I'm trying to understand how to use sysconfig to generate the peripheral configurations for my application. The documentation I'm viewing indicates that I should import an example from the SDK and use the .syscfg file included to launch the gui. However, it seems like many of the projects don't have anything configured in their syscfg file. For example, I would expect that led_ex1_blinky would configure a GPIO but it does not, and I would expect that sci_ex3_echoback demonstrates how to use sysconfig to setup the UART, but it's .syscfg is empty too. I was also using the syscfg file to understand the clock tree of these applications, but now it seems that may have been a mistake considering the file is empty.
- What is the proper way to use sysConfig to setup peripherals?
- Why do the examples include a syscfg file but not use it?
- What is the clocktree shown for an empty syscfg?