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Hi, I'm wondering if this is a known issue with a solution.
I have IVC102 powered +13V and -13V, using internal 10pF only. Vo loaded 3.6k to 0V. Pin 1 at 0V, Pin 2 as input driven +/-DC voltage and 1Meg R.
All works in free running mode with Tint 100us I see nice ramp on Vo as long as Vo stays in range < +11.3; -11.3> volts.
When I'm slowly increasing input current the output latches when -11.3V is reached. (it does not latch on positive side, Vo only saturates)
When it is latched, I can lower current or physically disconnect BNC from input and it stays latched until I manually short Pin 1-2. Happens at different input currents and Tint combinations too, on all 4 parts I have.
Thanks for ideas.
following are photos of good ramp, latched output and open input when latched: