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ccs blink an led project getting errors help me out

Other Parts Discussed in Thread: SIMPLICITI

2 errors:

can't locate the package 'ti.mcu.msp430.drivers.product' along the path: 'C:/ti_new/grace_1_10_04_36/packages;C:/ti_new/ccsv5/ccs_base;C:/ti_new/xdctools_3_23_03_53/packages;..;'. Ensure that the package path is set correctly.  

can't locate the package 'ti.mcu.msp430.drivers.product' along the path: 'C:/ti_new/grace_1_10_04_36/packages;C:/ti_new/ccsv5/ccs_base;C:/Documents and Settings/Administrator/workspace_v5_2/my_project/.config/;C:\ti_new\xdctools_3_23_03_53\packages;'. Ensure that the package path is set correctly.   

  • Hi Mrinalini,

    what exact CCS version are you using?  Are you using the version of Grace that came in CCS?  DId you try updating/installing Grace?  Can you try using a folder without a space .. i notice the Documents and SEttings folder being used?

    Please keep us informed.

    Best Regards,


    I Have studied this link provided to build my first program i did as it is given in this link but i am not able to select the path for the SimpliciTI source folder


    help me out me

  • i am getting warning now....

    Description Resource Path Location Type Invalid project path: Include path not found (C:\Documents and Settings\Administrator\workspace_vn5_2\My_SimpliciTI_Example1\Debug).

  • I am using CCS version 5 .2.1.00018?

    i dnt knew the version of grace its there in the folder of  ti_new ( grace_1_10_04_36 )

    i had changed the folder name

  • Hi,

    no you do not need to update Grace.  May I ask ...are you trying to use Grace or SimpliciTI?  These are two very different things.   What exact errors do you get?  More information would be helpful.  Have you checked your include paths and options as shown in this wiki

    Usually SimpliciTI needs a DEV_ROOT defined which should be your SImpliciTI folder.

    Best Regards,

  • Hi Lisa TI,

    Ohk ... SimpliciTI ... i am getting errors

    i had studied this wiki and tried to do like this i got   9 warnings and 4 others ....suggest somethng wat i am doing wrong

    these are the 9 warnings:

    #10374-D</a>  Interrupt vector "ADC10" does not have an interrupt handler routine.  

    #10374-D</a>  Interrupt vector "COMPARATORA" does not have an interrupt handler routine. 

    #10374-D</a>  Interrupt vector "NMI" does not have an interrupt handler routine.   

    #10374-D</a>  Interrupt vector "PORT1" does not have an interrupt handler routine.   

    #10374-D</a>  Interrupt vector "PORT2" does not have an interrupt handler routine.   

    #10374-D</a>  Interrupt vector "TIMER0_A0" does not have an interrupt handler routine.  

    #10374-D</a>  Interrupt vector "TIMER0_A1" does not have an interrupt handler routine.   

    #10374-D</a>  Interrupt vector "USI" does not have an interrupt handler routine.  

    #10374-D</a>  Interrupt vector "WDT" does not have an interrupt handler routine.  

    these are the 4 infos :

    #10371-D</a>  (ULP 1.1) Detected no uses of low power mode state changes using LPMx or _bis_SR_register() or __low_power_mode_x() in this project.  

    #10372-D</a>  (ULP 4.1) Detected uninitialized Port 1 in this project. Recommend initializing all unused ports to eliminate wasted current consumption on unused pins.  

    #10372-D</a>  (ULP 4.1) Detected uninitialized Port 2 in this project. Recommend initializing all unused ports to eliminate wasted current consumption on unused pins.   

    #1527-D</a>  (ULP 2.1) Detected SW delay loop using empty loop. Recommend using a timer module instead  

  • hi,

    I got solved with the warnings problem by clicking project> properties>build>msp430compiler>advanced options>diagnostic options.

    and clicking on suppress warnings(--no_warnings,-pdw)

    but now 4 infos are still shown ....

  • The ULP diagnostics in the "problems view" have hyperlinks to further information; are you able to see the additional information?