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CCSTUDIO-SITARA: Warning: #10247-D creating output section ".resource_table" without a SECTIONS specification


I'm implementing IPC code to communicate between the A3 core running Linux and a R5 core with no RTOS. I've copied the code samples on file:///C:/TI/mcu_plus_sdk_am64x_08_01_00_36/docs/api_guide_am64x/DRIVERS_IPC_RPMESSAGE_PAGE.html, to use as a guide, as well as using the SysCfg tool.

Everything builds correctly, but I recieve the following warning:
#10247-D creating output section ".resource_table" without a SECTIONS specification fdic C/C++ Problem

I've seen references to this problem when dealing with the PRU, but that doesn't appear to apply here. My linker.cmd file appears to match the file in the sdk example, except for a couple of address differences.
Any suggestions would be appreciated. Thanks.

Lee Thalblum

  • Hi Lee,

    The .resource_table is defined in linker.cmd file for all the R5F cores and M4 core. I do not know why it is happening. I will look into it and get back to you.

    Best regards,


  • Hi Lee,

    Did you add the .resource_table to your linker.cmd file? Please refer to the linker.cmd files in "ipc_rpmsg_echo_linux" example. Here is the  section in file:///C:/TI/mcu_plus_sdk_am64x_08_01_00_36/docs/api_guide_am64x/DRIVERS_IPC_RPMESSAGE_PAGE.html:


    • NOTE, that start address for this memory is different in different CPUs linker command file. This segment start address and size is defined in the Linux kernel device tree file (dts) for each CPU.
    • Additionally, the section .resource_table MUST be placed in the SECTIONS field in the linker command file at an alignment of 4K bytes.
    GROUP {
    /* This is the resource table used by Linux to know where the IPC "VRINGs" are located */
    .resource_table: {} palign(4096)
    } > DDR


    Best regards,


  • Thanks Ming, that solved the problem.
