00f0		// Read: 0x00
    // Read	MACRO_ERROR_OPCODE_NOT_ALLOWED=0x0; 	Address(0xf0[7:5])
    0x00f0		// Read: 0x00
    // Read	MACRO_ERROR_IN_OPERAND=0x0; 	Address(0xf0[7:6])
    0x00f0		// Read: 0x00
    // Read	MACRO_ERROR_IN_EXECUTION=0x0; 	Address(0xf0[7:7])
    0x00f3		// Read: 0x00
    0x00f2		// Read: 0x00
    // Read	MACRO_ERROR_EXTENDED_CODE=0x0; 	Address(0xf2[7:0],0xf3[7:0],0xf4[7:0])
    0x00f7		// Read: 0x00
    0x00f6		// Read: 0x00
    0x00f5		// Read: 0x00
    0x00f4		// Read: 0x00
    // Read	MACRO_ERROR_EXTENDED_CODE_2=0x0; 	Address(0xf4[7:0],0xf5[7:0],0xf6[7:0],0xf7[7:0],0xf8[7:0])
    0x00f0		// Read: 0x00
    // Read	MACRO_READY=0x0; 	Address(0xf0[7:0])
    WAIT 0.1
    0x00a3	0x00	// MACRO_OPERAND_REG0=0x1; 	Address(0xa0[7:0],0xa1[7:0],0xa2[7:0],0xa3[7:0],0xa4[7:0])
    0x00a2	0x00
    0x00a1	0x00
    0x00a0	0x01
    0x0193	0x78	// MACRO_OPCODE=0x78; 	Address(0x193[7:0],0x194[7:0])
    WAIT 0.001
    0x00f0		// Read: 0x00
    // Read	MACRO_DONE=0x0; 	Address(0xf0[7:2])
    WAIT 0.1
    0x00f0		// Read: 0x00
    // Read	MACRO_ERROR=0x0; 	Address(0xf0[7:3])
    0x00f1		// Read: 0x00
    // Read	MACRO_ERROR_OPCODE=0x0; 	Address(0xf1[7:0],0xf2[7:0])
    0x00f0		// Read: 0x00
    // Read	MACRO_ERROR_IN_OPCODE=0x0; 	Address(0xf0[7:4])
    0x00f0		// Read: 0x00
    // Read	MACRO_ERROR_OPCODE_NOT_ALLOWED=0x0; 	Address(0xf0[7:5])
    0x00f0		// Read: 0x00
    // Read	MACRO_ERROR_IN_OPERAND=0x0; 	Address(0xf0[7:6])
    0x00f0		// Read: 0x00
    // Read	MACRO_ERROR_IN_EXECUTION=0x0; 	Address(0xf0[7:7])
    0x00f3		// Read: 0x00
    0x00f2		// Read: 0x00
    // Read	MACRO_ERROR_EXTENDED_CODE=0x0; 	Address(0xf2[7:0],0xf3[7:0],0xf4[7:0])
    0x00f7		// Read: 0x00
    0x00f6		// Read: 0x00
    0x00f5		// Read: 0x00
    0x00f4		// Read: 0x00
    // Read	MACRO_ERROR_EXTENDED_CODE_2=0x0; 	Address(0xf4[7:0],0xf5[7:0],0xf6[7:0],0xf7[7:0],0xf8[7:0])
    0x00f0		// Read: 0x00
    // Read	MACRO_READY=0x0; 	Address(0xf0[7:0])
    WAIT 0.1
    0x00a3	0x00	// MACRO_OPERAND_REG0=0x3; 	Address(0xa0[7:0],0xa1[7:0],0xa2[7:0],0xa3[7:0],0xa4[7:0])
    0x00a2	0x00
    0x00a1	0x00
    0x00a0	0x03
    0x0193	0x01	// MACRO_OPCODE=0x1; 	Address(0x193[7:0],0x194[7:0])
    WAIT 0.001
    0x00f0		// Read: 0x00
    // Read	MACRO_DONE=0x0; 	Address(0xf0[7:2])
    WAIT 0.1
    0x00f0		// Read: 0x00
    // Read	MACRO_ERROR=0x0; 	Address(0xf0[7:3])
    0x00f1		// Read: 0x00
    // Read	MACRO_ERROR_OPCODE=0x0; 	Address(0xf1[7:0],0xf2[7:0])
    0x00f0		// Read: 0x00
    // Read	MACRO_ERROR_IN_OPCODE=0x0; 	Address(0xf0[7:4])
    0x00f0		// Read: 0x00
    // Read	MACRO_ERROR_OPCODE_NOT_ALLOWED=0x0; 	Address(0xf0[7:5])
    0x00f0		// Read: 0x00
    // Read	MACRO_ERROR_IN_OPERAND=0x0; 	Address(0xf0[7:6])
    0x00f0		// Read: 0x00
    // Read	MACRO_ERROR_IN_EXECUTION=0x0; 	Address(0xf0[7:7])
    0x00f3		// Read: 0x00
    0x00f2		// Read: 0x00
    // Read	MACRO_ERROR_EXTENDED_CODE=0x0; 	Address(0xf2[7:0],0xf3[7:0],0xf4[7:0])
    0x00f7		// Read: 0x00
    0x00f6		// Read: 0x00
    0x00f5		// Read: 0x00
    0x00f4		// Read: 0x00
    // Read	MACRO_ERROR_EXTENDED_CODE_2=0x0; 	Address(0xf4[7:0],0xf5[7:0],0xf6[7:0],0xf7[7:0],0xf8[7:0])
    0x00fb		// Read: 0x00
    0x00fa		// Read: 0x00
    0x00f9		// Read: 0x00
    0x00f8		// Read: 0x00
    // Read	MACRO_RESULT_REG0=0x0; 	Address(0xf8[7:0],0xf9[7:0],0xfa[7:0],0xfb[7:0],0xfc[7:0])
    0x00ff		// Read: 0x00
    0x00fe		// Read: 0x00
    0x00fd		// Read: 0x00
    0x00fc		// Read: 0x00
    // Read	MACRO_RESULT_REG1=0x0; 	Address(0xfc[7:0],0xfd[7:0],0xfe[7:0],0xff[7:0],0x100[7:0])
    0x0018	0x00	// macro=0x0; 	Address(0x18[7:5])
    // START: Enabling Temp Sense
    0x0015	0x02	// ana_4t4r=0x1; 	Address(0x15[7:1])
    0x00c0	0x81	// Property_a0h_7_7=0x1; 	Address(0xc0[7:7])
    0x0015	0x00	// ana_4t4r=0x0; 	Address(0x15[7:1])
    0x0015	0x40	// digtop=0x1; 	Address(0x15[7:6])
    0x02a3	0x00	// Property_280h_31_0=0x7e; 	Address(0x2a0[7:0],0x2a1[7:0],0x2a2[7:0],0x2a3[7:0],0x2a4[7:0])
    0x02a2	0x00
    0x02a1	0x00
    0x02a0	0x7e
    0x02a7	0x01	// Property_284h_31_0=0x1000000; 	Address(0x2a4[7:0],0x2a5[7:0],0x2a6[7:0],0x2a7[7:0],0x2a8[7:0])
    0x02a6	0x00
    0x02a5	0x00
    0x02a4	0x00
    // END: Enabling Temp Sense
    // START: Loading PLL EFuse trims
    0x0015	0x00	// digtop=0x0; 	Address(0x15[7:6])
    0x0018	0x20	// macro=0x1; 	Address(0x18[7:5])
    0x00f0		// Read: 0x00
    // Read	MACRO_READY=0x0; 	Address(0xf0[7:0])
    WAIT 0.1
    0x00a3	0x00	// MACRO_OPERAND_REG0=0x237; 	Address(0xa0[7:0],0xa1[7:0],0xa2[7:0],0xa3[7:0],0xa4[7:0])
    0x00a2	0x00
    0x00a1	0x02
    0x00a0	0x37
    0x0193	0x33	// MACRO_OPCODE=0x33; 	Address(0x193[7:0],0x194[7:0])
    WAIT 0.001
    0x00f0		// Read: 0x00
    // Read	MACRO_DONE=0x0; 	Address(0xf0[7:2])
    WAIT 0.1
    0x00f0		// Read: 0x00
    // Read	MACRO_ERROR=0x0; 	Address(0xf0[7:3])
    0x00f1		// Read: 0x00
    // Read	MACRO_ERROR_OPCODE=0x0; 	Address(0xf1[7:0],0xf2[7:0])
    0x00f0		// Read: 0x00
    // Read	MACRO_ERROR_IN_OPCODE=0x0; 	Address(0xf0[7:4])
    0x00f0		// Read: 0x00
    // Read	MACRO_ERROR_OPCODE_NOT_ALLOWED=0x0; 	Address(0xf0[7:5])
    0x00f0		// Read: 0x00
    // Read	MACRO_ERROR_IN_OPERAND=0x0; 	Address(0xf0[7:6])
    0x00f0		// Read: 0x00
    // Read	MACRO_ERROR_IN_EXECUTION=0x0; 	Address(0xf0[7:7])
    0x00f3		// Read: 0x00
    0x00f2		// Read: 0x00
    // Read	MACRO_ERROR_EXTENDED_CODE=0x0; 	Address(0xf2[7:0],0xf3[7:0],0xf4[7:0])
    0x00f7		// Read: 0x00
    0x00f6		// Read: 0x00
    0x00f5		// Read: 0x00
    0x00f4		// Read: 0x00
    // Read	MACRO_ERROR_EXTENDED_CODE_2=0x0; 	Address(0xf4[7:0],0xf5[7:0],0xf6[7:0],0xf7[7:0],0xf8[7:0])
    0x00f0		// Read: 0x00
    // Read	MACRO_READY=0x0; 	Address(0xf0[7:0])
    WAIT 0.1
    0x00a3	0x00	// MACRO_OPERAND_REG0=0x308; 	Address(0xa0[7:0],0xa1[7:0],0xa2[7:0],0xa3[7:0],0xa4[7:0])
    0x00a2	0x00
    0x00a1	0x03
    0x00a0	0x08
    0x0193	0x33	// MACRO_OPCODE=0x33; 	Address(0x193[7:0],0x194[7:0])
    WAIT 0.001
    0x00f0		// Read: 0x00
    // Read	MACRO_DONE=0x0; 	Address(0xf0[7:2])
    WAIT 0.1
    0x00f0		// Read: 0x00
    // Read	MACRO_ERROR=0x0; 	Address(0xf0[7:3])
    0x00f1		// Read: 0x00
    // Read	MACRO_ERROR_OPCODE=0x0; 	Address(0xf1[7:0],0xf2[7:0])
    0x00f0		// Read: 0x00
    // Read	MACRO_ERROR_IN_OPCODE=0x0; 	Address(0xf0[7:4])
    0x00f0		// Read: 0x00
    // Read	MACRO_ERROR_OPCODE_NOT_ALLOWED=0x0; 	Address(0xf0[7:5])
    0x00f0		// Read: 0x00
    // Read	MACRO_ERROR_IN_OPERAND=0x0; 	Address(0xf0[7:6])
    0x00f0		// Read: 0x00
    // Read	MACRO_ERROR_IN_EXECUTION=0x0; 	Address(0xf0[7:7])
    0x00f3		// Read: 0x00
    0x00f2		// Read: 0x00
    // Read	MACRO_ERROR_EXTENDED_CODE=0x0; 	Address(0xf2[7:0],0xf3[7:0],0xf4[7:0])
    0x00f7		// Read: 0x00
    0x00f6		// Read: 0x00
    0x00f5		// Read: 0x00
    0x00f4		// Read: 0x00
    // Read	MACRO_ERROR_EXTENDED_CODE_2=0x0; 	Address(0xf4[7:0],0xf5[7:0],0xf6[7:0],0xf7[7:0],0xf8[7:0])
    0x00f0		// Read: 0x00
    // Read	MACRO_READY=0x0; 	Address(0xf0[7:0])
    WAIT 0.1
    0x00a3	0x00	// MACRO_OPERAND_REG0=0x10f; 	Address(0xa0[7:0],0xa1[7:0],0xa2[7:0],0xa3[7:0],0xa4[7:0])
    0x00a2	0x00
    0x00a1	0x01
    0x00a0	0x0f
    0x0193	0x34	// MACRO_OPCODE=0x34; 	Address(0x193[7:0],0x194[7:0])
    WAIT 0.001
    0x00f0		// Read: 0x00
    // Read	MACRO_DONE=0x0; 	Address(0xf0[7:2])
    WAIT 0.1
    0x00f0		// Read: 0x00
    // Read	MACRO_ERROR=0x0; 	Address(0xf0[7:3])
    0x00f1		// Read: 0x00
    // Read	MACRO_ERROR_OPCODE=0x0; 	Address(0xf1[7:0],0xf2[7:0])
    0x00f0		// Read: 0x00
    // Read	MACRO_ERROR_IN_OPCODE=0x0; 	Address(0xf0[7:4])
    0x00f0		// Read: 0x00
    // Read	MACRO_ERROR_OPCODE_NOT_ALLOWED=0x0; 	Address(0xf0[7:5])
    0x00f0		// Read: 0x00
    // Read	MACRO_ERROR_IN_OPERAND=0x0; 	Address(0xf0[7:6])
    0x00f0		// Read: 0x00
    // Read	MACRO_ERROR_IN_EXECUTION=0x0; 	Address(0xf0[7:7])
    0x00f3		// Read: 0x00
    0x00f2		// Read: 0x00
    // Read	MACRO_ERROR_EXTENDED_CODE=0x0; 	Address(0xf2[7:0],0xf3[7:0],0xf4[7:0])
    0x00f7		// Read: 0x00
    0x00f6		// Read: 0x00
    0x00f5		// Read: 0x00
    0x00f4		// Read: 0x00
    // Read	MACRO_ERROR_EXTENDED_CODE_2=0x0; 	Address(0xf4[7:0],0xf5[7:0],0xf6[7:0],0xf7[7:0],0xf8[7:0])
    0x00f0		// Read: 0x00
    // Read	MACRO_READY=0x0; 	Address(0xf0[7:0])
    WAIT 0.1
    0x00a3	0x00	// MACRO_OPERAND_REG0=0x1; 	Address(0xa0[7:0],0xa1[7:0],0xa2[7:0],0xa3[7:0],0xa4[7:0])
    0x00a2	0x00
    0x00a1	0x00
    0x00a0	0x01
    0x0193	0x72	// MACRO_OPCODE=0x72; 	Address(0x193[7:0],0x194[7:0])
    WAIT 0.001
    0x00f0		// Read: 0x00
    // Read	MACRO_DONE=0x0; 	Address(0xf0[7:2])
    WAIT 0.1
    0x00f0		// Read: 0x00
    // Read	MACRO_ERROR=0x0; 	Address(0xf0[7:3])
    0x00f1		// Read: 0x00
    // Read	MACRO_ERROR_OPCODE=0x0; 	Address(0xf1[7:0],0xf2[7:0])
    0x00f0		// Read: 0x00
    // Read	MACRO_ERROR_IN_OPCODE=0x0; 	Address(0xf0[7:4])
    0x00f0		// Read: 0x00
    // Read	MACRO_ERROR_OPCODE_NOT_ALLOWED=0x0; 	Address(0xf0[7:5])
    0x00f0		// Read: 0x00
    // Read	MACRO_ERROR_IN_OPERAND=0x0; 	Address(0xf0[7:6])
    0x00f0		// Read: 0x00
    // Read	MACRO_ERROR_IN_EXECUTION=0x0; 	Address(0xf0[7:7])
    0x00f3		// Read: 0x00
    0x00f2		// Read: 0x00
    // Read	MACRO_ERROR_EXTENDED_CODE=0x0; 	Address(0xf2[7:0],0xf3[7:0],0xf4[7:0])
    0x00f7		// Read: 0x00
    0x00f6		// Read: 0x00
    0x00f5		// Read: 0x00
    0x00f4		// Read: 0x00
    // Read	MACRO_ERROR_EXTENDED_CODE_2=0x0; 	Address(0xf4[7:0],0xf5[7:0],0xf6[7:0],0xf7[7:0],0xf8[7:0])
    0x00f0		// Read: 0x00
    // Read	MACRO_READY=0x0; 	Address(0xf0[7:0])
    WAIT 0.1
    0x00a3	0x00	// MACRO_OPERAND_REG0=0xe0100; 	Address(0xa0[7:0],0xa1[7:0],0xa2[7:0],0xa3[7:0],0xa4[7:0])
    0x00a2	0x0e
    0x00a1	0x01
    0x00a0	0x00
    0x0193	0x71	// MACRO_OPCODE=0x71; 	Address(0x193[7:0],0x194[7:0])
    WAIT 0.001
    0x00f0		// Read: 0x00
    // Read	MACRO_DONE=0x0; 	Address(0xf0[7:2])
    WAIT 0.1
    0x00f0		// Read: 0x00
    // Read	MACRO_ERROR=0x0; 	Address(0xf0[7:3])
    0x00f1		// Read: 0x00
    // Read	MACRO_ERROR_OPCODE=0x0; 	Address(0xf1[7:0],0xf2[7:0])
    0x00f0		// Read: 0x00
    // Read	MACRO_ERROR_IN_OPCODE=0x0; 	Address(0xf0[7:4])
    0x00f0		// Read: 0x00
    // Read	MACRO_ERROR_OPCODE_NOT_ALLOWED=0x0; 	Address(0xf0[7:5])
    0x00f0		// Read: 0x00
    // Read	MACRO_ERROR_IN_OPERAND=0x0; 	Address(0xf0[7:6])
    0x00f0		// Read: 0x00
    // Read	MACRO_ERROR_IN_EXECUTION=0x0; 	Address(0xf0[7:7])
    0x00f3		// Read: 0x00
    0x00f2		// Read: 0x00
    // Read	MACRO_ERROR_EXTENDED_CODE=0x0; 	Address(0xf2[7:0],0xf3[7:0],0xf4[7:0])
    0x00f7		// Read: 0x00
    0x00f6		// Read: 0x00
    0x00f5		// Read: 0x00
    0x00f4		// Read: 0x00
    // Read	MACRO_ERROR_EXTENDED_CODE_2=0x0; 	Address(0xf4[7:0],0xf5[7:0],0xf6[7:0],0xf7[7:0],0xf8[7:0])
    // END: Done Loading PLL EFuse trims
    0x00f0		// Read: 0x00
    // Read	MACRO_READY=0x0; 	Address(0xf0[7:0])
    WAIT 0.1
    0x00a3	0x00	// MACRO_OPERAND_REG0=0x10101; 	Address(0xa0[7:0],0xa1[7:0],0xa2[7:0],0xa3[7:0],0xa4[7:0])
    0x00a2	0x01
    0x00a1	0x01
    0x00a0	0x01
    0x0193	0x73	// MACRO_OPCODE=0x73; 	Address(0x193[7:0],0x194[7:0])
    WAIT 0.001
    0x00f0		// Read: 0x00
    // Read	MACRO_DONE=0x0; 	Address(0xf0[7:2])
    WAIT 0.1
    0x00f0		// Read: 0x00
    // Read	MACRO_ERROR=0x0; 	Address(0xf0[7:3])
    0x00f1		// Read: 0x00
    // Read	MACRO_ERROR_OPCODE=0x0; 	Address(0xf1[7:0],0xf2[7:0])
    0x00f0		// Read: 0x00
    // Read	MACRO_ERROR_IN_OPCODE=0x0; 	Address(0xf0[7:4])
    0x00f0		// Read: 0x00
    // Read	MACRO_ERROR_OPCODE_NOT_ALLOWED=0x0; 	Address(0xf0[7:5])
    0x00f0		// Read: 0x00
    // Read	MACRO_ERROR_IN_OPERAND=0x0; 	Address(0xf0[7:6])
    0x00f0		// Read: 0x00
    // Read	MACRO_ERROR_IN_EXECUTION=0x0; 	Address(0xf0[7:7])
    0x00f3		// Read: 0x00
    0x00f2		// Read: 0x00
    // Read	MACRO_ERROR_EXTENDED_CODE=0x0; 	Address(0xf2[7:0],0xf3[7:0],0xf4[7:0])
    0x00f7		// Read: 0x00
    0x00f6		// Read: 0x00
    0x00f5		// Read: 0x00
    0x00f4		// Read: 0x00
    // Read	MACRO_ERROR_EXTENDED_CODE_2=0x0; 	Address(0xf4[7:0],0xf5[7:0],0xf6[7:0],0xf7[7:0],0xf8[7:0])
    0x0018	0x00	// macro=0x0; 	Address(0x18[7:5])
    0x0012	0x01	// rxdig=0x1; 	Address(0x12[7:0])
    0x0761	0x0a	// Property_740h_13_12=0x0; 	Address(0x761[7:4])
    0x0012	0x02	// rxdig=0x2; 	Address(0x12[7:0])
    0x0761	0x0a	// Property_740h_13_12=0x0; 	Address(0x761[7:4])
    0x0012	0x04	// rxdig=0x4; 	Address(0x12[7:0])
    0x0761	0x0a	// Property_740h_13_12=0x0; 	Address(0x761[7:4])
    0x0012	0x08	// rxdig=0x8; 	Address(0x12[7:0])
    0x0761	0x0a	// Property_740h_13_12=0x0; 	Address(0x761[7:4])
    0x0012	0x00	// rxdig=0x0; 	Address(0x12[7:0])
    // START: Configuring PLL
    0x0015	0x08	// rx=0x2; 	Address(0x15[7:2])
    0x0043	0x00	// Property_20h_31_0=0x0; 	Address(0x40[7:0],0x41[7:0],0x42[7:0],0x43[7:0],0x44[7:0])
    0x0042	0x00
    0x0041	0x00
    0x0040	0x00
    0x0015	0x00	// rx=0x0; 	Address(0x15[7:2])
    0x0015	0x02	// ana_4t4r=0x1; 	Address(0x15[7:1])
    0x00c1	0x60	// Property_a0h_15_13=0x3; 	Address(0xc1[7:5])
    // START: Requesting/releasing SPI Access to PLL Pages
    0x0015	0x00	// ana_4t4r=0x0; 	Address(0x15[7:1])
    0x0015	0x40	// digtop=0x1; 	Address(0x15[7:6])
    0x0170	0x01	// pll_reg_spi_req_a=0x1; 	Address(0x170[7:0])
    0x0540	0x00	// Property_520h_0_0=0x0; 	Address(0x540[7:0])
    WAIT 0.1
    0x0171		// Read: 0x00
    // Read	pll_reg_spi_a_ack=0x0(Meaning: );; 	Address(0x171[7:0])
    // END: Requesting/releasing SPI Access to PLL Pages
    0x0015	0x00	// digtop=0x0; 	Address(0x15[7:6])
    0x0015	0x01	// pll=0x1; 	Address(0x15[7:0])
    0x003f	0x08	// Property_1ch_27_27=0x1; 	Address(0x3f[7:3])
    0x0028	0x01	// Property_8h_0_0=0x1; 	Address(0x28[7:0])
    0x0035	0x10	// Property_14h_12_12=0x1; 	Address(0x35[7:4])
    0x0036	0x40	// Property_14h_22_22=0x1; 	Address(0x36[7:6])
    0x0038	0x08	// Property_18h_3_3=0x1; 	Address(0x38[7:3])
    0x0039	0x20	// Property_18h_13_13=0x1; 	Address(0x39[7:5])
    0x003b	0x08	// Property_18h_27_27=0x1; 	Address(0x3b[7:3])
    0x0046	0x60	// Property_24h_21_21=0x1; 	Address(0x46[7:5])
    0x0046	0x60	// Property_24h_22_22=0x1; 	Address(0x46[7:6])
    0x0043	0x18	// Property_20h_28_28=0x1; 	Address(0x43[7:4])
    0x0043	0x18	// Property_20h_27_27=0x1; 	Address(0x43[7:3])
    0x004c	0x00	// Property_2ch_3_0=0x0; 	Address(0x4c[7:0])
    0x003c	0xe0	// Property_1ch_5_5=0x1; 	Address(0x3c[7:5])
    0x0015	0x00	// pll=0x0; 	Address(0x15[7:0])
    0x0015	0x02	// ana_4t4r=0x1; 	Address(0x15[7:1])
    0x010c	0x00	// EN_REFDIV_DMP=0x0; 	Address(0x10c[7:0])
    0x0015	0x00	// ana_4t4r=0x0; 	Address(0x15[7:1])
    0x0015	0x01	// pll=0x1; 	Address(0x15[7:0])
    0x003c	0x60	// Property_1ch_7_7=0x0; 	Address(0x3c[7:7])
    0x003c	0x20	// Property_1ch_6_6=0x0; 	Address(0x3c[7:6])
    0x003d	0x00	// Property_1ch_8_8=0x0; 	Address(0x3d[7:0])
    0x0015	0x00	// pll=0x0; 	Address(0x15[7:0])
    0x0015	0x02	// ana_4t4r=0x1; 	Address(0x15[7:1])
    0x010d	0x01	// CTL_REFDIV_DIV=0x1; 	Address(0x10d[7:0])
    0x0015	0x00	// ana_4t4r=0x0; 	Address(0x15[7:1])
    0x0015	0x01	// pll=0x1; 	Address(0x15[7:0])
    0x0056	0x43	// Property_34h_22_22=0x1; 	Address(0x56[7:6])
    0x0056	0xc3	// Property_34h_23_23=0x1; 	Address(0x56[7:7])
    0x0056	0xc3	// Property_34h_19_19=0x0; 	Address(0x56[7:3])
    0x0056	0xf3	// Property_34h_21_20=0x3; 	Address(0x56[7:4])
    0x0057	0x02	// Property_34h_25_25=0x1; 	Address(0x57[7:1])
    0x0015	0x00	// pll=0x0; 	Address(0x15[7:0])
    0x0015	0x80	// timing_controller=0x1; 	Address(0x15[7:7])
    0x07f5	0x01	// Property_7d4h_15_0=0x11f; 	Address(0x7f4[7:0],0x7f5[7:0],0x7f6[7:0])
    0x07f4	0x1f
    0x0015	0x00	// timing_controller=0x0; 	Address(0x15[7:7])
    0x0015	0x01	// pll=0x1; 	Address(0x15[7:0])
    0x006d	0x01	// LCMGEN_DIV=0x11f; 	Address(0x6c[7:0],0x6d[7:0],0x6e[7:0])
    0x006c	0x1f
    0x0062	0x00	// Property_40h_23_20=0x0; 	Address(0x62[7:4])
    0x0015	0x00	// pll=0x0; 	Address(0x15[7:0])
    0x0015	0x02	// ana_4t4r=0x1; 	Address(0x15[7:1])
    0x010f	0x24	// CTL_FBDIV_DIV=0x24; 	Address(0x10f[7:0])
    0x010e	0x00	// CTL_FBDIV_DIVBY2=0x0; 	Address(0x10e[7:0])
    0x0015	0x00	// ana_4t4r=0x0; 	Address(0x15[7:1])
    0x0015	0x01	// pll=0x1; 	Address(0x15[7:0])
    0x0050	0xfe	// Property_30h_2_1=0x3; 	Address(0x50[7:1])
    0x0050	0xfe	// Property_30h_4_3=0x3; 	Address(0x50[7:3])
    0x0050	0xfe	// Property_30h_6_5=0x3; 	Address(0x50[7:5])
    0x0015	0x00	// pll=0x0; 	Address(0x15[7:0])
    0x0015	0x02	// ana_4t4r=0x1; 	Address(0x15[7:1])
    0x0110	0x00	// CTL_OUTDIV_MUX_TX=0x0; 	Address(0x110[7:0])
    0x0015	0x00	// ana_4t4r=0x0; 	Address(0x15[7:1])
    0x0015	0x01	// pll=0x1; 	Address(0x15[7:0])
    0x0051	0x3d	// Property_30h_9_9=0x0; 	Address(0x51[7:1])
    0x0015	0x00	// pll=0x0; 	Address(0x15[7:0])
    0x0015	0x02	// ana_4t4r=0x1; 	Address(0x15[7:1])
    0x0111	0x00	// CTL_OUTDIV_DIV_TX=0x0; 	Address(0x111[7:0])
    0x0015	0x00	// ana_4t4r=0x0; 	Address(0x15[7:1])
    0x0015	0x01	// pll=0x1; 	Address(0x15[7:0])
    0x007f	0x00	// Property_5ch_30_30=0x0; 	Address(0x7f[7:6])
    0x0015	0x00	// pll=0x0; 	Address(0x15[7:0])
    0x0015	0x02	// ana_4t4r=0x1; 	Address(0x15[7:1])
    0x0112	0x01	// CTL_OUTDIV_MUX_RX=0x1; 	Address(0x112[7:0])
    0x0015	0x00	// ana_4t4r=0x0; 	Address(0x15[7:1])
    0x0015	0x01	// pll=0x1; 	Address(0x15[7:0])
    0x0051	0x3d	// Property_30h_10_10=0x1; 	Address(0x51[7:2])
    0x0015	0x00	// pll=0x0; 	Address(0x15[7:0])
    0x0015	0x02	// ana_4t4r=0x1; 	Address(0x15[7:1])
    0x0113	0x02	// CTL_OUTDIV_DIV_RX=0x2; 	Address(0x113[7:0])
    0x0015	0x00	// ana_4t4r=0x0; 	Address(0x15[7:1])
    0x0015	0x01	// pll=0x1; 	Address(0x15[7:0])
    0x007f	0x00	// Property_5ch_31_31=0x0; 	Address(0x7f[7:7])
    0x0015	0x00	// pll=0x0; 	Address(0x15[7:0])
    0x0015	0x02	// ana_4t4r=0x1; 	Address(0x15[7:1])
    0x0114	0x01	// CTL_OUTDIV_MUX_FB=0x1; 	Address(0x114[7:0])
    0x0015	0x00	// ana_4t4r=0x0; 	Address(0x15[7:1])
    0x0015	0x01	// pll=0x1; 	Address(0x15[7:0])
    0x0051	0x3d	// Property_30h_11_11=0x1; 	Address(0x51[7:3])
    0x0015	0x00	// pll=0x0; 	Address(0x15[7:0])
    0x0015	0x02	// ana_4t4r=0x1; 	Address(0x15[7:1])
    0x0115	0x02	// CTL_OUTDIV_DIV_FB=0x2; 	Address(0x115[7:0])
    0x0015	0x00	// ana_4t4r=0x0; 	Address(0x15[7:1])
    0x0015	0x01	// pll=0x1; 	Address(0x15[7:0])
    0x0051	0x2d	// Property_30h_12_12=0x0; 	Address(0x51[7:4])
    0x0063	0x01	// Property_40h_27_24=0x1; 	Address(0x63[7:0])
    0x0072	0x02	// Property_50h_23_16=0x2; 	Address(0x72[7:0],0x73[7:0])
    0x006f	0x05	// Property_4ch_31_24=0x5; 	Address(0x6f[7:0],0x70[7:0])
    0x0070	0x02	// Property_50h_7_0=0x2; 	Address(0x70[7:0],0x71[7:0])
    0x0071	0x02	// Property_50h_15_8=0x2; 	Address(0x71[7:0],0x72[7:0])
    0x006d	0x01	// LCMGEN_DIV=0x11f; 	Address(0x6c[7:0],0x6d[7:0],0x6e[7:0])
    0x006c	0x1f
    0x007c	0x04	// Property_5ch_6_0=0x4; 	Address(0x7c[7:0])
    0x0055	0xff	// Property_34h_8_8=0x1; 	Address(0x55[7:0])
    0x0055	0xff	// Property_34h_15_15=0x1; 	Address(0x55[7:7])
    0x0055	0xff	// Property_34h_9_9=0x1; 	Address(0x55[7:1])
    0x0055	0xff	// Property_34h_13_10=0xf; 	Address(0x55[7:2])
    0x0055	0xff	// Property_34h_14_14=0x1; 	Address(0x55[7:6])
    0x0059	0x01	// Property_38h_8_8=0x1; 	Address(0x59[7:0])
    0x0058	0x00	// Property_38h_7_7=0x0; 	Address(0x58[7:7])
    0x0059	0x01	// Property_38h_10_10=0x0; 	Address(0x59[7:2])
    0x0059	0x01	// Property_38h_11_11=0x0; 	Address(0x59[7:3])
    0x005c	0x00	// Property_3ch_7_3=0x0; 	Address(0x5c[7:3])
    0x005d	0x04	// Property_3ch_10_9=0x2; 	Address(0x5d[7:1])
    0x005d	0x0c	// Property_3ch_11_11=0x1; 	Address(0x5d[7:3])
    0x003d	0x01	// Property_1ch_8_8=0x1; 	Address(0x3d[7:0])
    0x0053	0x03	// Property_30h_25_24=0x3; 	Address(0x53[7:0])
    0x0052	0x00	// Property_30h_22_21=0x0; 	Address(0x52[7:5])
    0x0065	0x22	// Property_44h_11_10=0x0; 	Address(0x65[7:2])
    0x0052	0x00	// Property_30h_16_16=0x0; 	Address(0x52[7:0])
    0x0052	0x00	// Property_30h_20_20=0x0; 	Address(0x52[7:4])
    0x0053	0x03	// Property_30h_27_26=0x0; 	Address(0x53[7:2])
    0x005e	0x00	// Property_3ch_18_17=0x0; 	Address(0x5e[7:1])
    0x0052	0x00	// Property_30h_19_19=0x0; 	Address(0x52[7:3])
    0x0052	0x00	// Property_30h_23_23=0x0; 	Address(0x52[7:7])
    0x003e	0x00	// Property_1ch_20_20_1ch_25_25=0x0; 	Address(0x3e[7:4],0x3f[7:1])
    0x003f	0x08
    0x0065	0x20	// Property_44h_9_8=0x0; 	Address(0x65[7:0])
    0x0087	0x00	// Property_64h_30_29=0x0; 	Address(0x87[7:5])
    0x005e	0x00	// Property_3ch_20_19=0x0; 	Address(0x5e[7:3])
    0x0087	0x00	// Property_64h_26_25=0x0; 	Address(0x87[7:1])
    0x0087	0x00	// Property_64h_28_27=0x0; 	Address(0x87[7:3])
    0x003e	0x00	// Property_1ch_17_16=0x0; 	Address(0x3e[7:0])
    0x0051	0x2d	// Property_30h_15_14=0x0; 	Address(0x51[7:6])
    0x0052	0x00	// Property_30h_18_17=0x0; 	Address(0x52[7:1])
    0x0065	0x00	// Property_44h_13_12=0x0; 	Address(0x65[7:4])
    0x0084	0x10	// Property_64h_5_4=0x1; 	Address(0x84[7:4])
    0x0084	0x90	// Property_64h_7_6=0x2; 	Address(0x84[7:6])
    0x0069	0x47	// Property_48h_15_8=0x47; 	Address(0x69[7:0],0x6a[7:0])
    0x0045	0x20	// Property_24h_13_13=0x1; 	Address(0x45[7:5])
    0x0032	0x00	// Property_10h_19_18=0x0; 	Address(0x32[7:2])
    0x0049	0x38	// Property_28h_13_11=0x7; 	Address(0x49[7:3])
    0x0049	0x3d	// Property_28h_10_8=0x5; 	Address(0x49[7:0])
    0x004a	0x00	// Property_28h_21_19=0x0; 	Address(0x4a[7:3])
    0x004b	0x00	// Property_28h_30_28=0x0; 	Address(0x4b[7:4])
    0x004d	0xc0	// Property_2ch_9_8=0x0; 	Address(0x4d[7:0])
    0x004a	0x06	// Property_28h_18_16=0x6; 	Address(0x4a[7:0])
    0x004b	0x0a	// Property_28h_27_24=0xa; 	Address(0x4b[7:0])
    0x0040	0x60	// Property_20h_7_5=0x3; 	Address(0x40[7:5])
    0x0041	0x00	// Property_20h_10_9=0x0; 	Address(0x41[7:1])
    0x0043	0xf8	// Property_20h_31_29=0x7; 	Address(0x43[7:5])
    0x0075	0x08	// Property_54h_12_11=0x1; 	Address(0x75[7:3])
    0x0075	0x0a	// Property_54h_10_8=0x2; 	Address(0x75[7:0])
    0x0045	0x24	// Property_24h_11_8=0x4; 	Address(0x45[7:0])
    0x0031	0x00	// Property_10h_15_14=0x0; 	Address(0x31[7:6])
    0x0046	0x63	// Property_24h_17_16=0x3; 	Address(0x46[7:0])
    0x0045	0x24	// Property_24h_15_14=0x0; 	Address(0x45[7:6])
    0x0064	0x07	// Property_44h_4_0=0x7; 	Address(0x64[7:0])
    0x0065	0x00	// Property_44h_14_14=0x0; 	Address(0x65[7:6])
    0x004e	0x00	// Property_2ch_16_16=0x0; 	Address(0x4e[7:0])
    0x002d	0x00	// Property_ch_13_12=0x0; 	Address(0x2d[7:4])
    0x0035	0xb0	// Property_14h_15_13=0x5; 	Address(0x35[7:5])
    0x003e	0x00	// Property_1ch_19_18=0x0; 	Address(0x3e[7:2])
    0x0073	0x00	// Property_50h_29_29=0x0; 	Address(0x73[7:5])
    0x0056	0xf3	// Property_34h_17_17=0x1; 	Address(0x56[7:1])
    0x0058	0x04	// Property_38h_2_2=0x1; 	Address(0x58[7:2])
    0x0062	0x00	// Property_40h_23_20=0x0; 	Address(0x62[7:4])
    0x0066	0x00	// Property_44h_16_16=0x0; 	Address(0x66[7:0])
    0x0066	0x01	// Property_44h_16_16=0x1; 	Address(0x66[7:0])
    WAIT 0.001
    0x0066	0x03	// Property_44h_17_17=0x1; 	Address(0x66[7:1])
    WAIT 0.005
    0x0063	0x41	// CLR_FLAG_LOCK_LOST=0x1; 	Address(0x63[7:6])
    0x0063	0x01	// CLR_FLAG_LOCK_LOST=0x0; 	Address(0x63[7:6])
    WAIT 0.001
    0x0066		// Read: 0x00
    // Read	LOCK=0x0; 	Address(0x66[7:4])
    0x0066		// Read: 0x00
    // Read	LOCK_LOST_STICKY=0x0; 	Address(0x66[7:6])
    0x0066	0x01	// Property_44h_17_17=0x0; 	Address(0x66[7:1])
    0x0063	0x81	// CLR_FLAG_LOCK_OUT=0x1; 	Address(0x63[7:7])
    0x0063	0xc1	// CLR_FLAG_LOCK_LOST=0x1; 	Address(0x63[7:6])
    0x0063	0xc2	// Property_40h_27_24=0x2; 	Address(0x63[7:0])
    // START: Sending Sysref to device
    // External-Action: Ensure Sysref is running before this point.
    0x0015	0x00	// pll=0x0; 	Address(0x15[7:0])
    0x0015	0x80	// timing_controller=0x1; 	Address(0x15[7:7])
    0x085b	0x00	// Property_838h_31_0=0x0; 	Address(0x858[7:0],0x859[7:0],0x85a[7:0],0x85b[7:0],0x85c[7:0])
    0x085a	0x00
    0x0859	0x00
    0x0858	0x00
    0x085b	0x00	// Property_838h_31_0=0x101; 	Address(0x858[7:0],0x859[7:0],0x85a[7:0],0x85b[7:0],0x85c[7:0])
    0x085a	0x00
    0x0859	0x01
    0x0858	0x01
    0x085b	0x00	// Property_838h_31_0=0x0; 	Address(0x858[7:0],0x859[7:0],0x85a[7:0],0x85b[7:0],0x85c[7:0])
    0x085a	0x00
    0x0859	0x00
    0x0858	0x00
    0x0015	0x00	// timing_controller=0x0; 	Address(0x15[7:7])
    0x0015	0x01	// pll=0x1; 	Address(0x15[7:0])
    0x006a	0x00	// Property_48h_17_17=0x0; 	Address(0x6a[7:1])
    0x006e	0x00	// LCMGEN_USE_SPI_SYSREF=0x0; 	Address(0x6e[7:0])
    0x006a	0x00	// Property_48h_17_17=0x0; 	Address(0x6a[7:1])
    0x006a	0x02	// Property_48h_17_17=0x1; 	Address(0x6a[7:1])
    0x0058	0x06	// Property_38h_1_1=0x1; 	Address(0x58[7:1])
    WAIT 0.001
    0x0058	0x04	// Property_38h_1_1=0x0; 	Address(0x58[7:1])
    // END: Sending Sysref to device
    0x0063	0xc0	// Property_40h_27_24=0x0; 	Address(0x63[7:0])
    0x0015	0x00	// pll=0x0; 	Address(0x15[7:0])
    0x0015	0x02	// ana_4t4r=0x1; 	Address(0x15[7:1])
    0x00c1	0x00	// Property_a0h_15_13=0x0; 	Address(0xc1[7:5])
    0x0015	0x00	// ana_4t4r=0x0; 	Address(0x15[7:1])
    0x0015	0x01	// pll=0x1; 	Address(0x15[7:0])
    0x0063	0x40	// CLR_FLAG_LOCK_OUT=0x0; 	Address(0x63[7:7])
    0x0063	0x00	// CLR_FLAG_LOCK_LOST=0x0; 	Address(0x63[7:6])
    0x0066	0x03	// Property_44h_17_17=0x1; 	Address(0x66[7:1])
    // START: Requesting/releasing SPI Access to PLL Pages
    0x0015	0x00	// pll=0x0; 	Address(0x15[7:0])
    0x0015	0x40	// digtop=0x1; 	Address(0x15[7:6])
    0x0170	0x00	// pll_reg_spi_req_a=0x0; 	Address(0x170[7:0])
    0x0540	0x00	// Property_520h_0_0=0x0; 	Address(0x540[7:0])
    // END: Requesting/releasing SPI Access to PLL Pages
    0x0015	0x00	// digtop=0x0; 	Address(0x15[7:6])
    0x0015	0x80	// timing_controller=0x1; 	Address(0x15[7:7])
    0x010d	0x03	// Property_ech_15_0=0x31f; 	Address(0x10c[7:0],0x10d[7:0],0x10e[7:0])
    0x010c	0x1f
    0x01ad	0x03	// Property_18ch_15_0=0x31f; 	Address(0x1ac[7:0],0x1ad[7:0],0x1ae[7:0])
    0x01ac	0x1f
    0x024d	0x03	// Property_22ch_15_0=0x31f; 	Address(0x24c[7:0],0x24d[7:0],0x24e[7:0])
    0x024c	0x1f
    0x02ed	0x03	// Property_2cch_15_0=0x31f; 	Address(0x2ec[7:0],0x2ed[7:0],0x2ee[7:0])
    0x02ec	0x1f
    0x0421	0x01	// Property_400h_15_0=0x190; 	Address(0x420[7:0],0x421[7:0],0x422[7:0])
    0x0420	0x90
    0x04d9	0x01	// Property_4b8h_15_0=0x190; 	Address(0x4d8[7:0],0x4d9[7:0],0x4da[7:0])
    0x04d8	0x90
    0x0591	0x01	// Property_570h_15_0=0x190; 	Address(0x590[7:0],0x591[7:0],0x592[7:0])
    0x0590	0x90
    0x0649	0x01	// Property_628h_15_0=0x190; 	Address(0x648[7:0],0x649[7:0],0x64a[7:0])
    0x0648	0x90
    0x0701	0x01	// Property_6e0h_15_0=0x190; 	Address(0x700[7:0],0x701[7:0],0x702[7:0])
    0x0700	0x90
    0x07b9	0x01	// Property_798h_15_0=0x190; 	Address(0x7b8[7:0],0x7b9[7:0],0x7ba[7:0])
    0x07b8	0x90
    // END: Configuring PLL
    0x0015	0x00	// timing_controller=0x0; 	Address(0x15[7:7])
    0x0018	0x40	// Property_18h_6_6=0x1; 	Address(0x18[7:6])
    0x0086	0x01	// Property_64h_16_16=0x1; 	Address(0x86[7:0])
    0x0082	0x10	// Property_60h_21_16=0x10; 	Address(0x82[7:0])
    0x0083	0x01	// Property_60h_24_24=0x1; 	Address(0x83[7:0])
    0x0084	0x00	// Property_64h_0_0=0x0; 	Address(0x84[7:0])
    0x0084	0x01	// Property_64h_0_0=0x1; 	Address(0x84[7:0])
    0x0084	0x00	// Property_64h_0_0=0x0; 	Address(0x84[7:0])
    0x0018	0x00	// Property_18h_6_6=0x0; 	Address(0x18[7:6])
    0x0018	0x20	// macro=0x1; 	Address(0x18[7:5])
    0x00f0		// Read: 0x00
    // Read	MACRO_READY=0x0; 	Address(0xf0[7:0])
    WAIT 0.1
    0x0193	0x12	// MACRO_OPCODE=0x12; 	Address(0x193[7:0],0x194[7:0])
    WAIT 0.001
    0x00f0		// Read: 0x00
    // Read	MACRO_DONE=0x0; 	Address(0xf0[7:2])
    WAIT 0.1
    0x00f0		// Read: 0x00
    // Read	MACRO_ERROR=0x0; 	Address(0xf0[7:3])
    0x00f1		// Read: 0x00
    // Read	MACRO_ERROR_OPCODE=0x0; 	Address(0xf1[7:0],0xf2[7:0])
    0x00f0		// Read: 0x00
    // Read	MACRO_ERROR_IN_OPCODE=0x0; 	Address(0xf0[7:4])
    0x00f0		// Read: 0x00
    // Read	MACRO_ERROR_OPCODE_NOT_ALLOWED=0x0; 	Address(0xf0[7:5])
    0x00f0		// Read: 0x00
    // Read	MACRO_ERROR_IN_OPERAND=0x0; 	Address(0xf0[7:6])
    0x00f0		// Read: 0x00
    // Read	MACRO_ERROR_IN_EXECUTION=0x0; 	Address(0xf0[7:7])
    0x00f3		// Read: 0x00
    0x00f2		// Read: 0x00
    // Read	MACRO_ERROR_EXTENDED_CODE=0x0; 	Address(0xf2[7:0],0xf3[7:0],0xf4[7:0])
    0x00f7		// Read: 0x00
    0x00f6		// Read: 0x00
    0x00f5		// Read: 0x00
    0x00f4		// Read: 0x00
    // Read	MACRO_ERROR_EXTENDED_CODE_2=0x0; 	Address(0xf4[7:0],0xf5[7:0],0xf6[7:0],0xf7[7:0],0xf8[7:0])
    0x0018	0x00	// macro=0x0; 	Address(0x18[7:5])
    // START: Enabling access to SERDES
    0x0016	0x10	// jesd_subchip=0x1; 	Address(0x16[7:4])
    0x00c0	0x42	// apb_clk_disable=0x0; 	Address(0xc0[7:0])
    0x00c0	0x40	// apb_clk_dithered_mode_en=0x0; 	Address(0xc0[7:1])
    0x00c4	0x01	// apb_clk_from_MCU_clk_en=0x1; 	Address(0xc4[7:0])
    0x0020	0x12	// serdesab_apb_page_addr_index=0x2; 	Address(0x20[7:0])
    0x0021	0x12	// serdescd_apb_page_addr_index=0x2; 	Address(0x21[7:0])
    0x0020	0x12	// serdesab_apb_mode_16b=0x1; 	Address(0x20[7:4])
    0x0021	0x12	// serdescd_apb_mode_16b=0x1; 	Address(0x21[7:4])
    0x0020	0x12	// serdesab_apb_pin_intf_en=0x0; 	Address(0x20[7:2])
    0x0021	0x12	// serdescd_apb_pin_intf_en=0x0; 	Address(0x21[7:2])
    0x0016	0x00	// jesd_subchip=0x0; 	Address(0x16[7:4])
    0x0016	0x20	// serdes_jesd=0x1; 	Address(0x16[7:5])
    0x7007	0x00	// BUS_WIDTH_LANE3=0x0; 	Address(0x9803[7:3])
    0x7006	0x00
    0x7007	0x00	// BUS_WIDTH_LANE2=0x0; 	Address(0x9803[7:2])
    0x7006	0x00
    0x7007	0x00	// BUS_WIDTH_LANE1=0x0; 	Address(0x9803[7:1])
    0x7006	0x00
    0x7007	0x00	// BUS_WIDTH_LANE0=0x0; 	Address(0x9803[7:0])
    0x7006	0x00
    0x0016	0x40	// serdes_jesd=0x2; 	Address(0x16[7:5])
    0x7007	0x00	// BUS_WIDTH_LANE3=0x0; 	Address(0x9803[7:3])
    0x7006	0x00
    0x7007	0x00	// BUS_WIDTH_LANE2=0x0; 	Address(0x9803[7:2])
    0x7006	0x00
    0x7007	0x00	// BUS_WIDTH_LANE1=0x0; 	Address(0x9803[7:1])
    0x7006	0x00
    0x7007	0x00	// BUS_WIDTH_LANE0=0x0; 	Address(0x9803[7:0])
    0x7006	0x00
    // END: Done enabling access to SERDES
    // START: Setting Serdes Reference Clock Divs
    0x0016	0x00	// serdes_jesd=0x0; 	Address(0x16[7:5])
    0x0015	0x02	// ana_4t4r=0x1; 	Address(0x15[7:1])
    0x0107	0x00	// Property_e4h_31_0=0x101; 	Address(0x104[7:0],0x105[7:0],0x106[7:0],0x107[7:0],0x108[7:0])
    0x0106	0x00
    0x0105	0x01
    0x0104	0x01
    // END: Setting Serdes Reference Clock Divs
    0x0015	0x00	// ana_4t4r=0x0; 	Address(0x15[7:1])
    // START: Resetting Serdes
    0x0016	0x20	// serdes_jesd=0x1; 	Address(0x16[7:5])
    0x701b	0x08	// DOMAIN_RESET=0x888; 	Address(0x980d[3:0],0x980e[7:0])
    0x701a	0x88
    0x701b	0x00	// DOMAIN_RESET=0x0; 	Address(0x980d[3:0],0x980e[7:0])
    0x701a	0x00
    0x701b	0x07	// DOMAIN_RESET=0x777; 	Address(0x980d[3:0],0x980e[7:0])
    0x701a	0x77
    0x701b	0x00	// DOMAIN_RESET=0x0; 	Address(0x980d[3:0],0x980e[7:0])
    0x701a	0x00
    // END: Done resetting Serdes
    // START: Resetting Serdes
    0x0016	0x40	// serdes_jesd=0x2; 	Address(0x16[7:5])
    0x701b	0x08	// DOMAIN_RESET=0x888; 	Address(0x980d[3:0],0x980e[7:0])
    0x701a	0x88
    0x701b	0x00	// DOMAIN_RESET=0x0; 	Address(0x980d[3:0],0x980e[7:0])
    0x701a	0x00
    0x701b	0x07	// DOMAIN_RESET=0x777; 	Address(0x980d[3:0],0x980e[7:0])
    0x701a	0x77
    0x701b	0x00	// DOMAIN_RESET=0x0; 	Address(0x980d[3:0],0x980e[7:0])
    0x701a	0x00
    // END: Done resetting Serdes
    0x0016	0x00	// serdes_jesd=0x0; 	Address(0x16[7:5])
    // START: Configuring the SERDES
    0x0016	0x10	// jesd_subchip=0x1; 	Address(0x16[7:4])
    0x00c0	0x40	// apb_clk_disable=0x0; 	Address(0xc0[7:0])
    0x0020	0x12	// serdesab_apb_page_addr_index=0x2; 	Address(0x20[7:0])
    0x0021	0x12	// serdescd_apb_page_addr_index=0x2; 	Address(0x21[7:0])
    0x0016	0x00	// jesd_subchip=0x0; 	Address(0x16[7:4])
    0x0016	0x60	// serdes_jesd=0x3; 	Address(0x16[7:5])
    0x7029	0xff
    0x7028	0xf0
    0x701b	0x0a
    0x701a	0xaa
    0x701b	0x00
    0x701a	0x00
    0x7007	0x00
    0x7006	0x00
    0x0016	0x20	// serdes_jesd=0x1; 	Address(0x16[7:5])
    0x49f1	0x92
    0x49f0	0x40
    0x49f3	0xea
    0x49f2	0x80
    0x49e3	0xf0
    0x49e2	0x00
    0x49b5	0x47
    0x49b4	0x47
    0x49ff	0xfd
    0x49fe	0xb0
    0x49ed	0x1d
    0x49ec	0xc0
    0x49e7	0x52
    0x49e6	0x36
    0x49e5	0x6e
    0x49e4	0xb6
    0x49df	0xa8
    0x49de	0x28
    0x49eb	0x14
    0x49ea	0x9e
    0x49e9	0x72
    0x49e8	0x44
    0x49fd	0x14
    0x49fc	0x9e
    0x49fb	0x72
    0x49fa	0x48
    0x49f9	0x4a
    0x49f8	0x66
    0x49f7	0x79
    0x49f6	0xb6
    0x49d9	0x6c
    0x49d8	0x06
    0x4201	0x10
    0x4200	0x6b
    0x4203	0x64
    0x4202	0x80
    0x4205	0x62
    0x4204	0x00
    0x4207	0x7b
    0x4206	0x33
    0x4209	0x70
    0x4208	0x0a
    0x420b	0xbd
    0x420a	0x68
    0x420d	0x76
    0x420c	0x2d
    0x420f	0x66
    0x420e	0xab
    0x4211	0xd0
    0x4210	0x08
    0x4213	0x00
    0x4212	0x18
    0x4215	0x66
    0x4214	0x2c
    0x4217	0x3d
    0x4216	0x15
    0x4219	0x00
    0x4218	0x80
    0x421b	0x00
    0x421a	0x02
    0x421d	0x34
    0x421c	0x00
    0x421f	0x00
    0x421e	0x00
    0x4221	0x10
    0x4220	0x1a
    0x4239	0x03
    0x4238	0x40
    0x423b	0x00
    0x423a	0x60
    0x423d	0x00
    0x423c	0x00
    0x423f	0x00
    0x423e	0x00
    0x4277	0x00
    0x4276	0x00
    0x4279	0x00
    0x4278	0x00
    0x427b	0x00
    0x427a	0x00
    0x427d	0x00
    0x427c	0x00
    0x4283	0x93
    0x4282	0xdf
    0x4285	0xb3
    0x4284	0xc0
    0x428f	0x24
    0x428e	0xa2
    0x4291	0xcc
    0x4290	0x34
    0x4293	0xe3
    0x4292	0xd7
    0x4295	0x76
    0x4294	0x60
    0x4297	0x06
    0x4296	0xdb
    0x4341	0x03
    0x4340	0x41
    0x43e7	0x00
    0x43e6	0x80
    0x43e9	0xfc
    0x43e8	0x00
    0x43eb	0x9f
    0x43ea	0xfe
    0x43ed	0x00
    0x43ec	0x60
    0x43ef	0x10
    0x43ee	0x00
    0x43f1	0x68
    0x43f0	0x64
    0x43f3	0x92
    0x43f2	0x30
    0x43f5	0x00
    0x43f4	0x00
    0x43f7	0x6d
    0x43f6	0x87
    0x43f9	0x6d
    0x43f8	0xb6
    0x43fb	0x42
    0x43fa	0x46
    0x43fd	0x62
    0x43fc	0x7c
    0x43ff	0x88
    0x43fe	0xc8
    0x4001	0x10
    0x4000	0x6b
    0x4003	0x64
    0x4002	0x80
    0x4005	0x62
    0x4004	0x00
    0x4007	0x7b
    0x4006	0x33
    0x4009	0x70
    0x4008	0x0a
    0x400b	0xbd
    0x400a	0x68
    0x400d	0x76
    0x400c	0x2d
    0x400f	0x66
    0x400e	0xab
    0x4011	0xd0
    0x4010	0x08
    0x4013	0x00
    0x4012	0x18
    0x4015	0x66
    0x4014	0x2c
    0x4017	0x3d
    0x4016	0x15
    0x4019	0x00
    0x4018	0x80
    0x401b	0x00
    0x401a	0x02
    0x401d	0x34
    0x401c	0x00
    0x401f	0x00
    0x401e	0x00
    0x4021	0x10
    0x4020	0x1a
    0x4039	0x03
    0x4038	0x40
    0x403b	0x00
    0x403a	0x60
    0x403d	0x00
    0x403c	0x00
    0x403f	0x00
    0x403e	0x00
    0x4077	0x00
    0x4076	0x00
    0x4079	0x00
    0x4078	0x00
    0x407b	0x00
    0x407a	0x00
    0x407d	0x00
    0x407c	0x00
    0x4083	0x93
    0x4082	0xdf
    0x4085	0xb3
    0x4084	0xc0
    0x408f	0x24
    0x408e	0xa2
    0x4091	0xcc
    0x4090	0x34
    0x4093	0xe3
    0x4092	0xd7
    0x4095	0x76
    0x4094	0x60
    0x4097	0x06
    0x4096	0xdb
    0x4141	0x03
    0x4140	0x41
    0x41e7	0x00
    0x41e6	0x80
    0x41e9	0xfc
    0x41e8	0x00
    0x41eb	0x9f
    0x41ea	0xfe
    0x41ed	0x00
    0x41ec	0x00
    0x41ef	0x10
    0x41ee	0x00
    0x41f1	0x68
    0x41f0	0x64
    0x41f3	0x92
    0x41f2	0x30
    0x41f5	0x00
    0x41f4	0x00
    0x41f7	0x6d
    0x41f6	0x87
    0x41f9	0x6d
    0x41f8	0xb6
    0x41fb	0x42
    0x41fa	0x46
    0x41fd	0x62
    0x41fc	0x7c
    0x41ff	0x88
    0x41fe	0xc8
    0x4401	0x10
    0x4400	0x6b
    0x4403	0x64
    0x4402	0x80
    0x4405	0x62
    0x4404	0x00
    0x4407	0x7b
    0x4406	0x33
    0x4409	0x70
    0x4408	0x0a
    0x440b	0xbd
    0x440a	0x68
    0x440d	0x76
    0x440c	0x2d
    0x440f	0x66
    0x440e	0xab
    0x4411	0xd0
    0x4410	0x08
    0x4413	0x00
    0x4412	0x18
    0x4415	0x66
    0x4414	0x2c
    0x4417	0x3d
    0x4416	0x15
    0x4419	0x00
    0x4418	0x80
    0x441b	0x00
    0x441a	0x02
    0x441d	0x34
    0x441c	0x00
    0x441f	0x00
    0x441e	0x00
    0x4421	0x10
    0x4420	0x1a
    0x4439	0x03
    0x4438	0x40
    0x443b	0x00
    0x443a	0x60
    0x443d	0x00
    0x443c	0x00
    0x443f	0x00
    0x443e	0x00
    0x4477	0x00
    0x4476	0x00
    0x4479	0x00
    0x4478	0x00
    0x447b	0x00
    0x447a	0x00
    0x447d	0x00
    0x447c	0x00
    0x4483	0x93
    0x4482	0xdf
    0x4485	0xb3
    0x4484	0xc0
    0x448f	0x24
    0x448e	0xa2
    0x4491	0xcc
    0x4490	0x34
    0x4493	0xe3
    0x4492	0xd7
    0x4495	0x76
    0x4494	0x60
    0x4497	0x06
    0x4496	0xdb
    0x4541	0x03
    0x4540	0x41
    0x45e7	0x00
    0x45e6	0x80
    0x45e9	0xfc
    0x45e8	0x00
    0x45eb	0x9f
    0x45ea	0xfe
    0x45ed	0x00
    0x45ec	0x00
    0x45ef	0x10
    0x45ee	0x00
    0x45f1	0x68
    0x45f0	0x64
    0x45f3	0x92
    0x45f2	0x30
    0x45f5	0x00
    0x45f4	0x00
    0x45f7	0x6d
    0x45f6	0x87
    0x45f9	0x6d
    0x45f8	0xb6
    0x45fb	0x42
    0x45fa	0x46
    0x45fd	0x62
    0x45fc	0x7c
    0x45ff	0x88
    0x45fe	0xc8
    0x4601	0x10
    0x4600	0x6b
    0x4603	0x64
    0x4602	0x80
    0x4605	0x62
    0x4604	0x00
    0x4607	0x7b
    0x4606	0x33
    0x4609	0x70
    0x4608	0x0a
    0x460b	0xbd
    0x460a	0x68
    0x460d	0x76
    0x460c	0x2d
    0x460f	0x66
    0x460e	0xab
    0x4611	0xd0
    0x4610	0x08
    0x4613	0x00
    0x4612	0x18
    0x4615	0x66
    0x4614	0x2c
    0x4617	0x3d
    0x4616	0x15
    0x4619	0x00
    0x4618	0x80
    0x461b	0x00
    0x461a	0x02
    0x461d	0x34
    0x461c	0x00
    0x461f	0x00
    0x461e	0x00
    0x4621	0x10
    0x4620	0x1a
    0x4639	0x03
    0x4638	0x40
    0x463b	0x00
    0x463a	0x60
    0x463d	0x00
    0x463c	0x00
    0x463f	0x00
    0x463e	0x00
    0x4677	0x00
    0x4676	0x00
    0x4679	0x00
    0x4678	0x00
    0x467b	0x00
    0x467a	0x00
    0x467d	0x00
    0x467c	0x00
    0x4683	0x93
    0x4682	0xdf
    0x4685	0xb3
    0x4684	0xc0
    0x468f	0x24
    0x468e	0xa2
    0x4691	0xcc
    0x4690	0x34
    0x4693	0xe3
    0x4692	0xd7
    0x4695	0x76
    0x4694	0x60
    0x4697	0x06
    0x4696	0xdb
    0x4741	0x03
    0x4740	0x41
    0x47e7	0x00
    0x47e6	0x80
    0x47e9	0xfc
    0x47e8	0x00
    0x47eb	0x9f
    0x47ea	0xfe
    0x47ed	0x00
    0x47ec	0x00
    0x47ef	0x10
    0x47ee	0x00
    0x47f1	0x68
    0x47f0	0x64
    0x47f3	0x92
    0x47f2	0x30
    0x47f5	0x00
    0x47f4	0x00
    0x47f7	0x6d
    0x47f6	0x87
    0x47f9	0x6d
    0x47f8	0xb6
    0x47fb	0x42
    0x47fa	0x46
    0x47fd	0x62
    0x47fc	0x7c
    0x47ff	0x88
    0x47fe	0xc8
    0x0016	0x40	// serdes_jesd=0x2; 	Address(0x16[7:5])
    0x49f1	0x82
    0x49f0	0x40
    0x49f3	0xe2
    0x49f2	0x80
    0x49e3	0xb0
    0x49e2	0x00
    0x49b5	0x47
    0x49b4	0x47
    0x49ff	0xed
    0x49fe	0xb0
    0x49ed	0x0d
    0x49ec	0xc0
    0x49e7	0x52
    0x49e6	0x36
    0x49e5	0x6e
    0x49e4	0xb6
    0x49df	0xa8
    0x49de	0x28
    0x49eb	0x14
    0x49ea	0x1e
    0x49e9	0x72
    0x49e8	0x44
    0x49fd	0x14
    0x49fc	0x1e
    0x49fb	0x72
    0x49fa	0x48
    0x49f9	0x4a
    0x49f8	0x66
    0x49f7	0x79
    0x49f6	0xb6
    0x49d9	0x6c
    0x49d8	0x06
    0x4601	0x10
    0x4600	0x6b
    0x4603	0x64
    0x4602	0x80
    0x4605	0x62
    0x4604	0x00
    0x4607	0x7b
    0x4606	0x33
    0x4609	0x70
    0x4608	0x0a
    0x460b	0xbd
    0x460a	0x68
    0x460d	0x76
    0x460c	0x2d
    0x460f	0x66
    0x460e	0xab
    0x4611	0xd0
    0x4610	0x08
    0x4613	0x00
    0x4612	0x18
    0x4615	0x66
    0x4614	0x2c
    0x4617	0x3d
    0x4616	0x15
    0x4619	0x00
    0x4618	0x80
    0x461b	0x00
    0x461a	0x02
    0x461d	0x34
    0x461c	0x00
    0x461f	0x00
    0x461e	0x00
    0x4621	0x10
    0x4620	0x1a
    0x4639	0x03
    0x4638	0x40
    0x463b	0x00
    0x463a	0x60
    0x463d	0x00
    0x463c	0x00
    0x463f	0x00
    0x463e	0x00
    0x4677	0x00
    0x4676	0x00
    0x4679	0x00
    0x4678	0x00
    0x467b	0x00
    0x467a	0x00
    0x467d	0x00
    0x467c	0x00
    0x4683	0x93
    0x4682	0xdf
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    0x468f	0x24
    0x468e	0xa2
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    0x4690	0x34
    0x4693	0xe3
    0x4692	0xd7
    0x4695	0x76
    0x4694	0x60
    0x4697	0x06
    0x4696	0xdb
    0x4741	0x03
    0x4740	0x41
    0x47e7	0x00
    0x47e6	0x80
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    0x47e8	0x00
    0x47eb	0x1f
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    0x47ed	0x00
    0x47ec	0x00
    0x47ef	0x10
    0x47ee	0x00
    0x47f1	0x68
    0x47f0	0x64
    0x47f3	0x92
    0x47f2	0x30
    0x47f5	0x00
    0x47f4	0x00
    0x47f7	0x6d
    0x47f6	0x83
    0x47f9	0x6d
    0x47f8	0xb6
    0x47fb	0x42
    0x47fa	0x46
    0x47fd	0x62
    0x47fc	0x78
    0x47ff	0x08
    0x47fe	0xc8
    0x4401	0x10
    0x4400	0x6b
    0x4403	0x64
    0x4402	0x80
    0x4405	0x62
    0x4404	0x00
    0x4407	0x7b
    0x4406	0x33
    0x4409	0x70
    0x4408	0x0a
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    0x440a	0x68
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    0x4410	0x08
    0x4413	0x00
    0x4412	0x18
    0x4415	0x66
    0x4414	0x2c
    0x4417	0x3d
    0x4416	0x15
    0x4419	0x00
    0x4418	0x80
    0x441b	0x00
    0x441a	0x02
    0x441d	0x34
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    0x441f	0x00
    0x441e	0x00
    0x4421	0x10
    0x4420	0x1a
    0x4439	0x03
    0x4438	0x40
    0x443b	0x00
    0x443a	0x60
    0x443d	0x00
    0x443c	0x00
    0x443f	0x00
    0x443e	0x00
    0x4477	0x00
    0x4476	0x00
    0x4479	0x00
    0x4478	0x00
    0x447b	0x00
    0x447a	0x00
    0x447d	0x00
    0x447c	0x00
    0x4483	0x93
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    0x4484	0xc0
    0x448f	0x24
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    0x4490	0x34
    0x4493	0xe3
    0x4492	0xd7
    0x4495	0x76
    0x4494	0x60
    0x4497	0x06
    0x4496	0xdb
    0x4541	0x03
    0x4540	0x41
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    0x45e6	0x80
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    0x45e8	0x00
    0x45eb	0x1f
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    0x45ed	0x00
    0x45ec	0x00
    0x45ef	0x10
    0x45ee	0x00
    0x45f1	0x68
    0x45f0	0x64
    0x45f3	0x92
    0x45f2	0x30
    0x45f5	0x00
    0x45f4	0x00
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    0x45fa	0x46
    0x45fd	0x62
    0x45fc	0x78
    0x45ff	0x08
    0x45fe	0xc8
    0x4001	0x10
    0x4000	0x6b
    0x4003	0x64
    0x4002	0x80
    0x4005	0x62
    0x4004	0x00
    0x4007	0x7b
    0x4006	0x33
    0x4009	0x70
    0x4008	0x0a
    0x400b	0xbd
    0x400a	0x68
    0x400d	0x76
    0x400c	0x2d
    0x400f	0x66
    0x400e	0xab
    0x4011	0xd0
    0x4010	0x08
    0x4013	0x00
    0x4012	0x18
    0x4015	0x66
    0x4014	0x2c
    0x4017	0x3d
    0x4016	0x15
    0x4019	0x00
    0x4018	0x80
    0x401b	0x00
    0x401a	0x02
    0x401d	0x34
    0x401c	0x00
    0x401f	0x00
    0x401e	0x00
    0x4021	0x10
    0x4020	0x1a
    0x4039	0x03
    0x4038	0x40
    0x403b	0x00
    0x403a	0x60
    0x403d	0x00
    0x403c	0x00
    0x403f	0x00
    0x403e	0x00
    0x4077	0x00
    0x4076	0x00
    0x4079	0x00
    0x4078	0x00
    0x407b	0x00
    0x407a	0x00
    0x407d	0x00
    0x407c	0x00
    0x4083	0x93
    0x4082	0xdf
    0x4085	0xb3
    0x4084	0xc0
    0x408f	0x24
    0x408e	0xa2
    0x4091	0xcc
    0x4090	0x34
    0x4093	0xe3
    0x4092	0xd7
    0x4095	0x76
    0x4094	0x60
    0x4097	0x06
    0x4096	0xdb
    0x4141	0x03
    0x4140	0x41
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    0x41e6	0x80
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    0x41e8	0x00
    0x41eb	0x1f
    0x41ea	0xfe
    0x41ed	0x00
    0x41ec	0x00
    0x41ef	0x10
    0x41ee	0x00
    0x41f1	0x68
    0x41f0	0x64
    0x41f3	0x92
    0x41f2	0x30
    0x41f5	0x00
    0x41f4	0x00
    0x41f7	0x6d
    0x41f6	0x83
    0x41f9	0x6d
    0x41f8	0xb6
    0x41fb	0x42
    0x41fa	0x46
    0x41fd	0x62
    0x41fc	0x78
    0x41ff	0x08
    0x41fe	0xc8
    0x4201	0x10
    0x4200	0x6b
    0x4203	0x64
    0x4202	0x80
    0x4205	0x62
    0x4204	0x00
    0x4207	0x7b
    0x4206	0x33
    0x4209	0x70
    0x4208	0x0a
    0x420b	0xbd
    0x420a	0x68
    0x420d	0x76
    0x420c	0x2d
    0x420f	0x66
    0x420e	0xab
    0x4211	0xd0
    0x4210	0x08
    0x4213	0x00
    0x4212	0x18
    0x4215	0x66
    0x4214	0x2c
    0x4217	0x3d
    0x4216	0x15
    0x4219	0x00
    0x4218	0x80
    0x421b	0x00
    0x421a	0x02
    0x421d	0x34
    0x421c	0x00
    0x421f	0x00
    0x421e	0x00
    0x4221	0x10
    0x4220	0x1a
    0x4239	0x03
    0x4238	0x40
    0x423b	0x00
    0x423a	0x60
    0x423d	0x00
    0x423c	0x00
    0x423f	0x00
    0x423e	0x00
    0x4277	0x00
    0x4276	0x00
    0x4279	0x00
    0x4278	0x00
    0x427b	0x00
    0x427a	0x00
    0x427d	0x00
    0x427c	0x00
    0x4283	0x93
    0x4282	0xdf
    0x4285	0xb3
    0x4284	0xc0
    0x428f	0x24
    0x428e	0xa2
    0x4291	0xcc
    0x4290	0x34
    0x4293	0xe3
    0x4292	0xd7
    0x4295	0x76
    0x4294	0x60
    0x4297	0x06
    0x4296	0xdb
    0x4341	0x03
    0x4340	0x41
    0x43e7	0x00
    0x43e6	0x80
    0x43e9	0xfc
    0x43e8	0x00
    0x43eb	0x1f
    0x43ea	0xfe
    0x43ed	0x00
    0x43ec	0x60
    0x43ef	0x10
    0x43ee	0x00
    0x43f1	0x68
    0x43f0	0x64
    0x43f3	0x92
    0x43f2	0x30
    0x43f5	0x00
    0x43f4	0x00
    0x43f7	0x6d
    0x43f6	0x83
    0x43f9	0x6d
    0x43f8	0xb6
    0x43fb	0x42
    0x43fa	0x46
    0x43fd	0x62
    0x43fc	0x78
    0x43ff	0x08
    0x43fe	0xc8
    0x0016	0x60	// serdes_jesd=0x3; 	Address(0x16[7:5])
    0x7007	0x00	// BUS_WIDTH_LANE0=0x0; 	Address(0x9803[7:0])
    0x7006	0x00
    0x7007	0x00	// BUS_WIDTH_LANE1=0x0; 	Address(0x9803[7:1])
    0x7006	0x00
    0x7007	0x00	// BUS_WIDTH_LANE2=0x0; 	Address(0x9803[7:2])
    0x7006	0x00
    0x7007	0x00	// BUS_WIDTH_LANE3=0x0; 	Address(0x9803[7:3])
    0x7006	0x00
    0x0016	0x00	// serdes_jesd=0x0; 	Address(0x16[7:5])
    // END: Done configuring the SERDES
    // START: Loading Serdes Firmware.
    0x0018	0x20	// macro=0x1; 	Address(0x18[7:5])
    0x00f0		// Read: 0x00
    // Read	MACRO_READY=0x0; 	Address(0xf0[7:0])
    WAIT 0.1
    0x00a3	0x00	// MACRO_OPERAND_REG0=0x10300; 	Address(0xa0[7:0],0xa1[7:0],0xa2[7:0],0xa3[7:0],0xa4[7:0])
    0x00a2	0x01
    0x00a1	0x03
    0x00a0	0x00
    0x0193	0x79	// MACRO_OPCODE=0x79; 	Address(0x193[7:0],0x194[7:0])
    WAIT 0.001
    0x00f0		// Read: 0x00
    // Read	MACRO_DONE=0x0; 	Address(0xf0[7:2])
    WAIT 0.1
    0x00f0		// Read: 0x00
    // Read	MACRO_ERROR=0x0; 	Address(0xf0[7:3])
    0x00f1		// Read: 0x00
    // Read	MACRO_ERROR_OPCODE=0x0; 	Address(0xf1[7:0],0xf2[7:0])
    0x00f0		// Read: 0x00
    // Read	MACRO_ERROR_IN_OPCODE=0x0; 	Address(0xf0[7:4])
    0x00f0		// Read: 0x00
    // Read	MACRO_ERROR_OPCODE_NOT_ALLOWED=0x0; 	Address(0xf0[7:5])
    0x00f0		// Read: 0x00
    // Read	MACRO_ERROR_IN_OPERAND=0x0; 	Address(0xf0[7:6])
    0x00f0		// Read: 0x00
    // Read	MACRO_ERROR_IN_EXECUTION=0x0; 	Address(0xf0[7:7])
    0x00f3		// Read: 0x00
    0x00f2		// Read: 0x00
    // Read	MACRO_ERROR_EXTENDED_CODE=0x0; 	Address(0xf2[7:0],0xf3[7:0],0xf4[7:0])
    0x00f7		// Read: 0x00
    0x00f6		// Read: 0x00
    0x00f5		// Read: 0x00
    0x00f4		// Read: 0x00
    // Read	MACRO_ERROR_EXTENDED_CODE_2=0x0; 	Address(0xf4[7:0],0xf5[7:0],0xf6[7:0],0xf7[7:0],0xf8[7:0])
    0x00f0		// Read: 0x00
    // Read	MACRO_READY=0x0; 	Address(0xf0[7:0])
    WAIT 0.1
    0x00a3	0x00	// MACRO_OPERAND_REG0=0x10301; 	Address(0xa0[7:0],0xa1[7:0],0xa2[7:0],0xa3[7:0],0xa4[7:0])
    0x00a2	0x01
    0x00a1	0x03
    0x00a0	0x01
    0x0193	0x79	// MACRO_OPCODE=0x79; 	Address(0x193[7:0],0x194[7:0])
    WAIT 0.001
    0x00f0		// Read: 0x00
    // Read	MACRO_DONE=0x0; 	Address(0xf0[7:2])
    WAIT 0.1
    0x00f0		// Read: 0x00
    // Read	MACRO_ERROR=0x0; 	Address(0xf0[7:3])
    0x00f1		// Read: 0x00
    // Read	MACRO_ERROR_OPCODE=0x0; 	Address(0xf1[7:0],0xf2[7:0])
    0x00f0		// Read: 0x00
    // Read	MACRO_ERROR_IN_OPCODE=0x0; 	Address(0xf0[7:4])
    0x00f0		// Read: 0x00
    // Read	MACRO_ERROR_OPCODE_NOT_ALLOWED=0x0; 	Address(0xf0[7:5])
    0x00f0		// Read: 0x00
    // Read	MACRO_ERROR_IN_OPERAND=0x0; 	Address(0xf0[7:6])
    0x00f0		// Read: 0x00
    // Read	MACRO_ERROR_IN_EXECUTION=0x0; 	Address(0xf0[7:7])
    0x00f3		// Read: 0x00
    0x00f2		// Read: 0x00
    // Read	MACRO_ERROR_EXTENDED_CODE=0x0; 	Address(0xf2[7:0],0xf3[7:0],0xf4[7:0])
    0x00f7		// Read: 0x00
    0x00f6		// Read: 0x00
    0x00f5		// Read: 0x00
    0x00f4		// Read: 0x00
    // Read	MACRO_ERROR_EXTENDED_CODE_2=0x0; 	Address(0xf4[7:0],0xf5[7:0],0xf6[7:0],0xf7[7:0],0xf8[7:0])
    0x0018	0x00	// macro=0x0; 	Address(0x18[7:5])
    0x0016	0x60	// serdes_jesd=0x3; 	Address(0x16[7:5])
    0x702d	0x00
    0x702c	0x05
    0x7025	0x00
    0x7024	0x08
    0x702b	0xe0
    0x702a	0x20
    0x702d	0x00
    0x702c	0x02
    0x7025	0x00
    0x7024	0x50
    0x702b	0xe0
    0x702a	0x20
    0x701b	0x07	// DOMAIN_RESET=0x777; 	Address(0x980d[3:0],0x980e[7:0])
    0x701a	0x77
    0x701b	0x00	// DOMAIN_RESET=0x0; 	Address(0x980d[3:0],0x980e[7:0])
    0x701a	0x00
    WAIT 5
    0x0016	0x00	// serdes_jesd=0x0; 	Address(0x16[7:5])
    // END: Done loading Serdes Firmware.
    // START: Setting Top Control Modes
    0x0015	0x80	// timing_controller=0x1; 	Address(0x15[7:7])
    0x0081	0x00	// fdd_mode=0x0; 	Address(0x81[7:0])
    0x0080	0x01	// mode_2t2r=0x1; 	Address(0x80[7:0])
    0x008c	0x01	// use_per_ch_txab_tdd=0x1; 	Address(0x8c[7:0])
    0x008d	0x01	// use_per_ch_txcd_tdd=0x1; 	Address(0x8d[7:0])
    0x00a0	0x01	// use_per_ch_rxab_tdd=0x1; 	Address(0xa0[7:0])
    0x00a1	0x01	// use_per_ch_rxcd_tdd=0x1; 	Address(0xa1[7:0])
    0x0015	0x00	// timing_controller=0x0; 	Address(0x15[7:7])
    0x0015	0x02	// ana_4t4r=0x1; 	Address(0x15[7:1])
    0x0129	0x00	// Property_108h_11_8=0x0; 	Address(0x129[7:0])
    0x012a	0x00	// Property_108h_19_16=0x0; 	Address(0x12a[7:0])
    0x012b	0x00	// Property_108h_25_24=0x0; 	Address(0x12b[7:0])
    0x00dc	0x00	// Property_bch_1_0=0x0; 	Address(0xdc[7:0])
    0x00df	0x00	// Property_bch_25_24=0x0; 	Address(0xdf[7:0])
    0x00c4	0x00	// Property_a4h_1_0=0x0; 	Address(0xc4[7:0])
    0x00c7	0x00	// Property_a4h_25_24=0x0; 	Address(0xc7[7:0])
    0x00cc	0x00	// Property_ach_1_0=0x0; 	Address(0xcc[7:0])
    0x00cf	0x00	// Property_ach_25_24=0x0; 	Address(0xcf[7:0])
    0x0015	0x00	// ana_4t4r=0x0; 	Address(0x15[7:1])
    0x0015	0x80	// timing_controller=0x1; 	Address(0x15[7:7])
    0x0399	0x00	// Property_378h_15_0=0x0; 	Address(0x398[7:0],0x399[7:0],0x39a[7:0])
    0x0398	0x00
    0x039b	0x00	// Property_378h_31_16=0xe1; 	Address(0x39a[7:0],0x39b[7:0],0x39c[7:0])
    0x039a	0xe1
    0x0451	0x00	// Property_430h_15_0=0x0; 	Address(0x450[7:0],0x451[7:0],0x452[7:0])
    0x0450	0x00
    0x0453	0x00	// Property_430h_31_16=0xe1; 	Address(0x452[7:0],0x453[7:0],0x454[7:0])
    0x0452	0xe1
    0x0509	0x00	// Property_4e8h_15_0=0x0; 	Address(0x508[7:0],0x509[7:0],0x50a[7:0])
    0x0508	0x00
    0x050b	0x00	// Property_4e8h_31_16=0xe1; 	Address(0x50a[7:0],0x50b[7:0],0x50c[7:0])
    0x050a	0xe1
    0x05c1	0x00	// Property_5a0h_15_0=0x0; 	Address(0x5c0[7:0],0x5c1[7:0],0x5c2[7:0])
    0x05c0	0x00
    0x05c3	0x00	// Property_5a0h_31_16=0xe1; 	Address(0x5c2[7:0],0x5c3[7:0],0x5c4[7:0])
    0x05c2	0xe1
    0x0679	0x00	// Property_658h_15_0=0x0; 	Address(0x678[7:0],0x679[7:0],0x67a[7:0])
    0x0678	0x00
    0x067b	0x00	// Property_658h_31_16=0xe1; 	Address(0x67a[7:0],0x67b[7:0],0x67c[7:0])
    0x067a	0xe1
    0x0731	0x00	// Property_710h_15_0=0x0; 	Address(0x730[7:0],0x731[7:0],0x732[7:0])
    0x0730	0x00
    0x0733	0x00	// Property_710h_31_16=0xe1; 	Address(0x732[7:0],0x733[7:0],0x734[7:0])
    0x0732	0xe1
    // END: Setting Top Control Modes
    0x0015	0x00	// timing_controller=0x0; 	Address(0x15[7:7])
    0x0015	0x40	// digtop=0x1; 	Address(0x15[7:6])
    0x0180	0x00	// Property_160h_3_0=0x0; 	Address(0x180[7:0])
    0x0181	0x00	// Property_160h_11_8=0x0; 	Address(0x181[7:0])
    0x0015	0x00	// digtop=0x0; 	Address(0x15[7:6])
    0x0013	0x40	// dsa_page1=0x1; 	Address(0x13[7:6])
    0x054e	0x00	// Property_52ch_16_16=0x0; 	Address(0x54e[7:0])
    0x0013	0x80	// dsa_page1=0x2; 	Address(0x13[7:6])
    0x054e	0x00	// Property_52ch_16_16=0x0; 	Address(0x54e[7:0])
    0x0013	0xc0	// dsa_page1=0x3; 	Address(0x13[7:6])
    0x0444	0x03
    0x0445	0x00
    0x0446	0x00
    0x0447	0x00
    0x0448	0x0f
    0x0449	0x08
    0x044a	0x00
    0x044b	0x00
    0x044c	0x13
    0x044d	0x04
    0x044e	0x01
    0x044f	0x00
    0x0450	0x27
    0x0451	0x88
    0x0452	0x01
    0x0453	0x00
    0x0454	0x37
    0x0455	0x08
    0x0456	0x02
    0x0457	0x00
    0x0458	0x47
    0x0459	0x8c
    0x045a	0x02
    0x045b	0x00
    0x045c	0x57
    0x045d	0x10
    0x045e	0x03
    0x045f	0x01
    0x0460	0x67
    0x0461	0x94
    0x0462	0x03
    0x0463	0x01
    0x0464	0x7b
    0x0465	0x18
    0x0466	0x04
    0x0467	0x01
    0x0468	0x8b
    0x0469	0x9c
    0x046a	0x04
    0x046b	0x01
    0x046c	0x9f
    0x046d	0x20
    0x046e	0x05
    0x046f	0x02
    0x0470	0xb3
    0x0471	0xa4
    0x0472	0x05
    0x0473	0x02
    0x0474	0xc7
    0x0475	0x28
    0x0476	0x06
    0x0477	0x02
    0x0478	0xdb
    0x0479	0x2c
    0x047a	0x07
    0x047b	0x03
    0x047c	0xef
    0x047d	0xb0
    0x047e	0x07
    0x047f	0x03
    0x0480	0x03
    0x0481	0xb5
    0x0482	0x08
    0x0483	0x04
    0x0484	0x17
    0x0485	0xb9
    0x0486	0x09
    0x0487	0x04
    0x0488	0x2b
    0x0489	0xbd
    0x048a	0x0a
    0x048b	0x05
    0x048c	0x3f
    0x048d	0xc1
    0x048e	0x0b
    0x048f	0x05
    0x0490	0x53
    0x0491	0x45
    0x0492	0x0c
    0x0493	0x05
    0x0494	0x6b
    0x0495	0x49
    0x0496	0x0d
    0x0497	0x06
    0x0498	0x7f
    0x0499	0x4d
    0x049a	0x0e
    0x049b	0x07
    0x049c	0x93
    0x049d	0x51
    0x049e	0x0f
    0x049f	0x07
    0x04a0	0xa7
    0x04a1	0xd5
    0x04a2	0x0f
    0x04a3	0x08
    0x04a4	0xb3
    0x04a5	0x55
    0x04a6	0x10
    0x04a7	0x08
    0x04a8	0xc7
    0x04a9	0x59
    0x04aa	0x11
    0x04ab	0x09
    0x04ac	0xdb
    0x04ad	0x5d
    0x04ae	0x12
    0x04af	0x0a
    0x04b0	0xf3
    0x04b1	0x61
    0x04b2	0x13
    0x04b3	0x0b
    0x04b4	0x13
    0x04b5	0xe6
    0x04b6	0x14
    0x04b7	0x0c
    0x04b8	0x27
    0x04b9	0xea
    0x04ba	0x15
    0x04bb	0x0d
    0x04bc	0x3b
    0x04bd	0xee
    0x04be	0x16
    0x04bf	0x0e
    0x04c0	0x4f
    0x04c1	0x72
    0x04c2	0x17
    0x04c3	0x11
    0x04c4	0x63
    0x04c5	0xf6
    0x04c6	0x17
    0x04c7	0x11
    0x04c8	0x77
    0x04c9	0x7a
    0x04ca	0x18
    0x04cb	0x13
    0x04cc	0x8b
    0x04cd	0xfa
    0x04ce	0x18
    0x04cf	0x15
    0x04d0	0x9f
    0x04d1	0xfe
    0x04d2	0x19
    0x04d3	0x18
    0x04d4	0xb3
    0x04d5	0x7e
    0x04d6	0x1a
    0x04d7	0x18
    0x04d8	0xc7
    0x04d9	0xfe
    0x04da	0x1a
    0x04db	0x19
    0x04dc	0xdb
    0x04dd	0x7e
    0x04de	0x1b
    0x04df	0x1d
    0x04e0	0xef
    0x04e1	0xfe
    0x04e2	0x1b
    0x04e3	0x1d
    0x04e4	0xff
    0x04e5	0x7e
    0x04e6	0x1c
    0x04e7	0x1f
    0x04e8	0x13
    0x04e9	0xff
    0x04ea	0x1c
    0x04eb	0x1f
    0x04ec	0x23
    0x04ed	0x7f
    0x04ee	0x1d
    0x04ef	0x1f
    0x04f0	0x33
    0x04f1	0xff
    0x04f2	0x1d
    0x04f3	0x1f
    0x04f4	0x3f
    0x04f5	0x7f
    0x04f6	0x1e
    0x04f7	0x1f
    0x04f8	0x4b
    0x04f9	0xff
    0x04fa	0x1e
    0x04fb	0x1f
    0x04fc	0x53
    0x04fd	0x7f
    0x04fe	0x1f
    0x04ff	0x1f
    0x0500	0x5f
    0x0501	0xff
    0x0502	0x1f
    0x0503	0x1f
    0x0504	0x67
    0x0505	0xff
    0x0506	0x1f
    0x0507	0x1f
    0x0508	0x73
    0x0509	0xff
    0x050a	0x1f
    0x050b	0x1f
    0x0744	0x03
    0x0745	0x00
    0x0746	0x00
    0x0747	0x00
    0x0748	0x0b
    0x0749	0x84
    0x074a	0x00
    0x074b	0x00
    0x074c	0x1f
    0x074d	0x08
    0x074e	0x01
    0x074f	0x00
    0x0750	0x33
    0x0751	0x8c
    0x0752	0x01
    0x0753	0x00
    0x0754	0x47
    0x0755	0x90
    0x0756	0x02
    0x0757	0x00
    0x0758	0x5b
    0x0759	0x14
    0x075a	0x03
    0x075b	0x01
    0x075c	0x6f
    0x075d	0x18
    0x075e	0x04
    0x075f	0x01
    0x0760	0x83
    0x0761	0x9c
    0x0762	0x04
    0x0763	0x01
    0x0764	0x9b
    0x0765	0xa0
    0x0766	0x05
    0x0767	0x02
    0x0768	0xb3
    0x0769	0xa4
    0x076a	0x06
    0x076b	0x02
    0x076c	0xc7
    0x076d	0xa8
    0x076e	0x07
    0x076f	0x03
    0x0770	0xdf
    0x0771	0xac
    0x0772	0x08
    0x0773	0x03
    0x0774	0xf7
    0x0775	0xb0
    0x0776	0x09
    0x0777	0x04
    0x0778	0x17
    0x0779	0xb5
    0x077a	0x0a
    0x077b	0x04
    0x077c	0x37
    0x077d	0xb9
    0x077e	0x0b
    0x077f	0x04
    0x0780	0x4f
    0x0781	0xbd
    0x0782	0x0c
    0x0783	0x05
    0x0784	0x6b
    0x0785	0xc1
    0x0786	0x0d
    0x0787	0x07
    0x0788	0x87
    0x0789	0xc5
    0x078a	0x0e
    0x078b	0x07
    0x078c	0x9f
    0x078d	0xc9
    0x078e	0x0f
    0x078f	0x07
    0x0790	0xa7
    0x0791	0x49
    0x0792	0x10
    0x0793	0x07
    0x0794	0xbb
    0x0795	0x4d
    0x0796	0x11
    0x0797	0x08
    0x0798	0xd3
    0x0799	0x51
    0x079a	0x12
    0x079b	0x09
    0x079c	0xeb
    0x079d	0x55
    0x079e	0x13
    0x079f	0x0a
    0x07a0	0x0b
    0x07a1	0xda
    0x07a2	0x14
    0x07a3	0x0b
    0x07a4	0x23
    0x07a5	0xde
    0x07a6	0x15
    0x07a7	0x0c
    0x07a8	0x3b
    0x07a9	0xe2
    0x07aa	0x16
    0x07ab	0x0e
    0x07ac	0x4f
    0x07ad	0x66
    0x07ae	0x17
    0x07af	0x0e
    0x07b0	0x63
    0x07b1	0xea
    0x07b2	0x17
    0x07b3	0x11
    0x07b4	0x77
    0x07b5	0x6e
    0x07b6	0x18
    0x07b7	0x11
    0x07b8	0x8b
    0x07b9	0xf2
    0x07ba	0x18
    0x07bb	0x13
    0x07bc	0x9f
    0x07bd	0x72
    0x07be	0x19
    0x07bf	0x15
    0x07c0	0xb3
    0x07c1	0xf6
    0x07c2	0x19
    0x07c3	0x16
    0x07c4	0xc3
    0x07c5	0x76
    0x07c6	0x1a
    0x07c7	0x18
    0x07c8	0xd7
    0x07c9	0xf6
    0x07ca	0x1a
    0x07cb	0x19
    0x07cc	0xeb
    0x07cd	0x76
    0x07ce	0x1b
    0x07cf	0x1b
    0x07d0	0xff
    0x07d1	0xf6
    0x07d2	0x1b
    0x07d3	0x1d
    0x07d4	0x13
    0x07d5	0x77
    0x07d6	0x1c
    0x07d7	0x1f
    0x07d8	0x23
    0x07d9	0xf7
    0x07da	0x1c
    0x07db	0x1f
    0x07dc	0x33
    0x07dd	0x77
    0x07de	0x1d
    0x07df	0x1f
    0x07e0	0x3f
    0x07e1	0xf7
    0x07e2	0x1d
    0x07e3	0x1f
    0x07e4	0x4b
    0x07e5	0x77
    0x07e6	0x1e
    0x07e7	0x1f
    0x07e8	0x57
    0x07e9	0xf7
    0x07ea	0x1e
    0x07eb	0x1f
    0x07ec	0x5f
    0x07ed	0x77
    0x07ee	0x1f
    0x07ef	0x1f
    0x07f0	0x67
    0x07f1	0xf7
    0x07f2	0x1f
    0x07f3	0x1f
    0x07f4	0x73
    0x07f5	0xf7
    0x07f6	0x1f
    0x07f7	0x1f
    0x07f8	0x7b
    0x07f9	0xf7
    0x07fa	0x1f
    0x07fb	0x1f
    0x07fc	0x87
    0x07fd	0xf7
    0x07fe	0x1f
    0x07ff	0x1f
    0x0800	0x8f
    0x0801	0xf7
    0x0802	0x1f
    0x0803	0x1f
    0x0804	0x97
    0x0805	0xf7
    0x0806	0x1f
    0x0807	0x1f
    0x0808	0x9b
    0x0809	0xf7
    0x080a	0x1f
    0x080b	0x1f
    0x0844	0x03
    0x0845	0x00
    0x0846	0x00
    0x0847	0x00
    0x0848	0x0b
    0x0849	0x84
    0x084a	0x00
    0x084b	0x00
    0x084c	0x1f
    0x084d	0x08
    0x084e	0x01
    0x084f	0x00
    0x0850	0x33
    0x0851	0x8c
    0x0852	0x01
    0x0853	0x00
    0x0854	0x47
    0x0855	0x90
    0x0856	0x02
    0x0857	0x00
    0x0858	0x5b
    0x0859	0x14
    0x085a	0x03
    0x085b	0x01
    0x085c	0x6f
    0x085d	0x18
    0x085e	0x04
    0x085f	0x01
    0x0860	0x83
    0x0861	0x9c
    0x0862	0x04
    0x0863	0x01
    0x0864	0x9b
    0x0865	0xa0
    0x0866	0x05
    0x0867	0x02
    0x0868	0xb3
    0x0869	0xa4
    0x086a	0x06
    0x086b	0x02
    0x086c	0xc7
    0x086d	0xa8
    0x086e	0x07
    0x086f	0x03
    0x0870	0xdf
    0x0871	0xac
    0x0872	0x08
    0x0873	0x03
    0x0874	0xf7
    0x0875	0xb0
    0x0876	0x09
    0x0877	0x04
    0x0878	0x17
    0x0879	0xb5
    0x087a	0x0a
    0x087b	0x04
    0x087c	0x37
    0x087d	0xb9
    0x087e	0x0b
    0x087f	0x04
    0x0880	0x4f
    0x0881	0xbd
    0x0882	0x0c
    0x0883	0x05
    0x0884	0x6b
    0x0885	0xc1
    0x0886	0x0d
    0x0887	0x07
    0x0888	0x87
    0x0889	0xc5
    0x088a	0x0e
    0x088b	0x07
    0x088c	0x9f
    0x088d	0xc9
    0x088e	0x0f
    0x088f	0x07
    0x0890	0xa7
    0x0891	0x49
    0x0892	0x10
    0x0893	0x07
    0x0894	0xbb
    0x0895	0x4d
    0x0896	0x11
    0x0897	0x08
    0x0898	0xd3
    0x0899	0x51
    0x089a	0x12
    0x089b	0x09
    0x089c	0xeb
    0x089d	0x55
    0x089e	0x13
    0x089f	0x0a
    0x08a0	0x0b
    0x08a1	0xda
    0x08a2	0x14
    0x08a3	0x0b
    0x08a4	0x23
    0x08a5	0xde
    0x08a6	0x15
    0x08a7	0x0c
    0x08a8	0x3b
    0x08a9	0xe2
    0x08aa	0x16
    0x08ab	0x0e
    0x08ac	0x4f
    0x08ad	0x66
    0x08ae	0x17
    0x08af	0x0e
    0x08b0	0x63
    0x08b1	0xea
    0x08b2	0x17
    0x08b3	0x11
    0x08b4	0x77
    0x08b5	0x6e
    0x08b6	0x18
    0x08b7	0x11
    0x08b8	0x8b
    0x08b9	0xf2
    0x08ba	0x18
    0x08bb	0x13
    0x08bc	0x9f
    0x08bd	0x72
    0x08be	0x19
    0x08bf	0x15
    0x08c0	0xb3
    0x08c1	0xf6
    0x08c2	0x19
    0x08c3	0x16
    0x08c4	0xc3
    0x08c5	0x76
    0x08c6	0x1a
    0x08c7	0x18
    0x08c8	0xd7
    0x08c9	0xf6
    0x08ca	0x1a
    0x08cb	0x19
    0x08cc	0xeb
    0x08cd	0x76
    0x08ce	0x1b
    0x08cf	0x1b
    0x08d0	0xff
    0x08d1	0xf6
    0x08d2	0x1b
    0x08d3	0x1d
    0x08d4	0x13
    0x08d5	0x77
    0x08d6	0x1c
    0x08d7	0x1f
    0x08d8	0x23
    0x08d9	0xf7
    0x08da	0x1c
    0x08db	0x1f
    0x08dc	0x33
    0x08dd	0x77
    0x08de	0x1d
    0x08df	0x1f
    0x08e0	0x3f
    0x08e1	0xf7
    0x08e2	0x1d
    0x08e3	0x1f
    0x08e4	0x4b
    0x08e5	0x77
    0x08e6	0x1e
    0x08e7	0x1f
    0x08e8	0x57
    0x08e9	0xf7
    0x08ea	0x1e
    0x08eb	0x1f
    0x08ec	0x5f
    0x08ed	0x77
    0x08ee	0x1f
    0x08ef	0x1f
    0x08f0	0x67
    0x08f1	0xf7
    0x08f2	0x1f
    0x08f3	0x1f
    0x08f4	0x73
    0x08f5	0xf7
    0x08f6	0x1f
    0x08f7	0x1f
    0x08f8	0x7b
    0x08f9	0xf7
    0x08fa	0x1f
    0x08fb	0x1f
    0x08fc	0x87
    0x08fd	0xf7
    0x08fe	0x1f
    0x08ff	0x1f
    0x0900	0x8f
    0x0901	0xf7
    0x0902	0x1f
    0x0903	0x1f
    0x0904	0x97
    0x0905	0xf7
    0x0906	0x1f
    0x0907	0x1f
    0x0908	0x9b
    0x0909	0xf7
    0x090a	0x1f
    0x090b	0x1f
    0x00d1	0x06	// dig_gain_range=0x6; 	Address(0xd1[7:0])
    0x0124	0x01	// spi_agc_dsa_A=0x1; 	Address(0x124[7:0])
    0x0124	0x00	// spi_agc_dsa_A=0x0; 	Address(0x124[7:0])
    0x0174	0x01	// spi_agc_dsa_B=0x1; 	Address(0x174[7:0])
    0x0174	0x00	// spi_agc_dsa_B=0x0; 	Address(0x174[7:0])
    0x0013	0x00	// dsa_page1=0x0; 	Address(0x13[7:6])
    0x0013	0x10	// dsa_page0=0x1; 	Address(0x13[7:4])
    0x006c	0x01	// spi_agc_dsa_fb=0x1; 	Address(0x6c[7:0])
    0x006c	0x00	// spi_agc_dsa_fb=0x0; 	Address(0x6c[7:0])
    0x0013	0x00	// dsa_page0=0x0; 	Address(0x13[7:4])
    0x0013	0x80	// dsa_page1=0x2; 	Address(0x13[7:6])
    0x00d1	0x06	// dig_gain_range=0x6; 	Address(0xd1[7:0])
    0x0124	0x01	// spi_agc_dsa_A=0x1; 	Address(0x124[7:0])
    0x0124	0x00	// spi_agc_dsa_A=0x0; 	Address(0x124[7:0])
    0x0174	0x01	// spi_agc_dsa_B=0x1; 	Address(0x174[7:0])
    0x0174	0x00	// spi_agc_dsa_B=0x0; 	Address(0x174[7:0])
    0x0013	0x00	// dsa_page1=0x0; 	Address(0x13[7:6])
    0x0013	0x20	// dsa_page0=0x2; 	Address(0x13[7:4])
    0x006c	0x01	// spi_agc_dsa_fb=0x1; 	Address(0x6c[7:0])
    0x006c	0x00	// spi_agc_dsa_fb=0x0; 	Address(0x6c[7:0])
    0x0013	0x00	// dsa_page0=0x0; 	Address(0x13[7:4])
    0x0015	0x40	// digtop=0x1; 	Address(0x15[7:6])
    0x0940	0x00	// Property_920h_2_0=0x0; 	Address(0x940[7:0])
    0x0941	0x00	// Property_920h_10_8=0x0; 	Address(0x941[7:0])
    0x0015	0x00	// digtop=0x0; 	Address(0x15[7:6])
    0x0013	0xc0	// dsa_page1=0x3; 	Address(0x13[7:6])
    0x0545	0x06	// Property_524h_13_8=0x6; 	Address(0x545[7:0])
    0x054a	0x06	// Property_528h_21_16=0x6; 	Address(0x54a[7:0])
    0x05a4	0x2c	// Property_584h_5_0=0x2c; 	Address(0x5a4[7:0])
    0x05a5	0x18	// Property_584h_13_8=0x18; 	Address(0x5a5[7:0])
    0x056e	0x00	// Property_54ch_17_0=0x12; 	Address(0x56c[1:0],0x56d[1:0],0x56e[7:0])
    0x056d	0x00
    0x056c	0x12
    0x0572	0x00	// Property_550h_22_0=0x7; 	Address(0x570[6:0],0x571[6:0],0x572[7:0])
    0x0571	0x00
    0x0570	0x07
    0x0576	0x00	// Property_554h_17_0=0x0; 	Address(0x574[1:0],0x575[1:0],0x576[7:0])
    0x0575	0x00
    0x0574	0x00
    0x057e	0x00	// Property_55ch_21_0=0x5c; 	Address(0x57c[5:0],0x57d[5:0],0x57e[7:0])
    0x057d	0x00
    0x057c	0x5c
    0x057a	0x00	// Property_558h_22_0=0x1; 	Address(0x578[6:0],0x579[6:0],0x57a[7:0])
    0x0579	0x00
    0x0578	0x01
    0x0596	0x00	// Property_574h_22_0=0x7; 	Address(0x594[6:0],0x595[6:0],0x596[7:0])
    0x0595	0x00
    0x0594	0x07
    0x059a	0x00	// Property_578h_22_0=0x7; 	Address(0x598[6:0],0x599[6:0],0x59a[7:0])
    0x0599	0x00
    0x0598	0x07
    0x0556	0x00	// Property_534h_17_0=0x12; 	Address(0x554[1:0],0x555[1:0],0x556[7:0])
    0x0555	0x00
    0x0554	0x12
    0x055a	0x00	// Property_538h_22_0=0x7; 	Address(0x558[6:0],0x559[6:0],0x55a[7:0])
    0x0559	0x00
    0x0558	0x07
    0x055e	0x00	// Property_53ch_17_0=0x0; 	Address(0x55c[1:0],0x55d[1:0],0x55e[7:0])
    0x055d	0x00
    0x055c	0x00
    0x0566	0x00	// Property_544h_21_0=0x5c; 	Address(0x564[5:0],0x565[5:0],0x566[7:0])
    0x0565	0x00
    0x0564	0x5c
    0x0562	0x00	// Property_540h_22_0=0x1; 	Address(0x560[6:0],0x561[6:0],0x562[7:0])
    0x0561	0x00
    0x0560	0x01
    0x058e	0x00	// Property_56ch_22_0=0x7; 	Address(0x58c[6:0],0x58d[6:0],0x58e[7:0])
    0x058d	0x00
    0x058c	0x07
    0x0592	0x00	// Property_570h_22_0=0x7; 	Address(0x590[6:0],0x591[6:0],0x592[7:0])
    0x0591	0x00
    0x0590	0x07
    0x0577	0x01	// Property_554h_24_24=0x1; 	Address(0x577[7:0])
    0x056f	0x00	// Property_54ch_24_24=0x0; 	Address(0x56f[7:0])
    0x05a1	0x00	// Property_580h_8_8=0x0; 	Address(0x5a1[7:0])
    0x055f	0x01	// Property_53ch_24_24=0x1; 	Address(0x55f[7:0])
    0x0557	0x00	// Property_534h_24_24=0x0; 	Address(0x557[7:0])
    0x05a0	0x00	// Property_580h_0_0=0x0; 	Address(0x5a0[7:0])
    0x0013	0x00	// dsa_page1=0x0; 	Address(0x13[7:6])
    0x0013	0x10	// dsa_page0=0x1; 	Address(0x13[7:4])
    0x00d0	0x18	// txa_dsa_dig0_gain=0x18; 	Address(0xd0[7:0],0xd1[7:0])
    0x00d4	0x18	// txb_dsa_dig0_gain=0x18; 	Address(0xd4[7:0],0xd5[7:0])
    0x0013	0x20	// dsa_page0=0x2; 	Address(0x13[7:4])
    0x00d0	0x18	// txa_dsa_dig0_gain=0x18; 	Address(0xd0[7:0],0xd1[7:0])
    0x00d4	0x18	// txb_dsa_dig0_gain=0x18; 	Address(0xd4[7:0],0xd5[7:0])
    0x0013	0x00	// dsa_page0=0x0; 	Address(0x13[7:4])
    0x0013	0xc0	// dsa_page1=0x3; 	Address(0x13[7:6])
    0x0a37	0x40
    0x0a3f	0x40
    0x0a4f	0x40
    0x0a5f	0x40
    0x0a77	0x40
    0x0a7f	0x40
    0x0a97	0x40
    0x0a9f	0x40
    0x0aa7	0x40
    0x0aaf	0x40
    0x0c37	0x40
    0x0c3f	0x40
    0x0c4f	0x40
    0x0c5f	0x40
    0x0c77	0x40
    0x0c7f	0x40
    0x0c97	0x40
    0x0c9f	0x40
    0x0ca7	0x40
    0x0caf	0x40
    0x0013	0x00	// dsa_page1=0x0; 	Address(0x13[7:6])
    // START: Configuring RRF Mode to TOP MCU
    0x0018	0x20	// macro=0x1; 	Address(0x18[7:5])
    0x00f0		// Read: 0x00
    // Read	MACRO_READY=0x0; 	Address(0xf0[7:0])
    WAIT 0.1
    0x00a3	0x00	// MACRO_OPERAND_REG0=0x3; 	Address(0xa0[7:0],0xa1[7:0],0xa2[7:0],0xa3[7:0],0xa4[7:0])
    0x00a2	0x00
    0x00a1	0x00
    0x00a0	0x03
    0x0193	0x22	// MACRO_OPCODE=0x22; 	Address(0x193[7:0],0x194[7:0])
    WAIT 0.001
    0x00f0		// Read: 0x00
    // Read	MACRO_DONE=0x0; 	Address(0xf0[7:2])
    WAIT 0.1
    0x00f0		// Read: 0x00
    // Read	MACRO_ERROR=0x0; 	Address(0xf0[7:3])
    0x00f1		// Read: 0x00
    // Read	MACRO_ERROR_OPCODE=0x0; 	Address(0xf1[7:0],0xf2[7:0])
    0x00f0		// Read: 0x00
    // Read	MACRO_ERROR_IN_OPCODE=0x0; 	Address(0xf0[7:4])
    0x00f0		// Read: 0x00
    // Read	MACRO_ERROR_OPCODE_NOT_ALLOWED=0x0; 	Address(0xf0[7:5])
    0x00f0		// Read: 0x00
    // Read	MACRO_ERROR_IN_OPERAND=0x0; 	Address(0xf0[7:6])
    0x00f0		// Read: 0x00
    // Read	MACRO_ERROR_IN_EXECUTION=0x0; 	Address(0xf0[7:7])
    0x00f3		// Read: 0x00
    0x00f2		// Read: 0x00
    // Read	MACRO_ERROR_EXTENDED_CODE=0x0; 	Address(0xf2[7:0],0xf3[7:0],0xf4[7:0])
    0x00f7		// Read: 0x00
    0x00f6		// Read: 0x00
    0x00f5		// Read: 0x00
    0x00f4		// Read: 0x00
    // Read	MACRO_ERROR_EXTENDED_CODE_2=0x0; 	Address(0xf4[7:0],0xf5[7:0],0xf6[7:0],0xf7[7:0],0xf8[7:0])
    0x00f0		// Read: 0x00
    // Read	MACRO_READY=0x0; 	Address(0xf0[7:0])
    WAIT 0.1
    0x00a3	0x00	// MACRO_OPERAND_REG0=0xf030f; 	Address(0xa0[7:0],0xa1[7:0],0xa2[7:0],0xa3[7:0],0xa4[7:0])
    0x00a2	0x0f
    0x00a1	0x03
    0x00a0	0x0f
    0x0193	0x21	// MACRO_OPCODE=0x21; 	Address(0x193[7:0],0x194[7:0])
    WAIT 0.001
    0x00f0		// Read: 0x00
    // Read	MACRO_DONE=0x0; 	Address(0xf0[7:2])
    WAIT 0.1
    0x00f0		// Read: 0x00
    // Read	MACRO_ERROR=0x0; 	Address(0xf0[7:3])
    0x00f1		// Read: 0x00
    // Read	MACRO_ERROR_OPCODE=0x0; 	Address(0xf1[7:0],0xf2[7:0])
    0x00f0		// Read: 0x00
    // Read	MACRO_ERROR_IN_OPCODE=0x0; 	Address(0xf0[7:4])
    0x00f0		// Read: 0x00
    // Read	MACRO_ERROR_OPCODE_NOT_ALLOWED=0x0; 	Address(0xf0[7:5])
    0x00f0		// Read: 0x00
    // Read	MACRO_ERROR_IN_OPERAND=0x0; 	Address(0xf0[7:6])
    0x00f0		// Read: 0x00
    // Read	MACRO_ERROR_IN_EXECUTION=0x0; 	Address(0xf0[7:7])
    0x00f3		// Read: 0x00
    0x00f2		// Read: 0x00
    // Read	MACRO_ERROR_EXTENDED_CODE=0x0; 	Address(0xf2[7:0],0xf3[7:0],0xf4[7:0])
    0x00f7		// Read: 0x00
    0x00f6		// Read: 0x00
    0x00f5		// Read: 0x00
    0x00f4		// Read: 0x00
    // Read	MACRO_ERROR_EXTENDED_CODE_2=0x0; 	Address(0xf4[7:0],0xf5[7:0],0xf6[7:0],0xf7[7:0],0xf8[7:0])
    0x00f0		// Read: 0x00
    // Read	MACRO_READY=0x0; 	Address(0xf0[7:0])
    WAIT 0.1
    0x00a3	0x00	// MACRO_OPERAND_REG0=0x0; 	Address(0xa0[7:0],0xa1[7:0],0xa2[7:0],0xa3[7:0],0xa4[7:0])
    0x00a2	0x00
    0x00a1	0x00
    0x00a0	0x00
    0x0193	0x2f	// MACRO_OPCODE=0x2f; 	Address(0x193[7:0],0x194[7:0])
    WAIT 0.001
    0x00f0		// Read: 0x00
    // Read	MACRO_DONE=0x0; 	Address(0xf0[7:2])
    WAIT 0.1
    0x00f0		// Read: 0x00
    // Read	MACRO_ERROR=0x0; 	Address(0xf0[7:3])
    0x00f1		// Read: 0x00
    // Read	MACRO_ERROR_OPCODE=0x0; 	Address(0xf1[7:0],0xf2[7:0])
    0x00f0		// Read: 0x00
    // Read	MACRO_ERROR_IN_OPCODE=0x0; 	Address(0xf0[7:4])
    0x00f0		// Read: 0x00
    // Read	MACRO_ERROR_OPCODE_NOT_ALLOWED=0x0; 	Address(0xf0[7:5])
    0x00f0		// Read: 0x00
    // Read	MACRO_ERROR_IN_OPERAND=0x0; 	Address(0xf0[7:6])
    0x00f0		// Read: 0x00
    // Read	MACRO_ERROR_IN_EXECUTION=0x0; 	Address(0xf0[7:7])
    0x00f3		// Read: 0x00
    0x00f2		// Read: 0x00
    // Read	MACRO_ERROR_EXTENDED_CODE=0x0; 	Address(0xf2[7:0],0xf3[7:0],0xf4[7:0])
    0x00f7		// Read: 0x00
    0x00f6		// Read: 0x00
    0x00f5		// Read: 0x00
    0x00f4		// Read: 0x00
    // Read	MACRO_ERROR_EXTENDED_CODE_2=0x0; 	Address(0xf4[7:0],0xf5[7:0],0xf6[7:0],0xf7[7:0],0xf8[7:0])
    // END: Configuring RRF Mode to TOP MCU
    0x0018	0x00	// macro=0x0; 	Address(0x18[7:5])
    // START: Configuring RX Chain Parameters to TOP MCU
    0x0018	0x20	// macro=0x1; 	Address(0x18[7:5])
    0x00f0		// Read: 0x00
    // Read	MACRO_READY=0x0; 	Address(0xf0[7:0])
    WAIT 0.1
    0x00a3	0x00	// MACRO_OPERAND_REG0=0x703; 	Address(0xa0[7:0],0xa1[7:0],0xa2[7:0],0xa3[7:0],0xa4[7:0])
    0x00a2	0x00
    0x00a1	0x07
    0x00a0	0x03
    0x0193	0x2c	// MACRO_OPCODE=0x2c; 	Address(0x193[7:0],0x194[7:0])
    WAIT 0.001
    0x00f0		// Read: 0x00
    // Read	MACRO_DONE=0x0; 	Address(0xf0[7:2])
    WAIT 0.1
    0x00f0		// Read: 0x00
    // Read	MACRO_ERROR=0x0; 	Address(0xf0[7:3])
    0x00f1		// Read: 0x00
    // Read	MACRO_ERROR_OPCODE=0x0; 	Address(0xf1[7:0],0xf2[7:0])
    0x00f0		// Read: 0x00
    // Read	MACRO_ERROR_IN_OPCODE=0x0; 	Address(0xf0[7:4])
    0x00f0		// Read: 0x00
    // Read	MACRO_ERROR_OPCODE_NOT_ALLOWED=0x0; 	Address(0xf0[7:5])
    0x00f0		// Read: 0x00
    // Read	MACRO_ERROR_IN_OPERAND=0x0; 	Address(0xf0[7:6])
    0x00f0		// Read: 0x00
    // Read	MACRO_ERROR_IN_EXECUTION=0x0; 	Address(0xf0[7:7])
    0x00f3		// Read: 0x00
    0x00f2		// Read: 0x00
    // Read	MACRO_ERROR_EXTENDED_CODE=0x0; 	Address(0xf2[7:0],0xf3[7:0],0xf4[7:0])
    0x00f7		// Read: 0x00
    0x00f6		// Read: 0x00
    0x00f5		// Read: 0x00
    0x00f4		// Read: 0x00
    // Read	MACRO_ERROR_EXTENDED_CODE_2=0x0; 	Address(0xf4[7:0],0xf5[7:0],0xf6[7:0],0xf7[7:0],0xf8[7:0])
    0x00f0		// Read: 0x00
    // Read	MACRO_READY=0x0; 	Address(0xf0[7:0])
    WAIT 0.1
    0x00a3	0x00	// MACRO_OPERAND_REG0=0x401; 	Address(0xa0[7:0],0xa1[7:0],0xa2[7:0],0xa3[7:0],0xa4[7:0])
    0x00a2	0x00
    0x00a1	0x04
    0x00a0	0x01
    0x0193	0x29	// MACRO_OPCODE=0x29; 	Address(0x193[7:0],0x194[7:0])
    WAIT 0.001
    0x00f0		// Read: 0x00
    // Read	MACRO_DONE=0x0; 	Address(0xf0[7:2])
    WAIT 0.1
    0x00f0		// Read: 0x00
    // Read	MACRO_ERROR=0x0; 	Address(0xf0[7:3])
    0x00f1		// Read: 0x00
    // Read	MACRO_ERROR_OPCODE=0x0; 	Address(0xf1[7:0],0xf2[7:0])
    0x00f0		// Read: 0x00
    // Read	MACRO_ERROR_IN_OPCODE=0x0; 	Address(0xf0[7:4])
    0x00f0		// Read: 0x00
    // Read	MACRO_ERROR_OPCODE_NOT_ALLOWED=0x0; 	Address(0xf0[7:5])
    0x00f0		// Read: 0x00
    // Read	MACRO_ERROR_IN_OPERAND=0x0; 	Address(0xf0[7:6])
    0x00f0		// Read: 0x00
    // Read	MACRO_ERROR_IN_EXECUTION=0x0; 	Address(0xf0[7:7])
    0x00f3		// Read: 0x00
    0x00f2		// Read: 0x00
    // Read	MACRO_ERROR_EXTENDED_CODE=0x0; 	Address(0xf2[7:0],0xf3[7:0],0xf4[7:0])
    0x00f7		// Read: 0x00
    0x00f6		// Read: 0x00
    0x00f5		// Read: 0x00
    0x00f4		// Read: 0x00
    // Read	MACRO_ERROR_EXTENDED_CODE_2=0x0; 	Address(0xf4[7:0],0xf5[7:0],0xf6[7:0],0xf7[7:0],0xf8[7:0])
    0x00f0		// Read: 0x00
    // Read	MACRO_READY=0x0; 	Address(0xf0[7:0])
    WAIT 0.1
    0x00a3	0x00	// MACRO_OPERAND_REG0=0x101; 	Address(0xa0[7:0],0xa1[7:0],0xa2[7:0],0xa3[7:0],0xa4[7:0])
    0x00a2	0x00
    0x00a1	0x01
    0x00a0	0x01
    0x0193	0x23	// MACRO_OPCODE=0x23; 	Address(0x193[7:0],0x194[7:0])
    WAIT 0.001
    0x00f0		// Read: 0x00
    // Read	MACRO_DONE=0x0; 	Address(0xf0[7:2])
    WAIT 0.1
    0x00f0		// Read: 0x00
    // Read	MACRO_ERROR=0x0; 	Address(0xf0[7:3])
    0x00f1		// Read: 0x00
    // Read	MACRO_ERROR_OPCODE=0x0; 	Address(0xf1[7:0],0xf2[7:0])
    0x00f0		// Read: 0x00
    // Read	MACRO_ERROR_IN_OPCODE=0x0; 	Address(0xf0[7:4])
    0x00f0		// Read: 0x00
    // Read	MACRO_ERROR_OPCODE_NOT_ALLOWED=0x0; 	Address(0xf0[7:5])
    0x00f0		// Read: 0x00
    // Read	MACRO_ERROR_IN_OPERAND=0x0; 	Address(0xf0[7:6])
    0x00f0		// Read: 0x00
    // Read	MACRO_ERROR_IN_EXECUTION=0x0; 	Address(0xf0[7:7])
    0x00f3		// Read: 0x00
    0x00f2		// Read: 0x00
    // Read	MACRO_ERROR_EXTENDED_CODE=0x0; 	Address(0xf2[7:0],0xf3[7:0],0xf4[7:0])
    0x00f7		// Read: 0x00
    0x00f6		// Read: 0x00
    0x00f5		// Read: 0x00
    0x00f4		// Read: 0x00
    // Read	MACRO_ERROR_EXTENDED_CODE_2=0x0; 	Address(0xf4[7:0],0xf5[7:0],0xf6[7:0],0xf7[7:0],0xf8[7:0])
    0x00f0		// Read: 0x00
    // Read	MACRO_READY=0x0; 	Address(0xf0[7:0])
    WAIT 0.1
    0x00a3	0x0b	// MACRO_OPERAND_REG0=0xb200001; 	Address(0xa0[7:0],0xa1[7:0],0xa2[7:0],0xa3[7:0],0xa4[7:0])
    0x00a2	0x20
    0x00a1	0x00
    0x00a0	0x01
    0x00a7	0xac	// MACRO_OPERAND_REG1=0xac400020; 	Address(0xa4[7:0],0xa5[7:0],0xa6[7:0],0xa7[7:0],0xa8[7:0])
    0x00a6	0x40
    0x00a5	0x00
    0x00a4	0x20
    0x00ab	0x77	// MACRO_OPERAND_REG2=0x77400027; 	Address(0xa8[7:0],0xa9[7:0],0xaa[7:0],0xab[7:0],0xac[7:0])
    0x00aa	0x40
    0x00a9	0x00
    0x00a8	0x27
    0x00af	0xac	// MACRO_OPERAND_REG3=0xac40001b; 	Address(0xac[7:0],0xad[7:0],0xae[7:0],0xaf[7:0],0xb0[7:0])
    0x00ae	0x40
    0x00ad	0x00
    0x00ac	0x1b
    0x00b3	0x00	// MACRO_OPERAND_REG4=0x27; 	Address(0xb0[7:0],0xb1[7:0],0xb2[7:0],0xb3[7:0],0xb4[7:0])
    0x00b2	0x00
    0x00b1	0x00
    0x00b0	0x27
    0x0193	0x31	// MACRO_OPCODE=0x31; 	Address(0x193[7:0],0x194[7:0])
    WAIT 0.001
    0x00f0		// Read: 0x00
    // Read	MACRO_DONE=0x0; 	Address(0xf0[7:2])
    WAIT 0.1
    0x00f0		// Read: 0x00
    // Read	MACRO_ERROR=0x0; 	Address(0xf0[7:3])
    0x00f1		// Read: 0x00
    // Read	MACRO_ERROR_OPCODE=0x0; 	Address(0xf1[7:0],0xf2[7:0])
    0x00f0		// Read: 0x00
    // Read	MACRO_ERROR_IN_OPCODE=0x0; 	Address(0xf0[7:4])
    0x00f0		// Read: 0x00
    // Read	MACRO_ERROR_OPCODE_NOT_ALLOWED=0x0; 	Address(0xf0[7:5])
    0x00f0		// Read: 0x00
    // Read	MACRO_ERROR_IN_OPERAND=0x0; 	Address(0xf0[7:6])
    0x00f0		// Read: 0x00
    // Read	MACRO_ERROR_IN_EXECUTION=0x0; 	Address(0xf0[7:7])
    0x00f3		// Read: 0x00
    0x00f2		// Read: 0x00
    // Read	MACRO_ERROR_EXTENDED_CODE=0x0; 	Address(0xf2[7:0],0xf3[7:0],0xf4[7:0])
    0x00f7		// Read: 0x00
    0x00f6		// Read: 0x00
    0x00f5		// Read: 0x00
    0x00f4		// Read: 0x00
    // Read	MACRO_ERROR_EXTENDED_CODE_2=0x0; 	Address(0xf4[7:0],0xf5[7:0],0xf6[7:0],0xf7[7:0],0xf8[7:0])
    0x00f0		// Read: 0x00
    // Read	MACRO_READY=0x0; 	Address(0xf0[7:0])
    WAIT 0.1
    0x00a3	0x00	// MACRO_OPERAND_REG0=0x402; 	Address(0xa0[7:0],0xa1[7:0],0xa2[7:0],0xa3[7:0],0xa4[7:0])
    0x00a2	0x00
    0x00a1	0x04
    0x00a0	0x02
    0x0193	0x29	// MACRO_OPCODE=0x29; 	Address(0x193[7:0],0x194[7:0])
    WAIT 0.001
    0x00f0		// Read: 0x00
    // Read	MACRO_DONE=0x0; 	Address(0xf0[7:2])
    WAIT 0.1
    0x00f0		// Read: 0x00
    // Read	MACRO_ERROR=0x0; 	Address(0xf0[7:3])
    0x00f1		// Read: 0x00
    // Read	MACRO_ERROR_OPCODE=0x0; 	Address(0xf1[7:0],0xf2[7:0])
    0x00f0		// Read: 0x00
    // Read	MACRO_ERROR_IN_OPCODE=0x0; 	Address(0xf0[7:4])
    0x00f0		// Read: 0x00
    // Read	MACRO_ERROR_OPCODE_NOT_ALLOWED=0x0; 	Address(0xf0[7:5])
    0x00f0		// Read: 0x00
    // Read	MACRO_ERROR_IN_OPERAND=0x0; 	Address(0xf0[7:6])
    0x00f0		// Read: 0x00
    // Read	MACRO_ERROR_IN_EXECUTION=0x0; 	Address(0xf0[7:7])
    0x00f3		// Read: 0x00
    0x00f2		// Read: 0x00
    // Read	MACRO_ERROR_EXTENDED_CODE=0x0; 	Address(0xf2[7:0],0xf3[7:0],0xf4[7:0])
    0x00f7		// Read: 0x00
    0x00f6		// Read: 0x00
    0x00f5		// Read: 0x00
    0x00f4		// Read: 0x00
    // Read	MACRO_ERROR_EXTENDED_CODE_2=0x0; 	Address(0xf4[7:0],0xf5[7:0],0xf6[7:0],0xf7[7:0],0xf8[7:0])
    0x00f0		// Read: 0x00
    // Read	MACRO_READY=0x0; 	Address(0xf0[7:0])
    WAIT 0.1
    0x00a3	0x00	// MACRO_OPERAND_REG0=0x102; 	Address(0xa0[7:0],0xa1[7:0],0xa2[7:0],0xa3[7:0],0xa4[7:0])
    0x00a2	0x00
    0x00a1	0x01
    0x00a0	0x02
    0x0193	0x23	// MACRO_OPCODE=0x23; 	Address(0x193[7:0],0x194[7:0])
    WAIT 0.001
    0x00f0		// Read: 0x00
    // Read	MACRO_DONE=0x0; 	Address(0xf0[7:2])
    WAIT 0.1
    0x00f0		// Read: 0x00
    // Read	MACRO_ERROR=0x0; 	Address(0xf0[7:3])
    0x00f1		// Read: 0x00
    // Read	MACRO_ERROR_OPCODE=0x0; 	Address(0xf1[7:0],0xf2[7:0])
    0x00f0		// Read: 0x00
    // Read	MACRO_ERROR_IN_OPCODE=0x0; 	Address(0xf0[7:4])
    0x00f0		// Read: 0x00
    // Read	MACRO_ERROR_OPCODE_NOT_ALLOWED=0x0; 	Address(0xf0[7:5])
    0x00f0		// Read: 0x00
    // Read	MACRO_ERROR_IN_OPERAND=0x0; 	Address(0xf0[7:6])
    0x00f0		// Read: 0x00
    // Read	MACRO_ERROR_IN_EXECUTION=0x0; 	Address(0xf0[7:7])
    0x00f3		// Read: 0x00
    0x00f2		// Read: 0x00
    // Read	MACRO_ERROR_EXTENDED_CODE=0x0; 	Address(0xf2[7:0],0xf3[7:0],0xf4[7:0])
    0x00f7		// Read: 0x00
    0x00f6		// Read: 0x00
    0x00f5		// Read: 0x00
    0x00f4		// Read: 0x00
    // Read	MACRO_ERROR_EXTENDED_CODE_2=0x0; 	Address(0xf4[7:0],0xf5[7:0],0xf6[7:0],0xf7[7:0],0xf8[7:0])
    0x00f0		// Read: 0x00
    // Read	MACRO_READY=0x0; 	Address(0xf0[7:0])
    WAIT 0.1
    0x00a3	0x77	// MACRO_OPERAND_REG0=0x77400002; 	Address(0xa0[7:0],0xa1[7:0],0xa2[7:0],0xa3[7:0],0xa4[7:0])
    0x00a2	0x40
    0x00a1	0x00
    0x00a0	0x02
    0x00a7	0xac	// MACRO_OPERAND_REG1=0xac40001b; 	Address(0xa4[7:0],0xa5[7:0],0xa6[7:0],0xa7[7:0],0xa8[7:0])
    0x00a6	0x40
    0x00a5	0x00
    0x00a4	0x1b
    0x00ab	0x77	// MACRO_OPERAND_REG2=0x77400027; 	Address(0xa8[7:0],0xa9[7:0],0xaa[7:0],0xab[7:0],0xac[7:0])
    0x00aa	0x40
    0x00a9	0x00
    0x00a8	0x27
    0x00af	0xac	// MACRO_OPERAND_REG3=0xac40001b; 	Address(0xac[7:0],0xad[7:0],0xae[7:0],0xaf[7:0],0xb0[7:0])
    0x00ae	0x40
    0x00ad	0x00
    0x00ac	0x1b
    0x00b3	0x00	// MACRO_OPERAND_REG4=0x27; 	Address(0xb0[7:0],0xb1[7:0],0xb2[7:0],0xb3[7:0],0xb4[7:0])
    0x00b2	0x00
    0x00b1	0x00
    0x00b0	0x27
    0x0193	0x31	// MACRO_OPCODE=0x31; 	Address(0x193[7:0],0x194[7:0])
    WAIT 0.001
    0x00f0		// Read: 0x00
    // Read	MACRO_DONE=0x0; 	Address(0xf0[7:2])
    WAIT 0.1
    0x00f0		// Read: 0x00
    // Read	MACRO_ERROR=0x0; 	Address(0xf0[7:3])
    0x00f1		// Read: 0x00
    // Read	MACRO_ERROR_OPCODE=0x0; 	Address(0xf1[7:0],0xf2[7:0])
    0x00f0		// Read: 0x00
    // Read	MACRO_ERROR_IN_OPCODE=0x0; 	Address(0xf0[7:4])
    0x00f0		// Read: 0x00
    // Read	MACRO_ERROR_OPCODE_NOT_ALLOWED=0x0; 	Address(0xf0[7:5])
    0x00f0		// Read: 0x00
    // Read	MACRO_ERROR_IN_OPERAND=0x0; 	Address(0xf0[7:6])
    0x00f0		// Read: 0x00
    // Read	MACRO_ERROR_IN_EXECUTION=0x0; 	Address(0xf0[7:7])
    0x00f3		// Read: 0x00
    0x00f2		// Read: 0x00
    // Read	MACRO_ERROR_EXTENDED_CODE=0x0; 	Address(0xf2[7:0],0xf3[7:0],0xf4[7:0])
    0x00f7		// Read: 0x00
    0x00f6		// Read: 0x00
    0x00f5		// Read: 0x00
    0x00f4		// Read: 0x00
    // Read	MACRO_ERROR_EXTENDED_CODE_2=0x0; 	Address(0xf4[7:0],0xf5[7:0],0xf6[7:0],0xf7[7:0],0xf8[7:0])
    0x00f0		// Read: 0x00
    // Read	MACRO_READY=0x0; 	Address(0xf0[7:0])
    WAIT 0.1
    0x00a3	0x00	// MACRO_OPERAND_REG0=0x404; 	Address(0xa0[7:0],0xa1[7:0],0xa2[7:0],0xa3[7:0],0xa4[7:0])
    0x00a2	0x00
    0x00a1	0x04
    0x00a0	0x04
    0x0193	0x29	// MACRO_OPCODE=0x29; 	Address(0x193[7:0],0x194[7:0])
    WAIT 0.001
    0x00f0		// Read: 0x00
    // Read	MACRO_DONE=0x0; 	Address(0xf0[7:2])
    WAIT 0.1
    0x00f0		// Read: 0x00
    // Read	MACRO_ERROR=0x0; 	Address(0xf0[7:3])
    0x00f1		// Read: 0x00
    // Read	MACRO_ERROR_OPCODE=0x0; 	Address(0xf1[7:0],0xf2[7:0])
    0x00f0		// Read: 0x00
    // Read	MACRO_ERROR_IN_OPCODE=0x0; 	Address(0xf0[7:4])
    0x00f0		// Read: 0x00
    // Read	MACRO_ERROR_OPCODE_NOT_ALLOWED=0x0; 	Address(0xf0[7:5])
    0x00f0		// Read: 0x00
    // Read	MACRO_ERROR_IN_OPERAND=0x0; 	Address(0xf0[7:6])
    0x00f0		// Read: 0x00
    // Read	MACRO_ERROR_IN_EXECUTION=0x0; 	Address(0xf0[7:7])
    0x00f3		// Read: 0x00
    0x00f2		// Read: 0x00
    // Read	MACRO_ERROR_EXTENDED_CODE=0x0; 	Address(0xf2[7:0],0xf3[7:0],0xf4[7:0])
    0x00f7		// Read: 0x00
    0x00f6		// Read: 0x00
    0x00f5		// Read: 0x00
    0x00f4		// Read: 0x00
    // Read	MACRO_ERROR_EXTENDED_CODE_2=0x0; 	Address(0xf4[7:0],0xf5[7:0],0xf6[7:0],0xf7[7:0],0xf8[7:0])
    0x00f0		// Read: 0x00
    // Read	MACRO_READY=0x0; 	Address(0xf0[7:0])
    WAIT 0.1
    0x00a3	0x00	// MACRO_OPERAND_REG0=0x104; 	Address(0xa0[7:0],0xa1[7:0],0xa2[7:0],0xa3[7:0],0xa4[7:0])
    0x00a2	0x00
    0x00a1	0x01
    0x00a0	0x04
    0x0193	0x23	// MACRO_OPCODE=0x23; 	Address(0x193[7:0],0x194[7:0])
    WAIT 0.001
    0x00f0		// Read: 0x00
    // Read	MACRO_DONE=0x0; 	Address(0xf0[7:2])
    WAIT 0.1
    0x00f0		// Read: 0x00
    // Read	MACRO_ERROR=0x0; 	Address(0xf0[7:3])
    0x00f1		// Read: 0x00
    // Read	MACRO_ERROR_OPCODE=0x0; 	Address(0xf1[7:0],0xf2[7:0])
    0x00f0		// Read: 0x00
    // Read	MACRO_ERROR_IN_OPCODE=0x0; 	Address(0xf0[7:4])
    0x00f0		// Read: 0x00
    // Read	MACRO_ERROR_OPCODE_NOT_ALLOWED=0x0; 	Address(0xf0[7:5])
    0x00f0		// Read: 0x00
    // Read	MACRO_ERROR_IN_OPERAND=0x0; 	Address(0xf0[7:6])
    0x00f0		// Read: 0x00
    // Read	MACRO_ERROR_IN_EXECUTION=0x0; 	Address(0xf0[7:7])
    0x00f3		// Read: 0x00
    0x00f2		// Read: 0x00
    // Read	MACRO_ERROR_EXTENDED_CODE=0x0; 	Address(0xf2[7:0],0xf3[7:0],0xf4[7:0])
    0x00f7		// Read: 0x00
    0x00f6		// Read: 0x00
    0x00f5		// Read: 0x00
    0x00f4		// Read: 0x00
    // Read	MACRO_ERROR_EXTENDED_CODE_2=0x0; 	Address(0xf4[7:0],0xf5[7:0],0xf6[7:0],0xf7[7:0],0xf8[7:0])
    0x00f0		// Read: 0x00
    // Read	MACRO_READY=0x0; 	Address(0xf0[7:0])
    WAIT 0.1
    0x00a3	0xac	// MACRO_OPERAND_REG0=0xac400004; 	Address(0xa0[7:0],0xa1[7:0],0xa2[7:0],0xa3[7:0],0xa4[7:0])
    0x00a2	0x40
    0x00a1	0x00
    0x00a0	0x04
    0x00a7	0xac	// MACRO_OPERAND_REG1=0xac400027; 	Address(0xa4[7:0],0xa5[7:0],0xa6[7:0],0xa7[7:0],0xa8[7:0])
    0x00a6	0x40
    0x00a5	0x00
    0x00a4	0x27
    0x00ab	0x77	// MACRO_OPERAND_REG2=0x77400027; 	Address(0xa8[7:0],0xa9[7:0],0xaa[7:0],0xab[7:0],0xac[7:0])
    0x00aa	0x40
    0x00a9	0x00
    0x00a8	0x27
    0x00af	0xac	// MACRO_OPERAND_REG3=0xac40001b; 	Address(0xac[7:0],0xad[7:0],0xae[7:0],0xaf[7:0],0xb0[7:0])
    0x00ae	0x40
    0x00ad	0x00
    0x00ac	0x1b
    0x00b3	0x00	// MACRO_OPERAND_REG4=0x27; 	Address(0xb0[7:0],0xb1[7:0],0xb2[7:0],0xb3[7:0],0xb4[7:0])
    0x00b2	0x00
    0x00b1	0x00
    0x00b0	0x27
    0x0193	0x31	// MACRO_OPCODE=0x31; 	Address(0x193[7:0],0x194[7:0])
    WAIT 0.001
    0x00f0		// Read: 0x00
    // Read	MACRO_DONE=0x0; 	Address(0xf0[7:2])
    WAIT 0.1
    0x00f0		// Read: 0x00
    // Read	MACRO_ERROR=0x0; 	Address(0xf0[7:3])
    0x00f1		// Read: 0x00
    // Read	MACRO_ERROR_OPCODE=0x0; 	Address(0xf1[7:0],0xf2[7:0])
    0x00f0		// Read: 0x00
    // Read	MACRO_ERROR_IN_OPCODE=0x0; 	Address(0xf0[7:4])
    0x00f0		// Read: 0x00
    // Read	MACRO_ERROR_OPCODE_NOT_ALLOWED=0x0; 	Address(0xf0[7:5])
    0x00f0		// Read: 0x00
    // Read	MACRO_ERROR_IN_OPERAND=0x0; 	Address(0xf0[7:6])
    0x00f0		// Read: 0x00
    // Read	MACRO_ERROR_IN_EXECUTION=0x0; 	Address(0xf0[7:7])
    0x00f3		// Read: 0x00
    0x00f2		// Read: 0x00
    // Read	MACRO_ERROR_EXTENDED_CODE=0x0; 	Address(0xf2[7:0],0xf3[7:0],0xf4[7:0])
    0x00f7		// Read: 0x00
    0x00f6		// Read: 0x00
    0x00f5		// Read: 0x00
    0x00f4		// Read: 0x00
    // Read	MACRO_ERROR_EXTENDED_CODE_2=0x0; 	Address(0xf4[7:0],0xf5[7:0],0xf6[7:0],0xf7[7:0],0xf8[7:0])
    0x00f0		// Read: 0x00
    // Read	MACRO_READY=0x0; 	Address(0xf0[7:0])
    WAIT 0.1
    0x00a3	0x00	// MACRO_OPERAND_REG0=0x408; 	Address(0xa0[7:0],0xa1[7:0],0xa2[7:0],0xa3[7:0],0xa4[7:0])
    0x00a2	0x00
    0x00a1	0x04
    0x00a0	0x08
    0x0193	0x29	// MACRO_OPCODE=0x29; 	Address(0x193[7:0],0x194[7:0])
    WAIT 0.001
    0x00f0		// Read: 0x00
    // Read	MACRO_DONE=0x0; 	Address(0xf0[7:2])
    WAIT 0.1
    0x00f0		// Read: 0x00
    // Read	MACRO_ERROR=0x0; 	Address(0xf0[7:3])
    0x00f1		// Read: 0x00
    // Read	MACRO_ERROR_OPCODE=0x0; 	Address(0xf1[7:0],0xf2[7:0])
    0x00f0		// Read: 0x00
    // Read	MACRO_ERROR_IN_OPCODE=0x0; 	Address(0xf0[7:4])
    0x00f0		// Read: 0x00
    // Read	MACRO_ERROR_OPCODE_NOT_ALLOWED=0x0; 	Address(0xf0[7:5])
    0x00f0		// Read: 0x00
    // Read	MACRO_ERROR_IN_OPERAND=0x0; 	Address(0xf0[7:6])
    0x00f0		// Read: 0x00
    // Read	MACRO_ERROR_IN_EXECUTION=0x0; 	Address(0xf0[7:7])
    0x00f3		// Read: 0x00
    0x00f2		// Read: 0x00
    // Read	MACRO_ERROR_EXTENDED_CODE=0x0; 	Address(0xf2[7:0],0xf3[7:0],0xf4[7:0])
    0x00f7		// Read: 0x00
    0x00f6		// Read: 0x00
    0x00f5		// Read: 0x00
    0x00f4		// Read: 0x00
    // Read	MACRO_ERROR_EXTENDED_CODE_2=0x0; 	Address(0xf4[7:0],0xf5[7:0],0xf6[7:0],0xf7[7:0],0xf8[7:0])
    0x00f0		// Read: 0x00
    // Read	MACRO_READY=0x0; 	Address(0xf0[7:0])
    WAIT 0.1
    0x00a3	0x00	// MACRO_OPERAND_REG0=0x108; 	Address(0xa0[7:0],0xa1[7:0],0xa2[7:0],0xa3[7:0],0xa4[7:0])
    0x00a2	0x00
    0x00a1	0x01
    0x00a0	0x08
    0x0193	0x23	// MACRO_OPCODE=0x23; 	Address(0x193[7:0],0x194[7:0])
    WAIT 0.001
    0x00f0		// Read: 0x00
    // Read	MACRO_DONE=0x0; 	Address(0xf0[7:2])
    WAIT 0.1
    0x00f0		// Read: 0x00
    // Read	MACRO_ERROR=0x0; 	Address(0xf0[7:3])
    0x00f1		// Read: 0x00
    // Read	MACRO_ERROR_OPCODE=0x0; 	Address(0xf1[7:0],0xf2[7:0])
    0x00f0		// Read: 0x00
    // Read	MACRO_ERROR_IN_OPCODE=0x0; 	Address(0xf0[7:4])
    0x00f0		// Read: 0x00
    // Read	MACRO_ERROR_OPCODE_NOT_ALLOWED=0x0; 	Address(0xf0[7:5])
    0x00f0		// Read: 0x00
    // Read	MACRO_ERROR_IN_OPERAND=0x0; 	Address(0xf0[7:6])
    0x00f0		// Read: 0x00
    // Read	MACRO_ERROR_IN_EXECUTION=0x0; 	Address(0xf0[7:7])
    0x00f3		// Read: 0x00
    0x00f2		// Read: 0x00
    // Read	MACRO_ERROR_EXTENDED_CODE=0x0; 	Address(0xf2[7:0],0xf3[7:0],0xf4[7:0])
    0x00f7		// Read: 0x00
    0x00f6		// Read: 0x00
    0x00f5		// Read: 0x00
    0x00f4		// Read: 0x00
    // Read	MACRO_ERROR_EXTENDED_CODE_2=0x0; 	Address(0xf4[7:0],0xf5[7:0],0xf6[7:0],0xf7[7:0],0xf8[7:0])
    0x00f0		// Read: 0x00
    // Read	MACRO_READY=0x0; 	Address(0xf0[7:0])
    WAIT 0.1
    0x00a3	0x67	// MACRO_OPERAND_REG0=0x67e00008; 	Address(0xa0[7:0],0xa1[7:0],0xa2[7:0],0xa3[7:0],0xa4[7:0])
    0x00a2	0xe0
    0x00a1	0x00
    0x00a0	0x08
    0x00a7	0xac	// MACRO_OPERAND_REG1=0xac400008; 	Address(0xa4[7:0],0xa5[7:0],0xa6[7:0],0xa7[7:0],0xa8[7:0])
    0x00a6	0x40
    0x00a5	0x00
    0x00a4	0x08
    0x00ab	0x77	// MACRO_OPERAND_REG2=0x77400027; 	Address(0xa8[7:0],0xa9[7:0],0xaa[7:0],0xab[7:0],0xac[7:0])
    0x00aa	0x40
    0x00a9	0x00
    0x00a8	0x27
    0x00af	0xac	// MACRO_OPERAND_REG3=0xac40001b; 	Address(0xac[7:0],0xad[7:0],0xae[7:0],0xaf[7:0],0xb0[7:0])
    0x00ae	0x40
    0x00ad	0x00
    0x00ac	0x1b
    0x00b3	0x00	// MACRO_OPERAND_REG4=0x27; 	Address(0xb0[7:0],0xb1[7:0],0xb2[7:0],0xb3[7:0],0xb4[7:0])
    0x00b2	0x00
    0x00b1	0x00
    0x00b0	0x27
    0x0193	0x31	// MACRO_OPCODE=0x31; 	Address(0x193[7:0],0x194[7:0])
    WAIT 0.001
    0x00f0		// Read: 0x00
    // Read	MACRO_DONE=0x0; 	Address(0xf0[7:2])
    WAIT 0.1
    0x00f0		// Read: 0x00
    // Read	MACRO_ERROR=0x0; 	Address(0xf0[7:3])
    0x00f1		// Read: 0x00
    // Read	MACRO_ERROR_OPCODE=0x0; 	Address(0xf1[7:0],0xf2[7:0])
    0x00f0		// Read: 0x00
    // Read	MACRO_ERROR_IN_OPCODE=0x0; 	Address(0xf0[7:4])
    0x00f0		// Read: 0x00
    // Read	MACRO_ERROR_OPCODE_NOT_ALLOWED=0x0; 	Address(0xf0[7:5])
    0x00f0		// Read: 0x00
    // Read	MACRO_ERROR_IN_OPERAND=0x0; 	Address(0xf0[7:6])
    0x00f0		// Read: 0x00
    // Read	MACRO_ERROR_IN_EXECUTION=0x0; 	Address(0xf0[7:7])
    0x00f3		// Read: 0x00
    0x00f2		// Read: 0x00
    // Read	MACRO_ERROR_EXTENDED_CODE=0x0; 	Address(0xf2[7:0],0xf3[7:0],0xf4[7:0])
    0x00f7		// Read: 0x00
    0x00f6		// Read: 0x00
    0x00f5		// Read: 0x00
    0x00f4		// Read: 0x00
    // Read	MACRO_ERROR_EXTENDED_CODE_2=0x0; 	Address(0xf4[7:0],0xf5[7:0],0xf6[7:0],0xf7[7:0],0xf8[7:0])
    // END: Configuring RX Chain Parameters to TOP MCU
    0x0018	0x00	// macro=0x0; 	Address(0x18[7:5])
    // START: Configuring FB Chain Parameters to TOP MCU
    0x0018	0x20	// macro=0x1; 	Address(0x18[7:5])
    0x00f0		// Read: 0x00
    // Read	MACRO_READY=0x0; 	Address(0xf0[7:0])
    WAIT 0.1
    0x00a3	0x00	// MACRO_OPERAND_REG0=0x703; 	Address(0xa0[7:0],0xa1[7:0],0xa2[7:0],0xa3[7:0],0xa4[7:0])
    0x00a2	0x00
    0x00a1	0x07
    0x00a0	0x03
    0x0193	0x2d	// MACRO_OPCODE=0x2d; 	Address(0x193[7:0],0x194[7:0])
    WAIT 0.001
    0x00f0		// Read: 0x00
    // Read	MACRO_DONE=0x0; 	Address(0xf0[7:2])
    WAIT 0.1
    0x00f0		// Read: 0x00
    // Read	MACRO_ERROR=0x0; 	Address(0xf0[7:3])
    0x00f1		// Read: 0x00
    // Read	MACRO_ERROR_OPCODE=0x0; 	Address(0xf1[7:0],0xf2[7:0])
    0x00f0		// Read: 0x00
    // Read	MACRO_ERROR_IN_OPCODE=0x0; 	Address(0xf0[7:4])
    0x00f0		// Read: 0x00
    // Read	MACRO_ERROR_OPCODE_NOT_ALLOWED=0x0; 	Address(0xf0[7:5])
    0x00f0		// Read: 0x00
    // Read	MACRO_ERROR_IN_OPERAND=0x0; 	Address(0xf0[7:6])
    0x00f0		// Read: 0x00
    // Read	MACRO_ERROR_IN_EXECUTION=0x0; 	Address(0xf0[7:7])
    0x00f3		// Read: 0x00
    0x00f2		// Read: 0x00
    // Read	MACRO_ERROR_EXTENDED_CODE=0x0; 	Address(0xf2[7:0],0xf3[7:0],0xf4[7:0])
    0x00f7		// Read: 0x00
    0x00f6		// Read: 0x00
    0x00f5		// Read: 0x00
    0x00f4		// Read: 0x00
    // Read	MACRO_ERROR_EXTENDED_CODE_2=0x0; 	Address(0xf4[7:0],0xf5[7:0],0xf6[7:0],0xf7[7:0],0xf8[7:0])
    0x00f0		// Read: 0x00
    // Read	MACRO_READY=0x0; 	Address(0xf0[7:0])
    WAIT 0.1
    0x00a3	0x00	// MACRO_OPERAND_REG0=0x601; 	Address(0xa0[7:0],0xa1[7:0],0xa2[7:0],0xa3[7:0],0xa4[7:0])
    0x00a2	0x00
    0x00a1	0x06
    0x00a0	0x01
    0x0193	0x2a	// MACRO_OPCODE=0x2a; 	Address(0x193[7:0],0x194[7:0])
    WAIT 0.001
    0x00f0		// Read: 0x00
    // Read	MACRO_DONE=0x0; 	Address(0xf0[7:2])
    WAIT 0.1
    0x00f0		// Read: 0x00
    // Read	MACRO_ERROR=0x0; 	Address(0xf0[7:3])
    0x00f1		// Read: 0x00
    // Read	MACRO_ERROR_OPCODE=0x0; 	Address(0xf1[7:0],0xf2[7:0])
    0x00f0		// Read: 0x00
    // Read	MACRO_ERROR_IN_OPCODE=0x0; 	Address(0xf0[7:4])
    0x00f0		// Read: 0x00
    // Read	MACRO_ERROR_OPCODE_NOT_ALLOWED=0x0; 	Address(0xf0[7:5])
    0x00f0		// Read: 0x00
    // Read	MACRO_ERROR_IN_OPERAND=0x0; 	Address(0xf0[7:6])
    0x00f0		// Read: 0x00
    // Read	MACRO_ERROR_IN_EXECUTION=0x0; 	Address(0xf0[7:7])
    0x00f3		// Read: 0x00
    0x00f2		// Read: 0x00
    // Read	MACRO_ERROR_EXTENDED_CODE=0x0; 	Address(0xf2[7:0],0xf3[7:0],0xf4[7:0])
    0x00f7		// Read: 0x00
    0x00f6		// Read: 0x00
    0x00f5		// Read: 0x00
    0x00f4		// Read: 0x00
    // Read	MACRO_ERROR_EXTENDED_CODE_2=0x0; 	Address(0xf4[7:0],0xf5[7:0],0xf6[7:0],0xf7[7:0],0xf8[7:0])
    0x00f0		// Read: 0x00
    // Read	MACRO_READY=0x0; 	Address(0xf0[7:0])
    WAIT 0.1
    0x00a3	0x91	// MACRO_OPERAND_REG0=0x91c00001; 	Address(0xa0[7:0],0xa1[7:0],0xa2[7:0],0xa3[7:0],0xa4[7:0])
    0x00a2	0xc0
    0x00a1	0x00
    0x00a0	0x01
    0x00a7	0x00	// MACRO_OPERAND_REG1=0x21; 	Address(0xa4[7:0],0xa5[7:0],0xa6[7:0],0xa7[7:0],0xa8[7:0])
    0x00a6	0x00
    0x00a5	0x00
    0x00a4	0x21
    0x0193	0x32	// MACRO_OPCODE=0x32; 	Address(0x193[7:0],0x194[7:0])
    WAIT 0.001
    0x00f0		// Read: 0x00
    // Read	MACRO_DONE=0x0; 	Address(0xf0[7:2])
    WAIT 0.1
    0x00f0		// Read: 0x00
    // Read	MACRO_ERROR=0x0; 	Address(0xf0[7:3])
    0x00f1		// Read: 0x00
    // Read	MACRO_ERROR_OPCODE=0x0; 	Address(0xf1[7:0],0xf2[7:0])
    0x00f0		// Read: 0x00
    // Read	MACRO_ERROR_IN_OPCODE=0x0; 	Address(0xf0[7:4])
    0x00f0		// Read: 0x00
    // Read	MACRO_ERROR_OPCODE_NOT_ALLOWED=0x0; 	Address(0xf0[7:5])
    0x00f0		// Read: 0x00
    // Read	MACRO_ERROR_IN_OPERAND=0x0; 	Address(0xf0[7:6])
    0x00f0		// Read: 0x00
    // Read	MACRO_ERROR_IN_EXECUTION=0x0; 	Address(0xf0[7:7])
    0x00f3		// Read: 0x00
    0x00f2		// Read: 0x00
    // Read	MACRO_ERROR_EXTENDED_CODE=0x0; 	Address(0xf2[7:0],0xf3[7:0],0xf4[7:0])
    0x00f7		// Read: 0x00
    0x00f6		// Read: 0x00
    0x00f5		// Read: 0x00
    0x00f4		// Read: 0x00
    // Read	MACRO_ERROR_EXTENDED_CODE_2=0x0; 	Address(0xf4[7:0],0xf5[7:0],0xf6[7:0],0xf7[7:0],0xf8[7:0])
    0x00f0		// Read: 0x00
    // Read	MACRO_READY=0x0; 	Address(0xf0[7:0])
    WAIT 0.1
    0x00a3	0x00	// MACRO_OPERAND_REG0=0x602; 	Address(0xa0[7:0],0xa1[7:0],0xa2[7:0],0xa3[7:0],0xa4[7:0])
    0x00a2	0x00
    0x00a1	0x06
    0x00a0	0x02
    0x0193	0x2a	// MACRO_OPCODE=0x2a; 	Address(0x193[7:0],0x194[7:0])
    WAIT 0.001
    0x00f0		// Read: 0x00
    // Read	MACRO_DONE=0x0; 	Address(0xf0[7:2])
    WAIT 0.1
    0x00f0		// Read: 0x00
    // Read	MACRO_ERROR=0x0; 	Address(0xf0[7:3])
    0x00f1		// Read: 0x00
    // Read	MACRO_ERROR_OPCODE=0x0; 	Address(0xf1[7:0],0xf2[7:0])
    0x00f0		// Read: 0x00
    // Read	MACRO_ERROR_IN_OPCODE=0x0; 	Address(0xf0[7:4])
    0x00f0		// Read: 0x00
    // Read	MACRO_ERROR_OPCODE_NOT_ALLOWED=0x0; 	Address(0xf0[7:5])
    0x00f0		// Read: 0x00
    // Read	MACRO_ERROR_IN_OPERAND=0x0; 	Address(0xf0[7:6])
    0x00f0		// Read: 0x00
    // Read	MACRO_ERROR_IN_EXECUTION=0x0; 	Address(0xf0[7:7])
    0x00f3		// Read: 0x00
    0x00f2		// Read: 0x00
    // Read	MACRO_ERROR_EXTENDED_CODE=0x0; 	Address(0xf2[7:0],0xf3[7:0],0xf4[7:0])
    0x00f7		// Read: 0x00
    0x00f6		// Read: 0x00
    0x00f5		// Read: 0x00
    0x00f4		// Read: 0x00
    // Read	MACRO_ERROR_EXTENDED_CODE_2=0x0; 	Address(0xf4[7:0],0xf5[7:0],0xf6[7:0],0xf7[7:0],0xf8[7:0])
    0x00f0		// Read: 0x00
    // Read	MACRO_READY=0x0; 	Address(0xf0[7:0])
    WAIT 0.1
    0x00a3	0x91	// MACRO_OPERAND_REG0=0x91c00002; 	Address(0xa0[7:0],0xa1[7:0],0xa2[7:0],0xa3[7:0],0xa4[7:0])
    0x00a2	0xc0
    0x00a1	0x00
    0x00a0	0x02
    0x00a7	0x00	// MACRO_OPERAND_REG1=0x21; 	Address(0xa4[7:0],0xa5[7:0],0xa6[7:0],0xa7[7:0],0xa8[7:0])
    0x00a6	0x00
    0x00a5	0x00
    0x00a4	0x21
    0x0193	0x32	// MACRO_OPCODE=0x32; 	Address(0x193[7:0],0x194[7:0])
    WAIT 0.001
    0x00f0		// Read: 0x00
    // Read	MACRO_DONE=0x0; 	Address(0xf0[7:2])
    WAIT 0.1
    0x00f0		// Read: 0x00
    // Read	MACRO_ERROR=0x0; 	Address(0xf0[7:3])
    0x00f1		// Read: 0x00
    // Read	MACRO_ERROR_OPCODE=0x0; 	Address(0xf1[7:0],0xf2[7:0])
    0x00f0		// Read: 0x00
    // Read	MACRO_ERROR_IN_OPCODE=0x0; 	Address(0xf0[7:4])
    0x00f0		// Read: 0x00
    // Read	MACRO_ERROR_OPCODE_NOT_ALLOWED=0x0; 	Address(0xf0[7:5])
    0x00f0		// Read: 0x00
    // Read	MACRO_ERROR_IN_OPERAND=0x0; 	Address(0xf0[7:6])
    0x00f0		// Read: 0x00
    // Read	MACRO_ERROR_IN_EXECUTION=0x0; 	Address(0xf0[7:7])
    0x00f3		// Read: 0x00
    0x00f2		// Read: 0x00
    // Read	MACRO_ERROR_EXTENDED_CODE=0x0; 	Address(0xf2[7:0],0xf3[7:0],0xf4[7:0])
    0x00f7		// Read: 0x00
    0x00f6		// Read: 0x00
    0x00f5		// Read: 0x00
    0x00f4		// Read: 0x00
    // Read	MACRO_ERROR_EXTENDED_CODE_2=0x0; 	Address(0xf4[7:0],0xf5[7:0],0xf6[7:0],0xf7[7:0],0xf8[7:0])
    // END: Configuring FB Chain Parameters to TOP MCU
    0x0018	0x00	// macro=0x0; 	Address(0x18[7:5])
    // START: Configuring TX Chain Parameters to TOP MCU
    0x0018	0x20	// macro=0x1; 	Address(0x18[7:5])
    0x00f0		// Read: 0x00
    // Read	MACRO_READY=0x0; 	Address(0xf0[7:0])
    WAIT 0.1
    0x00a3	0x00	// MACRO_OPERAND_REG0=0x1; 	Address(0xa0[7:0],0xa1[7:0],0xa2[7:0],0xa3[7:0],0xa4[7:0])
    0x00a2	0x00
    0x00a1	0x00
    0x00a0	0x01
    0x0193	0x8d	// MACRO_OPCODE=0x8d; 	Address(0x193[7:0],0x194[7:0])
    WAIT 0.001
    0x00f0		// Read: 0x00
    // Read	MACRO_DONE=0x0; 	Address(0xf0[7:2])
    WAIT 0.1
    0x00f0		// Read: 0x00
    // Read	MACRO_ERROR=0x0; 	Address(0xf0[7:3])
    0x00f1		// Read: 0x00
    // Read	MACRO_ERROR_OPCODE=0x0; 	Address(0xf1[7:0],0xf2[7:0])
    0x00f0		// Read: 0x00
    // Read	MACRO_ERROR_IN_OPCODE=0x0; 	Address(0xf0[7:4])
    0x00f0		// Read: 0x00
    // Read	MACRO_ERROR_OPCODE_NOT_ALLOWED=0x0; 	Address(0xf0[7:5])
    0x00f0		// Read: 0x00
    // Read	MACRO_ERROR_IN_OPERAND=0x0; 	Address(0xf0[7:6])
    0x00f0		// Read: 0x00
    // Read	MACRO_ERROR_IN_EXECUTION=0x0; 	Address(0xf0[7:7])
    0x00f3		// Read: 0x00
    0x00f2		// Read: 0x00
    // Read	MACRO_ERROR_EXTENDED_CODE=0x0; 	Address(0xf2[7:0],0xf3[7:0],0xf4[7:0])
    0x00f7		// Read: 0x00
    0x00f6		// Read: 0x00
    0x00f5		// Read: 0x00
    0x00f4		// Read: 0x00
    // Read	MACRO_ERROR_EXTENDED_CODE_2=0x0; 	Address(0xf4[7:0],0xf5[7:0],0xf6[7:0],0xf7[7:0],0xf8[7:0])
    0x00f0		// Read: 0x00
    // Read	MACRO_READY=0x0; 	Address(0xf0[7:0])
    WAIT 0.1
    0x00a3	0x00	// MACRO_OPERAND_REG0=0xf03; 	Address(0xa0[7:0],0xa1[7:0],0xa2[7:0],0xa3[7:0],0xa4[7:0])
    0x00a2	0x00
    0x00a1	0x0f
    0x00a0	0x03
    0x0193	0x2e	// MACRO_OPCODE=0x2e; 	Address(0x193[7:0],0x194[7:0])
    WAIT 0.001
    0x00f0		// Read: 0x00
    // Read	MACRO_DONE=0x0; 	Address(0xf0[7:2])
    WAIT 0.1
    0x00f0		// Read: 0x00
    // Read	MACRO_ERROR=0x0; 	Address(0xf0[7:3])
    0x00f1		// Read: 0x00
    // Read	MACRO_ERROR_OPCODE=0x0; 	Address(0xf1[7:0],0xf2[7:0])
    0x00f0		// Read: 0x00
    // Read	MACRO_ERROR_IN_OPCODE=0x0; 	Address(0xf0[7:4])
    0x00f0		// Read: 0x00
    // Read	MACRO_ERROR_OPCODE_NOT_ALLOWED=0x0; 	Address(0xf0[7:5])
    0x00f0		// Read: 0x00
    // Read	MACRO_ERROR_IN_OPERAND=0x0; 	Address(0xf0[7:6])
    0x00f0		// Read: 0x00
    // Read	MACRO_ERROR_IN_EXECUTION=0x0; 	Address(0xf0[7:7])
    0x00f3		// Read: 0x00
    0x00f2		// Read: 0x00
    // Read	MACRO_ERROR_EXTENDED_CODE=0x0; 	Address(0xf2[7:0],0xf3[7:0],0xf4[7:0])
    0x00f7		// Read: 0x00
    0x00f6		// Read: 0x00
    0x00f5		// Read: 0x00
    0x00f4		// Read: 0x00
    // Read	MACRO_ERROR_EXTENDED_CODE_2=0x0; 	Address(0xf4[7:0],0xf5[7:0],0xf6[7:0],0xf7[7:0],0xf8[7:0])
    0x00f0		// Read: 0x00
    // Read	MACRO_READY=0x0; 	Address(0xf0[7:0])
    WAIT 0.1
    0x00a3	0x00	// MACRO_OPERAND_REG0=0x401; 	Address(0xa0[7:0],0xa1[7:0],0xa2[7:0],0xa3[7:0],0xa4[7:0])
    0x00a2	0x00
    0x00a1	0x04
    0x00a0	0x01
    0x0193	0x2b	// MACRO_OPCODE=0x2b; 	Address(0x193[7:0],0x194[7:0])
    WAIT 0.001
    0x00f0		// Read: 0x00
    // Read	MACRO_DONE=0x0; 	Address(0xf0[7:2])
    WAIT 0.1
    0x00f0		// Read: 0x00
    // Read	MACRO_ERROR=0x0; 	Address(0xf0[7:3])
    0x00f1		// Read: 0x00
    // Read	MACRO_ERROR_OPCODE=0x0; 	Address(0xf1[7:0],0xf2[7:0])
    0x00f0		// Read: 0x00
    // Read	MACRO_ERROR_IN_OPCODE=0x0; 	Address(0xf0[7:4])
    0x00f0		// Read: 0x00
    // Read	MACRO_ERROR_OPCODE_NOT_ALLOWED=0x0; 	Address(0xf0[7:5])
    0x00f0		// Read: 0x00
    // Read	MACRO_ERROR_IN_OPERAND=0x0; 	Address(0xf0[7:6])
    0x00f0		// Read: 0x00
    // Read	MACRO_ERROR_IN_EXECUTION=0x0; 	Address(0xf0[7:7])
    0x00f3		// Read: 0x00
    0x00f2		// Read: 0x00
    // Read	MACRO_ERROR_EXTENDED_CODE=0x0; 	Address(0xf2[7:0],0xf3[7:0],0xf4[7:0])
    0x00f7		// Read: 0x00
    0x00f6		// Read: 0x00
    0x00f5		// Read: 0x00
    0x00f4		// Read: 0x00
    // Read	MACRO_ERROR_EXTENDED_CODE_2=0x0; 	Address(0xf4[7:0],0xf5[7:0],0xf6[7:0],0xf7[7:0],0xf8[7:0])
    0x00f0		// Read: 0x00
    // Read	MACRO_READY=0x0; 	Address(0xf0[7:0])
    WAIT 0.1
    0x00a3	0x00	// MACRO_OPERAND_REG0=0x110; 	Address(0xa0[7:0],0xa1[7:0],0xa2[7:0],0xa3[7:0],0xa4[7:0])
    0x00a2	0x00
    0x00a1	0x01
    0x00a0	0x10
    0x0193	0x23	// MACRO_OPCODE=0x23; 	Address(0x193[7:0],0x194[7:0])
    WAIT 0.001
    0x00f0		// Read: 0x00
    // Read	MACRO_DONE=0x0; 	Address(0xf0[7:2])
    WAIT 0.1
    0x00f0		// Read: 0x00
    // Read	MACRO_ERROR=0x0; 	Address(0xf0[7:3])
    0x00f1		// Read: 0x00
    // Read	MACRO_ERROR_OPCODE=0x0; 	Address(0xf1[7:0],0xf2[7:0])
    0x00f0		// Read: 0x00
    // Read	MACRO_ERROR_IN_OPCODE=0x0; 	Address(0xf0[7:4])
    0x00f0		// Read: 0x00
    // Read	MACRO_ERROR_OPCODE_NOT_ALLOWED=0x0; 	Address(0xf0[7:5])
    0x00f0		// Read: 0x00
    // Read	MACRO_ERROR_IN_OPERAND=0x0; 	Address(0xf0[7:6])
    0x00f0		// Read: 0x00
    // Read	MACRO_ERROR_IN_EXECUTION=0x0; 	Address(0xf0[7:7])
    0x00f3		// Read: 0x00
    0x00f2		// Read: 0x00
    // Read	MACRO_ERROR_EXTENDED_CODE=0x0; 	Address(0xf2[7:0],0xf3[7:0],0xf4[7:0])
    0x00f7		// Read: 0x00
    0x00f6		// Read: 0x00
    0x00f5		// Read: 0x00
    0x00f4		// Read: 0x00
    // Read	MACRO_ERROR_EXTENDED_CODE_2=0x0; 	Address(0xf4[7:0],0xf5[7:0],0xf6[7:0],0xf7[7:0],0xf8[7:0])
    0x00f0		// Read: 0x00
    // Read	MACRO_READY=0x0; 	Address(0xf0[7:0])
    WAIT 0.1
    0x00a3	0x0b	// MACRO_OPERAND_REG0=0xb200001; 	Address(0xa0[7:0],0xa1[7:0],0xa2[7:0],0xa3[7:0],0xa4[7:0])
    0x00a2	0x20
    0x00a1	0x00
    0x00a0	0x01
    0x00a7	0xac	// MACRO_OPERAND_REG1=0xac400020; 	Address(0xa4[7:0],0xa5[7:0],0xa6[7:0],0xa7[7:0],0xa8[7:0])
    0x00a6	0x40
    0x00a5	0x00
    0x00a4	0x20
    0x00ab	0x77	// MACRO_OPERAND_REG2=0x77400027; 	Address(0xa8[7:0],0xa9[7:0],0xaa[7:0],0xab[7:0],0xac[7:0])
    0x00aa	0x40
    0x00a9	0x00
    0x00a8	0x27
    0x00af	0xac	// MACRO_OPERAND_REG3=0xac40001b; 	Address(0xac[7:0],0xad[7:0],0xae[7:0],0xaf[7:0],0xb0[7:0])
    0x00ae	0x40
    0x00ad	0x00
    0x00ac	0x1b
    0x00b3	0x00	// MACRO_OPERAND_REG4=0x27; 	Address(0xb0[7:0],0xb1[7:0],0xb2[7:0],0xb3[7:0],0xb4[7:0])
    0x00b2	0x00
    0x00b1	0x00
    0x00b0	0x27
    0x0193	0x30	// MACRO_OPCODE=0x30; 	Address(0x193[7:0],0x194[7:0])
    WAIT 0.001
    0x00f0		// Read: 0x00
    // Read	MACRO_DONE=0x0; 	Address(0xf0[7:2])
    WAIT 0.1
    0x00f0		// Read: 0x00
    // Read	MACRO_ERROR=0x0; 	Address(0xf0[7:3])
    0x00f1		// Read: 0x00
    // Read	MACRO_ERROR_OPCODE=0x0; 	Address(0xf1[7:0],0xf2[7:0])
    0x00f0		// Read: 0x00
    // Read	MACRO_ERROR_IN_OPCODE=0x0; 	Address(0xf0[7:4])
    0x00f0		// Read: 0x00
    // Read	MACRO_ERROR_OPCODE_NOT_ALLOWED=0x0; 	Address(0xf0[7:5])
    0x00f0		// Read: 0x00
    // Read	MACRO_ERROR_IN_OPERAND=0x0; 	Address(0xf0[7:6])
    0x00f0		// Read: 0x00
    // Read	MACRO_ERROR_IN_EXECUTION=0x0; 	Address(0xf0[7:7])
    0x00f3		// Read: 0x00
    0x00f2		// Read: 0x00
    // Read	MACRO_ERROR_EXTENDED_CODE=0x0; 	Address(0xf2[7:0],0xf3[7:0],0xf4[7:0])
    0x00f7		// Read: 0x00
    0x00f6		// Read: 0x00
    0x00f5		// Read: 0x00
    0x00f4		// Read: 0x00
    // Read	MACRO_ERROR_EXTENDED_CODE_2=0x0; 	Address(0xf4[7:0],0xf5[7:0],0xf6[7:0],0xf7[7:0],0xf8[7:0])
    0x00f0		// Read: 0x00
    // Read	MACRO_READY=0x0; 	Address(0xf0[7:0])
    WAIT 0.1
    0x00a3	0x00	// MACRO_OPERAND_REG0=0x402; 	Address(0xa0[7:0],0xa1[7:0],0xa2[7:0],0xa3[7:0],0xa4[7:0])
    0x00a2	0x00
    0x00a1	0x04
    0x00a0	0x02
    0x0193	0x2b	// MACRO_OPCODE=0x2b; 	Address(0x193[7:0],0x194[7:0])
    WAIT 0.001
    0x00f0		// Read: 0x00
    // Read	MACRO_DONE=0x0; 	Address(0xf0[7:2])
    WAIT 0.1
    0x00f0		// Read: 0x00
    // Read	MACRO_ERROR=0x0; 	Address(0xf0[7:3])
    0x00f1		// Read: 0x00
    // Read	MACRO_ERROR_OPCODE=0x0; 	Address(0xf1[7:0],0xf2[7:0])
    0x00f0		// Read: 0x00
    // Read	MACRO_ERROR_IN_OPCODE=0x0; 	Address(0xf0[7:4])
    0x00f0		// Read: 0x00
    // Read	MACRO_ERROR_OPCODE_NOT_ALLOWED=0x0; 	Address(0xf0[7:5])
    0x00f0		// Read: 0x00
    // Read	MACRO_ERROR_IN_OPERAND=0x0; 	Address(0xf0[7:6])
    0x00f0		// Read: 0x00
    // Read	MACRO_ERROR_IN_EXECUTION=0x0; 	Address(0xf0[7:7])
    0x00f3		// Read: 0x00
    0x00f2		// Read: 0x00
    // Read	MACRO_ERROR_EXTENDED_CODE=0x0; 	Address(0xf2[7:0],0xf3[7:0],0xf4[7:0])
    0x00f7		// Read: 0x00
    0x00f6		// Read: 0x00
    0x00f5		// Read: 0x00
    0x00f4		// Read: 0x00
    // Read	MACRO_ERROR_EXTENDED_CODE_2=0x0; 	Address(0xf4[7:0],0xf5[7:0],0xf6[7:0],0xf7[7:0],0xf8[7:0])
    0x00f0		// Read: 0x00
    // Read	MACRO_READY=0x0; 	Address(0xf0[7:0])
    WAIT 0.1
    0x00a3	0x00	// MACRO_OPERAND_REG0=0x120; 	Address(0xa0[7:0],0xa1[7:0],0xa2[7:0],0xa3[7:0],0xa4[7:0])
    0x00a2	0x00
    0x00a1	0x01
    0x00a0	0x20
    0x0193	0x23	// MACRO_OPCODE=0x23; 	Address(0x193[7:0],0x194[7:0])
    WAIT 0.001
    0x00f0		// Read: 0x00
    // Read	MACRO_DONE=0x0; 	Address(0xf0[7:2])
    WAIT 0.1
    0x00f0		// Read: 0x00
    // Read	MACRO_ERROR=0x0; 	Address(0xf0[7:3])
    0x00f1		// Read: 0x00
    // Read	MACRO_ERROR_OPCODE=0x0; 	Address(0xf1[7:0],0xf2[7:0])
    0x00f0		// Read: 0x00
    // Read	MACRO_ERROR_IN_OPCODE=0x0; 	Address(0xf0[7:4])
    0x00f0		// Read: 0x00
    // Read	MACRO_ERROR_OPCODE_NOT_ALLOWED=0x0; 	Address(0xf0[7:5])
    0x00f0		// Read: 0x00
    // Read	MACRO_ERROR_IN_OPERAND=0x0; 	Address(0xf0[7:6])
    0x00f0		// Read: 0x00
    // Read	MACRO_ERROR_IN_EXECUTION=0x0; 	Address(0xf0[7:7])
    0x00f3		// Read: 0x00
    0x00f2		// Read: 0x00
    // Read	MACRO_ERROR_EXTENDED_CODE=0x0; 	Address(0xf2[7:0],0xf3[7:0],0xf4[7:0])
    0x00f7		// Read: 0x00
    0x00f6		// Read: 0x00
    0x00f5		// Read: 0x00
    0x00f4		// Read: 0x00
    // Read	MACRO_ERROR_EXTENDED_CODE_2=0x0; 	Address(0xf4[7:0],0xf5[7:0],0xf6[7:0],0xf7[7:0],0xf8[7:0])
    0x00f0		// Read: 0x00
    // Read	MACRO_READY=0x0; 	Address(0xf0[7:0])
    WAIT 0.1
    0x00a3	0x77	// MACRO_OPERAND_REG0=0x77400002; 	Address(0xa0[7:0],0xa1[7:0],0xa2[7:0],0xa3[7:0],0xa4[7:0])
    0x00a2	0x40
    0x00a1	0x00
    0x00a0	0x02
    0x00a7	0xac	// MACRO_OPERAND_REG1=0xac40001b; 	Address(0xa4[7:0],0xa5[7:0],0xa6[7:0],0xa7[7:0],0xa8[7:0])
    0x00a6	0x40
    0x00a5	0x00
    0x00a4	0x1b
    0x00ab	0x77	// MACRO_OPERAND_REG2=0x77400027; 	Address(0xa8[7:0],0xa9[7:0],0xaa[7:0],0xab[7:0],0xac[7:0])
    0x00aa	0x40
    0x00a9	0x00
    0x00a8	0x27
    0x00af	0xac	// MACRO_OPERAND_REG3=0xac40001b; 	Address(0xac[7:0],0xad[7:0],0xae[7:0],0xaf[7:0],0xb0[7:0])
    0x00ae	0x40
    0x00ad	0x00
    0x00ac	0x1b
    0x00b3	0x00	// MACRO_OPERAND_REG4=0x27; 	Address(0xb0[7:0],0xb1[7:0],0xb2[7:0],0xb3[7:0],0xb4[7:0])
    0x00b2	0x00
    0x00b1	0x00
    0x00b0	0x27
    0x0193	0x30	// MACRO_OPCODE=0x30; 	Address(0x193[7:0],0x194[7:0])
    WAIT 0.001
    0x00f0		// Read: 0x00
    // Read	MACRO_DONE=0x0; 	Address(0xf0[7:2])
    WAIT 0.1
    0x00f0		// Read: 0x00
    // Read	MACRO_ERROR=0x0; 	Address(0xf0[7:3])
    0x00f1		// Read: 0x00
    // Read	MACRO_ERROR_OPCODE=0x0; 	Address(0xf1[7:0],0xf2[7:0])
    0x00f0		// Read: 0x00
    // Read	MACRO_ERROR_IN_OPCODE=0x0; 	Address(0xf0[7:4])
    0x00f0		// Read: 0x00
    // Read	MACRO_ERROR_OPCODE_NOT_ALLOWED=0x0; 	Address(0xf0[7:5])
    0x00f0		// Read: 0x00
    // Read	MACRO_ERROR_IN_OPERAND=0x0; 	Address(0xf0[7:6])
    0x00f0		// Read: 0x00
    // Read	MACRO_ERROR_IN_EXECUTION=0x0; 	Address(0xf0[7:7])
    0x00f3		// Read: 0x00
    0x00f2		// Read: 0x00
    // Read	MACRO_ERROR_EXTENDED_CODE=0x0; 	Address(0xf2[7:0],0xf3[7:0],0xf4[7:0])
    0x00f7		// Read: 0x00
    0x00f6		// Read: 0x00
    0x00f5		// Read: 0x00
    0x00f4		// Read: 0x00
    // Read	MACRO_ERROR_EXTENDED_CODE_2=0x0; 	Address(0xf4[7:0],0xf5[7:0],0xf6[7:0],0xf7[7:0],0xf8[7:0])
    0x00f0		// Read: 0x00
    // Read	MACRO_READY=0x0; 	Address(0xf0[7:0])
    WAIT 0.1
    0x00a3	0x00	// MACRO_OPERAND_REG0=0x404; 	Address(0xa0[7:0],0xa1[7:0],0xa2[7:0],0xa3[7:0],0xa4[7:0])
    0x00a2	0x00
    0x00a1	0x04
    0x00a0	0x04
    0x0193	0x2b	// MACRO_OPCODE=0x2b; 	Address(0x193[7:0],0x194[7:0])
    WAIT 0.001
    0x00f0		// Read: 0x00
    // Read	MACRO_DONE=0x0; 	Address(0xf0[7:2])
    WAIT 0.1
    0x00f0		// Read: 0x00
    // Read	MACRO_ERROR=0x0; 	Address(0xf0[7:3])
    0x00f1		// Read: 0x00
    // Read	MACRO_ERROR_OPCODE=0x0; 	Address(0xf1[7:0],0xf2[7:0])
    0x00f0		// Read: 0x00
    // Read	MACRO_ERROR_IN_OPCODE=0x0; 	Address(0xf0[7:4])
    0x00f0		// Read: 0x00
    // Read	MACRO_ERROR_OPCODE_NOT_ALLOWED=0x0; 	Address(0xf0[7:5])
    0x00f0		// Read: 0x00
    // Read	MACRO_ERROR_IN_OPERAND=0x0; 	Address(0xf0[7:6])
    0x00f0		// Read: 0x00
    // Read	MACRO_ERROR_IN_EXECUTION=0x0; 	Address(0xf0[7:7])
    0x00f3		// Read: 0x00
    0x00f2		// Read: 0x00
    // Read	MACRO_ERROR_EXTENDED_CODE=0x0; 	Address(0xf2[7:0],0xf3[7:0],0xf4[7:0])
    0x00f7		// Read: 0x00
    0x00f6		// Read: 0x00
    0x00f5		// Read: 0x00
    0x00f4		// Read: 0x00
    // Read	MACRO_ERROR_EXTENDED_CODE_2=0x0; 	Address(0xf4[7:0],0xf5[7:0],0xf6[7:0],0xf7[7:0],0xf8[7:0])
    0x00f0		// Read: 0x00
    // Read	MACRO_READY=0x0; 	Address(0xf0[7:0])
    WAIT 0.1
    0x00a3	0x00	// MACRO_OPERAND_REG0=0x140; 	Address(0xa0[7:0],0xa1[7:0],0xa2[7:0],0xa3[7:0],0xa4[7:0])
    0x00a2	0x00
    0x00a1	0x01
    0x00a0	0x40
    0x0193	0x23	// MACRO_OPCODE=0x23; 	Address(0x193[7:0],0x194[7:0])
    WAIT 0.001
    0x00f0		// Read: 0x00
    // Read	MACRO_DONE=0x0; 	Address(0xf0[7:2])
    WAIT 0.1
    0x00f0		// Read: 0x00
    // Read	MACRO_ERROR=0x0; 	Address(0xf0[7:3])
    0x00f1		// Read: 0x00
    // Read	MACRO_ERROR_OPCODE=0x0; 	Address(0xf1[7:0],0xf2[7:0])
    0x00f0		// Read: 0x00
    // Read	MACRO_ERROR_IN_OPCODE=0x0; 	Address(0xf0[7:4])
    0x00f0		// Read: 0x00
    // Read	MACRO_ERROR_OPCODE_NOT_ALLOWED=0x0; 	Address(0xf0[7:5])
    0x00f0		// Read: 0x00
    // Read	MACRO_ERROR_IN_OPERAND=0x0; 	Address(0xf0[7:6])
    0x00f0		// Read: 0x00
    // Read	MACRO_ERROR_IN_EXECUTION=0x0; 	Address(0xf0[7:7])
    0x00f3		// Read: 0x00
    0x00f2		// Read: 0x00
    // Read	MACRO_ERROR_EXTENDED_CODE=0x0; 	Address(0xf2[7:0],0xf3[7:0],0xf4[7:0])
    0x00f7		// Read: 0x00
    0x00f6		// Read: 0x00
    0x00f5		// Read: 0x00
    0x00f4		// Read: 0x00
    // Read	MACRO_ERROR_EXTENDED_CODE_2=0x0; 	Address(0xf4[7:0],0xf5[7:0],0xf6[7:0],0xf7[7:0],0xf8[7:0])
    0x00f0		// Read: 0x00
    // Read	MACRO_READY=0x0; 	Address(0xf0[7:0])
    WAIT 0.1
    0x00a3	0xac	// MACRO_OPERAND_REG0=0xac400004; 	Address(0xa0[7:0],0xa1[7:0],0xa2[7:0],0xa3[7:0],0xa4[7:0])
    0x00a2	0x40
    0x00a1	0x00
    0x00a0	0x04
    0x00a7	0xac	// MACRO_OPERAND_REG1=0xac400027; 	Address(0xa4[7:0],0xa5[7:0],0xa6[7:0],0xa7[7:0],0xa8[7:0])
    0x00a6	0x40
    0x00a5	0x00
    0x00a4	0x27
    0x00ab	0x77	// MACRO_OPERAND_REG2=0x77400027; 	Address(0xa8[7:0],0xa9[7:0],0xaa[7:0],0xab[7:0],0xac[7:0])
    0x00aa	0x40
    0x00a9	0x00
    0x00a8	0x27
    0x00af	0xac	// MACRO_OPERAND_REG3=0xac40001b; 	Address(0xac[7:0],0xad[7:0],0xae[7:0],0xaf[7:0],0xb0[7:0])
    0x00ae	0x40
    0x00ad	0x00
    0x00ac	0x1b
    0x00b3	0x00	// MACRO_OPERAND_REG4=0x27; 	Address(0xb0[7:0],0xb1[7:0],0xb2[7:0],0xb3[7:0],0xb4[7:0])
    0x00b2	0x00
    0x00b1	0x00
    0x00b0	0x27
    0x0193	0x30	// MACRO_OPCODE=0x30; 	Address(0x193[7:0],0x194[7:0])
    WAIT 0.001
    0x00f0		// Read: 0x00
    // Read	MACRO_DONE=0x0; 	Address(0xf0[7:2])
    WAIT 0.1
    0x00f0		// Read: 0x00
    // Read	MACRO_ERROR=0x0; 	Address(0xf0[7:3])
    0x00f1		// Read: 0x00
    // Read	MACRO_ERROR_OPCODE=0x0; 	Address(0xf1[7:0],0xf2[7:0])
    0x00f0		// Read: 0x00
    // Read	MACRO_ERROR_IN_OPCODE=0x0; 	Address(0xf0[7:4])
    0x00f0		// Read: 0x00
    // Read	MACRO_ERROR_OPCODE_NOT_ALLOWED=0x0; 	Address(0xf0[7:5])
    0x00f0		// Read: 0x00
    // Read	MACRO_ERROR_IN_OPERAND=0x0; 	Address(0xf0[7:6])
    0x00f0		// Read: 0x00
    // Read	MACRO_ERROR_IN_EXECUTION=0x0; 	Address(0xf0[7:7])
    0x00f3		// Read: 0x00
    0x00f2		// Read: 0x00
    // Read	MACRO_ERROR_EXTENDED_CODE=0x0; 	Address(0xf2[7:0],0xf3[7:0],0xf4[7:0])
    0x00f7		// Read: 0x00
    0x00f6		// Read: 0x00
    0x00f5		// Read: 0x00
    0x00f4		// Read: 0x00
    // Read	MACRO_ERROR_EXTENDED_CODE_2=0x0; 	Address(0xf4[7:0],0xf5[7:0],0xf6[7:0],0xf7[7:0],0xf8[7:0])
    0x00f0		// Read: 0x00
    // Read	MACRO_READY=0x0; 	Address(0xf0[7:0])
    WAIT 0.1
    0x00a3	0x00	// MACRO_OPERAND_REG0=0x408; 	Address(0xa0[7:0],0xa1[7:0],0xa2[7:0],0xa3[7:0],0xa4[7:0])
    0x00a2	0x00
    0x00a1	0x04
    0x00a0	0x08
    0x0193	0x2b	// MACRO_OPCODE=0x2b; 	Address(0x193[7:0],0x194[7:0])
    WAIT 0.001
    0x00f0		// Read: 0x00
    // Read	MACRO_DONE=0x0; 	Address(0xf0[7:2])
    WAIT 0.1
    0x00f0		// Read: 0x00
    // Read	MACRO_ERROR=0x0; 	Address(0xf0[7:3])
    0x00f1		// Read: 0x00
    // Read	MACRO_ERROR_OPCODE=0x0; 	Address(0xf1[7:0],0xf2[7:0])
    0x00f0		// Read: 0x00
    // Read	MACRO_ERROR_IN_OPCODE=0x0; 	Address(0xf0[7:4])
    0x00f0		// Read: 0x00
    // Read	MACRO_ERROR_OPCODE_NOT_ALLOWED=0x0; 	Address(0xf0[7:5])
    0x00f0		// Read: 0x00
    // Read	MACRO_ERROR_IN_OPERAND=0x0; 	Address(0xf0[7:6])
    0x00f0		// Read: 0x00
    // Read	MACRO_ERROR_IN_EXECUTION=0x0; 	Address(0xf0[7:7])
    0x00f3		// Read: 0x00
    0x00f2		// Read: 0x00
    // Read	MACRO_ERROR_EXTENDED_CODE=0x0; 	Address(0xf2[7:0],0xf3[7:0],0xf4[7:0])
    0x00f7		// Read: 0x00
    0x00f6		// Read: 0x00
    0x00f5		// Read: 0x00
    0x00f4		// Read: 0x00
    // Read	MACRO_ERROR_EXTENDED_CODE_2=0x0; 	Address(0xf4[7:0],0xf5[7:0],0xf6[7:0],0xf7[7:0],0xf8[7:0])
    0x00f0		// Read: 0x00
    // Read	MACRO_READY=0x0; 	Address(0xf0[7:0])
    WAIT 0.1
    0x00a3	0x00	// MACRO_OPERAND_REG0=0x180; 	Address(0xa0[7:0],0xa1[7:0],0xa2[7:0],0xa3[7:0],0xa4[7:0])
    0x00a2	0x00
    0x00a1	0x01
    0x00a0	0x80
    0x0193	0x23	// MACRO_OPCODE=0x23; 	Address(0x193[7:0],0x194[7:0])
    WAIT 0.001
    0x00f0		// Read: 0x00
    // Read	MACRO_DONE=0x0; 	Address(0xf0[7:2])
    WAIT 0.1
    0x00f0		// Read: 0x00
    // Read	MACRO_ERROR=0x0; 	Address(0xf0[7:3])
    0x00f1		// Read: 0x00
    // Read	MACRO_ERROR_OPCODE=0x0; 	Address(0xf1[7:0],0xf2[7:0])
    0x00f0		// Read: 0x00
    // Read	MACRO_ERROR_IN_OPCODE=0x0; 	Address(0xf0[7:4])
    0x00f0		// Read: 0x00
    // Read	MACRO_ERROR_OPCODE_NOT_ALLOWED=0x0; 	Address(0xf0[7:5])
    0x00f0		// Read: 0x00
    // Read	MACRO_ERROR_IN_OPERAND=0x0; 	Address(0xf0[7:6])
    0x00f0		// Read: 0x00
    // Read	MACRO_ERROR_IN_EXECUTION=0x0; 	Address(0xf0[7:7])
    0x00f3		// Read: 0x00
    0x00f2		// Read: 0x00
    // Read	MACRO_ERROR_EXTENDED_CODE=0x0; 	Address(0xf2[7:0],0xf3[7:0],0xf4[7:0])
    0x00f7		// Read: 0x00
    0x00f6		// Read: 0x00
    0x00f5		// Read: 0x00
    0x00f4		// Read: 0x00
    // Read	MACRO_ERROR_EXTENDED_CODE_2=0x0; 	Address(0xf4[7:0],0xf5[7:0],0xf6[7:0],0xf7[7:0],0xf8[7:0])
    0x00f0		// Read: 0x00
    // Read	MACRO_READY=0x0; 	Address(0xf0[7:0])
    WAIT 0.1
    0x00a3	0x67	// MACRO_OPERAND_REG0=0x67e00008; 	Address(0xa0[7:0],0xa1[7:0],0xa2[7:0],0xa3[7:0],0xa4[7:0])
    0x00a2	0xe0
    0x00a1	0x00
    0x00a0	0x08
    0x00a7	0xac	// MACRO_OPERAND_REG1=0xac400035; 	Address(0xa4[7:0],0xa5[7:0],0xa6[7:0],0xa7[7:0],0xa8[7:0])
    0x00a6	0x40
    0x00a5	0x00
    0x00a4	0x35
    0x00ab	0x77	// MACRO_OPERAND_REG2=0x77400027; 	Address(0xa8[7:0],0xa9[7:0],0xaa[7:0],0xab[7:0],0xac[7:0])
    0x00aa	0x40
    0x00a9	0x00
    0x00a8	0x27
    0x00af	0xac	// MACRO_OPERAND_REG3=0xac40001b; 	Address(0xac[7:0],0xad[7:0],0xae[7:0],0xaf[7:0],0xb0[7:0])
    0x00ae	0x40
    0x00ad	0x00
    0x00ac	0x1b
    0x00b3	0x00	// MACRO_OPERAND_REG4=0x27; 	Address(0xb0[7:0],0xb1[7:0],0xb2[7:0],0xb3[7:0],0xb4[7:0])
    0x00b2	0x00
    0x00b1	0x00
    0x00b0	0x27
    0x0193	0x30	// MACRO_OPCODE=0x30; 	Address(0x193[7:0],0x194[7:0])
    WAIT 0.001
    0x00f0		// Read: 0x00
    // Read	MACRO_DONE=0x0; 	Address(0xf0[7:2])
    WAIT 0.1
    0x00f0		// Read: 0x00
    // Read	MACRO_ERROR=0x0; 	Address(0xf0[7:3])
    0x00f1		// Read: 0x00
    // Read	MACRO_ERROR_OPCODE=0x0; 	Address(0xf1[7:0],0xf2[7:0])
    0x00f0		// Read: 0x00
    // Read	MACRO_ERROR_IN_OPCODE=0x0; 	Address(0xf0[7:4])
    0x00f0		// Read: 0x00
    // Read	MACRO_ERROR_OPCODE_NOT_ALLOWED=0x0; 	Address(0xf0[7:5])
    0x00f0		// Read: 0x00
    // Read	MACRO_ERROR_IN_OPERAND=0x0; 	Address(0xf0[7:6])
    0x00f0		// Read: 0x00
    // Read	MACRO_ERROR_IN_EXECUTION=0x0; 	Address(0xf0[7:7])
    0x00f3		// Read: 0x00
    0x00f2		// Read: 0x00
    // Read	MACRO_ERROR_EXTENDED_CODE=0x0; 	Address(0xf2[7:0],0xf3[7:0],0xf4[7:0])
    0x00f7		// Read: 0x00
    0x00f6		// Read: 0x00
    0x00f5		// Read: 0x00
    0x00f4		// Read: 0x00
    // Read	MACRO_ERROR_EXTENDED_CODE_2=0x0; 	Address(0xf4[7:0],0xf5[7:0],0xf6[7:0],0xf7[7:0],0xf8[7:0])
    // END: Configuring TX Chain Parameters to TOP MCU
    0x0018	0x00	// macro=0x0; 	Address(0x18[7:5])
    // START: Configuring Digital Chain
    0x0018	0x20	// macro=0x1; 	Address(0x18[7:5])
    0x00f0		// Read: 0x00
    // Read	MACRO_READY=0x0; 	Address(0xf0[7:0])
    WAIT 0.1
    0x00a3	0x00	// MACRO_OPERAND_REG0=0x707; 	Address(0xa0[7:0],0xa1[7:0],0xa2[7:0],0xa3[7:0],0xa4[7:0])
    0x00a2	0x00
    0x00a1	0x07
    0x00a0	0x07
    0x0193	0x3a	// MACRO_OPCODE=0x3a; 	Address(0x193[7:0],0x194[7:0])
    WAIT 0.001
    0x00f0		// Read: 0x00
    // Read	MACRO_DONE=0x0; 	Address(0xf0[7:2])
    WAIT 0.1
    0x00f0		// Read: 0x00
    // Read	MACRO_ERROR=0x0; 	Address(0xf0[7:3])
    0x00f1		// Read: 0x00
    // Read	MACRO_ERROR_OPCODE=0x0; 	Address(0xf1[7:0],0xf2[7:0])
    0x00f0		// Read: 0x00
    // Read	MACRO_ERROR_IN_OPCODE=0x0; 	Address(0xf0[7:4])
    0x00f0		// Read: 0x00
    // Read	MACRO_ERROR_OPCODE_NOT_ALLOWED=0x0; 	Address(0xf0[7:5])
    0x00f0		// Read: 0x00
    // Read	MACRO_ERROR_IN_OPERAND=0x0; 	Address(0xf0[7:6])
    0x00f0		// Read: 0x00
    // Read	MACRO_ERROR_IN_EXECUTION=0x0; 	Address(0xf0[7:7])
    0x00f3		// Read: 0x00
    0x00f2		// Read: 0x00
    // Read	MACRO_ERROR_EXTENDED_CODE=0x0; 	Address(0xf2[7:0],0xf3[7:0],0xf4[7:0])
    0x00f7		// Read: 0x00
    0x00f6		// Read: 0x00
    0x00f5		// Read: 0x00
    0x00f4		// Read: 0x00
    // Read	MACRO_ERROR_EXTENDED_CODE_2=0x0; 	Address(0xf4[7:0],0xf5[7:0],0xf6[7:0],0xf7[7:0],0xf8[7:0])
    0x00f0		// Read: 0x00
    // Read	MACRO_READY=0x0; 	Address(0xf0[7:0])
    WAIT 0.1
    0x00a3	0x00	// MACRO_OPERAND_REG0=0x0; 	Address(0xa0[7:0],0xa1[7:0],0xa2[7:0],0xa3[7:0],0xa4[7:0])
    0x00a2	0x00
    0x00a1	0x00
    0x00a0	0x00
    0x0193	0x90	// MACRO_OPCODE=0x90; 	Address(0x193[7:0],0x194[7:0])
    WAIT 0.001
    0x00f0		// Read: 0x00
    // Read	MACRO_DONE=0x0; 	Address(0xf0[7:2])
    WAIT 0.1
    0x00f0		// Read: 0x00
    // Read	MACRO_ERROR=0x0; 	Address(0xf0[7:3])
    0x00f1		// Read: 0x00
    // Read	MACRO_ERROR_OPCODE=0x0; 	Address(0xf1[7:0],0xf2[7:0])
    0x00f0		// Read: 0x00
    // Read	MACRO_ERROR_IN_OPCODE=0x0; 	Address(0xf0[7:4])
    0x00f0		// Read: 0x00
    // Read	MACRO_ERROR_OPCODE_NOT_ALLOWED=0x0; 	Address(0xf0[7:5])
    0x00f0		// Read: 0x00
    // Read	MACRO_ERROR_IN_OPERAND=0x0; 	Address(0xf0[7:6])
    0x00f0		// Read: 0x00
    // Read	MACRO_ERROR_IN_EXECUTION=0x0; 	Address(0xf0[7:7])
    0x00f3		// Read: 0x00
    0x00f2		// Read: 0x00
    // Read	MACRO_ERROR_EXTENDED_CODE=0x0; 	Address(0xf2[7:0],0xf3[7:0],0xf4[7:0])
    0x00f7		// Read: 0x00
    0x00f6		// Read: 0x00
    0x00f5		// Read: 0x00
    0x00f4		// Read: 0x00
    // Read	MACRO_ERROR_EXTENDED_CODE_2=0x0; 	Address(0xf4[7:0],0xf5[7:0],0xf6[7:0],0xf7[7:0],0xf8[7:0])
    0x0144	0x08	// Property_124h_4_2=0x2; 	Address(0x144[7:2])
    0x0018	0x00	// macro=0x0; 	Address(0x18[7:5])
    0x0018	0x08	// Property_18h_3_3=0x1; 	Address(0x18[7:3])
    0x0309	0x05
    0x0018	0x00	// Property_18h_3_3=0x0; 	Address(0x18[7:3])
    0x0018	0x20	// macro=0x1; 	Address(0x18[7:5])
    0x00f0		// Read: 0x00
    // Read	MACRO_READY=0x0; 	Address(0xf0[7:0])
    WAIT 0.1
    0x00a3	0x00	// MACRO_OPERAND_REG0=0x1; 	Address(0xa0[7:0],0xa1[7:0],0xa2[7:0],0xa3[7:0],0xa4[7:0])
    0x00a2	0x00
    0x00a1	0x00
    0x00a0	0x01
    0x0193	0x90	// MACRO_OPCODE=0x90; 	Address(0x193[7:0],0x194[7:0])
    WAIT 0.001
    0x00f0		// Read: 0x00
    // Read	MACRO_DONE=0x0; 	Address(0xf0[7:2])
    WAIT 0.1
    0x00f0		// Read: 0x00
    // Read	MACRO_ERROR=0x0; 	Address(0xf0[7:3])
    0x00f1		// Read: 0x00
    // Read	MACRO_ERROR_OPCODE=0x0; 	Address(0xf1[7:0],0xf2[7:0])
    0x00f0		// Read: 0x00
    // Read	MACRO_ERROR_IN_OPCODE=0x0; 	Address(0xf0[7:4])
    0x00f0		// Read: 0x00
    // Read	MACRO_ERROR_OPCODE_NOT_ALLOWED=0x0; 	Address(0xf0[7:5])
    0x00f0		// Read: 0x00
    // Read	MACRO_ERROR_IN_OPERAND=0x0; 	Address(0xf0[7:6])
    0x00f0		// Read: 0x00
    // Read	MACRO_ERROR_IN_EXECUTION=0x0; 	Address(0xf0[7:7])
    0x00f3		// Read: 0x00
    0x00f2		// Read: 0x00
    // Read	MACRO_ERROR_EXTENDED_CODE=0x0; 	Address(0xf2[7:0],0xf3[7:0],0xf4[7:0])
    0x00f7		// Read: 0x00
    0x00f6		// Read: 0x00
    0x00f5		// Read: 0x00
    0x00f4		// Read: 0x00
    // Read	MACRO_ERROR_EXTENDED_CODE_2=0x0; 	Address(0xf4[7:0],0xf5[7:0],0xf6[7:0],0xf7[7:0],0xf8[7:0])
    0x00f0		// Read: 0x00
    // Read	MACRO_READY=0x0; 	Address(0xf0[7:0])
    WAIT 0.1
    0x00a3	0x00	// MACRO_OPERAND_REG0=0xf3f; 	Address(0xa0[7:0],0xa1[7:0],0xa2[7:0],0xa3[7:0],0xa4[7:0])
    0x00a2	0x00
    0x00a1	0x0f
    0x00a0	0x3f
    0x0193	0x36	// MACRO_OPCODE=0x36; 	Address(0x193[7:0],0x194[7:0])
    WAIT 0.001
    0x00f0		// Read: 0x00
    // Read	MACRO_DONE=0x0; 	Address(0xf0[7:2])
    WAIT 0.1
    0x00f0		// Read: 0x00
    // Read	MACRO_ERROR=0x0; 	Address(0xf0[7:3])
    0x00f1		// Read: 0x00
    // Read	MACRO_ERROR_OPCODE=0x0; 	Address(0xf1[7:0],0xf2[7:0])
    0x00f0		// Read: 0x00
    // Read	MACRO_ERROR_IN_OPCODE=0x0; 	Address(0xf0[7:4])
    0x00f0		// Read: 0x00
    // Read	MACRO_ERROR_OPCODE_NOT_ALLOWED=0x0; 	Address(0xf0[7:5])
    0x00f0		// Read: 0x00
    // Read	MACRO_ERROR_IN_OPERAND=0x0; 	Address(0xf0[7:6])
    0x00f0		// Read: 0x00
    // Read	MACRO_ERROR_IN_EXECUTION=0x0; 	Address(0xf0[7:7])
    0x00f3		// Read: 0x00
    0x00f2		// Read: 0x00
    // Read	MACRO_ERROR_EXTENDED_CODE=0x0; 	Address(0xf2[7:0],0xf3[7:0],0xf4[7:0])
    0x00f7		// Read: 0x00
    0x00f6		// Read: 0x00
    0x00f5		// Read: 0x00
    0x00f4		// Read: 0x00
    // Read	MACRO_ERROR_EXTENDED_CODE_2=0x0; 	Address(0xf4[7:0],0xf5[7:0],0xf6[7:0],0xf7[7:0],0xf8[7:0])
    // END: Configuring Digital Chain
    0x0018	0x00	// macro=0x0; 	Address(0x18[7:5])
    // START: Setting FIFO Pointers
    0x0012	0x01	// rxdig=0x1; 	Address(0x12[7:0])
    0x0060	0x06	// Property_40h_3_0=0x6; 	Address(0x60[7:0])
    0x0060	0x60	// Property_40h_7_4=0x6; 	Address(0x60[7:4])
    0x0061	0x06	// Property_40h_11_8=0x6; 	Address(0x61[7:0])
    0x0061	0x60	// Property_40h_15_12=0x6; 	Address(0x61[7:4])
    0x0012	0x02	// rxdig=0x2; 	Address(0x12[7:0])
    0x0060	0x06	// Property_40h_3_0=0x6; 	Address(0x60[7:0])
    0x0060	0x60	// Property_40h_7_4=0x6; 	Address(0x60[7:4])
    0x0061	0x06	// Property_40h_11_8=0x6; 	Address(0x61[7:0])
    0x0061	0x60	// Property_40h_15_12=0x6; 	Address(0x61[7:4])
    0x0012	0x04	// rxdig=0x4; 	Address(0x12[7:0])
    0x0060	0x06	// Property_40h_3_0=0x6; 	Address(0x60[7:0])
    0x0060	0x60	// Property_40h_7_4=0x6; 	Address(0x60[7:4])
    0x0061	0x06	// Property_40h_11_8=0x6; 	Address(0x61[7:0])
    0x0061	0x60	// Property_40h_15_12=0x6; 	Address(0x61[7:4])
    0x0012	0x08	// rxdig=0x8; 	Address(0x12[7:0])
    0x0060	0x06	// Property_40h_3_0=0x6; 	Address(0x60[7:0])
    0x0060	0x60	// Property_40h_7_4=0x6; 	Address(0x60[7:4])
    0x0061	0x06	// Property_40h_11_8=0x6; 	Address(0x61[7:0])
    0x0061	0x60	// Property_40h_15_12=0x6; 	Address(0x61[7:4])
    0x0012	0x00	// rxdig=0x0; 	Address(0x12[7:0])
    0x0012	0x10	// fbdig=0x1; 	Address(0x12[7:4])
    0x0060	0x06	// Property_40h_3_0=0x6; 	Address(0x60[7:0])
    0x0060	0x60	// Property_40h_7_4=0x6; 	Address(0x60[7:4])
    0x0061	0x06	// Property_40h_11_8=0x6; 	Address(0x61[7:0])
    0x0061	0x60	// Property_40h_15_12=0x6; 	Address(0x61[7:4])
    0x0012	0x20	// fbdig=0x2; 	Address(0x12[7:4])
    0x0060	0x06	// Property_40h_3_0=0x6; 	Address(0x60[7:0])
    0x0060	0x60	// Property_40h_7_4=0x6; 	Address(0x60[7:4])
    0x0061	0x06	// Property_40h_11_8=0x6; 	Address(0x61[7:0])
    0x0061	0x60	// Property_40h_15_12=0x6; 	Address(0x61[7:4])
    0x0012	0x00	// fbdig=0x0; 	Address(0x12[7:4])
    0x0019	0x10	// txdig=0x1; 	Address(0x19[7:4])
    0x0062	0x02	// Property_40h_19_16=0x2; 	Address(0x62[7:0])
    0x0019	0x20	// txdig=0x2; 	Address(0x19[7:4])
    0x0062	0x02	// Property_40h_19_16=0x2; 	Address(0x62[7:0])
    0x0019	0x40	// txdig=0x4; 	Address(0x19[7:4])
    0x0062	0x02	// Property_40h_19_16=0x2; 	Address(0x62[7:0])
    0x0019	0x80	// txdig=0x8; 	Address(0x19[7:4])
    0x0062	0x02	// Property_40h_19_16=0x2; 	Address(0x62[7:0])
    0x0019	0x10	// txdig=0x1; 	Address(0x19[7:4])
    0x0060	0x0c	// Property_40h_3_0=0xc; 	Address(0x60[7:0])
    0x0019	0x20	// txdig=0x2; 	Address(0x19[7:4])
    0x0060	0x0c	// Property_40h_3_0=0xc; 	Address(0x60[7:0])
    0x0019	0x40	// txdig=0x4; 	Address(0x19[7:4])
    0x0060	0x0c	// Property_40h_3_0=0xc; 	Address(0x60[7:0])
    0x0019	0x80	// txdig=0x8; 	Address(0x19[7:4])
    0x0060	0x0c	// Property_40h_3_0=0xc; 	Address(0x60[7:0])
    0x0019	0x00	// txdig=0x0; 	Address(0x19[7:4])
    0x0016	0x10	// jesd_subchip=0x1; 	Address(0x16[7:4])
    0x0030	0x00	// rxa_afifo_offset=0x0; 	Address(0x30[7:0])
    0x0030	0x00	// rxb_afifo_offset=0x0; 	Address(0x30[7:4])
    0x0031	0x00	// rxc_afifo_offset=0x0; 	Address(0x31[7:0])
    0x0031	0x00	// rxd_afifo_offset=0x0; 	Address(0x31[7:4])
    0x0032	0x00	// fba_afifo_offset=0x0; 	Address(0x32[7:0])
    0x0032	0x00	// fbc_afifo_offset=0x0; 	Address(0x32[7:4])
    // END: Setting FIFO Pointers
    0x0016	0x00	// jesd_subchip=0x0; 	Address(0x16[7:4])
    0x0011	0x3f	// ec_ana=0x3f; 	Address(0x11[7:0])
    0x0075	0x00	// Property_75h_7_7_76h_3_0=0x6; 	Address(0x75[7:7],0x76[7:0])
    0x0076	0x03
    0x0071	0x04	// Property_71h_2_1=0x2; 	Address(0x71[7:1])
    0x0071	0x14	// Property_71h_4_4=0x1; 	Address(0x71[7:4])
    0x0084	0x80	// Property_84h_7_6_85h_1_0=0xe; 	Address(0x84[7:6],0x85[7:0])
    0x0085	0x03
    0x0011	0x00	// ec_ana=0x0; 	Address(0x11[7:0])
    0x0015	0x40	// digtop=0x1; 	Address(0x15[7:6])
    0x086b		// Read: 0x00
    0x086a		// Read: 0x00
    0x0869		// Read: 0x00
    0x0868		// Read: 0x00
    // Read	Property_848h_31_0=0x0; 	Address(0x868[7:0],0x869[7:0],0x86a[7:0],0x86b[7:0],0x86c[7:0])
    0x0015	0x00	// digtop=0x0; 	Address(0x15[7:6])
    0x0018	0x20	// macro=0x1; 	Address(0x18[7:5])
    0x00f0		// Read: 0x00
    // Read	MACRO_READY=0x0; 	Address(0xf0[7:0])
    WAIT 0.1
    0x00a3	0x00	// MACRO_OPERAND_REG0=0x124; 	Address(0xa0[7:0],0xa1[7:0],0xa2[7:0],0xa3[7:0],0xa4[7:0])
    0x00a2	0x00
    0x00a1	0x01
    0x00a0	0x24
    0x0193	0x72	// MACRO_OPCODE=0x72; 	Address(0x193[7:0],0x194[7:0])
    WAIT 0.001
    0x00f0		// Read: 0x00
    // Read	MACRO_DONE=0x0; 	Address(0xf0[7:2])
    WAIT 0.1
    0x00f0		// Read: 0x00
    // Read	MACRO_ERROR=0x0; 	Address(0xf0[7:3])
    0x00f1		// Read: 0x00
    // Read	MACRO_ERROR_OPCODE=0x0; 	Address(0xf1[7:0],0xf2[7:0])
    0x00f0		// Read: 0x00
    // Read	MACRO_ERROR_IN_OPCODE=0x0; 	Address(0xf0[7:4])
    0x00f0		// Read: 0x00
    // Read	MACRO_ERROR_OPCODE_NOT_ALLOWED=0x0; 	Address(0xf0[7:5])
    0x00f0		// Read: 0x00
    // Read	MACRO_ERROR_IN_OPERAND=0x0; 	Address(0xf0[7:6])
    0x00f0		// Read: 0x00
    // Read	MACRO_ERROR_IN_EXECUTION=0x0; 	Address(0xf0[7:7])
    0x00f3		// Read: 0x00
    0x00f2		// Read: 0x00
    // Read	MACRO_ERROR_EXTENDED_CODE=0x0; 	Address(0xf2[7:0],0xf3[7:0],0xf4[7:0])
    0x00f7		// Read: 0x00
    0x00f6		// Read: 0x00
    0x00f5		// Read: 0x00
    0x00f4		// Read: 0x00
    // Read	MACRO_ERROR_EXTENDED_CODE_2=0x0; 	Address(0xf4[7:0],0xf5[7:0],0xf6[7:0],0xf7[7:0],0xf8[7:0])
    0x00f0		// Read: 0x00
    // Read	MACRO_READY=0x0; 	Address(0xf0[7:0])
    WAIT 0.1
    0x00a3	0x01	// MACRO_OPERAND_REG0=0x1000600; 	Address(0xa0[7:0],0xa1[7:0],0xa2[7:0],0xa3[7:0],0xa4[7:0])
    0x00a2	0x00
    0x00a1	0x06
    0x00a0	0x00
    0x00a7	0x09	// MACRO_OPERAND_REG1=0x9040302; 	Address(0xa4[7:0],0xa5[7:0],0xa6[7:0],0xa7[7:0],0xa8[7:0])
    0x00a6	0x04
    0x00a5	0x03
    0x00a4	0x02
    0x0193	0x71	// MACRO_OPCODE=0x71; 	Address(0x193[7:0],0x194[7:0])
    WAIT 0.001
    0x00f0		// Read: 0x00
    // Read	MACRO_DONE=0x0; 	Address(0xf0[7:2])
    WAIT 0.1
    0x00f0		// Read: 0x00
    // Read	MACRO_ERROR=0x0; 	Address(0xf0[7:3])
    0x00f1		// Read: 0x00
    // Read	MACRO_ERROR_OPCODE=0x0; 	Address(0xf1[7:0],0xf2[7:0])
    0x00f0		// Read: 0x00
    // Read	MACRO_ERROR_IN_OPCODE=0x0; 	Address(0xf0[7:4])
    0x00f0		// Read: 0x00
    // Read	MACRO_ERROR_OPCODE_NOT_ALLOWED=0x0; 	Address(0xf0[7:5])
    0x00f0		// Read: 0x00
    // Read	MACRO_ERROR_IN_OPERAND=0x0; 	Address(0xf0[7:6])
    0x00f0		// Read: 0x00
    // Read	MACRO_ERROR_IN_EXECUTION=0x0; 	Address(0xf0[7:7])
    0x00f3		// Read: 0x00
    0x00f2		// Read: 0x00
    // Read	MACRO_ERROR_EXTENDED_CODE=0x0; 	Address(0xf2[7:0],0xf3[7:0],0xf4[7:0])
    0x00f7		// Read: 0x00
    0x00f6		// Read: 0x00
    0x00f5		// Read: 0x00
    0x00f4		// Read: 0x00
    // Read	MACRO_ERROR_EXTENDED_CODE_2=0x0; 	Address(0xf4[7:0],0xf5[7:0],0xf6[7:0],0xf7[7:0],0xf8[7:0])
    0x0018	0x00	// macro=0x0; 	Address(0x18[7:5])
    0x0011	0x3f	// ec_ana=0x3f; 	Address(0x11[7:0])
    0x0060	0x01	// Property_60h_0_0=0x1; 	Address(0x60[7:0])
    0x0060	0x00	// Property_60h_0_0=0x0; 	Address(0x60[7:0])
    0x0011	0x00	// ec_ana=0x0; 	Address(0x11[7:0])
    0x0013	0x0f	// txdh=0xf; 	Address(0x13[7:0])
    0x015a	0x02	// Property_138h_17_17=0x1; 	Address(0x15a[7:1])
    0x0013	0x00	// txdh=0x0; 	Address(0x13[7:0])
    // START: Setting TDD Pin Override values.
    0x0015	0x80	// timing_controller=0x1; 	Address(0x15[7:7])
    0x00ed	0x00	// Property_cch_11_8=0x0; 	Address(0xed[7:0])
    0x00f5	0x00	// Property_d4h_9_8=0x0; 	Address(0xf5[7:0])
    0x00e5	0x00	// Property_c4h_11_8=0x0; 	Address(0xe5[7:0])
    0x00ed	0x00	// Property_cch_11_8=0x0; 	Address(0xed[7:0])
    0x00f5	0x00	// Property_d4h_9_8=0x0; 	Address(0xf5[7:0])
    0x00e5	0x0f	// Property_c4h_11_8=0xf; 	Address(0xe5[7:0])
    // END: Setting TDD Pin Override values.
    // START: DAC Analog Writes
    0x0015	0x00	// timing_controller=0x0; 	Address(0x15[7:7])
    0x0013	0x0f	// txdh=0xf; 	Address(0x13[7:0])
    0x015a	0x22	// Property_138h_21_21=0x1; 	Address(0x15a[7:5])
    0x01bd	0x00	// Property_19ch_15_0=0x1; 	Address(0x1bc[7:0],0x1bd[7:0],0x1be[7:0])
    0x01bc	0x01
    0x0070	0x27	// Property_50h_5_0=0x27; 	Address(0x70[7:0])
    0x0071	0x27	// Property_50h_13_8=0x27; 	Address(0x71[7:0])
    0x0072	0x27	// Property_50h_21_16=0x27; 	Address(0x72[7:0])
    0x0074	0x27	// Property_54h_5_0=0x27; 	Address(0x74[7:0])
    0x0075	0x27	// Property_54h_13_8=0x27; 	Address(0x75[7:0])
    0x0076	0x27	// Property_54h_21_16=0x27; 	Address(0x76[7:0])
    0x0078	0x27	// Property_58h_5_0=0x27; 	Address(0x78[7:0])
    0x0079	0x27	// Property_58h_13_8=0x27; 	Address(0x79[7:0])
    0x007a	0x27	// Property_58h_21_16=0x27; 	Address(0x7a[7:0])
    0x015a	0x26	// Property_138h_18_18=0x1; 	Address(0x15a[7:2])
    0x015a	0x26	// Property_138h_18_18=0x1; 	Address(0x15a[7:2])
    0x0025	0x00	// Property_4h_8_8=0x0; 	Address(0x25[7:0])
    0x015a	0x27	// Property_138h_16_16=0x1; 	Address(0x15a[7:0])
    0x015a	0x27	// Property_138h_16_16=0x1; 	Address(0x15a[7:0])
    0x015a	0x27	// Property_138h_16_16=0x1; 	Address(0x15a[7:0])
    0x015a	0x27	// Property_138h_16_16=0x1; 	Address(0x15a[7:0])
    0x015a	0x27	// Property_138h_16_16=0x1; 	Address(0x15a[7:0])
    0x0168	0x01	// Property_148h_0_0=0x1; 	Address(0x168[7:0])
    0x017c	0x01	// Property_15ch_0_0=0x1; 	Address(0x17c[7:0])
    0x01b1	0x00	// Property_190h_15_0=0x10; 	Address(0x1b0[7:0],0x1b1[7:0],0x1b2[7:0])
    0x01b0	0x10
    0x0158	0x01	// Property_138h_0_0=0x1; 	Address(0x158[7:0])
    0x0159	0x01	// Property_138h_8_8=0x1; 	Address(0x159[7:0])
    0x0158	0x01	// Property_138h_0_0=0x1; 	Address(0x158[7:0])
    0x0159	0x01	// Property_138h_8_8=0x1; 	Address(0x159[7:0])
    0x0158	0x01	// Property_138h_0_0=0x1; 	Address(0x158[7:0])
    0x0159	0x01	// Property_138h_8_8=0x1; 	Address(0x159[7:0])
    0x0158	0x01	// Property_138h_0_0=0x1; 	Address(0x158[7:0])
    0x0159	0x01	// Property_138h_8_8=0x1; 	Address(0x159[7:0])
    0x0177	0x00	// Property_154h_31_0_158h_3_0=0x4000f80c0; 	Address(0x174[7:0],0x175[7:0],0x176[7:0],0x177[7:0],0x178[7:0],0x178[7:0])
    0x0176	0x0f
    0x0175	0x80
    0x0174	0xc0
    0x0178	0x04
    0x018b	0x00	// Property_168h_31_0_16ch_3_0=0x4000f80c0; 	Address(0x188[7:0],0x189[7:0],0x18a[7:0],0x18b[7:0],0x18c[7:0],0x18c[7:0])
    0x018a	0x0f
    0x0189	0x80
    0x0188	0xc0
    0x018c	0x04
    0x011a	0x00	// Property_f8h_20_0=0x0; 	Address(0x118[4:0],0x119[4:0],0x11a[7:0])
    0x0119	0x00
    0x0118	0x00
    0x0126	0x00	// Property_104h_20_0=0x0; 	Address(0x124[4:0],0x125[4:0],0x126[7:0])
    0x0125	0x00
    0x0124	0x00
    0x01c5	0x3d	// Property_1a4h_15_0=0x3de0; 	Address(0x1c4[7:0],0x1c5[7:0],0x1c6[7:0])
    0x01c4	0xe0
    0x0029	0x00	// Property_8h_8_8=0x0; 	Address(0x29[7:0])
    0x018e	0x01	// Property_16ch_16_16=0x1; 	Address(0x18e[7:0])
    0x0112	0x00	// Property_f0h_18_0=0x0; 	Address(0x110[2:0],0x111[2:0],0x112[7:0])
    0x0111	0x00
    0x0110	0x00
    0x0151	0x0e	// Property_130h_15_0=0xe40; 	Address(0x150[7:0],0x151[7:0],0x152[7:0])
    0x0150	0x40
    0x01ad	0x00	// Property_18ch_15_0=0x0; 	Address(0x1ac[7:0],0x1ad[7:0],0x1ae[7:0])
    0x01ac	0x00
    0x0162	0x00	// Property_140h_19_16=0x0; 	Address(0x162[7:0])
    0x0163	0x00	// Property_140h_27_24=0x0; 	Address(0x163[7:0])
    0x0013	0x00	// txdh=0x0; 	Address(0x13[7:0])
    0x0013	0x01	// txdh=0x1; 	Address(0x13[7:0])
    0x0133	0x00	// Property_110h_31_0_114h_14_0=0x1fe0; 	Address(0x130[7:0],0x131[7:0],0x132[7:0],0x133[7:0],0x134[7:0],0x134[6:0],0x135[7:0])
    0x0132	0x00
    0x0131	0x1f
    0x0130	0xe0
    0x0135	0x00
    0x0134	0x00
    0x0013	0x02	// txdh=0x2; 	Address(0x13[7:0])
    0x0133	0x00	// Property_110h_31_0_114h_14_0=0x1fe0; 	Address(0x130[7:0],0x131[7:0],0x132[7:0],0x133[7:0],0x134[7:0],0x134[6:0],0x135[7:0])
    0x0132	0x00
    0x0131	0x1f
    0x0130	0xe0
    0x0135	0x00
    0x0134	0x00
    0x0013	0x04	// txdh=0x4; 	Address(0x13[7:0])
    0x0133	0x00	// Property_110h_31_0_114h_14_0=0x1fe0; 	Address(0x130[7:0],0x131[7:0],0x132[7:0],0x133[7:0],0x134[7:0],0x134[6:0],0x135[7:0])
    0x0132	0x00
    0x0131	0x1f
    0x0130	0xe0
    0x0135	0x00
    0x0134	0x00
    0x0013	0x08	// txdh=0x8; 	Address(0x13[7:0])
    0x0133	0x00	// Property_110h_31_0_114h_14_0=0x1fe0; 	Address(0x130[7:0],0x131[7:0],0x132[7:0],0x133[7:0],0x134[7:0],0x134[6:0],0x135[7:0])
    0x0132	0x00
    0x0131	0x1f
    0x0130	0xe0
    0x0135	0x00
    0x0134	0x00
    // START: Requesting/releasing SPI Access to PLL Pages
    0x0013	0x00	// txdh=0x0; 	Address(0x13[7:0])
    0x0015	0x40	// digtop=0x1; 	Address(0x15[7:6])
    0x0170	0x01	// pll_reg_spi_req_a=0x1; 	Address(0x170[7:0])
    0x0540	0x00	// Property_520h_0_0=0x0; 	Address(0x540[7:0])
    WAIT 0.1
    0x0171		// Read: 0x00
    // Read	pll_reg_spi_a_ack=0x0(Meaning: );; 	Address(0x171[7:0])
    // END: Requesting/releasing SPI Access to PLL Pages
    0x0015	0x00	// digtop=0x0; 	Address(0x15[7:6])
    0x0014	0xff	// txcalib=0xff; 	Address(0x14[7:0],0x15[7:0])
    0x0119	0x00	// Property_f8h_15_0=0x1; 	Address(0x118[7:0],0x119[7:0],0x11a[7:0])
    0x0118	0x01
    0x0119	0x00	// Property_f8h_15_0=0x0; 	Address(0x118[7:0],0x119[7:0],0x11a[7:0])
    0x0118	0x00
    // START: Requesting/releasing SPI Access to PLL Pages
    0x0014	0x00	// txcalib=0x0; 	Address(0x14[7:0],0x15[7:0])
    0x0015	0x40	// digtop=0x1; 	Address(0x15[7:6])
    0x0170	0x00	// pll_reg_spi_req_a=0x0; 	Address(0x170[7:0])
    0x0540	0x00	// Property_520h_0_0=0x0; 	Address(0x540[7:0])
    // END: Requesting/releasing SPI Access to PLL Pages
    0x0015	0x00	// digtop=0x0; 	Address(0x15[7:6])
    0x0019	0xf0	// txdig=0xf; 	Address(0x19[7:4])
    0x07d3	0x01	// EnDacDataRandomization=0x1; 	Address(0x7d3[7:0])
    0x0019	0x00	// txdig=0x0; 	Address(0x19[7:4])
    0x0019	0x10	// txdig=0x1; 	Address(0x19[7:4])
    0x0320	0x00	// Property_300h_3_0=0x0; 	Address(0x320[7:0])
    0x0019	0x20	// txdig=0x2; 	Address(0x19[7:4])
    0x0320	0x00	// Property_300h_3_0=0x0; 	Address(0x320[7:0])
    0x0019	0x40	// txdig=0x4; 	Address(0x19[7:4])
    0x0320	0x00	// Property_300h_3_0=0x0; 	Address(0x320[7:0])
    0x0019	0x80	// txdig=0x8; 	Address(0x19[7:4])
    0x0320	0x00	// Property_300h_3_0=0x0; 	Address(0x320[7:0])
    0x0019	0x00	// txdig=0x0; 	Address(0x19[7:4])
    0x0013	0x01	// txdh=0x1; 	Address(0x13[7:0])
    0x0107	0xf0	// Property_e4h_31_0_e8h_19_0=0x10000f0000040; 	Address(0x104[7:0],0x105[7:0],0x106[7:0],0x107[7:0],0x108[7:0],0x108[3:0],0x109[3:0],0x10a[7:0])
    0x0106	0x00
    0x0105	0x00
    0x0104	0x40
    0x010a	0x01
    0x0109	0x00
    0x0108	0x00
    0x0013	0x02	// txdh=0x2; 	Address(0x13[7:0])
    0x0107	0xf0	// Property_e4h_31_0_e8h_19_0=0x10000f0000040; 	Address(0x104[7:0],0x105[7:0],0x106[7:0],0x107[7:0],0x108[7:0],0x108[3:0],0x109[3:0],0x10a[7:0])
    0x0106	0x00
    0x0105	0x00
    0x0104	0x40
    0x010a	0x01
    0x0109	0x00
    0x0108	0x00
    0x0013	0x04	// txdh=0x4; 	Address(0x13[7:0])
    0x0107	0x00	// Property_e4h_31_0_e8h_19_0=0x1000000000040; 	Address(0x104[7:0],0x105[7:0],0x106[7:0],0x107[7:0],0x108[7:0],0x108[3:0],0x109[3:0],0x10a[7:0])
    0x0106	0x00
    0x0105	0x00
    0x0104	0x40
    0x010a	0x01
    0x0109	0x00
    0x0108	0x00
    0x0013	0x08	// txdh=0x8; 	Address(0x13[7:0])
    0x0107	0x00	// Property_e4h_31_0_e8h_19_0=0x1000000000040; 	Address(0x104[7:0],0x105[7:0],0x106[7:0],0x107[7:0],0x108[7:0],0x108[3:0],0x109[3:0],0x10a[7:0])
    0x0106	0x00
    0x0105	0x00
    0x0104	0x40
    0x010a	0x01
    0x0109	0x00
    0x0108	0x00
    0x0013	0x0f	// txdh=0xf; 	Address(0x13[7:0])
    0x0024	0x00	// Property_4h_1_0=0x0; 	Address(0x24[7:0])
    0x0013	0x00	// txdh=0x0; 	Address(0x13[7:0])
    0x0019	0xf0	// txdig=0xf; 	Address(0x19[7:4])
    0x030c	0x01	// Property_2ech_0_0=0x1; 	Address(0x30c[7:0])
    0x0019	0x00	// txdig=0x0; 	Address(0x19[7:4])
    0x0013	0x0f	// txdh=0xf; 	Address(0x13[7:0])
    0x011a	0x00	// Property_f8h_20_0=0x2000; 	Address(0x118[4:0],0x119[4:0],0x11a[7:0])
    0x0119	0x20
    0x0118	0x00
    0x0126	0x00	// Property_104h_20_0=0x2000; 	Address(0x124[4:0],0x125[4:0],0x126[7:0])
    0x0125	0x20
    0x0124	0x00
    0x0013	0x00	// txdh=0x0; 	Address(0x13[7:0])
    0x0015	0x80	// timing_controller=0x1; 	Address(0x15[7:7])
    0x00fd	0x01	// Property_dch_15_0=0x180; 	Address(0xfc[7:0],0xfd[7:0],0xfe[7:0])
    0x00fc	0x80
    0x0101	0x01	// Property_e0h_15_0=0x180; 	Address(0x100[7:0],0x101[7:0],0x102[7:0])
    0x0100	0x80
    0x019d	0x01	// Property_17ch_15_0=0x180; 	Address(0x19c[7:0],0x19d[7:0],0x19e[7:0])
    0x019c	0x80
    0x01a1	0x01	// Property_180h_15_0=0x180; 	Address(0x1a0[7:0],0x1a1[7:0],0x1a2[7:0])
    0x01a0	0x80
    0x023d	0x01	// Property_21ch_15_0=0x180; 	Address(0x23c[7:0],0x23d[7:0],0x23e[7:0])
    0x023c	0x80
    0x0241	0x01	// Property_220h_15_0=0x180; 	Address(0x240[7:0],0x241[7:0],0x242[7:0])
    0x0240	0x80
    0x02dd	0x01	// Property_2bch_15_0=0x180; 	Address(0x2dc[7:0],0x2dd[7:0],0x2de[7:0])
    0x02dc	0x80
    0x02e1	0x01	// Property_2c0h_15_0=0x180; 	Address(0x2e0[7:0],0x2e1[7:0],0x2e2[7:0])
    0x02e0	0x80
    0x0135	0x0c	// Property_114h_15_0=0xc00; 	Address(0x134[7:0],0x135[7:0],0x136[7:0])
    0x0134	0x00
    0x01d5	0x0c	// Property_1b4h_15_0=0xc00; 	Address(0x1d4[7:0],0x1d5[7:0],0x1d6[7:0])
    0x01d4	0x00
    0x0275	0x0c	// Property_254h_15_0=0xc00; 	Address(0x274[7:0],0x275[7:0],0x276[7:0])
    0x0274	0x00
    0x0315	0x0c	// Property_2f4h_15_0=0xc00; 	Address(0x314[7:0],0x315[7:0],0x316[7:0])
    0x0314	0x00
    0x0015	0x00	// timing_controller=0x0; 	Address(0x15[7:7])
    0x0013	0x0f	// txdh=0xf; 	Address(0x13[7:0])
    0x0167	0x02	// Property_144h_27_0=0x2000000; 	Address(0x164[3:0],0x165[3:0],0x166[3:0],0x167[7:0])
    0x0166	0x00
    0x0165	0x00
    0x0164	0x00
    0x01b1	0x00	// Property_190h_15_0=0x30; 	Address(0x1b0[7:0],0x1b1[7:0],0x1b2[7:0])
    0x01b0	0x30
    0x0112	0x01	// Property_f0h_18_0=0x10000; 	Address(0x110[2:0],0x111[2:0],0x112[7:0])
    0x0111	0x00
    0x0110	0x00
    0x0013	0x00	// txdh=0x0; 	Address(0x13[7:0])
    0x0013	0x01	// txdh=0x1; 	Address(0x13[7:0])
    0x01b9	0x40	// Property_198h_15_0=0x4000; 	Address(0x1b8[7:0],0x1b9[7:0],0x1ba[7:0])
    0x01b8	0x00
    0x0013	0x02	// txdh=0x2; 	Address(0x13[7:0])
    0x01b9	0x40	// Property_198h_15_0=0x4000; 	Address(0x1b8[7:0],0x1b9[7:0],0x1ba[7:0])
    0x01b8	0x00
    0x0013	0x00	// txdh=0x0; 	Address(0x13[7:0])
    0x0019	0xf0	// txdig=0xf; 	Address(0x19[7:4])
    0x07b2	0x00	// rf_droop_comp_bypass=0x0; 	Address(0x7b2[7:0])
    0x07b0	0x1c	// rf_headroom_band0=0x1c; 	Address(0x7b0[7:0])
    0x07b1	0x1c	// rf_headroom_band1=0x1c; 	Address(0x7b1[7:0])
    0x0019	0x00	// txdig=0x0; 	Address(0x19[7:4])
    // END: DAC Analog Writes
    0x0018	0x20	// macro=0x1; 	Address(0x18[7:5])
    0x00f0		// Read: 0x00
    // Read	MACRO_READY=0x0; 	Address(0xf0[7:0])
    WAIT 0.1
    0x00a3	0x0a	// MACRO_OPERAND_REG0=0xa101014; 	Address(0xa0[7:0],0xa1[7:0],0xa2[7:0],0xa3[7:0],0xa4[7:0])
    0x00a2	0x10
    0x00a1	0x10
    0x00a0	0x14
    0x00a7	0x1f	// MACRO_OPERAND_REG1=0x1f010100; 	Address(0xa4[7:0],0xa5[7:0],0xa6[7:0],0xa7[7:0],0xa8[7:0])
    0x00a6	0x01
    0x00a5	0x01
    0x00a4	0x00
    0x00ab	0x03	// MACRO_OPERAND_REG2=0x303041f; 	Address(0xa8[7:0],0xa9[7:0],0xaa[7:0],0xab[7:0],0xac[7:0])
    0x00aa	0x03
    0x00a9	0x04
    0x00a8	0x1f
    0x00af	0x00	// MACRO_OPERAND_REG3=0x101; 	Address(0xac[7:0],0xad[7:0],0xae[7:0],0xaf[7:0],0xb0[7:0])
    0x00ae	0x00
    0x00ad	0x01
    0x00ac	0x01
    0x0193	0x88	// MACRO_OPCODE=0x88; 	Address(0x193[7:0],0x194[7:0])
    WAIT 0.001
    0x00f0		// Read: 0x00
    // Read	MACRO_DONE=0x0; 	Address(0xf0[7:2])
    WAIT 0.1
    0x00f0		// Read: 0x00
    // Read	MACRO_ERROR=0x0; 	Address(0xf0[7:3])
    0x00f1		// Read: 0x00
    // Read	MACRO_ERROR_OPCODE=0x0; 	Address(0xf1[7:0],0xf2[7:0])
    0x00f0		// Read: 0x00
    // Read	MACRO_ERROR_IN_OPCODE=0x0; 	Address(0xf0[7:4])
    0x00f0		// Read: 0x00
    // Read	MACRO_ERROR_OPCODE_NOT_ALLOWED=0x0; 	Address(0xf0[7:5])
    0x00f0		// Read: 0x00
    // Read	MACRO_ERROR_IN_OPERAND=0x0; 	Address(0xf0[7:6])
    0x00f0		// Read: 0x00
    // Read	MACRO_ERROR_IN_EXECUTION=0x0; 	Address(0xf0[7:7])
    0x00f3		// Read: 0x00
    0x00f2		// Read: 0x00
    // Read	MACRO_ERROR_EXTENDED_CODE=0x0; 	Address(0xf2[7:0],0xf3[7:0],0xf4[7:0])
    0x00f7		// Read: 0x00
    0x00f6		// Read: 0x00
    0x00f5		// Read: 0x00
    0x00f4		// Read: 0x00
    // Read	MACRO_ERROR_EXTENDED_CODE_2=0x0; 	Address(0xf4[7:0],0xf5[7:0],0xf6[7:0],0xf7[7:0],0xf8[7:0])
    0x00f0		// Read: 0x00
    // Read	MACRO_READY=0x0; 	Address(0xf0[7:0])
    WAIT 0.1
    0x00a3	0x00	// MACRO_OPERAND_REG0=0x0; 	Address(0xa0[7:0],0xa1[7:0],0xa2[7:0],0xa3[7:0],0xa4[7:0])
    0x00a2	0x00
    0x00a1	0x00
    0x00a0	0x00
    0x0193	0x90	// MACRO_OPCODE=0x90; 	Address(0x193[7:0],0x194[7:0])
    WAIT 0.001
    0x00f0		// Read: 0x00
    // Read	MACRO_DONE=0x0; 	Address(0xf0[7:2])
    WAIT 0.1
    0x00f0		// Read: 0x00
    // Read	MACRO_ERROR=0x0; 	Address(0xf0[7:3])
    0x00f1		// Read: 0x00
    // Read	MACRO_ERROR_OPCODE=0x0; 	Address(0xf1[7:0],0xf2[7:0])
    0x00f0		// Read: 0x00
    // Read	MACRO_ERROR_IN_OPCODE=0x0; 	Address(0xf0[7:4])
    0x00f0		// Read: 0x00
    // Read	MACRO_ERROR_OPCODE_NOT_ALLOWED=0x0; 	Address(0xf0[7:5])
    0x00f0		// Read: 0x00
    // Read	MACRO_ERROR_IN_OPERAND=0x0; 	Address(0xf0[7:6])
    0x00f0		// Read: 0x00
    // Read	MACRO_ERROR_IN_EXECUTION=0x0; 	Address(0xf0[7:7])
    0x00f3		// Read: 0x00
    0x00f2		// Read: 0x00
    // Read	MACRO_ERROR_EXTENDED_CODE=0x0; 	Address(0xf2[7:0],0xf3[7:0],0xf4[7:0])
    0x00f7		// Read: 0x00
    0x00f6		// Read: 0x00
    0x00f5		// Read: 0x00
    0x00f4		// Read: 0x00
    // Read	MACRO_ERROR_EXTENDED_CODE_2=0x0; 	Address(0xf4[7:0],0xf5[7:0],0xf6[7:0],0xf7[7:0],0xf8[7:0])
    0x0144	0x08	// Property_124h_4_2=0x2; 	Address(0x144[7:2])
    0x0018	0x00	// macro=0x0; 	Address(0x18[7:5])
    0x0018	0x08	// Property_18h_3_3=0x1; 	Address(0x18[7:3])
    0x1f96	0x00
    0x0018	0x00	// Property_18h_3_3=0x0; 	Address(0x18[7:3])
    0x0018	0x20	// macro=0x1; 	Address(0x18[7:5])
    0x0144	0x08	// Property_124h_4_2=0x2; 	Address(0x144[7:2])
    0x0018	0x00	// macro=0x0; 	Address(0x18[7:5])
    0x0018	0x08	// Property_18h_3_3=0x1; 	Address(0x18[7:3])
    0x1bd4	0x10
    0x0018	0x00	// Property_18h_3_3=0x0; 	Address(0x18[7:3])
    0x0018	0x20	// macro=0x1; 	Address(0x18[7:5])
    0x00f0		// Read: 0x00
    // Read	MACRO_READY=0x0; 	Address(0xf0[7:0])
    WAIT 0.1
    0x00a3	0x00	// MACRO_OPERAND_REG0=0x1; 	Address(0xa0[7:0],0xa1[7:0],0xa2[7:0],0xa3[7:0],0xa4[7:0])
    0x00a2	0x00
    0x00a1	0x00
    0x00a0	0x01
    0x0193	0x90	// MACRO_OPCODE=0x90; 	Address(0x193[7:0],0x194[7:0])
    WAIT 0.001
    0x00f0		// Read: 0x00
    // Read	MACRO_DONE=0x0; 	Address(0xf0[7:2])
    WAIT 0.1
    0x00f0		// Read: 0x00
    // Read	MACRO_ERROR=0x0; 	Address(0xf0[7:3])
    0x00f1		// Read: 0x00
    // Read	MACRO_ERROR_OPCODE=0x0; 	Address(0xf1[7:0],0xf2[7:0])
    0x00f0		// Read: 0x00
    // Read	MACRO_ERROR_IN_OPCODE=0x0; 	Address(0xf0[7:4])
    0x00f0		// Read: 0x00
    // Read	MACRO_ERROR_OPCODE_NOT_ALLOWED=0x0; 	Address(0xf0[7:5])
    0x00f0		// Read: 0x00
    // Read	MACRO_ERROR_IN_OPERAND=0x0; 	Address(0xf0[7:6])
    0x00f0		// Read: 0x00
    // Read	MACRO_ERROR_IN_EXECUTION=0x0; 	Address(0xf0[7:7])
    0x00f3		// Read: 0x00
    0x00f2		// Read: 0x00
    // Read	MACRO_ERROR_EXTENDED_CODE=0x0; 	Address(0xf2[7:0],0xf3[7:0],0xf4[7:0])
    0x00f7		// Read: 0x00
    0x00f6		// Read: 0x00
    0x00f5		// Read: 0x00
    0x00f4		// Read: 0x00
    // Read	MACRO_ERROR_EXTENDED_CODE_2=0x0; 	Address(0xf4[7:0],0xf5[7:0],0xf6[7:0],0xf7[7:0],0xf8[7:0])
    // START: Configuring AUX ADC
    0x0018	0x00	// macro=0x0; 	Address(0x18[7:5])
    0x0015	0x02	// ana_4t4r=0x1; 	Address(0x15[7:1])
    0x00c0	0xc1	// Property_a0h_6_6=0x1; 	Address(0xc0[7:6])
    0x0015	0x00	// ana_4t4r=0x0; 	Address(0x15[7:1])
    0x0015	0x40	// digtop=0x1; 	Address(0x15[7:6])
    0x0500	0x01	// Property_4e0h_0_0=0x1; 	Address(0x500[7:0])
    0x0500	0x01	// Property_4e0h_1_1=0x0; 	Address(0x500[7:1])
    0x0500	0x09	// Property_4e0h_3_3=0x1; 	Address(0x500[7:3])
    0x0506	0x01	// Property_4e4h_16_16=0x1; 	Address(0x506[7:0])
    0x0502	0x00	// Property_4e0h_23_21=0x0; 	Address(0x502[7:5])
    0x0502	0x00	// Property_4e0h_20_18=0x0; 	Address(0x502[7:2])
    0x0501	0x08	// Property_4e0h_12_11=0x1; 	Address(0x501[7:3])
    0x0501	0x0a	// Property_4e0h_10_8=0x2; 	Address(0x501[7:0])
    0x0508	0x00	// Property_4e8h_5_5=0x0; 	Address(0x508[7:5])
    0x0505	0xa0	// Property_4e4h_15_13=0x5; 	Address(0x505[7:5])
    0x0505	0xa1	// Property_4e4h_9_8=0x1; 	Address(0x505[7:0])
    0x0506	0x05	// Property_4e4h_18_17=0x2; 	Address(0x506[7:1])
    0x0506	0x15	// Property_4e4h_20_19=0x2; 	Address(0x506[7:3])
    0x0506	0x15	// Property_4e4h_23_21=0x0; 	Address(0x506[7:5])
    0x0505	0xa1	// Property_4e4h_12_10=0x0; 	Address(0x505[7:2])
    0x0508	0x00	// Property_4e8h_6_6=0x0; 	Address(0x508[7:6])
    0x0508	0x00	// Property_4e8h_4_4=0x0; 	Address(0x508[7:4])
    0x0503	0x00	// Property_4e0h_31_30=0x0; 	Address(0x503[7:6])
    0x0502	0x00	// Property_4e0h_17_16=0x0; 	Address(0x502[7:0])
    0x0500	0x01	// Property_4e0h_3_3=0x0; 	Address(0x500[7:3])
    0x0500	0x03	// Property_4e0h_1_1=0x1; 	Address(0x500[7:1])
    // END: Configuring AUX ADC
    0x0015	0x00	// digtop=0x0; 	Address(0x15[7:6])
    // START: Setting TDD Pin Override values.
    0x0015	0x80	// timing_controller=0x1; 	Address(0x15[7:7])
    0x00ed	0x00	// Property_cch_11_8=0x0; 	Address(0xed[7:0])
    0x00f5	0x00	// Property_d4h_9_8=0x0; 	Address(0xf5[7:0])
    0x00e5	0x00	// Property_c4h_11_8=0x0; 	Address(0xe5[7:0])
    0x00ed	0x0f	// Property_cch_11_8=0xf; 	Address(0xed[7:0])
    0x00f5	0x00	// Property_d4h_9_8=0x0; 	Address(0xf5[7:0])
    0x00e5	0x00	// Property_c4h_11_8=0x0; 	Address(0xe5[7:0])
    // END: Setting TDD Pin Override values.
    0x0015	0x00	// timing_controller=0x0; 	Address(0x15[7:7])
    0x0011	0x3f	// ec_ana=0x3f; 	Address(0x11[7:0])
    0x0063	0x80	// Property_63h_7_7=0x1; 	Address(0x63[7:7])
    0x0067	0x10	// Property_67h_4_4=0x1; 	Address(0x67[7:4])
    0x0077	0x0c	// Property_77h_5_1=0x6; 	Address(0x77[7:1])
    0x0076	0x53	// Property_76h_6_4=0x5; 	Address(0x76[7:4])
    0x0082	0x80	// Property_82h_7_6=0x2; 	Address(0x82[7:6])
    0x0082	0xa0	// Property_82h_5_3=0x4; 	Address(0x82[7:3])
    0x0081	0x30	// Property_81h_5_4=0x3; 	Address(0x81[7:4])
    0x0086	0xc0	// Property_86h_7_5_87h_0_0=0xe; 	Address(0x86[7:5],0x87[7:0])
    0x0087	0x01
    0x0084	0x85	// Property_84h_2_0=0x5; 	Address(0x84[7:0])
    0x0087	0x05	// Property_87h_2_1=0x2; 	Address(0x87[7:1])
    0x00f9	0x00	// Property_f9h_7_7_fah_2_0=0xc; 	Address(0xf9[7:7],0xfa[7:0])
    0x00fa	0x06
    0x00e8	0x80	// Property_e8h_7_5=0x4; 	Address(0xe8[7:5])
    0x014e	0x01	// Property_14eh_2_0=0x1; 	Address(0x14e[7:0])
    0x014d	0x1c	// Property_14dh_4_2=0x7; 	Address(0x14d[7:2])
    0x014c	0x20	// Property_14ch_5_3=0x4; 	Address(0x14c[7:3])
    0x0138	0x18	// Property_138h_5_3=0x3; 	Address(0x138[7:3])
    0x013e	0x40	// Property_13eh_6_6=0x1; 	Address(0x13e[7:6])
    0x004a	0x60	// Property_4ah_6_4=0x6; 	Address(0x4a[7:4])
    0x0049	0x80	// Property_49h_7_6_4ah_0_0=0x6; 	Address(0x49[7:6],0x4a[7:0])
    0x004a	0x61
    0x00c2	0xc0	// Property_c2h_7_5=0x6; 	Address(0xc2[7:5])
    0x00c1	0x60	// Property_c1h_6_4=0x6; 	Address(0xc1[7:4])
    0x00b6	0x0c	// Property_b6h_3_2=0x3; 	Address(0xb6[7:2])
    0x004f	0x0c	// Property_4fh_3_2=0x3; 	Address(0x4f[7:2])
    0x012e	0x80	// Property_12eh_7_7_12fh_1_0=0x7; 	Address(0x12e[7:7],0x12f[7:0])
    0x012f	0x03
    0x012e	0xf0	// Property_12eh_6_4=0x7; 	Address(0x12e[7:4])
    0x012f	0x03	// Property_12fh_3_2=0x0; 	Address(0x12f[7:2])
    0x0011	0x00	// ec_ana=0x0; 	Address(0x11[7:0])
    0x0010	0x3f	// ec_dig=0x3f; 	Address(0x10[7:0])
    0x00c1	0x5a	// Property_c1h_6_0=0x5a; 	Address(0xc1[7:0])
    0x0078	0x60	// Property_78h_7_7=0x0; 	Address(0x78[7:7])
    0x00c0	0x17	// Property_c0h_3_3=0x0; 	Address(0xc0[7:3])
    0x00d5	0x00	// Property_d5h_1_0=0x0; 	Address(0xd5[7:0])
    0x00d5	0x08	// Property_d5h_3_2=0x2; 	Address(0xd5[7:2])
    0x0150	0x30	// Property_150h_3_3=0x0; 	Address(0x150[7:3])
    0x00f8	0x51	// Property_f8h_7_0_f9h_7_0_fah_7_0_fbh_7_0_fch_7_0=0xa8c0c5051; 	Address(0xf8[7:0],0xf9[7:0],0xf9[7:0],0xfa[7:0],0xfa[7:0],0xfb[7:0],0xfb[7:0],0xfc[7:0],0xfc[7:0],0xfd[7:0])
    0x00f9	0x50
    0x00fa	0x0c
    0x00fb	0x8c
    0x00fc	0x0a
    0x0168	0x02	// Property_168h_1_1=0x1; 	Address(0x168[7:1])
    0x00ef	0x08	// Property_efh_6_6=0x0; 	Address(0xef[7:6])
    0x0178	0x71	// Property_178h_4_4=0x1; 	Address(0x178[7:4])
    0x0075	0xb5	// Property_75h_4_4=0x1; 	Address(0x75[7:4])
    0x0168	0x06	// Property_168h_2_2=0x1; 	Address(0x168[7:2])
    0x0168	0x02	// Property_168h_2_2=0x0; 	Address(0x168[7:2])
    0x0169	0xbb	// Property_169h_3_0=0xb; 	Address(0x169[7:0])
    0x0074	0x7a	// Property_74h_7_7=0x0; 	Address(0x74[7:7])
    0x013c	0xfe	// Property_13ch_7_0_13dh_7_0_13eh_7_0=0x6bfffe; 	Address(0x13c[7:0],0x13d[7:0],0x13d[7:0],0x13e[7:0],0x13e[7:0],0x13f[7:0])
    0x013d	0xff
    0x013e	0x6b
    0x0124	0xfe	// Property_124h_7_0_125h_7_0_126h_7_0=0x6bfffe; 	Address(0x124[7:0],0x125[7:0],0x125[7:0],0x126[7:0],0x126[7:0],0x127[7:0])
    0x0125	0xff
    0x0126	0x6b
    0x0129	0x24	// Property_129h_2_0=0x4; 	Address(0x129[7:0])
    0x0130	0x76	// Property_130h_2_2=0x1; 	Address(0x130[7:2])
    0x0130	0x7e	// Property_130h_3_3=0x1; 	Address(0x130[7:3])
    0x0010	0x0f	// ec_dig=0xf; 	Address(0x10[7:0])
    0x0044	0x01	// Property_44h_0_0=0x1; 	Address(0x44[7:0])
    0x003c	0x01	// Property_3ch_0_0=0x1; 	Address(0x3c[7:0])
    0x003c	0x00	// Property_3ch_0_0=0x0; 	Address(0x3c[7:0])
    0x0044	0x00	// Property_44h_0_0=0x0; 	Address(0x44[7:0])
    0x00e8	0x00	// Property_e8h_0_0=0x0; 	Address(0xe8[7:0])
    0x00e8	0x01	// Property_e8h_0_0=0x1; 	Address(0xe8[7:0])
    0x0010	0x00	// ec_dig=0x0; 	Address(0x10[7:0])
    0x0015	0x04	// rx=0x1; 	Address(0x15[7:2])
    0x0063	0x00	// Property_40h_31_0=0x40000; 	Address(0x60[7:0],0x61[7:0],0x62[7:0],0x63[7:0],0x64[7:0])
    0x0062	0x04
    0x0061	0x00
    0x0060	0x00
    0x0038	0xb0
    0x0028	0x04
    0x0015	0x08	// rx=0x2; 	Address(0x15[7:2])
    0x0063	0x00	// Property_40h_31_0=0x40000; 	Address(0x60[7:0],0x61[7:0],0x62[7:0],0x63[7:0],0x64[7:0])
    0x0062	0x04
    0x0061	0x00
    0x0060	0x00
    0x0038	0xb0
    0x0028	0x04
    0x0015	0x00	// rx=0x0; 	Address(0x15[7:2])
    0x0015	0x02	// ana_4t4r=0x1; 	Address(0x15[7:1])
    0x006b	0x00	// Property_48h_31_0=0x8; 	Address(0x68[7:0],0x69[7:0],0x6a[7:0],0x6b[7:0],0x6c[7:0])
    0x006a	0x00
    0x0069	0x00
    0x0068	0x08
    0x0067	0x00	// Property_44h_31_0=0x4000; 	Address(0x64[7:0],0x65[7:0],0x66[7:0],0x67[7:0],0x68[7:0])
    0x0066	0x00
    0x0065	0x40
    0x0064	0x00
    0x0015	0x00	// ana_4t4r=0x0; 	Address(0x15[7:1])
    0x0012	0x0f	// rxdig=0xf; 	Address(0x12[7:0])
    0x20f4	0x32	// DSAGainRange0=0x32; 	Address(0x20f4[7:0])
    0x20f5	0x32	// DSAGainRange1=0x32; 	Address(0x20f5[7:0])
    0x20f6	0x32	// DSAGainRange2=0x32; 	Address(0x20f6[7:0])
    0x20f7	0x32	// DSAGainRange3=0x32; 	Address(0x20f7[7:0])
    0x20f8	0x32	// DSAGainRange4=0x32; 	Address(0x20f8[7:0])
    0x20f9	0x32	// DSAGainRange5=0x32; 	Address(0x20f9[7:0])
    0x0012	0x00	// rxdig=0x0; 	Address(0x12[7:0])
    0x0012	0x30	// fbdig=0x3; 	Address(0x12[7:4])
    0x20f4	0x32	// DSAGainRange0=0x32; 	Address(0x20f4[7:0])
    0x20f5	0x32	// DSAGainRange1=0x32; 	Address(0x20f5[7:0])
    0x20f6	0x32	// DSAGainRange2=0x32; 	Address(0x20f6[7:0])
    0x20f7	0x32	// DSAGainRange3=0x32; 	Address(0x20f7[7:0])
    0x20f8	0x32	// DSAGainRange4=0x32; 	Address(0x20f8[7:0])
    0x20f9	0x32	// DSAGainRange5=0x32; 	Address(0x20f9[7:0])
    0x0012	0x00	// fbdig=0x0; 	Address(0x12[7:4])
    // START: Setting TDD Pin Override values.
    0x0015	0x80	// timing_controller=0x1; 	Address(0x15[7:7])
    0x00ed	0x00	// Property_cch_11_8=0x0; 	Address(0xed[7:0])
    0x00f5	0x00	// Property_d4h_9_8=0x0; 	Address(0xf5[7:0])
    0x00e5	0x00	// Property_c4h_11_8=0x0; 	Address(0xe5[7:0])
    0x00ed	0x00	// Property_cch_11_8=0x0; 	Address(0xed[7:0])
    0x00f5	0x03	// Property_d4h_9_8=0x3; 	Address(0xf5[7:0])
    0x00e5	0x00	// Property_c4h_11_8=0x0; 	Address(0xe5[7:0])
    // END: Setting TDD Pin Override values.
    0x0015	0x00	// timing_controller=0x0; 	Address(0x15[7:7])
    0x0010	0x30	// ec_dig=0x30; 	Address(0x10[7:0])
    0x0044	0x01	// Property_44h_0_0=0x1; 	Address(0x44[7:0])
    0x003c	0x01	// Property_3ch_0_0=0x1; 	Address(0x3c[7:0])
    0x003c	0x00	// Property_3ch_0_0=0x0; 	Address(0x3c[7:0])
    0x0044	0x00	// Property_44h_0_0=0x0; 	Address(0x44[7:0])
    0x00e8	0x00	// Property_e8h_0_0=0x0; 	Address(0xe8[7:0])
    0x00e8	0x01	// Property_e8h_0_0=0x1; 	Address(0xe8[7:0])
    0x0010	0x00	// ec_dig=0x0; 	Address(0x10[7:0])
    // START: PLL Ana Trims
    // START: Requesting/releasing SPI Access to PLL Pages
    0x0015	0x40	// digtop=0x1; 	Address(0x15[7:6])
    0x0170	0x01	// pll_reg_spi_req_a=0x1; 	Address(0x170[7:0])
    0x0540	0x00	// Property_520h_0_0=0x0; 	Address(0x540[7:0])
    WAIT 0.1
    0x0171		// Read: 0x00
    // Read	pll_reg_spi_a_ack=0x0(Meaning: );; 	Address(0x171[7:0])
    // END: Requesting/releasing SPI Access to PLL Pages
    0x0015	0x00	// digtop=0x0; 	Address(0x15[7:6])
    0x0015	0x01	// pll=0x1; 	Address(0x15[7:0])
    0x005e	0x01	// Property_3ch_16_16=0x1; 	Address(0x5e[7:0])
    0x005d	0xe0	// Property_3ch_15_13=0x7; 	Address(0x5d[7:5])
    // START: Requesting/releasing SPI Access to PLL Pages
    0x0015	0x00	// pll=0x0; 	Address(0x15[7:0])
    0x0015	0x40	// digtop=0x1; 	Address(0x15[7:6])
    0x0170	0x00	// pll_reg_spi_req_a=0x0; 	Address(0x170[7:0])
    0x0540	0x00	// Property_520h_0_0=0x0; 	Address(0x540[7:0])
    // END: Requesting/releasing SPI Access to PLL Pages
    0x050f	0x00	// Property_4ech_31_0=0xc0000; 	Address(0x50c[7:0],0x50d[7:0],0x50e[7:0],0x50f[7:0],0x510[7:0])
    0x050e	0x0c
    0x050d	0x00
    0x050c	0x00
    0x0015	0x00	// digtop=0x0; 	Address(0x15[7:6])
    0x0015	0x02	// ana_4t4r=0x1; 	Address(0x15[7:1])
    0x00bb	0x00	// Property_98h_31_0=0x0; 	Address(0xb8[7:0],0xb9[7:0],0xba[7:0],0xbb[7:0],0xbc[7:0])
    0x00ba	0x00
    0x00b9	0x00
    0x00b8	0x00
    0x00bb	0x00	// Property_98h_31_0=0x8000; 	Address(0xb8[7:0],0xb9[7:0],0xba[7:0],0xbb[7:0],0xbc[7:0])
    0x00ba	0x00
    0x00b9	0x80
    0x00b8	0x00
    0x00bb	0x00	// Property_98h_31_0=0x0; 	Address(0xb8[7:0],0xb9[7:0],0xba[7:0],0xbb[7:0],0xbc[7:0])
    0x00ba	0x00
    0x00b9	0x00
    0x00b8	0x00
    // END: PLL Ana Trims
    0x0015	0x00	// ana_4t4r=0x0; 	Address(0x15[7:1])
    // START: Configuring JESD Muxes and Pointers
    // START: Configuring JESD TX Lane Mux
    0x0016	0x10	// jesd_subchip=0x1; 	Address(0x16[7:4])
    0x0048	0x10	// txoctetpath0_sel=0x0; 	Address(0x48[7:0])
    0x0048	0x10	// txoctetpath1_sel=0x1; 	Address(0x48[7:4])
    0x0049	0x32	// txoctetpath2_sel=0x2; 	Address(0x49[7:0])
    0x0049	0x32	// txoctetpath3_sel=0x3; 	Address(0x49[7:4])
    0x004a	0x54	// txoctetpath4_sel=0x4; 	Address(0x4a[7:0])
    0x004a	0x54	// txoctetpath5_sel=0x5; 	Address(0x4a[7:4])
    0x004b	0x76	// txoctetpath6_sel=0x6; 	Address(0x4b[7:0])
    0x004b	0x76	// txoctetpath7_sel=0x7; 	Address(0x4b[7:4])
    0x004c	0x10	// txoctetpath0_clk_sel=0x0; 	Address(0x4c[7:0])
    0x004c	0x10	// txoctetpath1_clk_sel=0x1; 	Address(0x4c[7:4])
    0x004d	0x32	// txoctetpath2_clk_sel=0x2; 	Address(0x4d[7:0])
    0x004d	0x32	// txoctetpath3_clk_sel=0x3; 	Address(0x4d[7:4])
    0x004e	0x54	// txoctetpath4_clk_sel=0x4; 	Address(0x4e[7:0])
    0x004e	0x54	// txoctetpath5_clk_sel=0x5; 	Address(0x4e[7:4])
    0x004f	0x76	// txoctetpath6_clk_sel=0x6; 	Address(0x4f[7:0])
    0x004f	0x76	// txoctetpath7_clk_sel=0x7; 	Address(0x4f[7:4])
    // END: Configuring JESD TX Lane Mux
    // START: Configuring JESD RX Lane Mux
    0x0068	0x10	// rxoctetpath0_sel=0x0; 	Address(0x68[7:0])
    0x0068	0x10	// rxoctetpath1_sel=0x1; 	Address(0x68[7:4])
    0x0069	0x32	// rxoctetpath2_sel=0x2; 	Address(0x69[7:0])
    0x0069	0x32	// rxoctetpath3_sel=0x3; 	Address(0x69[7:4])
    0x006a	0x54	// rxoctetpath4_sel=0x4; 	Address(0x6a[7:0])
    0x006a	0x54	// rxoctetpath5_sel=0x5; 	Address(0x6a[7:4])
    0x006b	0x76	// rxoctetpath6_sel=0x6; 	Address(0x6b[7:0])
    0x006b	0x76	// rxoctetpath7_sel=0x7; 	Address(0x6b[7:4])
    0x006c	0x10	// rxoctetpath0_clk_sel=0x0; 	Address(0x6c[7:0])
    0x006c	0x10	// rxoctetpath1_clk_sel=0x1; 	Address(0x6c[7:4])
    0x006d	0x32	// rxoctetpath2_clk_sel=0x2; 	Address(0x6d[7:0])
    0x006d	0x32	// rxoctetpath3_clk_sel=0x3; 	Address(0x6d[7:4])
    0x006e	0x54	// rxoctetpath4_clk_sel=0x4; 	Address(0x6e[7:0])
    0x006e	0x54	// rxoctetpath5_clk_sel=0x5; 	Address(0x6e[7:4])
    0x006f	0x76	// rxoctetpath6_clk_sel=0x6; 	Address(0x6f[7:0])
    0x006f	0x76	// rxoctetpath7_clk_sel=0x7; 	Address(0x6f[7:4])
    // END: Configuring JESD RX Lane Mux
    // START: Configuring the DDC-JESD Data Muxes
    0x0034	0x00	// mux_sel_rxa_b1_i_for_2r1f_ab=0x0; 	Address(0x34[7:0])
    0x0034	0x00	// mux_sel_rxa_b1_q_for_2r1f_ab=0x0; 	Address(0x34[7:4])
    0x0035	0x22	// mux_sel_rxa_b2_i_for_2r1f_ab=0x2; 	Address(0x35[7:0])
    0x0035	0x22	// mux_sel_rxa_b2_q_for_2r1f_ab=0x2; 	Address(0x35[7:4])
    0x0036	0x44	// mux_sel_rxb_b1_i_for_2r1f_ab=0x4; 	Address(0x36[7:0])
    0x0036	0x44	// mux_sel_rxb_b1_q_for_2r1f_ab=0x4; 	Address(0x36[7:4])
    0x0037	0x66	// mux_sel_rxb_b2_i_for_2r1f_ab=0x6; 	Address(0x37[7:0])
    0x0037	0x66	// mux_sel_rxb_b2_q_for_2r1f_ab=0x6; 	Address(0x37[7:4])
    0x0038	0x40	// mux_sel_rxc_b1_i_for_2r1f_ab=0x0; 	Address(0x38[7:0])
    0x0038	0x00	// mux_sel_rxc_b1_q_for_2r1f_ab=0x0; 	Address(0x38[7:4])
    0x0039	0x52	// mux_sel_rxc_b2_i_for_2r1f_ab=0x2; 	Address(0x39[7:0])
    0x0039	0x22	// mux_sel_rxc_b2_q_for_2r1f_ab=0x2; 	Address(0x39[7:4])
    0x003a	0x64	// mux_sel_rxd_b1_i_for_2r1f_ab=0x4; 	Address(0x3a[7:0])
    0x003a	0x44	// mux_sel_rxd_b1_q_for_2r1f_ab=0x4; 	Address(0x3a[7:4])
    0x003b	0x76	// mux_sel_rxd_b2_i_for_2r1f_ab=0x6; 	Address(0x3b[7:0])
    0x003b	0x66	// mux_sel_rxd_b2_q_for_2r1f_ab=0x6; 	Address(0x3b[7:4])
    0x0040	0x00	// mux_sel_rxc_b1_i_for_2r1f_cd=0x0; 	Address(0x40[7:0])
    0x0040	0x00	// mux_sel_rxc_b1_q_for_2r1f_cd=0x0; 	Address(0x40[7:4])
    0x0041	0x22	// mux_sel_rxc_b2_i_for_2r1f_cd=0x2; 	Address(0x41[7:0])
    0x0041	0x22	// mux_sel_rxc_b2_q_for_2r1f_cd=0x2; 	Address(0x41[7:4])
    0x0042	0x24	// mux_sel_rxd_b1_i_for_2r1f_cd=0x4; 	Address(0x42[7:0])
    0x0042	0x44	// mux_sel_rxd_b1_q_for_2r1f_cd=0x4; 	Address(0x42[7:4])
    0x0043	0x36	// mux_sel_rxd_b2_i_for_2r1f_cd=0x6; 	Address(0x43[7:0])
    0x0043	0x66	// mux_sel_rxd_b2_q_for_2r1f_cd=0x6; 	Address(0x43[7:4])
    0x0044	0x50	// mux_sel_fba_i0_for_2r1f_ab=0x0; 	Address(0x44[7:0])
    0x0044	0x50	// mux_sel_fba_q0_for_2r1f_ab=0x0; 	Address(0x44[7:2])
    0x0044	0x50	// mux_sel_fba_i1_for_2r1f_ab=0x1; 	Address(0x44[7:4])
    0x0044	0x50	// mux_sel_fba_q1_for_2r1f_ab=0x1; 	Address(0x44[7:6])
    0x0045	0xfa	// mux_sel_fbc_i0_for_2r1f_ab=0x2; 	Address(0x45[7:0])
    0x0045	0xfa	// mux_sel_fbc_q0_for_2r1f_ab=0x2; 	Address(0x45[7:2])
    0x0045	0xfa	// mux_sel_fbc_i1_for_2r1f_ab=0x3; 	Address(0x45[7:4])
    0x0045	0xfa	// mux_sel_fbc_q1_for_2r1f_ab=0x3; 	Address(0x45[7:6])
    0x0046	0xfa	// mux_sel_fba_i0_for_2r1f_cd=0x2; 	Address(0x46[7:0])
    0x0046	0xfa	// mux_sel_fba_q0_for_2r1f_cd=0x2; 	Address(0x46[7:2])
    0x0046	0xfa	// mux_sel_fba_i1_for_2r1f_cd=0x3; 	Address(0x46[7:4])
    0x0046	0xfa	// mux_sel_fba_q1_for_2r1f_cd=0x3; 	Address(0x46[7:6])
    0x0047	0x50	// mux_sel_fbc_i0_for_2r1f_cd=0x0; 	Address(0x47[7:0])
    0x0047	0x50	// mux_sel_fbc_q0_for_2r1f_cd=0x0; 	Address(0x47[7:2])
    0x0047	0x50	// mux_sel_fbc_i1_for_2r1f_cd=0x1; 	Address(0x47[7:4])
    0x0047	0x50	// mux_sel_fbc_q1_for_2r1f_cd=0x1; 	Address(0x47[7:6])
    // END: Configuring the DDC-JESD Data Muxes
    // START: Configuring the JESD-DUC Data Muxes
    0x00cc	0x00	// mux_sel_for_txa_b0_i=0x0; 	Address(0xcc[7:0])
    0x00cc	0x00	// mux_sel_for_txa_b0_q=0x0; 	Address(0xcc[7:4])
    0x00cd	0x11	// mux_sel_for_txa_b1_i=0x1; 	Address(0xcd[7:0])
    0x00cd	0x11	// mux_sel_for_txa_b1_q=0x1; 	Address(0xcd[7:4])
    0x00ce	0x22	// mux_sel_for_txb_b0_i=0x2; 	Address(0xce[7:0])
    0x00ce	0x22	// mux_sel_for_txb_b0_q=0x2; 	Address(0xce[7:4])
    0x00cf	0x33	// mux_sel_for_txb_b1_i=0x3; 	Address(0xcf[7:0])
    0x00cf	0x33	// mux_sel_for_txb_b1_q=0x3; 	Address(0xcf[7:4])
    0x00d0	0x44	// mux_sel_for_txc_b0_i=0x4; 	Address(0xd0[7:0])
    0x00d0	0x44	// mux_sel_for_txc_b0_q=0x4; 	Address(0xd0[7:4])
    0x00d1	0x55	// mux_sel_for_txc_b1_i=0x5; 	Address(0xd1[7:0])
    0x00d1	0x55	// mux_sel_for_txc_b1_q=0x5; 	Address(0xd1[7:4])
    0x00d2	0x66	// mux_sel_for_txd_b0_i=0x6; 	Address(0xd2[7:0])
    0x00d2	0x66	// mux_sel_for_txd_b0_q=0x6; 	Address(0xd2[7:4])
    0x00d3	0x77	// mux_sel_for_txd_b1_i=0x7; 	Address(0xd3[7:0])
    0x00d3	0x77	// mux_sel_for_txd_b1_q=0x7; 	Address(0xd3[7:4])
    0x0060	0x10	// mux_sel_for_txa_ctrl=0x0; 	Address(0x60[7:0])
    0x0060	0x10	// mux_sel_for_txb_ctrl=0x1; 	Address(0x60[7:4])
    0x0061	0x32	// mux_sel_for_txc_ctrl=0x2; 	Address(0x61[7:0])
    0x0061	0x32	// mux_sel_for_txd_ctrl=0x3; 	Address(0x61[7:4])
    0x00bc	0xe4	// tdd_tx_on_a_2t_ab_mux_sel=0x0; 	Address(0xbc[7:0])
    0x00bc	0xe4	// tdd_tx_on_b_2t_ab_mux_sel=0x1; 	Address(0xbc[7:2])
    0x00bc	0xe4	// tdd_tx_on_c_2t_ab_mux_sel=0x2; 	Address(0xbc[7:4])
    0x00bc	0xe4	// tdd_tx_on_d_2t_ab_mux_sel=0x3; 	Address(0xbc[7:6])
    0x00be	0x4e	// tdd_tx_on_a_2t_cd_mux_sel=0x2; 	Address(0xbe[7:0])
    0x00be	0x4e	// tdd_tx_on_b_2t_cd_mux_sel=0x3; 	Address(0xbe[7:2])
    0x00be	0x6e	// tdd_tx_on_c_2t_cd_mux_sel=0x2; 	Address(0xbe[7:4])
    0x00be	0xee	// tdd_tx_on_d_2t_cd_mux_sel=0x3; 	Address(0xbe[7:6])
    // END: Configuring the JESD-DUC Data Muxes
    // START: Configuring JESD TX Sync Mux
    0x0054	0x00	// adc_jesd_sync_n0_mux_sel=0x0; 	Address(0x54[7:0])
    0x0054	0x00	// adc_jesd_sync_n1_mux_sel=0x0; 	Address(0x54[7:4])
    0x0055	0x30	// adc_jesd_sync_n2_mux_sel=0x0; 	Address(0x55[7:0])
    0x0055	0x00	// adc_jesd_sync_n3_mux_sel=0x0; 	Address(0x55[7:4])
    0x0056	0x50	// adc_jesd_sync_n4_mux_sel=0x0; 	Address(0x56[7:0])
    0x0056	0x00	// adc_jesd_sync_n5_mux_sel=0x0; 	Address(0x56[7:4])
    // END: Configuring JESD TX Sync Mux
    // START: Configuring JESD RX Sync Mux
    0x00ca	0xe4	// dac_jesd_sync_n0_mux_sel=0x0; 	Address(0xca[7:0])
    0x00ca	0xe0	// dac_jesd_sync_n1_mux_sel=0x0; 	Address(0xca[7:2])
    0x00ca	0xc0	// dac_jesd_sync_n2_mux_sel=0x0; 	Address(0xca[7:4])
    0x00ca	0x00	// dac_jesd_sync_n3_mux_sel=0x0; 	Address(0xca[7:6])
    // END: Configuring JESD RX Sync Mux
    0x009c	0x03	// rx_clk_dithered_mode_en=0x1; 	Address(0x9c[7:1])
    0x009e	0x03	// fb_clk_dithered_mode_en=0x1; 	Address(0x9e[7:1])
    0x009c	0x03	// rx_clk_disable=0x1; 	Address(0x9c[7:0])
    0x00a0	0x02	// tx_clk_disable=0x0; 	Address(0xa0[7:0])
    0x00a0	0x02	// tx_clk_dithered_mode_en=0x1; 	Address(0xa0[7:1])
    // END: Configuring JESD Muxes and Pointers
    // START: Setting JESD SyncB Pin Mode
    0x0016	0x00	// jesd_subchip=0x0; 	Address(0x16[7:4])
    0x0015	0x04	// rx=0x1; 	Address(0x15[7:2])
    0x0067	0x18	// Property_44h_31_0=0x18000000; 	Address(0x64[7:0],0x65[7:0],0x66[7:0],0x67[7:0],0x68[7:0])
    0x0066	0x00
    0x0065	0x00
    0x0064	0x00
    0x0015	0x08	// rx=0x2; 	Address(0x15[7:2])
    0x0067	0x18	// Property_44h_31_0=0x18000000; 	Address(0x64[7:0],0x65[7:0],0x66[7:0],0x67[7:0],0x68[7:0])
    0x0066	0x00
    0x0065	0x00
    0x0064	0x00
    // END: Setting JESD SyncB Pin Mode
    0x0015	0x00	// rx=0x0; 	Address(0x15[7:2])
    // START: Configuring ADC JESD TX
    0x0016	0x01	// adc_jesd=0x1; 	Address(0x16[7:0])
    0x006d	0x07	// link0_init_state=0x1; 	Address(0x6d[7:0])
    0x006d	0x07	// link1_init_state=0x1; 	Address(0x6d[7:1])
    0x006d	0x07	// link2_init_state=0x1; 	Address(0x6d[7:2])
    0x0022	0x04	// sysref_jesd_mode=0x4; 	Address(0x22[7:0])
    0x006f	0x02	// init_state_gearbox_spi_ovr=0x1; 	Address(0x6f[7:1])
    0x006c	0x0f	// lane0_gearbox_init_state=0x1; 	Address(0x6c[7:0])
    0x006c	0x0f	// lane1_gearbox_init_state=0x1; 	Address(0x6c[7:1])
    0x006c	0x0f	// lane2_gearbox_init_state=0x1; 	Address(0x6c[7:2])
    0x006c	0x0f	// lane3_gearbox_init_state=0x1; 	Address(0x6c[7:3])
    0x006c	0x0e	// lane0_gearbox_init_state=0x0; 	Address(0x6c[7:0])
    0x006c	0x0c	// lane1_gearbox_init_state=0x0; 	Address(0x6c[7:1])
    0x006c	0x08	// lane2_gearbox_init_state=0x0; 	Address(0x6c[7:2])
    0x006c	0x00	// lane3_gearbox_init_state=0x0; 	Address(0x6c[7:3])
    0x006e	0x0f	// lane0_serdes_fifo_init_state=0x1; 	Address(0x6e[7:0])
    0x006e	0x0f	// lane1_serdes_fifo_init_state=0x1; 	Address(0x6e[7:1])
    0x006e	0x0f	// lane2_serdes_fifo_init_state=0x1; 	Address(0x6e[7:2])
    0x006e	0x0f	// lane3_serdes_fifo_init_state=0x1; 	Address(0x6e[7:3])
    0x005c	0x1f	// rx_root_clk_dither_en=0x1; 	Address(0x5c[7:0])
    0x005c	0x1f	// fb_root_clk_dither_en=0x1; 	Address(0x5c[7:1])
    0x005c	0x1b	// ddc_rd_clk_dither_en=0x0; 	Address(0x5c[7:2])
    0x005c	0x13	// jesd_clk_dither_en=0x0; 	Address(0x5c[7:3])
    0x005c	0x03	// jesd_clk_div2_dither_en=0x0; 	Address(0x5c[7:4])
    0x0021	0x03	// jesd_system_mode=0x3; 	Address(0x21[7:0])
    0x005d	0x01	// rx_adc_clk_sysref_mux=0x1; 	Address(0x5d[7:0])
    0x005d	0x01	// fb_adc_clk_sysref_mux=0x0; 	Address(0x5d[7:1])
    0x0024	0x0f	// jesd_clear_data=0xf; 	Address(0x24[7:0])
    0x0069	0x88	// serdes_fifo_read_dly_lane0=0x8; 	Address(0x69[7:0])
    0x0069	0x88	// serdes_fifo_read_dly_lane1=0x8; 	Address(0x69[7:4])
    0x006a	0x88	// serdes_fifo_read_dly_lane2=0x8; 	Address(0x6a[7:0])
    0x006a	0x88	// serdes_fifo_read_dly_lane3=0x8; 	Address(0x6a[7:4])
    0x0040	0x01	// rx1_root_clk_div_m=0x1; 	Address(0x40[7:0])
    0x0041	0x00	// rx1_root_clk_div_n_m1=0x0; 	Address(0x41[7:0])
    0x0046	0x01	// ddc_rd_clk_rx1_div_m=0x1; 	Address(0x46[7:0])
    0x0047	0x02	// ddc_rd_clk_rx1_div_n_m1=0x2; 	Address(0x47[7:0])
    0x004c	0x01	// jesd_clk_rx1_div_m=0x1; 	Address(0x4c[7:0])
    0x004d	0x02	// jesd_clk_rx1_div_n_m1=0x2; 	Address(0x4d[7:0])
    0x0034	0x0a	// rx1_jesd_mode=0xa; 	Address(0x34[7:0])
    0x0084	0x1f	// link0_k_m1=0x1f; 	Address(0x84[7:0],0x85[7:0])
    0x0079	0x1f	// link0_ila_k_m1=0x1f; 	Address(0x79[7:0],0x7a[7:0])
    0x0042	0x01	// rx2_root_clk_div_m=0x1; 	Address(0x42[7:0])
    0x0043	0x00	// rx2_root_clk_div_n_m1=0x0; 	Address(0x43[7:0])
    0x0048	0x01	// ddc_rd_clk_rx2_div_m=0x1; 	Address(0x48[7:0])
    0x0049	0x02	// ddc_rd_clk_rx2_div_n_m1=0x2; 	Address(0x49[7:0])
    0x004e	0x01	// jesd_clk_rx2_div_m=0x1; 	Address(0x4e[7:0])
    0x004f	0x02	// jesd_clk_rx2_div_n_m1=0x2; 	Address(0x4f[7:0])
    0x0035	0x0a	// rx2_jesd_mode=0xa; 	Address(0x35[7:0])
    0x009c	0x1f	// link1_k_m1=0x1f; 	Address(0x9c[7:0],0x9d[7:0])
    0x0091	0x1f	// link1_ila_k_m1=0x1f; 	Address(0x91[7:0],0x92[7:0])
    0x0044	0x01	// fb_root_clk_div_m=0x1; 	Address(0x44[7:0])
    0x0045	0x00	// fb_root_clk_div_n_m1=0x0; 	Address(0x45[7:0])
    0x004a	0x01	// ddc_rd_clk_fb_div_m=0x1; 	Address(0x4a[7:0])
    0x004b	0x02	// ddc_rd_clk_fb_div_n_m1=0x2; 	Address(0x4b[7:0])
    0x0050	0x01	// jesd_clk_fb_div_m=0x1; 	Address(0x50[7:0])
    0x0051	0x02	// jesd_clk_fb_div_n_m1=0x2; 	Address(0x51[7:0])
    0x0036	0x18	// fb_jesd_mode=0x18; 	Address(0x36[7:0])
    0x00b4	0x1f	// link2_k_m1=0x1f; 	Address(0xb4[7:0],0xb5[7:0])
    0x00a9	0x1f	// link2_ila_k_m1=0x1f; 	Address(0xa9[7:0],0xaa[7:0])
    0x0020	0x00	// jesd_std_sel=0x0; 	Address(0x20[7:0])
    0x0077	0x81	// link0_scr=0x1; 	Address(0x77[7:7])
    0x008f	0x81	// link1_scr=0x1; 	Address(0x8f[7:7])
    0x00a7	0x81	// link2_scr=0x1; 	Address(0xa7[7:7])
    0x0023	0x0f	// lane_ena=0xf; 	Address(0x23[7:0])
    0x003c	0x02	// sel_rx1_jesd_mode_1s_2s_ovr=0x1; 	Address(0x3c[7:1])
    0x003c	0x02	// sel_rx1_jesd_mode_1s_2s_val=0x0; 	Address(0x3c[7:0])
    0x003c	0x0a	// sel_rx2_jesd_mode_1s_2s_ovr=0x1; 	Address(0x3c[7:3])
    0x003c	0x0a	// sel_rx2_jesd_mode_1s_2s_val=0x0; 	Address(0x3c[7:2])
    0x003c	0x2a	// sel_fb_jesd_mode_1s_2s_ovr=0x1; 	Address(0x3c[7:5])
    0x003c	0x3a	// sel_fb_jesd_mode_1s_2s_val=0x1; 	Address(0x3c[7:4])
    0x0083	0x01	// link0_jesd_ila_config_override=0x1; 	Address(0x83[7:0])
    0x009b	0x01	// link1_jesd_ila_config_override=0x1; 	Address(0x9b[7:0])
    0x00b2	0x80	// link2_jesd_ila_config_override=0x1; 	Address(0xb2[7:7])
    0x0078	0x03	// link0_ila_f_m1=0x3; 	Address(0x78[7:0],0x79[7:0])
    0x0090	0x03	// link1_ila_f_m1=0x3; 	Address(0x90[7:0],0x91[7:0])
    0x00a8	0x03	// link2_ila_f_m1=0x3; 	Address(0xa8[7:0],0xa9[7:0])
    0x007a	0x07	// link0_ila_m_m1=0x7; 	Address(0x7a[7:0],0x7b[7:0])
    0x0092	0x07	// link1_ila_m_m1=0x7; 	Address(0x92[7:0],0x93[7:0])
    0x00aa	0x07	// link2_ila_m_m1=0x7; 	Address(0xaa[7:0],0xab[7:0])
    0x0077	0x83	// link0_ila_l_m1=0x3; 	Address(0x77[7:0])
    0x008f	0x83	// link1_ila_l_m1=0x3; 	Address(0x8f[7:0])
    0x00a7	0x83	// link2_ila_l_m1=0x3; 	Address(0xa7[7:0])
    0x007b	0x0f	// link0_ila_n_m1=0xf; 	Address(0x7b[7:0])
    0x0093	0x0f	// link1_ila_n_m1=0xf; 	Address(0x93[7:0])
    0x00ab	0x0f	// link2_ila_n_m1=0xf; 	Address(0xab[7:0])
    0x00bc	0x00	// lid0=0x0; 	Address(0xbc[7:0])
    0x00bd	0x01	// lid1=0x1; 	Address(0xbd[7:0])
    0x00be	0x02	// lid2=0x2; 	Address(0xbe[7:0])
    0x00bf	0x03	// lid3=0x3; 	Address(0xbf[7:0])
    0x00e4	0x42	// msf_rx1_offset_default_mode0=0x2; 	Address(0xe4[7:0])
    0x00e4	0x22	// msf_rx1_offset_default_mode1=0x2; 	Address(0xe4[7:4])
    0x00e5	0x83	// msf_rx1_offset_default_mode2=0x3; 	Address(0xe5[7:0])
    0x00e5	0x43	// msf_rx1_offset_default_mode3=0x4; 	Address(0xe5[7:4])
    0x00e6	0x42	// msf_rx2_offset_default_mode0=0x2; 	Address(0xe6[7:0])
    0x00e6	0x22	// msf_rx2_offset_default_mode1=0x2; 	Address(0xe6[7:4])
    0x00e7	0x83	// msf_rx2_offset_default_mode2=0x3; 	Address(0xe7[7:0])
    0x00e7	0x43	// msf_rx2_offset_default_mode3=0x4; 	Address(0xe7[7:4])
    0x00e8	0x42	// msf_fb_offset_default_mode0=0x2; 	Address(0xe8[7:0])
    0x00e8	0x22	// msf_fb_offset_default_mode1=0x2; 	Address(0xe8[7:4])
    0x00e9	0x83	// msf_fb_offset_default_mode2=0x3; 	Address(0xe9[7:0])
    0x00e9	0x43	// msf_fb_offset_default_mode3=0x4; 	Address(0xe9[7:4])
    0x0037	0x06	// rx1_ctrlmode_12b_trunc_en=0x0; 	Address(0x37[7:0])
    0x0037	0x04	// rx2_ctrlmode_12b_trunc_en=0x0; 	Address(0x37[7:1])
    0x0037	0x00	// fb_ctrlmode_12b_trunc_en=0x0; 	Address(0x37[7:2])
    // END: Done Configuring ADC JESD TX
    // START: Configuring ADC JESD TX
    0x0016	0x02	// adc_jesd=0x2; 	Address(0x16[7:0])
    0x006d	0x07	// link0_init_state=0x1; 	Address(0x6d[7:0])
    0x006d	0x07	// link1_init_state=0x1; 	Address(0x6d[7:1])
    0x006d	0x07	// link2_init_state=0x1; 	Address(0x6d[7:2])
    0x0022	0x04	// sysref_jesd_mode=0x4; 	Address(0x22[7:0])
    0x006f	0x02	// init_state_gearbox_spi_ovr=0x1; 	Address(0x6f[7:1])
    0x006c	0x0f	// lane0_gearbox_init_state=0x1; 	Address(0x6c[7:0])
    0x006c	0x0f	// lane1_gearbox_init_state=0x1; 	Address(0x6c[7:1])
    0x006c	0x0f	// lane2_gearbox_init_state=0x1; 	Address(0x6c[7:2])
    0x006c	0x0f	// lane3_gearbox_init_state=0x1; 	Address(0x6c[7:3])
    0x006c	0x0e	// lane0_gearbox_init_state=0x0; 	Address(0x6c[7:0])
    0x006c	0x0c	// lane1_gearbox_init_state=0x0; 	Address(0x6c[7:1])
    0x006c	0x08	// lane2_gearbox_init_state=0x0; 	Address(0x6c[7:2])
    0x006c	0x00	// lane3_gearbox_init_state=0x0; 	Address(0x6c[7:3])
    0x006e	0x0f	// lane0_serdes_fifo_init_state=0x1; 	Address(0x6e[7:0])
    0x006e	0x0f	// lane1_serdes_fifo_init_state=0x1; 	Address(0x6e[7:1])
    0x006e	0x0f	// lane2_serdes_fifo_init_state=0x1; 	Address(0x6e[7:2])
    0x006e	0x0f	// lane3_serdes_fifo_init_state=0x1; 	Address(0x6e[7:3])
    0x005c	0x1f	// rx_root_clk_dither_en=0x1; 	Address(0x5c[7:0])
    0x005c	0x1f	// fb_root_clk_dither_en=0x1; 	Address(0x5c[7:1])
    0x005c	0x1b	// ddc_rd_clk_dither_en=0x0; 	Address(0x5c[7:2])
    0x005c	0x13	// jesd_clk_dither_en=0x0; 	Address(0x5c[7:3])
    0x005c	0x03	// jesd_clk_div2_dither_en=0x0; 	Address(0x5c[7:4])
    0x0021	0x03	// jesd_system_mode=0x3; 	Address(0x21[7:0])
    0x005d	0x01	// rx_adc_clk_sysref_mux=0x1; 	Address(0x5d[7:0])
    0x005d	0x01	// fb_adc_clk_sysref_mux=0x0; 	Address(0x5d[7:1])
    0x0024	0x0f	// jesd_clear_data=0xf; 	Address(0x24[7:0])
    0x0069	0x88	// serdes_fifo_read_dly_lane0=0x8; 	Address(0x69[7:0])
    0x0069	0x88	// serdes_fifo_read_dly_lane1=0x8; 	Address(0x69[7:4])
    0x006a	0x88	// serdes_fifo_read_dly_lane2=0x8; 	Address(0x6a[7:0])
    0x006a	0x88	// serdes_fifo_read_dly_lane3=0x8; 	Address(0x6a[7:4])
    0x0040	0x01	// rx1_root_clk_div_m=0x1; 	Address(0x40[7:0])
    0x0041	0x00	// rx1_root_clk_div_n_m1=0x0; 	Address(0x41[7:0])
    0x0046	0x01	// ddc_rd_clk_rx1_div_m=0x1; 	Address(0x46[7:0])
    0x0047	0x02	// ddc_rd_clk_rx1_div_n_m1=0x2; 	Address(0x47[7:0])
    0x004c	0x01	// jesd_clk_rx1_div_m=0x1; 	Address(0x4c[7:0])
    0x004d	0x02	// jesd_clk_rx1_div_n_m1=0x2; 	Address(0x4d[7:0])
    0x0034	0x0a	// rx1_jesd_mode=0xa; 	Address(0x34[7:0])
    0x0084	0x1f	// link0_k_m1=0x1f; 	Address(0x84[7:0],0x85[7:0])
    0x0079	0x1f	// link0_ila_k_m1=0x1f; 	Address(0x79[7:0],0x7a[7:0])
    0x0042	0x01	// rx2_root_clk_div_m=0x1; 	Address(0x42[7:0])
    0x0043	0x00	// rx2_root_clk_div_n_m1=0x0; 	Address(0x43[7:0])
    0x0048	0x01	// ddc_rd_clk_rx2_div_m=0x1; 	Address(0x48[7:0])
    0x0049	0x02	// ddc_rd_clk_rx2_div_n_m1=0x2; 	Address(0x49[7:0])
    0x004e	0x01	// jesd_clk_rx2_div_m=0x1; 	Address(0x4e[7:0])
    0x004f	0x02	// jesd_clk_rx2_div_n_m1=0x2; 	Address(0x4f[7:0])
    0x0035	0x0a	// rx2_jesd_mode=0xa; 	Address(0x35[7:0])
    0x009c	0x1f	// link1_k_m1=0x1f; 	Address(0x9c[7:0],0x9d[7:0])
    0x0091	0x1f	// link1_ila_k_m1=0x1f; 	Address(0x91[7:0],0x92[7:0])
    0x0044	0x01	// fb_root_clk_div_m=0x1; 	Address(0x44[7:0])
    0x0045	0x00	// fb_root_clk_div_n_m1=0x0; 	Address(0x45[7:0])
    0x004a	0x01	// ddc_rd_clk_fb_div_m=0x1; 	Address(0x4a[7:0])
    0x004b	0x02	// ddc_rd_clk_fb_div_n_m1=0x2; 	Address(0x4b[7:0])
    0x0050	0x01	// jesd_clk_fb_div_m=0x1; 	Address(0x50[7:0])
    0x0051	0x02	// jesd_clk_fb_div_n_m1=0x2; 	Address(0x51[7:0])
    0x0036	0x18	// fb_jesd_mode=0x18; 	Address(0x36[7:0])
    0x00b4	0x1f	// link2_k_m1=0x1f; 	Address(0xb4[7:0],0xb5[7:0])
    0x00a9	0x1f	// link2_ila_k_m1=0x1f; 	Address(0xa9[7:0],0xaa[7:0])
    0x0020	0x00	// jesd_std_sel=0x0; 	Address(0x20[7:0])
    0x0077	0x81	// link0_scr=0x1; 	Address(0x77[7:7])
    0x008f	0x81	// link1_scr=0x1; 	Address(0x8f[7:7])
    0x00a7	0x81	// link2_scr=0x1; 	Address(0xa7[7:7])
    0x0023	0x00	// lane_ena=0x0; 	Address(0x23[7:0])
    0x003c	0x02	// sel_rx1_jesd_mode_1s_2s_ovr=0x1; 	Address(0x3c[7:1])
    0x003c	0x02	// sel_rx1_jesd_mode_1s_2s_val=0x0; 	Address(0x3c[7:0])
    0x003c	0x0a	// sel_rx2_jesd_mode_1s_2s_ovr=0x1; 	Address(0x3c[7:3])
    0x003c	0x0a	// sel_rx2_jesd_mode_1s_2s_val=0x0; 	Address(0x3c[7:2])
    0x003c	0x2a	// sel_fb_jesd_mode_1s_2s_ovr=0x1; 	Address(0x3c[7:5])
    0x003c	0x3a	// sel_fb_jesd_mode_1s_2s_val=0x1; 	Address(0x3c[7:4])
    0x0083	0x01	// link0_jesd_ila_config_override=0x1; 	Address(0x83[7:0])
    0x009b	0x01	// link1_jesd_ila_config_override=0x1; 	Address(0x9b[7:0])
    0x00b2	0x80	// link2_jesd_ila_config_override=0x1; 	Address(0xb2[7:7])
    0x0078	0x03	// link0_ila_f_m1=0x3; 	Address(0x78[7:0],0x79[7:0])
    0x0090	0x03	// link1_ila_f_m1=0x3; 	Address(0x90[7:0],0x91[7:0])
    0x00a8	0x03	// link2_ila_f_m1=0x3; 	Address(0xa8[7:0],0xa9[7:0])
    0x007a	0x07	// link0_ila_m_m1=0x7; 	Address(0x7a[7:0],0x7b[7:0])
    0x0092	0x07	// link1_ila_m_m1=0x7; 	Address(0x92[7:0],0x93[7:0])
    0x00aa	0x07	// link2_ila_m_m1=0x7; 	Address(0xaa[7:0],0xab[7:0])
    0x0077	0x83	// link0_ila_l_m1=0x3; 	Address(0x77[7:0])
    0x008f	0x83	// link1_ila_l_m1=0x3; 	Address(0x8f[7:0])
    0x00a7	0x83	// link2_ila_l_m1=0x3; 	Address(0xa7[7:0])
    0x007b	0x0f	// link0_ila_n_m1=0xf; 	Address(0x7b[7:0])
    0x0093	0x0f	// link1_ila_n_m1=0xf; 	Address(0x93[7:0])
    0x00ab	0x0f	// link2_ila_n_m1=0xf; 	Address(0xab[7:0])
    0x00bc	0x04	// lid0=0x4; 	Address(0xbc[7:0])
    0x00bd	0x05	// lid1=0x5; 	Address(0xbd[7:0])
    0x00be	0x06	// lid2=0x6; 	Address(0xbe[7:0])
    0x00bf	0x07	// lid3=0x7; 	Address(0xbf[7:0])
    0x00e4	0x42	// msf_rx1_offset_default_mode0=0x2; 	Address(0xe4[7:0])
    0x00e4	0x22	// msf_rx1_offset_default_mode1=0x2; 	Address(0xe4[7:4])
    0x00e5	0x83	// msf_rx1_offset_default_mode2=0x3; 	Address(0xe5[7:0])
    0x00e5	0x43	// msf_rx1_offset_default_mode3=0x4; 	Address(0xe5[7:4])
    0x00e6	0x42	// msf_rx2_offset_default_mode0=0x2; 	Address(0xe6[7:0])
    0x00e6	0x22	// msf_rx2_offset_default_mode1=0x2; 	Address(0xe6[7:4])
    0x00e7	0x83	// msf_rx2_offset_default_mode2=0x3; 	Address(0xe7[7:0])
    0x00e7	0x43	// msf_rx2_offset_default_mode3=0x4; 	Address(0xe7[7:4])
    0x00e8	0x42	// msf_fb_offset_default_mode0=0x2; 	Address(0xe8[7:0])
    0x00e8	0x22	// msf_fb_offset_default_mode1=0x2; 	Address(0xe8[7:4])
    0x00e9	0x83	// msf_fb_offset_default_mode2=0x3; 	Address(0xe9[7:0])
    0x00e9	0x43	// msf_fb_offset_default_mode3=0x4; 	Address(0xe9[7:4])
    0x0037	0x06	// rx1_ctrlmode_12b_trunc_en=0x0; 	Address(0x37[7:0])
    0x0037	0x04	// rx2_ctrlmode_12b_trunc_en=0x0; 	Address(0x37[7:1])
    0x0037	0x00	// fb_ctrlmode_12b_trunc_en=0x0; 	Address(0x37[7:2])
    // END: Done Configuring ADC JESD TX
    0x0016	0x00	// adc_jesd=0x0; 	Address(0x16[7:0])
    // START: Configuring DAC JESD RX
    0x0016	0x04	// dac_jesd=0x1; 	Address(0x16[7:2])
    0x006c	0x0f	// link0_k_m1=0xf; 	Address(0x6c[7:0],0x6d[7:0])
    0x006d	0x0f	// link1_k_m1=0xf; 	Address(0x6d[7:0],0x6e[7:0])
    0x0057	0x0f	// link1_ila_k_m1=0xf; 	Address(0x57[7:0],0x58[7:0])
    0x0049	0x0f	// link0_ila_k_m1=0xf; 	Address(0x49[7:0],0x4a[7:0])
    0x0069	0x00	// link0_rbd_m1=0x3; 	Address(0x68[7:0],0x69[7:0],0x6a[7:0])
    0x0068	0x03
    0x006b	0x00	// link1_rbd_m1=0x3; 	Address(0x6a[7:0],0x6b[7:0],0x6c[7:0])
    0x006a	0x03
    0x0071	0x00	// link0_init_f_counter=0x0; 	Address(0x71[7:0],0x72[7:0])
    0x0073	0x00	// link1_init_f_counter=0x0; 	Address(0x73[7:0],0x74[7:0])
    0x0021	0x04	// sysref_mode=0x4; 	Address(0x21[7:0])
    0x0024	0x5e	// gearbox_init_state_ovr=0x1; 	Address(0x24[7:6])
    0x0025	0xff	// gearbox_init_state_lane0_val=0x1; 	Address(0x25[7:0])
    0x0025	0xff	// gearbox_init_state_lane1_val=0x1; 	Address(0x25[7:1])
    0x0025	0xff	// gearbox_init_state_lane2_val=0x1; 	Address(0x25[7:2])
    0x0025	0xff	// gearbox_init_state_lane3_val=0x1; 	Address(0x25[7:3])
    0x0025	0xfe	// gearbox_init_state_lane0_val=0x0; 	Address(0x25[7:0])
    0x0025	0xfc	// gearbox_init_state_lane1_val=0x0; 	Address(0x25[7:1])
    0x0025	0xf8	// gearbox_init_state_lane2_val=0x0; 	Address(0x25[7:2])
    0x0025	0xf0	// gearbox_init_state_lane3_val=0x0; 	Address(0x25[7:3])
    0x0020	0x03	// link0_init_state=0x1; 	Address(0x20[7:0])
    0x0020	0x03	// link1_init_state=0x1; 	Address(0x20[7:1])
    0x0064	0xff	// jesd_clear_data=0xf; 	Address(0x64[7:4])
    0x0040	0x04	// link0_comma_align_lock_reset_disable=0x1; 	Address(0x40[7:2])
    0x0040	0x0c	// link1_comma_align_lock_reset_disable=0x1; 	Address(0x40[7:3])
    0x00ac	0x04	// link0_emb_align_lock_reset_disable=0x1; 	Address(0xac[7:2])
    0x00ac	0x0c	// link1_emb_align_lock_reset_disable=0x1; 	Address(0xac[7:3])
    0x002c	0x01	// root_clk_tx1_div_m=0x1; 	Address(0x2c[7:0])
    0x002d	0x02	// root_clk_tx1_div_n_m1=0x2; 	Address(0x2d[7:0])
    0x002e	0x01	// root_clk_tx2_div_m=0x1; 	Address(0x2e[7:0])
    0x002f	0x02	// root_clk_tx2_div_n_m1=0x2; 	Address(0x2f[7:0])
    0x0030	0x01	// duc_clk_tx1_div_m=0x1; 	Address(0x30[7:0])
    0x0031	0x00	// duc_clk_tx1_div_n_m1=0x0; 	Address(0x31[7:0])
    0x0032	0x01	// duc_clk_tx2_div_m=0x1; 	Address(0x32[7:0])
    0x0033	0x00	// duc_clk_tx2_div_n_m1=0x0; 	Address(0x33[7:0])
    0x0034	0x01	// jesd_clk_tx1_div_m=0x1; 	Address(0x34[7:0])
    0x0035	0x00	// jesd_clk_tx1_div_n_m1=0x0; 	Address(0x35[7:0])
    0x0036	0x01	// jesd_clk_tx2_div_m=0x1; 	Address(0x36[7:0])
    0x0037	0x00	// jesd_clk_tx2_div_n_m1=0x0; 	Address(0x37[7:0])
    0x0022	0x47	// link0_jesd_mode=0x7; 	Address(0x22[7:0])
    0x0023	0x47	// link1_jesd_mode=0x7; 	Address(0x23[7:0])
    0x0022	0x47	// link0_jesd_sample_mode=0x1; 	Address(0x22[7:6])
    0x0023	0x47	// link1_jesd_sample_mode=0x1; 	Address(0x23[7:6])
    0x0038	0x1f	// tx_root_clk_div_dither_en=0x1; 	Address(0x38[7:0])
    0x0038	0x1d	// duc_clk_io_div_dither_en=0x0; 	Address(0x38[7:1])
    0x0038	0x19	// duc_clk_div_dither_en=0x0; 	Address(0x38[7:2])
    0x0038	0x11	// jesd_clk_div_dither_en=0x0; 	Address(0x38[7:3])
    0x0038	0x01	// jesd_clk_div2_div_dither_en=0x0; 	Address(0x38[7:4])
    0x0026	0x00	// num_links=0x0; 	Address(0x26[7:2])
    0x0042	0x7f	// comma_align_valid_thresh=0x7f; 	Address(0x42[7:0])
    0x0078	0xdf	// link0_sync_request_ena=0xdf; 	Address(0x78[7:0],0x79[7:0])
    0x0079	0xdf	// link1_sync_request_ena=0xdf; 	Address(0x79[7:0],0x7a[7:0])
    0x007a	0x00	// link0_error_ena=0x0; 	Address(0x7a[7:0],0x7b[7:0])
    0x007b	0x00	// link1_error_ena=0x0; 	Address(0x7b[7:0],0x7c[7:0])
    0x0103	0x00	// alarms_clear=0x20202020000000bf; 	Address(0x100[7:0],0x101[7:0],0x102[7:0],0x103[7:0],0x104[7:0],0x104[7:0],0x105[7:0],0x106[7:0],0x107[7:0],0x108[7:0])
    0x0102	0x00
    0x0101	0x00
    0x0100	0xbf
    0x0107	0x20
    0x0106	0x20
    0x0105	0x20
    0x0104	0x20
    0x00fb	0x00	// alarms_mask=0x20202020000000bf; 	Address(0xf8[7:0],0xf9[7:0],0xfa[7:0],0xfb[7:0],0xfc[7:0],0xfc[7:0],0xfd[7:0],0xfe[7:0],0xff[7:0],0x100[7:0])
    0x00fa	0x00
    0x00f9	0x00
    0x00f8	0xbf
    0x00ff	0x20
    0x00fe	0x20
    0x00fd	0x20
    0x00fc	0x20
    0x0113	0x00	// alarms_to_pap_clear=0x20202020000000bf; 	Address(0x110[7:0],0x111[7:0],0x112[7:0],0x113[7:0],0x114[7:0],0x114[7:0],0x115[7:0],0x116[7:0],0x117[7:0],0x118[7:0])
    0x0112	0x00
    0x0111	0x00
    0x0110	0xbf
    0x0117	0x20
    0x0116	0x20
    0x0115	0x20
    0x0114	0x20
    0x010b	0x00	// alarms_to_pap_mask=0x20202020000000bf; 	Address(0x108[7:0],0x109[7:0],0x10a[7:0],0x10b[7:0],0x10c[7:0],0x10c[7:0],0x10d[7:0],0x10e[7:0],0x10f[7:0],0x110[7:0])
    0x010a	0x00
    0x0109	0x00
    0x0108	0xbf
    0x010f	0x20
    0x010e	0x20
    0x010d	0x20
    0x010c	0x20
    0x0024	0x5c	// alarm_zeros_jesd_data_ena=0x0; 	Address(0x24[7:1])
    0x003c	0x88	// serdes_fifo_offset_lane0=0x8; 	Address(0x3c[7:0])
    0x003c	0x88	// serdes_fifo_offset_lane1=0x8; 	Address(0x3c[7:4])
    0x003d	0x88	// serdes_fifo_offset_lane2=0x8; 	Address(0x3d[7:0])
    0x003d	0x88	// serdes_fifo_offset_lane3=0x8; 	Address(0x3d[7:4])
    0x0026	0x00	// jesd_std_sel=0x0; 	Address(0x26[7:0])
    0x0047	0x81	// link0_scr=0x1; 	Address(0x47[7:7])
    0x0055	0x81	// link1_scr=0x1; 	Address(0x55[7:7])
    0x0064	0xff	// lane_ena=0xf; 	Address(0x64[7:0])
    0x0081	0xf1	// rbd_buf_overflow_err_cnt_thresh=0xf; 	Address(0x81[7:4])
    0x0083	0x1f	// dec_8b10b_code_err_cnt_thresh=0xf; 	Address(0x83[7:0])
    0x0083	0xff	// dec_8b10b_disp_err_cnt_thresh=0xf; 	Address(0x83[7:4])
    0x0081	0xff	// link_config_err_cnt_thresh=0xf; 	Address(0x81[7:0])
    0x0080	0x1f	// multiframe_align_err_cnt_thresh=0xf; 	Address(0x80[7:0])
    0x0080	0xff	// frame_align_err_cnt_thresh=0xf; 	Address(0x80[7:4])
    0x00a8	0x02	// Property_88h_1_1=0x1; 	Address(0xa8[7:1])
    0x0024	0x58	// zero_invalid_data=0x0; 	Address(0x24[7:2])
    0x0024	0x50	// fifo_error_zeros_data_ena=0x0; 	Address(0x24[7:3])
    // END: Done Configuring DAC JESD RX
    // START: Configuring DAC JESD RX
    0x0016	0x08	// dac_jesd=0x2; 	Address(0x16[7:2])
    0x006c	0x0f	// link0_k_m1=0xf; 	Address(0x6c[7:0],0x6d[7:0])
    0x006d	0x0f	// link1_k_m1=0xf; 	Address(0x6d[7:0],0x6e[7:0])
    0x0057	0x0f	// link1_ila_k_m1=0xf; 	Address(0x57[7:0],0x58[7:0])
    0x0049	0x0f	// link0_ila_k_m1=0xf; 	Address(0x49[7:0],0x4a[7:0])
    0x0069	0x00	// link0_rbd_m1=0x3; 	Address(0x68[7:0],0x69[7:0],0x6a[7:0])
    0x0068	0x03
    0x006b	0x00	// link1_rbd_m1=0x3; 	Address(0x6a[7:0],0x6b[7:0],0x6c[7:0])
    0x006a	0x03
    0x0071	0x00	// link0_init_f_counter=0x0; 	Address(0x71[7:0],0x72[7:0])
    0x0073	0x00	// link1_init_f_counter=0x0; 	Address(0x73[7:0],0x74[7:0])
    0x0021	0x04	// sysref_mode=0x4; 	Address(0x21[7:0])
    0x0024	0x5e	// gearbox_init_state_ovr=0x1; 	Address(0x24[7:6])
    0x0025	0xff	// gearbox_init_state_lane0_val=0x1; 	Address(0x25[7:0])
    0x0025	0xff	// gearbox_init_state_lane1_val=0x1; 	Address(0x25[7:1])
    0x0025	0xff	// gearbox_init_state_lane2_val=0x1; 	Address(0x25[7:2])
    0x0025	0xff	// gearbox_init_state_lane3_val=0x1; 	Address(0x25[7:3])
    0x0025	0xfe	// gearbox_init_state_lane0_val=0x0; 	Address(0x25[7:0])
    0x0025	0xfc	// gearbox_init_state_lane1_val=0x0; 	Address(0x25[7:1])
    0x0025	0xf8	// gearbox_init_state_lane2_val=0x0; 	Address(0x25[7:2])
    0x0025	0xf0	// gearbox_init_state_lane3_val=0x0; 	Address(0x25[7:3])
    0x0020	0x03	// link0_init_state=0x1; 	Address(0x20[7:0])
    0x0020	0x03	// link1_init_state=0x1; 	Address(0x20[7:1])
    0x0064	0xff	// jesd_clear_data=0xf; 	Address(0x64[7:4])
    0x0040	0x04	// link0_comma_align_lock_reset_disable=0x1; 	Address(0x40[7:2])
    0x0040	0x0c	// link1_comma_align_lock_reset_disable=0x1; 	Address(0x40[7:3])
    0x00ac	0x04	// link0_emb_align_lock_reset_disable=0x1; 	Address(0xac[7:2])
    0x00ac	0x0c	// link1_emb_align_lock_reset_disable=0x1; 	Address(0xac[7:3])
    0x002c	0x01	// root_clk_tx1_div_m=0x1; 	Address(0x2c[7:0])
    0x002d	0x02	// root_clk_tx1_div_n_m1=0x2; 	Address(0x2d[7:0])
    0x002e	0x01	// root_clk_tx2_div_m=0x1; 	Address(0x2e[7:0])
    0x002f	0x02	// root_clk_tx2_div_n_m1=0x2; 	Address(0x2f[7:0])
    0x0030	0x01	// duc_clk_tx1_div_m=0x1; 	Address(0x30[7:0])
    0x0031	0x00	// duc_clk_tx1_div_n_m1=0x0; 	Address(0x31[7:0])
    0x0032	0x01	// duc_clk_tx2_div_m=0x1; 	Address(0x32[7:0])
    0x0033	0x00	// duc_clk_tx2_div_n_m1=0x0; 	Address(0x33[7:0])
    0x0034	0x01	// jesd_clk_tx1_div_m=0x1; 	Address(0x34[7:0])
    0x0035	0x00	// jesd_clk_tx1_div_n_m1=0x0; 	Address(0x35[7:0])
    0x0036	0x01	// jesd_clk_tx2_div_m=0x1; 	Address(0x36[7:0])
    0x0037	0x00	// jesd_clk_tx2_div_n_m1=0x0; 	Address(0x37[7:0])
    0x0022	0x47	// link0_jesd_mode=0x7; 	Address(0x22[7:0])
    0x0023	0x47	// link1_jesd_mode=0x7; 	Address(0x23[7:0])
    0x0022	0x47	// link0_jesd_sample_mode=0x1; 	Address(0x22[7:6])
    0x0023	0x47	// link1_jesd_sample_mode=0x1; 	Address(0x23[7:6])
    0x0038	0x1f	// tx_root_clk_div_dither_en=0x1; 	Address(0x38[7:0])
    0x0038	0x1d	// duc_clk_io_div_dither_en=0x0; 	Address(0x38[7:1])
    0x0038	0x19	// duc_clk_div_dither_en=0x0; 	Address(0x38[7:2])
    0x0038	0x11	// jesd_clk_div_dither_en=0x0; 	Address(0x38[7:3])
    0x0038	0x01	// jesd_clk_div2_div_dither_en=0x0; 	Address(0x38[7:4])
    0x0026	0x00	// num_links=0x0; 	Address(0x26[7:2])
    0x0042	0x7f	// comma_align_valid_thresh=0x7f; 	Address(0x42[7:0])
    0x0078	0xdf	// link0_sync_request_ena=0xdf; 	Address(0x78[7:0],0x79[7:0])
    0x0079	0xdf	// link1_sync_request_ena=0xdf; 	Address(0x79[7:0],0x7a[7:0])
    0x007a	0x00	// link0_error_ena=0x0; 	Address(0x7a[7:0],0x7b[7:0])
    0x007b	0x00	// link1_error_ena=0x0; 	Address(0x7b[7:0],0x7c[7:0])
    0x0103	0x00	// alarms_clear=0x20202020000000bf; 	Address(0x100[7:0],0x101[7:0],0x102[7:0],0x103[7:0],0x104[7:0],0x104[7:0],0x105[7:0],0x106[7:0],0x107[7:0],0x108[7:0])
    0x0102	0x00
    0x0101	0x00
    0x0100	0xbf
    0x0107	0x20
    0x0106	0x20
    0x0105	0x20
    0x0104	0x20
    0x00fb	0x00	// alarms_mask=0x20202020000000bf; 	Address(0xf8[7:0],0xf9[7:0],0xfa[7:0],0xfb[7:0],0xfc[7:0],0xfc[7:0],0xfd[7:0],0xfe[7:0],0xff[7:0],0x100[7:0])
    0x00fa	0x00
    0x00f9	0x00
    0x00f8	0xbf
    0x00ff	0x20
    0x00fe	0x20
    0x00fd	0x20
    0x00fc	0x20
    0x0113	0x00	// alarms_to_pap_clear=0x20202020000000bf; 	Address(0x110[7:0],0x111[7:0],0x112[7:0],0x113[7:0],0x114[7:0],0x114[7:0],0x115[7:0],0x116[7:0],0x117[7:0],0x118[7:0])
    0x0112	0x00
    0x0111	0x00
    0x0110	0xbf
    0x0117	0x20
    0x0116	0x20
    0x0115	0x20
    0x0114	0x20
    0x010b	0x00	// alarms_to_pap_mask=0x20202020000000bf; 	Address(0x108[7:0],0x109[7:0],0x10a[7:0],0x10b[7:0],0x10c[7:0],0x10c[7:0],0x10d[7:0],0x10e[7:0],0x10f[7:0],0x110[7:0])
    0x010a	0x00
    0x0109	0x00
    0x0108	0xbf
    0x010f	0x20
    0x010e	0x20
    0x010d	0x20
    0x010c	0x20
    0x0024	0x5c	// alarm_zeros_jesd_data_ena=0x0; 	Address(0x24[7:1])
    0x003c	0x88	// serdes_fifo_offset_lane0=0x8; 	Address(0x3c[7:0])
    0x003c	0x88	// serdes_fifo_offset_lane1=0x8; 	Address(0x3c[7:4])
    0x003d	0x88	// serdes_fifo_offset_lane2=0x8; 	Address(0x3d[7:0])
    0x003d	0x88	// serdes_fifo_offset_lane3=0x8; 	Address(0x3d[7:4])
    0x0026	0x00	// jesd_std_sel=0x0; 	Address(0x26[7:0])
    0x0047	0x81	// link0_scr=0x1; 	Address(0x47[7:7])
    0x0055	0x81	// link1_scr=0x1; 	Address(0x55[7:7])
    0x0064	0xf0	// lane_ena=0x0; 	Address(0x64[7:0])
    0x0081	0xf1	// rbd_buf_overflow_err_cnt_thresh=0xf; 	Address(0x81[7:4])
    0x0083	0x1f	// dec_8b10b_code_err_cnt_thresh=0xf; 	Address(0x83[7:0])
    0x0083	0xff	// dec_8b10b_disp_err_cnt_thresh=0xf; 	Address(0x83[7:4])
    0x0081	0xff	// link_config_err_cnt_thresh=0xf; 	Address(0x81[7:0])
    0x0080	0x1f	// multiframe_align_err_cnt_thresh=0xf; 	Address(0x80[7:0])
    0x0080	0xff	// frame_align_err_cnt_thresh=0xf; 	Address(0x80[7:4])
    0x00a8	0x02	// Property_88h_1_1=0x1; 	Address(0xa8[7:1])
    0x0024	0x58	// zero_invalid_data=0x0; 	Address(0x24[7:2])
    0x0024	0x50	// fifo_error_zeros_data_ena=0x0; 	Address(0x24[7:3])
    // END: Done Configuring DAC JESD RX
    0x0016	0x00	// dac_jesd=0x0; 	Address(0x16[7:2])
    0x0016	0x10	// jesd_subchip=0x1; 	Address(0x16[7:4])
    0x007c	0xc3	// lp_rx_on_a_sel_2r1f_ab_mask=0x3; 	Address(0x7c[7:0])
    0x007c	0xc3	// lp_rx_on_b_sel_2r1f_ab_mask=0xc; 	Address(0x7c[7:4])
    0x007d	0x03	// lp_rx_on_c_sel_2r1f_ab_mask=0x3; 	Address(0x7d[7:0])
    0x007d	0xc3	// lp_rx_on_d_sel_2r1f_ab_mask=0xc; 	Address(0x7d[7:4])
    0x007e	0x09	// lp_fb_on_a_sel_2r1f_ab_mask=0x1; 	Address(0x7e[7:0])
    0x007e	0x09	// lp_fb_on_c_sel_2r1f_ab_mask=0x2; 	Address(0x7e[7:2])
    0x0016	0x00	// jesd_subchip=0x0; 	Address(0x16[7:4])
    0x0016	0x01	// adc_jesd=0x1; 	Address(0x16[7:0])
    0x0120	0x00	// ctrl_rx1_msf_sig_invalid=0x0; 	Address(0x120[7:0])
    0x0120	0x00	// ctrl_rx2_msf_sig_invalid=0x0; 	Address(0x120[7:2])
    0x0120	0x30	// ctrl_rx3_rx4_msf_sig_invalid=0x3; 	Address(0x120[7:4])
    0x0121	0x03	// ctrl_fb1_msf_sig_invalid=0x3; 	Address(0x121[7:0])
    0x0121	0x0f	// ctrl_fb2_msf_sig_invalid=0x3; 	Address(0x121[7:2])
    0x0016	0x00	// adc_jesd=0x0; 	Address(0x16[7:0])
    0x0016	0x10	// jesd_subchip=0x1; 	Address(0x16[7:4])
    0x0029	0x03	// dual_2t2r1f_mode_ab=0x1; 	Address(0x29[7:0])
    0x0029	0x03	// dual_2t2r1f_mode_cd=0x1; 	Address(0x29[7:1])
    0x0081	0x03	// lp_rx_on_c_sel_2r1f_cd_mask=0x3; 	Address(0x81[7:0])
    0x0081	0xc3	// lp_rx_on_d_sel_2r1f_cd_mask=0xc; 	Address(0x81[7:4])
    0x0082	0x04	// lp_fb_on_c_sel_2r1f_cd_mask=0x1; 	Address(0x82[7:2])
    0x0082	0x06	// lp_fb_on_a_sel_2r1f_cd_mask=0x2; 	Address(0x82[7:0])
    0x0016	0x00	// jesd_subchip=0x0; 	Address(0x16[7:4])
    0x0016	0x02	// adc_jesd=0x2; 	Address(0x16[7:0])
    0x0120	0x00	// ctrl_rx1_msf_sig_invalid=0x0; 	Address(0x120[7:0])
    0x0120	0x00	// ctrl_rx2_msf_sig_invalid=0x0; 	Address(0x120[7:2])
    0x0120	0x30	// ctrl_rx3_rx4_msf_sig_invalid=0x3; 	Address(0x120[7:4])
    0x0121	0x03	// ctrl_fb1_msf_sig_invalid=0x3; 	Address(0x121[7:0])
    0x0121	0x0f	// ctrl_fb2_msf_sig_invalid=0x3; 	Address(0x121[7:2])
    0x0016	0x00	// adc_jesd=0x0; 	Address(0x16[7:0])
    0x0016	0x10	// jesd_subchip=0x1; 	Address(0x16[7:4])
    0x0029	0x03	// dual_2t2r1f_mode_ab=0x1; 	Address(0x29[7:0])
    0x0029	0x03	// dual_2t2r1f_mode_cd=0x1; 	Address(0x29[7:1])
    0x0016	0x00	// jesd_subchip=0x0; 	Address(0x16[7:4])
    0x0013	0x40	// dsa_page1=0x1; 	Address(0x13[7:6])
    0x00d0	0x03	// gain_ctrl=0x3; 	Address(0xd0[7:0])
    0x0013	0x80	// dsa_page1=0x2; 	Address(0x13[7:6])
    0x00d0	0x03	// gain_ctrl=0x3; 	Address(0xd0[7:0])
    0x0013	0x00	// dsa_page1=0x0; 	Address(0x13[7:6])
    0x0012	0x01	// rxdig=0x1; 	Address(0x12[7:0])
    0x0773	0x01	// Property_750h_24_24=0x1; 	Address(0x773[7:0])
    0x0773	0x01	// Property_750h_24_24=0x1; 	Address(0x773[7:0])
    0x0012	0x08	// rxdig=0x8; 	Address(0x12[7:0])
    0x0773	0x01	// Property_750h_24_24=0x1; 	Address(0x773[7:0])
    0x0773	0x01	// Property_750h_24_24=0x1; 	Address(0x773[7:0])
    0x0012	0x00	// rxdig=0x0; 	Address(0x12[7:0])
    // START: Configuring Interrupt Pins
    0x0015	0x40	// digtop=0x1; 	Address(0x15[7:6])
    0x0101	0x02	// alarm_mask_lsb_for_alarm0=0x23f; 	Address(0x100[7:0],0x101[7:0],0x102[7:0])
    0x0100	0x3f
    0x0103	0x00	// alarm_mask_msb_for_alarm0=0x0; 	Address(0x102[7:0],0x103[7:0],0x104[7:0])
    0x0102	0x00
    0x0105	0x02	// alarm_mask_lsb_for_alarm1=0x23f; 	Address(0x104[7:0],0x105[7:0],0x106[7:0])
    0x0104	0x3f
    0x0107	0x00	// alarm_mask_msb_for_alarm1=0x0; 	Address(0x106[7:0],0x107[7:0],0x108[7:0])
    0x0106	0x00
    // END: Done configuring Interrupt Pins
    0x0015	0x00	// digtop=0x0; 	Address(0x15[7:6])
    0x0013	0x40	// dsa_page1=0x1; 	Address(0x13[7:6])
    0x0124	0x00	// spi_agc_dsa_A=0x0; 	Address(0x124[7:0])
    0x0174	0x00	// spi_agc_dsa_B=0x0; 	Address(0x174[7:0])
    0x0013	0x80	// dsa_page1=0x2; 	Address(0x13[7:6])
    0x0124	0x00	// spi_agc_dsa_A=0x0; 	Address(0x124[7:0])
    0x0174	0x00	// spi_agc_dsa_B=0x0; 	Address(0x174[7:0])
    0x0013	0x00	// dsa_page1=0x0; 	Address(0x13[7:6])
    0x0013	0x10	// dsa_page0=0x1; 	Address(0x13[7:4])
    0x00c8	0x00	// txa_dsa_index=0x0; 	Address(0xc8[7:0])
    0x00cc	0x00	// txb_dsa_index=0x0; 	Address(0xcc[7:0])
    0x0013	0x20	// dsa_page0=0x2; 	Address(0x13[7:4])
    0x00c8	0x00	// txa_dsa_index=0x0; 	Address(0xc8[7:0])
    0x00cc	0x00	// txb_dsa_index=0x0; 	Address(0xcc[7:0])
    0x0013	0x10	// dsa_page0=0x1; 	Address(0x13[7:4])
    0x006c	0x00	// spi_agc_dsa_fb=0x0; 	Address(0x6c[7:0])
    0x0013	0x20	// dsa_page0=0x2; 	Address(0x13[7:4])
    0x006c	0x00	// spi_agc_dsa_fb=0x0; 	Address(0x6c[7:0])
    0x0013	0x00	// dsa_page0=0x0; 	Address(0x13[7:4])
    0x0015	0x10	// io_wrap=0x1; 	Address(0x15[7:4])
    0x0420	0x01	// preferred_input_sel_gpio_8=0x0; 	Address(0x420[7:2])
    0x0420	0x01	// buf_dir_ctrl_gpio_8=0x1; 	Address(0x420[7:0])
    0x08c9	0x00	// ovr_sel_intpi_tdd_en_fbab=0x0; 	Address(0x8c9[7:1])
    0x08ca	0x09	// crossbar_sel_intpi_tdd_en_fbab=0x9; 	Address(0x8ca[7:0],0x8cb[7:0])
    0x0420	0x01	// preferred_input_sel_gpio_8=0x0; 	Address(0x420[7:2])
    0x0420	0x01	// buf_dir_ctrl_gpio_8=0x1; 	Address(0x420[7:0])
    0x08cd	0x00	// ovr_sel_intpi_tdd_en_fbcd=0x0; 	Address(0x8cd[7:1])
    0x08ce	0x09	// crossbar_sel_intpi_tdd_en_fbcd=0x9; 	Address(0x8ce[7:0],0x8cf[7:0])
    0x0514	0x21	// preferred_output_sel_gpio_69=0x1; 	Address(0x514[7:5])
    0x0514	0x22	// buf_dir_ctrl_gpio_69=0x2; 	Address(0x514[7:0])
    0x10f5	0x00	// ovr_sel_intpo_dac_sync_n_cd_1=0x0; 	Address(0x10f5[7:1])
    0x040c	0x01	// preferred_input_sel_gpio_3=0x0; 	Address(0x40c[7:2])
    0x040c	0x01	// buf_dir_ctrl_gpio_3=0x1; 	Address(0x40c[7:0])
    0x08b9	0x00	// ovr_sel_intpi_tdd_en_txa=0x0; 	Address(0x8b9[7:1])
    0x08ba	0x04	// crossbar_sel_intpi_tdd_en_txa=0x4; 	Address(0x8ba[7:0],0x8bb[7:0])
    0x040c	0x01	// preferred_input_sel_gpio_3=0x0; 	Address(0x40c[7:2])
    0x040c	0x01	// buf_dir_ctrl_gpio_3=0x1; 	Address(0x40c[7:0])
    0x08bd	0x00	// ovr_sel_intpi_tdd_en_txb=0x0; 	Address(0x8bd[7:1])
    0x08be	0x04	// crossbar_sel_intpi_tdd_en_txb=0x4; 	Address(0x8be[7:0],0x8bf[7:0])
    0x040c	0x01	// preferred_input_sel_gpio_3=0x0; 	Address(0x40c[7:2])
    0x040c	0x01	// buf_dir_ctrl_gpio_3=0x1; 	Address(0x40c[7:0])
    0x08c1	0x00	// ovr_sel_intpi_tdd_en_txc=0x0; 	Address(0x8c1[7:1])
    0x08c2	0x04	// crossbar_sel_intpi_tdd_en_txc=0x4; 	Address(0x8c2[7:0],0x8c3[7:0])
    0x040c	0x01	// preferred_input_sel_gpio_3=0x0; 	Address(0x40c[7:2])
    0x040c	0x01	// buf_dir_ctrl_gpio_3=0x1; 	Address(0x40c[7:0])
    0x08c5	0x00	// ovr_sel_intpi_tdd_en_txd=0x0; 	Address(0x8c5[7:1])
    0x08c6	0x04	// crossbar_sel_intpi_tdd_en_txd=0x4; 	Address(0x8c6[7:0],0x8c7[7:0])
    0x0510	0x01	// preferred_input_sel_gpio_68=0x0; 	Address(0x510[7:2])
    0x0510	0x01	// buf_dir_ctrl_gpio_68=0x1; 	Address(0x510[7:0])
    0x08ad	0x00	// ovr_sel_intpi_adc_sync_n_cd_0=0x0; 	Address(0x8ad[7:1])
    0x08ae	0x3e	// crossbar_sel_intpi_adc_sync_n_cd_0=0x3e; 	Address(0x8ae[7:0],0x8af[7:0])
    0x050c	0x21	// preferred_output_sel_gpio_67=0x1; 	Address(0x50c[7:5])
    0x050c	0x22	// buf_dir_ctrl_gpio_67=0x2; 	Address(0x50c[7:0])
    0x10f1	0x00	// ovr_sel_intpo_dac_sync_n_cd_0=0x0; 	Address(0x10f1[7:1])
    0x0534	0x05	// preferred_input_sel_gpio_77=0x1; 	Address(0x534[7:2])
    0x0534	0x05	// buf_dir_ctrl_gpio_77=0x1; 	Address(0x534[7:0])
    0x08b1	0x00	// ovr_sel_intpi_adc_sync_n_cd_1=0x0; 	Address(0x8b1[7:1])
    0x04c0	0x05	// preferred_input_sel_gpio_48=0x1; 	Address(0x4c0[7:2])
    0x04c0	0x05	// buf_dir_ctrl_gpio_48=0x1; 	Address(0x4c0[7:0])
    0x08a1	0x00	// ovr_sel_intpi_adc_sync_n_ab_0=0x0; 	Address(0x8a1[7:1])
    0x04bc	0x21	// preferred_output_sel_gpio_47=0x1; 	Address(0x4bc[7:5])
    0x04bc	0x22	// buf_dir_ctrl_gpio_47=0x2; 	Address(0x4bc[7:0])
    0x10c5	0x00	// ovr_sel_intpo_dac_sync_n_ab_0=0x0; 	Address(0x10c5[7:1])
    0x04e4	0x05	// preferred_input_sel_gpio_57=0x1; 	Address(0x4e4[7:2])
    0x04e4	0x05	// buf_dir_ctrl_gpio_57=0x1; 	Address(0x4e4[7:0])
    0x08a5	0x00	// ovr_sel_intpi_adc_sync_n_ab_1=0x0; 	Address(0x8a5[7:1])
    0x04c4	0x21	// preferred_output_sel_gpio_49=0x1; 	Address(0x4c4[7:5])
    0x04c4	0x22	// buf_dir_ctrl_gpio_49=0x2; 	Address(0x4c4[7:0])
    0x10c9	0x00	// ovr_sel_intpo_dac_sync_n_ab_1=0x0; 	Address(0x10c9[7:1])
    0x0454	0x05	// preferred_input_sel_gpio_21=0x1; 	Address(0x454[7:2])
    0x0454	0x05	// buf_dir_ctrl_gpio_21=0x1; 	Address(0x454[7:0])
    0x0905	0x00	// ovr_sel_intpi_global_pdn=0x0; 	Address(0x905[7:1])
    0x04cc	0x01	// preferred_input_sel_gpio_51=0x0; 	Address(0x4cc[7:2])
    0x04cc	0x01	// buf_dir_ctrl_gpio_51=0x1; 	Address(0x4cc[7:0])
    0x09d5	0x00	// ovr_sel_intpi_tdd_en_rxa=0x0; 	Address(0x9d5[7:1])
    0x09d6	0x2d	// crossbar_sel_intpi_tdd_en_rxa=0x2d; 	Address(0x9d6[7:0],0x9d7[7:0])
    0x04cc	0x01	// preferred_input_sel_gpio_51=0x0; 	Address(0x4cc[7:2])
    0x04cc	0x01	// buf_dir_ctrl_gpio_51=0x1; 	Address(0x4cc[7:0])
    0x09d9	0x00	// ovr_sel_intpi_tdd_en_rxb=0x0; 	Address(0x9d9[7:1])
    0x09da	0x2d	// crossbar_sel_intpi_tdd_en_rxb=0x2d; 	Address(0x9da[7:0],0x9db[7:0])
    0x04cc	0x01	// preferred_input_sel_gpio_51=0x0; 	Address(0x4cc[7:2])
    0x04cc	0x01	// buf_dir_ctrl_gpio_51=0x1; 	Address(0x4cc[7:0])
    0x09dd	0x00	// ovr_sel_intpi_tdd_en_rxc=0x0; 	Address(0x9dd[7:1])
    0x09de	0x2d	// crossbar_sel_intpi_tdd_en_rxc=0x2d; 	Address(0x9de[7:0],0x9df[7:0])
    0x04cc	0x01	// preferred_input_sel_gpio_51=0x0; 	Address(0x4cc[7:2])
    0x04cc	0x01	// buf_dir_ctrl_gpio_51=0x1; 	Address(0x4cc[7:0])
    0x09e1	0x00	// ovr_sel_intpi_tdd_en_rxd=0x0; 	Address(0x9e1[7:1])
    0x09e2	0x2d	// crossbar_sel_intpi_tdd_en_rxd=0x2d; 	Address(0x9e2[7:0],0x9e3[7:0])
    0x02bc	0x00	// pull_ctrl_gpio_47=0x0; 	Address(0x2bc[7:0])
    0x02c4	0x00	// pull_ctrl_gpio_49=0x0; 	Address(0x2c4[7:0])
    0x030c	0x00	// pull_ctrl_gpio_67=0x0; 	Address(0x30c[7:0])
    0x0314	0x00	// pull_ctrl_gpio_69=0x0; 	Address(0x314[7:0])
    0x02c0	0x00	// pull_ctrl_gpio_48=0x0; 	Address(0x2c0[7:0])
    0x02e4	0x00	// pull_ctrl_gpio_57=0x0; 	Address(0x2e4[7:0])
    0x0334	0x00	// pull_ctrl_gpio_77=0x0; 	Address(0x334[7:0])
    0x0310	0x00	// pull_ctrl_gpio_68=0x0; 	Address(0x310[7:0])
    0x0015	0x00	// io_wrap=0x0; 	Address(0x15[7:4])
    0x0016	0x03	// adc_jesd=0x3; 	Address(0x16[7:0])
    0x006d	0x06	// link0_init_state=0x0; 	Address(0x6d[7:0])
    0x006d	0x02	// link2_init_state=0x0; 	Address(0x6d[7:2])
    0x006d	0x00	// link1_init_state=0x0; 	Address(0x6d[7:1])
    0x006e	0x0e	// lane0_serdes_fifo_init_state=0x0; 	Address(0x6e[7:0])
    0x006e	0x0c	// lane1_serdes_fifo_init_state=0x0; 	Address(0x6e[7:1])
    0x006e	0x08	// lane2_serdes_fifo_init_state=0x0; 	Address(0x6e[7:2])
    0x006e	0x00	// lane3_serdes_fifo_init_state=0x0; 	Address(0x6e[7:3])
    0x0016	0x00	// adc_jesd=0x0; 	Address(0x16[7:0])
    0x0016	0x0c	// dac_jesd=0x3; 	Address(0x16[7:2])
    0x0020	0x02	// link0_init_state=0x0; 	Address(0x20[7:0])
    0x0020	0x00	// link1_init_state=0x0; 	Address(0x20[7:1])
    0x0016	0x00	// dac_jesd=0x0; 	Address(0x16[7:2])
    // START: Clearing Sysref Flags
    0x0016	0x03	// adc_jesd=0x3; 	Address(0x16[7:0])
    0x0124	0x08	// clear_jesd_clk_rx1_p0=0x1; 	Address(0x124[7:3])
    0x0128	0x08	// clear_jesd_sysref_rx1_p0=0x1; 	Address(0x128[7:3])
    0x0124	0x00	// clear_jesd_clk_rx1_p0=0x0; 	Address(0x124[7:3])
    0x0128	0x00	// clear_jesd_sysref_rx1_p0=0x0; 	Address(0x128[7:3])
    0x0016	0x00	// adc_jesd=0x0; 	Address(0x16[7:0])
    0x0016	0x04	// dac_jesd=0x1; 	Address(0x16[7:2])
    0x00eb	0xf0	// clear_jesd_sysref_flag=0xf; 	Address(0xeb[7:4])
    0x00eb	0xff	// clear_jesd_clk_flag=0xf; 	Address(0xeb[7:0])
    0x00eb	0x0f	// clear_jesd_sysref_flag=0x0; 	Address(0xeb[7:4])
    0x00eb	0x00	// clear_jesd_clk_flag=0x0; 	Address(0xeb[7:0])
    0x0016	0x00	// dac_jesd=0x0; 	Address(0x16[7:2])
    0x0015	0x02	// ana_4t4r=0x1; 	Address(0x15[7:1])
    0x00dc	0x10	// Property_bch_4_4=0x1; 	Address(0xdc[7:4])
    0x00df	0x10	// Property_bch_28_28=0x1; 	Address(0xdf[7:4])
    0x0100	0x10	// Property_e0h_4_4=0x1; 	Address(0x100[7:4])
    0x00c4	0x10	// Property_a4h_4_4=0x1; 	Address(0xc4[7:4])
    0x00c7	0x10	// Property_a4h_28_28=0x1; 	Address(0xc7[7:4])
    0x00cc	0x10	// Property_ach_4_4=0x1; 	Address(0xcc[7:4])
    0x00cf	0x10	// Property_ach_28_28=0x1; 	Address(0xcf[7:4])
    0x00d8	0x10	// Property_b8h_4_4=0x1; 	Address(0xd8[7:4])
    0x00d4	0x10	// Property_b4h_4_4=0x1; 	Address(0xd4[7:4])
    0x00dc	0x00	// Property_bch_4_4=0x0; 	Address(0xdc[7:4])
    0x00df	0x00	// Property_bch_28_28=0x0; 	Address(0xdf[7:4])
    0x0100	0x00	// Property_e0h_4_4=0x0; 	Address(0x100[7:4])
    0x00c4	0x00	// Property_a4h_4_4=0x0; 	Address(0xc4[7:4])
    0x00c7	0x00	// Property_a4h_28_28=0x0; 	Address(0xc7[7:4])
    0x00cc	0x00	// Property_ach_4_4=0x0; 	Address(0xcc[7:4])
    0x00cf	0x00	// Property_ach_28_28=0x0; 	Address(0xcf[7:4])
    0x00d8	0x00	// Property_b8h_4_4=0x0; 	Address(0xd8[7:4])
    0x00d4	0x00	// Property_b4h_4_4=0x0; 	Address(0xd4[7:4])
    // END: Done clearing Sysref Flags
    0x0015	0x00	// ana_4t4r=0x0; 	Address(0x15[7:1])
    // START: Sending Sysref to device
    // External-Action: Ensure Sysref is running before this point.
    // START: Requesting/releasing SPI Access to PLL Pages
    0x0015	0x40	// digtop=0x1; 	Address(0x15[7:6])
    0x0170	0x01	// pll_reg_spi_req_a=0x1; 	Address(0x170[7:0])
    0x0540	0x00	// Property_520h_0_0=0x0; 	Address(0x540[7:0])
    WAIT 0.1
    0x0171		// Read: 0x00
    // Read	pll_reg_spi_a_ack=0x0(Meaning: );; 	Address(0x171[7:0])
    // END: Requesting/releasing SPI Access to PLL Pages
    0x0015	0x00	// digtop=0x0; 	Address(0x15[7:6])
    0x0015	0x80	// timing_controller=0x1; 	Address(0x15[7:7])
    0x085b	0x00	// Property_838h_31_0=0x0; 	Address(0x858[7:0],0x859[7:0],0x85a[7:0],0x85b[7:0],0x85c[7:0])
    0x085a	0x00
    0x0859	0x00
    0x0858	0x00
    0x085b	0x00	// Property_838h_31_0=0x101; 	Address(0x858[7:0],0x859[7:0],0x85a[7:0],0x85b[7:0],0x85c[7:0])
    0x085a	0x00
    0x0859	0x01
    0x0858	0x01
    0x085b	0x00	// Property_838h_31_0=0x0; 	Address(0x858[7:0],0x859[7:0],0x85a[7:0],0x85b[7:0],0x85c[7:0])
    0x085a	0x00
    0x0859	0x00
    0x0858	0x00
    0x0015	0x00	// timing_controller=0x0; 	Address(0x15[7:7])
    0x0015	0x01	// pll=0x1; 	Address(0x15[7:0])
    0x006a	0x00	// Property_48h_17_17=0x0; 	Address(0x6a[7:1])
    0x006e	0x00	// LCMGEN_USE_SPI_SYSREF=0x0; 	Address(0x6e[7:0])
    0x006a	0x00	// Property_48h_17_17=0x0; 	Address(0x6a[7:1])
    0x006a	0x02	// Property_48h_17_17=0x1; 	Address(0x6a[7:1])
    0x0058	0x06	// Property_38h_1_1=0x1; 	Address(0x58[7:1])
    WAIT 0.001
    0x0058	0x04	// Property_38h_1_1=0x0; 	Address(0x58[7:1])
    // START: Requesting/releasing SPI Access to PLL Pages
    0x0015	0x00	// pll=0x0; 	Address(0x15[7:0])
    0x0015	0x40	// digtop=0x1; 	Address(0x15[7:6])
    0x0170	0x00	// pll_reg_spi_req_a=0x0; 	Address(0x170[7:0])
    0x0540	0x00	// Property_520h_0_0=0x0; 	Address(0x540[7:0])
    // END: Requesting/releasing SPI Access to PLL Pages
    // END: Sending Sysref to device
    0x0015	0x00	// digtop=0x0; 	Address(0x15[7:6])
    // START: Checking Sysref Flags
    0x0016	0x01	// adc_jesd=0x1; 	Address(0x16[7:0])
    0x012c		// Read: 0x00
    // Read	monitor_jesd_clk_rx1_p0=0x0; 	Address(0x12c[7:3])
    0x0130		// Read: 0x00
    // Read	monitor_jesd_sysref_rx1_p0=0x0; 	Address(0x130[7:3])
    // END: Done checking Sysref Flags
    0x0016	0x00	// adc_jesd=0x0; 	Address(0x16[7:0])
    0x0016	0x03	// adc_jesd=0x3; 	Address(0x16[7:0])
    0x0024	0x00	// jesd_clear_data=0x0; 	Address(0x24[7:0])
    0x00f0	0x0f	// alarms_serdes_fifo_errors_clear=0xf; 	Address(0xf0[7:0])
    0x00f0	0x00	// alarms_serdes_fifo_errors_clear=0x0; 	Address(0xf0[7:0])
    0x0016	0x00	// adc_jesd=0x0; 	Address(0x16[7:0])
    0x0016	0x04	// dac_jesd=0x1; 	Address(0x16[7:2])
    0x0064	0x0f	// jesd_clear_data=0x0; 	Address(0x64[7:4])
    0x0128	0x01	// clear_all_alarms=0x1; 	Address(0x128[7:0])
    0x0128	0x00	// clear_all_alarms=0x0; 	Address(0x128[7:0])
    0x0128	0x04	// clear_all_alarms_to_pap=0x1; 	Address(0x128[7:2])
    0x0128	0x00	// clear_all_alarms_to_pap=0x0; 	Address(0x128[7:2])
    0x0016	0x08	// dac_jesd=0x2; 	Address(0x16[7:2])
    0x0064	0x00	// jesd_clear_data=0x0; 	Address(0x64[7:4])
    0x0128	0x01	// clear_all_alarms=0x1; 	Address(0x128[7:0])
    0x0128	0x00	// clear_all_alarms=0x0; 	Address(0x128[7:0])
    0x0128	0x04	// clear_all_alarms_to_pap=0x1; 	Address(0x128[7:2])
    0x0128	0x00	// clear_all_alarms_to_pap=0x0; 	Address(0x128[7:2])
    0x0016	0x00	// dac_jesd=0x0; 	Address(0x16[7:2])
    // START: Writing Post Link up SERDES writes
    0x0016	0x60	// serdes_jesd=0x3; 	Address(0x16[7:5])
    0x0016	0x20	// serdes_jesd=0x1; 	Address(0x16[7:5])
    0x0016	0x60	// serdes_jesd=0x3; 	Address(0x16[7:5])
    0x41fb	0x02
    0x41fa	0x46
    0x43fb	0x02
    0x43fa	0x46
    0x45fb	0x02
    0x45fa	0x46
    0x47fb	0x02
    0x47fa	0x46
    // END: Done writing Post Link up SERDES writes
    0x0016	0x00	// serdes_jesd=0x0; 	Address(0x16[7:5])
    0x0013	0x0f	// txdh=0xf; 	Address(0x13[7:0])
    0x015a	0x25	// Property_138h_17_17=0x0; 	Address(0x15a[7:1])
    0x0013	0x00	// txdh=0x0; 	Address(0x13[7:0])
    // START: Setting TDD Pin Override values.
    0x0015	0x80	// timing_controller=0x1; 	Address(0x15[7:7])
    0x00ed	0x00	// Property_cch_11_8=0x0; 	Address(0xed[7:0])
    0x00f5	0x00	// Property_d4h_9_8=0x0; 	Address(0xf5[7:0])
    0x00e5	0x00	// Property_c4h_11_8=0x0; 	Address(0xe5[7:0])
    0x00ed	0x00	// Property_cch_11_8=0x0; 	Address(0xed[7:0])
    0x00f5	0x00	// Property_d4h_9_8=0x0; 	Address(0xf5[7:0])
    0x00e5	0x0f	// Property_c4h_11_8=0xf; 	Address(0xe5[7:0])
    // END: Setting TDD Pin Override values.
    0x0015	0x00	// timing_controller=0x0; 	Address(0x15[7:7])
    0x0018	0x20	// macro=0x1; 	Address(0x18[7:5])
    0x00f0		// Read: 0x00
    // Read	MACRO_READY=0x0; 	Address(0xf0[7:0])
    WAIT 0.1
    0x00a3	0x00	// MACRO_OPERAND_REG0=0x10f; 	Address(0xa0[7:0],0xa1[7:0],0xa2[7:0],0xa3[7:0],0xa4[7:0])
    0x00a2	0x00
    0x00a1	0x01
    0x00a0	0x0f
    0x00a7	0x00	// MACRO_OPERAND_REG1=0x1; 	Address(0xa4[7:0],0xa5[7:0],0xa6[7:0],0xa7[7:0],0xa8[7:0])
    0x00a6	0x00
    0x00a5	0x00
    0x00a4	0x01
    0x0193	0x52	// MACRO_OPCODE=0x52; 	Address(0x193[7:0],0x194[7:0])
    WAIT 0.001
    0x00f0		// Read: 0x00
    // Read	MACRO_DONE=0x0; 	Address(0xf0[7:2])
    WAIT 0.1
    0x00f0		// Read: 0x00
    // Read	MACRO_ERROR=0x0; 	Address(0xf0[7:3])
    0x00f1		// Read: 0x00
    // Read	MACRO_ERROR_OPCODE=0x0; 	Address(0xf1[7:0],0xf2[7:0])
    0x00f0		// Read: 0x00
    // Read	MACRO_ERROR_IN_OPCODE=0x0; 	Address(0xf0[7:4])
    0x00f0		// Read: 0x00
    // Read	MACRO_ERROR_OPCODE_NOT_ALLOWED=0x0; 	Address(0xf0[7:5])
    0x00f0		// Read: 0x00
    // Read	MACRO_ERROR_IN_OPERAND=0x0; 	Address(0xf0[7:6])
    0x00f0		// Read: 0x00
    // Read	MACRO_ERROR_IN_EXECUTION=0x0; 	Address(0xf0[7:7])
    0x00f3		// Read: 0x00
    0x00f2		// Read: 0x00
    // Read	MACRO_ERROR_EXTENDED_CODE=0x0; 	Address(0xf2[7:0],0xf3[7:0],0xf4[7:0])
    0x00f7		// Read: 0x00
    0x00f6		// Read: 0x00
    0x00f5		// Read: 0x00
    0x00f4		// Read: 0x00
    // Read	MACRO_ERROR_EXTENDED_CODE_2=0x0; 	Address(0xf4[7:0],0xf5[7:0],0xf6[7:0],0xf7[7:0],0xf8[7:0])
    0x00f0		// Read: 0x00
    // Read	MACRO_READY=0x0; 	Address(0xf0[7:0])
    WAIT 0.1
    0x00a3	0x00	// MACRO_OPERAND_REG0=0x30f; 	Address(0xa0[7:0],0xa1[7:0],0xa2[7:0],0xa3[7:0],0xa4[7:0])
    0x00a2	0x00
    0x00a1	0x03
    0x00a0	0x0f
    0x0193	0x53	// MACRO_OPCODE=0x53; 	Address(0x193[7:0],0x194[7:0])
    WAIT 0.001
    0x00f0		// Read: 0x00
    // Read	MACRO_DONE=0x0; 	Address(0xf0[7:2])
    WAIT 0.1
    0x00f0		// Read: 0x00
    // Read	MACRO_ERROR=0x0; 	Address(0xf0[7:3])
    0x00f1		// Read: 0x00
    // Read	MACRO_ERROR_OPCODE=0x0; 	Address(0xf1[7:0],0xf2[7:0])
    0x00f0		// Read: 0x00
    // Read	MACRO_ERROR_IN_OPCODE=0x0; 	Address(0xf0[7:4])
    0x00f0		// Read: 0x00
    // Read	MACRO_ERROR_OPCODE_NOT_ALLOWED=0x0; 	Address(0xf0[7:5])
    0x00f0		// Read: 0x00
    // Read	MACRO_ERROR_IN_OPERAND=0x0; 	Address(0xf0[7:6])
    0x00f0		// Read: 0x00
    // Read	MACRO_ERROR_IN_EXECUTION=0x0; 	Address(0xf0[7:7])
    0x00f3		// Read: 0x00
    0x00f2		// Read: 0x00
    // Read	MACRO_ERROR_EXTENDED_CODE=0x0; 	Address(0xf2[7:0],0xf3[7:0],0xf4[7:0])
    0x00f7		// Read: 0x00
    0x00f6		// Read: 0x00
    0x00f5		// Read: 0x00
    0x00f4		// Read: 0x00
    // Read	MACRO_ERROR_EXTENDED_CODE_2=0x0; 	Address(0xf4[7:0],0xf5[7:0],0xf6[7:0],0xf7[7:0],0xf8[7:0])
    0x0018	0x00	// macro=0x0; 	Address(0x18[7:5])
    0x0019	0x10	// txdig=0x1; 	Address(0x19[7:4])
    0x0320	0x00	// Property_300h_3_0=0x0; 	Address(0x320[7:0])
    0x0019	0x20	// txdig=0x2; 	Address(0x19[7:4])
    0x0320	0x00	// Property_300h_3_0=0x0; 	Address(0x320[7:0])
    0x0019	0x40	// txdig=0x4; 	Address(0x19[7:4])
    0x0320	0x00	// Property_300h_3_0=0x0; 	Address(0x320[7:0])
    0x0019	0x80	// txdig=0x8; 	Address(0x19[7:4])
    0x0320	0x00	// Property_300h_3_0=0x0; 	Address(0x320[7:0])
    // START: Setting TDD Pin Override values.
    0x0019	0x00	// txdig=0x0; 	Address(0x19[7:4])
    0x0015	0x80	// timing_controller=0x1; 	Address(0x15[7:7])
    0x00ed	0x00	// Property_cch_11_8=0x0; 	Address(0xed[7:0])
    0x00f5	0x00	// Property_d4h_9_8=0x0; 	Address(0xf5[7:0])
    0x00e5	0x00	// Property_c4h_11_8=0x0; 	Address(0xe5[7:0])
    0x00ed	0x0f	// Property_cch_11_8=0xf; 	Address(0xed[7:0])
    0x00f5	0x00	// Property_d4h_9_8=0x0; 	Address(0xf5[7:0])
    0x00e5	0x00	// Property_c4h_11_8=0x0; 	Address(0xe5[7:0])
    // END: Setting TDD Pin Override values.
    0x0015	0x00	// timing_controller=0x0; 	Address(0x15[7:7])
    0x0010	0x0f	// ec_dig=0xf; 	Address(0x10[7:0])
    0x003c	0x01	// Property_3ch_0_0=0x1; 	Address(0x3c[7:0])
    0x003c	0x00	// Property_3ch_0_0=0x0; 	Address(0x3c[7:0])
    0x0010	0x00	// ec_dig=0x0; 	Address(0x10[7:0])
    // START: Setting TDD Pin Override values.
    0x0015	0x80	// timing_controller=0x1; 	Address(0x15[7:7])
    0x00ed	0x00	// Property_cch_11_8=0x0; 	Address(0xed[7:0])
    0x00f5	0x00	// Property_d4h_9_8=0x0; 	Address(0xf5[7:0])
    0x00e5	0x00	// Property_c4h_11_8=0x0; 	Address(0xe5[7:0])
    0x00ed	0x00	// Property_cch_11_8=0x0; 	Address(0xed[7:0])
    0x00f5	0x03	// Property_d4h_9_8=0x3; 	Address(0xf5[7:0])
    0x00e5	0x00	// Property_c4h_11_8=0x0; 	Address(0xe5[7:0])
    // END: Setting TDD Pin Override values.
    0x0015	0x00	// timing_controller=0x0; 	Address(0x15[7:7])
    0x0010	0x30	// ec_dig=0x30; 	Address(0x10[7:0])
    0x003c	0x01	// Property_3ch_0_0=0x1; 	Address(0x3c[7:0])
    0x003c	0x00	// Property_3ch_0_0=0x0; 	Address(0x3c[7:0])
    0x0010	0x00	// ec_dig=0x0; 	Address(0x10[7:0])
    0x0018	0x20	// macro=0x1; 	Address(0x18[7:5])
    0x00f0		// Read: 0x00
    // Read	MACRO_READY=0x0; 	Address(0xf0[7:0])
    WAIT 0.1
    0x00a3	0x00	// MACRO_OPERAND_REG0=0x0; 	Address(0xa0[7:0],0xa1[7:0],0xa2[7:0],0xa3[7:0],0xa4[7:0])
    0x00a2	0x00
    0x00a1	0x00
    0x00a0	0x00
    0x0193	0x90	// MACRO_OPCODE=0x90; 	Address(0x193[7:0],0x194[7:0])
    WAIT 0.001
    0x00f0		// Read: 0x00
    // Read	MACRO_DONE=0x0; 	Address(0xf0[7:2])
    WAIT 0.1
    0x00f0		// Read: 0x00
    // Read	MACRO_ERROR=0x0; 	Address(0xf0[7:3])
    0x00f1		// Read: 0x00
    // Read	MACRO_ERROR_OPCODE=0x0; 	Address(0xf1[7:0],0xf2[7:0])
    0x00f0		// Read: 0x00
    // Read	MACRO_ERROR_IN_OPCODE=0x0; 	Address(0xf0[7:4])
    0x00f0		// Read: 0x00
    // Read	MACRO_ERROR_OPCODE_NOT_ALLOWED=0x0; 	Address(0xf0[7:5])
    0x00f0		// Read: 0x00
    // Read	MACRO_ERROR_IN_OPERAND=0x0; 	Address(0xf0[7:6])
    0x00f0		// Read: 0x00
    // Read	MACRO_ERROR_IN_EXECUTION=0x0; 	Address(0xf0[7:7])
    0x00f3		// Read: 0x00
    0x00f2		// Read: 0x00
    // Read	MACRO_ERROR_EXTENDED_CODE=0x0; 	Address(0xf2[7:0],0xf3[7:0],0xf4[7:0])
    0x00f7		// Read: 0x00
    0x00f6		// Read: 0x00
    0x00f5		// Read: 0x00
    0x00f4		// Read: 0x00
    // Read	MACRO_ERROR_EXTENDED_CODE_2=0x0; 	Address(0xf4[7:0],0xf5[7:0],0xf6[7:0],0xf7[7:0],0xf8[7:0])
    0x0144	0x08	// Property_124h_4_2=0x2; 	Address(0x144[7:2])
    0x0018	0x00	// macro=0x0; 	Address(0x18[7:5])
    0x0018	0x08	// Property_18h_3_3=0x1; 	Address(0x18[7:3])
    0x1f8f	0x05
    0x0018	0x00	// Property_18h_3_3=0x0; 	Address(0x18[7:3])
    0x0018	0x20	// macro=0x1; 	Address(0x18[7:5])
    0x00f0		// Read: 0x00
    // Read	MACRO_READY=0x0; 	Address(0xf0[7:0])
    WAIT 0.1
    0x00a3	0x00	// MACRO_OPERAND_REG0=0x1; 	Address(0xa0[7:0],0xa1[7:0],0xa2[7:0],0xa3[7:0],0xa4[7:0])
    0x00a2	0x00
    0x00a1	0x00
    0x00a0	0x01
    0x0193	0x90	// MACRO_OPCODE=0x90; 	Address(0x193[7:0],0x194[7:0])
    WAIT 0.001
    0x00f0		// Read: 0x00
    // Read	MACRO_DONE=0x0; 	Address(0xf0[7:2])
    WAIT 0.1
    0x00f0		// Read: 0x00
    // Read	MACRO_ERROR=0x0; 	Address(0xf0[7:3])
    0x00f1		// Read: 0x00
    // Read	MACRO_ERROR_OPCODE=0x0; 	Address(0xf1[7:0],0xf2[7:0])
    0x00f0		// Read: 0x00
    // Read	MACRO_ERROR_IN_OPCODE=0x0; 	Address(0xf0[7:4])
    0x00f0		// Read: 0x00
    // Read	MACRO_ERROR_OPCODE_NOT_ALLOWED=0x0; 	Address(0xf0[7:5])
    0x00f0		// Read: 0x00
    // Read	MACRO_ERROR_IN_OPERAND=0x0; 	Address(0xf0[7:6])
    0x00f0		// Read: 0x00
    // Read	MACRO_ERROR_IN_EXECUTION=0x0; 	Address(0xf0[7:7])
    0x00f3		// Read: 0x00
    0x00f2		// Read: 0x00
    // Read	MACRO_ERROR_EXTENDED_CODE=0x0; 	Address(0xf2[7:0],0xf3[7:0],0xf4[7:0])
    0x00f7		// Read: 0x00
    0x00f6		// Read: 0x00
    0x00f5		// Read: 0x00
    0x00f4		// Read: 0x00
    // Read	MACRO_ERROR_EXTENDED_CODE_2=0x0; 	Address(0xf4[7:0],0xf5[7:0],0xf6[7:0],0xf7[7:0],0xf8[7:0])
    0x00f0		// Read: 0x00
    // Read	MACRO_READY=0x0; 	Address(0xf0[7:0])
    WAIT 0.1
    0x00a3	0x01	// MACRO_OPERAND_REG0=0x101030f; 	Address(0xa0[7:0],0xa1[7:0],0xa2[7:0],0xa3[7:0],0xa4[7:0])
    0x00a2	0x01
    0x00a1	0x03
    0x00a0	0x0f
    0x0193	0x9f	// MACRO_OPCODE=0x9f; 	Address(0x193[7:0],0x194[7:0])
    WAIT 0.001
    0x00f0		// Read: 0x00
    // Read	MACRO_DONE=0x0; 	Address(0xf0[7:2])
    WAIT 0.1
    0x00f0		// Read: 0x00
    // Read	MACRO_ERROR=0x0; 	Address(0xf0[7:3])
    0x00f1		// Read: 0x00
    // Read	MACRO_ERROR_OPCODE=0x0; 	Address(0xf1[7:0],0xf2[7:0])
    0x00f0		// Read: 0x00
    // Read	MACRO_ERROR_IN_OPCODE=0x0; 	Address(0xf0[7:4])
    0x00f0		// Read: 0x00
    // Read	MACRO_ERROR_OPCODE_NOT_ALLOWED=0x0; 	Address(0xf0[7:5])
    0x00f0		// Read: 0x00
    // Read	MACRO_ERROR_IN_OPERAND=0x0; 	Address(0xf0[7:6])
    0x00f0		// Read: 0x00
    // Read	MACRO_ERROR_IN_EXECUTION=0x0; 	Address(0xf0[7:7])
    0x00f3		// Read: 0x00
    0x00f2		// Read: 0x00
    // Read	MACRO_ERROR_EXTENDED_CODE=0x0; 	Address(0xf2[7:0],0xf3[7:0],0xf4[7:0])
    0x00f7		// Read: 0x00
    0x00f6		// Read: 0x00
    0x00f5		// Read: 0x00
    0x00f4		// Read: 0x00
    // Read	MACRO_ERROR_EXTENDED_CODE_2=0x0; 	Address(0xf4[7:0],0xf5[7:0],0xf6[7:0],0xf7[7:0],0xf8[7:0])
    0x00f0		// Read: 0x00
    // Read	MACRO_READY=0x0; 	Address(0xf0[7:0])
    WAIT 0.1
    0x00a3	0x00	// MACRO_OPERAND_REG0=0xb030f; 	Address(0xa0[7:0],0xa1[7:0],0xa2[7:0],0xa3[7:0],0xa4[7:0])
    0x00a2	0x0b
    0x00a1	0x03
    0x00a0	0x0f
    0x0193	0x49	// MACRO_OPCODE=0x49; 	Address(0x193[7:0],0x194[7:0])
    WAIT 0.001
    0x00f0		// Read: 0x00
    // Read	MACRO_DONE=0x0; 	Address(0xf0[7:2])
    WAIT 0.1
    0x00f0		// Read: 0x00
    // Read	MACRO_ERROR=0x0; 	Address(0xf0[7:3])
    0x00f1		// Read: 0x00
    // Read	MACRO_ERROR_OPCODE=0x0; 	Address(0xf1[7:0],0xf2[7:0])
    0x00f0		// Read: 0x00
    // Read	MACRO_ERROR_IN_OPCODE=0x0; 	Address(0xf0[7:4])
    0x00f0		// Read: 0x00
    // Read	MACRO_ERROR_OPCODE_NOT_ALLOWED=0x0; 	Address(0xf0[7:5])
    0x00f0		// Read: 0x00
    // Read	MACRO_ERROR_IN_OPERAND=0x0; 	Address(0xf0[7:6])
    0x00f0		// Read: 0x00
    // Read	MACRO_ERROR_IN_EXECUTION=0x0; 	Address(0xf0[7:7])
    0x00f3		// Read: 0x00
    0x00f2		// Read: 0x00
    // Read	MACRO_ERROR_EXTENDED_CODE=0x0; 	Address(0xf2[7:0],0xf3[7:0],0xf4[7:0])
    0x00f7		// Read: 0x00
    0x00f6		// Read: 0x00
    0x00f5		// Read: 0x00
    0x00f4		// Read: 0x00
    // Read	MACRO_ERROR_EXTENDED_CODE_2=0x0; 	Address(0xf4[7:0],0xf5[7:0],0xf6[7:0],0xf7[7:0],0xf8[7:0])
    0x00f0		// Read: 0x00
    // Read	MACRO_READY=0x0; 	Address(0xf0[7:0])
    WAIT 0.1
    0x00a3	0x00	// MACRO_OPERAND_REG0=0x30f; 	Address(0xa0[7:0],0xa1[7:0],0xa2[7:0],0xa3[7:0],0xa4[7:0])
    0x00a2	0x00
    0x00a1	0x03
    0x00a0	0x0f
    0x0193	0x4b	// MACRO_OPCODE=0x4b; 	Address(0x193[7:0],0x194[7:0])
    WAIT 0.001
    0x00f0		// Read: 0x00
    // Read	MACRO_DONE=0x0; 	Address(0xf0[7:2])
    WAIT 0.1
    0x00f0		// Read: 0x00
    // Read	MACRO_ERROR=0x0; 	Address(0xf0[7:3])
    0x00f1		// Read: 0x00
    // Read	MACRO_ERROR_OPCODE=0x0; 	Address(0xf1[7:0],0xf2[7:0])
    0x00f0		// Read: 0x00
    // Read	MACRO_ERROR_IN_OPCODE=0x0; 	Address(0xf0[7:4])
    0x00f0		// Read: 0x00
    // Read	MACRO_ERROR_OPCODE_NOT_ALLOWED=0x0; 	Address(0xf0[7:5])
    0x00f0		// Read: 0x00
    // Read	MACRO_ERROR_IN_OPERAND=0x0; 	Address(0xf0[7:6])
    0x00f0		// Read: 0x00
    // Read	MACRO_ERROR_IN_EXECUTION=0x0; 	Address(0xf0[7:7])
    0x00f3		// Read: 0x00
    0x00f2		// Read: 0x00
    // Read	MACRO_ERROR_EXTENDED_CODE=0x0; 	Address(0xf2[7:0],0xf3[7:0],0xf4[7:0])
    0x00f7		// Read: 0x00
    0x00f6		// Read: 0x00
    0x00f5		// Read: 0x00
    0x00f4		// Read: 0x00
    // Read	MACRO_ERROR_EXTENDED_CODE_2=0x0; 	Address(0xf4[7:0],0xf5[7:0],0xf6[7:0],0xf7[7:0],0xf8[7:0])
    0x00f0		// Read: 0x00
    // Read	MACRO_READY=0x0; 	Address(0xf0[7:0])
    WAIT 0.1
    0x00a3	0x00	// MACRO_OPERAND_REG0=0x0; 	Address(0xa0[7:0],0xa1[7:0],0xa2[7:0],0xa3[7:0],0xa4[7:0])
    0x00a2	0x00
    0x00a1	0x00
    0x00a0	0x00
    0x00a7	0x00	// MACRO_OPERAND_REG1=0x0; 	Address(0xa4[7:0],0xa5[7:0],0xa6[7:0],0xa7[7:0],0xa8[7:0])
    0x00a6	0x00
    0x00a5	0x00
    0x00a4	0x00
    0x0193	0x13	// MACRO_OPCODE=0x13; 	Address(0x193[7:0],0x194[7:0])
    0x00f0		// Read: 0x00
    // Read	MACRO_DONE=0x0; 	Address(0xf0[7:2])
    WAIT 0.1
    0x00f0		// Read: 0x00
    // Read	MACRO_ERROR=0x0; 	Address(0xf0[7:3])
    0x00f1		// Read: 0x00
    // Read	MACRO_ERROR_OPCODE=0x0; 	Address(0xf1[7:0],0xf2[7:0])
    0x00f0		// Read: 0x00
    // Read	MACRO_ERROR_IN_OPCODE=0x0; 	Address(0xf0[7:4])
    0x00f0		// Read: 0x00
    // Read	MACRO_ERROR_OPCODE_NOT_ALLOWED=0x0; 	Address(0xf0[7:5])
    0x00f0		// Read: 0x00
    // Read	MACRO_ERROR_IN_OPERAND=0x0; 	Address(0xf0[7:6])
    0x00f0		// Read: 0x00
    // Read	MACRO_ERROR_IN_EXECUTION=0x0; 	Address(0xf0[7:7])
    0x00f3		// Read: 0x00
    0x00f2		// Read: 0x00
    // Read	MACRO_ERROR_EXTENDED_CODE=0x0; 	Address(0xf2[7:0],0xf3[7:0],0xf4[7:0])
    0x00f7		// Read: 0x00
    0x00f6		// Read: 0x00
    0x00f5		// Read: 0x00
    0x00f4		// Read: 0x00
    // Read	MACRO_ERROR_EXTENDED_CODE_2=0x0; 	Address(0xf4[7:0],0xf5[7:0],0xf6[7:0],0xf7[7:0],0xf8[7:0])
    0x0018	0x00	// macro=0x0; 	Address(0x18[7:5])
    0x0012	0x01	// rxdig=0x1; 	Address(0x12[7:0])
    0x14c4	0x00	// dc_corr_fw_pause=0x0; 	Address(0x14c4[7:0])
    0x0012	0x02	// rxdig=0x2; 	Address(0x12[7:0])
    0x14c4	0x00	// dc_corr_fw_pause=0x0; 	Address(0x14c4[7:0])
    0x0012	0x04	// rxdig=0x4; 	Address(0x12[7:0])
    0x14c4	0x00	// dc_corr_fw_pause=0x0; 	Address(0x14c4[7:0])
    0x0012	0x08	// rxdig=0x8; 	Address(0x12[7:0])
    0x14c4	0x00	// dc_corr_fw_pause=0x0; 	Address(0x14c4[7:0])
    0x0012	0x00	// rxdig=0x0; 	Address(0x12[7:0])
    0x0012	0x10	// fbdig=0x1; 	Address(0x12[7:4])
    0x14c4	0x00	// dc_corr_fw_pause=0x0; 	Address(0x14c4[7:0])
    0x0012	0x20	// fbdig=0x2; 	Address(0x12[7:4])
    0x14c4	0x00	// dc_corr_fw_pause=0x0; 	Address(0x14c4[7:0])
    0x0012	0x00	// fbdig=0x0; 	Address(0x12[7:4])
    0x0018	0x20	// macro=0x1; 	Address(0x18[7:5])
    0x00f0		// Read: 0x00
    // Read	MACRO_READY=0x0; 	Address(0xf0[7:0])
    WAIT 0.1
    0x0193	0x3d	// MACRO_OPCODE=0x3d; 	Address(0x193[7:0],0x194[7:0])
    WAIT 0.001
    0x00f0		// Read: 0x00
    // Read	MACRO_DONE=0x0; 	Address(0xf0[7:2])
    WAIT 0.1
    0x00f0		// Read: 0x00
    // Read	MACRO_ERROR=0x0; 	Address(0xf0[7:3])
    0x00f1		// Read: 0x00
    // Read	MACRO_ERROR_OPCODE=0x0; 	Address(0xf1[7:0],0xf2[7:0])
    0x00f0		// Read: 0x00
    // Read	MACRO_ERROR_IN_OPCODE=0x0; 	Address(0xf0[7:4])
    0x00f0		// Read: 0x00
    // Read	MACRO_ERROR_OPCODE_NOT_ALLOWED=0x0; 	Address(0xf0[7:5])
    0x00f0		// Read: 0x00
    // Read	MACRO_ERROR_IN_OPERAND=0x0; 	Address(0xf0[7:6])
    0x00f0		// Read: 0x00
    // Read	MACRO_ERROR_IN_EXECUTION=0x0; 	Address(0xf0[7:7])
    0x00f3		// Read: 0x00
    0x00f2		// Read: 0x00
    // Read	MACRO_ERROR_EXTENDED_CODE=0x0; 	Address(0xf2[7:0],0xf3[7:0],0xf4[7:0])
    0x00f7		// Read: 0x00
    0x00f6		// Read: 0x00
    0x00f5		// Read: 0x00
    0x00f4		// Read: 0x00
    // Read	MACRO_ERROR_EXTENDED_CODE_2=0x0; 	Address(0xf4[7:0],0xf5[7:0],0xf6[7:0],0xf7[7:0],0xf8[7:0])
    // START: Setting TDD Pin Override values.
    0x0018	0x00	// macro=0x0; 	Address(0x18[7:5])
    0x0015	0x80	// timing_controller=0x1; 	Address(0x15[7:7])
    0x00ed	0x00	// Property_cch_11_8=0x0; 	Address(0xed[7:0])
    0x00f5	0x00	// Property_d4h_9_8=0x0; 	Address(0xf5[7:0])
    0x00e5	0x00	// Property_c4h_11_8=0x0; 	Address(0xe5[7:0])
    0x00ed	0x00	// Property_cch_11_8=0x0; 	Address(0xed[7:0])
    0x00f5	0x03	// Property_d4h_9_8=0x3; 	Address(0xf5[7:0])
    0x00e5	0x00	// Property_c4h_11_8=0x0; 	Address(0xe5[7:0])
    // END: Setting TDD Pin Override values.
    // START: Setting TDD Pin Override values.
    0x00ed	0x00	// Property_cch_11_8=0x0; 	Address(0xed[7:0])
    0x00f5	0x00	// Property_d4h_9_8=0x0; 	Address(0xf5[7:0])
    0x00e5	0x00	// Property_c4h_11_8=0x0; 	Address(0xe5[7:0])
    0x00ed	0x0f	// Property_cch_11_8=0xf; 	Address(0xed[7:0])
    0x00f5	0x00	// Property_d4h_9_8=0x0; 	Address(0xf5[7:0])
    0x00e5	0x00	// Property_c4h_11_8=0x0; 	Address(0xe5[7:0])
    // END: Setting TDD Pin Override values.
    // START: Removing TDD Pin Overrides.
    0x00ec	0x00	// Property_cch_0_0=0x0; 	Address(0xec[7:0])
    0x00f4	0x00	// Property_d4h_0_0=0x0; 	Address(0xf4[7:0])
    0x00e4	0x00	// Property_c4h_0_0=0x0; 	Address(0xe4[7:0])
    // END: Removing TDD Pin Overrides.
    0x0015	0x00	// timing_controller=0x0; 	Address(0x15[7:7])
    0x0018	0x20	// macro=0x1; 	Address(0x18[7:5])
    0x00f0		// Read: 0x00
    // Read	MACRO_READY=0x0; 	Address(0xf0[7:0])
    WAIT 0.1
    0x00a3	0x00	// MACRO_OPERAND_REG0=0x0; 	Address(0xa0[7:0],0xa1[7:0],0xa2[7:0],0xa3[7:0],0xa4[7:0])
    0x00a2	0x00
    0x00a1	0x00
    0x00a0	0x00
    0x0193	0x15	// MACRO_OPCODE=0x15; 	Address(0x193[7:0],0x194[7:0])
    WAIT 0.001
    0x00f0		// Read: 0x00
    // Read	MACRO_DONE=0x0; 	Address(0xf0[7:2])
    WAIT 0.1
    0x00f0		// Read: 0x00
    // Read	MACRO_ERROR=0x0; 	Address(0xf0[7:3])
    0x00f1		// Read: 0x00
    // Read	MACRO_ERROR_OPCODE=0x0; 	Address(0xf1[7:0],0xf2[7:0])
    0x00f0		// Read: 0x00
    // Read	MACRO_ERROR_IN_OPCODE=0x0; 	Address(0xf0[7:4])
    0x00f0		// Read: 0x00
    // Read	MACRO_ERROR_OPCODE_NOT_ALLOWED=0x0; 	Address(0xf0[7:5])
    0x00f0		// Read: 0x00
    // Read	MACRO_ERROR_IN_OPERAND=0x0; 	Address(0xf0[7:6])
    0x00f0		// Read: 0x00
    // Read	MACRO_ERROR_IN_EXECUTION=0x0; 	Address(0xf0[7:7])
    0x00f3		// Read: 0x00
    0x00f2		// Read: 0x00
    // Read	MACRO_ERROR_EXTENDED_CODE=0x0; 	Address(0xf2[7:0],0xf3[7:0],0xf4[7:0])
    0x00f7		// Read: 0x00
    0x00f6		// Read: 0x00
    0x00f5		// Read: 0x00
    0x00f4		// Read: 0x00
    // Read	MACRO_ERROR_EXTENDED_CODE_2=0x0; 	Address(0xf4[7:0],0xf5[7:0],0xf6[7:0],0xf7[7:0],0xf8[7:0])
    0x0018	0x00	// macro=0x0; 	Address(0x18[7:5])
    0x0016	0x03	// adc_jesd=0x3; 	Address(0x16[7:0])
    0x0024	0x00	// jesd_clear_data=0x0; 	Address(0x24[7:0])
    0x00f0	0x0f	// alarms_serdes_fifo_errors_clear=0xf; 	Address(0xf0[7:0])
    0x00f0	0x00	// alarms_serdes_fifo_errors_clear=0x0; 	Address(0xf0[7:0])
    0x0016	0x00	// adc_jesd=0x0; 	Address(0x16[7:0])
    0x0016	0x04	// dac_jesd=0x1; 	Address(0x16[7:2])
    0x0064	0x0f	// jesd_clear_data=0x0; 	Address(0x64[7:4])
    0x0128	0x01	// clear_all_alarms=0x1; 	Address(0x128[7:0])
    0x0128	0x00	// clear_all_alarms=0x0; 	Address(0x128[7:0])
    0x0128	0x04	// clear_all_alarms_to_pap=0x1; 	Address(0x128[7:2])
    0x0128	0x00	// clear_all_alarms_to_pap=0x0; 	Address(0x128[7:2])
    0x0016	0x08	// dac_jesd=0x2; 	Address(0x16[7:2])
    0x0064	0x00	// jesd_clear_data=0x0; 	Address(0x64[7:4])
    0x0128	0x01	// clear_all_alarms=0x1; 	Address(0x128[7:0])
    0x0128	0x00	// clear_all_alarms=0x0; 	Address(0x128[7:0])
    0x0128	0x04	// clear_all_alarms_to_pap=0x1; 	Address(0x128[7:2])
    0x0128	0x00	// clear_all_alarms_to_pap=0x0; 	Address(0x128[7:2])
    0x0016	0x00	// dac_jesd=0x0; 	Address(0x16[7:2])
    0x0019	0xf0	// txdig=0xf; 	Address(0x19[7:4])
    0x0a40	0x0f	// HBF59OvrClr=0xf; 	Address(0xa40[7:0])
    0x0a41	0x0f	// HBF23HROvrClr=0xf; 	Address(0xa41[7:0])
    0x0a44	0x0f	// mixerOvrClr=0xf; 	Address(0xa44[7:0])
    0x0a45	0x0f	// isincOvrClr=0xf; 	Address(0xa45[7:0])
    0x0a46	0x0f	// dacDitherOvrClr=0xf; 	Address(0xa46[7:0])
    0x0a40	0x00	// HBF59OvrClr=0x0; 	Address(0xa40[7:0])
    0x0a41	0x00	// HBF23HROvrClr=0x0; 	Address(0xa41[7:0])
    0x0a44	0x00	// mixerOvrClr=0x0; 	Address(0xa44[7:0])
    0x0a45	0x00	// isincOvrClr=0x0; 	Address(0xa45[7:0])
    0x0a46	0x00	// dacDitherOvrClr=0x0; 	Address(0xa46[7:0])
    0x054d	0x07	// Property_52ch_10_0=0x7ff; 	Address(0x54c[2:0],0x54d[7:0])
    0x054c	0xff
    0x0580	0x07	// Property_560h_2_0=0x7; 	Address(0x580[7:0])
    0x0589	0x07	// Property_568h_10_8=0x7; 	Address(0x589[7:0])
    0x06b4	0x01	// pap_hw_alarm_act_alc_clr=0x1; 	Address(0x6b4[7:0])
    0x06b4	0x03	// pap_hw_alarm_act_lmt_clr=0x1; 	Address(0x6b4[7:1])
    0x054d	0x00	// Property_52ch_10_0=0x0; 	Address(0x54c[2:0],0x54d[7:0])
    0x054c	0x00
    0x0580	0x00	// Property_560h_2_0=0x0; 	Address(0x580[7:0])
    0x0589	0x00	// Property_568h_10_8=0x0; 	Address(0x589[7:0])
    0x06b4	0x02	// pap_hw_alarm_act_alc_clr=0x0; 	Address(0x6b4[7:0])
    0x06b4	0x00	// pap_hw_alarm_act_lmt_clr=0x0; 	Address(0x6b4[7:1])
    0x052c	0x1f	// Property_50ch_4_0=0x1f; 	Address(0x52c[7:0])
    0x052c	0x00	// Property_50ch_4_0=0x0; 	Address(0x52c[7:0])
    0x0019	0x00	// txdig=0x0; 	Address(0x19[7:4])
    // START: Reading the JESD RX states to check if link is established
    WAIT 0.001
    0x0016	0x04	// dac_jesd=0x1; 	Address(0x16[7:2])
    0x011b		// Read: 0x00
    0x011a		// Read: 0x00
    0x0119		// Read: 0x00
    0x0118		// Read: 0x00
    0x011f		// Read: 0x00
    0x011e		// Read: 0x00
    0x011d		// Read: 0x00
    0x011c		// Read: 0x00
    // Read	alarms=0x0; 	Address(0x118[7:0],0x119[7:0],0x11a[7:0],0x11b[7:0],0x11c[7:0],0x11c[7:0],0x11d[7:0],0x11e[7:0],0x11f[7:0],0x120[7:0])
    0x00ee		// Read: 0x00
    // Read	comma_align_lock_flag=0x0; 	Address(0xee[7:0])
    0x00a2		// Read: 0x00
    // Read	jesd_cs_state=0x0; 	Address(0xa2[7:0],0xa3[7:0])
    0x00a4		// Read: 0x00
    // Read	jesd_fs_state=0x0; 	Address(0xa4[7:0],0xa5[7:0])
    // END: Done reading the JESD RX states to check if link is established
    0x0016	0x00	// dac_jesd=0x0; 	Address(0x16[7:2])
    // END: Device Config Complete
    // START: Setting TDD Pin in override state and setting override values.
    0x0015	0x80	// timing_controller=0x1; 	Address(0x15[7:7])
    0x00ec	0x01	// Property_cch_0_0=0x1; 	Address(0xec[7:0])
    0x00f4	0x01	// Property_d4h_0_0=0x1; 	Address(0xf4[7:0])
    0x00e4	0x01	// Property_c4h_0_0=0x1; 	Address(0xe4[7:0])
    0x00ed	0x00	// Property_cch_11_8=0x0; 	Address(0xed[7:0])
    0x00f5	0x00	// Property_d4h_9_8=0x0; 	Address(0xf5[7:0])
    0x00e5	0x00	// Property_c4h_11_8=0x0; 	Address(0xe5[7:0])
    0x00ed	0x0f	// Property_cch_11_8=0xf; 	Address(0xed[7:0])
    0x00f5	0x03	// Property_d4h_9_8=0x3; 	Address(0xf5[7:0])
    0x00e5	0x0f	// Property_c4h_11_8=0xf; 	Address(0xe5[7:0])
    // END: Setting TDD Pin in override state and setting override values.

    2.We use configAfefromFile function to config AFE7921, it also can't config succeed,it config logs is below

    the fail log is below

    [BEGIN] 2024/11/20 14:42:13
    [2024/11/20 14:42:14] root@TinaLinux:/mnt/app# 
    [2024/11/20 14:42:14] root@TinaLinux:/mnt/app# 
    [2024/11/20 14:42:15] root@TinaLinux:/mnt/app# 
    [2024/11/20 14:42:15] root@TinaLinux:/mnt/app# 
    [2024/11/20 14:42:15] root@TinaLinux:/mnt/app# 
    [2024/11/20 14:42:19] root@TinaLinux:/mnt/app# ./ts_fpga ad792xreset
    [2024/11/20 14:42:19] mkdir: can't create directory '/tmp/data': File exists
    [2024/11/20 14:42:19] This ts_fpga tool version is 20241024 10:06,debug-9528.
    [2024/11/20 14:42:19] open fpga spi device ok!
    [2024/11/20 14:42:19] config ad792x reset start...
    [2024/11/20 14:42:20] config ad792x reset end...
    [2024/11/20 14:42:20] 
    [2024/11/20 14:42:20] ts_fpag:close spi device.
    [2024/11/20 14:42:21] root@TinaLinux:/mnt/app# 
    [2024/11/20 14:42:21] root@TinaLinux:/mnt/app# 
    [2024/11/20 14:42:21] root@TinaLinux:/mnt/app# 
    [2024/11/20 14:42:21] root@TinaLinux:/mnt/app# 
    [2024/11/20 14:42:31] root@TinaLinux:/mnt/app# ./ts_fpga ad792xcfg
    [2024/11/20 14:42:31] mkdir: can't create directory '/tmp/data': File exists
    [2024/11/20 14:42:31] This ts_fpga tool version is 20241024 10:06,debug-9528.
    [2024/11/20 14:42:31] open fpga spi device ok!
    [2024/11/20 14:42:31] type:a1
    [2024/11/20 14:42:33] 
    [2024/11/20 14:42:33] first piece ad7921Config start...
    [2024/11/20 14:42:33] first 7921 filePath:/mnt/app/afe7921_profile.txt
    [2024/11/20 14:42:36] 
    [2024/11/20 14:42:36] AFE ID: 0[Afe79xx/Src/tiAfe79_basicFunctions.c][ti_afe79_afeSpiCheckWrapper][559]INFO:addr[0x00F0], lsb[3], msb[3], data[0x4F] not matching with expected value[0x00]
    [2024/11/20 14:42:36] 
    [2024/11/20 14:42:36] AFE ID: 0[Afe79xx/Src/tiAfe79_init.c][ti_afe79_configAfeFromFileFormat0][180]ERROR:AFE FROM FILE Read Check Fail: 0x00f0[3:3] = 0x0000
    [2024/11/20 14:42:53] 
    [2024/11/20 14:42:53] AFE ID: 0[Afe79xx/Src/tiAfe79_basicFunctions.c][ti_afe79_afeSpiCheckWrapper][559]INFO:addr[0x00F0], lsb[3], msb[3], data[0x1F] not matching with expected value[0x00]
    [2024/11/20 14:42:53] 
    [2024/11/20 14:42:53] AFE ID: 0[Afe79xx/Src/tiAfe79_init.c][ti_afe79_configAfeFromFileFormat0][180]ERROR:AFE FROM FILE Read Check Fail: 0x00f0[3:3] = 0x0000
    [2024/11/20 14:43:04] 
    [2024/11/20 14:43:04] AFE ID: 0[Afe79xx/Src/tiAfe79_basicFunctions.c][ti_afe79_afeSpiCheckWrapper][559]INFO:addr[0x0130], lsb[3], msb[3], data[0x00] not matching with expected value[0x08]
    [2024/11/20 14:43:04] 
    [2024/11/20 14:43:04] AFE ID: 0[Afe79xx/Src/tiAfe79_init.c][ti_afe79_configAfeFromFileFormat0][180]ERROR:AFE FROM FILE Read Check Fail: 0x0130[3:3] = 0x0008
    [2024/11/20 14:43:07] 
    [2024/11/20 14:43:07] AFE ID: 0[Afe79xx/Src/tiAfe79_basicFunctions.c][ti_afe79_afeSpiCheckWrapper][559]INFO:addr[0x00EE], lsb[0], msb[3], data[0x00] not matching with expected value[0x0F]
    [2024/11/20 14:43:07] 
    [2024/11/20 14:43:07] AFE ID: 0[Afe79xx/Src/tiAfe79_init.c][ti_afe79_configAfeFromFileFormat0][180]ERROR:AFE FROM FILE Read Check Fail: 0x00ee[0:3] = 0x000f
    [2024/11/20 14:43:07] 
    [2024/11/20 14:43:07] AFE ID: 0[Afe79xx/Src/tiAfe79_basicFunctions.c][ti_afe79_afeSpiCheckWrapper][559]INFO:addr[0x00A2], lsb[0], msb[7], data[0x00] not matching with expected value[0xAA]
    [2024/11/20 14:43:07] 
    [2024/11/20 14:43:07] AFE ID: 0[Afe79xx/Src/tiAfe79_init.c][ti_afe79_configAfeFromFileFormat0][180]ERROR:AFE FROM FILE Read Check Fail: 0x00a2[0:7] = 0x00aa
    [2024/11/20 14:43:07] 
    [2024/11/20 14:43:07] AFE ID: 0[Afe79xx/Src/tiAfe79_basicFunctions.c][ti_afe79_afeSpiCheckWrapper][559]INFO:addr[0x00A4], lsb[0], msb[7], data[0x00] not matching with expected value[0x55]
    [2024/11/20 14:43:07] 
    [2024/11/20 14:43:07] AFE ID: 0[Afe79xx/Src/tiAfe79_init.c][ti_afe79_configAfeFromFileFormat0][180]ERROR:AFE FROM FILE Read Check Fail: 0x00a4[0:7] = 0x0055
    [2024/11/20 14:43:07] 
    [2024/11/20 14:43:07] AFE ID: 0[Afe79xx/Src/tiAfe79_init.c][ti_afe79_configAfeFromFile][333]ERROR:AFE Function Execution failed: AFE79FNP(configAfeFromFileFormat0)(afeInst, file, breakAtPollFail, breakAtReadCheckFail)
    [2024/11/20 14:43:07] config chip1 ret=0
    [2024/11/20 14:43:07] first piece ad7921Config end...
    [2024/11/20 14:43:07] type:a2
    [2024/11/20 14:43:09] 
    [2024/11/20 14:43:09] second piece ad7921Config start...
    [2024/11/20 14:43:09] second 7921 filePath:/mnt/app/afe7921_profile2.txt
    [2024/11/20 14:43:12] 
    [2024/11/20 14:43:12] AFE ID: 1[Afe79xx/Src/tiAfe79_basicFunctions.c][ti_afe79_afeSpiCheckWrapper][559]INFO:addr[0x00F0], lsb[3], msb[3], data[0x4F] not matching with expected value[0x00]
    [2024/11/20 14:43:12] 
    [2024/11/20 14:43:12] AFE ID: 1[Afe79xx/Src/tiAfe79_init.c][ti_afe79_configAfeFromFileFormat0][180]ERROR:AFE FROM FILE Read Check Fail: 0x00f0[3:3] = 0x0000
    [2024/11/20 14:43:29] 
    [2024/11/20 14:43:29] AFE ID: 1[Afe79xx/Src/tiAfe79_basicFunctions.c][ti_afe79_afeSpiCheckWrapper][559]INFO:addr[0x00F0], lsb[3], msb[3], data[0x1F] not matching with expected value[0x00]
    [2024/11/20 14:43:29] 
    [2024/11/20 14:43:29] AFE ID: 1[Afe79xx/Src/tiAfe79_init.c][ti_afe79_configAfeFromFileFormat0][180]ERROR:AFE FROM FILE Read Check Fail: 0x00f0[3:3] = 0x0000
    [2024/11/20 14:43:40] 
    [2024/11/20 14:43:40] AFE ID: 1[Afe79xx/Src/tiAfe79_basicFunctions.c][ti_afe79_afeSpiCheckWrapper][559]INFO:addr[0x0130], lsb[3], msb[3], data[0x00] not matching with expected value[0x08]
    [2024/11/20 14:43:40] 
    [2024/11/20 14:43:40] AFE ID: 1[Afe79xx/Src/tiAfe79_init.c][ti_afe79_configAfeFromFileFormat0][180]ERROR:AFE FROM FILE Read Check Fail: 0x0130[3:3] = 0x0008
    [2024/11/20 14:43:42] 
    [2024/11/20 14:43:42] AFE ID: 1[Afe79xx/Src/tiAfe79_basicFunctions.c][ti_afe79_afeSpiCheckWrapper][559]INFO:addr[0x00EE], lsb[0], msb[3], data[0x00] not matching with expected value[0x0F]
    [2024/11/20 14:43:42] 
    [2024/11/20 14:43:42] AFE ID: 1[Afe79xx/Src/tiAfe79_init.c][ti_afe79_configAfeFromFileFormat0][180]ERROR:AFE FROM FILE Read Check Fail: 0x00ee[0:3] = 0x000f
    [2024/11/20 14:43:42] 
    [2024/11/20 14:43:42] AFE ID: 1[Afe79xx/Src/tiAfe79_basicFunctions.c][ti_afe79_afeSpiCheckWrapper][559]INFO:addr[0x00A2], lsb[0], msb[7], data[0x00] not matching with expected value[0xAA]
    [2024/11/20 14:43:42] 
    [2024/11/20 14:43:42] AFE ID: 1[Afe79xx/Src/tiAfe79_init.c][ti_afe79_configAfeFromFileFormat0][180]ERROR:AFE FROM FILE Read Check Fail: 0x00a2[0:7] = 0x00aa
    [2024/11/20 14:43:42] 
    [2024/11/20 14:43:42] AFE ID: 1[Afe79xx/Src/tiAfe79_basicFunctions.c][ti_afe79_afeSpiCheckWrapper][559]INFO:addr[0x00A4], lsb[0], msb[7], data[0x00] not matching with expected value[0x55]
    [2024/11/20 14:43:42] 
    [2024/11/20 14:43:42] AFE ID: 1[Afe79xx/Src/tiAfe79_init.c][ti_afe79_configAfeFromFileFormat0][180]ERROR:AFE FROM FILE Read Check Fail: 0x00a4[0:7] = 0x0055
    [2024/11/20 14:43:42] 
    [2024/11/20 14:43:42] AFE ID: 1[Afe79xx/Src/tiAfe79_init.c][ti_afe79_configAfeFromFile][333]ERROR:AFE Function Execution failed: AFE79FNP(configAfeFromFileFormat0)(afeInst, file, breakAtPollFail, breakAtReadCheckFail)
    [2024/11/20 14:43:42] config chip2 ret=0
    [2024/11/20 14:43:42] second piece ad7921Config end...
    [2024/11/20 14:43:42] type:a0
    [2024/11/20 14:43:42] 
    [2024/11/20 14:43:42] ts_fpag:close spi device.
    [END] 2024/11/20 14:46:01

  • Hi Aman,

          We had some question about how to config AFE7921. We config AFE7921 with some error and found that the RX is OK but the TX is not good, and I read my FPGA,the 204B is linked.

    The error log is below

    first piece ad7921Config start...
    first 7921 filePath:/mnt/app/afe7921_profile.txt
    AFE ID: 0[Afe79xx/Src/tiAfe79_basicFunctions.c][ti_afe79_afeSpiCheckWrapper][559]INFO:addr[0x00F0], lsb[3], msb[3], data[0x4F] not matching with expected value[0x00]
    AFE ID: 0[Afe79xx/Src/tiAfe79_init.c][ti_afe79_configAfeFromFileFormat0][180]ERROR:AFE FROM FILE Read Check Fail: 0x00f0[3:3] = 0x0000
    AFE ID: 0[Afe79xx/Src/tiAfe79_basicFunctions.c][ti_afe79_afeSpiCheckWrapper][559]INFO:addr[0x00F0], lsb[3], msb[3], data[0x1F] not matching with expected value[0x00]
    AFE ID: 0[Afe79xx/Src/tiAfe79_init.c][ti_afe79_configAfeFromFileFormat0][180]ERROR:AFE FROM FILE Read Check Fail: 0x00f0[3:3] = 0x0000
    AFE ID: 0[Afe79xx/Src/tiAfe79_init.c][ti_afe79_configAfeFromFile][333]ERROR:AFE Function Execution failed: AFE79FNP(configAfeFromFileFormat0)(afeInst, file, breakAtPollFail, breakAtReadCheckFail)
    config chip1 ret=0
    first piece ad7921Config end...
    second piece ad7921Config start...
    second 7921 filePath:/mnt/app/afe7921_profile2.txt
    AFE ID: 1[Afe79xx/Src/tiAfe79_basicFunctions.c][ti_afe79_afeSpiCheckWrapper][559]INFO:addr[0x00F0], lsb[3], msb[3], data[0x4F] not matching with expected value[0x00]
    AFE ID: 1[Afe79xx/Src/tiAfe79_init.c][ti_afe79_configAfeFromFileFormat0][180]ERROR:AFE FROM FILE Read Check Fail: 0x00f0[3:3] = 0x0000
    AFE ID: 1[Afe79xx/Src/tiAfe79_basicFunctions.c][ti_afe79_afeSpiCheckWrapper][559]INFO:addr[0x00F0], lsb[3], msb[3], data[0x1F] not matching with expected value[0x00]
    AFE ID: 1[Afe79xx/Src/tiAfe79_init.c][ti_afe79_configAfeFromFileFormat0][180]ERROR:AFE FROM FILE Read Check Fail: 0x00f0[3:3] = 0x0000
    AFE ID: 1[Afe79xx/Src/tiAfe79_init.c][ti_afe79_configAfeFromFile][333]ERROR:AFE Function Execution failed: AFE79FNP(configAfeFromFileFormat0)(afeInst, file, breakAtPollFail, breakAtReadCheckFail)
    config chip2 ret=0
    second piece ad7921Config end...

    1.We don't have EVM,can we used Latte export logDumpInst to config AFE7921 or must be link to EVM and run Latte to  export logDumpInst.

    2.Can your help us to to  export logDumpInst ?  We are uesd API version is V2.5.