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CCS v5.2 beta fails to install on Win-7 (home premium w/ SP1 - 64 bit system) with message indicating further info can be fouind in ...installjammer/register/ccsv5/60556fe5-c1a1-4061-8df8-ffb8393bae2d/ccs...
I used the web installer provided on the ccs v5 beta page. I downloaded a second time just to be sure no comm glitch was involved - same result.
Note that ccs v5.1.1.00031 installed successfully after 5.2 failed, as had an earlier version of v5.1.1. - The latest install of 5.1.1 appears to be working properly.
can you please zip and send the contents of your installjammer registry directory? Found under program files(x86).
Did you fully unzip the installer first and use only directories with no accented or special characters?
Best Regards,
I have no "install jamer registry" directory in my win-7 (program files(x86)) directory. ??? I downloaded ccs_setup_5.2.0.00057.exe and ran it. It failed while installing eclipsewith the msg -
"Failed to install eclipse successfully. please look at c:/Program Files(x86)/InstallJammerRegistry/ccsv5/60556FES-C1A1-4061-8DF8-FFB8393BAE2D/20120507-211852.CCS_SETUP_5.2.0.00057_install.log"
But as I said, I have no InstallJammer directory.
Hi Mike,
have you tried with the full installer? Can you confirm the directory mentioned in the error message does not exist? Can you check it is not hidden or that there is a permissions issue here?
please look at c:/Program Files(x86)/InstallJammerRegistry/ccsv5/60556FES-C1A1-4061-8DF8-FFB8393BAE2D/20120507-211852.CCS_SETUP_5.2.0.00057_install.log
Best Regards,
Hi Lisa:
I have not yet tried the full download installer... will do that next.
The previous attempt was done from an admin account so I don't think I would have had permissions issues. Note also that the 5.1 install worked properly from that same account, although it was a full download type install. I used "special permissions" on Program Files(x86) directory to scan the contents - still didn't see any "installJammer..." folder.
I'll relay the result of the full download install tomorrow.
Hi Lisa:
Full download install of installed without error. Proceeding to test...
Hi Mike,
yes, I was able to reproduce the issue and it seems that the lite installer is at least temorarily broken. Sorry for any inconvenience and glad to hear the full installer worked.
Best Regards,