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i see commands to create, import and build projects from command line (at But i couldnt see any command to delete a project from workspace from command line.
Can you point me if there is such option. If not this one of the basic command that need to be added in future releases.
Hi Baskaran,
Can you please provide more details on why you need the ability to delete specific projects from command line? For the purposes of testing, for example, the best practice is to start a new workspace for every test, so you don't need to worry about deleting any created projects explicitly.
- Baltasar
I agree for testing new workspace would be the best. But we cant limit the user to always go for new workspace- may be due to space constraints.
When we have create project option - automatically the expectation is that there will be delete option too.
In my case when i am building for multiple boards - if the project name is same across boards we were not sure whether the correct project will be taken. the delete option will help to delete old projects and import the new one cleanly
The "createProject" command was introduced for the purpose of automating tests, and automatic generation of example projects. There are no plans to introduce a "delete" command.
In your specific scenario, you could try deleting the entire workspace, as i've mentioned previously. Or you could try appending the board-name to your project-name, during project-creation, in order to avoid name collisions when working with multiple boards.
- Baltasar
The suggestions are more of a work around to the problem and may not work for all the customers. And it posts limitation to tie the project name with board name.
Do you see any issue if delete project is implemented?