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Part Number: CCSTUDIO-C2000
Tool/software: Code Composer Studio
Hi team,
I am writting to ask your advice on how to achieve better real-time debug performance via XDS110.
Currently, I am suggesting my customer to use 'Graph' function in CCS. However, according to my understanding, the debug performance will be limitted by the refresh rate of CCS which is 100ms minimum. But I am not very clear about this definition.
1. For example, if I defined a data group result[1000] to record the current ADC result. And set the acquisition buffer size to be 1000, sampling rate to be 1Hz.
Does this mean the graph I saw will be updated every 1 sec, and graph will show the 1000 value in result[1000] when the refresh happens?
2. Let's assume the current sample rate is 1kHz. And I write every ADC result into result[1000]. After 1000 result is written in, I start all over again to write result[0].
In this way, if I set the sampling rate to be 1Hz and result[] length= acquisition buffer size to 1k, the past 1000 data written in result[1000] will be shown in the graph then I will not miss any point in the graph. Is that correct?
3. If my understanding is correct, what is the relationship between sampling rate and countinous refresh rate in the CCS?
Hi Brian,
Brian Wang0 said:Currently, I am suggesting my customer to use 'Graph' function in CCS. However, according to my understanding, the debug performance will be limitted by the refresh rate of CCS which is 100ms minimum. But I am not very clear about this definition.
The CCS refresh rate indicates how often the debugger will try to access target memory or registers to update the various views (graphs, memory, expressions, registers, etc). 100ms is indeed the minimum in regards to how often the views can be refreshed. Anything lower can cause debugger instability - hence the 100ms recommendation
Brian Wang0 said:Does this mean the graph I saw will be updated every 1 sec, and graph will show the 1000 value in result[1000] when the refresh happens?
No, the graph will attempt to refresh at the specified continuous refresh rate, regards of the data being accessed
Brian Wang0 said:If my understanding is correct, what is the relationship between sampling rate and countinous refresh rate in the CCS?
There is no relationship. The views that have continuous refresh enabled will simply attempt to refresh any data at the rate of the continuous refresh rate setting specified in the debug preferences.
Hi Ki,
Somehow, the most important second question is skipped...
Anyway, to be more specific. In my current project, the current sampling rate is 10Khz. If I would like to observe the result via CCS graph. What is your recommended configuration?
1. If I set the refresh rate to be 10hz(100ms), what is the right configuration for graph? Please be more specific(including acquisition buffer, sampling rate, display data size and etc.).
2. Is it neccessary to use an array to restore the ADC results? Or I can just creat a graph for the ADC result viarable, and assign a right acquisition buffer size?
I viewed lots of posts, but I did not read a detailed procedure. Sorry to bother.
Hi Brian,
Sorry for the delay. I missed your last reply
Note that there are many variables that impact the performance of the graphs with real-time refresh enabled. The refresh rate indicates how frequently the debugger will attempt to refresh the views (and hence how often the views will attempt to read memory). But other things that can impact this performance is the debug probe being used, the setting of the debug probes (clock frequency), how many other views you have open with continuous refresh enabled, etc. in addition to your application and the graph properties.
Hence the answer to your question is a vague "it depends" (for both questions). You may have to experiment with the Display Data Size and other properties. The properties are documented in the CCS Help (Help -> Help Contents -> Code Composer Studio Help -> Views and Editors -> Graph Views -> Graph Properties). The information in there should help with determining the best values for your particular case.