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Compiler/TMS320C6678: Where is defined the intrinsic _amem8_const ?

Part Number: TMS320C6678

Tool/software: TI C/C++ Compiler


target is 6678 and compiler is c6000_7.4.11

I searched a bit in the folder c6000_7.4.11\lib\src and whilst I found many intrinsics definition, I can't seem to find


The code still compiles but my static analysis tool can't find the header that defines this intrinsic.

Could you point me to the header file ?

Best regards

  • This is a known issue.  It is filed in the SDOWP system under the ID CODEGEN-697.  I just marked it for public view.  You'll be able to look it up in a few hours.  I updated the record to note another customer has this issue.

    Thanks and regards,


  • Hello George

    Thanks for your answer.
    Why is it hard to solve ?

  • Clement FR said:
    Why is it hard to solve ?

    I don't know.  I agree there isn't much to it.  It probably just got overlooked.

    Thanks and regards,


  • All TI intrinsics are built into the C/C++ parser; they are not created by being declared in a header file. The header file is there primarily for documentation. Some intrinsics are intentionally omitted for clarity. I don't know whether _amem8_const is one of those, or is an omission. CODEGEN-697 is supposed to address that question.
  • Thanks archaeologist, it's clearer now how intrinsics are managed.

    CODEGEN-697 is not visible yet on SDOWP.
    Do you have a list of intrinsics not declared ?

  • Clement FR said:
    CODEGEN-697 is not visible yet on SDOWP.

    For reasons I don't yet understand, you have to look it up with SDSCM00047571.  The problem was filed some time ago using an older system, then it got automatically moved to the new system and assigned another ID CODEGEN-697.  

    Clement FR said:
    Do you have a list of intrinsics not declared ?


    Thanks and regards,
