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About export/print the information from disassembly windows

Hello everyone,

I need do some analysis of the assembly code in the disassembly windows, thus I need to print it to a file (I know the memory is big, so it is not applicable to print on paper) or export to a file in some way.

Anyone have idea what I should do?

ctrl+a doesnot work in the disassembly window at all.

Also I tried print, which give me a .prn file, I can use the ultraedit to read the file, but it doesnot match the data that I see in the disassembly window.




  • Da,

    If the disassembly originated from CCS .asm during compile, you can use the "Keep Generated .asm Files -k "  switch when compiling and CCS will save the assembly code into text files for you.


  • Hi Tommy,

    I have tried this way. But I want a file that can keep the following information.

    The following assembly is copied from the disassembly window. But I can not copy the whole memory as I need to scroll down for a long time.

    Is there a way that CCS generate a file that includes the disassembly window's content.

    00000000          Vectors_intr.asm:40:55$, _vector0, _vectors, .data, ___data__, edata, ___edata__:
    00000000 003C30F6            STW.D2T2      B0,*--SP[0x1]
    00000004 0013A02A            MVK.S2        0x2740,B0
    00000008 0000006A            MVKH.S2       0x0000,B0
    0000000C 00000362            B.S2          B0
    00000010 003C36E6            LDW.D2T2      *SP++[0x1],B0
    00000014 00002000            NOP           2
    00000018 00000000            NOP          
    0000001C 00000000            NOP          
    00000020          _vector1:
    00000020 003C30F6            STW.D2T2      B0,*--SP[0x1]
    00000024 0014B02A            MVK.S2        0x2960,B0
    00000028 0000006A            MVKH.S2       0x0000,B0
    0000002C 00000362            B.S2          B0
    00000030 003C36E6            LDW.D2T2      *SP++[0x1],B0
    00000034 00002000            NOP           2
    00000038 00000000            NOP          
    0000003C 00000000            NOP          
    00000040          _vector2:
    00000040 003C30F6            STW.D2T2      B0,*--SP[0x1]
    00000044 0014B02A            MVK.S2        0x2960,B0
    00000048 0000006A            MVKH.S2       0x0000,B0
    0000004C 00000362            B.S2          B0
    00000050 003C36E6            LDW.D2T2      *SP++[0x1],B0
    00000054 00002000            NOP           2
    00000058 00000000            NOP          
    0000005C 00000000            NOP

    Thank you for your help.

