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CCS/CODECOMPOSER: Can't open project: requiert older compiler!


Tool/software: Code Composer Studio


I just delete my previous install of CCS v7.2 and install the new v7.3

After taht (because I had some problem with indexer), I decided to delete my workspace, use an empty workspace and import my project.

I have two projects.

The first which was done with the last compiler : In Preferences\General\ Compiler version: Ti v17.9.0 STS. => Import is Ok

And then, the older project, created with an older version of compiler.

When I want to import it, an error message appears:

Error: Import failed for project 'My Prject' because its compiler definition is not available. Please install the C2000v17.6 compiler before importing this project:

- See 'Help > Install New Software' and select 'Code Generation Tools Updates' to check if this compiler is available through a CCS update.

- Visit CCS App Center to get the latest compiler support.

- Or download and install the compiler [], then register it with CCS through 'Preferences > CCS > Build > Compilers'.

So when I try to add older version of compiler (ARM Compiler Tools      17.6.0 and C2800 Compiler Tools    17.6.0) it can't because it detect the new compiler:

Cannot complete the request. See the error log for details.

"C2800 Compiler Tools" will be ignored because a newer version is already installed.

"ARM Compiler Tools" will be ignored because a newer version is already installed.

 How can I import my project?? !

  • Hello,

    I apply the second solution:
    - Or download and install the compiler [], then register it with CCS through 'Preferences > CCS > Build > Compilers'.

    This work,
    Now after import the project, I update the compiler from v17.6.0 to 17.9.0.
    But this is strange we can't import project which was use an older compiler on an CCS installation which has not it... It could be import it and change the option with the know compiler??..
  • There are a few things going on.

    17.6 and 17.9 are short term support (STS) releases vs long term support (LTS) releases. What this means is that there are no maintenance releases created for this. So when you try to install them via "Install New Software" the update manager considers 17.6 and 17.9 to be of the same release stream and won't install 17.6 if you already have 17.9. You can however (as you found) download the releases from and install them in any order and then the CCS build system will discover them and allow you to use them.

    As far as the importing issue. When you import a project that is using a different version than what you have installed CCS has to do a migration as the build options and other things may have changed. In order to do the migration it needs information about the version, this is the build definition. As CCS only ever ships with LTS releases it did not have the definition for the 17.6 STS release in order to be able to migrate the project to 17.9. I believe with CCSv7.4 CCS is bundling the definitions for the STS releases to address this issue.

  • Hello

    Thank for your information
