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Global And Static parameter setting problem

Other Parts Discussed in Thread: TVP5154


  I have some question about global/static parameter setting to ask.
  We use dm648 dsp, but the problem that I can't find way to fix it.
  However, I find something unusual that maybe a breakpoint.

  Here's my tooling version:
  Tooling Version: CCS

  Integrated Development :

  BIOS Version:

  CGT version: 6.0.8

  DSP: dm648



  /*******Global Variable*********/ 
    static _TVP5154_decObj decObj[NUM_DECODERS] =
    {0x5E, NULL, 0, {{0, 1}, {0, 2}, {0, 4}, {0, 8}}}
    Uint8 x = 0x5e;
    static Uint8 y = 0x5e;
    static TVP5154_ConfParams TVP5154_default =
        /**< NTSC operation defayult */
        /**< Composite channel A selection default */
        /**< BT656 sync enabled */
  I watch the memory when the program running.
        expect             reality
  x       0x5E               0x0E
  Y       0x5E               0x02
  In the struct, the first and the last parameter are uncorrect, but the other parameter corrent
  I saw the post of E2E.
 Does this problem happen because the SDSCM00039997 issue?

  • Have you made sure that the file is in full symbolic debug mode? I mean, have you enabled any optimization (lie -o3/-o2 etc)

  • Hi

    Thank you for reply.

    Here's my build option setting

    The Memory window shows as blow(the default setting at the left side):

  • Even I am getting feeling like it could be because of SDSCM00039997.

    Did you try modifying the value programmatically again?

  • HI:

        I have been try and error for weeks.

        I thought that it is maybe a issue from hardware.

        We have two custom boards, one by our(Board_A), and another one design by a different company(Board_B).


       When I load the same .out to this two boards.

       Board_A has the problem as I say, but the Board_B don't.

       However, the design of this two board are almost the same.(reference from the EVM648 demokit circuit)

       I have no idea to find where the bug, so I try to ask TI.

       I don't know where the bug is. software, hardware, CGT version, CCS version... I have been tried all possible I can try.

       I hope you can give some advance to fix the bug.( I come from Taiwan. it's difficult to conversation with TI)


       P.S. : My English is poor. So I'm sorry that if my grammar wrong.

  • HI Charles,

    Let me tell you that I am not the hardware guy but based on your observation,

    Charles Zhang said:

    We have two custom boards, one by our(Board_A), and another one design by a different company(Board_B).


       When I load the same .out to this two boards.

       Board_A has the problem as I say, but the Board_B don't.

    I am quite sure that the issue is nothing to do with software or related tools. It has to be with hardware.