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CODECOMPOSER: ccs theia 1.5 unusable



maybe it's just me, but 1.5 is unusable.    I don't know if there's something about the way i've structured thing, or something about my environment, of what, but I am about to go back to vs-code for editing, like before.

But even so, I am not sure 1.5 IDE is stable enough to build ...   (and I've not had luck getting anything to build from cli)

I really don't have time to document all of the issues, but I have been keeping a gripe chat open with my co-workers, and over the weekend, I had several pages of issues.  Productivity is about 20% bc of IDE -- bad enough that I'd recommend against using TI on new projects. 


- we are in a secure environment.  At best, we have no access to 'cloud' features.  At worse, we have no internet connectivity.  This is normal in defense industry.

- windows, unfortunately

issues: in no particular order

- plugins just don't work like they do on a connected machine.  On my home linux, theia/vscode plugins work okay enough. but we can live without Extensions, even if that's annoying

- performance degrades seriously/rapidly over time

- ccs-server crashes 1x / hours

- source file contents entirely deleted when ccs-server crashed   (1 time )

- changing build configurations can take minutes,  e.g. switch from build/release

- often, during build, IDE turns into a gray screen (i use dark mode) with nothing rendered.   it can only be stopped by 'task manager' 

- I have not been able to get cli building to work.   I have followed the instuctions/examples in the 1.5 guide. 

-- -- Trying to build a single project, the project is not found.  I figured it's maybe something about how I've named the project on the command line v how the ccs-server names it. 

-- -- So, I tried just building the whole workspace.  It build 0/0 projects, even though I made sure some were dirty.  I don't believe it's finding projects.  Don't know if it's director structure or what. 

- more things, but you get the idea




  • Hello Owen,

    Thanks for bring these to your attention.

    - we are in a secure environment.  At best, we have no access to 'cloud' features.  At worse, we have no internet connectivity.  This is normal in defense industry.
    - windows, unfortunately
    >> There are different options that you can use to download Extensions and project (SDK) dependencies, transfer to the machine without internet connection.

    - plugins just don't work like they do on a connected machine.  On my home linux, theia/vscode plugins work okay enough. but we can live without Extensions, even if that's annoying
    >> Download the extensions from Theia OpenVSX ( or MS Market Place (, and there should be an option in the Extension view to install the extensions offline.

    - performance degrades seriously/rapidly over time
    >> I haven't seen this in my local environment, can you let me know how many projects, windows, editors that you have opened?

    - ccs-server crashes 1x / hours
    >> Select Help -> Support, in the dialog, click on the CCS Server Log. Can you attach the log file here?

    - source file contents entirely deleted when ccs-server crashed   (1 time )
    >> Hopefully the CCS Server log file can tell us something here.

    - changing build configurations can take minutes,  e.g. switch from build/release
    >> I haven't seen this myself, is this observer on multiple machines? With and without internet access?

    - often, during build, IDE turns into a gray screen (i use dark mode) with nothing rendered.   it can only be stopped by 'task manager' 
    >> Is this observer on any project or just a specific project?

    - I have not been able to get cli building to work.   I have followed the instuctions/examples in the 1.5 guide. 
    >> What command line did you use to build project? Can you provide the command line that you used? And did you use the import command to import the project first before building?


  • >> Download the extensions from Theia OpenVSX ( or MS Market Place (, and there should be an option in the Extension view to install the extensions offline.

    We are in a secure environment.  That means that we work in a place under DoD guidelines. We have a local collection of VSIX that are approved, and we can not just download from wherever.   I do know how to install an Extension form VSIX -- but have you tried the experience yourself.   Normally, after an extension is installed, it operates normally.  CCS theia seems to assume that it can access open-vsx -- if not, you get that silly strobing blue bar in the upper left until it times out.  I've mentioned that plugins do not operate normally before -- but that's the least of my concerns.   I should not have mentioned it again.  Please ignore the plugin issues.

     t's a small project.  In the 'workspace', there are fewer than 10 projects open.  They are metal and small.  One dozen editors are opened, at max.  Because it seems very difficult to get a different console window open (3 of us have tried to use (git)bash or even PS) -- we are stuck with CMD.  

    i will include the .log that comes up in help->support

    ACTUALLY -- i am not seeing an option to attach a file.  let me send this and try after that

    re: switching build configs.   It happens on my machine.  I can not say for certain on what percentage of machines it occurs on.  This is a small project, and I am the one unfortunately having to set up a few new static libs and the matrix of cross related targets.  Also, building is laggy and then slow.  There might be 20 c files (400 lines max, each, many are smaller) -- and there is a decent pause between each.  


    tried stuff staight out of the UG:

    i;ve changed stuff like 'newProject' to several things:   the name that appears in the GUI Explorer, the folder path from the workspace folder, probably other things....  

    as far as workspace, the example shows the folder path.  ive tried that, and also included the workspace filename.   my workspace is NOT c:/users/me/workspace_ccstheia

    No, I did not import the projects from the command line.  They were previously imported into the 'workspace' from the IDE -- and they are buildable from IDE (with the lag / crashes mentioned) -- presumably that actually means they are loaded into the ccs-server already, and I'd guess that i wouldn't need to add them again from the cli.

    ccs-server-cli -noSplash -workspace "C:/Users/user/workspace_ccstheia" -application com.ti.ccs.apps.buildProject -ccs.projects newProject -ccs.configuration Debug

    ccs-server-cli -noSplash -workspace "C:/Users/user/workspace_ccstheia" -application com.ti.ccs.apps.buildProject -ccs.workspace

    All of these issues occur in Open space -- meaning that there is internet access, but it is not entirely open.  

    I appreciate that these issues are not happening on your machine -- it would be impossible to release 1.5 with the issues that I seem to be having.  Maybe it's something about my set-up or environment.  

  • i really don't see an attachment icon. 

    Edit: converted to .log file


  • Hi Owen,

    May we focus on your CLI build issues first?

    I think your issue with building from command-line is that you're specifying an incorrect workspace path - "C:/Users/user/workspace_ccstheia".  Your actual workspace is a multi-root workspace, which you must have saved into a file with the extension ".theia-workspace" at some point.  When invoking the CLI build command, the '-workspace' flag must specify the absolute path to that ".theia-workspace" file.  E.g.:

    C:\CCSTheia_1.5.0.00011\ccs\eclipse> ./ccs-server-cli -workspace "C:/Users/user/temp.theia-workspace" -application projectBuild '-ccs.workspace'

    Could you give that a try?

    Also, keep in mind that Windows PowerShell requires that any flags containing dots be enclosed in quotes - e.g. '-ccs.workspace'


  • thanks.  i will give this a try tomorrow -- i am swamped today. 

    I did play around a little yesterday -- i do understand that -workspace points to the containing folder ot the .theia-workspace file.   I even used an absolute path, even though it's dreadful to use absolutes path.  I even used only hardcoded paths in the myProject.theia.workspace path specification.  One problem with hardcode paths is that they can not be shared between machines.    (For instance, it would be 10x better to have whatever build scripts and workspace meta files be committed to version control -- then we can share them as a team, easily, so long as we have the same relative folder structure under some dev-root/ folder )

    I will try again, when I am more awake with the build of entire workspace (-ccs,workspace).  -- that's a good step zero.   

    Last night, I spent a short time playing with project create import into   c:/users/myUserFolder/workspace_ccs/  -- that has to be the easiest possible approach.  I was tired, and maybe messed up, but I do recall finding a new project 'myProject' somewhere in %APPDATA% local.   not really what i expected. 

    Yes, regarding shells/terminals -- I am ONLY trying to build from cmd within ccs-theia.   That is actually the only place that currently is set up for node.js -- i can't believe that i need node to build embedded code on my machine.  Is that true?  Or was that a late-night misunderstand on my part. 


    So, I'll say that everyone on my machine has different performance regarding theia.  No one finds it snappy, but I certainly have the worst experience switching build-configs, etc.   Then again, I do that the most on my team.    

    thanks, owen