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OS Distribution: Ubunutu 22.04
ROS2 Distribution: Humble
I have installed ROS2 humble to run ros2 ti mmwave_ti_ros packages to see point cloud data. Previously, I checked with ros1 with bionic 18.04, which works fine for the same system.
I have followed this link to check the correct COM ports, which are /dev/ttyACM0 and /dev/ttyACM1, respectively.
also, I have added the user in dialout group so that it can access IO operation of serial ports.
when I run launch file by "ros2 launch ti_mmwave_rospkg" then following errors comes everytime....
I have set up a similar setup with UBUNTU 24.04, it seems same problem there also,
kindly help me to resolve the issue.
I updated the ROS Driver and this should be fixed now. Please reclone the repository and rebuild the ros2 driver.
Best Regards,