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Illegal use of __byte() intrinsic.


I have a problem with C2000 compiler, v6.4.x (tested with versions 6.4.4 and 6.4.6): the compiler issues the following error:

error: "src/ec1_lib_fwu_vrs00654/mcan/mcan_remote.c", line 113: Illegal use of intrinsic: __byte

The same project can be compiled with C2000 compiler v5.2.15 without problems.

It seems to me, that the problem is in compiler, because the problem is gone, when I comment out the line #122, but stays when I comment out the line #123 (notice, that both lines are far away from line #113 and they differ only in constants). The failure occures when -O2 (or higher) optimization is used, when -00 or -O1 is used, the code compiles correctly. I have been able to reproduce the problem on a different PC. Also, when I replace the body of function mcanRemoteFlagA() by { return 0; }, the code can be compiled.

My code look like this (with line numbers):

   111	    SETBYTE((void *) pBuffer, 0, (I16) GETBYTE((void *) aAuxBuffer, 0));        // FlagA1.Lo
   113	    nRemoteIdentStringAddr = ((U32) GETBYTE((void *) aAuxBuffer, 4) << 24u) | ((U32) GETBYTE((void *) aAuxBuffer, 3) << 16u) | ((U32) GETBYTE((void *) aAuxBuffer, 2) << 8u) | (U32) GETBYTE((void *) aAuxBuffer, 1);
   115	    // check whether remote node supports extended configuration (FlagA2):
   116	    if(tRemoteFlagA1.bit.fExtConfig == 1u)
   117	    {
   118	      if(mcanRemoteFlagA(nRemoteNodeNum, aAuxBuffer) == 0)
   119	      {
   120	        tRemoteFlagA2.all = 0u;                         // used to silence the compiler, which incorrectly thinks, that tRemoteFlagA2.all is used before setting its value at following two lines
   122	        SETBYTE((void *) &tRemoteFlagA2.all, 0, GETBYTE((void *) aAuxBuffer, 1));
   123	        SETBYTE((void *) &tRemoteFlagA2.all, 1, GETBYTE((void *) aAuxBuffer, 2));
   125	        retVal = LEN_IDENT_EX;
   126	      }
   127	      else
   128	      {
   129	        retVal = -1;
   130	      }
   132	      SETBYTE((void *) pBuffer, 1, (I16) GETBYTE((void *) aAuxBuffer, 1));
   133	      SETBYTE((void *) pBuffer, 2, (I16) GETBYTE((void *) aAuxBuffer, 2));
   134	    }
   135	    else
   136	    {
   137	      tRemoteFlagA2.all = 0;
   139	      retVal = LEN_IDENT;
   140	    }

The same code after preprocessing looks like this:

    __byte(((void *) pBuffer), (0)) = ((I16) __byte(((void *) aAuxBuffer), (0)));        // FlagA1.Lo

    nRemoteIdentStringAddr = ((U32) __byte(((void *) aAuxBuffer), (4)) << 24u) | ((U32) __byte(((void *) aAuxBuffer), (3)) << 16u) | ((U32) __byte(((void *) aAuxBuffer), (2)) << 8u) | (U32) __byte(((void *) aAuxBuffer), (1));

    // check whether remote node supports extended configuration (FlagA2):
    if(tRemoteFlagA1.bit.fExtConfig == 1u)
      if(mcanRemoteFlagA(nRemoteNodeNum, aAuxBuffer) == 0)
        tRemoteFlagA2.all = 0u;                         // used to silence the compiler, which incorrectly thinks, that tRemoteFlagA2.all is used before setting its value at following two lines

        __byte(((void *) &tRemoteFlagA2 . all), (0)) = (__byte(((void *) aAuxBuffer), (1)));
        __byte(((void *) &tRemoteFlagA2 . all), (1)) = (__byte(((void *) aAuxBuffer), (2)));

        retVal = 64;
        retVal = -1;

      __byte(((void *) pBuffer), (1)) = ((I16) __byte(((void *) aAuxBuffer), (1)));
      __byte(((void *) pBuffer), (2)) = ((I16) __byte(((void *) aAuxBuffer), (2)));
      tRemoteFlagA2.all = 0;

      retVal = 20;
typedef unsigned int U16; /**< Unsigned, 16-bits wide number */

 * @brief Bit-field containing FlagA2 bits.
typedef struct
  U16 fMapCommand       : 1;
  U16 fCPU28xx          : 1;
  U16 fReserved02       : 1;
  U16 fExtIdent         : 1;
  U16 fParType          : 1;
  U16 fFlagA3Supported  : 1;
  U16 fMultiNodeLoading : 1;
  U16 fIdentMessage     : 1;
  U16 fReserved08       : 1;
  U16 fReserved09       : 1;
  U16 fReserved10       : 1;
  U16 fReserved11       : 1;
  U16 fReserved12       : 1;
  U16 fReserved13       : 1;
  U16 fReserved14       : 1;
  U16 fReserved15       : 1;

 * Union for FlagA2
typedef union
  T_X_FLAGA2 bit;               /**< This allows accessing individual bits of FlagA2 */
  U16 all;                      /**< This allows manipulation with whole FlagA2 */

static U16 aAuxBuffer[5];

Any idea what is wrong?



  • I cannot build the code fragments you show.  Please preprocess the source file with the problem and attach that to your next post.  Also show the compiler build options.

    Thanks and regards,



    Preprocessed file attached, the compiler is called as follows:

    "D:\home\jan.narovec\programy\Texas Instruments\C2000 Code Generation Tools 6.4.6\bin\cl2000.exe" -c -g -q -pdr -pdv -as -O2 -ml -v28 --float_support=fpu32 -fr"build/obj" -ff"build/lst" --pp_directory="build/lst" -mn -DCPUTYPE_F28x -DIP_NEWIP=1 -DIP_LWIP=0 -DFIRMWARE --preproc_with_comment --preproc_with_compile -I"D:\home\jan.narovec\programy\Texas Instruments\C2000 Code Generation Tools 6.4.6\include" -I"." src/ec1_lib_fwu_vrs00654/mcan/mcan_remote.c

  • Thank you for submitting a test case.  I can reproduce the same behavior.  I filed SDSCM00052393 in the SDOWP system to have this investigated.  You are welcome to follow it with the SDOWP link below in my signature.

    Thanks and regards,
