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CCS/LAUNCHXL-CC2640R2: CCS Cloud DEBUG FAILS :"UNknown Module:DeviceDetector" on Project Zero for LAUNCHXL-CC2640R2

Part Number: LAUNCHXL-CC2640R2

Tool/software: Code Composer Studio

CCS Cloud DEBUG FAILS :"UNknown Module:DeviceDetector" on Project Zero for LAUNCHXL-CC2640R2

I'm Building Project Zero for LAUNCHXL-CC2640R2 on CCS Cloud IDE.

But Anable to debug on the hardware . here is the response:

DEBUG FAILS :"UNknown Module:DeviceDetector"

  • I am attempting to reproduce this.  When you say you are building project zero do you mean you are following the project zero instructions in SimpleLink Academy here:

    Those instructions then point to the "empty" project here:

    Is that the project you are working with?




    the project is on this link
  • Thanks.

    When I import that one I get these 2 projects.

    I select the app one and click debug.  It takes a while to build and then loads and runs ok.

    That error you see "Unknown Module:DeviceDetector" is that showing up in the console or is it a pop up dialog box?



  • I spoke with an expert and we have an idea of what is going on. To help us could you enable logging in the TI Cloud Agent.

    To do that go to your user folder/TICloudAgent/
    Then edit the ticloudagent.bat (if on windows, .sh if on Linux or Mac).
    Add these 2 lines after the first line:
    SET TI_DS_LOGGING_OUTPUT=c:\temp\agent.log

    Close CCS Cloud
    Start it again
    Try to start the debugger again
    Then go to the C:\temp folder and send us the agent_ticld.log file.

    If you could do that we should be able to figure out what is going on.

  • I was able to reproduce this on Ubuntu 17.04. Are you running Linux?

    If so the problem is a missing dependency, libudev

    On my machine we were able to fix this issue by doing the following
    sudo apt-get install libudev1
    sudo ln -sf /lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/ /lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/
    refresh the browser
    then click on debug in CCS cloud

    It should work now.

  • YES, a popup


  • YES I'm using linux Debian jessie 64bit
  • Hi,
    It 's Ok , the TICloudAgent has bean reinstalled. Your recent changes have disappeared .
    it's now working on my launchpad On my linux .

    Thank for help
    Best regards
  • Hi,
    It 's Ok , the TICloudAgent has bean reinstalled. Your recent changes have disappeared .
    it's now working on my launchpad On my linux .

    Thank for help
    Best regards
  • how can i remove this comment ?
  • some comments are repeated , how can i remove a comment?
  • Don't worry about removing the duplicate posts. Looks like some of mine are duplicated as well. Must be some gremlins in E2E at the moment. Good to hear that things are working for you now. We are going to see if we can add something to the agent installer to address this dependency.