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Hello everyone,
According to this page :
The Release 7.4.0 for the compiler was supposed to be out 2012-06-15 and as of today it is still in Beta.
Can you tell us when it will be released ?
Moreover do you have any details about the "C99 Floating Point Complex Type Support (float _Complex, double _Complex, long double _Complex)." ?
Does that mean that all the functions of C99's complex.h are implemented or not ?
How is it different that using a double (or __float2_t for C66x) to store the complex number (float real float im) ?
Clement Mesnier said:Can you tell us when it will be released ?
The release is planned for the end of July. That Wiki page needs to be updated.
Clement Mesnier said:Moreover do you have any details about the "C99 Floating Point Complex Type Support (float _Complex, double _Complex, long double _Complex)." ?
Does that mean that all the functions of C99's complex.h are implemented or not ?
Clement Mesnier said:How is it different that using a double (or __float2_t for C66x) to store the complex number (float real float im) ?
I'm not sure what you mean. Please give an example of what you are concerned about.
Thanks and regards,
Thanks for the info.
Right now I have complex data stored in memory in one table with real part in even positions and imaginary part in odd positions like :
Re Im Re Im Re Im ...
then I do my calculation (matrix multiplications) with the use of intrinsics
typically :
double cplx1, cplx2,result
float re_res, im_res
cplx1 = _amemd8(&table1[0]);
cplx2 = _amemd8(&table2[0]);
result = _complex_mpy(cplx1,cplx2);
re_res = -hif(result)
im_res = lof(result)
What is the interest to use the complex floating point support ?
Would my optimized code take fewer cycles ?
Thanks, CM
Clement Mesnier said:What is the interest to use the complex floating point support ?
Would my optimized code take fewer cycles ?
The benefit is that you could take C99 code using complex which had no knowledge of C6000 intrinsics and it would work properly on C6000.
No, it probably wouldn't be any faster to write the code using C99 complex.