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CCS: DSS/Java Script command to just load symbols

Tool/software: Code Composer Studio


I'm looking for a DSS/JavaScript command, to run out of the Scripting Console in CCS, that will just load the symbols for a program.  I use debugSession.memory.loadProgram( "program.out" ), to load the program, but in this case, I'd just like the symbols loaded, i.e. equivalent to the Run->Load->Load Symbols functionality.

Please advise,


  • Robert,

    Looks like part of the Symbol class there is a load method.

    public void load(java.lang.String sFileName)
              throws ScriptingException
    Load only the symbols from a specified .OUT file onto current target/CPU.
    sFileName - the name of the file to load. Relative paths are permitted, use ScripingEnvironment.setCurrentDirectory(String) to change the current working directory.



  • Thanks.  Would you know how I'd put that into a Scripting Console format? Presently, I make these declarations:

    var script = ScriptingEnvironment.instance();

    var debug_server = script.getServer( "DebugServer.1" );

    var debug_session = debug_server.openSession( "Texas Instruments XDS2xx USB Debug Probe_0/C28xx" );

    Then if loading the full program, would do:

    debug_session.memory.loadProgram( "file.out" );


    debug_session.memory.load( "file.out" );

    didn't work for just getting the symbols.


  • I think this worked:

    symLoad( "file.out"), without requiring any preceding debug_session

  • Robert,

    Did you try the scripting Console command symLoad?

    js:> help symLoad

    Description: Loads the symbol table of the specified object file.
    Syntax: symLoad()

    You can issue pass the place of the source file with forward slashes as:

    js:> symLoad('C:/Users/user/workspace_v10_1/simple_peripheral_app_CC26X2R1_LAUNCHXL_tirtos_ccs/Debug/simple_peripheral_app_CC26X2R1_LAUNCHXL_tirtos_ccs.out')

    Hope this helps,


  • I did, thanks.  And it worked.
