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IWRL6432BOOST: IWRL6432BOOST Hard coding

Part Number: IWRL6432BOOST
Other Parts Discussed in Thread: IWRL6432, UNIFLASH, SYSCONFIG



Could you please guide me on how to hardcode the IWRL6432BOOST for the Vital Signs Lab with people tracking? I found a document in the Resource Explorer that explains the steps for the 68xx series. From my understanding, the process should be similar for the 6432. However, I got confused as the documentation appears to focus on the "Out of the Box" demo, whereas I want to implement Vital Signs hardcoded.

Additionally, could you assist me in locating the necessary files for hardcoding (such as the CLI) for this setup?

Thank you in advance for your help.

Best regards,

  • Hi

    You can use the below demo for IWRL6432 Vital signs


    You can find the configuration file at the below location


    For hardcoding the limits of breath rate and heart rate, you can modify in the file vitalsign.c in 



     * Copyright (C) 2022-24 Texas Instruments Incorporated
     * Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without
     * modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions
     * are met:
     *   Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright
     *   notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer.
     *   Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above copyright
     *   notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer in the
     *   documentation and/or other materials provided with the
     *   distribution.
     *   Neither the name of Texas Instruments Incorporated nor the names of
     *   its contributors may be used to endorse or promote products derived
     *   from this software without specific prior written permission.
     *************************** Include Files ********************************
    /* Standard Include Files. */
    #include <stdlib.h>
    #include <stdio.h>
    #include <string.h>
    #include <math.h>
    #include <kernel/dpl/DebugP.h>
    #include "FreeRTOS.h"
    #include "task.h"
    #include "mmw_cli.h"
    #include <drivers/uart.h>
    #include <drivers/prcm.h>
    #include <drivers/pinmux.h>
    #include <utils/mathutils/mathutils.h>
    #include <common/syscommon.h>
    #include "motion_detect.h"
    #include <datapath/dpif/dpif_adcdata.h>
    #include "mmw_res.h"
    #include <datapath/dpu/cfarproc/v0/cfarprochwa.h>
    #include <mmwavelink/include/rl_device.h>
    #include "utils/tracker_utils.h"
    #include <drivers/mcspi/v0/dma/mcspi_dma.h>
    #include <drivers/mcspi/v0/dma/edma/mcspi_dma_edma.h>
    #include <drivers/edma.h>
    #include <drivers/mcspi.h>
    #include <drivers/gpio.h>
    #include "ti_drivers_config.h"
    #include "ti_drivers_open_close.h"
    #include "ti_board_open_close.h"
    #include "ti_board_config.h"
    #include "calibrations/factory_cal.h"
    #include "mmwave_control/monitors.h"
    int32_t hardCodedConfigIndex ;
    char *hardCodedConfigCommands[] = {
     "sensorStop 0",
     "channelCfg 7 3 0",
     "chirpComnCfg 8 0 0 256 4 23 0",
     "chirpTimingCfg 6 18 0 75 60",
     "frameCfg 2 8 580 32 133 0",
     "antGeometryCfg 0 0 1 1 0 2 0 1 1 2 0 3 2.418 2.418",
     "guiMonitor 2 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 1 1 1",
     "sigProcChainCfg 32 2 1 2 4 4 0 15",
     "cfarCfg 2 8 4 3 0 12.0 0 0.5 0 1 1 1",
     "aoaFovCfg -70 70 -40 40",
     "rangeSelCfg 0.1 10.0",
     "clutterRemoval 1",
     "compRangeBiasAndRxChanPhase 0.0 1.00000 0.00000 -1.00000 0.00000 1.00000 0.00000 -1.00000 0.00000 1.00000 0.00000 -1.00000 0.00000",
     "adcDataSource 0 adc_data_0001_CtestAdc6Ant.bin",
     "adcLogging 0",
     "lowPowerCfg 0",
     "factoryCalibCfg 1 0 40 0 0x1ff000",
     "boundaryBox -2 2 0 5 -0.5 3",
     "sensorPosition 0 0 1.1 0 0",
     "staticBoundaryBox -1 1 0.5 3 0 3",
     "gatingParam 3 2 2 2 4",
     "stateParam 3 3 12 2000 5 2000",
     "allocationParam 6 10 0.1 4 0.5 20",
     "maxAcceleration 0.4 0.4 0.1",
     "trackingCfg 1 2 100 1 61.4 191.8 100",
     "presenceBoundaryBox -1 1 0.5 3 0 3",
     "microDopplerCfg 1 0 0.5 0 1 1 12.5 87.5 1",
     "classifierCfg 1 3 4",
     "baudRate 1250000",
     "sensorStart 0 0 0 0",
    //int hardCodedConfigIndex = 0 ;
    #define CLI_TASK_STACK_SIZE  (4 *1024U)
    /* Demo Flash Address offset on 1MB */
    #define MMWDEMO_CALIB_FLASH_ADDR_1MB  (uint32_t)(0x100000U)
    #define READ_LINE_BUFSIZE   256
    #if (CLI_REMOVAL == 0)
    //Enable this define, to allow dynamic swith to 1.25Mbps baud rate, then execute CLI cmd: baudRate 1250000
    /* Register setting to hold the FEC core in reset */
    #define FEC_CORE_HALT 0x207ff
    /* Mask for Setting Boot Vector to 0 */
    #define PCR2_BOOTVEC_CLR 0xFE000000
    /* Device string used to print in the CLI banner */
    #if defined (SOC_XWRL64XX)
    #define DEVICE_STRING "xWRL6432"
    #define DEVICE_STRING "xWRL1432"
    extern uint32_t gpioBaseAddrLed;
    extern uint32_t pinNumLed;
    extern uint32_t sensorStop;
    #if (CLI_REMOVAL == 0 && DYNAMIC_RECONFIG == 1)
    extern uint8_t gUserCfgPresenceTrack;
    extern char* trackCmdString[];
    extern char* presenceCmdString[];
    #ifdef SOC_XWRL64XX
    extern char* trackCmdStringAOP[];
    extern char* presenceCmdStringAOP[];
    TaskHandle_t gCliTask;
    StaticTask_t gCliTaskObj;
    StackType_t  gCliTskStack[CLI_TASK_STACK_SIZE] __attribute__((aligned(32)));
    TaskHandle_t gAdcFileTask;
    StaticTask_t gAdcFileTaskObj;
    StackType_t gAdcFileTaskStack[ADC_FILEREAD_TASK_STACK_SIZE] __attribute__((aligned(32)));
    CLI_MCB     gCLI;
    /*Standard ADC Sampling Rates*/
    #define NUM_VALID_SAMP_RATE         (11U)
    /*The following values are DigOutputSampRate values corresponding to ADC sampling rates in MSPS: {1.0, 1.25, 1.667, 2.0, 2.5, 4.0, 5.0, 6.667, 7.692, 10.0, 12.5}*/
    const uint8_t ValidDigSampRates[NUM_VALID_SAMP_RATE] = {100,80,60,50,40,25,20,15,13,10,8};
    float       gSocClk = 40000000; //Hz
    TaskHandle_t gDpcTask;
    StaticTask_t gDpcTaskObj;
    StackType_t  gDpcTaskStack[DPC_TASK_STACK_SIZE] __attribute__((aligned(32)));
    TaskHandle_t gTlvTask;
    StaticTask_t gTlvTaskObj;
    StackType_t gTlvTaskStack[TLV_TASK_STACK_SIZE] __attribute__((aligned(32)));
    extern MmwDemo_MSS_MCB gMmwMssMCB;
    // Indicate if Sensor is Started or not
    uint8_t isSensorStarted = 0;
    volatile unsigned long long demoStartTime = 0;
    //cfar threshold in hwa = (cli_val * 100)/16
        /************ ADC data streaming via SPI **********************************************************************************/
        /* In Sysconfig, by default I2C is configured. To enable Raw ADC Data via SPI feature, manual configuration of MCSPI is required */
        /* MCSPI Driver handles */
        extern MCSPI_Handle gMcspiHandle[CONFIG_MCSPI_NUM_INSTANCES];
        * MCSPI Driver Advance Parameters - to be used only when Driver_open() and
        * Driver_close() is not used by the application
        /* MCSPI Driver Open Parameters */
        MCSPI_OpenParams gMcspiOpenParams[CONFIG_MCSPI_NUM_INSTANCES];
        /* MCSPI objects - initialized by the driver */
        static MCSPI_Object gMcspiObjects[CONFIG_MCSPI_NUM_INSTANCES];
        /* MCSPI Driver Channel Configurations */
        MCSPI_ChConfig gConfigMcspi0ChCfg[CONFIG_MCSPI0_NUM_CH];
        MCSPI_DmaChConfig gConfigMcspi0DmaChCfg[CONFIG_MCSPI0_NUM_CH];
        uint32_t gMcspiConfigNum = CONFIG_MCSPI_NUM_INSTANCES;
        /* Buffer to store Raw ADC Data per frame */
        uint8_t adcbuffer[ADC_DATA_BUFF_MAX_SIZE] = {0};
        /* Number of bytes in every frame */
        uint32_t adcDataPerFrame;
        /* MCSPI Driver open/close - can be used by application when Driver_open() and
        * Driver_close() is not used directly and app wants to control the various driver
        * open/close sequences */
        void Drivers_mcspiOpen(void);
        void Drivers_mcspiClose(void);
        /* MCSPI Driver handles */
        MCSPI_Handle gMcspiHandle[CONFIG_MCSPI_NUM_INSTANCES];
        uint32_t gMcspiDmaConfigNum = CONFIG_MCSPI_NUM_DMA_INSTANCES;
        /* MCSPI Driver Open Parameters */
        MCSPI_OpenParams gMcspiOpenParams[CONFIG_MCSPI_NUM_INSTANCES] =
                .transferMode           = MCSPI_TRANSFER_MODE_BLOCKING,
                .transferTimeout        = SystemP_WAIT_FOREVER,
                .transferCallbackFxn    = NULL,
                .loopback               = MCSPI_LOOPBACK_DISABLE,
                .msMode                 = MCSPI_MS_MODE_PERIPHERAL,
                .mcspiDmaIndex = 0,
        /* MCSPI Driver Channel Configurations */
        MCSPI_ChConfig gConfigMcspi0ChCfg[CONFIG_MCSPI0_NUM_CH] =
                .chNum              = MCSPI_CHANNEL_0,
                .frameFormat        = MCSPI_FF_POL0_PHA0,
                .bitRate            = 15000000,
                .csPolarity         = MCSPI_CS_POL_LOW,
                .trMode             = MCSPI_TR_MODE_TX_RX,
                .inputSelect        = MCSPI_IS_D1,
                .dpe0               = MCSPI_DPE_ENABLE,
                .dpe1               = MCSPI_DPE_DISABLE,
                .slvCsSelect        = MCSPI_SLV_CS_SELECT_0,
                .startBitEnable     = FALSE,
                .startBitPolarity   = MCSPI_SB_POL_LOW,
                .csIdleTime         = MCSPI_TCS0_0_CLK,
                .defaultTxData      = 0x0U,
        MCSPI_DmaChConfig gConfigMcspi0DmaChCfg[CONFIG_MCSPI0_NUM_CH] =
                .edmaRxChId = 0,
                .edmaTxChId = 1,
        /* MCSPI atrributes */
        static MCSPI_Attrs gMcspiAttrs[CONFIG_MCSPI_NUM_INSTANCES] =
                .baseAddr           = CSL_MCU_MCSPI0_CFG_BASE,
                .inputClkFreq       = 40000000U,
                .intrNum            = 30,
                .operMode           = MCSPI_OPER_MODE_DMA,
                .intrPriority       = 4U,
                .chMode             = MCSPI_CH_MODE_SINGLE,
                .pinMode            = MCSPI_PINMODE_4PIN,
                .initDelay          = MCSPI_INITDLY_0,
        /* MCSPI driver configuration */
        MCSPI_Config gMcspiConfig[CONFIG_MCSPI_NUM_INSTANCES] =
        McspiDma_EdmaArgs gMcspiEdmaArgs =
            .drvHandle        = (void *)&gEdmaConfig[CONFIG_EDMA1],
        MCSPI_DmaConfig gMcspiDmaConfig =
            .fxns        = &gMcspiDmaEdmaFxns,
            .mcspiDmaArgs = (void *)&gMcspiEdmaArgs,
        /* Pad Configuration for McSPI pins */
        static Pinmux_PerCfg_t gPinMuxMainDomainCfgSpi[] = {
                    /* MCSPIA pin config */
            /* MCSPIA_CLK -> PAD_AG (D10) */
                ( PIN_MODE(0) | PIN_PULL_DISABLE )
            /* MCSPIA_MOSI -> PAD_AI (B12) */
                ( PIN_MODE(0) | PIN_PULL_DISABLE )
            /* MCSPIA_MISO -> PAD_AJ (C11) */
                ( PIN_MODE(0) | PIN_PULL_DISABLE )
                    /* MCSPIA_CS0 pin config */
            /* MCSPIA_CS0 -> PAD_AH (D11) */
                ( PIN_MODE(0) | PIN_PULL_DISABLE )
            {PINMUX_END, PINMUX_END}
        void Drivers_mcspiOpen(void)
            uint32_t instCnt, chCnt;
            int32_t  status = SystemP_SUCCESS;
            for(instCnt = 0U; instCnt < CONFIG_MCSPI_NUM_INSTANCES; instCnt++)
                gMcspiHandle[instCnt] = NULL;   /* Init to NULL so that we can exit gracefully */
            /* Open all instances */
            for(instCnt = 0U; instCnt < CONFIG_MCSPI_NUM_INSTANCES; instCnt++)
                gMcspiHandle[instCnt] = MCSPI_open(instCnt, &gMcspiOpenParams[instCnt]);
                if(NULL == gMcspiHandle[instCnt])
                    DebugP_logError("MCSPI open failed for instance %d !!!\r\n", instCnt);
                    status = SystemP_FAILURE;
            /* Channel configuration */
            for(chCnt = 0U; chCnt < CONFIG_MCSPI0_NUM_CH; chCnt++)
                status = MCSPI_chConfig(
                if(status != SystemP_SUCCESS)
                    DebugP_logError("CONFIG_MCSPI0 channel %d config failed !!!\r\n", chCnt);
                status = MCSPI_dmaChConfig(
                if(status != SystemP_SUCCESS)
                    DebugP_logError("CONFIG_MCSPI0 DMA channel %d config failed !!!\r\n", chCnt);
            if(SystemP_FAILURE == status)
                Drivers_mcspiClose();   /* Exit gracefully */
        void Drivers_mcspiClose(void)
            uint32_t instCnt;
            int32_t status, chCnt;
            for(chCnt = 0U; chCnt < CONFIG_MCSPI0_NUM_CH; chCnt++)
                status = MCSPI_dmaClose(gMcspiHandle[CONFIG_MCSPI0],
                if(status != SystemP_SUCCESS)
                    DebugP_logError("CONFIG_MCSPI0 DMA close %d failed !!!\r\n", chCnt);
            /* Close all instances that are open */
            for(instCnt = 0U; instCnt < CONFIG_MCSPI_NUM_INSTANCES; instCnt++)
                if(gMcspiHandle[instCnt] != NULL)
                    gMcspiHandle[instCnt] = NULL;
        void Module_clockEnable_spi()
            int32_t status;
            status = SOC_moduleClockEnable(SOC_RcmPeripheralId_APPSS_MCSPIA, 0);
            DebugP_assertNoLog(status == SystemP_SUCCESS);
        void Module_clockSetFrequency_spi()
            int32_t status;
                status = SOC_moduleSetClockFrequency(
                DebugP_assertNoLog(status == SystemP_SUCCESS);
        void clock_init()
    #if (CLI_REMOVAL == 0)
    static Pinmux_PerCfg_t gPinMuxMDOCfg[] = {
                /* MDO0 pin config */
        /* MDO_CLK -> PAD_AW (L11) */
            ( PIN_MODE(7) | PIN_PULL_DISABLE )
        /* MDO_FRMCLK -> PAD_AX (M10) */
            ( PIN_MODE(9) | PIN_PULL_DISABLE )
        /* MDO_D0 -> PAD_AL (H10) */
            ( PIN_MODE(7) | PIN_PULL_DISABLE )
        /* MDO_D1 -> PAD_AM (J11) */
            ( PIN_MODE(7) | PIN_PULL_DISABLE )
        /* MDO_D2 -> PAD_AN (L12) */
            ( PIN_MODE(7) | PIN_PULL_DISABLE )
        /* MDO_D3 -> PAD_AU (K11) */
            ( PIN_MODE(7) | PIN_PULL_DISABLE )
    char* radarCmdString[MAX_RADAR_CMD] =
    #if 1
    "channelCfg 7 3 0 \r\n",
    "chirpComnCfg 20 0 0 128 4 30 0 \r\n",
    #if defined (SOC_XWRL64XX)
    "chirpTimingCfg 6.00 28 0.00 90 59.75 \r\n",
    "chirpTimingCfg 6.00 28 0.00 90 77 \r\n",
    "frameCfg 8 0 403 1 250.0 0 \r\n",
    "guiMonitor 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 1 \r\n",
    "sigProcChainCfg 64 8 2 0 4 4 0 .5 \r\n",
    "cfarCfg 2 4 3 2 0 12.00 0 0.5 0 1 0 1 \r\n",
    "aoaFovCfg -60.00 60.00 -40.00 40.00 \r\n",
    "rangeSelCfg 0.07 0.6 \r\n",
    "clutterRemoval 1 \r\n",
    "compRangeBiasAndRxChanPhase 0.00 1.00 0.00 -1.00 0.00 1.00 0.00 -1.00 0.00 1.00 0.00 -1.00 0.00 \r\n",
    "adcDataSource 0 adcData_1_000.bin \r\n",
    "adcLogging 0 \r\n",
    "lowPowerCfg 0 \r\n",
    "factoryCalibCfg 1 0 40 0 0x1ff000 \r\n",
    "mpdBoundaryBox 1 -0.10 0.10 0.07 0.6 -0.10 0.10 \r\n",
    "sensorPosition 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 \r\n",
    "minorStateCfg 5 4 40 8 4 30.00 4 4 \r\n",
    "clusterCfg 1 0.50 2 \r\n",
    "sensorStart 0 0 0 0 \r\n"
    #if defined (SOC_XWRL64XX)
    char* radarCmdStringAOP[MAX_RADAR_CMD_AOP] =
    "channelCfg 7 3 0 \r\n",
    "chirpComnCfg 20 0 0 128 4 30 2 \r\n",
    "chirpTimingCfg 6.00 28 0.00 90 59.75 \r\n",
    "frameCfg 8 0 403 1 250.0 0 \r\n",
    "guiMonitor 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 1 \r\n",
    "sigProcChainCfg 64 8 2 0 4 4 0 .5 \r\n",
    "cfarCfg 2 4 3 2 0 12.00 0 0.5 0 1 0 1 \r\n",
    "aoaFovCfg -60.00 60.00 -40.00 40.00 \r\n",
    "rangeSelCfg 0.07 0.6 \r\n",
    "clutterRemoval 1 \r\n",
    "antGeometryCfg 1 1 1 0 0 1 1 3 1 2 0 3 2.5 2.5 \r\n",
    "compRangeBiasAndRxChanPhase 0.00 1.00 0.00 -1.00 0.00 1.00 0.00 -1.00 0.00 1.00 0.00 -1.00 0.00 \r\n",
    "adcDataSource 0 adcData_1_000.bin \r\n",
    "adcLogging 0 \r\n",
    "lowPowerCfg 0 \r\n",
    "factoryCalibCfg 1 0 38 3 0x1ff000 \r\n",
    "mpdBoundaryBox 1 -0.10 0.10 0.07 0.6 -0.10 0.10 \r\n",
    "sensorPosition 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 \r\n",
    "minorStateCfg 5 4 40 8 4 30.00 4 4 \r\n",
    "clusterCfg 1 0.50 2 \r\n",
    "sensorStart 0 0 0 0 \r\n"
    static int32_t CLI_help (int32_t argc, char* argv[]);
    static int32_t CLI_MMWaveExtensionHandler(int32_t argc, char* argv[]);
    static void    CLI_MMWaveExtensionHelp(void);
    int32_t CLI_ByPassApi(CLI_Cfg* ptrCLICfg, uint8_t profileSwitch);
    static int32_t CLI_MMWaveVersion (int32_t argc, char* argv[]);
    static int32_t CLI_MMWaveSensorStop (int32_t argc, char* argv[]);
    static int32_t CLI_MMWaveChannelCfg (int32_t argc, char* argv[]);
    static int32_t CLI_MMWaveChirpCommonCfg (int32_t argc, char* argv[]);
    static int32_t CLI_MMWaveChirpTimingCfg (int32_t argc, char* argv[]);
    static int32_t CLI_MMWaveFrameCfg (int32_t argc, char* argv[]);
    static int32_t CLI_MMWaveGuiMonSel(int32_t argc, char* argv[]);
    static int32_t CLI_MMWaveSigProcChainCfg (int32_t argc, char* argv[]);
    static int32_t CLI_MMWaveCfarCfg (int32_t argc, char* argv[]);
    static int32_t CLI_MMWaveAoaCfg (int32_t argc, char* argv[]);
    static int32_t CLI_MMWaveRangeSelCfg (int32_t argc, char* argv[]);
    static int32_t CLI_MMWaveClutterRemoval (int32_t argc, char* argv[]);
    static int32_t CLI_MMWaveCompRangeBiasAndRxChanPhaseCfg (int32_t argc, char* argv[]);
    static int32_t CLI_MMWaveAdcDataSourceCfg (int32_t argc, char* argv[]);
    static int32_t CLI_MMWaveAdcLogging (int32_t argc, char* argv[]);
    static int32_t CLI_MMWaveSensorPositionCfg (int32_t argc, char* argv[]);
    static int32_t CLI_MMWaveMpdBoundaryBox (int32_t argc, char* argv[]);
    static int32_t CLI_MMWaveClusterParamCfg (int32_t argc, char* argv[]);
    static int32_t CLI_MMWaveMajorMotionStateCfg (int32_t argc, char* argv[]);
    static int32_t CLI_MMWaveMinorMotionStateCfg (int32_t argc, char* argv[]);
    static int32_t CLI_MMWaveprofileSwitchCfg (int32_t argc, char* argv[]);
    int32_t CLI_MMWaveSensorStart (int32_t argc, char* argv[]);
    static int32_t CLI_MMWaveFactoryCalConfig (int32_t argc, char* argv[]);
    static int32_t CLI_MMWaveLowPwrModeEnable(int32_t argc, char* argv[]);
    static int32_t CLI_MmwDemo_AntGeometryCfg (int32_t argc, char* argv[]);
    int32_t CLI_MMWStart(void);
     ************************** Extern Definitions ****************************
    extern void Mmwave_populateDefaultOpenCfg (MMWave_OpenCfg* ptrOpenCfg);
    extern void Mmwave_populateDefaultChirpControlCfg (MMWave_CtrlCfg* ptrCtrlCfg);
    #if (ENABLE_MONITORS==1)
    /*API to configure RF Monitors*/
    void mmwDemo_MonitorConfig (void);
    #if (CLI_REMOVAL == 0)
     * @brief
     *  This is the mmWave extension table added to the CLI.
    CLI_CmdTableEntry gCLIMMWaveExtensionTable[] =
            "No arguments",
    int32_t CLI_ByPassApi(CLI_Cfg* ptrCLICfg, uint8_t profileSwitch)
        //uint8_t                 cmdString[128];
        char*                   tokenizedArgs[CLI_MAX_ARGS];
        char*                   ptrCLICommand = NULL;
        char                    delimitter[] = " \r\n";
        uint32_t                argIndex;
        CLI_CmdTableEntry*      ptrCLICommandEntry;
        int32_t                 cliStatus;
        uint32_t                index, idx, maxIdx;
        uint16_t numCLICommands = 0U;
        /* Sanity Check: Validate the arguments */
        if (ptrCLICfg == NULL)
            return -1;
        /* Cycle through and determine the number of supported CLI commands: */
        for (index = 0; index < CLI_MAX_CMD; index++)
            /* Do we have a valid entry? */
            if (ptrCLICfg->tableEntry[index].cmd == NULL)
                /* NO: This is the last entry */
                /* YES: Increment the number of CLI commands */
                numCLICommands = numCLICommands + 1;
        if(profileSwitch == 1)
            maxIdx = MAX_TRACKER_CMD;
        else if(profileSwitch == 2)
            maxIdx = MAX_PRESENCE_CMD;
            #ifdef SOC_XWRL64XX
            if(gMmwMssMCB.isDevAOP == 1u)
                maxIdx = MAX_RADAR_CMD_AOP;
                maxIdx = MAX_RADAR_CMD;
            #ifdef SOC_XWRL14XX
            maxIdx = MAX_RADAR_CMD;
        /* Execute All Radar Commands */
        for (idx = 0; idx < maxIdx; idx++)
            /* Reset all the tokenized arguments: */
            memset ((void *)&tokenizedArgs, 0, sizeof(tokenizedArgs));
            argIndex      = 0;
            #if (CLI_REMOVAL == 0 && DYNAMIC_RECONFIG == 1)
            if(profileSwitch == 1)
                #ifdef SOC_XWRL64XX
                if(gMmwMssMCB.isDevAOP == 1u)
                    ptrCLICommand = (char*)trackCmdStringAOP[idx];
                    ptrCLICommand = (char*)trackCmdString[idx];
                #ifdef SOC_XWRL14XX
                ptrCLICommand = (char*)trackCmdString[idx];
            else if(profileSwitch == 2)
                #ifdef SOC_XWRL64XX
                if(gMmwMssMCB.isDevAOP == 1u)
                    ptrCLICommand = (char*)presenceCmdStringAOP[idx];
                    ptrCLICommand = (char*)presenceCmdString[idx];
                #ifdef SOC_XWRL14XX
                ptrCLICommand = (char*)presenceCmdString[idx];
                #ifdef SOC_XWRL64XX
                if(gMmwMssMCB.isDevAOP == 1u)
                    ptrCLICommand = (char*)radarCmdStringAOP[idx];
                    ptrCLICommand = (char*)radarCmdString[idx];
                #ifdef SOC_XWRL14XX
                ptrCLICommand = (char*)radarCmdString[idx];
            #ifdef SOC_XWRL64XX
                if(gMmwMssMCB.isDevAOP == 1u)
                    ptrCLICommand = (char*)radarCmdStringAOP[idx];
                    ptrCLICommand = (char*)radarCmdString[idx];
                #ifdef SOC_XWRL14XX
                ptrCLICommand = (char*)radarCmdString[idx];
            /* Set the CLI status: */
            cliStatus = -1;
            /* The command has been entered we now tokenize the command message */
            while (1)
                /* Tokenize the arguments: */
                tokenizedArgs[argIndex] = strtok(ptrCLICommand, delimitter);
                if (tokenizedArgs[argIndex] == NULL)
                /* Increment the argument index: */
                if (argIndex >= CLI_MAX_ARGS)
                /* Reset the command string */
                ptrCLICommand = NULL;
            /* Were we able to tokenize the CLI command? */
            if (argIndex == 0 || argIndex == 1)
            /* Cycle through all the registered CLI commands: */
            for (index = 0; index < numCLICommands; index++)
                ptrCLICommandEntry = &ptrCLICfg->tableEntry[index];
                /* Do we have a match? */
                if (strcmp(ptrCLICommandEntry->cmd, tokenizedArgs[0]) == 0)
                    /* YES: Pass this to the CLI registered function */
                    cliStatus = ptrCLICommandEntry->cmdHandlerFxn (argIndex, tokenizedArgs);
                    if (cliStatus != 0)
                        CLI_write ("Error %d\r\n", cliStatus);
            /* Did we get a matching CLI command? */
            if (index == numCLICommands)
                /* NO matching command found. Is the mmWave extension enabled? */
                if (ptrCLICfg->enableMMWaveExtension == 1U)
                    /* Yes: Pass this to the mmWave extension handler */
                    cliStatus = CLI_MMWaveExtensionHandler (argIndex, tokenizedArgs);
                /* Was the CLI command found? */
                if (cliStatus == -1)
                    /* No: The command was still not found */
                    CLI_write ("'%s' is not recognized as a CLI command\r\n", tokenizedArgs[0]);
        return 0;
     *  @b Description
     *  @n
     *      This is the CLI Handler for the version command
     *  @param[in] argc
     *      Number of arguments
     *  @param[in] argv
     *      Arguments
     *  @retval
     *      Success -   0
     *  @retval
     *      Error   -   <0
    static int32_t CLI_MMWaveVersion (int32_t argc, char* argv[])
        int32_t       retVal = 0;
        T_RL_API_DFP_FW_VER_GET_RSP dfpVerapiResData;
        T_RL_API_SENSOR_DIEID_RSP   deviceDieId;
        if(gCLI.cfg.overridePlatform == false)
    #if defined (SOC_XWRL64XX)
            if(gMmwMssMCB.isDevAOP == 1u)
                /* print the platform */
                CLI_write ("Platform                : XWRL6432AOP\r\n");
                #if defined (SOC_64XXWCSP)
                CLI_write ("Platform                : XWRL6432WCSP\r\n");
                CLI_write ("Platform                : XWRL6432\r\n");
            /* print the platform */
            CLI_write ("Platform                : XWRL1432\r\n");
            CLI_write ("Platform                : %s\r\n", gCLI.cfg.overridePlatformString);
        /* Initialize API response Structures. */
        /* Get the version string: */
        retVal = rl_mmWaveDfpVerGet(M_DFP_DEVICE_INDEX_0, &dfpVerapiResData);
        if (retVal < 0)
            CLI_write ("Error: get DFP version [Error %d]\r\n", retVal);
            return -1;
        CLI_write ("RFS Firmware Version    : %02d.%02d.%02d.%02d\r\n",
        CLI_write ("FECSS Lib Version       : %02d.%02d.%02d.%02d\r\n",
        CLI_write ("mmWaveLink Version      : %02d.%02d.%02d.%02d\r\n",
        CLI_write ("RFS Patch Version       : %02d.%02d.%02d.%02d\r\n",
        // /* Get Die ID. */
        // retVal = fe_fecssDieIdGet_rom(M_DFP_DEVICE_INDEX_0, &deviceDieId);
        // if (retVal < 0)
        // {
        //     CLI_write ("Error: get device die info [Error %d]\r\n", retVal);
        //     return -1;
        // }
        // CLI_write ("Die ID Val0 : 0x%X\r\n", deviceDieId.w_DieIdData[0]);
        // CLI_write ("Die ID Val1 : 0x%X\r\n", deviceDieId.w_DieIdData[1]);
        // CLI_write ("Die ID Val2 : 0x%X\r\n", deviceDieId.w_DieIdData[2]);
        // CLI_write ("Die ID Val3 : 0x%X\r\n", deviceDieId.w_DieIdData[3]);
        /* Display the version information on the CLI Console: */
        CLI_write ("mmWave SDK Version      : %02d.%02d.%02d.%02d\r\n",
        /* Version string has been formatted successfully. */
        /* Display the Demo information on the CLI Console: */
        CLI_write ("Presence_Demo\r\n");
        return 0;
    static int32_t CLI_MMWaveExtensionHandler(int32_t argc, char* argv[])
        CLI_CmdTableEntry*  ptrCLICommandEntry;
        int32_t             cliStatus;
        int32_t             retVal = 0;
        /* Get the pointer to the mmWave extension table */
        ptrCLICommandEntry = &gCLIMMWaveExtensionTable[0];
        /* Cycle through all the registered externsion CLI commands: */
        while (ptrCLICommandEntry->cmdHandlerFxn != NULL)
            /* Do we have a match? */
            if (strcmp(ptrCLICommandEntry->cmd, argv[0]) == 0)
                /* YES: Pass this to the CLI registered function */
                cliStatus = ptrCLICommandEntry->cmdHandlerFxn (argc, argv);
                if (cliStatus == 0)
                    /* Successfully executed the CLI command: */
                    CLI_write ("Done\r\n\n");
                    /* Error: The CLI command failed to execute */
                    CLI_write ("Error %d\r\n", cliStatus);
            /* Get the next entry: */
        /* Was this a valid CLI command? */
        if (ptrCLICommandEntry->cmdHandlerFxn == NULL)
            /* NO: The command was not a valid CLI mmWave extension command. Setup
             * the return value correctly. */
            retVal = -1;
        return retVal;
     *  @b Description
     *  @n
     *      This is the CLI Execution Task
     *  @retval
     *      Not Applicable.
    static void CLI_task(void* args)
        uint8_t                 cmdString[READ_LINE_BUFSIZE];
        char*                   tokenizedArgs[CLI_MAX_ARGS];
        char*                   ptrCLICommand;
        char                    delimitter[] = " \r\n";
        uint32_t                argIndex;
        CLI_CmdTableEntry*      ptrCLICommandEntry;
        int32_t                 cliStatus, status;
        uint32_t                index;
        /* Do we have a banner to be displayed? */
        if (gCLI.cfg.cliBanner != NULL)
            /* YES: Display the banner */
            CLI_write (gCLI.cfg.cliBanner);
       hardCodedConfigIndex = 0;
       CLI_write("Wait some time for system to initialize...\n");
       vTaskDelay(pdMS_TO_TICKS(100)); // wait for 100 ms
       CLI_write("Performing hard-coded config\n");
        /* Loop around forever: */
        while (1)
            /* Demo Prompt: */
            CLI_write (gCLI.cfg.cliPrompt);
            /* Reset the command string: */
            memset ((void *)&cmdString[0], 0, sizeof(cmdString));
            //status = CLI_readLine(gCLI.cfg.UartHandle, (char*)&cmdString[0], READ_LINE_BUFSIZE);
            //if(status != SystemP_SUCCESS)
            //    CLI_write("Error reading\n");
            /* Hardcoded configuration section */
                   #ifdef USE_HARD_CODED_CONFIG
                       /* Run hard-coded commands, one at a time until '!!!END_OF_HARD_CODED_COMMANDS' is reached: */
                       if (hardCodedConfigCommands[hardCodedConfigIndex][0] != '!')
                           // CLI_write (hardCodedConfigCommands[hardCodedConfigIndex]);
                           memcpy((void *)&cmdString[0], (void *)hardCodedConfigCommands[hardCodedConfigIndex],
                       /* Accept commands from UART after all hard-coded commands done: */
                           /* Read the command message from the UART: */
                           CLI_readLine(gCLI.cfg.UartHandle, (char*)&cmdString[0], (sizeof(cmdString) - 1));
                       /* Read the command message from the UART: */
                       CLI_readLine(gCLI.cfg.UartHandle, (char*)&cmdString[0], (sizeof(cmdString) - 1));
            /* Reset all the tokenized arguments: */
            memset ((void *)&tokenizedArgs, 0, sizeof(tokenizedArgs));
            argIndex      = 0;
            ptrCLICommand = (char*)&cmdString[0];
            /* comment lines found - ignore the whole line*/
            if (cmdString[0]=='%' || cmdString[1]=='%')
                CLI_write ("Skipped\n");
            /* Set the CLI status: */
            cliStatus = -1;
            /* The command has been entered we now tokenize the command message */
            while (1)
                /* Tokenize the arguments: */
                tokenizedArgs[argIndex] = strtok(ptrCLICommand, delimitter);
                if (tokenizedArgs[argIndex] == NULL)
                /* Increment the argument index: */
                if (argIndex >= CLI_MAX_ARGS)
                /* Reset the command string */
                ptrCLICommand = NULL;
            /* Were we able to tokenize the CLI command? */
            if (argIndex == 0)
            /* Cycle through all the registered CLI commands: */
            for (index = 0; index < gCLI.numCLICommands; index++)
                ptrCLICommandEntry = &gCLI.cfg.tableEntry[index];
                /* Do we have a match? */
                if (strcmp(ptrCLICommandEntry->cmd, tokenizedArgs[0]) == 0)
                    /* YES: Pass this to the CLI registered function */
                    cliStatus = ptrCLICommandEntry->cmdHandlerFxn (argIndex, tokenizedArgs);
                    if (cliStatus == 0)
                        CLI_write ("Done\r\n\n");
                        CLI_write ("Error %d\r\n", cliStatus);
            /* Did we get a matching CLI command? */
            if (index == gCLI.numCLICommands)
                /* NO matching command found. Is the mmWave extension enabled? */
                if (gCLI.cfg.enableMMWaveExtension == 1U)
                    /* Yes: Pass this to the mmWave extension handler */
                    cliStatus = CLI_MMWaveExtensionHandler (argIndex, tokenizedArgs);
                /* Was the CLI command found? */
                if (cliStatus == -1)
                    /* No: The command was still not found */
                    CLI_write ("'%s' is not recognized as a CLI command\r\n", tokenizedArgs[0]);
        /* Never return for this task. */
        SemaphoreP_pend(&gMmwMssMCB.cliInitTaskCompleteSemHandle, SystemP_WAIT_FOREVER);
    #if (CLI_REMOVAL == 0 && QUICK_START == 1)
    extern uint8_t gIsDefCfgUsed;
    void CLI_defaultcfg_task(void* args)
        gIsDefCfgUsed = 1;
        CLI_write("\r\n Starting the Demo with Default Configurations...\r\n");
        CLI_ByPassApi(&gCLI.cfg, 0);
        CLI_write ("Running the demo...\r\n");
        vTaskDelete( NULL );
    static void CLI_MMWaveExtensionHelp(void)
        CLI_CmdTableEntry*  ptrCLICommandEntry;
        /* Get the pointer to the mmWave extension table */
        ptrCLICommandEntry = &gCLIMMWaveExtensionTable[0];
        /* Display the banner: */
        CLI_write ("****************************************************\n");
        CLI_write ("mmWave Extension Help\n");
        CLI_write ("****************************************************\n");
        /* Cycle through all the registered externsion CLI commands: */
        while (ptrCLICommandEntry->cmdHandlerFxn != NULL)
            /* Display the help string*/
            CLI_write ("%s: %s\n",
                       (ptrCLICommandEntry->helpString == NULL) ?
                        "No help available" :
            /* Get the next entry: */
    static int32_t CLI_help (int32_t argc, char* argv[])
        uint32_t    index;
        /* Display the banner: */
        CLI_write ("Help: This will display the usage of the CLI commands\n");
        CLI_write ("Command: Help Description\n");
        /* Cycle through all the registered CLI commands: */
        for (index = 0; index < gCLI.numCLICommands; index++)
            /* Display the help string*/
            CLI_write ("%s: %s\n",
                       (gCLI.cfg.tableEntry[index].helpString == NULL) ?
                        "No help available" :
        /* Is the mmWave Extension enabled? */
        if (gCLI.cfg.enableMMWaveExtension == 1U)
            /* YES: Pass the control to the extension help handler. */
            CLI_MMWaveExtensionHelp ();
        return 0;
    static int32_t CLI_MMWaveSensorStop (int32_t argc, char* argv[])
        /* Sanity Check: Minimum argument check */
        if (argc != 2)
            CLI_write ("Error: Invalid usage of the CLI command\n");
            return -1;
        if(isSensorStarted == 1)
            sensorStop = 1;
        gMmwMssMCB.sceneryParams.numBoundaryBoxes = 0;
        /*Clearing Enable ADC data streaming via SPI field*/
        gMmwMssMCB.spiADCStream = 0;
        /*Setting the GPIO pin to default high state for proper behaviour of this pin*/
        GPIO_pinWriteHigh(gpioBaseAddrLed, pinNumLed);
        return 0;
    #if (ENABLE_MONITORS==1)
     *  @b Description
     *  @n
     *      This is the CLI Handler for the enableRFmons command
     *  @param[in] argc
     *      Number of arguments
     *  @param[in] argv
     *      Arguments
     *  @retval
     *      Success -   0
     *  @retval
     *      Error   -   <0
    static int32_t CLI_MMWaveMonsEnable(int32_t argc, char* argv[])
        if (argc != 2)
            CLI_write ("Error: Invalid usage of the CLI command\n");
            return -1;
        /*Storing 64 Bits of Monitors to be enabled*/
        sscanf(argv[1], "0x%llx", &gMmwMssMCB.rfMonEnbl);
        return 0;
     *  @b Description
     *  @n
     *      This is the CLI Handler for the monPllCtrlVolt command
     *  @param[in] argc
     *      Number of arguments
     *  @param[in] argv
     *      Arguments
     *  @retval
     *      Success -   0
     *  @retval
     *      Error   -   <0
    static int32_t CLI_MMWaveMonPllCtrlVolt(int32_t argc, char* argv[])
        if (argc != 6)
            CLI_write ("Error: Invalid usage of the CLI command\n");
            return -1;
        /*Storing which all PLL Monitors to be enabled*/
        sscanf(argv[1], "0x%hhx", &gMmwMssMCB.monPllVolEnaMask);
        /*Storing Spec Values for APLL CTRL Voltage Min*/
        /*Storing Spec Values for APLL CTRL Voltage Max*/
        /*Storing Spec Values for SYNTH MIN CTRL Voltage*/
        /*Storing Spec Values for SYNTH MIN CTRL Voltage*/
        return 0;
     *  @b Description
     *  @n
     *      This is the CLI Handler for the monTxRxLbCfg command
     *  @param[in] argc
     *      Number of arguments
     *  @param[in] argv
     *      Arguments
     *  @retval
     *      Success -   0
     *  @retval
     *      Error   -   <0
    static int32_t CLI_MMWaveMonTxRxLbCfg(int32_t argc, char* argv[])
        uint8_t lbmonenbl;
        if (argc != 18)
            CLI_write ("Error: Invalid usage of the CLI command\n");
            return -1;
        /*Storing which all Tx Instances to be enabled
        *  1- Enabled   0- Disabled
        *     | Bit Field   | Definition  |
        *     |-------------|-----------  |
        *     | Bit[0]      | Tx 0        |
        *     | Bit[1]      | Tx 1        |
        lbmonenbl = atoi (argv[1]);
        /*Checking if both Tx instances are enabled*/
            /*Storing Enable Status of Tx0 Instance*/
            gMmwMssMCB.ismonTxRxLbCfg[0] = 1;
            /*Storing LoopBack Monitors to be enabled*/
            /*Storing Configuration of Tx0 Instance*/
            /* TXn_RX_LB_MON , TXn_BPM_MON can be triggered in one shot. This parameter is used to enable/ disable each of them.*/
            if((gMmwMssMCB.factoryCalCfg.txBackoffSel/2) <= 12)
                /* Enabling BPM Txn_BPM_MON if backoff is less than 12 dB */
                gMmwMssMCB.monTxRxLbCfg[0].monenbl = 0x07;
                /* Skipping BPM Txn_BPM_MON if backoff is greater than 12 dB */
                gMmwMssMCB.monTxRxLbCfg[0].monenbl = 0x05;
            /*Storing Monitor RX gain and TX bias code selection.*/
            gMmwMssMCB.monTxRxLbCfg[0].txrxCodeSel = 0x05;
            /*Storing Monitor RX channels gain code override setting as (2 + (Backoff/2))*/
            /*Dividing by 4 as txBackoffSel is already multiplied by 2 to get final resolution in 0.5 dB */
            gMmwMssMCB.monTxRxLbCfg[0].rxGainCode= 2+ (gMmwMssMCB.factoryCalCfg.txBackoffSel/4);
            /*Storing Monitor TX channel Bias code override setting.*/
            gMmwMssMCB.monTxRxLbCfg[0].txBiasCode = 0x0000;
            /*Storing Monitor RF start Frequency*/
            gMmwMssMCB.monTxRxLbCfg[0].rfFreqGhz = atof (argv[2]);
            /*Storing Monitor RF Frequency Slope*/
            gMmwMssMCB.monTxRxLbCfg[0].rffreqSlopeMhz = atof (argv[3]);
            /*Storing Enable Status of Tx1 Instance*/
            gMmwMssMCB.ismonTxRxLbCfg[1] = 1;
            /*Storing LoopBack Monitors to be enabled*/
            /*Storing Configuration of Tx1 Instance*/
            /* TXn_RX_LB_MON , TXn_BPM_MON can be triggered in one shot. This parameter is used to enable/ disable each of them.*/
            if((gMmwMssMCB.factoryCalCfg.txBackoffSel/2) <= 12)
                /* Enabling BPM Txn_BPM_MON if backoff is less than 12 dB */
                gMmwMssMCB.monTxRxLbCfg[1].monenbl = 0x07;
                /* Skipping BPM Txn_BPM_MON if backoff is greater than 12 dB */
                gMmwMssMCB.monTxRxLbCfg[1].monenbl = 0x05;
            /*Storing Monitor RX gain and TX bias code selection.*/
            gMmwMssMCB.monTxRxLbCfg[1].txrxCodeSel = 0x05;
             /*Storing Monitor RX channels gain code override setting*/
            /*Dividing by 4 as txBackoffSel is already multiplied by 2 to get final resolution in 0.5 dB */
            gMmwMssMCB.monTxRxLbCfg[1].rxGainCode= 2+ (gMmwMssMCB.factoryCalCfg.txBackoffSel/4);
            /*Storing Monitor TX channel Bias code override setting.*/
            gMmwMssMCB.monTxRxLbCfg[1].txBiasCode = 0x0000;
            /*Storing Monitor RF start Frequency*/
            gMmwMssMCB.monTxRxLbCfg[1].rfFreqGhz = atof (argv[2]);
            /*Storing Monitor RF Frequency Slope*/
            gMmwMssMCB.monTxRxLbCfg[1].rffreqSlopeMhz = atof (argv[3]);
        /*Checking if only one of the Tx instances are enabled*/
        else if ((lbmonenbl== 0x1) || (lbmonenbl== 0x2))
            /*Storing Enable Status of Tx1 Instance*/
            gMmwMssMCB.ismonTxRxLbCfg[lbmonenbl-1] = 1;
            /*Storing LoopBack Monitors to be enabled*/
            /*Storing Configuration of Tx1 Instance*/
            /* TXn_RX_LB_MON , TXn_BPM_MON can be triggered in one shot. This parameter is used to enable/ disable each of them.*/
            if((gMmwMssMCB.factoryCalCfg.txBackoffSel/2) <= 12)
                /* Enabling BPM Txn_BPM_MON if backoff is less than 12 dB */
                gMmwMssMCB.monTxRxLbCfg[lbmonenbl-1].monenbl = 0x07;
                /* Skipping BPM Txn_BPM_MON if backoff is greater than 12 dB */
                gMmwMssMCB.monTxRxLbCfg[lbmonenbl-1].monenbl = 0x05;
            /*Storing Monitor RX gain and TX bias code selection.*/
            gMmwMssMCB.monTxRxLbCfg[lbmonenbl-1].txrxCodeSel = 0x05;
            /*Storing Monitor RX channels gain code override setting*/
            /*Dividing by 4 as txBackoffSel is already multiplied by 2 to get final resolution in 0.5 dB */
            gMmwMssMCB.monTxRxLbCfg[lbmonenbl-1].rxGainCode= 2+ (gMmwMssMCB.factoryCalCfg.txBackoffSel/4);
            /*Storing Monitor TX channel Bias code override setting.*/
            gMmwMssMCB.monTxRxLbCfg[lbmonenbl-1].txBiasCode = 0x0000;
            /*Storing Monitor RF start Frequency*/
            gMmwMssMCB.monTxRxLbCfg[lbmonenbl-1].rfFreqGhz = atof (argv[2]);
            /*Storing Monitor RF Frequency Slope*/
            gMmwMssMCB.monTxRxLbCfg[lbmonenbl-1].rffreqSlopeMhz = atof (argv[3]);
            CLI_write ("Error: Invalid usage of the CLI command\n");
            return -1;
        /*Storing Spec Values for Loopback Monitor*/
        /*Storing Spec Values for Rx gain. Spec Rx gain = Prog Rx gain - 14*/
        gMmwMssMCB.SpecVal.RxGainSpecMin= gMmwMssMCB.factoryCalCfg.rxGain - 14;
        /*Storing Spec Values for Rx gain. Spec Rx gain = Prog Rx gain +14*/
        gMmwMssMCB.SpecVal.RxGainSpecMax= gMmwMssMCB.factoryCalCfg.rxGain + 14;
        /*Storing Spec Values for Loopback Noise*/
        /*Storing Spec Values for Loopback BPM Noise*/
        /*Storing Spec Values for BPM Gain error*/
        /*Storing Spec Values for BPM phase error*/
        /*Storing Spec Values for RX LoopBack Gain Mismatch Variation*/
        /*Storing Spec Values for RX LoopBack Phase Mismatch Variation*/
        /*Storing Spec Values for TX LoopBack Gain Mismatch Variation*/
        /*Storing Spec Values for TX LoopBack Phase Mismatch Variation*/
        return 0;
     *  @b Description
     *  @n
     *      This is the CLI Handler for the monTxnPowCfg command
     *  @param[in] argc
     *      Number of arguments
     *  @param[in] argv
     *      Arguments
     *  @retval
     *      Success -   0
     *  @retval
     *      Error   -   <0
    static int32_t CLI_MMWaveMonTxnPowCfg(int32_t argc, char* argv[])
        uint8_t txinst;
        if (argc != 4)
            CLI_write ("Error: Invalid usage of the CLI command\n");
            return -1;
        /*Storing which all Tx Instances to be enabled*/
        txinst = atoi (argv[1]);
        /*Storing Enable Status of Power monitor*/
        gMmwMssMCB.ismonTxpwrCfg[txinst] = 1;
        /*Storing Monitor TX bias code selection*/
        gMmwMssMCB.monTxpwrCfg[txinst].txBiasSel = 0;
        /*Storing Monitor TX channel Bias code override setting*/
        gMmwMssMCB.monTxpwrCfg[txinst].txBiasCode = 0x0000;
        /*Storing Monitor RF start Frequency*/
        gMmwMssMCB.monTxpwrCfg[txinst].rfFreqGhz = atof (argv[2]);
        /*Storing Monitor RF Frequency Slope*/
        gMmwMssMCB.monTxpwrCfg[txinst].rffreqSlopeMhz = atof (argv[3]);
        /*Making backoff as 0 because frontend firmware will consider backoff used for calibration*/
        gMmwMssMCB.monTxpwrCfg[txinst].txBackoff =0;
        /*Storing Spec Values for Power Monitor*/
        /*Storing Spec Values for Tx Power*/
        if(gMmwMssMCB.factoryCalCfg.txBackoffSel == 0)
        else if(gMmwMssMCB.factoryCalCfg.txBackoffSel > 0)
            /*Dividing txBackoffSel by 2 to get resolution in 1 dB*/
        return 0;
     *  @b Description
     *  @n
     *      This is the CLI Handler for the monTxnBBPowCfg command
     *  @param[in] argc
     *      Number of arguments
     *  @param[in] argv
     *      Arguments
     *  @retval
     *      Success -   0
     *  @retval
     *      Error   -   <0
    static int32_t CLI_MMWaveMonTxnBBPowCfg(int32_t argc, char* argv[])
        uint8_t txinst;
        if (argc != 6)
            CLI_write ("Error: Invalid usage of the CLI command\n");
            return -1;
        /*Storing which all Tx Instances to be enabled*/
        txinst = atoi (argv[1]);
        /*Storing Enable Status of Ball Break monitor*/
        gMmwMssMCB.ismonTxpwrBBCfg[txinst] = 1;
        /*Storing Monitor TX bias code selection*/
        gMmwMssMCB.monTxpwrBBCfg[txinst].txBiasSel = 0;
        /*Storing Monitor TX channel Bias code override setting*/
        gMmwMssMCB.monTxpwrBBCfg[txinst].txBiasCode = 0x0000;
        /*Storing Monitor RF start Frequency*/    
        gMmwMssMCB.monTxpwrBBCfg[txinst].rfFreqGhz = atof (argv[2]);
        /*Storing Monitor RF Frequency Slope*/    
        gMmwMssMCB.monTxpwrBBCfg[txinst].rffreqSlopeMhz = atof (argv[3]);
        /*Making backoff as 0 because frontend firmware will consider backoff used for calibration*/
        gMmwMssMCB.monTxpwrBBCfg[txinst].txBackoff = 0;
        /*Storing Spec Values for Ball Break Monitor*/
        /*Storing Spec Values for absolute Return Loss*/
        /*Storing Spec Values for change in return loss from factory*/
        return 0;
     *  @b Description
     *  @n
     *      This is the CLI Handler for the monTxnDcSigCfg command
     *  @param[in] argc
     *      Number of arguments
     *  @param[in] argv
     *      Arguments
     *  @retval
     *      Success -   0
     *  @retval
     *      Error   -   <0
    static int32_t CLI_MMWaveMonTxnDcSigCfg(int32_t argc, char* argv[])
        uint8_t txinst;
        if (argc != 5)
            CLI_write ("Error: Invalid usage of the CLI command\n");
            return -1;
        /*Storing which all Tx Instances to be enabled*/
        txinst = atoi (argv[1]);
        /*Storing Enable Status of DC Signal monitor*/
        gMmwMssMCB.ismonTxDcSigCfg[txinst] = 1;
        /*Storing Monitor TX bias code selection*/
        gMmwMssMCB.monTxDcSigCfg[txinst].txBiasSel = 0;
        /*Storing Monitor TX channel Bias code override setting*/
        gMmwMssMCB.monTxDcSigCfg[txinst].txBiasCode = 0x0000;
        /*Storing Monitor RF start Frequency*/ 
        gMmwMssMCB.monTxDcSigCfg[txinst].rfFreqGhz = atof (argv[2]);
        /*Storing Monitor RF Frequency Slope*/
        gMmwMssMCB.monTxDcSigCfg[txinst].rffreqSlopeMhz = atof (argv[3]);
        /*Storing Spec Values for DC Signal Monitor*/
        /*Storing Spec Values for status of DC Signal Monitor*/
        return 0;
     *  @b Description
     *  @n
     *      This is the CLI Handler for the monRxHpfDcSigCfg command
     *  @param[in] argc
     *      Number of arguments
     *  @param[in] argv
     *      Arguments
     *  @retval
     *      Success -   0
     *  @retval
     *      Error   -   <0
    static int32_t CLI_MMWaveMonRxHpfDcSigCfg(int32_t argc, char* argv[])
        if (argc != 5)
            CLI_write ("Error: Invalid usage of the CLI command\n");
            return -1;
        /*Storing Monitor RF start Frequency*/ 
        gMmwMssMCB.monRxHpfDcSigCfg.rfFreqGhz = atof (argv[1]);
        /*Storing RX HPF Monitors to be enabled*/
        gMmwMssMCB.monRxHpfDcSigCfg.monenbl = 0x03;
        /*Storing HPF_CUTOFF_MON monitor Chirp HPF corner frequency.*/
        sscanf(argv[2], "0x%hhx", &gMmwMssMCB.monRxHpfDcSigCfg.rxHpfSel);
        /*Storing Spec Values for RX HPF DC Signal Monitor*/
        /*Storing Spec Values for Attenuation*/
        return 0;
     *  @b Description
     *  @n
     *      This is the CLI Handler for the monPmClkDcCfg command
     *  @param[in] argc
     *      Number of arguments
     *  @param[in] argv
     *      Arguments
     *  @retval
     *      Success -   0
     *  @retval
     *      Error   -   <0
    static int32_t CLI_MMWaveMonPmClkDcCfg(int32_t argc, char* argv[])
        if (argc != 3)
            CLI_write ("Error: Invalid usage of the CLI command\n");
            return -1;
        /*Storing Monitor RF start Frequency*/ 
        gMmwMssMCB.monPmClkDcStFreqGhz = atof (argv[1]);
        /*Storing Spec Values for PM CLK DC Monitor*/
        /*Storing Spec Values for status of PM CLK DC Monitor*/
        return 0;
    static int32_t CLI_MMWaveAdcLogging (int32_t argc, char* argv[])
        /* Sanity Check: Minimum argument check */
        if ((argc < 2) || (argc > 6))
            CLI_write ("Error: Invalid usage of the CLI command\n");
            return -1;
        /* Populate configuration: */
        gMmwMssMCB.adcLogging.enable = (uint8_t) atoi (argv[1]);
        gMmwMssMCB.adcLogging.sideBandEnable   = 0U;
        gMmwMssMCB.adcLogging.scramblerMode    = 0U;
        gMmwMssMCB.adcLogging.laneRate         = 0U;
        if(argc == 3)
            gMmwMssMCB.adcLogging.sideBandEnable   = (uint8_t) atoi (argv[2]);
            gMmwMssMCB.adcLogging.swizzlingMode    = 0U;
        else if(argc == 4)
            gMmwMssMCB.adcLogging.sideBandEnable   = (uint8_t) atoi (argv[2]);
            gMmwMssMCB.adcLogging.swizzlingMode    = (uint8_t) atoi (argv[3]);
        else if(argc == 5)
            gMmwMssMCB.adcLogging.sideBandEnable   = (uint8_t) atoi (argv[2]);
            gMmwMssMCB.adcLogging.swizzlingMode    = (uint8_t) atoi (argv[3]);
            gMmwMssMCB.adcLogging.scramblerMode    = (uint8_t) atoi (argv[4]);
        else if(argc == 6)
            gMmwMssMCB.adcLogging.sideBandEnable   = (uint8_t) atoi (argv[2]);
            gMmwMssMCB.adcLogging.swizzlingMode    = (uint8_t) atoi (argv[3]);
            gMmwMssMCB.adcLogging.scramblerMode    = (uint8_t) atoi (argv[4]);
            gMmwMssMCB.adcLogging.laneRate         = (uint8_t) atoi (argv[5]);
            /*  This is the default swizzling mode used if user config not given */
            gMmwMssMCB.adcLogging.swizzlingMode    = 2U;
        if(gMmwMssMCB.adcLogging.enable == 1)
            /* Configure MDIO pins for ADC data Transfer */
            Pinmux_config(gPinMuxMDOCfg, PINMUX_DOMAIN_ID_MAIN);
            /*  Enable MDLL Clock for RDIF interface */
        if(gMmwMssMCB.adcLogging.enable == 2)
            #if (SPI_ADC_DATA_STREAMING==1)
                uint32_t            baseAddr, regionId;
                int32_t             testStatus = SystemP_SUCCESS;
                uint8_t             *srcBuffPtr, *dstBuffPtr;
                EDMACCPaRAMEntry    edmaParam;
                uint32_t            dmaCh, tcc, param, parambackup;
                gMmwMssMCB.spiADCStream = 1;
                if(gMmwMssMCB.spiADCStream == 1)
                    GPIO_pinWriteHigh(gpioBaseAddrLed, pinNumLed);
                if(gMmwMssMCB.spiADCStream == 1)
                    /* PAD config for MCSPI */
                    Pinmux_config(gPinMuxMainDomainCfgSpi, PINMUX_DOMAIN_ID_MAIN);
                    /* Init the MCSPI */
                    /* Allocate memory for buffer */
                    adcDataPerFrame = gMmwMssMCB.frameCfg.h_NumOfChirpsInBurst * gMmwMssMCB.frameCfg.h_NumOfBurstsInFrame * gMmwMssMCB.profileComCfg.h_NumOfAdcSamples * gMmwMssMCB.numRxAntennas * 2;
                    /* Configure EDMA channel for reading the Raw ADC data */
                    baseAddr = EDMA_getBaseAddr(gEdmaHandle[CONFIG_EDMA1]);
                    regionId = EDMA_getRegionId(gEdmaHandle[CONFIG_EDMA1]);
                    dmaCh = 37;
                    testStatus = EDMA_allocDmaChannel(gEdmaHandle[CONFIG_EDMA1], &dmaCh);
                    DebugP_assert(testStatus == SystemP_SUCCESS);
                    tcc = 37;
                    testStatus = EDMA_allocTcc(gEdmaHandle[CONFIG_EDMA1], &tcc);
                    DebugP_assert(testStatus == SystemP_SUCCESS);
                    param = 37;
                    testStatus = EDMA_allocParam(gEdmaHandle[CONFIG_EDMA1], &param);
                    DebugP_assert(testStatus == SystemP_SUCCESS);
                    parambackup = EDMA_RESOURCE_ALLOC_ANY;
                    testStatus = EDMA_allocParam(gEdmaHandle[CONFIG_EDMA1], &parambackup);
                    DebugP_assert(testStatus == SystemP_SUCCESS);
                    srcBuffPtr = (uint8_t *) CSL_APP_HWA_ADCBUF_RD_U_BASE;
                    dstBuffPtr = (uint8_t *) (adcbuffer + 0x22000000U);
                    /* Request channel */
                    EDMAConfigureChannelRegion(baseAddr, regionId, EDMA_CHANNEL_TYPE_DMA,
                    dmaCh, tcc, param, EDMA_TEST_EVT_QUEUE_NO);
                    /* Program Param Set */
                    edmaParam.srcAddr       = (uint32_t) (srcBuffPtr);
                    edmaParam.destAddr      = (uint32_t) (dstBuffPtr);
                    edmaParam.aCnt          = (uint16_t) gMmwMssMCB.profileComCfg.h_NumOfAdcSamples * gMmwMssMCB.numRxAntennas * 2;
                    edmaParam.bCnt          = (uint16_t) gMmwMssMCB.frameCfg.h_NumOfChirpsInBurst * gMmwMssMCB.frameCfg.h_NumOfBurstsInFrame;
                    edmaParam.cCnt          = (uint16_t) 1;
                    edmaParam.bCntReload    = (uint16_t) gMmwMssMCB.frameCfg.h_NumOfChirpsInBurst * gMmwMssMCB.frameCfg.h_NumOfBurstsInFrame;
                    edmaParam.srcBIdx       = (int16_t) 0;
                    edmaParam.destBIdx      = (int16_t) (gMmwMssMCB.profileComCfg.h_NumOfAdcSamples * gMmwMssMCB.numRxAntennas * 2);
                    edmaParam.srcCIdx       = (int16_t) 0;
                    edmaParam.destCIdx      = (int16_t) (-1 * adcDataPerFrame);
                    edmaParam.linkAddr      = (0x4000 + (32 * parambackup));
                    edmaParam.opt          |= ((((uint32_t)tcc) << EDMA_OPT_TCC_SHIFT) & EDMA_OPT_TCC_MASK);
                    EDMASetPaRAM(baseAddr, param, &edmaParam);
                    EDMAEnableTransferRegion(baseAddr, regionId, dmaCh,
                    /* Program Param Set */
                    edmaParam.srcAddr       = (uint32_t) (srcBuffPtr);
                    edmaParam.destAddr      = (uint32_t) (dstBuffPtr);
                    edmaParam.aCnt          = (uint16_t) gMmwMssMCB.profileComCfg.h_NumOfAdcSamples * gMmwMssMCB.numRxAntennas * 2;
                    edmaParam.bCnt          = (uint16_t) gMmwMssMCB.frameCfg.h_NumOfChirpsInBurst * gMmwMssMCB.frameCfg.h_NumOfBurstsInFrame;
                    edmaParam.cCnt          = (uint16_t) 1;
                    edmaParam.bCntReload    = (uint16_t) gMmwMssMCB.frameCfg.h_NumOfChirpsInBurst * gMmwMssMCB.frameCfg.h_NumOfBurstsInFrame;
                    edmaParam.srcBIdx       = (int16_t) 0;
                    edmaParam.destBIdx      = (int16_t) (gMmwMssMCB.profileComCfg.h_NumOfAdcSamples * gMmwMssMCB.numRxAntennas * 2);
                    edmaParam.srcCIdx       = (int16_t) 0;
                    edmaParam.destCIdx      = (int16_t) (-1 * adcDataPerFrame);
                    edmaParam.linkAddr      = (0x4000 + (32 * parambackup));
                    edmaParam.opt          |= ((((uint32_t)tcc) << EDMA_OPT_TCC_SHIFT) & EDMA_OPT_TCC_MASK);
                    EDMASetPaRAM(baseAddr, parambackup, &edmaParam);
                CLI_write ("Error: SPI ADC Streaming is not enabled \r\n");
                return -1;
        return 0;
    static int32_t MmwDemo_CLISensorWarmReset (int32_t argc, char* argv[])
        volatile uint32_t fecPdstatus = 0;
        /* Sanity Check: Minimum argument check */
        if (argc > 2)
            CLI_write ("Error: Invalid usage of the CLI command\n");
            return -1;
        /* Gracefully Shutdown the FrontEnd for Warm Reset */
        /* Halt the FECSS core */
        /* Set to Manual Mode in FEC_PWR_REQ_PARAM register */
        /* Do not retain any FECSS RAM */
        /* Switch OFF the Front end */
            fecPdstatus = ((HW_RD_REG32(CSL_TOP_PRCM_U_BASE+CSL_TOP_PRCM_PSCON_FEC_PD_EN) & 0x200) >> 9);
        }while(fecPdstatus == 0);
        /* Switch ON the Front end for allowing RBL to load the Front End Firmware*/
            fecPdstatus = ((HW_RD_REG32(CSL_TOP_PRCM_U_BASE+CSL_TOP_PRCM_PSCON_FEC_PD_EN) & 0x200) >> 9);
        }while(fecPdstatus == 1);
        /* Enable Clock for FECSS */
        /* Wait for Clock to start */
        /* Issue Warm Reset */
        /* Following AON Registers fields are used by bootloader during Warm reset. Setting Boot Vector to 0 will make boot loader to reload application from flash in a Warm reset scenario */
        uint32_t *pc_reg1 = (uint32_t *)(CSL_TOP_PRCM_U_BASE + CSL_TOP_PRCM_PC_REGISTER1);
        uint32_t *pc_reg2 = (uint32_t *)(CSL_TOP_PRCM_U_BASE + CSL_TOP_PRCM_PC_REGISTER2);
        /*Setting pc parity, data integrity check parity,image length parity, boot vector parity, lbist in boot, perform integrity check to 0*/
        *pc_reg1 = 0x0;
        /*setting boot vector to 0*/
        *pc_reg2 = *pc_reg2 & (uint32_t)PCR2_BOOTVEC_CLR;
        return 0;
     *  @b Description
     *  @n
     *      This is the CLI Handler for ADC data source configuration
     *  @param[in] argc
     *      Number of arguments
     *  @param[in] argv
     *      Arguments
     *  @retval
     *      Success -   0
     *  @retval
     *      Error   -   <0
    static int32_t CLI_MMWaveAdcDataSourceCfg (int32_t argc, char* argv[])
        /* Sanity Check: Minimum argument check */
        if (argc != 3)
            CLI_write ("Error: Invalid usage of the CLI command\n");
            return -1;
        /* Save Configuration to use later */
        gMmwMssMCB.adcDataSourceCfg.source = atoi (argv[1]);
        if (strlen(argv[2]) <= DPC_ADC_FILENAME_MAX_LEN)
            strncpy(gMmwMssMCB.adcDataSourceCfg.fileName, argv[2], DPC_ADC_FILENAME_MAX_LEN);
            CLI_write ("Error: Filename too long\n");
            return -1;
        return 0;
    #include <drivers/uart.h>
    #include "ti_drivers_config.h"
    #include "ti_drivers_open_close.h"
    extern UART_Params gUartParams[1];
    void Drivers_uartInit();
    static int32_t MmwDemo_CLIChangeUartBaudRate (int32_t argc, char* argv[])
        uint32_t baudRate;
        /* Sanity Check: Minimum argument check */
        if (argc != 2)
            CLI_write ("Error: Invalid usage of the CLI command\n");
            return -1;
        baudRate = (uint32_t) atoi (argv[1]);
        gUartParams[0].baudRate = baudRate;
        return 0;
    static int32_t CLI_MMWaveMPDBoundaryBoxConfig (int32_t argc, char* argv[])
    /*For Debugging purposes*/
    #if 0
        if (argc != 7)
            CLI_write ("Error: Invalid usage of the CLI command\r\n");
            return -1;
        return 0;
     *  @b Description
     *  @n
     *      This is the CLI Handler for configurations related to switching 
     *      between high performance tracker and low power presence configs automatically
     *  @param[in] argc
     *      Number of arguments
     *  @param[in] argv
     *      Arguments
     *  @retval
     *      Success -   0
     *  @retval
     *      Error   -   <0
    static int32_t CLI_MMWaveprofileSwitchCfg (int32_t argc, char* argv[])
        if(argc != 4){
            CLI_write("Error: Invalid usage of CLI command\r\n");
            return -1;
        gMmwMssMCB.profileSwitchCfg.switchCfgEnable = (uint8_t)atoi(argv[1]);
        gMmwMssMCB.profileSwitchCfg.frmPretoTrack = (uint8_t)atoi(argv[2]);
        gMmwMssMCB.profileSwitchCfg.frmTracktoPre = (uint8_t)atoi(argv[3]);
        return 0;
     *  @b Description
     *  @n
     *      This is the CLI Handler for micro doppler processing configuration
     *  @param[in] argc
     *      Number of arguments
     *  @param[in] argv
     *      Arguments
     *  @retval
     *      Success -   0
     *  @retval
     *      Error   -   <0
    static int32_t MmwDemo_CLIMicroDopplerParamCfg (int32_t argc, char* argv[])
        DPU_uDopProcCliCfg   cfg;
        int32_t             expectedArgc = 1+9;
        if (argc != expectedArgc)
            CLI_write ("Error: Invalid usage of the CLI command\n");
            return -1;
        /* Initialize configuration: */
        memset ((void *)&cfg, 0, sizeof(cfg));
        /* Populate configuration: */
        //"<enabled> <genApproach> <targetSize> <magnitudeSquared> <circShiftCentroid> <normalizedSpectrum> <interceptThrLowFreq> <interceptThrUpFreq> <specShiftMode>"
        cfg.enabled                 = (uint8_t) atoi (argv[1]);
        cfg.genApproach             = (uint8_t) atoi (argv[2]);
        cfg.targetSize              = (float)   atof (argv[3]);
        cfg.magnitudeSquared        = (uint8_t) atoi (argv[4]);
        cfg.circShiftAroundCentroid = (uint8_t) atoi (argv[5]);
        cfg.normalizedSpectrum      = (uint8_t) atoi (argv[6]);
        cfg.interceptThrLowFreq     = (float)   atof (argv[7]);
        cfg.interceptThrUpFreq      = (float)   atof (argv[8]);
        cfg.specShiftMode           = (uint8_t) atoi (argv[9]);
        /* Save Configuration to use later */
        memcpy(&gMmwMssMCB.microDopplerCliCfg, &cfg, sizeof(cfg));
        return 0;
     *  @b Description
     *  @n
     *      This is the CLI Handler for measurement configuration of range bias
     *      and channel phase offsets
     *  @param[in] argc
     *      Number of arguments
     *  @param[in] argv
     *      Arguments
     *  @retval
     *      Success -   0
     *  @retval
     *      Error   -   <0
    static int32_t MmwDemo_CLIMeasureRangeBiasAndRxChanPhaseCfg (int32_t argc, char* argv[])
        DPC_ObjectDetection_MeasureRxChannelBiasCliCfg   cfg;
        /* Sanity Check: Minimum argument check */
        if (argc != 4)
            CLI_write ("Error: Invalid usage of the CLI command\n");
            return -1;
        /* Initialize configuration: */
        memset ((void *)&cfg, 0, sizeof(cfg));
        /* Populate configuration: */
        cfg.enabled          = (uint8_t) atoi (argv[1]);
        cfg.targetDistance   = (float) atof (argv[2]);
        cfg.searchWinSize   = (float) atof (argv[3]);
        /* Save Configuration to use later */
        memcpy((void *) &gMmwMssMCB.measureRxChannelBiasCliCfg,
               &cfg, sizeof(cfg));
        return 0;
     *  @b Description
     *  @n
     *      This is the CLI Handler for human/nonhuman classifier configuration
     *  @param[in] argc
     *      Number of arguments
     *  @param[in] argv
     *      Arguments
     *  @retval
     *      Success -   0
     *  @retval
     *      Error   -   <0
    static int32_t MmwDemo_CLIClassifierParamCfg (int32_t argc, char* argv[])
        DPU_uDopClassifierCliCfg   cfg;
        int32_t             expectedArgc = 1+3;
        if (argc != expectedArgc)
            CLI_write ("Error: Invalid usage of the CLI command\n");
            return -1;
        /* Initialize configuration: */
        memset ((void *)&cfg, 0, sizeof(cfg));
        /* Populate configuration: */
        //"<enabled> "
        cfg.enabled                 = (uint8_t) atoi (argv[1]);
        cfg.minNumPntsPerTrack      = (uint8_t) atoi (argv[2]);
        cfg.missTotFrmThre          = (uint8_t) atoi (argv[3]);
        /* Save Configuration to use later */
        memcpy(&gMmwMssMCB.microDopplerClassifierCliCfg, &cfg, sizeof(cfg));
        return 0;
    int32_t CLI_readLine(UART_Handle uartHandle, char *lineBuf, uint32_t bufSize)
        int32_t status = SystemP_FAILURE;
            uint32_t done = 0;
            UART_Transaction trans;
            uint8_t  readByte;
            int32_t  transferOK;
            uint32_t numCharRead = 0;
                status = SystemP_SUCCESS;
                /* Read one char */
                trans.buf   = &readByte;
                trans.count = 1;
                transferOK = UART_read(uartHandle, &trans);
                if((SystemP_SUCCESS != (transferOK)) || (UART_TRANSFER_STATUS_SUCCESS != trans.status))
                    status = SystemP_FAILURE;
                if(status == SystemP_SUCCESS)
                    if(numCharRead < bufSize)
                        lineBuf[numCharRead] = readByte;
                    /* Echo the char */
                    trans.buf   = &readByte;
                    trans.count = 1;
                    transferOK = UART_write(uartHandle, &trans);
                    if((SystemP_SUCCESS != (transferOK)) || (UART_TRANSFER_STATUS_SUCCESS != trans.status))
                        status = SystemP_FAILURE;
                if(status == SystemP_SUCCESS)
                    if((readByte == 10) || (readByte == 13))/* "LINE FEED" "New Line" entered, (ASCII: 10, 13) */
                        /* terminate the string, reset numCharRead  */
                        lineBuf[numCharRead-1] = 0;
                        done = 1;
                        /* Echo a new line to terminal (ASCII: 10) */
                        readByte = 10;
                        trans.buf   = &readByte;
                        trans.count = 1;
                        transferOK = UART_write(uartHandle, &trans);
                        if((SystemP_SUCCESS != (transferOK)) || (UART_TRANSFER_STATUS_SUCCESS != trans.status))
                            status = SystemP_FAILURE;
                if(status != SystemP_SUCCESS)
                    done = 1; /* break out in case of error */
        return status;
    /* CLI config handler functions */
    static int32_t CLI_MMWaveChannelCfg (int32_t argc, char* argv[])
        uint32_t i;
        #if (CLI_REMOVAL == 0)
            /* Sanity Check: Minimum argument check */
            if (argc != 4)
                CLI_write ("Error: Invalid usage of the CLI command\n");
                return -1;
            /* Populate the frame configuration: */
            gMmwMssMCB.channelCfg.h_RxChCtrlBitMask  = atoi (argv[1]);
            gMmwMssMCB.channelCfg.h_TxChCtrlBitMask  = atoi (argv[2]);
            gMmwMssMCB.channelCfg.c_MiscCtrl         = atoi (argv[3]);
            gMmwMssMCB.channelCfg.h_RxChCtrlBitMask  = CLI_CHA_CFG_RX_BITMASK;
            gMmwMssMCB.channelCfg.h_TxChCtrlBitMask  = CLI_CHA_CFG_TX_BITMASK;
            gMmwMssMCB.channelCfg.c_MiscCtrl         = CLI_CHA_CFG_MISC_CTRL;
        gMmwMssMCB.numRxAntennas = 0;
        gMmwMssMCB.numTxAntennas = 0;
        for (i=0; i<16; i++)
            if((gMmwMssMCB.channelCfg.h_TxChCtrlBitMask >> i) & 0x1)
            if((gMmwMssMCB.channelCfg.h_RxChCtrlBitMask >> i) & 0x1)
                if (gMmwMssMCB.numRxAntennas < MAX_NUM_RX_ANTENNA)
                    gMmwMssMCB.rxAntOrder[gMmwMssMCB.numRxAntennas] = (uint8_t) i;
                    CLI_write ("Error: Number of selected Rx antennas must be less than or equal to max Rx\n");
                    return -1;
        return 0;
    static int32_t CLI_MMWaveChirpCommonCfg (int32_t argc, char* argv[])
        uint8_t IsValidSampRate = 0;
        uint16_t i = 0;
        #if (CLI_REMOVAL == 0)
            /* Sanity Check: Minimum argument check */
            if (argc != 8)
                CLI_write ("Error: Invalid usage of the CLI command\n");
                return -1;
            /* Populate the Chirp Common configuration: */
            gMmwMssMCB.profileComCfg.c_DigOutputSampRate  = atoi (argv[1]); //Range 8 to 100
            gMmwMssMCB.profileComCfg.c_DigOutputBitsSel   = atoi (argv[2]);
            gMmwMssMCB.profileComCfg.c_DfeFirSel          = atoi (argv[3]);
            gMmwMssMCB.profileComCfg.h_NumOfAdcSamples    = atoi (argv[4]);
            gMmwMssMCB.profileComCfg.c_ChirpTxMimoPatSel  = atoi (argv[5]);
            gMmwMssMCB.profileComCfg.h_ChirpRampEndTime   = 10.0 * atof (argv[6]);
            gMmwMssMCB.profileComCfg.c_ChirpRxHpfSel      = atoi (argv[7]);
            gMmwMssMCB.profileComCfg.c_DigOutputSampRate  = CLI_DIG_OUT_SAMPLING_RATE; //Range 8 to 100
            gMmwMssMCB.profileComCfg.c_DigOutputBitsSel   = CLI_DIG_OUT_BITS_SEL;
            gMmwMssMCB.profileComCfg.c_DfeFirSel          = CLI_DFE_FIR_SEL;
            gMmwMssMCB.profileComCfg.h_NumOfAdcSamples    = CLI_NUM_ADC_SAMPLES;
            gMmwMssMCB.profileComCfg.c_ChirpTxMimoPatSel  = CLI_MIMO_SEL;
            gMmwMssMCB.profileComCfg.h_ChirpRampEndTime   = CLI_CHIRP_RAMP_END_TIME;
            gMmwMssMCB.profileComCfg.c_ChirpRxHpfSel      = CLI_CHIRP_RX_HPF_SEL;
        /* Chirp Common Config: MiscSettings and HPFFastInit Duration */
        gMmwMssMCB.profileComCfg.c_MiscSettings       = 0U;
        gMmwMssMCB.profileComCfg.c_HpfFastInitDuration= 15U; // 15uSec
        gMmwMssMCB.adcSamplingRate = 100.0/gMmwMssMCB.profileComCfg.c_DigOutputSampRate; //Range 1MHz to 12.5MHz
        if ((gMmwMssMCB.profileComCfg.h_NumOfAdcSamples >= 2U) && (gMmwMssMCB.profileComCfg.h_NumOfAdcSamples <= 2048U))
            gMmwMssMCB.numRangeBins = mathUtils_pow2roundup(gMmwMssMCB.profileComCfg.h_NumOfAdcSamples)/2; //Real only sampling
            CLI_write ("Error: Number of adc samples configured is not within the supported range\n");
            return -1;
        /* Check if ADC Sampling Rate is standard*/
            if (gMmwMssMCB.profileComCfg.c_DigOutputSampRate == ValidDigSampRates[i])
                IsValidSampRate = 1U;
        if (IsValidSampRate !=1U)
            CLI_write("Warning: The non-standard ADC Sampling Rates are not validated in TI for spur performance\r\n");
        if ((gMmwMssMCB.profileComCfg.c_ChirpTxMimoPatSel == 1) || (gMmwMssMCB.profileComCfg.c_ChirpTxMimoPatSel == 0))
            /* TDM-MIMO*/
            gMmwMssMCB.isBpmEnabled = 0;
        else if (gMmwMssMCB.profileComCfg.c_ChirpTxMimoPatSel == 4)
            /* BPM-MIMO*/
            gMmwMssMCB.isBpmEnabled = 1;
            CLI_write ("Error: c_ChirpTxMimoPatSel must have value either 1 (TDM-MIMO) or 4 (BPM-MIMO)\n");
            return -1;
        return 0;
    static int32_t CLI_MMWaveChirpTimingCfg (int32_t argc, char* argv[])
        #if (CLI_REMOVAL == 0)
            /* Sanity Check: Minimum argument check */
            if (argc != 6)
                CLI_write ("Error: Invalid usage of the CLI command\n");
                return -1;
            /* Assumes Low res clock and to be updated for fast chirping/clock use cases */
            /* Populate the Chirp Timing configuration: */
            gMmwMssMCB.profileTimeCfg.h_ChirpIdleTime      = 10.0 * atof (argv[1]);
            gMmwMssMCB.profileTimeCfg.h_ChirpAdcStartTime  = (atoi (argv[2])) << 10; //num of skip samples
            /* Front End Firmware expects the ChirpTxStartTime in resolution of 20ns, hence multiply by 50 */
            gMmwMssMCB.profileTimeCfg.xh_ChirpTxStartTime  = 50.0 * (atof (argv[3]));
            gMmwMssMCB.chirpSlope                          = atof (argv[4]); //MHz/us
            gMmwMssMCB.startFreq                           = atof (argv[5]); //GHz
            gMmwMssMCB.profileTimeCfg.h_ChirpIdleTime      = CLI_CHIRP_IDLE_TIME;
            gMmwMssMCB.profileTimeCfg.h_ChirpAdcStartTime  = CLI_CHIRP_ADC_START_TIME;
            gMmwMssMCB.profileTimeCfg.xh_ChirpTxStartTime  = CLI_CHIRP_TX_START_TIME;
            gMmwMssMCB.chirpSlope                          = CLI_CHIRP_SLOPE;
            gMmwMssMCB.startFreq                           = CLI_START_FREQ;
    #ifdef SOC_XWRL64XX
        gMmwMssMCB.profileTimeCfg.xh_ChirpRfFreqSlope  = (gMmwMssMCB.chirpSlope * 1048576.0)/(3* 100 * 100);
        /* Front End Firmware expects Start freq (MHz) as 1 LSB = (3 x APLL_FREQ / 2^16) * 2^6 resolution  */
        gMmwMssMCB.profileTimeCfg.w_ChirpRfFreqStart   = (gMmwMssMCB.startFreq * 1000.0 * 256.0)/(300);
        gMmwMssMCB.profileTimeCfg.xh_ChirpRfFreqSlope  = (gMmwMssMCB.chirpSlope * 1048576.0)/(4* 100 * 100);
        /* Front End Firmware expects Start freq (MHz) as 1 LSB = (4 x APLL_FREQ / 2^16) * 2^6 resolution */
        gMmwMssMCB.profileTimeCfg.w_ChirpRfFreqStart   = (gMmwMssMCB.startFreq * 1000.0 * 256.0)/(400);
        return 0;
    static int32_t CLI_MMWaveFrameCfg (int32_t argc, char* argv[])
        #if (CLI_REMOVAL == 0)
            /* Sanity Check: Minimum argument check */
            if (argc != 7)
                CLI_write ("Error: Invalid usage of the CLI command\n");
                return -1;
            /* Populate the frame configuration: */
            gMmwMssMCB.frameCfg.h_NumOfChirpsInBurst      = atoi (argv[1]);
            gMmwMssMCB.frameCfg.c_NumOfChirpsAccum        = atoi (argv[2]);
            gMmwMssMCB.burstPeriod                        = atof (argv[3]); //us
            gMmwMssMCB.frameCfg.h_NumOfBurstsInFrame      = atoi (argv[4]);
            gMmwMssMCB.frameCfg.w_FramePeriodicity        = ((atof (argv[5])) * gSocClk)/1000; // x crystal_clk_MHz x 1000
            gMmwMssMCB.frameCfg.h_NumOfFrames             = atoi (argv[6]);
            gMmwMssMCB.frameCfg.h_NumOfChirpsInBurst = CLI_NUM_CHIRPS_PER_BURST;
            gMmwMssMCB.frameCfg.c_NumOfChirpsAccum = CLI_NUM_CHIRPS_ACCUM;
            gMmwMssMCB.burstPeriod = CLI_BURST_PERIOD;
            gMmwMssMCB.frameCfg.h_NumOfBurstsInFrame = CLI_NUM_BURSTS_PER_FRAME;
            gMmwMssMCB.frameCfg.w_FramePeriodicity = CLI_FRAME_PERIOD;
            gMmwMssMCB.frameCfg.h_NumOfFrames = CLI_NUM_FRAMES;
        gMmwMssMCB.frameCfg.w_BurstPeriodicity = 10.0 * gMmwMssMCB.burstPeriod;
        return 0;
    static int32_t CLI_MMWaveGuiMonSel (int32_t argc, char* argv[])
        #if (CLI_REMOVAL == 0)
            /* Sanity Check: Minimum argument check */
            if ((argc < 12) || (argc > 13))
                CLI_write ("Error: Invalid usage of the CLI command\n");
                return -1;
            /* Populate configuration: minimum mandatory configs */
            gMmwMssMCB.guiMonSel.pointCloud      = atoi (argv[1]);
            gMmwMssMCB.guiMonSel.rangeProfile          = atoi (argv[2]);
            gMmwMssMCB.guiMonSel.noiseProfile         = atoi (argv[3]);
            gMmwMssMCB.guiMonSel.rangeAzimuthHeatMap  = atoi (argv[4]);
            gMmwMssMCB.guiMonSel.rangeDopplerHeatMap  = atoi (argv[5]);
            gMmwMssMCB.guiMonSel.statsInfo            = atoi (argv[6]);
            gMmwMssMCB.guiMonSel.presenceInfo          = atoi (argv[7]);
            gMmwMssMCB.guiMonSel.adcSamples            = atoi (argv[8]);
            gMmwMssMCB.guiMonSel.trackerInfo           = atoi (argv[9]);
            gMmwMssMCB.guiMonSel.microDopplerInfo      = atoi (argv[10]);
            gMmwMssMCB.guiMonSel.classifierInfo      = atoi (argv[11]);
            /* Populate configuration: additional configs */
            if (argc > 12)
                gMmwMssMCB.guiMonSel.quickEvalInfo      = atoi (argv[12]);
            gMmwMssMCB.guiMonSel.pointCloud           = CLI_GUIMON_POINTCLOUD_EN;
            gMmwMssMCB.guiMonSel.rangeProfile         = CLI_GUIMON_RNGPROFILE_EN;
            gMmwMssMCB.guiMonSel.noiseProfile         = CLI_GUIMON_NOISEPROFILE_EN;
            gMmwMssMCB.guiMonSel.rangeAzimuthHeatMap  = CLI_GUIMON_RNGAZHEATMAP_EN;
            gMmwMssMCB.guiMonSel.rangeDopplerHeatMap  = CLI_GUIMON_RNGDOPPHEATMAP_EN;
            gMmwMssMCB.guiMonSel.statsInfo            = CLI_GUIMON_STATSINFO_EN;
            gMmwMssMCB.guiMonSel.presenceInfo         = CLI_GUIMON_PRESENCEINFO_EN;
            gMmwMssMCB.guiMonSel.adcSamples           = CLI_GUIMON_ADCSAMPLES_EN;
            gMmwMssMCB.guiMonSel.trackerInfo          = CLI_GUIMON_TRACKERINFO_EN;
            gMmwMssMCB.guiMonSel.microDopplerInfo     = CLI_GUIMON_MDINFO_EN;
            gMmwMssMCB.guiMonSel.classifierInfo       = CLI_GUIMON_CLASSIFIERINFO_EN;
            gMmwMssMCB.guiMonSel.quickEvalInfo        = CLI_GUIMON_QUICKEVAL_EN;
        return 0;
    static int32_t CLI_MMWaveSigProcChainCfg (int32_t argc, char* argv[])
        #if (CLI_REMOVAL == 0)
            /* Sanity Check: Minimum argument check */
            if (argc != 9)
                CLI_write ("Error: Invalid usage of the CLI command\n");
                return -1;
            /* Populate configuration: */
            gMmwMssMCB.sigProcChainCfg.azimuthFftSize   = (uint16_t) atoi (argv[1]);
            gMmwMssMCB.sigProcChainCfg.elevationFftSize = (uint16_t) atoi (argv[2]);
            gMmwMssMCB.sigProcChainCfg.motDetMode       = (uint16_t) atoi (argv[3]);
            gMmwMssMCB.sigProcChainCfg.coherentDoppler  = (uint16_t) atoi (argv[4]);
            gMmwMssMCB.sigProcChainCfg.numFrmPerMinorMotProc = (uint16_t) atoi (argv[5]);
            gMmwMssMCB.sigProcChainCfg.numMinorMotionChirpsPerFrame    = (uint16_t) atoi (argv[6]);
            gMmwMssMCB.sigProcChainCfg.forceMinorMotionVelocityToZero    = (uint16_t) atoi (argv[7]);
            gMmwMssMCB.sigProcChainCfg.minorMotionVelocityInclusionThr    = (float) atof (argv[8]);
            gMmwMssMCB.sigProcChainCfg.azimuthFftSize                  = CLI_SIGPROC_AZ_FFT_SIZE;
            gMmwMssMCB.sigProcChainCfg.elevationFftSize                = CLI_SIGPROC_EL_FFT_SIZE;
            gMmwMssMCB.sigProcChainCfg.motDetMode                      = CLI_SIGPROC_MOTDETMODE;
            gMmwMssMCB.sigProcChainCfg.coherentDoppler                 = CLI_SIGPROC_COHERENT_DOPP;
            gMmwMssMCB.sigProcChainCfg.numFrmPerMinorMotProc           = CLI_SIGPROC_NUM_FRAMES_MINORMOT;
            gMmwMssMCB.sigProcChainCfg.numMinorMotionChirpsPerFrame    = CLI_SIGPROC_NUM_CHIRPS_MINORMOT;
            gMmwMssMCB.sigProcChainCfg.forceMinorMotionVelocityToZero  = CLI_SIGPROC_MM_ZERO_VELOCITY;
            gMmwMssMCB.sigProcChainCfg.minorMotionVelocityInclusionThr = CLI_SIGPROC_MM_VELOCITY_THRESH;
        if (gMmwMssMCB.sigProcChainCfg.motDetMode == 1)
            gMmwMssMCB.enableMajorMotion = 1;
            gMmwMssMCB.enableMinorMotion = 0;
        else if (gMmwMssMCB.sigProcChainCfg.motDetMode == 2)
            gMmwMssMCB.enableMajorMotion = 0;
            gMmwMssMCB.enableMinorMotion = 1;
        else if (gMmwMssMCB.sigProcChainCfg.motDetMode == 3)
            gMmwMssMCB.enableMajorMotion = 1;
            gMmwMssMCB.enableMinorMotion = 1;
            CLI_write ("Error: Motion Detection mode not valid\n");
            return -1;
        return 0;
    static int32_t CLI_MMWaveCfarCfg (int32_t argc, char* argv[])
        #if (CLI_REMOVAL == 0)
            /* Sanity Check: Minimum argument check */
            if (argc != 13)
                CLI_write ("Error: Invalid usage of the CLI command\n");
                return -1;
            /* Populate configuration: */
            gMmwMssMCB.cfarCfg.averageMode       = (uint8_t) atoi (argv[1]);
            gMmwMssMCB.cfarCfg.winLen            = (uint8_t) atoi (argv[2]);
            gMmwMssMCB.cfarCfg.guardLen          = (uint8_t) atoi (argv[3]);
            gMmwMssMCB.cfarCfg.noiseDivShift     = (uint8_t) atoi (argv[4]);
            gMmwMssMCB.cfarCfg.cyclicMode        = (uint8_t) atoi (argv[5]);
            gMmwMssMCB.cfarCfg.threshold_dB      = (float) atof (argv[6]);
            gMmwMssMCB.cfarCfg.peakGroupingEn    = (uint8_t) atoi (argv[7]);
            gMmwMssMCB.cfarCfg.sideLobeThresholdScaleQ8 = (int16_t) (atof (argv[8]) * DPU_CFARPROCHWA_ONE_Q8);
            gMmwMssMCB.cfarCfg.enableLocalMaxRange      = (uint8_t) atoi (argv[9]);
            gMmwMssMCB.cfarCfg.enableLocalMaxAzimuth    = (uint8_t) atoi (argv[10]);
            gMmwMssMCB.cfarCfg.enableInterpRangeDom     = (uint8_t) atoi (argv[11]);
            gMmwMssMCB.cfarCfg.enableInterpAzimuthDom   = (uint8_t) atoi (argv[12]);
            gMmwMssMCB.cfarCfg.averageMode       = (uint8_t) CLI_CFARCFG_AVGMODE;
            gMmwMssMCB.cfarCfg.winLen            = (uint8_t) CLI_CFARCFG_WINLEN;
            gMmwMssMCB.cfarCfg.guardLen          = (uint8_t) CLI_CFARCFG_GUARDLEN;
            gMmwMssMCB.cfarCfg.noiseDivShift     = (uint8_t) CLI_CFARCFG_NOISEDIVSHIFT;
            gMmwMssMCB.cfarCfg.cyclicMode        = (uint8_t) CLI_CFARCFG_CYCLICMODE;
            gMmwMssMCB.cfarCfg.threshold_dB      = (float) CLI_CFARCFG_THRESHOLD;
            gMmwMssMCB.cfarCfg.peakGroupingEn    = (uint8_t) CLI_CFARCFG_PEAKGROUP_EN;
            gMmwMssMCB.cfarCfg.sideLobeThresholdScaleQ8 = (int16_t) CLI_CFARCFG_SIDELOBE_THRESH;
            gMmwMssMCB.cfarCfg.enableLocalMaxRange      = (uint8_t) CLI_CFARCFG_LOCMAX_RNG_EN;
            gMmwMssMCB.cfarCfg.enableLocalMaxAzimuth    = (uint8_t) CLI_CFARCFG_LOCMAX_AZI_EN;
            gMmwMssMCB.cfarCfg.enableInterpRangeDom     = (uint8_t) CLI_CFARCFG_INTERP_RNG_EN;
            gMmwMssMCB.cfarCfg.enableInterpAzimuthDom   = (uint8_t) CLI_CFARCFG_INTERP_AZI_EN;
        if (gMmwMssMCB.cfarCfg.threshold_dB > 100.0)
            CLI_write("Error: Maximum value for CFAR thresholdScale is 100.0 dB.\n");
            return -1;
        return 0;
    static int32_t CLI_MMWaveAoaCfg (int32_t argc, char* argv[])
        #if (CLI_REMOVAL == 0)
            /* Sanity Check: Minimum argument check */
            if (argc != 5)
                CLI_write ("Error: Invalid usage of the CLI command\n");
                return -1;
            /* Populate configuration: */
            gMmwMssMCB.fovCfg.minAzimuthDeg      = (float) atoi (argv[1]);
            gMmwMssMCB.fovCfg.maxAzimuthDeg      = (float) atoi (argv[2]);
            gMmwMssMCB.fovCfg.minElevationDeg    = (float) atoi (argv[3]);
            gMmwMssMCB.fovCfg.maxElevationDeg    = (float) atoi (argv[4]);
            gMmwMssMCB.fovCfg.minAzimuthDeg      = CLI_AOACFG_MIN_AZ;
            gMmwMssMCB.fovCfg.maxAzimuthDeg      = CLI_AOACFG_MAX_AZ;
            gMmwMssMCB.fovCfg.minElevationDeg    = CLI_AOACFG_MIN_EL;
            gMmwMssMCB.fovCfg.maxElevationDeg    = CLI_AOACFG_MAX_EL;
        return 0;
    static int32_t CLI_MMWaveRangeSelCfg (int32_t argc, char* argv[])
        #if (CLI_REMOVAL == 0)
            /* Sanity Check: Minimum argument check */
            if (argc != 3)
                CLI_write ("Error: Invalid usage of the CLI command\n");
                return -1;
            /* Populate configuration: */
            gMmwMssMCB.rangeSelCfg.min               = (float) atof (argv[1]);
            gMmwMssMCB.rangeSelCfg.max               = (float) atof (argv[2]);
            gMmwMssMCB.rangeSelCfg.min = CLI_RANGE_SEL_MIN;
            gMmwMssMCB.rangeSelCfg.max = CLI_RANGE_SEL_MAX;
        return 0;
    static int32_t CLI_MMWaveClutterRemoval (int32_t argc, char* argv[])
        #if (CLI_REMOVAL == 0)
            /* Sanity Check: Minimum argument check */
            if (argc != 2)
                CLI_write ("Error: Invalid usage of the CLI command\n");
                return -1;
            /* Populate configuration: */
            gMmwMssMCB.staticClutterRemovalEnable          = (uint32_t) atoi (argv[1]);
            gMmwMssMCB.staticClutterRemovalEnable          = CLI_STATIC_CLUTTER_REM_EN;
        return 0;
    static int32_t CLI_MMWaveCompRangeBiasAndRxChanPhaseCfg (int32_t argc, char* argv[])
        int32_t Re, Im;
        int32_t i;
        #if (CLI_REMOVAL == 0)
            DPU_DoaProc_compRxChannelBiasCfg   cfg;
            int32_t argInd;
            /* Sanity Check: Minimum argument check */
                CLI_write ("Error: Invalid usage of the CLI command\n");
                return -1;
            /* Initialize configuration: */
            memset ((void *)&cfg, 0, sizeof(cfg));
            /* Populate configuration: */
            cfg.rangeBias          = (float) atof (argv[1]);
            argInd = 2;
                Re = (int32_t) (atof (argv[argInd++]) * 1048576.);
                cfg.rxChPhaseComp[i].real = (int32_t) Re;
                Im = (int32_t) (atof (argv[argInd++]) * 1048576.);
                cfg.rxChPhaseComp[i].imag = (int32_t) Im;
            /* Save Configuration to use later */
            memcpy((void *) &gMmwMssMCB.compRxChannelBiasCfg, &cfg, sizeof(cfg));
            float ph;
            /* Range bias and Rx phase compensation */
            gMmwMssMCB.compRxChannelBiasCfg.rangeBias          = (float) CLI_COMP_RANGE_BIAS;
            ph = 1.0;
                Re = (int32_t) (ph * 1048576.);
                gMmwMssMCB.compRxChannelBiasCfg.rxChPhaseComp[i].real = (int32_t) Re;
                if(gMmwMssMCB.isDevAOP != 1u)
                    ph = ph * -1.0;
                Im = (int32_t) (0.0 * 1048576.);
                gMmwMssMCB.compRxChannelBiasCfg.rxChPhaseComp[i].imag = (int32_t) Im;
        return 0;
    static int32_t CLI_MMWaveSensorPositionCfg (int32_t argc, char* argv[])
        #if (CLI_REMOVAL == 0)
            /* Sanity Check: Minimum argument check */
            if (argc != 6)
                CLI_write ("Error: Invalid usage of the CLI command\n");
                return -1;
            gMmwMssMCB.sceneryParams.sensorPosition.x           = (float) atof (argv[1]);
            gMmwMssMCB.sceneryParams.sensorPosition.y           = (float) atof (argv[2]);
            gMmwMssMCB.sceneryParams.sensorPosition.z           = (float) atof (argv[3]);
            gMmwMssMCB.sceneryParams.sensorOrientation.azimTilt      = (float) atof (argv[4]);
            gMmwMssMCB.sceneryParams.sensorOrientation.elevTilt    = (float) atof (argv[5]);
        #if (MPD_ENABLE == 1)
            gMmwMssMCB.sceneryParams.sensorPosition.x           = (float) CLI_SENSOR_POS_X;
            gMmwMssMCB.sceneryParams.sensorPosition.y           = (float) CLI_SENSOR_POS_Y;
            gMmwMssMCB.sceneryParams.sensorPosition.z           = (float) CLI_SENSOR_POS_Z;
            gMmwMssMCB.sceneryParams.sensorOrientation.azimTilt      = (float) CLI_SENSOR_POS_AZI;
            gMmwMssMCB.sceneryParams.sensorOrientation.elevTilt    = (float) CLI_SENSOR_POS_ELE;
        return 0;
    static int32_t CLI_MMWaveMpdBoundaryBox (int32_t argc, char* argv[])
        uint8_t i = 0;
        /* Sanity Check: Minimum argument check */
        if (argc != 8)
            CLI_write ("Error: Invalid usage of the CLI command\n");
            return -1;
        /* Populate configuration: */
        i = gMmwMssMCB.sceneryParams.numBoundaryBoxes - 1;
        gMmwMssMCB.sceneryParams.boundaryBox[i].x1 = (float) atof (argv[2]);
        gMmwMssMCB.sceneryParams.boundaryBox[i].x2 = (float) atof (argv[3]);
        gMmwMssMCB.sceneryParams.boundaryBox[i].y1 = (float) atof (argv[4]);
        gMmwMssMCB.sceneryParams.boundaryBox[i].y2 = (float) atof (argv[5]);
        gMmwMssMCB.sceneryParams.boundaryBox[i].z1 = (float) atof (argv[6]);
        gMmwMssMCB.sceneryParams.boundaryBox[i].z2 = (float) atof (argv[7]);
        return 0;
    static int32_t CLI_MMWaveClusterParamCfg (int32_t argc, char* argv[])
        #if (CLI_REMOVAL == 0)
            /* Sanity Check: Minimum argument check */
            if (argc != 4)
                CLI_write ("Error: Invalid usage of the CLI command\n");
                return -1;
            gMmwMssMCB.clusterParamCfg.enabled = atoi (argv[1]);
            gMmwMssMCB.clusterParamCfg.maxDistance = atof (argv[2]);
            gMmwMssMCB.clusterParamCfg.minPoints = atoi (argv[3]);
        #if (MPD_ENABLE == 1)
            gMmwMssMCB.clusterParamCfg.enabled = CLI_CLUSTER_ENABLE;
            gMmwMssMCB.clusterParamCfg.maxDistance = CLI_CLUSTER_RADIUS;
            gMmwMssMCB.clusterParamCfg.minPoints = CLI_CLUSTER_MIN_POINTS;
        return 0;
    static int32_t CLI_MMWaveMajorMotionStateCfg (int32_t argc, char* argv[])
        #if (CLI_REMOVAL == 0)
            /* Sanity Check: Minimum argument check */
            if (argc != 9)
                CLI_write ("Error: Invalid usage of the CLI command\n");
                return -1;
            gMmwMssMCB.majorStateParamCfg.pointThre1 = atoi (argv[1]);
            gMmwMssMCB.majorStateParamCfg.pointThre2 = atoi (argv[2]);
            gMmwMssMCB.majorStateParamCfg.snrThre2 = atof (argv[3]);
            gMmwMssMCB.majorStateParamCfg.pointHistThre1 = atoi (argv[4]);
            gMmwMssMCB.majorStateParamCfg.pointHistThre2 = atoi (argv[5]);
            gMmwMssMCB.majorStateParamCfg.snrHistThre2 = atof (argv[6]);
            gMmwMssMCB.majorStateParamCfg.histBufferSize = atoi (argv[7]);
            gMmwMssMCB.majorStateParamCfg.stateExitThre = atoi (argv[8]);
            gMmwMssMCB.majorStateParamCfg.pointThre1 = CLI_MAJOR_STATE_POINT_THRE1;
            gMmwMssMCB.majorStateParamCfg.pointThre2 = CLI_MAJOR_STATE_POINT_THRE2;
            gMmwMssMCB.majorStateParamCfg.snrThre2 = CLI_MAJOR_STATE_SNR_THRE2;
            gMmwMssMCB.majorStateParamCfg.pointHistThre1 = CLI_MAJOR_STATE_POINTHIST_THRE1;
            gMmwMssMCB.majorStateParamCfg.pointHistThre2 = CLI_MAJOR_STATE_POINTHIST_THRE2;
            gMmwMssMCB.majorStateParamCfg.snrHistThre2 = CLI_MAJOR_STATE_SNRHIST_THRE2;
            gMmwMssMCB.majorStateParamCfg.histBufferSize = CLI_MAJOR_STATE_HISTBUFF_SIZE;
            gMmwMssMCB.majorStateParamCfg.stateExitThre = CLI_MAJOR_STATE_EXIT_THRE;
        gMmwMssMCB.isMotionPresenceDpuEnabled = 1;
        return 0;
    static int32_t CLI_MMWaveMinorMotionStateCfg (int32_t argc, char* argv[])
        #if (CLI_REMOVAL == 0)
            /* Sanity Check: Minimum argument check */
            if (argc != 9)
                CLI_write ("Error: Invalid usage of the CLI command\n");
                return -1;
            gMmwMssMCB.minorStateParamCfg.pointThre1 = atoi (argv[1]);
            gMmwMssMCB.minorStateParamCfg.pointThre2 = atoi (argv[2]);
            gMmwMssMCB.minorStateParamCfg.snrThre2 = atof (argv[3]);
            gMmwMssMCB.minorStateParamCfg.pointHistThre1 = atoi (argv[4]);
            gMmwMssMCB.minorStateParamCfg.pointHistThre2 = atoi (argv[5]);
            gMmwMssMCB.minorStateParamCfg.snrHistThre2 = atof (argv[6]);
            gMmwMssMCB.minorStateParamCfg.histBufferSize = atoi (argv[7]);
            gMmwMssMCB.minorStateParamCfg.stateExitThre = atoi (argv[8]);
            gMmwMssMCB.minorStateParamCfg.pointThre1 = CLI_MINOR_STATE_POINT_THRE1;
            gMmwMssMCB.minorStateParamCfg.pointThre2 = CLI_MINOR_STATE_POINT_THRE2;
            gMmwMssMCB.minorStateParamCfg.snrThre2 = CLI_MINOR_STATE_SNR_THRE2;
            gMmwMssMCB.minorStateParamCfg.pointHistThre1 = CLI_MINOR_STATE_POINTHIST_THRE1;
            gMmwMssMCB.minorStateParamCfg.pointHistThre2 = CLI_MINOR_STATE_POINTHIST_THRE2;
            gMmwMssMCB.minorStateParamCfg.snrHistThre2 = CLI_MINOR_STATE_SNRHIST_THRE2;
            gMmwMssMCB.minorStateParamCfg.histBufferSize = CLI_MINOR_STATE_HISTBUFF_SIZE;
            gMmwMssMCB.minorStateParamCfg.stateExitThre = CLI_MINOR_STATE_EXIT_THRE;
        gMmwMssMCB.isMotionPresenceDpuEnabled = 1;
        return 0;
    int32_t CLI_MMWaveSensorStart (int32_t argc, char* argv[])
        int32_t retVal = SystemP_SUCCESS;
        #if (CLI_REMOVAL == 0)
            /* Sanity Check: Minimum argument check */
            if (argc != 5)
                CLI_write ("Error: Invalid usage of the CLI command\n");
                return -1;
            /* Populate the SensorStop configuration: */
            gMmwMssMCB.sensorStart.frameTrigMode      = atoi (argv[1]);
            gMmwMssMCB.sensorStart.chirpStartSigLbEn  = atoi (argv[2]);
            gMmwMssMCB.sensorStart.frameLivMonEn      = atoi (argv[3]);
            gMmwMssMCB.sensorStart.frameTrigTimerVal  = atoi (argv[4]);
            /* Populate the SensorStart configuration: */
            gMmwMssMCB.sensorStart.frameTrigMode      = CLI_SENSOR_START_FRM_TRIG;
            gMmwMssMCB.sensorStart.chirpStartSigLbEn  = CLI_SENSOR_START_LB_EN;
            gMmwMssMCB.sensorStart.frameLivMonEn      = CLI_SENSOR_START_MON_EN;
            gMmwMssMCB.sensorStart.frameTrigTimerVal  = CLI_SENSOR_START_TRIG_TIMER;
        if((gMmwMssMCB.adcLogging.enable == 1) && ((gMmwMssMCB.profileComCfg.h_NumOfAdcSamples % 4) !=0))
            CLI_write ("Error: When RDIF is enabled number of adc samples must be a multiple of 4\r\n");
            retVal = SystemP_FAILURE;
        /* Calculate CRD NSLOPE Magnitude */
            float scale, rfBandwidth, rampDownTime;
    #ifdef SOC_XWRL64XX
            scale = 65536./(3*100*100);
            scale = 65536./(4*100*100);
            rfBandwidth = (gMmwMssMCB.profileComCfg.h_ChirpRampEndTime*0.1) * gMmwMssMCB.chirpSlope; //In MHz/usec
            rampDownTime = MIN((gMmwMssMCB.profileTimeCfg.h_ChirpIdleTime*0.1-1.0), 6.0); //In usec
            gMmwMssMCB.profileComCfg.h_CrdNSlopeMag = (uint16_t) fabs((scale * rfBandwidth / rampDownTime + 0.5));
        /* Chirp Timing Configuration */
            gMmwMssMCB.profileTimeCfg.h_ChirpTxEnSel       = gMmwMssMCB.channelCfg.h_TxChCtrlBitMask;
            gMmwMssMCB.profileTimeCfg.h_ChirpTxBpmEnSel    = 0U;
        /* Check for Rx Saturation on 6432 AOP devices */
        #if defined (SOC_XWRL64XX)
        if(gMmwMssMCB.isDevAOP == 1u)
            float rxSatFactor = (gMmwMssMCB.factoryCalCfg.rxGain - (gMmwMssMCB.factoryCalCfg.txBackoffSel/2) - (6 * gMmwMssMCB.profileComCfg.c_ChirpRxHpfSel) + 
                                (20 * log10((gMmwMssMCB.chirpSlope/100))));
            /* The case of c_ChirpTxMimoPatSel = 0 is grouped with 1 as h_ChirpTxBpmEnSel is hardcoded to 0 in this demo implementation */
            if(gMmwMssMCB.profileComCfg.c_ChirpTxMimoPatSel == 4)
                CLI_write ("Warning! BPM is not supported on this device\r\n");
            else if(gMmwMssMCB.startFreq<61)
                if((gMmwMssMCB.profileComCfg.c_ChirpTxMimoPatSel <= 1) && (rxSatFactor > 23.5)) 
                        CLI_write ("Warning! Be cautious about ADC saturation when using this config on this device\r\n");
                if((gMmwMssMCB.profileComCfg.c_ChirpTxMimoPatSel <= 1) && (rxSatFactor > 30.5)) 
                        CLI_write ("Warning! Be cautious about ADC saturation when using this config on this device\r\n");
        /* FEC Power Config */
            /* RDIF clock enable control.*/
            gMmwMssMCB.channelCfg.c_MiscCtrl = 1U << M_RL_RF_MISC_CTRL_RDIF_CLK;
        /* FECSS RF Power ON*/
        retVal = rl_fecssRfPwrOnOff(M_DFP_DEVICE_INDEX_0, &gMmwMssMCB.channelCfg);
        if(retVal != M_DFP_RET_CODE_OK)
            CLI_write ("Error: FECSS RF Power ON/OFF failed\r\n");
            retVal = SystemP_FAILURE;
            MmwDemo_debugAssert (0);
        /*Configure Live Monitors*/
        if(gMmwMssMCB.sensorStart.frameLivMonEn !=0)
        /* Perform factory Calibrations. */
        retVal = mmwDemo_factoryCal();
        if(retVal != SystemP_SUCCESS)
            CLI_write ("Error: mmWave factory calibration failed\r\n");
            retVal = SystemP_FAILURE;
        isSensorStarted = 1;
        #if (CLI_REMOVAL == 0 && DYNAMIC_RECONFIG == 1)
                gUserCfgPresenceTrack = 1;
                gUserCfgPresenceTrack = 0;
        return retVal;
    static int32_t CLI_MMWaveFactoryCalConfig (int32_t argc, char* argv[])
        #if (CLI_REMOVAL == 0)
            if (argc != 6)
                CLI_write ("Error: Invalid usage of the CLI command\r\n");
                return -1;
            /* Populate configuration: */
            gMmwMssMCB.factoryCalCfg.saveEnable = (uint32_t) atoi(argv[1]);
            gMmwMssMCB.factoryCalCfg.restoreEnable = (uint32_t) atoi(argv[2]);
            gMmwMssMCB.factoryCalCfg.rxGain = (uint32_t) atoi(argv[3]);
            /* Front End Firmware expects in 0.5 dB resolution, hence multiplying by 2 */
            gMmwMssMCB.factoryCalCfg.txBackoffSel = (uint32_t)(2 * atoi(argv[4]));
            sscanf(argv[5], "0x%x", &gMmwMssMCB.factoryCalCfg.flashOffset);
            gMmwMssMCB.factoryCalCfg.saveEnable = CLI_FACCALCFG_SAVE_EN;
            gMmwMssMCB.factoryCalCfg.restoreEnable = CLI_FACCALCFG_RES_EN;
            gMmwMssMCB.factoryCalCfg.rxGain = CLI_FACCALCFG_RX_GAIN;
            gMmwMssMCB.factoryCalCfg.txBackoffSel = CLI_FACCALCFG_TX_BACKOFF_SEL;
            gMmwMssMCB.factoryCalCfg.flashOffset = CLI_FACCALCFG_FLASH_OFFSET;
        /* Validate inputs */
        /* <Save> and <re-store> shouldn't be enabled in CLI*/
        if ((gMmwMssMCB.factoryCalCfg.saveEnable == 1) && (gMmwMssMCB.factoryCalCfg.restoreEnable == 1))
            CLI_write ("Error: Save and Restore can be enabled only one at a time\r\n");
            return -1;
        /* Validate inputs */
        /* RxGain should be between 30db to 40db */
        if ( (gMmwMssMCB.factoryCalCfg.rxGain > 40U) || (gMmwMssMCB.factoryCalCfg.rxGain < 30U))
            CLI_write ("Error: Valid RxGain should be between 30db to 40db\r\n");
            return -1;
        /* txBackoffSel should be between 0db to 26db */
        if ((uint32_t) (gMmwMssMCB.factoryCalCfg.txBackoffSel/2) > 26U)
            CLI_write ("Error: Valid txBackoffSel should be between 0db to 26db\r\n");
            return -1;
        /* This check if to avoid accedently courrupt OOB Demo image. */
        if(gMmwMssMCB.factoryCalCfg.flashOffset < MMWDEMO_CALIB_FLASH_ADDR_1MB)
            CLI_write ("Error: Valid flashOffset should be greater than 0x100000\r\n");
        return 0;
    static int32_t CLI_MMWaveLowPwrModeEnable(int32_t argc, char* argv[])
        #if (CLI_REMOVAL == 0)
            if (argc != 2)
                CLI_write ("Error: Invalid usage of the CLI command\n");
                return -1;
            gMmwMssMCB.lowPowerMode = atoi (argv[1]);
            gMmwMssMCB.lowPowerMode = CLI_LOW_POWER_MODE;
        return 0;
     *  @b Description
     *  @n
     *      This is the CLI Handler for antenna geometry configuration
     *      Arguments are row/column coordinates of the virtual antennas in 
     *      units of lambda/2. The arguments are 
     *      <virtAnt0_row> <virtAnt0_col> <virtAnt1_row> <virtAnt1_col> ... <virtAnt5_row> <virtAnt5_col> <antennaDistanceXdim> <antennaDistanceZdim>
     *      where 
     *           virtAnt0 corresponds to tx0-rx0,
     *           virtAnt1 corresponds to tx0-rx1,
     *           virtAnt2 corresponds to tx0-rx2,
     *           virtAnt3 corresponds to tx1-rx0,
     *           virtAnt4 corresponds to tx1-rx1,
     *           virtAnt5 corresponds to tx1-rx2
     *      The last two parameters are optional and represent antenna spacing (mm)
     *         <antennaDistanceXdim> antenna spacing in X dimension
     *         <antennaDistanceZdim> antenna spacing in Z dimension
     *      If these two arguments are not specified, it is assumed that lambda/d=2 where d is distance beetween antennas.
     *  @param[in] argc
     *      Number of arguments
     *  @param[in] argv
     *      Arguments
     *  @retval
     *      Success -   0
     *  @retval
     *      Error   -   <0
    static int32_t CLI_MmwDemo_AntGeometryCfg (int32_t argc, char* argv[])
        #if (CLI_REMOVAL == 0)
            MmwDemo_antennaGeometryCfg   cfg;
            int32_t argInd;
            int32_t i;
            /* Sanity Check: Minimum argument check */
            if ((argc < (1 + SYS_COMMON_NUM_TX_ANTENNAS*SYS_COMMON_NUM_RX_CHANNEL*2)) ||
                (argc > (1 + SYS_COMMON_NUM_TX_ANTENNAS*SYS_COMMON_NUM_RX_CHANNEL*2 + 2)))
                CLI_write ("Error: Invalid usage of the CLI command\n");
                return -1;
            /* Initialize configuration: */
            memset ((void *)&cfg, 0, sizeof(cfg));
            argInd = 1;
                cfg.ant[i].row  = (int8_t) atoi(argv[argInd++]);
                cfg.ant[i].col  = (int8_t) atoi(argv[argInd++]);
            /* Check if antenna spacings in X-dimesnsion is present  */
                cfg.antDistanceXdim = atof(argv[1 + SYS_COMMON_NUM_TX_ANTENNAS*SYS_COMMON_NUM_RX_CHANNEL*2 + 0]) * 1e-3; //Saved in meters
            /* Check if antenna spacings in Z-dimension is present  */
            if (argc > (1 + SYS_COMMON_NUM_TX_ANTENNAS*SYS_COMMON_NUM_RX_CHANNEL*2 + 1))
                cfg.antDistanceZdim = atof(argv[1 + SYS_COMMON_NUM_TX_ANTENNAS*SYS_COMMON_NUM_RX_CHANNEL*2 + 1]) * 1e-3; //Saved in meters
            /* Save Configuration to use later */
            memcpy((void *) &gMmwMssMCB.antennaGeometryCfg, &cfg, sizeof(cfg));
            gMmwMssMCB.antennaGeometryCfg.ant[0].row  = (int8_t) CLI_ANT0_ROW;
            gMmwMssMCB.antennaGeometryCfg.ant[0].col  = (int8_t) CLI_ANT0_COL;
            gMmwMssMCB.antennaGeometryCfg.ant[1].row  = (int8_t) CLI_ANT1_ROW;
            gMmwMssMCB.antennaGeometryCfg.ant[1].col  = (int8_t) CLI_ANT1_COL;
            gMmwMssMCB.antennaGeometryCfg.ant[2].row  = (int8_t) CLI_ANT2_ROW;
            gMmwMssMCB.antennaGeometryCfg.ant[2].col  = (int8_t) CLI_ANT2_COL;
            gMmwMssMCB.antennaGeometryCfg.ant[3].row  = (int8_t) CLI_ANT3_ROW;
            gMmwMssMCB.antennaGeometryCfg.ant[3].col  = (int8_t) CLI_ANT3_COL;
            gMmwMssMCB.antennaGeometryCfg.ant[4].row  = (int8_t) CLI_ANT4_ROW;
            gMmwMssMCB.antennaGeometryCfg.ant[4].col  = (int8_t) CLI_ANT4_COL;
            gMmwMssMCB.antennaGeometryCfg.ant[5].row  = (int8_t) CLI_ANT5_ROW;
            gMmwMssMCB.antennaGeometryCfg.ant[5].col  = (int8_t) CLI_ANT5_COL;
            gMmwMssMCB.antennaGeometryCfg.antDistanceXdim = (float) CLI_ANT_XDIST;
            gMmwMssMCB.antennaGeometryCfg.antDistanceZdim = (float) CLI_ANT_ZDIST;
        return 0;
    void CLI_write (const char* format, ...)
        va_list     arg;
        char        logMessage[256];
        int32_t     sizeMessage;
        UART_Transaction trans;
        UART_Handle uartWriteHandle;
        #if (CLI_REMOVAL == 0)
        uartWriteHandle = gCLI.cfg.UartHandle;
        uartWriteHandle = gMmwMssMCB.commandUartHandle;
        /* Format the message: */
        va_start (arg, format);
        sizeMessage = vsnprintf (&logMessage[0], sizeof(logMessage), format, arg);
        va_end (arg);
        /* If CLI_write is called before CLI init has happened, return */
        if (uartWriteHandle == NULL)
        trans.buf   = &logMessage[0U];
        trans.count = sizeMessage;
        /* Log the message on the UART CLI console: */
        /* Blocking Mode: */
        UART_write (uartWriteHandle, &trans);
    void CLI_init (uint8_t taskPriority)
        #if (CLI_REMOVAL == 1)
            int32_t       retVal = 0;
            int32_t       argCnt = 0;
            char* argStr[CLI_MAX_ARGS] = {"CLI Removed"};
            #if (MPD_ENABLE == 1) 
            uint8_t       mpd_num = 0U;
            uint8_t       cmdString[12][READ_LINE_BUFSIZE];
            char*         ptrCLICommand;
            char          delimitter[] = " \r\n";
            /* Populate the Channel configuration */
            retVal = CLI_MMWaveChannelCfg(argCnt, &argStr[0]);
            DebugP_assert(retVal == 0);
            /* Populate the Chirp Timing Configuration */
            retVal = CLI_MMWaveChirpTimingCfg(argCnt, &argStr[0]);
            DebugP_assert(retVal == 0);
            /* Populate the Chirp Common configuration */
            retVal = CLI_MMWaveChirpCommonCfg(argCnt, &argStr[0]);
            DebugP_assert(retVal == 0);
            /* Populate the Frame configuration */
            retVal = CLI_MMWaveFrameCfg(argCnt, &argStr[0]);
            DebugP_assert(retVal == 0);
            /* Populate the GUI monitor configuration */
            retVal = CLI_MMWaveGuiMonSel(argCnt, &argStr[0]);
            DebugP_assert(retVal == 0);
            /* Populate the CFAR configuration */
            retVal = CLI_MMWaveCfarCfg(argCnt, &argStr[0]);
            DebugP_assert(retVal == 0);
            /* Populate the Range FOV configuration */
            retVal = CLI_MMWaveRangeSelCfg(argCnt, &argStr[0]);
            DebugP_assert(retVal == 0);
            /* Populate the Signal chain configuration */
            retVal = CLI_MMWaveSigProcChainCfg(argCnt, &argStr[0]);
            DebugP_assert(retVal == 0);
            /* Populate the Angle FOV configuration */
            retVal = CLI_MMWaveAoaCfg(argCnt, &argStr[0]);
            DebugP_assert(retVal == 0);
            /* Populate the Static clutter removal configuration */
            retVal = CLI_MMWaveClutterRemoval(argCnt, &argStr[0]);
            DebugP_assert(retVal == 0);
            /* Populate the low power mode configuration */
            retVal = CLI_MMWaveLowPwrModeEnable(argCnt, &argStr[0]);
            DebugP_assert(retVal == 0);
            /* Populate the antenna geometry configuration */
            retVal = CLI_MmwDemo_AntGeometryCfg(argCnt, &argStr[0]);
            DebugP_assert(retVal == 0);
            /* Populate the factory calibration configuration */
            retVal = CLI_MMWaveFactoryCalConfig(argCnt, &argStr[0]);
            DebugP_assert(retVal == 0);
            /* Populate the range and phase calibration configuration */
            retVal = CLI_MMWaveCompRangeBiasAndRxChanPhaseCfg(argCnt, &argStr[0]);
            DebugP_assert(retVal == 0);
            /* Populate mpd configurations */
            #if (MPD_ENABLE == 1)
            /* Reset the command string: */
            memset ((void *)&cmdString[0][0], 0, sizeof(cmdString));
            strncpy((char*)&cmdString[0], CLI_MPD_BOUNDARY_BOX1, READ_LINE_BUFSIZE);
            strncpy((char*)&cmdString[1], CLI_MPD_BOUNDARY_BOX2, READ_LINE_BUFSIZE);
            strncpy((char*)&cmdString[2], CLI_MPD_BOUNDARY_BOX3, READ_LINE_BUFSIZE);
            strncpy((char*)&cmdString[3], CLI_MPD_BOUNDARY_BOX4, READ_LINE_BUFSIZE);
            strncpy((char*)&cmdString[4], CLI_MPD_BOUNDARY_BOX5, READ_LINE_BUFSIZE);
            strncpy((char*)&cmdString[5], CLI_MPD_BOUNDARY_BOX6, READ_LINE_BUFSIZE);
            strncpy((char*)&cmdString[6], CLI_MPD_BOUNDARY_BOX7, READ_LINE_BUFSIZE);
            strncpy((char*)&cmdString[7], CLI_MPD_BOUNDARY_BOX8, READ_LINE_BUFSIZE);
            strncpy((char*)&cmdString[8], CLI_MPD_BOUNDARY_BOX9, READ_LINE_BUFSIZE);
            strncpy((char*)&cmdString[9], CLI_MPD_BOUNDARY_BOX10, READ_LINE_BUFSIZE);
            strncpy((char*)&cmdString[10], CLI_MPD_BOUNDARY_BOX11, READ_LINE_BUFSIZE);
            strncpy((char*)&cmdString[11], CLI_MPD_BOUNDARY_BOX12, READ_LINE_BUFSIZE);
            for(mpd_num = 0U; mpd_num < CLI_NUM_MPD_BOUNDARY_BOX; mpd_num++)
                memset ((void *)&argStr, 0, sizeof(argStr));
                argCnt = 0;
                ptrCLICommand = (char*)&cmdString[mpd_num][0];
                /* The command has been entered we now tokenize the command message */
                while (1)
                    /* Tokenize the arguments: */
                    argStr[argCnt] = strtok(ptrCLICommand, delimitter);
                    if (argStr[argCnt] == NULL)
                    /* Increment the argument index: */
                    if (argCnt >= CLI_MAX_ARGS)
                    /* Reset the command string */
                    ptrCLICommand = NULL;
                retVal = CLI_MMWaveMpdBoundaryBox(argCnt, argStr);
                DebugP_assert(retVal == 0);
            /* Populate the sensor start configuration */
            retVal = CLI_MMWaveSensorPositionCfg(argCnt, &argStr[0]);
            DebugP_assert(retVal == 0);
            /* Populate the sensor start configuration */
            retVal = CLI_MMWaveMinorMotionStateCfg(argCnt, &argStr[0]);
            DebugP_assert(retVal == 0);
            /* Populate the sensor start configuration */
            retVal = CLI_MMWaveMajorMotionStateCfg(argCnt, &argStr[0]);
            DebugP_assert(retVal == 0);
            /* Populate the sensor start configuration */
            retVal = CLI_MMWaveClusterParamCfg(argCnt, &argStr[0]);
            DebugP_assert(retVal == 0);
            /* Populate the sensor start configuration */
            retVal = CLI_MMWaveSensorStart(argCnt, &argStr[0]);
            DebugP_assert(retVal == 0);
            CLI_Cfg     cliCfg;
            char        demoBanner[256];
            uint32_t    cnt;
            /* Create Demo Banner to be printed out by CLI */
                            "******************************************\r\n" \
                            "%s MMW Demo %02d.%02d.%02d.%02d\r\n"  \
            /* Initialize the CLI configuration: */
            memset ((void *)&cliCfg, 0, sizeof(CLI_Cfg));
            /* Populate the CLI configuration: */
            cliCfg.cliPrompt                    = "mmwDemo:/>";
            cliCfg.cliBanner                    = demoBanner;
            cliCfg.UartHandle                   = gMmwMssMCB.commandUartHandle;
            cliCfg.taskPriority                 = CLI_TASK_PRIORITY;
            cliCfg.mmWaveHandle                 = gMmwMssMCB.ctrlHandle;
            cliCfg.enableMMWaveExtension        = 1U;
            cliCfg.usePolledMode                = true;
            cliCfg.overridePlatform             = false;
            cliCfg.overridePlatformString       = NULL;
            cliCfg.tableEntry[cnt].cmd            = "sensorStop";
            cliCfg.tableEntry[cnt].helpString     = "<FrameStopMode>";
            cliCfg.tableEntry[cnt].cmdHandlerFxn  = CLI_MMWaveSensorStop;
            cliCfg.tableEntry[cnt].cmd            = "channelCfg";
            cliCfg.tableEntry[cnt].helpString     = "<RxChCtrlBitMask> <TxChCtrlBitMask> <MiscCtrl>";
            cliCfg.tableEntry[cnt].cmdHandlerFxn  = CLI_MMWaveChannelCfg;
            cliCfg.tableEntry[cnt].cmd            = "chirpComnCfg";
            cliCfg.tableEntry[cnt].helpString     = "<DigOutputSampRate_Decim> <DigOutputBitsSel> <DfeFirSel> <NumOfAdcSamples> <ChirpTxMimoPatSel> <ChirpRampEndTime> <ChirpRxHpfSel>";
            cliCfg.tableEntry[cnt].cmdHandlerFxn  = CLI_MMWaveChirpCommonCfg;
            cliCfg.tableEntry[cnt].cmd            = "chirpTimingCfg";
            cliCfg.tableEntry[cnt].helpString     = "<ChirpIdleTime> <ChirpAdcSkipSamples> <ChirpTxStartTime> <ChirpRfFreqSlope> <ChirpRfFreqStart>";
            cliCfg.tableEntry[cnt].cmdHandlerFxn  = CLI_MMWaveChirpTimingCfg;
            cliCfg.tableEntry[cnt].cmd            = "frameCfg";
            cliCfg.tableEntry[cnt].helpString     = "<NumOfChirpsInBurst> <NumOfChirpsAccum> <BurstPeriodicity> <NumOfBurstsInFrame> <FramePeriodicity> <NumOfFrames>";
            cliCfg.tableEntry[cnt].cmdHandlerFxn  = CLI_MMWaveFrameCfg;
            cliCfg.tableEntry[cnt].cmd            = "guiMonitor";
            cliCfg.tableEntry[cnt].helpString     = "<pointCloud> <rangeProfile> <noiseProfile> <rangeAzimuthHeatMap> <rangeDopplerHeatMap> <statsInfo> <presenceInfo> <adcSamples> <trackerInfo> <microDopplerInfo> <classifierInfo> <quickEvalInfo>";
            cliCfg.tableEntry[cnt].cmdHandlerFxn  = CLI_MMWaveGuiMonSel;
            cliCfg.tableEntry[cnt].cmd            = "sigProcChainCfg";
            cliCfg.tableEntry[cnt].helpString     = "<azimuthFftSize> <elevationFftSize> <motDetMode> <coherentDoppler> <numFrmPerMinorMotProc> <numMinorMotionChirpsPerFrame> <forceMinorMotionVelocityToZero> <minorMotionVelocityInclusionThr>";
            cliCfg.tableEntry[cnt].cmdHandlerFxn  = CLI_MMWaveSigProcChainCfg;
            cliCfg.tableEntry[cnt].cmd            = "cfarCfg";
            cliCfg.tableEntry[cnt].helpString     = "<procDirection> <averageMode> <winLen> <guardLen> <noiseDiv> <cyclicMode> <thresholdScale> <peakGroupingEn>";
            cliCfg.tableEntry[cnt].cmdHandlerFxn  = CLI_MMWaveCfarCfg;
            cliCfg.tableEntry[cnt].cmd            = "aoaFovCfg";
            cliCfg.tableEntry[cnt].helpString     = "<minAzimuthDeg> <maxAzimuthDeg> <minElevationDeg> <maxElevationDeg>";
            cliCfg.tableEntry[cnt].cmdHandlerFxn  = CLI_MMWaveAoaCfg;
            cliCfg.tableEntry[cnt].cmd            = "rangeSelCfg";
            cliCfg.tableEntry[cnt].helpString     = "<minMeters> <maxMeters>";
            cliCfg.tableEntry[cnt].cmdHandlerFxn  = CLI_MMWaveRangeSelCfg;
            cliCfg.tableEntry[cnt].cmd            = "clutterRemoval";
            cliCfg.tableEntry[cnt].helpString     = "<0-disable, 1-enable>";
            cliCfg.tableEntry[cnt].cmdHandlerFxn  = CLI_MMWaveClutterRemoval;
            cliCfg.tableEntry[cnt].cmd            = "compRangeBiasAndRxChanPhase";
            cliCfg.tableEntry[cnt].helpString     = "<rangeBias> <Re00> <Im00> <Re01> <Im01> <Re02> <Im02> <Re03> <Im03> <Re04> <Im04> <Re05> <Im05> ";
            cliCfg.tableEntry[cnt].cmdHandlerFxn  = CLI_MMWaveCompRangeBiasAndRxChanPhaseCfg;
            cliCfg.tableEntry[cnt].cmd            = "adcDataSource";
            cliCfg.tableEntry[cnt].helpString     = "<0-DFP, 1-File> <fileName>";
            cliCfg.tableEntry[cnt].cmdHandlerFxn  = CLI_MMWaveAdcDataSourceCfg;
            cliCfg.tableEntry[cnt].cmd            = "adcLogging";
            cliCfg.tableEntry[cnt].helpString     = "<0-disable, 1-enableDCA, 2-enableSPI> <sideBandEnable> <swizzlingMode> <scramblerMode> <laneRate>";
            cliCfg.tableEntry[cnt].cmdHandlerFxn  = CLI_MMWaveAdcLogging;
            cliCfg.tableEntry[cnt].cmd            = "sensorPosition";
            cliCfg.tableEntry[cnt].helpString     = "<xOffset> <yOffset> <zOffset> <azimuthTilt> <elevationTilt>";
            cliCfg.tableEntry[cnt].cmdHandlerFxn  = CLI_MMWaveSensorPositionCfg;
            cliCfg.tableEntry[cnt].cmd            = "mpdBoundaryBox";
            cliCfg.tableEntry[cnt].helpString     = "<zone_number> <xMin> <xMax> <yMin> <yMax> <zMin> <zMax>";
            cliCfg.tableEntry[cnt].cmdHandlerFxn  = CLI_MMWaveMpdBoundaryBox;
            cliCfg.tableEntry[cnt].cmd            = "clusterCfg";
            cliCfg.tableEntry[cnt].helpString     = "<0-disable, 1-enable> <cluster_radius> <minPoints>";
            cliCfg.tableEntry[cnt].cmdHandlerFxn  = CLI_MMWaveClusterParamCfg;
            cliCfg.tableEntry[cnt].cmd            = "majorStateCfg";
            cliCfg.tableEntry[cnt].helpString     = "<pointThre1> <pointThre2> <snrThre2> <pointHistThre1> <pointHistThre2> <snrHistThre2> <histBuffSize> <stateExitThre>";
            cliCfg.tableEntry[cnt].cmdHandlerFxn  = CLI_MMWaveMajorMotionStateCfg;
            cliCfg.tableEntry[cnt].cmd            = "minorStateCfg";
            cliCfg.tableEntry[cnt].helpString     = "<pointThre1> <pointThre2> <snrThre2> <pointHistThre1> <pointHistThre2> <snrHistThre2> <histBuffSize> <stateExitThre>";
            cliCfg.tableEntry[cnt].cmdHandlerFxn  = CLI_MMWaveMinorMotionStateCfg;
            cliCfg.tableEntry[cnt].cmd            = "sensorStart";
            cliCfg.tableEntry[cnt].helpString     = "<FrameTrigMode> <LoopBackEn> <FrameLivMonEn> <FrameTrigTimerVal>";
            cliCfg.tableEntry[cnt].cmdHandlerFxn  = CLI_MMWaveSensorStart;
            cliCfg.tableEntry[cnt].cmd            = "lowPowerCfg";
            cliCfg.tableEntry[cnt].helpString     = "<LowPowerModeEnable>";
            cliCfg.tableEntry[cnt].cmdHandlerFxn  = CLI_MMWaveLowPwrModeEnable;
            cliCfg.tableEntry[cnt].cmd            = "profileSwitchCfg";
            cliCfg.tableEntry[cnt].helpString     = "<switchCfgEnable> <frmPretoTrack> <frmTracktoPre>";
            cliCfg.tableEntry[cnt].cmdHandlerFxn  = CLI_MMWaveprofileSwitchCfg;
        #if (ENABLE_MONITORS==1)
            cliCfg.tableEntry[cnt].cmd            = "enableRFmons";
            cliCfg.tableEntry[cnt].helpString     = "<ListofMonsToEnable>";
            cliCfg.tableEntry[cnt].cmdHandlerFxn  = CLI_MMWaveMonsEnable;
            cliCfg.tableEntry[cnt].cmd            = "monPllCtrlVolt";
            cliCfg.tableEntry[cnt].helpString     = "<ListofVoltagemonitorsToEnable>";
            cliCfg.tableEntry[cnt].cmdHandlerFxn  = CLI_MMWaveMonPllCtrlVolt;
            cliCfg.tableEntry[cnt].cmd            = "monTxRxLbCfg";
            cliCfg.tableEntry[cnt].helpString     = "<TX inst> <Mon Enable Ctrl> <TxRx Code Sel> <Rx Gain code> <Tx Bias Code> <RF FreqGHz> <RF Freq SlopeMhz/us>";
            cliCfg.tableEntry[cnt].cmdHandlerFxn  = CLI_MMWaveMonTxRxLbCfg;
            cliCfg.tableEntry[cnt].cmd            = "monTxnPowCfg";
            cliCfg.tableEntry[cnt].helpString     = "<TX inst> <Tx Bias Sel><Tx Bias Code> <RF FreqGHz> <RF Freq SlopeMhz/us> <TX Backoff>";
            cliCfg.tableEntry[cnt].cmdHandlerFxn  = CLI_MMWaveMonTxnPowCfg;
            cliCfg.tableEntry[cnt].cmd            = "monTxnBBPowCfg";
            cliCfg.tableEntry[cnt].helpString     = "<TX inst> <Tx Bias Sel><Tx Bias Code> <RF FreqGHz> <RF Freq SlopeMhz/us> <TX Backoff>";
            cliCfg.tableEntry[cnt].cmdHandlerFxn  = CLI_MMWaveMonTxnBBPowCfg;
            cliCfg.tableEntry[cnt].cmd            = "monTxnDcSigCfg";
            cliCfg.tableEntry[cnt].helpString     = "<TX inst> <Tx Bias Sel><Tx Bias Code> <RF FreqGHz> <RF Freq SlopeMhz/us> <TX Backoff>";
            cliCfg.tableEntry[cnt].cmdHandlerFxn  = CLI_MMWaveMonTxnDcSigCfg;
            cliCfg.tableEntry[cnt].cmd            = "monRxHpfDcSigCfg";
            cliCfg.tableEntry[cnt].helpString     = "<RF StartFreqGHz> <Mon Enable Ctrl><RX HPF Corner Freq Sel>";
            cliCfg.tableEntry[cnt].cmdHandlerFxn  = CLI_MMWaveMonRxHpfDcSigCfg;
            cliCfg.tableEntry[cnt].cmd            = "monPmClkDcCfg";
            cliCfg.tableEntry[cnt].helpString     = "<RF StartFreqGHz>";
            cliCfg.tableEntry[cnt].cmdHandlerFxn  = CLI_MMWaveMonPmClkDcCfg;
            cliCfg.tableEntry[cnt].cmd            = "factoryCalibCfg";
            cliCfg.tableEntry[cnt].helpString     = "<save enable> <restore enable> <rxGain> <backoff0> <Flash offset>";
            cliCfg.tableEntry[cnt].cmdHandlerFxn  = CLI_MMWaveFactoryCalConfig;
            cliCfg.tableEntry[cnt].cmd            = "trackingCfg";
            cliCfg.tableEntry[cnt].helpString     = "<enable> <paramSet> <numPoints> <numTracks> <maxDoppler> <framePeriod>";
            cliCfg.tableEntry[cnt].cmdHandlerFxn  = MmwDemo_CLITrackingCfg;
            cliCfg.tableEntry[cnt].cmd             = "staticBoundaryBox";
            cliCfg.tableEntry[cnt].helpString      = "<X min> <X Max> <Y min> <Y max> <Z min> <Z max>";
            cliCfg.tableEntry[cnt].cmdHandlerFxn   = MmwDemo_CLIStaticBoundaryBoxCfg;
            cliCfg.tableEntry[cnt].cmd             = "boundaryBox";
            cliCfg.tableEntry[cnt].helpString      = "<X min> <X Max> <Y min> <Y max> <Z min> <Z max>";
            cliCfg.tableEntry[cnt].cmdHandlerFxn   = MmwDemo_CLIBoundaryBoxCfg;
            cliCfg.tableEntry[cnt].cmd             = "gatingParam";// PC: 4 gating volume, Limits are set to 3m in length, 2m in width, 0 no limit in doppler
            cliCfg.tableEntry[cnt].helpString      = "<gating volume> <length> <width> <doppler>";
            cliCfg.tableEntry[cnt].cmdHandlerFxn   = MmwDemo_CLIGatingParamCfg;
            cliCfg.tableEntry[cnt].cmd             = "stateParam";// PC: 10 frames to activate, 5 to forget, 10 active to free, 1000 static to free, 5 exit to free, 6000 sleep to free
            cliCfg.tableEntry[cnt].helpString      = "<det2act> <det2free> <act2free> <stat2free> <exit2free> <sleep2free>";//det2act, det2free, act2free, stat2free, exit2free, sleep2free
            cliCfg.tableEntry[cnt].cmdHandlerFxn   = MmwDemo_CLIStateParamCfg;
            cliCfg.tableEntry[cnt].cmd             = "allocationParam";// PC: 250 SNR, 0.1 minimal velocity, 5 points, 1m in distance, 2m/s in velocity
            cliCfg.tableEntry[cnt].helpString      = "<SNRs> <minimal velocity> <points> <in distance> <in velocity>";
            cliCfg.tableEntry[cnt].cmdHandlerFxn   = MmwDemo_CLIAllocationParamCfg;
            cliCfg.tableEntry[cnt].cmd             = "maxAcceleration";
            cliCfg.tableEntry[cnt].helpString      = "<max X acc.> <max Y acc.> <max Z acc.>";
            cliCfg.tableEntry[cnt].cmdHandlerFxn   = MmwDemoCLIMaxAccelerationParamCfg;
            cliCfg.tableEntry[cnt].cmd             = "presenceBoundaryBox";
            cliCfg.tableEntry[cnt].helpString      = "<X min> <X Max> <Y min> <Y max> <Z min> <Z max>";
            cliCfg.tableEntry[cnt].cmdHandlerFxn   = MmwDemo_CLIPresenceParamCfg;
            cliCfg.tableEntry[cnt].cmd             = "baudRate";
            cliCfg.tableEntry[cnt].helpString      = "<baudRate>";
            cliCfg.tableEntry[cnt].cmdHandlerFxn   = MmwDemo_CLIChangeUartBaudRate;
            cliCfg.tableEntry[cnt].cmd             = "antGeometryCfg";
            cliCfg.tableEntry[cnt].helpString      = "<row0> <col0> <row1> <col1> <row2> <col2> <row3> <col3> <row4> <col4> <row5> <col5> <antDistX (mm)> <antDistY (mm)>";
            cliCfg.tableEntry[cnt].cmdHandlerFxn   = CLI_MmwDemo_AntGeometryCfg;
            cliCfg.tableEntry[cnt].cmd             = "microDopplerCfg";
            cliCfg.tableEntry[cnt].helpString      = "<enabled> <genApproach> <targetSize> <magnitudeSquared> <circShiftCentroid> <normalizedSpectrum> <interceptThrLowFreq> <interceptThrUpFreq> <specShiftMode>";
            cliCfg.tableEntry[cnt].cmdHandlerFxn   = MmwDemo_CLIMicroDopplerParamCfg;
            cliCfg.tableEntry[cnt].cmd             = "classifierCfg";
            cliCfg.tableEntry[cnt].helpString      = "<enabled> <minNumPntsPerTrack> <missTotFrmThre>";
            cliCfg.tableEntry[cnt].cmdHandlerFxn   = MmwDemo_CLIClassifierParamCfg;
            cliCfg.tableEntry[cnt].cmd            = "measureRangeBiasAndRxChanPhase";
            cliCfg.tableEntry[cnt].helpString     = "<enabled> <targetDistance> <searchWin>";
            cliCfg.tableEntry[cnt].cmdHandlerFxn  = MmwDemo_CLIMeasureRangeBiasAndRxChanPhaseCfg;
            cliCfg.tableEntry[cnt].cmd            = "sensorWarmRst";
            cliCfg.tableEntry[cnt].helpString     = "<Reserved>";
            cliCfg.tableEntry[cnt].cmdHandlerFxn  = MmwDemo_CLISensorWarmReset;
            /* Open the CLI: */
            if (CLI_open (&cliCfg) < 0)
                DebugP_log ("Error: Unable to open the CLI\r\n");
    int32_t CLI_MMWStart(void)
        int32_t statenable;
        int32_t errCode = 0;
        demoStartTime = PRCMSlowClkCtrGet();
        #ifdef INA228
        I2C_Handle  i2cHandle = gI2cHandle[CONFIG_I2C0];
        #if (CLI_REMOVAL == 0)
        if(gMmwMssMCB.adcDataSourceCfg.source == 0)
            //CLI_getMMWaveExtensionOpenConfig (&gMmwMssMCB.mmwOpenCfg);
            Mmwave_populateDefaultOpenCfg (&gMmwMssMCB.mmwOpenCfg);
            errCode = MmwDemo_openSensor();
            if(errCode != 0)
                goto exit;
            //CLI_getMMWaveExtensionConfig (&gMmwMssMCB.mmwCtrlCfg);
            Mmwave_populateDefaultChirpControlCfg (&gMmwMssMCB.mmwCtrlCfg); /* regular frame config */
            errCode = MmwDemo_configSensor();
            if(errCode != 0)
                goto exit;
        gDpcTask = xTaskCreateStatic(mmwDemo_dpcTask, /* Pointer to the function that implements the task. */
                                     "dpc_task",      /* Text name for the task.  This is to facilitate debugging only. */
                                     DPC_TASK_STACK_SIZE,   /* Stack depth in units of StackType_t typically uint32_t on 32b CPUs */
                                     NULL,                  /* We are not using the task parameter. */
                                     DPC_TASK_PRI,          /* task priority, 0 is lowest priority, configMAX_PRIORITIES-1 is highest */
                                     gDpcTaskStack,      /* pointer to stack base */
                                     &gDpcTaskObj);         /* pointer to statically allocated task object memory */
        configASSERT(gDpcTask != NULL);
        gTlvTask = xTaskCreateStatic(mmwDemo_TransmitProcessedOutputTask, /* Pointer to the function that implements the task. */
                                    "tlv_task",      /* Text name for the task.  This is to facilitate debugging only. */
                                    TLV_TASK_STACK_SIZE,   /* Stack depth in units of StackType_t typically uint32_t on 32b CPUs */
                                    NULL,                  /* We are not using the task parameter. */
                                    TLV_TASK_PRI,          /* task priority, 0 is lowest priority, configMAX_PRIORITIES-1 is highest */
                                    gTlvTaskStack,      /* pointer to stack base */
                                    &gTlvTaskObj);         /* pointer to statically allocated task object memory */
        configASSERT(gTlvTask != NULL);
        #if (CLI_REMOVAL == 0)
        if(gMmwMssMCB.adcDataSourceCfg.source == 0)
        /* Wait for DPC config to complete */
        SemaphoreP_pend(&gMmwMssMCB.dpcCfgDoneSemHandle, SystemP_WAIT_FOREVER);
            if (!gMmwMssMCB.oneTimeConfigDone)
                /* Config INA sensors. */
                #ifdef INA228
                    if(gMmwMssMCB.spiADCStream != 1)
        #if (ENABLE_MONITORS==1)
            if((gMmwMssMCB.oneTimeConfigDone != 0) && (gMmwMssMCB.rfMonEnbl != 0))
                    // Enable monitors if requested via CFG
            errCode = MmwDemo_startSensor();
            #if (ENABLE_GPADC==1U)
            // Enabling GPADC Pins 1 & 2
                CLI_write("\r\n GPADC Config Error : %d \r\n",statenable);
            if(errCode != 0)
                goto exit;
        #if (CLI_REMOVAL == 0)
            if (!gMmwMssMCB.oneTimeConfigDone)
                gAdcFileTask = xTaskCreateStatic(mmwDemo_adcFileReadTask, /* Pointer to the function that implements the task. */
                                         "adcFileRead_task",      /* Text name for the task.  This is to facilitate debugging only. */
                                         ADC_FILEREAD_TASK_STACK_SIZE,   /* Stack depth in units of StackType_t typically uint32_t on 32b CPUs */
                                         NULL,                  /* We are not using the task parameter. */
                                         ADC_FILEREAD_TASK_PRI,          /* task priority, 0 is lowest priority, configMAX_PRIORITIES-1 is highest */
                                         gAdcFileTaskStack,      /* pointer to stack base */
                                         &gAdcFileTaskObj);         /* pointer to statically allocated task object memory */
                configASSERT(gAdcFileTask != NULL);
        if (!gMmwMssMCB.oneTimeConfigDone)
            gMmwMssMCB.oneTimeConfigDone = 1;
        return errCode;
    #if (CLI_REMOVAL == 0)
    int32_t CLI_open (CLI_Cfg* ptrCLICfg)
        uint32_t        index;
        /* Sanity Check: Validate the arguments */
        if (ptrCLICfg == NULL)
            return -1;
        /* Initialize the CLI MCB: */
        memset ((void*)&gCLI, 0, sizeof(CLI_MCB));
        /* Copy over the configuration: */
        memcpy ((void *)&gCLI.cfg, (void *)ptrCLICfg, sizeof(CLI_Cfg));
        /* Cycle through and determine the number of supported CLI commands: */
        for (index = 0; index < CLI_MAX_CMD; index++)
            /* Do we have a valid entry? */
            if (gCLI.cfg.tableEntry[index].cmd == NULL)
                /* NO: This is the last entry */
                /* YES: Increment the number of CLI commands */
                gCLI.numCLICommands = gCLI.numCLICommands + 1;
        /* Do we have a CLI Prompt specified?  */
        if (gCLI.cfg.cliPrompt == NULL)
            gCLI.cfg.cliPrompt = "CLI:/>";
        /* The CLI provides a help command by default:
         * - Since we are adding this at the end of the table; a user of this module can also
         *   override this to provide its own implementation. */
        gCLI.cfg.tableEntry[gCLI.numCLICommands].cmd           = "help";
        gCLI.cfg.tableEntry[gCLI.numCLICommands].helpString    = NULL;
        gCLI.cfg.tableEntry[gCLI.numCLICommands].cmdHandlerFxn = CLI_help;
        /* Increment the number of CLI commands: */
        gCliTask = xTaskCreateStatic( CLI_task,   /* Pointer to the function that implements the task. */
                                      "cli_task_main", /* Text name for the task.  This is to facilitate debugging only. */
                                      CLI_TASK_STACK_SIZE,  /* Stack depth in units of StackType_t typically uint32_t on 32b CPUs */
                                      NULL,              /* We are not using the task parameter. */
                                      ptrCLICfg->taskPriority,      /* task priority, 0 is lowest priority, configMAX_PRIORITIES-1 is highest */
                                      gCliTskStack,  /* pointer to stack base */
                                      &gCliTaskObj );    /* pointer to statically allocated task object memory */
        configASSERT(gCliTask != NULL);
        return 0;

    Dear Abhishek,

    I hope this message finds you well. I am working with the IWRL6432BOOST EVM and have been following the steps outlined in the Hard Coded Config User Guide to implement hardcoded configurations for the radar sensor:

    Here are the steps I have followed so far:

    1. I imported the Vital Signs project for the IWRL6432BOOST into CCS from the Radar Toolbox.
      The project path is:

    2. I modified the mmw_cli.c file to include hardcoded commands from the configuration file and Replaced UART Read 

    3. Build the project, convert the .OUT file to bin using Multicore Image Generator

    4. flash the EVM using uniflash

      My goal is to modify the CLI so the radar sensor can operate autonomously on power on without the need to send configuration commands through a PC every time.

    However, I am encountering issues related to the .out file size and flashing errors in UniFlash. Below is a summary of the problems:

    Issue Faced:

    I encountered errors when trying to flash the .appimage or .bin file generated from the .out file. The .out file size is 1.7 MB, which is much larger than expected, causing issues during flashing. Typically, I expect the .appimage file to be around 220 KB. (as for the vital sign appimage file from the dmo)


    1. Are there any specific settings or steps I might have missed in the hardcoding process for the Vital Signs Lab?

    2. In your previous response, you mentioned modifying the vitalsign.c file to hardcode the limits for breath rate and heart rate. Should these changes in vitalsign.c be made in addition to the modifications I have already made in the mmw_cli.c file, or are they a separate step entirely

    3. Based on the following post, are there any additional steps that are not included in the Hard Coded Config User Guide?specially regarding sysconfig ?? I am a bit confused.

    4. I also find following question regarding hardcoding of the IWRL6432BOOST, however here it is suggested to search for  CLI_BYPASS, to define that variable and set "radarCmdString", this also confused me . I dont know which guid I should follow.
    5. Could you provide guidance on how to further optimize the build to reduce the .out file size? if it is necessary 

    6. Are there any known issues or limitations with flashing larger .appimage files on the IWRL6432BOOST EVM?

    I have also attached the code in my mmw_cli.c file for your reference. Could you please review it to confirm whether the modifications I made are correct?

    Thank you very much for your time and assistance. I look forward to your guidance on these matters.

    Best regards,


    Steps Followed to Modify the CLI File for Hardcoded Configuration

    1. Added a Macro:
      Defined a macro at the top of the file to enable the use of hardcoded configuration commands.

    2. Defined Configuration Commands:
      Created a list of configuration parameters (as they appear in the .cfg file) inside the file. This included commands like sensorStop, dfeDataOutputMode, and others.

    3. Initialized Hardcoded Config Index:
      Added code to initialize an index for looping through the configuration commands, with a delay for system initialization. Also included UART prints for better clarity during execution.

    4. Replaced UART Read with Hardcoded Commands:
      Inside the main loop, replaced the standard UART read functionality with a loop that runs through the hardcoded configuration commands and executes them one at a time.

    5. Fallback to UART Communication:
      Added a fallback mechanism that reverts to the standard UART communication if the hardcoded configuration functionality is turned off.

  • Hi

    If you want to hard code the configuration then you must modify the  mmw_cli.c. You need to use the CLI bypass function and read the CLI from a file. You can refer to the video doorbell demo(2 pass mode) in radar tool box which stores the configuration and reads all the CLI from a file

    You can find the video doorbell demo at the below location


    You can see the CLI stored in the file below


    Only if you want to limit the range for HR/BR then you will have to modify vitalsign.c

    appimage will be created by the CCS project itself, you need not manually create it. Appimage created with hard coded config should be less than 250KB. 

    To make sure that hard coded CLI are working properly, you need to debug using CCS before directly flashing the appimage

    If you are able to run it with CCS then appimage created will be correct
