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CCS/LAUNCHXL-CC1352R1: Using EnergyTrace against LAUNCHXL-CC1352R1

Part Number: LAUNCHXL-CC1352R1
Other Parts Discussed in Thread: ENERGYTRACE,

Tool/software: Code Composer Studio

I'm trying to use EnergyTrace against the LAUNCHXL-CC1352R1.


  • CCS
  • Windows 10 1909 18363.693
  • Quad-core i5-8250U 1.60GHz with 8 GB and SSD


The error message appears for 90% of the cases. Only10% of the cases reaches 30 seconds.

Unfortunately, both power and energy graphs are flat.

  • Closing the energy and power graphs during EnergyTrace recording as suggested does not solve the issue.

The Windows task manager reports CCS is using 45% to 50% of total CPU and more than 1 GB of RAM, despite a configuration with quad-core i5-8250U 1.60GHz and 8 GB.

  • Trying stune as suggested is a dead end as the recommended commands return errors

The reference from section 3.6.5 of the XDS110 User's Guide seems to be obsolete, as the recommended commands return errors.

connect -c targetConfig.ccxml xds
energytrace -o output.csv et

I've tried instead, to no avail:

stune> connect -c CC1352R1F3.ccxml xds

connect: missing option -d|--device=<name of device>
usage: connect --device <device name> [--config <config file>] <xds|hosted>

stune> connect -d CC1352R1F3 -c CC1352R1F3.ccxml xds
stune> energytrace -o output.csv et
-7001 : Device is not supported.
-122: Error occurred while closing debug probe port

Please provide full documentation for stune, including a table with the authorised device names, the configuration files names, and the correct syntax to launch EnergyTrace.


  •  How to perform EnergyTrace?

Thank you for your help.

  • Olivier,

    I am sorry for the issues you are having. 

    The EnergyTrace graphical interface seems to be working well with me, although I am using still Win10 1809 (IT is quite conservative with updates). I will try to find an up-to-date host and retry. 

    Unfortunately the ETHDR mode of CC1352 Launchpad is quite hungry for bandwidth, thus the performance may suffer depending on the load of the system. Obviously that you have a quite capable host and this should not be happening per se. 

    You already tried the alternative (the command line) but, as you said, the User's Guide is quite outdated. I will properly document this and post at the XDS110 page

    In the meantime, if you want to give it a try, please do the following procedure: 

    From a DOS prompt, create a text file with the commands below: (I am using the COPY CON feature, but you can use any text editor)

    cmd said:

    C:\ti\ccs930\ccs\ccs_base\emulation\analysis\bin\stune>COPY CON stunecmd.txt
    connect --config=CC1352R1F3.ccxml --device=CC1352 xds
    energytrace --out=CC1352.csv --duration=30000 et
            1 file(s) copied.

    C:\ti\ccs930\ccs\ccs_base\emulation\analysis\bin\stune>stune < stunecmd.txt
    Welcome to stune interactive tool (v1.0.0.1)

    Type 'help' to display top-level help and display a list of commands
    Type 'help <command>' for help with a specific command

    stune> stune> Updating the XDS110 firmware ... complete.
    Stopping energytrace after 30000ms
    30.10 secs: Avg Current: 0.563891 mA Max Current: 11.318711 mA Min Current: 0.009341 mA Total Energy = 37395.424 uJ


    You can also have the output logged to a file by invoking stune the following way: 

    stune < stunecmd.txt > stunelog.txt 2<&1

    I apologize for the inconvenience,


  • Rafael,

    Thank you for the detailed instructions.

    Using the external USB XDS110 debug probe seems more stable than the built-in programmer-debugger of the LaunchPad.

    Using xdsdfu -e to get the XDS version

    • USB debug probe: XDS110 Probe with CMSIS-DAP
    • LaunchPad built-in: XDS110 Embed with CMSIS-DAP

    stume refuses the config file CC1352R1F3.xml ...

    stune> connect --config=CC1352R1F3.xml --device=CC1352 xds
    Incorrect connection file CC1352R1F3.xml. Must be a .dat or .ccxml.

    ...but accepts CC1352R1F3.ccxml taken from a CCS project.

    stune> connect --config=CC1352R1F3.ccxml --device=CC1352 xds

    Recording EnergyTrace went fine.

    stune> energytrace --out=CC1352.csv --duration=10000 et
    Stopping energytrace after 10000ms
    10.09 secs: Avg Current: 0.989939 mA  Max Current: 1.008500 mA  Min Current: 0.910700 mA  Total Energy = 32968.295 uJ

    Good luck with the update of the documentation at XDS110 page!

  • Olivier,

    Please apologize; I will edit the ".xml" typo above (mechanical memory on my fingers lead me to the error).  

    I updated the EnergyTrace section of the XDS110 page. Also, if you are looking at the user's guide, please check the bottom of that page, as it contains a lot of additional information and errata.

    Rei VILO said:
    Using the external USB XDS110 debug probe seems more stable than the built-in programmer-debugger of the LaunchPad.

    The standalone XDS110+ETHDR has a few minor improvements when compared to the embedded version. Another advantage is that the standalone can go up to 800mA. 

    Thanks again,


  • Great job, that was fast!

    I'm posting additional questions on a separate thread.