TIDA-01606: Lab4 issues

Part Number: TIDA-01606


Hi team,

Customer has two questions.

1)  The description in the document is a bit simple, don't know if I understand it incorrectly?

•Slowly ramp the DC bus voltage "Vbus" to 800V.
•Enter "1" in the TINV_startPowerStage variable and ramp the AC voltage from the grid to 230Vrms L-N; that is, 400 VL-L.
•Set up the appropriate network. And immediately write 1 to TINV_allRelaySet when the voltage reaches 230VRMS to turn on the relay because of the inrush current limit
The braking resistance may heat and burn out. The current should now be fed into the grid.
•Slowly increase this TINV_idRef_pu variable to 0.6pu, at which point the power per phase will be approximately 1.9kW

1. Vbus increased to 800V

2. TINV_startPowerStage = 1, then Vgrid will reach 230Vrms L-N? (Don't you have to adjust any of the values? He determines the Vrms value of the output based on the entered vbus?)

3. sets the voltage to 230Vrms in the grid, and TINV_allRelaySet=1 will feed current into the grid? The question is, can I measure voltage to the grid before relay is turned on?

4. raises TINV_idRef_pu to 0.6 pu, and is this the value we manually adjust? Will power not reach 1.9kW without adjustment?

5. Can I measure voltage to the grid at any time when running normal? Or what is the way to monitor the status of the grid?

6. Should we open the DC source before the AC source?

7. How to safely close this lab?


We wanted to provide greater power so we changed CASR 15-NP -> CASR 50-NP for U3/U4/U5

Is there anything on the software that needs to be adjusted?

Because we now read only about half the value of the instrument at TINV_iGrid_A_sensed_Amps / TINV_iGrid_C_sensed_Amps?