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I've tried Quickstart of vital signs demo, but the demo haven't worked (there are no data on the interface).
Please help me.
The details are as follows.
・URL of reference: 68xx Vital Signs (
・Device: Industrial mmWave Carrier Board+IWR6843AOPEVM
・Computer: Windows 10 Pro
・mmWave Industrial Toolbox: 4.12.1
・TI mmWave SDK: (06 Jan 2021)
・Uniflash: 8.3.0
There are no errors with Flash using Uniflash.
And I've pressed the NRST button after each configuration change.
Please refer to the pictures below.
[device manager]
That vital signs demo has been deprecated. Have you seen our latest Vital Sign Demo? I recommend you to evaluate with this new demo as this is the demo that we are currently supporting. If that demo does not suit your needs and the older version is required then I would recommend double checking that switch settings on both the MMWAVEICBOOST and the IWR6843AOPEVM are matching what is shown in the user guide. Also you should ensure that nReset button is pressed before each time you run the demo as mentioned in the thread you linked.
Best Regards,