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Compiler/TMS320F28377D: clarification of __byte

Part Number: TMS320F28377D

Tool/software: TI C/C++ Compiler

According to the C2000 wiki: 

Q: The prototype for __byte is &__byte(int *array, unsigned int byte_index). Is the "&" a typo?

A: It's not a typo, the __byte intrinsic returns a C++-style reference, even in C mode.

If the return value is indeed a C++ style reference, why does the following result in a compiler error?

int test[4];
int &x = __byte(test, 0);

"../main.cpp", line 139: error #436: a reference of type "int &" (not const-qualified) cannot be initialized with a value of type "int"

  • RallyTronics said:
    If the return value is indeed a C++ style reference

    When used anywhere other than the left side of an assignment, the __byte intrinsic just returns an int.  Only when used on the left side of an assignment does it act like a C++ reference.  Even in that case, you don't write a & when using it.  Perhaps borrowing the & reference operator from C++ is not the best way to explain the __byte intrinsic.  I apologize for the confusion.

    Thanks and regards,


  • Thanks, that's what I anticipated. The issue came up when trying to overload the [] operator for a byte array class:

    int &operator[](int i)
    return __byte(_store,i);