Other Parts Discussed in Thread: FDC2214
Hi Team,
Good day! I'm posting this in behalf of the customer.
As per customer below:
I'm using the FDC2214 module on the ch2 and i want to detect the change of capacitance from a sensor for liquid sensing. I've already measued the capacitance of same capacitors and, with the correct idrive, the measurement are good, comaped to a multimeter so the FD2214 works fine.
My sensor is created from my university and it's fabricated with the FFF tecnology (Fused Filament Fabrication) with 3D print, ad it consist in a series of electrode are fabricated with conductive polylactic acid (PLA) doped with carbon black and carbon nanotubes (CNTs) (an immage is attacched in the article of the caracterization of the sensor). When i attached the sensor to the FDC2214 the change is not visible, 3/4 pF only for the connection, with the multimeter the change in capacitance is 100pF. even when i insert the liquid nothing change, whit the multimeter..
on the other hand, the change is relevant. So, with other experiment, like RC series and RC parallel, the sensor capacitance was never detected with the FDC2214, only with the multimeter. Do you have and ideas why the sensor was not detected?
Here is my email: r.vocale@studenti.poliba.it