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NullPointerException when building with CCS, version 5.4.0

I am seeing a NullPointerException when building with CCS, version 5.4.0.
Here is a little background...
I am attempting to compile OpenCV in CCS. I generated a makefile using cmake-gui (MinGW Makefile option).
In CCS, I used “New->Project” and selected “Makefile Project with Existing Code”.
When I try to build, I get
Errors occurred during the build.
Errors running builder 'CDT Builder' on project 'opencv'.
Internal error building project opencv configuration Default
Internal error building project opencv configuration Default
I am running Code Composer Studio version under Windows 7.
How to I resolve this NullPointerException?
Regards, Jeff
  • Hi Jeff,

    Did you already check the compiler settings in CCS, and if it consistent with your make file?

    1) In the project properties > page "General" > tab "Main" you have to define the compiler and its version you want to apply...

    2) In the project properties > page "Resource > Linked Resources" > tab "Path Variables" you should have a path variable "CG_TOOL_ROOT" that points to the installation directory of your compiler

    3) verify if you have a similar definition of this variable in your make file (something like "CG_TOOL_ROOT := C:/<compiler_installation_root>") and if it fits the settings in CCS


  • Thank-you Stephane.

    I will check my CG_TOOL_ROOT variable shortly.

    Interesting that a missing compiler setting would result in a Java NullPointerException error. Based on the error message, how did you intuit that I might be missing the CG_TOOL_ROOT defintion?

    - Jeff

  • Hi Jeff,

    the error message is not very meaningful - that's true. But recently I experienced a similar phenomenon with CCS and I found out that some project configuration aspects - as the compiler version e.g. - are affected by several configuration parameters. If they are not consistent, then you get strange symptoms in CCS.

    Verifying the compiler settings is only a first approach to get more information on the root cause...

    Beside that, I would also like to suggest that you update to the latest CCS version, which is 5.5, and see if the issue is still there or if it changed.

    Regards, Stéphane