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Strange error after re-installing CCCS v6 on new laptop

My old work machine died, so we backed up the HD and I re-installed what I THOUGHT was everything, but now I'm getting a weird error when I try to build:

Buildfile generation error occurred..
Product-type 'com.ti.rtsc.TIRTOSmsp430' is not recognized. Please install at least one product of this type.
Build stopped..

..and I have no clue what this means and the helpful suggestion on how to fix it - wasn't.

Anyone have any idea what's happening here?  Here's what's in my c:\ti directory:


All help appreciated, I'm dead in the water here...

Ed Averill

  • Hi Ed,

    I would imagine that your ti-rtos msp43x installation is what you need. When you got to your project properties, do you see it as an available repo under the RTSC tab?



  • That was it - somehow it didn't see it installed, so I deleted the directory and re-installed - POOF, compiled and linked fine!

    Thanks for the help!

    Ed Averill