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Hey everyone. I've a problem to ask the experts.
I've written an I2C slave example. Builded it with no errors, but while in debugging mode there exists an error says:
Can't find a source file at "/tmp/TI_MKLIBFC2w5c/SRC/exit.c"
Locate the file or edit the source lookup path to include its location
The project configuration:
- Dev. Kit: DK - LM3S9D96
- StellarisWare is installed.
- The project is not imported. It's created.
- Debug Configurations: AutoRun Option: run to symbol = main
The ss of my projects that I made some adjustments:
I'm tired of this error. Please help me.
My best regards...
When CCS halts if there is any symbol information it tries to open the source file that matches with that information. In this case it looks like it has halted at the end of program breakpoint which gets set in the C runtime support library. It tries to find the source file but can't so you see the blank editor window with the information on where it is looking along with the browse button. If you really wanted to you could extract the source to the library and setup a search path to it but I would just ignore this.
Hi John.
Thank you for your reply, but I understand nothing about what you've suggested. Do I just ignore this error?
My suggestion is to just ignore the warning. Your program has halted in the C runtime support library (specifically at a breakpoint that CCS sets at the end of program label). The runtime support library is a standard C library that contains functions that are used by all programs. When the program halts CCS tries to open the source for the location that the program has halted. It is not able to find the source for this location so it shows that prompt to locate the source. However you do not have the source so I would just ignore the message.
Future versions of the compiler may include extracted versions of the source so that you would see the source automatically when halting in the runtime support library.
The message is coming from the editor that it can't find the source file. You can ignore this as exit.c is part of the C runtime support library. Your program has reached the end of program breakpoint and CCS tries to open the source file for it but it does not exist.
The processor has halted inside the C runtime support library. However as CCS can't find the source to it that message is displayed. It can't find the source as this is a library that was built the first time you built your project (or another project with the same runtime settings) and then the source is removed. You can see that the source was located within a temporary directory. Basically there is a tool called TI_MKLIB that builds the libraries as needed. The confusing part is that when it builds them it leaves enough debug information that CCS knows where the source file was when it was built but as it is a temporary location they are no longer there.
There is no error to worry about here, you can perform a step out if you want to get back to your source code.
In the future we will have the source code for the libraries in a standard location so that these messages to not appear.
I had the exact same problem as the original message in this thread. I was trying to get the HET working from a blank sheet project. The HET code works, but I'd forgotten to put the while(1) statement in. D'oh!
Problem solved!
my error is "Can't find a source file at "/tmp/TI_MKLIB2hl0Ay/SRC/memcpy64.asm"
Locate the file or edit the source lookup path to include its location."
what shold i do
You have halted within the memory copy routine inside the runtime support library. Just step out until you are back in your application code. Messages like this just mean you have halted somewhere that you do not have the source code for so it is asking you if you have the source. Just ignore them.
this is my problem:
Can't find a source file at "/tmp/TI_MKLIBeR36VQ/SRC/copy_zero_init.c"
Locate the file or edit the source lookup path to include its location.
when I start debugging I only can stop debugger because it start automatically, and when i stop it the error message is the text above.
regards Lorenzo!
I've sign this parameter and i resolve all the problem.
I've sign this parameter and i resolve all the problem.
the proble is wdog that work during init. of program, before run to main
Hi Giovanni Brambilla,
I have been working on CCS v6 with GNU compiler in RTSC platform.So please help me to resolve it out with these compiler.
I checked with the setting you mentioned in the previous post, but I couldnt find that option, I am attaching the snapshot of the settings available with our compiler version. Hope it can help in solving the issue.