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Issue with CCS Version: Editor Issues with Keyboard

Other Parts Discussed in Thread: CC1310

I am running on a Win 10 system. When I try to edit a file, I find that after typing in a few words or lines, the keyboard entry freezes for a few seconds (<5-10). Sometimes, it seems that my keystrokes have been buffered and they then appear. Other times I'm finding that some of the keystrokes get missed. There have also been times when a keystroke happens multiple times (e.g. thissssssssssssssssssssssss)

This makes program entry difficult.

I am also at a point where my project will not rebuild with my edits - I must issues a Project>Clean command for my code with the "Rebuild after Clean" button pressed so that the clean occurs and then the rebuild happens. This appears to be a carryover of an issue that was reported back with v4. I would think it would be fixed by now.

My project is built up from an empty project example from the RTOS section. I'm developing for a CC1310


  • Hi Rachel,
    I'm not familiar with the first issue. I have several Windows 10 machines and 6.1.2 runs pretty well on all of them. Are you projects very large (many source files and include search paths)? Are the files themselves large? If they are, it could be a performance issue with the indexer and you can try turning it off:

    Note that you will need to use the option "Show advanced settings" in the lower left corner of the properties dialog

    For the second issue, can you try cleaning your workspace?

    Hope this helps
  • did do the replace of my workplace... lost a lot of my settings (I like spaces, not tabs; 3, not 4; I want curly brackets on next line, not in-line; etc.) , situation returned.

    I'm about convinced... it's a POS tool. I'm afraid I'll have to start recommending anothers' tool, if not parts.
  • Rachel,
    My apologies for your poor experience with CCS. We realize there are a lot of kinks to work out and your feedback is a helpful.

    Editing any source file in a project should trigger an incremental with that file rebuilt. I can't seem to reproduce this behavior though. Any more details would be helpful (are edits to only particular files the issue? what kind of edits are made? are the files physically added to project folder or just links?). Even better, would it be possible to provide a small, reproducible test case?
