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Dear All members,
We are searching for a Emulator to test our firmware who have TMS320F28035 and come across
XDS100V2 Emulator from TI and Spectrum Digital but they are using core architecture as MSP430 and ARM respectively.
product details are given in following link;jsessionid=NBXNI1O4TIUXQCWNBBSRFWI?N=0&Ntk=gensearch&Ntt=XDS100V2&Ntx=mode+matchallpartial&exposeLevel2Refinement=true&suggestions=false&ref=globalsearch&_requestid=31706
Can Emulator with MSP430 (16 bit) / ARM as core and sub core architecture used to emulate and debug TMS320F28035 (32 bit) controller.
and how it is done ??
Thanks in advance.
I'm also confused by those links. All I know is the XDS100v2 definitely supports F28x. Many customers use XDS100 with the F28 devices, including F28035
Thank You Sir,
But what about ARM core JTAG and MSP430 core JTAG how they are used
for 32 bit controller emulation TMS320F28035.
XDS100v2 supports ARM but not MSP430:
Ya It supports ARM.
But as shown by link in previous post done by me
it shows that XDS100V2 have used MSP430 as core processor in its internal circuit.
How does that XDS100V2 can be used for TMS320F28035.
Thank You.