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CCS 5: edit or remove pre/automatically-PATH variables?

Guru 17045 points


I would like to ask a question CCS 5’s linked resources.

There are some pre/automatically-path variables. However I found

  1. PATH variables already defined cannot be edited or removed.
  2. Only those I created myself can be edited or removed.

Is there any way to edit or remove pre/automatically-path variables?




  • Hi,

    I have the same issue.
    I need to change my project path, but I can't change PROJECT_LOC path variable ("Edit" and "Remove" buttons are disabled).

    Someone found a solution?

    Thank you.


  • Fabien,

    You cannot change the value of your PROJECT_LOC variable as it is populated with the location of your project.  If you need your project to be located somewhere else then you need to actually move the project.



  • JohnS,

    Thank you for your answer.

    I actually already moved the project. The problem is that PROJECT_LOC still contain the old value.

    Best regards,


  • I found a solution.

    - Remove the project from the workspace with right click > delete
    - Import it again with  project>import existing CC5/CCE Eclipse project

    PROJECT_LOC is now at the right value.

    I think when I first moved the workspace, and opened it, CCS didn't check if the path was the same, and kept the old value.

    Best regards,

  • How did you get the project back into your workspace?

    Here is what I did as a simple test.

    I have a project here:


    I renamed the folder containing the project to omapl137_2

    i.e. the project is now in /home/john/workspace_v5_trace/omapl137_2

    I then imported that project into a different workspace, I can't import it into the one I was using before as there is already a project omapl137 in it.

    After I import it into a new workpace (imported without copying the project into the workspace) I see that the PROJECT_LOC variable is correctly set to:



  • Thank you for your reply.

    I think I moved the whole workspace in the first place, with the project in it. I should have created a new workspace and then imported the project.


  • I know this is an old thread, but there's no solution. I have this problem as well and I found the solution. You need to use the "switch workspace" option under File. Point the workspace to your new project location and the folders will all work out correctly. This new esclipse base is a real pain in the ass when it comes to working with exisitng folders and projects.