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CCS/SIMPLELINK-CC2640R2-SDK: objectviewer can not pickup task details of simple_broadcaster from ble5 stack of SimpleLink CC2640R2 SDK v2.30.00.28

Part Number: SIMPLELINK-CC2640R2-SDK




Tool/software: Code Composer Studio

Hi there,

When I debugging simple_broadcaster example of BLE5 stack from sdk, objectviewer can not show anything on task details.

it says "Error: java.lang.Exception: Target memory read failed at address: 0x20001b10, length: 76 This read is at an INVALID address according to the application's section map. The application is likely either uninitialized or corrupt."

I am using ccs8.3 the latest.

update : seems there is same problem on other example of BLE5 stack, like simple_peripheral:

"Error: java.lang.Exception: Target memory read failed at address: 0x20001ecc, length: 76 This read is at an INVALID address according to the application's section map. The application is likely either uninitialized or corrupt."

  • I have a few questions:
    1. Does ROV classic have the same behavior?
    2. Does either ROV tools work properly while in main()?
    3. Can you view that memory location in a Memory Browser?
    4. How do you load the target? Via CCS or some other mechanism?

  • Thank you Todd,

    1. Does ROV classic have the same behavior? 

    yes, the same.

    2. Does either ROV tools work properly while in main()? 

    I am not so sure about what other ROV tools you want me to check?

    3. Can you view that memory location in a Memory Browser?

    like this,

    4. How do you load the target? Via CCS or some other mechanism?

    with CCS debug directly, not other mechanism.

    Best regards and happy new year!

  • Hi Leo,

    Regarding #2, when you are at the start of main(), open ROV. Do you get the "Error: java.lang.Exception: Target memory read failed at blah blah." error then?

    I'm thinking that the application is corrupting something in the kernel and this is causing the ROV issue. This would be most likely confirmed if ROV is working in main (before the application really starts). If ROV has the issue in main(), then there is probably some project setting issue.

  • Hi Todd,

    1. Regarding #2, when you are at the start of main(), open ROV. Do you get the "Error: java.lang.Exception: Target memory read failed at blah blah." error then? 

    At the start of main(), ROV(explore tasks) is working right.

    After ICall_createRemoteTasks(), ROV(explore tasks) says "Error: java.lang.Exception: ..."


  • Can you step through the code and see when ROV goes bad? I'd check the Task and System stack sizes as you do this to make sure they don't get blown.
  • Hi Todd,
    seems ccs8.3 is gonna halt while I am step by step debugging code in "ICall_createRemoteTasks".
    ROV task explorer became bad after for() loop in ICall_createRemoteTasks() I think.
    I will keep trying to trace that code.

    below is ccs halt error message:
    IcePick_C: Error: (Error -261 @ 0xFFFFFEFB) Invalid response was received from the XDS110. (Emulation package 8.0.903.4)
    Cortex_M3_0: Can't Single Step Target Program: (Error -261 @ 0x0) Invalid response was received from the XDS110. (Emulation package 8.0.903.4)
    Cortex_M3_0: Trouble Reading Register PC: (Error -122 @ 0x0) A bad parameter value was detected within a function. It is likely a problem with `SC_ARGS' in SMG_call(). (Emulation package 8.0.903.4)
    Cortex_M3_0: Trouble Reading Register REG_ENDIAN: (Error -122 @ 0x0) A bad parameter value was detected within a function. It is likely a problem with `SC_ARGS' in SMG_call(). (Emulation package 8.0.903.4)
    Cortex_M3_0: Trouble Reading Register SP: (Error -122 @ 0x0) A bad parameter value was detected within a function. It is likely a problem with `SC_ARGS' in SMG_call(). (Emulation package 8.0.903.4)
    Cortex_M3_0: Trouble Reading Register REG_ENDIAN: (Error -122 @ 0x0) A bad parameter value was detected within a function. It is likely a problem with `SC_ARGS' in SMG_call(). (Emulation package 8.0.903.4)
    Cortex_M3_0: Trouble Reading Memory Block at 0x20000944 on Page 0 of Length 0x8: (Error -122 @ 0x0) A bad parameter value was detected within a function. It is likely a problem with `SC_ARGS' in SMG_call(). (Emulation package 8.0.903.4)
    Cortex_M3_0: Error: (Error -122 @ 0x0) A bad parameter value was detected within a function. It is likely a problem with `SC_ARGS' in SMG_call(). (Emulation package 8.0.903.4)
    Cortex_M3_0: Unable to determine target status after 20 attempts
    Cortex_M3_0: Failed to remove the debug state from the target before disconnecting. There may still be breakpoint op-codes embedded in program memory. It is recommended that you reset the emulator before you connect and reload your program before you continue debugging
  • Hi Leo,

    Please see the BLE5 User's guide regarding this:

    Let me know if that fixes your issues.