TMP117: TMP117:I have a question about the TMP117NAIDRVT and TMP117NAIDRVR

Part Number: TMP117


As for the differences between them, I was aware that TMP117NAIDRVT has 250 tape reel packages and TMP117NAIDRVR has 3000 tape reel packages and no other differences.
However, when I looked at the comparison chart on the web, I found that there is a difference in Local Sensor Accuracy.


The datasheets appear to be identical, but is this a mistake on the comparison page?

  • All TMP117N devices have a +/-0.2 max spec. It is the non-N TMP117 devices that have +/-0.1C max spec. The website should show 0.2C for all TMP117N devices, so this is a mistake on the website. Please refer to the datasheet table.

