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IWR6843: IWR6843: Problem with BSS power up

Part Number: IWR6843


I’m trying to run people counting demo (lab0015_pplcount_68xx ) on iwr6843 board, but I have no response from sensor.

Using the precompilated Binary (flashing EVM with PC_lab_xwr68xx.bin without problem), I obtained from GUI a timeout for every command send to sensor (figure 1 in attached file).

So I tried to run demo in debug mode using CCS and the precompilated image of DSS and MSS. When I run the images, in console it is not reached the message of “CLI initialized” and when I pause both DSS and MSS core, they stuck on function SOC_waitBSSPowerUp (figure 2 in attached file). So the problem seems to be in power up of BSS module.

I also noticed that for DSS the function SOC_waitBSSPowerUp is located in file soc_xwr16xx_dss instead of soc_xwr68xx_dss. This indicates that a wrong file is compiled. I think to have solved the problem changing in .cproject file following lines and recompiling the project:


<listOptionValue builtIn="false" value="libsoc_xwr16xx.ae674"/>

<listOptionValue builtIn="false" value="libosal_xwr16xx.ae674"/>




<listOptionValue builtIn="false" value="libsoc_xwr68xx.ae674"/>

<listOptionValue builtIn="false" value="libosal_xwr68xx.ae674"/>



But also with this modification the problem occur and DSS stuck on function SOC_waitBSSPowerUp (now it correctly located in file of soc_xwr68xx_dss ) (figure 3 in attached file).

Do you have any idea of what is wrong with the power up of BSS module?

I also tried indoor false detection mitigation demo ( lab0022_indoor_false_det_68xx) and the same problem occurs.


I would add that rarely this problem doesn’t occur and I’m able to run the demos.


