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CCS/TMS320F28335: After ccs9.3 modify the header file, the compiler will not compile the associated file

Part Number: TMS320F28335

Tool/software: Code Composer Studio

After ccs9.3 modify the header file, the compiler will not compile the associated file

  • I am going to need more information than that to be able to help you.

    1. What change was made to the header file?
    2. What is the error message seen during compile?



  • Hi John,
             1, the project can compile and link successfully in CCS7.4. 
             2, After I modify the macro definition used for PWM period in header file. I build the project ("build all and build automatically") , the process dos not execute. The information in "console"  is same as no modification,but the modification can build successfully in CCS7.4.
  • Migo,

    Thank you for the information.  So CCS is not detecting that the header file has changed and is not building the associated source files.

    Could you try a few things:

    If you insert an error into the header file and then right click on the project select clean and then select build does it fail with the build error?

    • I want to make sure that the build system is actually including the header file in the build.
    • If the build does not fail on the error then there is an issue with the search path setup

    If you go to the View menu, select "Other" at the bottom.  Type Include in the box at the top.  Then select "Include browser"

    This will open the Include browser tool.  You can then drag the source file from the Project Explorer that includes the header file into the view.

    Here I have dragged device.c into the view.  It then shows me the files that it includes:

    If I right click on device.h and select open it will open the header file if it can find it.  In your case is it able to open the file that has the macro definition.

    Any chance that you could attach the project that is having the issue?  We could setup a private conversation in E2E if you don't want to attach in a public forum.




  • Hi John,
    ---If you insert an error into the header file and then right click on the project select clean and then select build does it fail with the build error?
    -->CCS9.3 can clean and rebuild all the files inculde the header file that I have modified , if "clean" menu is selected.
    I normally edit the source files with other editor. CCS9.3 will build the project automatically if some source files was changed. But modifing the header files will not. 
    I think whether some setting  is error(I used default setting).
    ---Any chance that you could attach the project that is having the issue?  We could setup a private conversation in E2E if you don't want to attach in a public forum.
  • Migo,

    I sent a friend request via E2E.  Once that is accepted we can have a private conversation and exchange the project.



  • Migo,

    You have not accepted the friend request.  Were you able to get past this issue?



  • John,

    I don't find the invitation link,and I can't reply information in your email. You can't reset the problem in CCS9.3 or CCS10 ?



  • Migo,

    There would be a separate email with the invitation.  Alternatively you can go to the top right of E2E and there would be a notification there as well that you can click on.

    I am not able to reproduce this issue.  I can also confirm that for me CCS detects changes to header files that are occuring outside of CCS:

    There were a number of things that I asked you to try to help to figure out what is going on.  I see that you tried the clean and rebuild but I did not see if you tried some of the others.

    If you insert an error into the header file and then right click on the project select clean and then select build does it fail with the build error?

    I am asking you to do this as I want to confirm that CCS is actually using the file in the build.  Inserting the error in the file should cause the build to fail. 

    I also asked about using the include browser.  I was asking you to try that to confirm that CCS is able to open the correct file.



    I am not sure if you tried using the include browser like I suggested.  I wanted you to do that so that I could confirm that CCS is opening the file that you think it should.  I am suspecting that there are more than one copy of the header file and that the one you are editing a

  • John

    If you insert an error into the header file and then right click on the project select clean and then select build does it fail with the build error?


    I am asking you to do this as I want to confirm that CCS is actually using the file in the build.  Inserting the error in the file should cause the build to fail. 

    -->Inserting the error in the header file  will not  cause the build  to fail, if I build  the project directly. And it will cause the bulild to fail if I clearn and build the prodect.

    I also asked about using the include browser.  I was asking you to try that to confirm that CCS is able to open the correct file.


    You can try import a CCS3.3 project into CCS9.3 , if you can't reproduce the issue. Because the project  imported from CCS3.3. but CCS7.4 can work perfectly.



  • Migo,

    If you click on my name it should give you the option to start a private converation with me.  In that you can attach a project where you are seeing this issue.

