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CCSv4.1 import ccsv3.3 import error - tcf excluded from build

Other Parts Discussed in Thread: CCSTUDIO


I imported my ccsv3.3 .pjt file and have the errors below.

I checked the directory and the .cfg and .dat file are present.

And then I noticed that my .tcf file is "excluded from the build" according the the eclipse project viewer. 

I found this in the Wiki

"If you have a DVSDK project that has both a .tcf (DSP/BIOS configuration) and a .cfg (RTSC configuration for drivers...) the import tool in beta 2 will not allow you to import this project.  There are complications with using both forms of configuration in a project so the import tool will prevent this for now."

Do I have to change my ccsv3.3 to not use a .cfg file so that I can import into ccsv4.1?

Maybe I should give up on the import tool and create a new clean project from scratch?


 ********* ************* *********** ************* *******************

 Directory of C:\Work\CloudCap\DSP\TASE_VPS_LT_DSP\VPS-CCsv4\config

12/20/2009  01:06 PM    <DIR>          .
12/20/2009  01:06 PM    <DIR>          ..
12/20/2009  12:54 PM               579
12/20/2009  12:54 PM               596
12/20/2009  12:54 PM               596
12/20/2009  12:54 PM               596
12/20/2009  12:54 PM               596
12/20/2009  12:54 PM               596
12/20/2009  01:06 PM    <DIR>          obj
12/20/2009  12:54 PM           156,089 TASE_LT_DM648.gel
12/20/2009  12:54 PM               778 tase_lt_vps.cfg
12/20/2009  12:54 PM             6,188 tase_lt_vps.tcf
12/20/2009  01:04 PM               410 tase_lt_vps.tco
12/20/2009  01:07 PM    <DIR>          xdcconfig
12/20/2009  12:54 PM               334 xdcpaths.dat
              11 File(s)        167,358 bytes
               4 Dir(s)  206,759,481,344 bytes free


*************migration.log file****************************************************************************8


!ERROR: Unresolved source file: config/tase_lt_vps.cfg

!ERROR: Unresolved source file: config/xdcpaths.dat

!WARNING: Unresolved tool: com.ti.ccstudio.buildDefinitions.C6000.Debug.1978214633::XDC

!CONFIGURATION: 'com.ti.ccstudio.buildDefinitions.C6000.Debug.1978214633' [Sun Dec 20 13:24:18 PST 2009]

    !TOOL: 'com.ti.rtsc.buildDefinitions.DSPBIOS_5.40.tool.1944753017./tase_lt_vps/config/tase_lt_vps.tcf'

        !WARNING: Unresolved option: com.ti.rtsc.buildDefinitions.DSPBIOS_5.40.tool.1944753017./tase_lt_vps/config/tase_lt_vps.tcf::-v6x

        !WARNING: Unresolved tool: com.ti.ccstudio.buildDefinitions.C6000.Default.1739920003::XDC

!CONFIGURATION: 'com.ti.ccstudio.buildDefinitions.C6000.Default.1739920003' [Sun Dec 20 13:24:28 PST 2009]

    !TOOL: 'com.ti.rtsc.buildDefinitions.DSPBIOS_5.40.tool.1329958297./tase_lt_vps/config/tase_lt_vps.tcf'

        !WARNING: Unresolved option: com.ti.rtsc.buildDefinitions.DSPBIOS_5.40.tool.1329958297./tase_lt_vps/config/tase_lt_vps.tcf::-v6x

        !WARNING: Unresolved tool: com.ti.ccstudio.buildDefinitions.C6000.Default.534338649::XDC

!CONFIGURATION: 'com.ti.ccstudio.buildDefinitions.C6000.Default.534338649' [Sun Dec 20 13:24:29 PST 2009]

    !TOOL: 'com.ti.rtsc.buildDefinitions.DSPBIOS_5.40.tool.27526656./tase_lt_vps/config/tase_lt_vps.tcf'

        !WARNING: Unresolved option: com.ti.rtsc.buildDefinitions.DSPBIOS_5.40.tool.27526656./tase_lt_vps/config/tase_lt_vps.tcf::-v6x

        !WARNING: Unresolved tool: com.ti.ccstudio.buildDefinitions.C6000.Release.1142514620::XDC

!CONFIGURATION: 'com.ti.ccstudio.buildDefinitions.C6000.Release.1142514620' [Sun Dec 20 13:24:29 PST 2009]

    !TOOL: 'com.ti.rtsc.buildDefinitions.DSPBIOS_5.40.tool.626458904./tase_lt_vps/config/tase_lt_vps.tcf'

        !WARNING: Unresolved option: com.ti.rtsc.buildDefinitions.DSPBIOS_5.40.tool.626458904./tase_lt_vps/config/tase_lt_vps.tcf::-v6x

  • Eddie, Yes it might be easier to create a new project. In v4 the idea is that all of your RTSC content goes it a platform project that could be shared across all of your other projects. RTSC content uses those .cfg files. You then have your main project reference the platform project. Regards, John
  • Thanks. I'll do that.

    Found a great article on RTSC and Eclipse


  • Hi Eddie,

    The RTSCpedia is a great resource for all things RTSC. As John mentioned the project model in CCS4 has changed. A new type of project - RTSC configuration project - is used for consuming RTSC content like DSP/BIOS, codec engine - in CCS4.

    For your use case I would recommend creating a  managed make executable and a RTSC configuration project. Add your C sources to the executable project and your 'tcf' and 'cfg' sources to the configuration project. The RTSC package path has to be setup properly in the RTSC configuration project. Also, the configuration should be enabled to consume 'tcf' files.

    Given below are steps that I followed to build the MPEG4 decoder + G711 decoder  application shipped with the 64LC dvsdk v :

    The sources are available at <dvsdk_install_dir>/dvsdk_1_00_00_20/codec_combos/packages/ti/sdo/apps/mpeg4dec_g711dec


    1. Create project -test- with RTSC support using the project wizard.
      • Refer to this flash demo on steps for creating a project with RTSC support using the wizard
      • Enable RTSC in the 'CCS Project Settings' page
      • Select 'Create a new RTSC Configuration project' in the 'Referenced RTSC Configuration' page
      • In the RTSC Configuration settings page of the wizard select 'xdais'. Add the following repositories to the package path by selecting 'Add' -> 'Select repository from file-system:' from the wizard page
        • <dvsdk_install_dir>\dvsdk_1_00_00_20\codec_engine_1_20\packages
        • <ccsv4_install_dir>\<bios_5.4x>\packages
        • <dvsdk_install_dir>\dvsdk_1_00_00_20\codec_1_10\packages
        • <dvsdk_install_dir>\dvsdk_1_00_00_20\framework_components_1_20\packages
        • <dvsdk_install_dir>\dvsdk_1_00_00_20\biosutils_1_00\packages
    2. On completion the wizard will create 2 projects - 'test' and 'test_configuration' in the workspace
    3. Add the files 'app.cfg' and 'app.tcf' to the project 'test_configuration'.  Since we are using old versions of some of the products add the following line to app.cfg -
      • environment['xdc.cfg.check.fatal'] = 'false';
    4. Right click on test_configuration in C/C++ Project view and select C/C++ Build. Navigate to XDctools->Advanced Options: page. Select "Read infile.tcf in addition to infile.cfg(--tcf)
    5. Add files 'app.c' and 'main.c' to the project 'test'. Build project. This should build the application.

    Let me know if you face any issues in building your application.

  • I tried to replicate Amit's recipe above using a later CCSv4 and later DVSDK, and found I needed a few extra steps. Documenting them here, including an example project in the attachment.

    The example is video_encdec from DVSDK, built for DM6437 EVM using:

    • CCSv4 version
    • DVSDK for DM6437
    • XDCtools
    • DSP/BIOS
    • DM6437 BSP rev e

    In addition to the steps above, I needed the following to build the RTSC configuration project (named "test_configuration" in Amit's recipe):

    • not include BIOS6 on the RTSC package path, to avoid an error complaining that "xdc.runtime.Assert is present, but Program.system == null". If BIOS6 is on the RTSC package path then it may get selected ahead of BIOS5, and the configuration file in this example is written for BIOS5
    • add the following DVSDK bundled components to the RTSC package path:
      • <dvsdk_install_dir>/edma_lld_1_05_00/packages
      • <dvsdk_install_dir>/pspdrivers_1_10_00/packages
      • <dvsdk_install_dir>/examples/common/evmDM6437
    • download and install the DM6437 BSP from Spectrum Digital ( This comes with the DM6437 EVM and if you have one of those, you probably already have this software.
    • exclude "ti.rtdx" from RTSC package compatibility checking, because the BIOS5 in CCSv4 is newer than in this DVSDK. Step 3 in Amit's instructions above will do this for all packages, but I chose to use a finer-grained method that just excluded the ti.rtdx package, via the "-x" option in the "Advanced Options" panel for the XDCtools build tool (a.k.a. configuro) in CCSv4.

    After this I was able to successfully build the RTSC configuration project.

    The C application project (named "test" in Amit's recipe) also needed a few more steps:

    • add the following source files to the app project. I added these as "linked resources" in CCSv4, but you could also copy them directly into the project:
      • <dvsdk_install_dir>/examples/common/evmDM6437/qdma_setup.h
      • <dvsdk_install_dir>/examples/common/evmDM6437/qdma_setup.c
      • <dvsdk_install_dir>/examples/common/evmDM6437/i2c_params.c
    • add the following include and library search directories:
      • <bsl_install_dir>/include
      • <bsl_install_dir>/lib
    • add the C preprocessor directives needed by the BSL header files:
      • CHIP_DM6437, _NTSC, and DM6437_SOC_BUILD
    • add the BSL library to the linker options
      • evmdm6437bsl.lib

    After this I was able to successfully build and link the application project. Not run it, though -- no board. Sorry!

    The one other thing I did was to replace all the hard-coded directory paths in the CCSv4 project files with project-level macros, to make the projects a bit more portable. It's possible, though a bit laborious, to do this through the GUI, but you can also edit the .cdtbuild project files with a text editor if you're careful. It's not much different to CCS 3.3's .pjt file in that regard.

    The result of all this is attached to this post. After saving the .zip file on your PC, you can use the File/Import.../Existing CCS/CCE Eclipse Project menu in CCSv4 to copy these projects into your own CCSv4 workspace. You will probably need to modify the macros to point to your own directories. Do this through the project Properties of both projects, in the C++ Build/Macros/Project sub-tab. The macros are:

    • BSL_EVMDM6437_INSTALLDIR in the C application project, and
    • BIOSDVSDK_INSTALL_DIR and BIOS_INSTALL_DIR in the RTSC configuration project

    Hope this helps.
